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  • [email protected], commenting on the article The 10 Secrets:

    April 23, 2024 - “I am Catholic Have always been interesting about Mary appearing and given miracles Now I would like very much know about the 10 secrets given to the 6 visionary

  • john chaloux, commenting on the article An Edict:

    April 21, 2024 - “My trusted friend, bishops won’t defend our church. Good priests are left all alone. I have written my bishop about this subject and no results, also to defend HOLY SUNDAYs. WHAT has happened to our church? Afraid of law suits, shame, a scandal to our church. As always, as our MOTHER SAYS AND CARITAS, AND WITNESS EVERY DAY IS TO PRAY FOR THEIR SOULS AND PHYSICALLY HELP THEM. After hearing “A Bishop Gets Slapped in the Face”, I will email Tucker Carlson, Glenn Beck and others. ALWAYS IN OUR HEARTS, John

  • Dawn, commenting on the article A Bishop Gets Slapped in the Face:

    April 20, 2024 - “I confronted a Bishop last year. A local Priest was having several days where people could hear about the illumination of conscience and a person that went got scared and the Priest was told by the Bushop, after she called him, he could no longer speak about that subject. I later went to a Mass and the Bishop was there and I told him that us parishioners want to hear about these subject matters, he walked away from the confrantation but it felt good to let him know my opinion. It feels good to speak up and fight.

  • Jihane Allen, commenting on the article An Edict:

    April 20, 2024 - “Thank you for always standing for the truth and exposing the darkness of this world. I will keep on spreading the message. Our lady is using you as an example for other men to have the courage and the gut to stand and defend what is from God and reject what is not from God. I thank you for putting a smile on Our a lady face. May Her Holy Mantle always protect you and guide you.

  • Dawn, commenting on the article An Edict:

    April 19, 2024 - “So many wonderful comments maybe FOM should print them and send those comments to all 50 states Bishops and let them know how we feel.

  • Dswn, commenting on the article An Edict:

    April 18, 2024 - “Calling all Catholics Arizona Supreme Court has ruled abortion illegal. As Catholics, we need to help support them and send a letter to the Arizona Bishop and let him tell his Priests that any Catholic that votes in favor of Planned Parenthood’s, planned opposition to change abortion in Arizona and make it legal will be excommunicated for partaking and legalalising abortion, by voting yes in November on the ballot initiative. . We need to write letters to all the Bishops in those states where planned parenthood is putting abortion on ballot to enshrine in constitution of those states. Also in Montana they are trying to enshrine in state law. Im not sure what other states are putting it on the ballot in November. But we need to be active and help our fellow Catholics from making a grave mistake by voting to legalize abortion.

  • Katie, commenting on the article An Edict:

    April 18, 2024 - “What would Jesus do? Well, it would not be turning a blind eye to the sin of abortion, abomination and corruption!! Bishop Raica it is time to MAN UP ! Thank you AFOM for standing up for truth and never backing down. God bless you.

  • Gina, commenting on the article An Edict:

    April 18, 2024 - “One more thing…I believe that all of our troubles could be immediately remedied if we made the conscious and bold decision to return to the 10 Commandments. As individuals and as a nation. Therein lies the true solution. IMPORTANT REMINDER: Our Lady herself said, “If you do not return to God and His Commandments, you do not have a future”. Let’s start there and get the bishops onboard.!

  • Gina, commenting on the article An Edict:

    April 17, 2024 - “Thank you for putting this together! We will reach out to our bishops and voice our disgust for their silence and remind them that they need to speak truth! The so-called ‘proclamation’ by our so-called ‘president’ DOES NOT represent the majority of American people. I’m 100% sure of that.! Also, it is blasphemous and sickening that during our holy Easter season this garbage was spewed. All of those involved with have to answer to God himself. Note: I will gladly share this info and urgently send it to LifeSite News (my preferred news source)

  • Jane French, commenting on the article An Edict:

    April 17, 2024 - “Thank you FOM. Well said.Let us focus on ” GET OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE”! If it feels uncomfortable you know satan doesn’t want you to do it.So speak up stand up .Prayer and fasting should be easy by now. Action is harder but makes us stand out as true disciples.Find like minded people go out in two’s.

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