October 1, 2013 A.D.
In October 1989, Jelena, one of the inner locutionists of Medjugorje said:
“Our Lady says that prayer is not the goal of our life. The goal is the love of God. Prayer is the instrument to achieve the goal of love.” 1
A Friend of Medjugorje:
“Love is the “motor” of everything. Without love we are not really alive. Therefore, we cannot pray without love. The heart is the symbol of love. Pray with the heart means: put love in the first place when you pray. To pray with the heart must be a decision: I decide to set aside everything, to concentrate, and to persevere in a pure prayer. I decide to abandon myself to God. This is what we call prayer with the heart. Prayer must be something alive and active to be a joy. Praying with the heart also means “praying with joy.” There is no real spiritual life without joy.” 2
“Caritas” means love. Love comes from prayer. The center of prayer for the Community of Caritas, where it all began, where Our Lady asked for the Community is here. Over one-hundred thousand people have visited the Bedroom of Apparitions. Many of them received a new heart. All of them have gone deeper into prayer. Therefore, the goal of life is the love of God which comes through prayer. This is the goal of the Community of Caritas, the Community of Love, birthed from the Bedroom of Apparitions where Our Lady of Medjugorje gave the following message on November 30, 1988:
“I wish that all your life be love, only love. Everything that you do, do it with love. In every little thing, see Jesus and His example. You also do as Jesus did. He died out of love for you. You also offer all you do with love to God, even the smallest little things of everyday life.”
1. Words of the Harvesters. Vol. # 39 – April 1998
2. Words of the Harvesters Vol. # 43 – August 1998
3 thoughts on “The Goal of our Life is the Love of God”
This is so blessing. I was so much touched by the message
This helped me to understand some things better. Thank you very much. Blessings.
Thanks for this article. I check your website everyday and its great to have updates on this excellent site. Well done.