March 19, 2019 A.D.
There was a large crowd present at the Blue Cross and the surrounding area, with many priests present. Pilgrims began gathering before sunrise and many rosaries were prayed. Special prayers and blessings from priests were done for several very sick who were present. The new book by a Friend of Medjugorje, Big Q, Little Q: The Calm Before the Storm, was presented by the Caritas Community members during the apparition. Mirjana arrived joyful and, again, had much trouble kneeling in her present condition and was visibly shaking as she prepared for the apparition. The sun broke out of a continuously cloudy day right at the moment of the apparition which began at 1:41pm and lasted around five minutes. Mirjana expressed a variety of emotions and spoke with Our Lady a lot during the apparition. Following is Our Lady’s message given today through Mirjana:
“My children, as a mother, as the Queen of Peace, I ask you to accept my Son so that He may grant you peace of soul, that He may grant you what is just, what is good for you. My children, my Son knows you. He lived life as a man but at the same time as God: a miraculous life – human body, Divine spirit. Therefore, my children, as my Son is watching you with His eyes of God, He enters into your hearts. His gentle and warm eyes, in your heart, look for Himself. Can He find Himself, my children? Accept Him and the moments of pain and suffering will become moments of bliss. Accept Him and you will have peace in your soul – you will spread it to everybody around you – and that is what you need most now. Obey me, my children. Pray for the shepherds, for those whose hands my Son has blessed. Thank you.”
Mirjana, Medjugorje March 18, 2019
Medjugorje visionary Mirjana as she receives Our Lady today, March 18, 2019. Our Lady spoke today about peace, a necessary grace needed in this time. What does this say about the near future?
Big Q, Little Q: The Calm Before the Storm, by a Friend of Medjugorje, presented to Our Lady, Medjugorje March 18, 2019
The new book, by a Friend of Medjugorje, Big Q, Little Q: The Calm Before the Storm…, presented to Our Lady during the apparition today by the Caritas Community who were present. Our Lady saying that peace is what is needed most, gives clear indications that we will need peace. A Friend of Medjugorje’s new book shows very clearly that Our Lady is paralleling events in the world with Her Medjugorje apparitions. The phones at Caritas have not stopped ringing with orders for this new book, as well as orders pouring in on Just this morning, a person called and ordered 1,000 books. Big Q, Little Q, is now in the third printing. The Kindle version on, has reached #3 in its category, and the ratings continue to rise. This is an important book to spread, especially in light of Our Lady’s words today about needing peace. One person wrote to us:
“I ordered a case of ‘Big Q, Little Q: The Calm Before the Storm,’ but I couldn’t wait to start reading it, so I ALSO downloaded a copy today, and read the whole thing. I must say, I was very excited and hopeful to read the book, but it has surpassed my expectations!”
Las Vegas, Nevada
Another person wrote to us from the Philippines:
“Downloaded my copy right away and didn’t sleep till I finished reading. Immediately shared it with friends who are still silent apostles of Our Lady. More than anything, this to me is a message of hope. God is in control. Our Lady does not rest.”
And another person:
“Very powerful! Could not put it down – Will read again – more prayerfully and slowly this time.”
New Jersey
Order online here, or call Caritas in the U.S. at 205-672-2000. Outside of the United States dial 001-205-672-2000.
Caritas of Birmingham
Operated by the Community of Caritas
Thank you to all who have donated to help get this important book out. We make a strong appeal for many to step forward and help spread this book. We have spent alot to get this book out. It is important to make donation to help cover these expenses. If you are a Field Angel, thank you. Please double your donation this month or give another one-time donation. Thank you for your response in making truth known and to opening hearts. Donate online here, or call in the U.S. 205-672-2000. Outside of the United States, dial 001-205-672-2000. Thank you.
2 thoughts on ““…this is what you now need the most…” – Our Lady’s March 18, 2019 Message”
This book is a gift to all Christians. It confirms that satan is doing everything he can to destroy us and our freedom. Thank you for this wonderful book that should be ready by every Christian.
Wow, what an inspiration Our Lady is!! She is the QUEEN of Peace. Big Q little Q is a must read, I could not put it down. Passing it along to others. Everything is coming together. Our Lady said to “be ready my children” “New Q drop WHAT DAY IS TODAY ? What a Qeautiful day it is ITS A GO” Green light Medjugorje !!!! Love conQuers