For the apparition today, Our Lady appeared in the Bedroom of Apparitions while the ever increasing numbers of pilgrims gathered in the Field…
For the apparition today, Our Lady appeared in the Bedroom of Apparitions while the ever increasing numbers of pilgrims gathered in the Field. The Rosary began precisely at 6:00 P.M. , praying two mysteries of the Rosary, both in prayer and song. The crowd waited after apparition time for Marija to come and share what had happened in the apparition today. Marija arrived to a round of applause amongst the crowd. As she stood in front of Our Lady’s statue in the Field she said Our Lady had come and blessed everyone, prayed over everyone and blessed all their religious objects. Marija then said Our Lady had come with a surprise tonight. Our Lady told Marija, in answer to the question put to Her by Caritas’ founder, through Marija: What time and where will the apparition be tomorrow, Sunday, March 21, 2011? Our Lady said She would come at the same time, 6:40 P.M., and that She would appear in the Field. At that news, everyone clapped with great joy. After the apparition, Caritas’ founder questioned Marija about how Our Lady relayed that She would appear in the Field. What did She say specifically when She said that, he asked. Marija said that Our Lady used the word “Field” in relaying Her wishes for tomorrow’s apparition. When Caritas’ founder expressed his amazement at that, Marija answered him by saying “Our Lady knows the language we speak.”
Tracing back through the days, the pictures and captions that follow help to give the fullness of the experience of being with Our Lady during the apparitions at Caritas:
A crowd of several thousand gathered in the Field tonight for Our Lady’s apparition to Medjugorje visionary, Marija Lunetti. Though the apparition took place in the Bedroom of the home of Caritas’ founder, Our Lady blessed everyone who had also gathered in the Field to honor Her and to seek Her blessing.
Compared to the evening before, the moon rose much later tonight. The apparition had ended, Marija had come and shared tonight’s apparition, and then singing in honor of Our Lady began while the majority of the pilgrims began making their way back to the highway and their cars. More than thirty minutes of singing went by when we began to see the faint, but growing illumination of the mountain forming the backdrop of the scene surrounding the Field. Finally, the tip of the moon could be seen rising above the outline of the mountain, with a light so bright, we could have been just as easily watching the sun rise.
The 5:00 A.M. prayer became the perfect preparation for Holy Mass, which was held at a local church at 6:30 A.M. in the morning. The almost full moon that hung over the Field this early morning, gave the illusion of the Eucharist—Jesus who became Bread to feed us, through first being born of the Virgin. In the empty Field, the Eucharistic Moon and Our Lady’s statue were the two most prominent images that could be seen which gave the morning’s meditation for those who climbed out of their beds to make the early sacrifice. Arriving at St. Mark’s Church so early in the morning, seeing the full parking lot, and then a nearly packed church is one of the beautiful memories of that pilgrims remember when they come to Caritas to be with Our Lady in Her apparitions.
Marija is all smiles as she enters the newly constructed print shop in Our Lady’s Tabernacle. Marija is very comfortable mixing in with the pilgrims when she is at Caritas, which always surprises and delights those who are lucky enough to come upon her while walking through the areas of the mission.
A Friend of Medjugorje and Medjugorje visionary Marija joined together in front of the Tabernacle of Our Lady’s Messages to welcome the several thousand pilgrims who came to gather with Our Lady for these special five days. This friendship between the two of them began 26 years ago, and the crowd enjoyed their friendly bantering back and forth with each other while they shared memories from their long friendship in the midst of sharing Our Lady’s messages and real life examples of the application of these messages into daily life.
We encourage you again, if you can make the plans to come to Caritas, don’t hesitate to act on a spontaneous decision to come. You won’t regret it!
The Five Days of Prayer at Caritas, March 19, 2011
Schedule for Saturday, March 19, 2011
5:00-6:00 A.M. | Silent prayer in the Field |
7:45 A.M. | Holy Mass at St. Mark’s Catholic Church |
9:00 A.M. | Prayers and Announcement in front of the Tabernacle of Our Lady’s Messages |
10:45 A.M. | Two Mysteries of the Rosary in the Field |
12:00 P.M. | Lunch |
12:30 P.M. | Medjugorje visionary Marija will answer questions from pilgrims in front of the Tabernacle of Our Lady’s Messages |
2:00-5:00 P.M. | Bedroom will be opened |
6:00 P.M. | Meet in the Field for the Rosary in preparation for Our Lady’s Apparition |
6:40 P.M. | Time of Our Lady’s Apparition, followed by prayers and singing |
59 thoughts on “The Moon Rises Up in the East Like a Sunrise”
The home cemetery at the Community of Caritas reminds me of what my wife and I have in mind for us. When the first one dies (if we do not die together…our dream is to thrive together in the Era of Peace), the second will keep our blessed ashes in a vase in our home.
