The Hopeless Age of Self-Extermination

The Hopeless Age of Self-Extermination


Our Lady’s Message of January 25, 2009


Every month, from the mission of Caritas of Birmingham, we send out a publication to our Field Angels entitled Words of the Harvesters. Field Angels are those who send monthly financial support to the mission that enables us to print and send out information on Our Lady’s messages around the world. This issue of Words of the Harvesters was written on Thursday, January 22nd. It went to press on Friday, January 23rd. Through Friday night and very early Saturday morning, it was being collated so that it could be mailed Saturday morning, January 24, before the Post Office closed at 10:00 a.m. Today, of course, is Sunday, January 25, the day Our Lady gave another monthly message to the world.

The above timing is important to comprehend, when you read the message and you read what follows the message it is impossible for you not to see Our Lady’s threads in this writing. We never publish Words of the Harvesters on before our Field Angels have a chance to first get their copy in their mailboxes, but with the words given today by Our Lady, there was no question in our hearts that this issue should go immediately online, that you can read it alongside the message freshly given from Heaven and what was written three days before the January 25 message.

We recommend that you pray before you read Our Lady’s monthly message. Pray again to the Holy Spirit before entering into the reading of the February issue of Words of the Harvesters. After reading the article, go back and re-read the message, and then once more read the Words of the Harvesters, praying that the actions of God will be revealed to your heart. It will become obvious to you, through prayer, that this Words of the Harvesters was written from the heart of a Friend of Medjugorje who has a deep passion to bring to light the secret agendas satan is involved in to enslave man. There can be no question that Our Lady also desires to enlighten hearts to the dangers surrounding mankind today. Both Her message and the writing from A Friend of Medjugorje follow the same theme, using even the same vocabulary, but we will leave it to you to make your own conclusions concerning if it’s just a coincidence or inspired.

Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje’s January 25, 2009 Monthly Message

“Dear children! Also today I call you to prayer. May prayer be for you like the seed that you will put in my heart, which I will give over to my Son Jesus for you, for the salvation of your souls. I desire, little children, for each of you to fall in love with eternal life which is your future, and for all worldly things to be a help for you to draw you closer to God the Creator. I am with you for this long because you are on the wrong path. Only with my help, little children, you will open your eyes. There are many of those who, by living my messages, comprehend that they are on the way of holiness towards eternity. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

What follows is from the February 2009 Words of the Harvesters:

The Hopeless Age of Self-Extermination
Contradicted by the Reason for Hope

by a Friend of Medjugorje

When in 1973, Roe vs. Wade passed and abortion became the law of the land, there was little, if nothing, from the pulpits — basically silence. A shame upon our time. The same Cardinal who said, “If I was an opponent to Medjugorje, I’d have to close down my seminaries since almost all the candidates received the call to the priesthood through Medjugorje,” 1 chided bishops in a recent meeting in Jerusalem. 2 Cardinal Christoph Schoenborn, Archbishop of Vienna, blamed bishops for “lacking the courage to speak out after the publication of the encyclical Humanae Vitae that reiterated the constant teaching of the Church on birth control.” 3 He spoke of their being afraid of the press and the faithful. He told those at the meeting, while those bishops alive at the time have passed on, the bishops of today are also to be blamed for Europe’s fate, speaking of Europe’s impending death. The phrase Cardinal Schönborn spoke in regards to Europe’s future was that it is “about to die out.” 4

This long time Our Lady has been with us in the apparitions, is the thermometer showing the temperature of the fever the world is suffering from. Even up to the beginning of last summer, 2008, many still were optimistic they could count on the world as it is structured to continue society’s way. For the elect, those who pray, those who fast, those who prayerfully daily study the Bible and Our Lady’s messages, the world as is, has no hope. Yet, it is Our Lady who tells us to have hope. Is this a contradiction? No, if you understand the messages. She does not contradict Herself but contradicts the world. Our Lady said on November 25, 2008:

“…pray without ceasing for this turbulent world without hope…”;

There you have it — Our Lady’s words. It is a done deal. Turbulent systems, institutions, and infrastructures are doomed. Why? Because Our Lady’s presence will cause to crumble all that is not of Her Son. Our Lady said on December 25, 2008:

“…without Him (Jesus), you have no future…”

Then what’s Our Lady saying about hope? Our Lady said the hope in you will transcend into the vast waste land of an empty world. Our Lady added in the above quoted message of November 25, 2008:

“…pray without ceasing for this turbulent world without hope…May hope begin to flow through your hearts as a river of grace…”

The direction of the world kills hope. This is evident in so many looking to a man to fix our culture. Men seek not the Messiah, but a human messiah. The chant of many desperate hearts is: “Save us. We put our hope in you. Lead us.” When society looks to man this way, he births Hitlers and Mussolinis and the likes. Yet, the question remains. Can we fix society?

