The Ten Secrets of Medjugorje. Where We Stand

The Ten Secrets of Medjugorje. Where We Stand


The Writing Below and Radio Show are Part 2 of the Ten Secrets of Medjugorje Series

For the Radio WAVE Program The Ten Secrets of Medjugorje Part 2, Visit this Link


Originally released December 1, 1998
This writing was purposely not updated.

The Ten Secrets of Medjugorje as of December 1, 1998
Where We Stand

This writinga has been written from the heart and through much prayer. It is for Our Lady in order to bring as many hearts as possible, as quickly as possible, to Her Maternal Heart. It must be read from the heart to grasp the significance of what Our Lady desires of you. Therefore, it is important for you to get on your knees and pray; read before the Blessed Sacrament, or whatever you are inspired to do, but enter into it only with the heart and deep prayer. It is a drama…a real drama of what the world has never before seen the likes. It is a Christmasb gift to you, no matter what time of the year, it is a gift of which will bring your heart to Mary, the Virgin who gave birth in Bethlehem. As with all wrapped gifts that contain surprises, what you are about to read promises several surprises about the secrets that will set your heart reeling into wonderment, awe, and meditation. The following is dedicated to Our Lady, the Queen of Peace…

Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje said August 25, 1991:

“…I invite you to renunciation for nine days so that with your help everything I wanted to realize through the secrets I began in Fatima may be fulfilled…”


There can be no question Our Lady has a mission in this time through Medjugorje. Her words, “secrets I began in Fatima may be fulfilled,” make it unmistakenly crystal clear. Our Lady referred to the Fatima secret‘s’, not a singular secret. We know there were three secrets. What are we to make of those secrets in connection to being fulfilled through Medjugorje?


The First and Second Secret of Fatima:


Lucia, who as of this writing of December 1, 1998, is still alive, (perhaps to see the fulfillment), revealed two of the secrets in 1941. (She died February 13, 2005). Lucia wrote:

“The secret is made up of three distinct parts, two of which I am now going to reveal. The first part is a vision of hell.c The second part refers to the devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.”


Our Lady told Lucia:

“You have seen hell where the souls of poor sinners go. To save them, God wishes to establish in the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart. If what I say to you is done, many souls will be saved and there will be peace.”


The third secret hasn’t been publicly read and is held in the Vatican by the Congregation of the Doctrine of Faith. (It has since been released on June 26, 2000.) It was supposed to be read in 1960, however, the Pope chose to keep it secret. Subsequent popes have done the same. However, we have now seen that Our Lady of Medjugorje in the above message of August 25, 1991 states, “secrets I began in Fatima may be fulfilled,” and that this present Pope has made moves which give clearer insights in regard to the third secret of Fatima. These writings will show Medjugorje’s tie with these secrets and plans that began in Fatima.

Our Lady of Medjugorje has referred to the Medjugorje secrets through the Medjugorje apparitions at least eighteen documented times, as of December, 1998. Likewise, we know there are very likely many other occasions Our Lady spoke to the six visionaries of Medjugorje about the secrets. How does it tie into what Our Lady began in 1917 in Fatima? It has taken seventeend years of apparitions in Medjugorje, but it is now becoming clearer. The magnificence of it is placing one in anticipation and wonderment. Pages of history are being lived by us today in the present that will be viewed by those of the future with holy envy that they wished they could have been alive in this time just as many wish they could have lived during Jesus’ days to be with Him. What is about to come upon us has been revealed by no less of an authority than the representative of Christ, Pope John Paul II himself, along with Our Lady. The Holy Father, no doubt influenced by the third secret of Fatima and by the Holy Spirit, states in his own words in his book, Crossing the Threshold of Hope:1


“As we end this century, Our Lady’s words to the children of Fatima seem close to their fulfillment.”


He continues:

“The victory, when it comes, shall be brought by Mary.”


Pope John Paul II has been seen in person by more people than any man who has ever walked the earth. Those in the future will no doubt wonder about us. They will wonder of what it meant to live in his day, as history will show more and more his brilliance and of us who witnessed the Christ in this man. His accomplishments as Pope – almost no one will dispute, even non-believers – is staggering and is already, at this date, among the greatest reigns of all the popes across the 2000 years of Christianity. It would seem his peak is over. His great accomplishments throughout the world, already placing him in a league in history that only a handful of men will hold until the end of the world, is finished. Indeed the media is already anticipating his death, speculating on his successor. Yet, Pope John Paul II says and anticipates that the greatest moment of his pontificate is approaching, a finality of an event that is so profound for the whole world that no one, not a single person, will not be affected by it. It is the year 2000, the Great Jubilee year, that the Pope himself says is the interpretative key to his pontificate, his purpose of being pope, even calling it the “Hermeneutical”e key of his pontificate. Former Filipino Ambassador to the Vatican, Howard Dee, who has personally met with the Holy Father, says:2

“The Holy Father is in anticipation of this victory of Mary’s.”

We, in the present, as children of Mary, are in a first position, the front seats in the amphitheater of history that places us in the view the apostles had when Jesus told them:

“Truly, I say to you, many prophets and righteous men longed to see what you see, and did not see it, and to hear what you hear, and did not hear it.”


We know Pope John Paul II in the beginning of his pontificate read the third secret of Fatima. Also, shortly afterwards, Vatican Radio in May of 1981 reported:3

“Neither Pope John XXIII (1958 to 1963) nor Pope Paul VI (1963 to 1978) considered it advisable to reveal to the world the third part of the secret of Fatima.”


Vatican Radio continued:

“However, it is certain that the third part of the secret is of particular gravity, confirmed by the tragic reality that the entire world is experiencing today.”


Vatican Radio continues:

“Have we reached the fullness of times? Are we living the beginning of the Apocalypse prophesied by St. John?”


Its audience was stunned as it answered these questions.

“The time has come when words are not enough anymore. It is now necessary to act immediately if we wish that humanity…that each of us…, may be able to see, beside the fire…, the light.”


satan would extract a high price from the Holy Father for allowing such a wakeup call referring to fire and apocalyptic time. That price was the shooting of the Holy Father only a short time later, on May 13, 1981.

Though some wish to minimize or ignore certain aspects of the Medjugorje message, it is certain that some of the secrets refer to apocalyptic events. In what exact context we do not know, but we have 18 references documented to these secrets. The following is one of which concerns Mirjana, one of the six visionaries of Medjugorje. Our Lady showed her the first secret and the earth was desolate. Our Lady said on October 25, 1985:

“It is the upheaval of a region of the world. In the world there are so many sins. What can I do if you do not help me…”

Our Lady ended the message with:

“…here you have a time of grace and conversion. It is necessary to use it well.”


