
The Only Instrument Against the Powers of Darkness

The Only Instrument Against the Powers of Darkness

In this battle of the “worlds” against satan, Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje puts a weapon in our hands, the only instrument against the powers of darkness, love!

In this battle of the “worlds” against satan, Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje puts a weapon in our hands, the only instrument against the powers of darkness, love! 

July 31, 1986

“…Let your only instrument always be love. By love turn everything into good which satan desires to destroy and possess. Only that way will you be completely mine and I shall be able to help you…”

God is seeking soldiers to draft – Privates, Captains, Generals. Our Lady tells us our role is “great.” One cannot give enough to this plan. We cannot do enough to live the messages. We should be willing to give everything and abandon ourselves completely because in today’s WAR OF THE WORLDS, our homes, our money, and our businesses are not important. Only that we love.

All this does not mean to leave your state in life. If you’ve been given riches, give richly to the plan. If you are talented, use your talents abundantly for this plan. If you are a housewife, give Our Lady the ammunition She needs by praying at your kitchen sink. Everyone has a great role. Remember, Our Lady did more for the Kingdom of God by being a Mother than all the angels, prophets, and mankind together.


March 29, 2010 – A view of St. James Church in Medjugorje from the across the vineyards.

Our Lady of Medjugorje wants each of us to have a special peace within us. This peace is reflected through our countenance and it will identify whose side we are on. Heaven will win if we write the messages of Our Lady on our hearts and live them.

Once you understand the plans God and Our Lady have for the world today, you cannot overemphasize, over stress, or exaggerate them. We are in the midst of something of such magnitude that there are few other times in human history to which it can be compared.


Always in Hope With Our Lady,


Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!

See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here

191 thoughts on “The Only Instrument Against the Powers of Darkness”

  1. May she rest in peace with her newborn baby, at home with our lord and savior Jesus, Mother Mary, and God. I read this site everyday, and this story I read last night and tonight. It’s so sad but at the same time, she is with our Heavenly Father, and everyone who misses her at home, her children, family and friends…they will be reunited with her one day! I pray that her family make it there with her one day. God bless everyone on this site and off of it. <3 much love.

  2. Though all feel the deep heart-tug at the loss of our loved ones, may solace be found in knowing that Andrea is now surely with our Lord. She is one of God’s new saints.

  3. Wonderful inspiring article..love is so powerful and has application in all of our states in life. all areas of employment just choose not to react to the low stuff thrown at us but maintain our state peace…My Peace I leave you, my peace I give to you etc….

  4. Thank a lot for this beautifull words. I identifing myself with tthe words that say “if you are a house wife pray there, this is beutifull always feel use less by no being able to pray as much as i want because of so many things to do at home and many children to take care of. thans a lot because with this words i fell i can make a difference.

  5. These words are true, true, true. I’ve seen this in your example. Thank you Medjugorje.com for giving us this daily food we need. God Bless!

  6. These words are true, true, true. I’ve seen this in your example. Thank you Medjugorje.com for giving us this daily food we need. God Bless!

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