August 26, 2017 A.D.
Originally Released on August 21, 2017
Important: What was going to be released today, is being released on Monday, August 28. Many have expressed with great excitement, that the depth and size of the latest releases, and the extensive amount of content, is a lot to absorb. Many have also asked for the opening day writing from a Friend of Medjugorje, The Reason for Medjugorje, and presentation to be made available. In light of this, we are making available today, the opening writing from a Friend of Medjugorje, and the opening Mej v3.0 Presentation, which follows. This will help give time through the weekend to go through and explore in more depth, the latest days releases. –
A Proclamation…
Many important proclamations about Our Lady’s plans in Medjugorje have been made throughout the years by a Friend of Medjugorje. What follows is not opinion, but is stated with certainty. Let those who have eyes see, and those who have ears hear. The following is true.
What follows was the special Day 1 presentation introducing the new v3.0. It is very deep and makes a strong declaration regarding Medjugorje. Many have asked for this writing and the opening presentation again. We are making it available to you. It is important to settle down and connect with what you are about to be presented with. Say a prayer. Get rid of all distractions. Turn off or block your cell phone calls. Test and turn up your speakers, or have your earphones ready.
You will not grasp everything in the first viewing of the presentation that follows.
But before you begin, I want to express my deep and personal gratitude for your helping us through to the launch of v3.0. I thank you for the prayers that you have prayed for all the Community and myself. Without your prayers, we could not have achieved this project that was often overwhelming in the scope of time the Community had to dedicate to it of what we wanted to accomplish for you and for Our Lady. Thank you for your financial gifts that have given us this year’s budget, helping us to “be ready” for whatever Our Lady has for us in the near future. I know many of you gave multiple times of which I am also deeply grateful. I thank also those who could not financially gift the fund drive, but who gave in the way of their offered masses, communions, fasting and sacrifices. Thank you for your love and prayers.
On behalf of Our Lady, to whom we give the use of, for conversion and growing conversion, we thank you for helping us create a versatile tool She can use to capture more souls to Her Heart and the Heart of Her Son.
In the Love of Our Lady,
A Proclamation
From a Friend of Medjugorje
The Reason for
“Behold the days are coming,” says the Lord God, “When I will send a famine on the land; not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the Word of the Lord. They shall wander from sea to sea, and from north to east; they shall run to and fro, to seek the Word of the Lord, but they shall not find it.” Amos 8:11-12
Will satan try to stop you from finding it?
First, it must be stated that St. Peter said in the 1st Century A.D.:
“It is impossible for us not to speak of what we have seen and heard.”
In regards to Our Lady and Her call, plans and messages for 36 years, like Peter, we say, “It is impossible for us not to speak of what we have seen and heard.” 21st Century A.D.
The Queen of Peace of Medjugorje has stated in this our time:
“…My children, it is a time of vigilance…(11-2-16)“…The devil is trying to conquer us…”(11-16-81) “…This century is under the power of the devil, but when the secrets confided to you come to pass, his power will be destroyed…he is destroying marriages, creating division among priests and is responsible for obsessions and murder…” (12-26-82) “… I am telling you that love will win… (12-2-14) “…Do not surrender…” (7-4-88) “…cast away the darkness that wants to surround you and come to rule over you…” (3-2-13) “…Heaven is with you and is fighting for peace…” (12-25-16) “…My Son told me that I am the mother of the entire world…” (10-2-14) “…My Son promised me that evil will never win…” (11-2-14) “…I will triumph…” (10-2-10) “…I desire that, through love, our hearts may triumph together…” (3-18-07)
We will not go away.
That means the sense of the faithful says that Mary is here; Mary is real. The people accept Mary’s call to apostleship. Not a thousand, not one hundred thousand, not a million, but tens of millions have believed and been impacted by Medjugorje, and that will increase into hundreds of millions and emerge into billions. We are set on a trajectory course of conversion such as the world has never seen before and will never see again. The coming time of Mary will fill and satisfy the world. Her love will flow out like all the rivers of the world.
Our Lady’s call, Her direction is in real time, now, in the present to act
Our Lady has made the following clear:
1. Mary is literally asking and calling for a physical rising up of apostles of the latter times, now in this moment of the trial the world has entered. Over 300 years ago, St. Louis de Montfort predicted this would happen.
2. These apostles are Hers.
3. They, “the apostles,” are carriers of truth, love, peace and faith.
4. They are instruments of conviction. They do not have to judge, as the Christian witness of their lives will cast judgment, as the prophet Amos said, to a parched world thirsting for truth.
5. They are loved by those who thirst. They are hated and despised by many, some of whom are in the Church, from which they rule.
6. They are called to respond in “real time” to Her call and not to wait for or even seek approval. It is the right, of a well-formed conscience, that cannot be violated by anyone to answer Our Lady’s call.
7. They are a group of Special Forces, trained by Her to launch out, attack and fight to implement a great battle plan for the salvation of the world to reverse the path the world has taken towards destruction.
8. They are to love souls at such a height as to not tolerate normalizing sin in the individual or the culture, but rather to root it out.
9. They will be given the words of Christ, for Him, the Christ, to speak through them. The Christ, Son of Mary, will be present through the apostles’ actions.
10. They have learned that love is best displayed by obedience. While they are to obey the Church in all areas in which it has jurisdiction over them, obedience is also displayed, in this time, by remaining loyal to Our Lady’s messages, which will rebuild the Church from the outside.
Who is a Friend of Medjugorje?
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Visit or revisit the previous days’ launches below:
Day 2: BVM Caritas Medjugorje Pilgrimages
Day 3: Six New Sections Released on
Day 4: New Caritas of Birmingham Section Released on
Day 5: New Community of Caritas Section Released on
Day 6: Introduction to Mejv3.0 Released on
Day 7: New Friend of Medjugorje Section Released on
Day 8: New Language Feature Released on
Day 9: New Medjugorje Message Search Feature Released on
Day 10: New Medjugorje Encyclopedia Released on
Day 11: New Medjugorje Timeline Released on
Day 12: Brand New Radio WAVE Player Released on