In 1984, the Philippines’ bishops turned to Mary for help with desperate turmoil in their country. The balance of their nation in grave peril, they decided to declare 1985 as a Marian year. Five million Filipino’s pledged to pray the Rosary to Her Immaculate Heart. Heaven heard, and in its delight in the nation’s people, holding the Immaculate Heart next to Jesus’ merited for them very quickly the liberation of their land. The Philippines’ 1985 Marian year gave way to 1986 and it had hardly began when dramatic events of their land’s liberation unfolded, leaving no doubt in the bishops or the people that their deliverance was by the hand of Our Lady’s intercession and due to the Marian year.

Pope John Paul II learned of these events and realized what the Marian year did for the Philippines. These events inspired him, in 1987, to declare a Marian year for the whole Universal Church. If the Filipino democracy was restored in breathless speed, what events would take place, declaring a Marian year not just for a nation, but rather the whole world? Implementing it, neither the Pope nor the world was disappointed by appointing Our Lady’s heart over the world in a Marian year. Indeed, the Universal Marian Year, following the year after the Philippines’ Marian Year, proved again to bring changes as swift as the wind, just as it did for the Filipino’s. No one in their highest hope could have imagined the Berlin Wall falling, without hardly a skirmish. The media and the populace worldwide did not understand it, and many were perplexed. Russia decided communism was over and the whole world followed these events with stunned interest. Romania, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and others followed suit, a domino effect of events blown by the wind, a change unprecedented in communism and dictatorial history and world history for that matter. Our Lady has said on February 15, 1984:

“The wind is my sign. I will come in the wind. When the wind blows, know that I am with you. You have learned that the cross represents Christ; it is a sign of Him. It is the same for the Crucifix you have in your home. For me, it is not the same. When it is cold, you come to church; you want to offer everything to God. I am, then, with you. I am with you in the wind. Do not be afraid.”

During the time that the fruits from the Marian year were coming forth, a pop song was written and played all over Europe showing, as God has done in the pastf, that secular voices can sometimes be used to announce and reveal, even if hidden through a song, spiritual happenings or what is behind them; in this case, Our Lady, of course.

Winds of Change

I followed the stream down to Gorky Park (a famous park in Moscow)
Listening to the wind of change

On a summer night, soldiers passing by listening to the wind of change.

Take me to the magic of the moment on a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow dream away in the wind of change.

Walking down the street
Distant memories are buried in the past forever.
I followed the stream down to Gorky Park
Listening to the wind of change.

Take me to the magic of the moment on a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow share their dreams with you and me.

The world is closing in
Did you ever think that we could be so close like brothers?
The future’s in the air.
Can feel it everywhere, blowing with the wind of change.

Take me to the magic of the moment on a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow dream away in the wind of change.

The wind of change blows straight into the face of time
Like a storm wind that we ring, the freedom bell of peace of mind
What my guitar wants to sing.

Take me to the magic of the moment on a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow share their dreams with you and me.

(Wind of Change – 1989 by the Scorp.)

The Holy Father confirms this swiftness of Eastern Europe events and of Our Lady’s hands, squaring off directly as the song states, “into the face of time,” making changes everywhere, especially Russia. In an apostolic letter, the Holy Father, already surprised at what the Marian year did for the Philippines, was even more stunned at what the Marian year did for Eastern Europe and the world. Attributing to the miraculous fall of regimes and other events in Eastern Europe as events which resulted following the proclaimed Marian year and directly to the Virgin Mary, the Holy Father states:4

“Those events remain surprising for their vastness and for the speed with which they occurred. One could discern the invisible hand of Providence at work with maternal care.”

Pope John Paul states not only what he sees, but that anyone could discern these vast profound events which occurred at a speed that can be compared to changes as swift as the wind blows. That wind, of course, is the Mother who did Her work with “maternal care.” No one could ever imagine, in their most exaggerated thoughts, that the Berlin Wall would fall and Russia’s collapse of communism could occur with so little loss of life. Only through the Mother’s intercession, Her maternal care, could it have been done so gently.

While this may be beautiful to learn, what has it to do with Medjugorje and the future? Just after these events, the Pope, now having experienced the reality of what the naming of a Marian year did for a nation and then for the world, begins to realize that even something bigger is looming. No doubt Our Lady put together a recipe of ingredients for the Holy Father which She laid out for him, such as the third secret of Fatima and the Philippines naming 1985 as their nation’s Marian year. This, in turn, inspired the Holy Father to name from June 7, 1987 to August 15, 1988 a Marian year for the world, which brought about the changes of 1989. These main three things, along with many other factors, shows Our Lady was baking one big cake with Her ingredients! Holy reason tells us of the Pope’s thoughts. Realizing that a millennium is approaching – what if, just what if, he were to prepare for the year 2000 by naming a year for Jesus the Son, a second year for the Holy Spirit, and a third for God the Father, and on top of that, calling upon Mary to be a part of all three years. If two separate Marian years brought about the changes that history shows, what would three years named for the Holy Trinity, and Mary added to the devotion, bring about for all of man?! The Pope is anticipating something very profound. Why not! Scripture states that Jesus said to Peter “what you declare bound on earth is bound in Heaven.” The Pope’s call for these three years are bound both on earth and in Heaven because he has been given that authority by Jesus to do just such acts. With the fruit of that act, we should all be in anticipation of profound changes in the world. It is coming and very soon. This is why the Pope, after all his accomplishments, is saying the preparation of the Great Jubilee year (2000) is the “Hermeneutical” key of his pontificate! He and we can base our thoughts on what has already occurred in 1986 and 1989 as a result of the Marian year, and with that evidence, anticipate Heaven’s actions, after the three years, to be of a nature that at this point is incomprehensible.

The Pope expects it, and even more to happen than what the Marian year wrought us. In his Apostolic letter, he states:5

“The Marian year was, as it were, in anticipation of the Jubilee and contained much of what will find fuller expression in the year 2000.”

The Pope ties fuller expression into the miraculous event of 1989, in regard to communism and changes across Eastern Europe. He writes:6


“It would be difficult not to recall that the Marian year took place only shortly before events of 1989. Nineteen eighty-nine ushered in a peaceful resolution which took the form, as it were, of an organic development. In light of this fact, we are led to recognize a truly prophetic significance…”

With unmistakable clarity of the Marian year’s fruits, what can we expect from Heaven as a result of naming three years to the Holy Trinity and for Mary being called on to have an active part? What evidence do we have of the events that will take place? The event is pointing to a two-fold happening, Our Lady’s messages of Medjugorje states plainly that there will be chastisement. But another event is surfacing – is on the horizon. What are the two events?

1. Purification.
2. A complete supernatural event that no one could doubt or question that its origin is from God.

The two events have, to date, no specific order that is known. For instance, which will take place first? It could be a supernatural event first, purification second or vice versa or both events simultaneously. We do not even know if the Medjugorje visionaries know the specifics of the order, nor if all six visionaries of Medjugorje know of chastisements, although we know some do. With it stated here that there is no order to these events being presented here, first evidence of purification is offered. Speaking of the 20th century, its scars and sins, our present Pope John Paul II writes in his Apostolic letter:7

“All of these events demonstrate most vividly that the world needs purification. It needs to be converted.”