When one looks at the complications of our society, it becomes apparent we are way, way over our heads of how we will get out of the mess we’ve made. Out of hundreds of intense complications and entanglements in society that are plaguing the world, two examples will be given of self-extermination, not only in human civilization, but spilling over into creation.

First, consider Cardinal Schoenborn’s remark that Europe is “about to die”. According to a U.S. Security Analysis of the European Union, the European Union will fall apart by the year 2020, if not before.5 This forecast is just 11 years away. Of course, it could just as well be in, say, 8 years or so. Patti Armstrong, in an article written on January 19, 2009, reported on the United Nations Population Division discussion in 2007 in which the U.N. stated that population changes will “cause global upheaval incomparable in human history.” 6 She goes on to say:

“In Europe, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, Japan, and Russia, the only thing we are running out of is people. There are not enough babies. We are witnessing self-extermination of entire nations. Germany’s population is down 10.3%, Poland is down 20.5%, Russian Federation is down 24.3%, Bulgaria dropped 35.2%…pockets of growth here and there…is due to Muslim population. Twelve of the eighty-nine Russian Federal Regions showing substantial population growth are Islamic regions.” 7

Cardinal Schoenborn’s dire words of Europe’s death are now better understood by the above. Armstrong continues:

“Seventeen European nations are now at the lowest low, 1.3 births per woman. This is the rate from which, according to demographers, no human society has ever recovered…The social upheaval as aging population growth increasingly depends on youth to support government services (not enough children to take care of parents)…it’s inevitable that euthanasia will become even more popular and aggressive…because more old people to support and less young people to do it, the pressure will be to reduce the burden.” 8

The availability of abortion and birth control, and the shaking off of morality has resulted in falling birth rates worldwide. Because of the decrease in the birthrates of nations, while Muslim birth rates are increasing as well as Muslim immigration, much of Europe is caving in to Sharia Law. Mark Steyn writes in his book American Alone.

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“What’s the Muslim population of Rotterdam? Forty percent. What is the most popular baby boys name in Belgium? Mohammed. In Amsterdam? Mohammed. In Malmo, Sweden? Mohammed. What country today has half its population under the age of fifteen? Spain and Germany have 14 percent, the United Kingdom 18 percent, the United States 21 percent — and Saudi Arabia has 39 percent, Pakistan 40 percent, and Yemen 47 percent. Little Yemen, like the little Island of Britain two hundred years ago, will send its surplus youth around the world — one way or another.” 9

Monsignor Formenti, from the Vatican, said in 2008:

“For the first time in history, we are no longer at the top: Muslims have overtaken us. Catholics 17.4%, Muslims 19.2% of the world population.”

Recently, a Chinese Christian was interviewed on a Christian radio station. He spoke of martyrdom in China and how the Church was growing, and they were glad to die for Jesus. He said for the U.S. to revive, we should pray for martyrdom. It will renew the U.S. In American History You Never Learned, the story was told how George Washington received a vision of a beautiful woman who revealed three perils to face the new republic just being born: First, the Revolutionary War; second, the Civil War; the third and final would be the worst, a “great clashing of the sword” all across its land. 10 Europe is presently coming under the sword. Will the sword also visit the U.S., as the Chinese Christian said would be beneficial for the Church to grow?

