“This is a time of great temptation”…“it is a time of great graces”

“This is a time of great temptation”…“it is a time of great graces”

August 17, 2020 A.D.

“This is a time of great temptation”…“it is a time of great graces”

by a Friend of Medjugorje

Medjugorje visionary Ivan and actor Martin Sheen play basketball in Medjugorje, June 1988

Medjugorje frame from The Lasting Sign, filmed June 1988 – Medjugorje visionary Ivan and actor Martin Sheen play basketball in Medjugorje. Medjugorje visionary Ivan’s witness shines through to us of almost four decades of carrying many crosses. Ivan’s role as a witness, crosses over those who are good and those who are not so good. His mission merits to be imitated of his staying the course to make it through the great time of faith being purified.

Our Lady gave a message through Ivan, on August 15, 2020:

“Dear children, also this evening I bring you Love. Bring love in these troubled times to others. Bring hope, especially to those who are left without hope. Bring peace to all those into whom unrest has entered. Dear children, this is a time of great temptation but at the same time it is a time of great graces; therefore, dear children, welcome this time of trials to be able to come out of this time purified in faith. The Mother prays for each of you and intercedes with her Son for each of you. Thank you dear children because today you have responded to my call.”

Who wants to welcome trials? Do you want that? When the whole world is soiled, we all get some of the dirt on us. It is why we are always to say to ourselves, we are sinners. Peter in the boat said as much, “Depart from me Lord for I am a sinner.” When we see how vile things are, what people are doing in this time of where “unrest has entered”, we must first realize it is because of our failure of convicting others as Christians. The first finger we must point to is ourselves. Our lack of witnessing Christianity manifests into and forms the culture. Therefore, do not wonder why. Our Lady said,

“…welcome this time of trials to be able to come out purified in faith…”

While many are doing evil, it is our, guilty sentence, given to us for not lifting Christ up by our daily living. It is time for us to rid ourselves of “things” not of God so people doing bad things will want things of God.

In the Love of Our Lady,
Friend of Medjugorje
Who is a Friend of Medjugorje?


A Friend of Medjugorje has been working on a special writing for the past six weeks. It is currently on the press and will be released soon. Four weeks ago a Friend of Medjugorje wrote the following statement in this special writing:

“We are being illuminated by Our Lady’s messages. We are in a ‘trial run’ of what it will be like before Christ comes in His Second Coming…”

Our Lady said Friday, August 15, 2020:

“…welcome this time of trials…”

Our Lady inspires the thoughts and writings of a Friend of Medjugorje and then confirms them later. This is only one example of something a Friend of Medjugorje has written in this upcoming writing that Our Lady has confirmed weeks later. We share this with you in anticipation of the upcoming release of this special writing…the second example is a surprise within the writing.

The Community of Caritas

More For Your Spiritual Nourishment…

From Out of the Fog – A Friend of Medjugorje shares about what Our Lady expects from us if we are to be Her apostles, and it helps us realize why we need to experience trials…

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Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!

See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here

9 thoughts on ““This is a time of great temptation”…“it is a time of great graces””

  1. I Pray to do, all that is desired of me, by Our Holy Mother, in Christ, through these times & throughout my life. I offer up my Temptations as a Sacrifice, to Our Wonderful Lord Jesus, asking Our Lady to place all of Her Children, alongside Her Son, on the Altar, before Our Loving Father. I Pray that each Special Grace received will make it possible, for all of us to respond to Our Lady’s requests & for each individual child, to fulfill their own special part of Her plan, for the Salvation of Mankind, at this time. I look forward to meeting all of you Incredible Brothers and Sisters, when we come together in Our Heavenly Communion, with all the Angels, Saints and Heavenly Hosts. We must open our hearts & fill them with God’s Great Love, to ensure Victory in these days, over the darkness. Lead us Blessed Virgin Mary, Eternal Spouse of Our Creator, into the depths of Your Son’s Great Passion, & bring us forth into a New Life filled with Hope, Honest Blessings & Grace of Our Father.

  2. I Pray to do, all that is desired of me, by Our Holy Mother, in Christ, through these times & throughout my life. I offer up my Temptations as a Sacrifice, to Our Wonderful Lord Jesus, asking Our Lady to place all of Her Children, alongside Her Son, on the Altar, before Our Loving Father. I Pray that each Special Grace received will make it possible, for all of us to respond to Our Lady’s requests & for each individual child, to fulfill their own special part of Her plan, for the Salvation of Mankind, at this time. I look forward to meeting all of you Incredible Brothers and Sisters, when we come together in Our Heavenly Communion, with all the Angels, Saints and Heavenly Hosts. We must open our hearts & fill them with God’s Great Love, to ensure Victory in these days, over the darkness. Lead us Blessed Virgin Mary, Eternal Spouse of Our Creator, into the depths of Your Son’s Great Passion, & bring us forth into a New Life filled with Hope, Honest Blessings & Grace of Our Father.

  3. Leedell Marie Scott

    I can personally witness to what Our Lady says below. I have recently and in the past 3 months received much persecution inside and outside my family. I have decided to just trust Mother Mary and accept it and even thank Our Lord for it. The result is a deepening faith and knowledge most assuredly of Our Lady’s presence here on earth every day. Thank you Caritas for all you do for bringing light into a very dark world. Special Blessings “welcome this time of trials to be able to come out of this time purified in faith.”

  4. Caritas of Birmingham

    Yes, Leedell, it was a makeshift game. In 1988, in Yugoslavia, that is what was available. These people were poor. You cannot see it, but the basketball hoop was a bicycle tire rim.

  5. Maria Teresa Panman

    I been thinking of you Friend of Medjugorje, thinking about all what I heared in “The Roots of America ” and praying as much as I can, here just by my self, but I not feel alone. Because in prayer we United with our Inner being; even I am a sinner I know is in each one of us. I said before thinking of you my dear friend and I almost call you at Caritas, but I didnt I try to come back to the radio Wave Med. And suddenly I read about the new Messaje to all of us from our Mother Virgin Mary through Ivan. What I want to ask you, came from heaven: Our Mother I ask increase our, faith, hope, and love. Until it hurts, we have and rely in her intersecion. Amen. Thanks for sending Our Mother Virgin Mary, daughter of God the Father, Mother of God the Son Jesus Christ our Savior, and the Bride of of God the Holy Spirit, three Divine personas one God, forever and ever Amen. Praying Rosary is our weapon I trying hard to fast in the way our Mother wants. I offer my silence solitude. God bless.

  6. In trials we are tempered by the Holy Spirit , the Spirit is moving in the winds of our day. Our Queen and Mother carrying the banner of a new Pentecost , that banner unfurled be His actions in in our chaotic world. All Glory and Honor to our Triune God.

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