What a blessing to be able to witness the Super Full Moon (apogee moon) in celebration of Mother Mary’s appearance to Marijaon behalf of our nation and the world who would be alert to listen
What a blessing to be able to witness the Super Full Moon (apogee moon) in celebration of Mother Mary’s appearance to Marijaon behalf of our nation and the world who would be alert to listen
Mary hears our prayers: My father, after capture and interrogation by the communists, was firmly tied and weighed down, then, at night, taken into a forest to be shot. Praying to Mary, he was inexplicably able to release the very tight ties from his wrists, ran, then escaped detection by falling into an unexpected deep ditch. Next day he finally made it to safety helped by the kindness of total strangers. Mary does hear our prayers.
Thank you so much Caritas Community for sharing and keeping us posted on the daily events of the Apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary. These were such an amazing grace one would experience in his/her life i.e. the appearance of the Blessed Virgin Mary, her messages and the Eucharistic moon. God Bless the Community of Caritas for all their continued effort & hard work for the success of this event.
Thank you for reaching the messages to us. The pictures are so beautiful. Marija looks radiant. I wish I could be there – my soul is. I prayers and best wishes for the success for these days are with you. Pray for us.
Thankyou. I have been called by Our Lady to Medjugoria four times and each visit was a blessed moment on my jpuirney home to fill me with a new found trust in Our Blessed Mother and a deeper willingness to do whatever Jesus Peace and healiing , Peggy
thank you for all the messages i received from Our Lady.I was really touched and guided with her messages.Thank you for praying for all my petition as well.God Bless you All!!!
Thank you for sharing “Our Holy Mothers” visit and thank you “Mother” for coming to America. Please hear the cries of your people Holy Mother. I plead for your intercession Mother to “heal” our nation of the evil wickedness that has been unleashed here. Please help us to overcome through our prayers, that we may take back America, and give All Glory to God , to which it belongs. Please know the “hearts” of our family are with you and your son during lent, and “passover”. We Love You Mother Mary.
i had planned on going with my husband and 2 children but a month before he needed to be hospitalized and still is. i wanted to be at caritas for Mary’s apparition esp. since the 20th is my birthday. i pray for his healing and want to share that my husband saw a small angel on his hospital bed on Ash Wednesday! thank you Jesus & Mary!
Love hearing about the event. Thankyou. I send many prayers and sacrifices for its continued success. My heart is with you all fortunate to be at Caritis, and all the graces you will receive from Our Lady’s visitation. Bask in that joy and take it back to your everyday lives.
thank you for letting us know what was happening…i really wish i was there…
Wow! Mary is truly blessing the people of the United States with these visitations. This event is so, so blessed. I’m so excited and filled with gratitude that this special time of apparitions, prayer, sacrifice and of course great, great joy is finally here. Marija easily expresses the true joy of God in the pictures of her which you have shared with us. The natural scenic beauty of the Caritas fields and trees and sky, with the people gathered so humbly and peacefully is beyond description.
Thank you for sharing this beautiful event. God bless you all. Gospa has been so good to all of us and may she continue to intercede for us.
thank you for letting us know what the day is like and what times you are doing everything. I try to do the same here at home. I wasn’t able to come to AL but my prayer group is gathering Mon, Tues & Wed to pray with you and we’ve invited others to attend.
I am so sorry that I was not able to make it. My heavenly mother, I LOVE you so much. Please BLESS my family and I who love and cherish you so much. I think of you always and have you in my heart. Father, Son, Holy Spirit, I LOVE YOU so much !!!!!!!!! Thank you THANK YOU THANK YOU!
I just like to thank you very much for all the informations about the events that is happening at medjugorje. I am really happy to hear all these events particularly the apparitions of Our Blessed Mother Mary. The apparitions of our Mother Mary to her children in this world is mostly touch me and the way of her children in responding to her apparitions that is rooted in honouring her (Mother Mary) by their lives of prayer. This is what Our Mother Mary wants from all her children (Prayer life).
I look forward to receiving the messages. I vesited caritas a year or so ago and had a wonderful experience. Thanks, Peace of Christ, Linda Lind Bow,man
Someday I hope to be where Our Lady makes her presence known, but until then, there is Thank you for this website and all your faithful, hard work to bring it to us who cannot be there.