The second example of self-extermination:

Ruth Gledhill writing for The Times quotes Pope Benedict’s blistering condemnation of genetic scientists “who play at being God” — “modify the very grammar of life” — as “insane, risky and dangerous ventures which attempt to take God’s place without being God” as “satanic”, “anti-genesis”, a “diabolical pride”.11

Just as with Cardinal Schoenborn’s words, most people lack understanding of the significance of the Pope’s words until they learn more of what the words address. U.S. Patent # 5,723,765 allows its owner to modify seeds to kill their own embryos. The patent applies to all plants, to all seeds, to all species.12 Geri Guidetti of the Ark Institute wrote:

“In one broad, brazen stroke of his hand, man will have irretrievably broken the plant-to-seed-to plant-to-seed cycle, the cycle that supports most life on the planet. No seed, no food…unless you buy more seed.” 13

F. Willliam Engdahl writes in the book, Seeds of Destruction:

“If farmers tried to save the seeds at harvest for future crops, the seeds produced by the plants would not grow.” 14

The plant has life but cannot continue life. It can only grow from the one seed.

“Peas, tomatoes, peppers, wheat, rice, corn, etc… would become seed cemeteries” 15

They would die out where they grew, with no future generations. The seeds spread by this patented technology are, therefore, known as Terminator Seeds. Engdahl continues:

“Terminator corn, soybeans, or cotton seeds (are modified) …to commit suicide after one harvest season…every seed would self-destruct. The Terminator seeds would automatically prevent farmers from saving and reusing seeds for the next harvest.” 16

Consider the control this gives to the mega-seed companies over our food supply and the huge profits. The seed is also manipulated by playing with its life to over produce. Its sister seed, in its natural state, cannot compete with the growth and production of the modified seed. This, in essence, forces the farmer to buy only the modified seed or go broke because of not being able to compete with other farmers who are growing far greater volumes.

Who is the owner of the patent? It is jointly owned by Monsanto and the United States Department of Agriculture, commonly known as USDA. Why is it diabolical to “modify”, as Pope Benedict stated, “the very grammar of life”? First, to understand the diabolical significance, you must understand how they all work: the companies, the USDA or the FDA, known as the Federal Drug Administration, and the seed itself.

Genetically Modified Organisms are abbreviated by their first letter and referred to as G.M.O.’s. Engdahl explains:

Genetic modification of a plant or organism involved taking foreign genes and adding them to a plant such as cotton or soybeans to alter their genetic makeup in ways not possible through ordinary plant reproduction. Often the introduction was made by a gene ‘cannon’ literally blasting a plant with a foreign bacteria or DNA segment to alter its genetic character…Genetic engineering differed from traditional methods of plant and animal breeding in very important respects. Genes from one organism could be extracted and ‘recombined’ with those of another, using ‘recombinant’ DNA, or rDNA, technology, without either organism having to be of the same species.” 17

This is redefining the very grammar of life. Engdahl continues by saying that G.M.Os also include seeds in which elements are removed from the seed.

“Second, by removing the requirement for species reproductive compatibility (matching species in order to modify is no longer a restriction), new genetic combinations could be produced in a highly accelerated way. The fateful Pandora’s Box (crossing anything with anything) had indeed been opened. The fictional horrors of the ‘Andromeda Strain,’ the unleashing of a biological catastrophe, was no longer the stuff of science fiction. The danger was real, and no one seemed to be overtly concerned.

“Genetic engineering introduced a foreign organism into a plant in a process that was imprecise and unpredictable. The engineered products were no more ‘substantially equivalent’ (the same basic components of one seed to another of the same type) to the original than a tiny car hiding a Ferrari engine would be to a Fiat.

“Ironically, while companies such as Monsanto argued for ‘substantial equivalence,’ (the claim that the seeds are the same in equivalence to the now ‘G.M.O.-ed’ sister seed) they also claimed patent rights for their genetically modified plants on the argument that their genetic engineering had created substantially new plants whose uniqueness had to be protected by exclusive patent protection.” 18

Terminator technology is defined as:

“A ‘technology protection system’ that renders the seeds which are saved the first generation after the first sowing sterile.” 19

Another tactic of Monsanto, Engdahl explains, is that G.M.O.’s also,

“…modifies a crop in such a way that the genetic enhancement engineered into the crop does not function until the crop plant is treated with a chemical that is sold by the biotechnology company. Farmers cannot use the enhanced trait in the crop unless they purchase the activator compound from the seed patent owner.” 20

In essence, both the small and large farmer, and surely in the future small gardeners, are held hostage.

