The purpose of reading the Bible, the goal that should always be before us…
July 17, 2014 A.D.
The Bible is the story of God, the love story that leads to the point in history in which God became Man.
Caritas pilgrim with their Bible on the mountain in Medjugorje. Medjugorje always leads us to a greater understanding of the Scripture. A Friend of Medjugorje wrote in his writing, Do Not Forget The Most Important:
“The purpose of reading the Bible, the goal that should always be before us, is that we want to know the Lord. The Bible is the story of God, the love story that leads to the point in history in which God became Man in the form of Jesus Christ. Our Lady wants us to encounter Her Son in the passages of Holy Scripture.
March 17, 1989
“…read the Bible, especially those passages that tell about the Passion of Jesus. Prepare yourself to look at Jesus ‘eye to eye’…”
“Ask yourself if this is really happening in your reading of the Bible. If it is not, then you are reading the Holy Scriptures like a billboard, and never really allowing those words to penetrate your thoughts, your mind, your heart. If they do not penetrate you, they will not have the power to change, transform and mold your life – and you will not experience the joy Our Lady so wants us to have with the Holy Word of God. We will never truly experience the strength, protection, or consolation of the Holy Word of God is there to give us, especially in those times in our lives when we are in desperate need for these assurances from God.”
– A Friend of Medjugorje
Our Lady recently said on July 2, 2014:
“…You will be bringing my Son who is the light of the world…”
Everyday read the Bible, grow in God’s wisdom, and be a light with your life.