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Thirty-Four Years Ago Today… Our Lady Came

Thirty-Four Years Ago Today… Our Lady Came

Field of Apparitions - 1988


Thirty-four years ago, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Queen of Peace and the Queen of Heaven, through one man’s invitation, came down upon this empty Field and declared to all the earth:


November 24, 1988

“I invite you to live my messages. I am here to help you! I will intercede for you to God for all your intentions.”


This man, the founder of Caritas of Birmingham, had asked Our Lady to appear in this field on Her arrival to he and his wife’s home because he felt the field was important in God’s plans.  When Our Lady did not respond, he resolved not to ask again.  But then Our Lady, on November 23, 1988, by Her own initiative, said in Her apparition that She would appear the next day in the field near a large pine tree and all were invited.  Our founder, who was right next to Marija in the apparition, was speechless.  He along with his wife and everyone present were taken by surprise.


When Our Lady said the above words in the Field on November 24th, She was very happy. Realizing the day was Thanksgiving Day, it began to dawn in the heart of our founder that Our Lady had always planned to appear in the Field, but She wanted it to be a surprise and to point to the meaning behind Thanksgiving.  He came to understand through time that Our Lady was claiming this spot—the House, the Field, the Tree, for Her Queenship.  Her words spoken that November day was Her Flag declaring Her intention to fight for this land, this nation—one nation under God—The United States of America, presently under siege from satanic forces.  She came to call together an army of “pray-ers,” those who would dedicate their lives to praying for Her intentions to be realized for ourselves, our families and our nation to return to God.


Five years passed from those first apparitions in the Bedroom and the one apparition in the Field.  It was five years filled with persecutions against our founder and his family through lies, rumors and slander aimed at destroying him and to take down Our Lady’s mission.  Our Lady returned to their home through the apparitions through Marija. On the first day, February 1, 1994, when Our Lady appeared in the Bedroom, She immediately smiled and said:


“I am happy to be here.”


He and his wife were deeply moved and consoled by Her smile and Her joy.  The five years of persecution had been worth the gift of Her presence and Her words.  On February 3, Our Lady planned Her apparition to be in the Field. Our Lady had only appeared once in the Field in 1988. This apparition would be Her second apparition in the Field. Our Lady appeared in an apparition for 10 minutes, a very long apparition.  Medjugorje visionary, Marija, said Our Lady held Her arms outstretched the entire time praying over the whole Valley.  Another act of “claiming” the Land, the Valley, for Her Queenship.


On July 3, 2008, Our Lady appeared in the Field of Apparitions for the special occasion of tens of thousands across the United States joining together to recite the Solemn Act of Consecration of Our Nation to Our Lady. It was a special prayer written by our founder while in Medjugorje for the anniversary of Our Lady’s apparitions, June 24, 2008, asking Our Lady’s intervention to save the United States.  Marija said Our Lady was in the presence of three angels, and that Our Lady accepted the Solemn Act of Consecration.  A year later, Marija returned, and again, the Act of Consecration was renewed in the Field on July 3rd and July 4th. In the years 2009, 2012, and 2013, again the Consecration was repeated.  On July 3, 2012, Our Lady gave and incredible message for our Nation. Our Lady gave a gift to us, a remedy for what would heal our nation. She said:


“Form and make prayer groups through which we will pray for your healing and the healing of this nation to draw closer to God and to Me.”


The following year, in June, 2013, the Cross was built behind the House and Field of Apparitions, on Penitentiary Mountain, dedicated to Our Lady in Her presence, for The Soul of America.  After the apparition, Marija stated that just as Our Lady accepted the Consecration of this Nation, so also did She accept the Cross for the purpose for which it had been built.  On September 13, the eve of September 14, 2014, the Feast of the Triumph of the Cross, Our Lady appeared in the home of our Founder and his wife. Our Lady surprised all gathered. Marija said that Our Lady would appear the next day (Sept. 14). Marija then said, “Our Lady make a beautiful smile and added, “At 3:00.” There was an audible shock that went through the room as everyone recognized the significance of Our Lady announcing that She would appear at 3:00 PM, the time that memorializes the death of Her Son on the Cross.  The Cross on Penitentiary Mountain was again accepted and the Consecration of the Cross for our nation was again renewed by the Queen of this nation.


We remind you of this history because through it, one can trace the pathway by which Our Lady is leading this nation towards reconciliation with God, the Father.  It is a story being written by Heaven, the outcome of which we do not yet know, but we believe it will be a beautiful new beginning for our nation, a nation humbled, united and under God once again.


Happy Thanksgiving!

from a Friend of Medjugorje, his Family,

and the Community of Caritas

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Updated November 26, 2024, 12:01 AM

Thousands of you helped a Friend of Medjugorje keep Our Lady’s messages flowing to the entire world’s population – 190 countries, over a hundred languages, thousands of hours of Radio WAVE, all given away FREE! And more to come… Thank you!