The next step to understanding how such a thing could be approved is to understand what is known as the “revolving door government.” Monsanto or other corporations hire senior FDA or USDA officials straight from government services into key corporate positions of their company. Their influence with the government benefits the company. The revolving door happens when top corporate people are “picked” for top level positions in the government, in this case USDA or FDA. This relationship overcomes virtually all obstacles in giving the chemical companies the ability to approve their own products. But what of farmers who refuse to use G.M.O.’s? They are economically driven out of business. Engdahl writes:

“The first mass-marketed GMO food was milk containing a recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone, known as rBGH. This was a genetic manipulation patented by Monsanto. The FDA (Monsanto’s own people now employed with F.D.A.) declared the genetically-engineered milk safe for human consumption before crucial information on how the Genetically Modified milk might affect human health was available, diligently holding up to the doctrine of substantial equivalence.

“The rBGH hormone constituted a huge temptation for struggling dairy farmers. Monsanto claimed that if injected regularly with rBGH, which it sold under the trade name Posilac, cows would typically produce up to thirty percent more milk. For the struggling farmer, a thirty percent jump in output per cow was astonishing and virtually irresistible. Monsanto advertised that farmers should ‘leave no cow untreated.’ One state agriculture commissioner termed rBGH ‘crack for cows’ because of its extraordinary stimulating effects on milk output.

“Monsanto’s new Posilac rBGH hormone not only stimulated the cow to produce more milk. In the process it stimulated production of another hormone, IGF-1, which regulated the cow’s metabolism, in effect, stimulating the cell division within the animal and hindering cell death. This is where problems began to appear.

“Various independent scientists spoke out, warning that Monsanto’s rBGH hormone increased the levels of insulin-like growth factors, and had a possible link to cancer. One of the most vocal scientists on the matter was Dr. Samuel Epstein, from the University of Illinois School of Public Health. Epstein, a recognized authority on carcinogens, warned of a growing body of scientific evidence that the Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF-1), was linked to the creation of human cancers, cancers which might not appear for years after initial exposure.

“Not surprisingly, hormone stimulation that got cows to pump 30% more milk had other effects. Farmers began to report their cows burned out by as much as two years sooner, and that many cows had serious hoof or udder infections as a by-product of the rBGH hormone treatment, meaning that some of them could not walk. In turn, the cows had to be injected with more antibiotics to treat those effects.

“In 1991, a scientist at the University of Vermont leaked to the press that there was evidence of severe health problems affecting rBGH-treated cows, including mastitis, an inflammation of the udder, and deformed births.”21

It is important as you continue to read, that you place Our Lady’s messages as a template over the circumstances being described, that you grasp what is taking place and develop the right mentality of the traps satan is creating for mankind today. Our Lady said:

March 25, 1996

“The rBGH hormone constituted a huge temptation for struggling dairy farmers. Monsanto claimed that if injected regularly with rBGH, which it sold under the trade name Posilac, cows would typically produce up to thirty percent more milk. For the struggling farmer, a thirty percent jump in output per cow was astonishing and virtually irresistible. Monsanto advertised that farmers should ‘leave no cow untreated.’ One state agriculture commissioner termed rBGH ‘crack for cows’ because of its extraordinary stimulating effects on milk output.

“Monsanto’s new Posilac rBGH hormone not only stimulated the cow to produce more milk. In the process it stimulated production of another hormone, IGF-1, which regulated the cow’s metabolism, in effect, stimulating the cell division within the animal and hindering cell death. This is where problems began to appear.

“Various independent scientists spoke out, warning that Monsanto’s rBGH hormone increased the levels of insulin-like growth factors, and had a possible link to cancer. One of the most vocal scientists on the matter was Dr. Samuel Epstein, from the University of Illinois School of Public Health. Epstein, a recognized authority on carcinogens, warned of a growing body of scientific evidence that the Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF-1), was linked to the creation of human cancers, cancers which might not appear for years after initial exposure.

“Not surprisingly, hormone stimulation that got cows to pump 30% more milk had other effects. Farmers began to report their cows burned out by as much as two years sooner, and that many cows had serious hoof or udder infections as a by-product of the rBGH hormone treatment, meaning that some of them could not walk. In turn, the cows had to be injected with more antibiotics to treat those effects.