Thank you very much for keeping in touch with us about what is happening at the moment through the internet. Since I heard about the apparitions I just wish that I was there in the bedroom to witness and feel the presence of Our Mother Mary. Even though I am far away in physical but in spirit I am with you. On Saturday morning when I woke up I thought of the apparitions and was telling my other friends about it and they were so interested. Please pray for all the Catholics through the world
Thank you for offering the opportunity see from far away what is taking place in Alabama. Just to know that Our Lady is so concerned about all of us and that she is so close to us makes my heart feel so happy!!. Our Lord has allowed these apparitions because He loves us so much. In the midst of the world turmoils it is encouraging and it increases our faith and trust in our Cathollic faith to know that Our Mother Mary is coming to give us guidance and encouragement!! Let’s not be afraid!!!!
I am so pleased and happy to be able to share with you at Caritas the news about our Lady of Medjugorje Apparitions from March l9th to March 23rd. We thank you because you gave us the opportunity to share the wonderful experiences about the Blessed Virgin Mary. Dear Blessed Virgin Mary we beg you to pray for our family and for Malta. Caritas thank you and may God bless you. Mary Borg Busuttil.
Thanks God for the amazing experience that he shares with us during these days. Words can’t describe the feeling of our hearts. Wish we were there!!! May God Bless each and everyone one in this world. Its truly a blessing to be able to experience this journey through this page for us who weren’t able to make it even though we are there with spirit..Thank you BLESSED MOTHER. GOD BLESS!!
thank you for sharing caritas on the internet for now we cant go to medugorje it is wonderful to be able to send petitions and to see all that is happening in caritas alabma remember us to mariana and our lady god bless you and god bless america peace and joj
I’ll be on my knees at 6:00 praying a welcome to Our Lady from here in Texas. The pictures are great! Keep ’em coming, please!
It was so exciting to hear the news about Mary and Her apparition in the Bedroom and in the Field at Caritas, AL. She and Our Blessed Lord love their children so much. Thank you Blessed Mother and Dear Lord for loving us so much. I am so sorry that I was unable to be there and you know my reasons. My heart was there and will be there during the next week. Love.
You made Her Presence felt. Thank you and God bless
Thanks for share this with us, I would like be there, but was was impossible for me to go. Hoping next time I could go. The Queen of Peace, bless you all. Lucia
Thank you so much for keeping us informed through your beautiful picture, daily information about Marija and Our Lady’s appariations, messages and rosary prayer time via email. I pray that there will be another visitation from our Blessed Mother in the future in Caritas, for another chance to plan a trip to witness our Lady’s presence, messages and receive the graces that SHE is showering to all who took the time to travel to see our HER. Praying, Thank you, Rosie Basaldua
Thank you for sharing the powerful and beautiful apparitions and amazing photography through the internet for those of us who can not travel to Alabama. Wishing the community of caritas, the pilgrims, and Maria peace and God’s blessings.
I know, Mother Mary, you love us so much. I continue pray everyday. I will see you soon. Thank you for posting the pictures and comments about Mother Mary. God Bless the Community of Caritas.
Thank you so much for keeping us informed of the events these 5 days with Marija. Thanks to the digital sea, those of us are able to participate despite our ability to be there physically. And, yes, the Eucharistic Moon is a great sign of God’s presence. God bless your ” yes . “
Thank you so much for sharing these wonderful stories and pictures of our Loving Mother to those of us who can not be a witness. I pray that one day I will be part of this divinely experience. God Bless. Hail Mary.
Oh how I wish I could have attended. This must have been one of the most beautiful experiences in anyone’s life. I visited Medjagorje last April 2010 and also witnessed two apparitions and it is like nothing of this world. My prayers are with you. Love and Blessings.
Thank you for the pictures. It makes me feel more apart of it all. I will be praying at 6:30pm Florida time to add to all your prayeers. God bless all of you and all your hard work.
That’s wonderful I hope I would be blessed in your presence on St Joseph’s Day we are on West Coast My relative saw the beautiful moon in Washington May God Bless you all
Thank you for the feedback.You are in my prayers. May you all receive great graces and may America get wonderful blessings.
thanks for keeping in touch with use over there, wishing l was here too
Thank you so much for keeping us “in touch” with the beautiful pictures and the information as to the events taking place during these blessed five days of Marijas visit. I yearn to be there as I have been in the past. It was not to be this time, but you are ever in my thoughts and prayers. At least through this website I feel I AM there, even if just in spirit.