This is a fresh call of purification and conversion from the Vicar of Christ in our present age. Do we have spiritual confirmation of that which the Pope states? Our Lady of Medjugorje said on June 24, 1983:


“The only thing that I would want to tell you is to be converted. Make that known to all my children as quickly as possible. No pain, no suffering is too great for me in order to save you. I will pray to my Son not to punish the world, but I plead with you, be converted. You cannot imagine what is going to happen nor what the Eternal Father will send to Earth. That is why you must be converted! Renounce everything. Do penance. Express my thanks to all my children who have prayed and fasted. I carry all this to my Divine Son in order to obtain an alleviation of his Justice against the sins of mankind.

Does that mean we will escape chastisement if She obtains alleviation for us? No, it means only partial alleviation of some part of or one of the secrets Our Lady states, without need of interpretation on November 6, 1982:

“…it is not possible to avoid entirely the chastisement.”


We have the Pope’s words, Our Lady of Medjugorje’s words, but does Fatima give evidence of this purification of which the Pope says we need and Our Lady indicates is justice due? Human nature has it that when one knows of something which he cannot reveal and it is of a particularly grave matter, he would do his best to warn you, perhaps even saying everything but what the actual secret might be. Our Lady has warned us of chastisement, yet not told us the secrets of Medjugorje. She even says She wishes She could tell us more. On January 28, 1987, Our Lady appeared to Mirjana and said:

“Concerning the secrets, my children, these are not known by the people. But when they will learn of them, it will be too late. Return to prayer! There is nothing more important! I would dearly wish that the Lord would permit me to enlighten you a little more on these secrets, but the grace which is offered to you is already great enough.”


One who possesses full knowledge of the secrets will do all in their power, to bring to light revelations concerning the secrets without going past the limit of what they are permitted to reveal. They do this to warn us in their concern for us. The above message demonstrates Our Lady doing this. So too can we see the same thing in comments made by those who are aware of the Fatima secrets.

On May 13, 1967, Pope Paul VI, while visiting Fatima, with the third secret obviously on his mind, stated:8

“The world is in danger. This moment may be highly significant for the history of ours and future generations. May God preserve the world from the flagellation of wars, tragedies, and catastrophes.

It would be naive to think that for a pope to go to Fatima on the anniversary date and speak about such things, that he was not referring to the third secret. It is obvious that flagellation of wars, tragedies, and catastrophes touch into the third secret of Fatima. A few years later, in regard to the escalation of disturbances of the devil against the Church which is also believed to be a part of the third secret of Fatima, Pope Paul VI affirms:9

“It appears there has been a power, an adverse power, let us speak its name…the devil…that mysterious being which does exist…We believe that something preternatural came into the world to disturb, as to suffocate…”

Again, our present pope (Pope John Paul II), on the third secret, speaks of disturbing contents. The Pope has mentioned these events, presented them, and announced them, without confirming them but also without denying them. It is reported that a German group recorded comments of the Pope in Fulda, Germany in 1980: 10

“My predecessors preferred a diplomatic attitude, because of the disturbing contents…If there does exist a message where it is written the oceans will inundate the continents and that millions of people will die then it should be announced. Many wish to know out of pure curiosity or sensationalism, forgetting that knowledge will also entail responsibility.”

The Pope admits it is because of the third secret’s “…disturbing contents… that his predecessor would not read it, which gives clear indication of the other crisis he mentions.

One may wish to discount what is written to this point, and yet still believe in Our Lady and Her plans of Medjugorje. One cannot pick and choose to partially believe. If you believe in Medjugorje, then you must accept Her words.

Mirjana, on November 6, 1982, was frightened over the 8th secret and prayed for mercy on mankind. Our Lady appeared with a crown of twelve stars about Her head and told Mirjana:

“I have prayed, the punishment has been softened. Repeated prayers and fasting reduce punishment from God, but it is not possible to avoid entirely the chastisement. Go on the streets of the city, count those who glorify God and those who offend Him. God can no longer endure that.”

So Our Lady, with this message from Medjugorje, confirms and gives further evidence that purification is coming for the sins of the world. Our Lady tells us what God desires for us. She said on February 3, 1984:

“You cannot even imagine how powerful God is. That is why pray! Pray because He wants to be with you and wants to cleanse you from all sin.”

Purification from God is not designed to scare us or throw us in despair, rather to help us. God sends us Mary for this purpose, to help us through this difficult cleansing. Our Lady said on December 4, 1986:

“Dear children, today I call you to prepare your hearts for these days when the Lord particularly desires to purify you from all the sins of your past. You, dear children, are not able by yourselves, therefore, I am here to help you. You pray, dear children! Only that way shall you be able to recognize all the evil that is in you and surrender it to the Lord so the Lord may completely purify your hearts.”

Any study of history, spanning time BC or AD, will show that no civilization ever stood intact when they went against natural law. Regardless of the knowledge or ignorance of God, every man in his conscience yearns to serve and comply with natural law. Marriage between man and a woman, the natural care and responsibility toward children, the following of natural law written within every man’s heart, however ignorant of God, will still help man to prosper and grow in knowledge of Him according to environment and culture, however clouded his intellect may be because of these conditions. Present world society has turned away from what is natural to unnatural. If we hold to a belief that we will continue business as usual and that society will continue, then we will be the first ever in history to continue while against natural law. If that were to happen, it would be because God changed. However, God does not change. He is the same God today as He was five hundred years ago, and the same God five hundred years ago as He was five thousand years ago. His precepts do not change. His words do not change. Scripture states, Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.” Scripture goes on to say that “not the smallest letter of the word or the smallest part of a letter will pass.” History is proof that civilization falls when it falls away from natural law, and only one with a foolish heart would discount this truth which Holy Reason can prove to oneself. So purification and its reason for coming is clear, but what proof of something supernatural? The Filipino diplomat, Howard Dee, said in 1998, speaking of the Holy Father’s call to renew hope in the definitive coming of the Kingdom of God:11


“The Pope was not speaking of figurative coming. The Pope says the term Jubilee speaks of joy, not just an inner joy but a jubilation which is manifested outwardly, for the coming of God is also an outward, visible, audible, and tangible event.”

Dee says:

“I am quite sure he believes this ‘outward, visible, audible, and tangible event’ is coming very soon.”

How is it the Pope can state such strong assurances with confidence? Some insights can be understood by part of a revelation about the third secret of Fatima, which was revealed in 1997 by Archbishop Loris Capobilla, 82 years of age and who was personal secretary of Pope John XXIII. The Archbishop, being the Pope’s secretary, knows of the secret’s contents. Just after October 12, 1997, he stated that the third secret of Fatima predicts:

“An absolutely exceptional event.”