“In 1991, a scientist at the University of Vermont leaked to the press that there was evidence of severe health problems affecting rBGH-treated cows, including mastitis, an inflammation of the udder, and deformed births.” 21

It is important as you continue to read, that you place Our Lady’s messages as a template over the circumstances being described, that you grasp what is taking place and develop the right mentality of the traps satan is creating for mankind today. Our Lady said:

March 25, 1996

“…In this time, when due to the spirit of consumerism, one forgets what it means to love and to cherish true values, I invite you again, little children, to put God in the first place in your life. Do not let satan attract you through material things but, little children, decide for God who is freedom and love. Choose life and not death of the soul, little children…”

In the spirit of consumerism, satan attracts man through greed and material gains without regard to human life, much less eternal life. A farmer is promised 30% more milk by using Monsanto’s “miracle” G.M.O., but he loses two years of productivity the cow would have given him without the G.M.O. His profits are eaten up by vet bills and medicines caused by disease and infection that the G.M.O. brought about. The farmer loses financially on the deal, and the general public loses physically by having greater risk of cancer and disease. And everyone loses their freedom to be able to grow their own food the way God intended it to be grown, for the good of man. Who are the ones who win? The ones who “due to the spirit of consumerism have forgotten true values,” who have become corrupt, filled with the desire for money, power and control. And of course, in the end, they lose too. Therefore, satan is the only one who wins.

A clear definition of rBGH follows:

Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone (rBGH or rBST (recombinant bovine somatotropin)—A synthetic, genetically engineered version of BGH that is injected into a cow to artificially increase milk production. BGH is a protein hormone that occurs naturally in the pituitary glands of cattle, a factor controlling the amount of milk produced by a dairy cow.

“To increase milk production, in 1995 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the sale of unlabeled milk from cows injected with Monsanto’s genetically engineered bovine growth hormone, rBGH, as already mentioned, under the brand name Posilac. The rBGH milk differs from natural milk chemically, nutritionally, pharmacologically and immunologically. It is contaminated with pus and antibiotics resulting from mastitis induced by the biotech hormone. Most critically, rBGH milk has high levels of abnormally potent Insulin-like Growth Factor, IGF-1; up to 10 times the levels in natural milk and over 10 times more potent. IGF-1 resists pasteurization and digestion by stomach enzymes and is well absorbed across the intestinal wall. High IGF-1 blood levels are the strongest known risk factor for prostate cancer.

“Tests performed by Monsanto showed that by feeding IGF-1 at the lowest dose levels for only two weeks significant growth stimulating effects were induced in organs of adult rats. Drinking rBGH milk would thus be expected to increase blood IGF-1 levels and to increase risks of developing prostate cancer and promoting its invasiveness. Apart from prostate cancer, multiple lines of evidence have also incriminated the role of IGF-1 as risk factors for breast, colon, and childhood cancer.” 22

What of the small farmers who want to preserve their own seeds? Monsanto, working with the FDA, formed a non-profit called the American Seed Trade Association 23 to draw up massive regulations to regulate seeds, how they are cleaned and handled, under the pretext to “safe-guard against bioterrorism”. In essence, create a fear, a crisis, and the people will give up all liberties, “Just keep me safe” is today’s motto. It is a “monopolistic, unconstitutional, destructive reality”, according to Linn Cole in an article entitled, “QUICKSAND Now Taking Under All Sustainable Agriculture.” 24 Their scheme includes seeds which have no ability to transfer disease, or infections. Some of the seeds that are listed to be regulated are: flax, sesame seeds, poppy seeds, wheat, alfalfa, mung bean, broccoli, amaranth, corn, soy, canola, sunflower, and on and on. 25

There are four mega agribusinesses: Monsanto, Syngenta, DuPont, and Dow. All of them are in relentless pursuit of tightening control over the world’s food supply by the year 2010 or just beyond, according to Engdahl. As with milk production being increased 30%, it is not at all difficult to see how plants modified to different plant species, such as using genes of an orange with altered genes in a pepper, or how animals modified to different animal or human species, such as modifying genes of a cow with genes of a human, will alter the world. It is not known if the Pandora’s Box released through terminator seeds could threaten the world’s food supply, but if somehow Terminator Seeds crossed over their first year to plants to a normal seed, could whole species be wiped out? The answers are not completely available.