Our family is so grateful for your daily posting of the events. We are following in our hearts all that you and Our Lady does at Caritas. Although we cannot be there, I know our roses and candles will remind Her of our prayers from our home and family. Katie
Thank you so much for keeping us in touch with the activities of the pilgrimage through words and pictures. I could not be there physically but join each and everyone there in heart and spirit. My eyes swell with tears as I view the pictures and realize what a tremendous blessing we are receiving with Our Lady’s visit. We are all truly blessed by the community of Caritas and your very hard work and sacrifice. I remember all of you in prayer and thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Your articles and the photos from Our Lady’s Apparitions warm my heart. Thank you for working so hard to make all this available to so many people who are unable to be there in person. These are such special times and what honor it is to have Our Lady descend upon this country with all her blessings. Our hearts must be pure and open to receive these heavenly gifts of our Lady’s companionship and messages. And thank you Marija Lunetti for joyfully being in the service of Our Lady.
Thank you for the info on the Apparition of the Blessed Mother. I love reading about her and she has blessed me for many years with favors. As I pray to her and I know she is listening to me my favor is granted by a calm feeling of peace in my mind, body and soul. I also hope and pray that the world will know of this via TV stations, papers, etc. Messages of hope are needed in our sad world. Thank you for all that you do for the love of Jesus. Love and Prayers, Nancy
Thank you so much for keeping those of us who were not able to attend feel as though we are there with the pilgrims! My husband and Sister Inlaw are there, but I had to stay behind, but with your up to the minute information, I can be with them in spirit and prayer from here. It is truely a blessing for me. Thank you and God Bless!
Thank you for posting this first blessed event! It enables me to be with you in Spirit and join with you in prayers from here. The pictures are beautiful! Maria couldn’t look happier.
What a blessing to “be there” while not able to be there physically. Thank you for this wonderful gift. I pray Our Lady is also blessing those who are sharing Her visits while at home. I love you, Blessed Mother!
Praise the Lord! Just want to thank you so very much for the daily “feedback”THROUGH INTERNET,about what is happening on this great Pilgrimage that I could not attend! But I wish I did, meanwhile I am certainly with you all in my thoughts and in my heart!! Blessings!!!
I especially enjoyed the article because I had made plans to come for these days. I had the hotel and everything. However, I had to have my gall bladder out and that took care of my plans. Thanks for sharing the experience with us who couldn’t make it!
The Eucharistic Moon! That what was in my mind when I looked up at the moon last night, hiding now and then between the clouds rushing north. It was Jesus saying, “I AM HERE!” Despite the sins that block me from Him, He is always there!
A family from my parish is there and we sent them off on St Patrick’s day morning after Mass with our prayers and rememberances. The pictures make me yearn to be there and when I see Marija, it reminds me that it has been 14 years since my own pilgrimage. The Tabernacle was brand new then. The children I saw playing in the field are probably now the parents of the little ones playing there today. How I long to be with you. I watched the same moon and prayed with you. Thank you.
God bless you for sharing these special moments while our Lady and Marija visit Caritas! Your updates help me feel closer to what is taking place at Caritas. Please know that you are all in my prayers. May God continue to bless you with many Graces!
Looks great. Would love to be there but its a bit far from Sydney..!! Hope everyone is well..!! Loved reading about Our Lady saying ‘field’..!! Very special..!! Keep up the great work..!!
The Statue of Our Holy Mother Mary in the field at night/with candles is beautiful its very reverent and just put you in a loving mood, also it is very nice to see a large Church full of people. Thank-you for sharing with Love through our Blessed Mother from our Lord Jesus Christ.
Thank you for the pictures. It makes me feel more apart of it all. I will be praying at 4:40 pm California time to add to all your prayeers. God bless all of you and all your hard work.
Mama Mary thank for not giving up on us. Thank you for loving us constantly. Thank you Caritas Community for all these opportunities that we are able share the experiences even if we are not bodily present there. We are present in spirit. God bless you always in your wonderful works.
Our family came together today to pray the Rosary at 3:00 PST, we prayed to be united with you all in spirit. At 3:40 we became silent and opened our hearts to Our Blessed Mother in hopes that we would feel her presence as we prayed for massive conversions for our Nation. We could barely wait for you to share your experience with us! God bless the Community of Caritas and all that you do for Our Lady!
Thank you so much for these new postings. Many of us are keeping vigil in our own places in the world and it is wonderful to have this blessed connection in our hearts and in reality by your posts. Thank you and bless you!
Thank-you for posting the pictures and comments. I’m not there yet but may be there soon. Thanks Toni