Will this theophany spring forth due to the three years given to the Holy Trinity and Mary as the Marian years sprang forth their manifestation of Our Lady’s work? Pope John Paul II anticipates something extraordinary, a springtime for Christianity in or sometime after the year 2000. He writes:12

“…of that new springtime of Christian life which will be revealed by the Great Jubilee.

What will God the Father grant from these three years? John Paul writes of the third year:13

“Mary most Holy, the highly favored daughter of the Father, will appear before the eyes of believers as the perfect model of love…Her Motherhood will be felt during this year as a loving and urgent invitation.”

What will happen? What wonders await us? Our Lady of Medjugorje said on November 25, 1993:

“Dear children, I invite you now in this time like never before to prepare for the coming of Jesus.”

Yes, Christmas was a month away when She gave that message, but Our Lady’s messages have ‘life,’ Her own word ‘life’ She used in describing Her messages. In the above message Our Lady is not just talking about Christmas, rather something more, and added emphasis by saying “like never before.” Our Lady again said on November 25, 1996:

“Dear children, today again I invite you to pray so that through prayer, fasting, and small sacrifices you may prepare yourselves for the coming of Jesus.”

And again, most recently, November 25, 1998:

“Dear children! Today I call you to prepare yourselves for the coming of Jesus.”

While Our Lady speaking of Jesus’ coming can be related to Christmas, it is felt quite strongly that Our Lady is indicating something much more. On another occasion, Our Lady said on March 17, 1989:

“Prepare yourself to look at Jesus ‘eye to eye.’”

There have been many jubilees throughout Church history. Why would Heaven place so much importance on this Jubilee which falls on the millennium of 2000 years? Vatican Radio asked this question as if making a statement, “have we reached the fullness of time?”, in 1980, which has already been quoted. John Paul leaves no doubt in his writing, indicating a clear yes!14

“Human time which began at Creation, has reached its fullness. The fullness of time is in fact eternity.”

He continues:

“Thus to enter into the fullness of time means to reach the end of time and to transcend its limits in order to find time’s fulfillment in the eternity of God.”

We should all be awestruck at these pronouncements. How fortunate are we to witness the significance for Heaven as well as earth when the calendar changes to 2000? When we read legitimate prophetic writings, anything from the book of Revelation in the Bible to various saints and mystics throughout the history of the Church, we discover we are living today the words that they wrote in regard to the future. There is, therefore, a connection we experience today between the past, the present, and the future that before this time God’s people have not experienced. Go back to the Middle Ages and beyond. Contemplate the changes of the monasteries across Europe, echoing out their call of praise to their Master, notable to touch future events from their position in the past because they had no comprehension of the modern world. And yet, we who live in the present can be transported back through time by listening to the music of long ago on tapes and CD’s which aid us in our mediation of times past. Our history in its fullness of time grants to us that ability to touch them, to listen to their chants and yet to transcend into the future, to be writing and reading of it and living through it. Those monks of the Middle Ages had no ability to come to us, modern man, as we can go to their time. And while they could not enter into the future and its understanding, we are given that gift, that is of entering into the future. We are in a unique time. John Paul said of the great calendar event:15

“…it will be different (2000 year Jubilee), greater than any other. For the Church respects the measurement of time: hours, days, years, centuries. She thus goes forward with every individual, helping everyone to realize how each of these measurements of time is imbued with the prospects of God.”

What will happen? We can expect, of course, already mentioned purification. In history, God has never intervened into man’s history without warnings and signs. The Bible states:

Amos 3:7

“Surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing His plan to His servants the prophets.”

We, at this date, are sated with more indications and signs than we could count. A prayerful discernment will speak clearly to any conscience that is seeking this proof. But what is this supernatural manifestation that the third secret is about? Simply said, it will be a type of second Pentecost. It will take this kind of supernatural manifestation to bring about a springtime for Christianity.

As with the first Pentecost, a truth, inner truth, was deposited onto those gathered in the upper room, then they, in turn, transmitted it to the 3000 who converted that very day. Our Lady has desired this enlightenment. Truth is far from the heart of man. There must be a supernatural laceration of the heart to reach man who has grown cold. This illumination will, coupled with other events, all work toward the good of man and his conversion.

In the second Pentecost, when every man upon the earth will be given truth, then will everyone convert? No, many of those who do not live natural law will actually grow more angry with God, having been illuminated by His love and presence. Not wanting to give up their ways, they will become more opposed or either despair, believing they cannot change. How can this be? If they are illuminated to the truth of God’s presence and precepts, how can they not choose Him? It happened in Jesus’ days with His rejection. It will happen again. To what degree we do not know. Our duty is to pray. Our Lady stated on August 15, 1985:

“My angel, pray for unbelievers. People will tear their hair, brothers will plead with brothers, they will curse their past lives lived without God. They will repent, but it will be too late. Now is the time for conversion. I have been exhorting you for the past four years. Pray for them. Invite everyone to pray the Rosary.”

We can also expect a full unity within the Christian Church. Yes, the Church becoming one! It will be a purified and much smaller in number Church, yet holy as in its beginning. Giving these three years over to God, a “three in one” will lead to a Heavenly mandate to achieve what man could never accomplish. We are to be Jesus’ joy. Scripture reflects that until we are completely united, His joy cannot be complete. There can be no doubt this is one of His Mother’s intentions, and how will all this happen? By what grace? Russia needlessly went through decades of suffering, for at any point, if Fatima’s call had been heeded, this situation would have changed. All that was needed was for the Pope to consecrate Russia in colleague (in union) with the world bishops, and it would have changed. It took from 1917 until 1984 for it to happen. The result of the consecration leading to the Marian year is evident. Heaven is now in waiting for the Holy Father, the Bishop, the whole Universal Church to place Mary’s heart next to Jesus as official Co-Redeemer. Heaven is weighed down as a cloud fills with water. The Holy Spirit is in waiting, the angels anticipating, the saints are praying. Heaven is about to burst open to fill the earth with actions of grace, supernatural happenings, manifesting into a time of peace, ushered in by Mary, the woman who is given reign and charged with peace as a Queen over a kingdom, titled appropriately the Queen of Peace.

How can all this be stated with such authority? It is simple. It is in the messages of Our Lady. One cannot see it if he approaches the messages with his intellect rather than with the heart. Our Lady is impatient for Her reign of peace to begin. Where does the authority come from to say Our Lady is impatient? – from Our Lady Herself on June 25, 1995:

“Pray for peace so that as soon as possible a time of peace, which my heart waits impatiently for may reign.”