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15 thoughts on “Thirty-Four Years Ago Today… Our Lady Came”

  1. James L. Kalinowski

    City: Gull Lake
    State: Saskatchewan
    Country: Canada
    I am sincerely thankful unto the Lord and the Blessed Virgin Mary for watching over our countries of Canada and the USA ! i pray the daily rosaries for the Conversion of Sinners back to God , the Faith , and The Holy Catholic Church before its too late ! Thankyou ! The birth of the Christ Child brings much Hope in our lives!

  2. Lorraine deMontigny

    City: Micco
    State: FL
    Country: USA
    Thank you for this beautiful writing!

    Please remind website visitors about the Novena that starts today. I forgot last month and started several days late.

    May God Bless you all!

  3. Guy Joseph Soileau

    City: Lake Charles, La.
    I Pray that all God’s creation
    turn to Jesus and ask him to touch our hearts so that we turn to
    him before it’s to late. That our ideal will be to follow Jesus. That
    we may have the honor to worship and glorify God the Father for

  4. City: Venice
    State: Florida
    Country: USA
    I thank you so much for sharing this message. I wish you all a beautiful Thanksgiving. I also had been to two of those special apparitions with Maria. I will never forget the beautiful emotions of being with all the wonderful people. Thank you to Friend of Mejugorje and your whole community for Dedicating your lives to our Blessed Mother’s special intentions. May God bless you all abundantly. These reminders give me much hope during these very turbulent times in our country. Thank you .

  5. Bernardo Sanchez

    Country: Mexico
    Congratulations ! The world needs a Place like yours , the world needs love and witness of love. Thank you for every post and every podcast (missed it last week) . Your mission is a mirror for Our Lady to spread Her messsages and for giving the world another opportunity to convert. Hopefully your example will propagate all over the world to renew faith everywhere. The enemies are fighting furiously but the power of God is immense and therefore WE ARE TO WIN !!!!

  6. V. Marlene Gillis

    City: Peekskill
    State: New York
    Country: USA
    I was there in 2008, 2009, and 2012. Each time I went, Our Blessed Mother got a stronger hold on me. Each visit changed my life more and more. Thank you for those blessed opportunities. Happy Thanksgiving to all at Caritas. May God Bless you and protect you always. Field Angel Marlene

  7. Mary Ellen Walsh

    City: Plymouth
    State: MA
    Country: U.S.A.
    I would like to come to Caritas in the spring with some of my family. When would be the best time? Thank you.

  8. City: Palm Desert
    State: CA
    Country: United States
    Keep up your good work….Remember the Visionaries in Medjugore were persecuted and not believed….but they persevered and look what is happening there. God Bless

  9. carol gavazzi-wright

    City: naples
    State: FL
    Country: United States
    I was there for one of the apparitions in the field and wish I had been there for all of them …
    God bless you all at Caritas and especially the founder for doing what you are doing for God and our Most Holy Mother …
    This gives me and all that believe HOPE for our Nation.
    Most Sincerely
    p.s. it was there that I learned about the Indulgences of the PARDON CROSS.
    p.s. I pray the Founder of Caritas is doing well with his health and what he has gone through.

  10. City: Hartselle
    State: AL
    Country: US
    Thank you for such a beautiful summary of Our Lady’s love for us and desire that we return to her Son’s call. It also points to God’s call of love for his people and the Holy Spirit’s guidance in how to live our lives according to God’s plan. My family and I moved to this area over 22 years ago with a job opportunity. I am so grateful to live this close to the Caritas Community and stay close to the messages so lovingly and consistently shared with the world from right here in Alabama. We feel like we were guided here. Thank you to the Community of Caritas for all you do.

  11. Colleen Friemuth Betsinger

    City: Dekalb
    State: Illinois
    Country: United States
    I believe this nation needs the Mother of God to pray and bless us and to claim this land for her son. We are in need because abortion is destroying our country. Abortion is taring at soul of this land ..

  12. City: Irvington
    State: AL
    Country: United States
    I am so thankful to God you shared this history. I was a junior in high school struggling so much with home life, school and relationships. I never knew it was November 24th though. I must say that this day Nov. 24th of 1993 my beautiful daughter Kathleen Anne was born. Her birthday being tomorrow and me reading this email learning about this just gives me comfort and a sense of peace that my day is a special person to our Blessed Mother as I know we all are. Would you please pray for my daughter . She needs much prayer as she is straying against the Church. My relationship with her has been not always the best and to the present day I can’t say it’s where I would wish for it to be but it is better than it was. Please pray for me as her mother that I to can find guidance with our Lord Jesus through our Lady.
    Happy Thanksgiving to all of Caritas and I thank you for your prayers. I thank God that he placed my high school best friend in my life in 1985 our freshman year who is the one that told me about the visionaries. Mr. Terry knows who I am talking about.

    Thank you again for sharing.

    1. Am saying a prayer for Kathleen Anne. I extend to her our Lady’s Special Blessing. May our blessed mother bestow on her a precious kiss.

  13. City: Channahon
    State: IL
    Country: United States
    Amen. Love this writing. Love everything you are doing. I am so at peace because of Caritas and Our Lady.
    Bless you all.

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