Considering just these two examples presented of self-extermination, the first being birth control and abortion of humans, and secondly, incredibly the sin now passing into animals and seeds to abort their offspring, we see these are bigger problems than man can stop or solve. Aside from these two examples of self-extermination, hundreds, if not thousands, of other major agendas are being satanically nurtured. Just this month, on January 14, 2009, Jim Meyers revealed a forecast by U.S. Joint Force of Command that Mexico and Pakistan are in danger of a ‘rapid and sudden collapse.26 Surely, satan was unchained on January 1, 2001 as Marija was told that he was by Our Lady. We could go on and on, but enough is written for you to understand what faces us. No one but God can change our situation. We all know the old adage, “You are what you eat,” but what we see transpiring in our time is a reversal of that adage: “We eat what we have become.”

For almost 40 years abortion has been the law of the land….now the control over our food is in the hands of a few and they are producing seeds that abort their offspring, leading to the possibility of not being able to produce enough food in the future to feed everyone. If you read the book Look What Happened While You Were Sleeping you will remember that one of the three objectives of the United Nations Sustainable Development plans was Global Population Control and Reduction.27 Henry Kissinger tellingly said, “Control the oil, you control a land; control the food, you control the people…” 28

Every combination of human co-habitation is being accepted as normal, as an expression of freedom, natural law is thrown out the window…and now we are being forced to accept an unlimited amount of unnatural combinations of seeds that produce food that by all indications are producing cancer and disease in our animals and in our bodies…and this is only the beginning. In The Poem of the Man-God, Maria Valtorta* writes of Jesus telling her:

“Man, you state that you are setting out to be ‘superman’, and with your vices are only setting out to be ‘surperdemon.’ The possibility of existing and living without the contamination of satan, leaving to God the administration of life, knowledge, and goodness, would have been the means to make you ‘superman’, not wishing more than what God had given you and which was little less than infinite. And thus, in an evolution towards perfection, you would have been able to generate children, who should be men in their bodies and sons of the Intelligence in their souls: victors, strong, giants over satan, who would have been vanquished so many thousand centuries before the hour, when he will be humiliated, and all his evil with him.” 29<

In more graphic words, Jesus speaks to Maria Valtorta about the real source of the darkness descending on mankind.

“Where are now the families in which the little ones are taught to love work as a means of pleasing their parents? Children, nowadays, are the tyrants of the house. They grow hard, indifferent, ill-mannered towards their parents. They consider their parents as their servants, their slaves. They do not love their parents and they are scarcely loved by them. The reason is that, while you allow your children to become objectionable overbearing fellows, you become detached from them with shameful indifference.

“They are everybody’s children, except yours, o parents of the twentieth century. They are the children of the nurse, of the governess, of the college, if you are rich people. They belong to their companions, they are the children of the streets, of the schools, if you are poor. But they are not yours. You, mothers, give birth to them and that is all. And you fathers, do exactly the same. But a son is not only flesh. He has a mind, a heart, a soul. Believe Me, no one is more entitled and more obliged than a father and a mother to form that mind, that heart, that soul.

“A family is necessary: it exists and must exist. There is no theory or progress capable of destroying this truth without causing ruin. A shattered family can but yield men and women who in future will be more perverted, and will cause greater and greater ruin. And I tell you most solemnly that it would be better if there were no more marriages and no more children on the earth, rather than have families less united than the tribes of monkeys, families which are not schools of virtue, of work, of love, of religion, but a babel in which everyone lives on his own like disengaged gears, which end up by breaking.

“Broken families. You break up the most holy way of social living and you see and suffer the consequences. You may continue thus, if you so wish. But do not complain if this world is becoming a deeper and deeper hell, a dwelling place of monsters who devour families and nations. You want it. Let it be so.” 30

If we do little to stop divorce, or to stop the family breakdown, can we complain when those wounded children grow up and become our oppressors? This is why Mirjana has said when we pray for nonbelievers we are praying for our own future. In review, one can now more fully understand Our Lady’s words, “…this turbulent world without hope…” and that change must come through supernatural correction. We cannot change it. These satanic plans are much too big for man’s ability to effect change. As already stated, the thermometer that reveals the seriousness of our situation is that everyday, every month, every year for more than 27 years the Queen of Hope has been coming to the earth to usher in a correction that uses us as Her instruments, Her extended hands. Her messages are the commands for how these insurmountable obstacles will be surmounted. It will be by God’s infusion of grace carried by our witness. Holiness and surrendering our lives into the hands of Jesus are the only protection from these great evils that are no longer just at our doorsteps, but have actually come through the door and have entered our homes. Our Lady said on December 25, 2008:

“…surrender your lives into the hands of Jesus, for Him to lead you and protect you from every evil…”

The reality of the world’s situation is dire and hopeless. But with Our Lady we can be filled with hope for the future. It is Her plan if we collaborate with Her. We will be able to defeat evil with our witness and our hope. Our Lady’s words of November 25, 2008:

“…May He, who is peace itself, give peace to the entire world through you. Therefore, little children, pray without ceasing for this turbulent world without hope, so that you may become witnesses of peace for all. May hope begin to flow through your hearts as a river of grace…”

With each single conversion of those hearts who are involved in evil schemes, the companies, institutions and governments are weakened and will begin to collapse. Just as Rome was won over by the martyrs, perhaps the Chinese Christian said it correctly, America’s revival will come through martyrdom.

In the Hope of Our Lady,
Friend of Medjugorjre
Who is a Friend of Medjugorje?

Spread this to all your friends and family, your email lists, etc. Help move this information around the world. And we also ask once again for those who have not responded, to please step forward and commit to supporting Our Lady’s work for just $1.66 a day. Our Lady has shown a Friend of Medjugorje many plans that simply will not happen if this work is not supported. A Friend of Medjugorje understands how to use worldly things to get souls closer to God. We must have your help. We are asking for 1,000 people to come forward and give $50 a month. That’s only $1.66 a day. Thank you for helping to feed the spiritual hungry of the world. Visit here to donate, and choose, Field Angel, Monthly Recurring. Thank you!


* Maria Valtorta was an Italian mystic who reported seeing visions of the life of Jesus and Mary in the 1930’s and 40’s. Her works became popular when the visionaries of Medjugorje questioned Our Lady about their authenticity. Our Lady very strongly recommended the faithful to read them, saying one must read them..

1. Medjugorje and the Church, Queenship Publishing, p. 48
2 “Cardinal Schönborn Lambasts the Failure of Bishops to Condemn Contraception”,, November 6, 2008
3 Ibid.
4 Ibid.
5 Mark Steyn, America Alone, Regnery Publishing, Inc., xii.-
6 “The Hour Is Late,” Patti Maguire Armstrong, January 19, 2009, Catholic
7 Ibid.
8 Ibid.
9 Mark Steyn, America Alone, Regnery Pub, Inc. xii.
10. A Friend Of Medjugorje, American History You Never Learned, St. James Publishing, 1993
11 The Times, “Pope Condemns Geneticists” Ruth Gledhill, April 14, 2006
12 Melvin John Oliver et al., United States Patent, Control of Plant Gene Expression, Patent no. 5,723,765, 3 March 1998.
13 Geri Guidetti, “Seed Terminator and Mega-Merger Threaten Food and Freedom, Food Supply Update: June 5, 1998”, The Ark Institute
14 F. William Engdahl, Seeds of Destruction, Global Research 2007
15 Ibid.
16 Ibid., p. 258
17 Ibid., p. 7-8
18 Ibid., p. 8
19 Ibid., p 320
20 Ibid.
21 Ibid., p 8-10
22 Ibid., p 318
23.“Food Safety Regulations-the intended Quicksand now taking under all sustainable agriculture”, Linn Cohen-Cole, January 8, 2009,
24. Ibid.
25. Ibid.
26 “U.S. Military Warns: Mexico Could Collapse Under Drug Violence”, Jim Meyers, January 14, 2009
27. A Friend of Medjugorje, Look What Happened While You Were Sleeping, S.J.P. ,2007, p.362
28.F. William Engdahl, Seeds of Destruction, Global Research, 2007, p. XIV
29. Maria Valtorta, Poem of the Man-God, Vol. I, Centro Editoriale Valtortiano, 1986, p. 20
30. Ibid. p. 197-198



Step by Step – 265 Monthly Messages to the Right Path

A Friend of Medjugorje discusses the January 25, 2009 message of Our Lady.


• Click Here to Listen to Step by Step – 265 Monthly Messages to the Right Path

Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!

See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here

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