Does not the key to all these things taking place, for Heaven’s cloud to pour forth its blessings and peace upon the world, rest in our actions? It is an act Heaven waits for just as it did for the colleague of Bishops and the Pope to consecrate Russia. Once they did, God’s yes gave liberation. What is this key? It is something so difficult to achieve that it has taken three years, dedicated to the Trinity with Mary attached to all three years, for it to be granted. Yet, it is so simple. The consecration of Russia was also difficult to achieve, yet the simple act gave the grace. It is the recognition of Mary and of Her role in Redemption – Her Immaculate Heart to be next to Jesus’. Our Lady stated on October 25, 1988:

“I want to draw you closer to the Heart of Jesus. Therefore, little children, I am calling you today to the prayer of Consecration to Jesus, my dear Son, so that each of your hearts may be His. And then I am calling you to Consecration to my Immaculate Heart. I want you to consecrate yourselves as individuals, families, and parishes so that all belongs to God through my hands.”

Ambassador Howard Dee says that a few theologians object stating that there is no theological basis for joining the two hearts together. One is the heart of God and the other is the heart of a woman. However, the Pope himself on January 1, 1996, against those who objected, did elevate the Feast of the Immaculate Heart to an obligatory day following the Feast of the Sacred Heart. This is the prelude to the great victory which will unleash Heaven’s blessings, in the midst of the Triumph of Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart. The final key to opening Heaven will be when Our Lady is recognized as the Co-Redeemer. It is Mary’s rightful place. For many this is not understood. Others say it will cause division. It is important to realize that truth does not divide. The separation comes from those who reject truth. Those who accept Heaven’s truth are not divided. It, therefore, is the rejection of truth which divides. However, for those who do not understand, Ambassador Dee explains it in a simple beautiful way. What you are about to read is very important and the key to understanding this role of Mary. It should be read slowly and with an earnest desire to comprehend. Pray to the Holy Spirit. Contemplate the words, and you will understand. Pause and pray to the Holy Spirit. Reread what you do not grasp. He states:16

“Theologians might be approaching the problem too ‘clinically.’ Perhaps there is a need for more ‘heart’ and less ‘mind.’ Theology is a discipline in which I have no expertise. Still, allow me to offer a few insights into Our Lady’s titles from the simple approach of a layman who understands this dogma predominantly with his heart.

“The first insight is inspired by His Eminence Christoph Cardinal Schoenborn, O.P., the Archbishop of Vienna, Austria. In a paper submitted to the Fatima Symposium on the Alliance of the Two Hearts, he said: ‘Why is it that theology finds the center of its heart in the heart of a woman who is Jesus’ Mother? Mary is the guarantor of Christian realism; in Her it becomes manifest that God’s word was not only spoken but also heard; that God has not only called, but that man has also answered; that salvation was not only presented, but also received. Christ is God’s word, Mary is the answer; in Christ, God has come down from Heaven; in Mary the earth has become fruitful. Mary is the seal of perfect creatureliness; in her is illustrated in advance what God intended for creation.’

“In my simple understanding of what Cardinal Schoenborn is saying, the gift of redemption, freely and perfectly given, must be freely and perfectly received.

“The longings of the Heart of Jesus are perfectly fulfilled in the Heart of Mary. Her Heart is the only untarnished receptacle of the Word of God. The Heart of Mary has perfectly responded, love for love, to the perfect love of God. Our Lady is the ‘seal of perfect creatureliness.’

“In this light, She is indispensable in God’s plan for the redemption of man. She is indispensable not because God is incapable of redeeming us by Himself, but because He wants man, whom He has created with a free will, to cooperate freely in his own redemption to make this redemption truly redemptive, worthy of both God and man. This redemption would be unworthy of God if it were imposed on man. And it would be unworthy of man if he did not desire this redemption of his own free will. The Redeemer therefore needs man to be his co-redeemer, to cooperate in his own redemption.

“This role of co-redemption was offered to Mary who was conceived without original sin. Only She could begin a new blood lineage liberated from the slavery of sin. Her Immaculate Conception ended man’s legacy of sin, qualifying Her alone to be Co-redemptrix, who like the paschal lamb must be unblemished. This offer was made by the Lord through the Angel Gabriel, and with Her fiat She accepted on behalf of all mankind and became Co-redemptrix.”

When one is exposed to truth, one must decide whether to accept or not. The acceptance or non-acceptance changes nothing in regard to the truth. Even if ninety percent of the people do not accept a truth, it is no less of a truth. Everything in society today is swayed by polls. Sixty percent of the people believe this way, etc., etc. People do not base things in truth, rather in popular thought or the rejection of popular thought. What you have just read is easily discernable in regard to truth and is based in such. There are powerful elements to stop this dogma, satan’s attempt to block Our Lady’s reign, who have and will, with the fierceness and force of all of hell, oppose what you just read. However, it should not confuse you to the truth which Holy Reason’s wisdomg will tell you through prayer. So we come full circle to the two main messages we began with:

“You have seen hell where the souls of poor sinners go. To save them, God wishes to establish in the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart. If what I say to you is done, many souls will be saved and there will be peace.”


and the second message quoted in the beginning of this writing from Our Lady of Medjugorje on August 25, 1991:

“…so that with your help everything I wanted to realize through the secrets I began in Fatima may be fulfilled.”


And what is to be fulfilled? The message given to the Fatima visionary Lucia was to establish devotion to Her Immaculate Heart and to save sinners and bring in an era of peace. Of the three visionaries of Fatima, Francisco and Jacinta were taken from this life shortly after the apparitions ended. Lucia wanted badly to be with them in Heaven. Our Lady told her that she was to stay and establish devotion throughout the world to Her Immaculate Heart, which originally was a secret of Fatima and now spoken about through Our Lady of Medjugorje (consecration to Her Heart). With these two messages, one can see Heaven mandated for Our Lady to be placed in Her rightful position. There can be little question: Lucia is still alive,h so long after her two little friends left the earth, and the Pope’s seemingly supernatural stamina and resolve to live in order to bring us to the millennium, as well as the life of Our Lady’s apparitions after seventeen yearsi of apparitions all are tied together. All of these have life, which will give the world new life and peace, a liberation from sin that the world is in desperate need of now.

The Pope has prayed and is determined to open the Holy Doors in St. Peter’s for the millennium. Yet he somehow knows he won’t be around much longer after that. An item in the December 21, 1998 Newsweek states:

“Aides say Pope John Paul II is determined to complete his ambitious plans for the Church’s millennial celebrations. And after that? Recently, during a briefing on the next five years of bishops’ synods at the Vatican, John Paul stopped the recital at the year 2001. Everything after that, he told an aide, “is for someone else.”

Sr. Lucy is 92 years old and cannot live much longer. The Medjugorje apparitions have lasted almost eighteen years. The Pope indicates he soon will not be around. What is the purpose of such longevity of all three? What will happen when all three are no longer? What hinges in connection with these two lives and third by the life of the apparitions? It is obvious and apparent to any believer that we are on the verge, the summit, the peak of great events.

Do you still need more evidence? Scripture has already been quoted which tells that God always gives signs to alert His people. Blessed Sr. Faustina, who was given the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy in the 1940’s by Jesus in which devotion has spread throughout the world, was in prayer when she heard Jesus say a remarkable statement. She relayed what Jesus said:17

“Through the Chaplet, you will obtain everything if what you ask for is compatible with My will.”


