
The demons Made themselves Known…

The demons Made themselves Known…

Pilgrims gathered around the perimeter of the Blue Cross… horrible screaming came from a woman near them…

July 8, 2015 A.D.


Pilgrims gathered around the perimeter of the Blue Cross on July 2, 2015… horrible screaming came from a woman near them…

Pilgrims at the Blue Cross

Pilgrims praying in preparation for Our Lady’s apparition July 2, 2015

Pilgrims gathered around the perimeter of the Blue Cross on, July 2, 2015, just outside the roped area where Mirjana would be led up for her apparition that day. Caritas Community members that were present at the apparition relayed that at the moment of Our Lady’s apparition, horrible screaming came from a woman near them, that was then joined by two others, all three of which were obviously possessed by demons. Though they were women, the voices that came from them sounded very low and manly. It was a frightful reality that though our Community members had been sitting with these people for several hours, there was no sign that they were possessed. It was only when Our Lady appeared that the demons made themselves known.

All of the Medjugorje visionaries were given experiences of the reality of hell. Visionaries Vicka and Jakov were physically brought to Heaven, purgatory and hell by Our Lady. Of hell, Jakov said:

“When I came closer to hell, I refused to watch anymore, I felt so bad, you could sense the heat even though we were only outside.”

Vicka said, “We saw something like a sea of fire. We could see people who appeared to be normal, but the deeper they were falling into that fire; they screamed, yelled and cursed. At the moments they were leaving the fire, they looked like beasts and were transformed into monsters, devils. Our Lady told us: 

“People who are in hell are here because of their own choice. God did not send them here. God gave freedom to every human being and each one of us is a master of his own freedom. Many people think that their lives end at the moment they die on earth. Those people do everything against the will of God. They already live hell on earth and simply continue to the real hell once they die. Dear children, we are only passing through this life on earth.”

From Salvation of Mankind, Draga Vidovic


hell is a reality Our Lady wants us to recognize. Think about the reality of eternity in hell – it will never end. What do we do with this?

With recent decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court to legalize perverted abominable false civil unions masking them as marriage, for a Christian, there is no tolerance for this kind of behavior. There is no tolerance, especially if one wishes to save not just the nation, but the souls of those who promote this kind of perversion. Think about the three women mentioned above – a man’s voice came out of them. Think about this behavior, and listen to what a Friend of Medjugorje tells us here in the June 18 Mejanomics show. Find out why a Friend of Medjugorje says that to sympathize with these abominable people, who are forcing this upon us, “is to sympathize with the devil…”Listen here to the June 18, Mejanomics show

Remember tomorrow’s Mejanomics show, a Friend of Medjugorje will tell of what is next after the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent ruling.


More for your spiritual nourishment:


Our Lady Prays for the Family – June 26, 2015 apparition to Ivan in Medjugorje

Don’t Be Irresponsible with Your Responsibilities –  June 18, 2015 Mejanomics show

R.I.P. Ireland – May 25, 2015 Radio Wave show

Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!

See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here

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