As I was praying for Poland, I heard the words:

“I bear a special love for Poland and if she will be obedient to my will, I will exalt her in might and holiness. From her will come forth the spark that will prepare the world for My final coming.”

There can be no doubt that Poland’s obedience is exalted in holiness by the spark which came forth from her, namely John Paul II. Even more remarkable, Jesus tells her this spark, this man, easily discernable as John Paul II, is to prepare the world for His second coming!! This is an easy prophecy to investigate as to its truth as it is a message from Jesus to (Sr.) Blessed Faustina in May of 1938.

One may become excited reading these pages, leaving them in awe, or even wanting to transmit this to all, especially loved ones. But, not all will listen, and this will cause us agony and pain. But, it is the same thing the prophets suffered from. Many would not listen. All will see, however, and have an opportunity to accept or reject because we are in the time of grace, a time of decision. Now is the time to decide.

A drama is about to unfold, a great drama, unparalleled in history. So many signs are being given. Scripture is speaking to us in new ways. The Woman of Revelation chapter twelve, Her time to do battle with the dragon, to defeat him, spoken of as clothed with the sun, a crown of twelve stars, the woman of the apocalypse, to bring about peace has said in May, 1984:

“Throughout the centuries, I have given myself completely to you. Is it too much to give me, three days?”

Our Lady constantly uses ‘three’. Many, many times She says “pray, pray, pray.” Once Our Lady said on August 14, 1989:

“Tonight your Mother is happy, happy, happy.”

It would be odd to express that you were happy by saying “I am happy, happy, happy” unless you wanted to also convey something else about your happiness. This apparition occurred after the Marian year, just three months before the Berlin Wall ceased to be a barrier. Was Our Lady happy due to Her knowing all the favors that were about to be released or were already happening in Eastern Europe? Very probably, but also was happy, happy, happy also alluding to the future of how happy She would be over each of the years 1997, 1998, and 1999? That each time we have been asked to pray, pray, pray that She is using these prayers for 1997, 1998, 1999 to win for us in 2000 great graces – once Her Immaculate Heart is accepted by many all over the world?! It certainly appears to be such. We do not know the timing as to the results of Her request before the Lord’s throne and when He issues His consent of yes to Her, but for Her to reveal Her happiness to us indicates something going on in Heaven which has pleased Her very, very, very much. She says this is Her time, and there are obviously many intentions She has. She indicates by the following message that Her being with us for so long is Her desire because She says She is thankful of the gift of being with us so long. It is most probable, as with most gifts given, that the giver gives something you want or knows that you need. On December 25, 1986, Our Lady said:

“Dear children, today also I give thanks to the Lord for all that He is doing for me, especially for this gift that I am able to be with you also today.”

Our Lady shows, through the above message, that Her intentions are being granted by revealing that her Lord is doing many things for Her. Her intentions and desires are all working toward a plan to accomplish a victory of the great struggle now in our midst. Our Lady said on August 2, 1981:

“A great struggle is about to unfold. A struggle between my Son and satan. Human souls are at stake.”

The struggle has been going on for 2000 years, yet She says “about to unfold.” Our Lady is clearly indicating a new initiative, a new plan for the world’s salvation, and even says it January 25, 1987 when She stated that She has “…a great plan for the salvation of mankind…” – a plan in which satan’s power in the world will be broken; an era of world peace. satan, each year of 2000 years has yearned to crush the Church. His time, his power, is ending.j Our Lady, being with us throughout the century, has been preparing for the great struggle, the great defeat. Revelation speaks of this time. Scripture is alive. Even when Jesus was working some of His miracles while walking the earth, surely He glimpsed into the future at His Mother’s future victory over satan and left traces in His miracles to speak to us in the latter part of the nineties. God is that genius to speak to the present as well as those in the future, even by Jesus’ miracles of two thousand years ago. One such is a story of Jesus and the demonic, paraphrased here.

“Jesus crosses the Sea of Gerasene, walks ashore, and is met by a man whom chains and fetters could not hold. And the demons cry out in a loud voice, saying, “What have you to do with me Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I beg you do not torment me.” Does it not seem strange that Jesus ‘tried’ to cast out the demons and they would not leave? Jesus then asked ‘who are you?” ‘Legions,’ they answered, ‘for we are many.’ And then as if to ‘bargain’ with Jesus, they begged Him not to expel them out of the ‘country.’ Jesus strangely accepts this offer and casts them into a large herd of pigs, which then ran to the sea and drowned. Scripture states there were 2000 in number.”

Was Jesus trying to speak to us today, a double miracle transcending 2000 years? The number of pigs being 2000 is not without significance. Was Jesus really bargaining with the demonic or was it reflective of a greater victory later? Each pig demons possessed, represented satan’s yearly desire to crush the Church for 2000 years. His resolve to come back year after year is now running out. The demons beg Jesus not to drive them out of the country (world) and back into hell. Jesus didn’t. Why? Is it to make a clear indication it would be the Woman of Revelation whose purity and holiness would break their power in the world, sending them back to hell in or around the year 2000 or later? Or later will satan become completely free to work his destruction before he is bound and crushed by Our Lady?** Indeed the miracle was mysterious. One man possessed with so many demons that they were powerful enough to bargain with Jesus and that they were enough to possess 2000 pigs and drive them to their end!! The whole miracle has strange overtones until one looks at it with the parallel of 2000 years of history. Jesus wasn’t weak in expelling them nor was He bargaining with them, rather it was done to speak to our age of the end of satan’s time and the beginning of Our Lady’s time of peace. It speaks of the liberation from the bondage of sin that has been building in man for 2000 years. However it happens and how close it happens to the year 2000 or after, it is a defeat through the hands of Our Lady which will enlighten an unpeaceful world, breaking satan’s reign in the world, by Our Lady showing us the truth, now that he is bold enough to show his shameful face without fear of the world abandoning him. On September 25, 1991, Our Lady said:

“For now as never before satan wants to show the world his shameful face by which he wants to seduce as many people as possible onto the way of death and sin. Therefore, dear children, help my Immaculate Heart to triumph in the sinful world.”

There is so much sin present in the world, satan no longer has to hide himself to deceive. It is Our Lady’s hope that we help Her, for Her Heart to triumph. The triumph is imminent. However, it will come with a price (purification), but who with wisdom, O Christians, would have it any other way?

Our life here in the Community of Caritas, has followed for several years, that which is written here in regard to Our Lady. We have experienced Her presence and maternal heart in a profound way. We believe if the whole world followed Our Lady as She has instructed us here, that then the kingdom of love would exist and a reign of peace unparalleled in 2000 years of history would blanket the earth. Peace is coming. The King of Peace will reign. His kingdom is not to be deprived of a queen, a Queen of Peace – beside Him, both hearts together; She nurturing our conversion, He giving Her the graces to do so. We can see this reign in our community. We have touched it and have ‘joyed’ with its supremacy of peace, as well as cried with it. It is not an intangible reign, or ideal, but a real kingdom we belong to. We have seen rain held off when our work wasn’t finished, rain come when we needed it, rainbows resting its end right on the spot the Queen of Peace appeared to Marijak, as if to gently say, “I am here. I am your mother.” Our children have seen the hand of Divine Providence when they pray for intentions and they are granted in outward, visible, supernatural ways. The future holds security regardless of what is to come, for those who seek Mary’s redemptive place in their heart. We remain in hope and confidence for our future that between the two Hearts of Jesus and Mary, there can be no fear. If we are in fear of things to come, we are then not in accord with Our Lady. We can have only one attitude. What attitude does Our Lady wish for us to have concerning the chastisements and purifications? She indicates clearly the only attitude toward the future is of no fear, through love. It is our hope. Our Lady stated on March 18, 1995:

“Love, and have no fear, my children, because in love there is no fear. If your hearts are open to the Father and if they are full of love toward Him, why then fear what is to come. Those who do not love are afraid because they expect punishment and because they know how empty and hard they are. I am leading you, children, towards love, towards the dear Father. I am leading you into Eternal Life. Eternal Life is my Son. Accept Him and you will have accepted Love.”

We, in community, are at peace about the future.
Holding Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart to its proper place in our life grants one the prelude of what is to come, predicted through Fatima, Medjugorje, and John Paul’s words themselves. We have entered the fullness of time. We are on the throes of the greatest reign of peace the world has seen, a springtime for Christianity. Do not wait. Consecrate your heart to the Immaculate Heart, to the Sacred Heart. Experience the future now. Begin today to live eternity. The passage of time in this life will not be felt at your death, having already entered eternal time. Waste not a day nor a minute for we are approaching the season of peace, the awaited time. Be on your knees praying as never before for the reign of the King of Peace with His Queen beside Him this Christmas.l

Our love, our hope, our prayers are with you especially this year. We pray blessings over those who responded, those who read these pages. In our community, we plead to Our Lady for continued conversion for you. We pray you feel our prayers as you read these pages.

In the Hope of
a future with Our Lady,

A Friend of Medjugorje

The original writing above, appears as originally written in December 1998. The only addition is the Third Secret of Fatima below. It should be noted that the day before the Third Secret of Fatima was released publicly, Our Lady in Medjugorje gave Her June 25 message for the world. Following is the message of Our Lady of Medjugorje, June 25, 2000, followed by the Third Secret of Fatima:

June 25, 2000

“Dear children! Today I call you to prayer. The one who prays is not afraid of the future. Little children, do not forget I am with you and I love you all. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

Vatican City, June 26, 2000 (VIS) – Given below is the complete translation of the original Portuguese text of the third part of the secret of Fatima, revealed to the three shepherd children at Cova da Iria-Fatima on July 13, 1917, and committed to paper by Sr. Lucia on January 3, 1944:


“I write in obedience to you, my God, who command me to do so through his Excellency the Bishop of Leiria and through your Most Holy Mother and mine.

“After the two parts which I have already explained, at the left of Our Lady and a little above, we saw an Angel with a flaming sword in his left hand; flashing, it gave out flames that looked as though they would set the world on fire; but they died out in contact with the splendor that Our Lady radiated towards him from her right hand: pointing to the earth with his right hand, the Angel cried out in a loud voice: ‘Penance, Penance, Penance!’ And we saw in an immense light that is God: ‘something similar to how people appear in a mirror when they pass in front of it’ a Bishop dressed in White ‘we had the impression that it was the Holy Father’. Other Bishops, Priests, men and women Religious going up a steep mountain, at the top of which there was a big Cross of rough-hewn trunks as of a cork-tree with the bark; before reaching there the Holy Father passed through a big city half in ruins and half trembling with halting step, afflicted with pain and sorrow, he prayed for the souls of the corpses he met on his way; having reached the top of the mountain, on his knees at the foot of the big Cross he was killed by a group of soldiers who fired bullets and arrows at him, and in the same way there died one after another the other Bishops, Priests, men and women Religious, and various lay people of different ranks and positions. Beneath the two arms of the Cross there were two Angels each with a crystal aspersorium in his hand, in which they gathered up the blood of the Martyrs and with it sprinkled the souls that were makling their way to God.”




Upon reading the preceding, we hope you feel as we, that what Our Lady is doing must be spread throughout the world immediately to get as many hearts to Her Heart as possible. Our Lady has lead and prepared our community just for this role, going so far as if to commission us. Our founder was with Marija Lunetti while in Italy at her home alone during an apparition in which Our Lady told Marija to give a message specifically to him and his community. Our Lady said on May 31, 1995:m

“Little children, I desire that through your lives you are witnesses, that you are my extended hands, my instruments. Get as many hearts as you can close to my heart and lead them to God, to a way of salvation.”

Our origins are directly from Our Lady Herself. It was She, through Marija in 1988, who asked for a community to be established here. We are understanding our purpose more and more as the years go by. The above message was an important keystone message for us in that we had already, in our hearts, placed Her Immaculate Heart in the fabric of our life. The above message was so intimate that She only had to say to us “to my heart” – not being necessary to state “immaculate” because it was already within our life. We believed it so, that Her heart is Immaculate. Perhaps it is to be through these pages, and what is revealed in them that Our Lady was saying, “…get as many hearts as you can…” We know we are nothing, capable of nothing, but having the confidence of Our Lady Herself commissioning us with a mission gives us confidence, despite our nothingness, to advance to the ends of the earth with Her designs. While God has granted this for the sake of the conversion of sinners, you too are a vital key to it being accomplished. By God’s grace, it is our belief hundreds of thousands can be brought to conversion through these pages and bring souls to Our Lady’s Heart.

We , with confidence from Our Lady, seek you to join us in bringing hearts close to Her Heart. Our Lady said on October 25, 1988:

“I am calling you to the prayer of Consecration to Jesus, my dear Son, so that each of your hearts may be His. And then I am calling you to Consecration to my Immaculate Heart. I want you to consecrate yourselves as individuals, families, and parishes so that all belongs to God through my hands.”

This is reflective of the message Our Lady gave us to get as many hearts close to hers and lead them to God. We, in a special renewed way, are giving our lives to Our Lady this year. We ask you only to give your heart to Hers.

O Mary, from our community, we love you; for those in the world away from you, we love you; for those who will come to you in the future, we love you. It is all that is important in the end.


1. Crossing the Threshold of Hope, Pope John Paul II
2. “Inside the Vatican”, Nov 1998
3. Ibid.
4. Apostolic letter “Tertio Millennio Adveniente”, Sec 27, p.33
5. Ibid., Sec 27, p. 33
6. Ibid. Sec 26, p. 33
7. Ibid., Sec 18, p. 24
8. “Inside the Vatican”, Aug/Sept 1997, p. 55
9. Ibid, p. 55
10. Ibid. p. 55
11. “Inside the Vatican” Nov 1998
12. Apostolic letter “Tertio Millennio Adveniente”, Sec 18, p. 25
13. Ibid., Sec 54, p.56
14. Ibid., Sec 9-10, p. 17
15. Ibid. Sec 16, p.23
16. “Inside the Vatican” Nov 1998
17. Divine Mercy in My Soul, Diary of Sr. M. Faustina Kowalska, pg 612. Verse 1732, notebook VI.

** Quote from the above writing, “Or will satan become completely free to work his destruction before he is bound and crushed by Our Lady,” is incredibly prophetic, as the above writing The Ten Secrets of Medjugorje, Where We Stand, was written in December 1998 and on January 1, 2001 Our Lady in Medjugorje gave us a startling message. It reveals both the present status of satan and our instructions on what to do in regards to satan’s status in the world today. Our Lady’s message on January 1, 2001: “My dear children, now that when satan is unchained, I desire you to be consecrated to My Heart and the Heart of My Son Jesus. I bless you with my Motherly blessing.”

  a. This writing about the secrets that you are about to read are Our Lady’s own words or referenced from them, along with quotes from the Holy Father himself that are being brought to light.
b. This writing was sent at Christmas to our Field Angels, who monthly support the spreading of Our Lady’s messages.
c. On July 13, 1917, Our Lady showed the three children a terrifying vision of hell, of the angel demons and human souls damned forever.
d. Remember, read this in the context of its release, December 1, 1998. Despite many requests, this original writing was never republished. We decided to wait until we moved closer to the secrets for its republishing. As of October 2009, we now have 28 years of apparitions.
e. Hermeneutical means to interpret; interpretative.
f. A Roman poet, Publius Verquil, wrote forty years before the birth of Christ of a divinely-born child to come who would bring peace to the world and a new age. He described this event as one centered on a smiling, infant son whose cradle was a cornucopia of flowers and whose birth would bring about freedom from fear for animals and mankind. This account by a pagan whose poem prophesied what also the Biblical prophecy foretold of the coming of Christ was and is significant.
g. Isaiah 1:18 – “Come reason with me, says the Lord.”
h. Again, Lucia died after this writing and after the third secret of Fatimas was released.
i. Now twenty-eight years as of October, 2009.
j. To everyone’s surprise, Medjugorje visionary, Marija, had an apparition on January 1, 2001. Our Lady said, “My dear children, now that when satan is unchained, I desire you to be consecrated to My Heart and the Heart of My Son Jesus. I bless you with my Motherly blessing.” But even though satan is unchained, consecrating our hearts to Her and Jesus deminishes satan’s power.
k. Marija Lunetti, one of the six visionaries of Medjugorje, spent over two and a half months with the Founder of Caritas of Birmingham at his home near Birmingham, Alabama (November, 1988 to January, 1989). Our Lady appeared to Marija every day and gave many messages during that time. On Thanksgiving Day, November 24, 1988, Our Lady appeared to Marija out in the Field near a large pine tree. During this apparition, Our Lady gave the following message, “I invite you to live my messages. I am here to help you! I will intercede for you to God for all your intentions.” Marija came two more times on private visits with her family in February, 1994 and May, 1998 in which once again, during both of these visits, Our Lady appeared in the Field. The Field has become a place of pilgrimage for many people who have received great graces through Our Lady’s intercession.
l. This was originally written as a Christmas message to our Field Angels. Field Angels receive materials and information about Medjugorje from us 2-3 times each month. They are kept current of any changes or important events of Medjugorje. To receive free information about becoming a Field Angel, call 205-672-2000 24 hours a day. Press extension 311.
m. For more information, see Words From Heaven, pg. 201, 11th Edition


The above writing was featured as part of a 9-day series on the Ten Secrets of Medjugorje. See below listing for the other days featured:



Wednesday, September 30, 2009 –

The above featured writing.


Thursday, October 1, 2009 –

This is Her Time. A Talk given by A Friend of Medjugorje that continues on from what you read the day before in The Ten Secrets of Medjugorje. Where We Stand.

The Ten Secrets of Medjugorje Part 3 – Click to Listen


Friday, October 2, 2009 –

Mirjana’s Second of the Month Apparition on the day for Nonbelievers and a special announcement about the future direction and preparing for the secrets. First time announced on

The Ten Secrets of Medjugorje Part 4 – Click to Listen

“You Justify Yourselves With Sin and Live According to It” – Radio WAVE Show About Our Lady’s Message Today to Mirjana – Click to Listen


Monday, October 5, 2009 –

A recent interview with Fr. Petar, the Priest chosen by Mirjana Who will reveal the Secrets publicly to the World that will bring greater enlightenment on the 10 Secrets.

The Ten Secrets of Medjugorje Part 5 – Click to Listen or Download


Tuesday, October 6, 2009 –

The Great Evangelization and Readying for the Secrets – what should we do now to be ready for the time of the release of the secrets and ushering in the time of the Great Evangelization?

The Ten Secrets of Medjugorje Part 6 – Click to Listen or Download

Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!

See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here

4 thoughts on “The Ten Secrets of Medjugorje. Where We Stand”

  1. All I can say is “WOW”!!! I Love you Jesus – I Love you Our Lady – I Love you Caritas. Our Lady and her Apostles are so Cool!

  2. Carolyn Bornhoft

    I so enjoy all your shows! It takes me right back to Medjugorje. It’s like I’m sitting right there on the bleachers or climbing the rocks to Apparition Hill. That overwhelming peaceful feeling comes rushing back I wish I had that everyday. Thank you ever so much God bless

  3. I so enjoyed listening to this show live …the revelation of how this song actually spoke of the love that Our Lady wants us to have for Her, Her Son and for each other was so infectious, I felt that I was there!! Remarkably, I felt joyfully giddy, like our friend of Medjugorje even when I stopped to realized that all that is of this work will disappear including these electronics that I used to listen to Mejanomics on over and over. Where do I find the written transcripts of all the Mejanomics broadcast and what type of paper did you say to print it on!! Beloved Caritas community members, your love, tireless getting Hearts close to Our Lady’s heart, the fact that you exist tell everyone about Our Lady, and bring Maria and Our Lady to Alabama …gives me great hope!! Thanks seems like such a tiny word for all your selfless giving and living. You are each the saints of our times….much love and humble admiration for each of you. You are forever in my prayers and on my heart.

  4. Hortencia Nuñez Villalón

    Wonderful show!!!! My heart is deeply moved. I cried and cried during the last part of the show. The last candy was so sweet and lovely. Thanks to a Friend of Medjugorje and the Community of Caritas. She gave Her love to you so you can give them to others and today I received a lot, lot, lot of LOVE.

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