The Convergence For a Perfect Storm

The Convergence For a Perfect Storm


 August 2, 2015 A.D.

Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje’s August 2, 2015
Apparition and Message Given through Mirjana on the Day for Nonbelievers

These days, Medjugorje is hosting thousands of youth from around the world for their annual Youth Festival which is always a beautiful time to be in Medjugorje. Pilgrims began to gather around 4:00 P.M. on the afternoon of August 1, in preparation for Mirjana’s 2nd of the month apparition for non-believers. There were many enthusiastic youth who slept on the mountain in hopes of being able to see Mirjana’s face the next day throughout her apparition. As the sun began to set, many of the pilgrims were over-joyed to experience the miracle of the sun. The crowd was singing and praying all throughout the night leading up to the time of the Apparition. The number of pilgrims was large, despite the intense heat. Mirjana arrived at around 8:30 am. She was serious and in deep prayer kneeling before the Blue Cross waiting for Our Lady to come. When the apparition began, a beautiful smile of great joy came across her face. The apparition lasted several minutes. Throughout the apparition she went through many emotions, smiling, crying, happy and serious. After the apparition, Mirjana remained near the Blue Cross for a while, with a radiant smile that never left her face as she greeted pilgrims and listened to the singing.The following is Our Lady’s message through Mirjana given today:

“Dear children, I, as a mother who loves her children, see how difficult the time in which you live is. I see your suffering, but you need to know that you are not alone. My Son is with you. He is everywhere. He is invisible, but you can see Him if you live Him. He is the light which illuminates your soul and gives you peace. He is the Church which you need to love and to always pray and fight for – but not only with words, instead with acts of love. My children, bring it about for everyone to come to know my Son, bring it about that He may be loved, because the truth is in my Son born of God – the Son of God. Do not waste time deliberating too much; you will distance yourselves from the truth. With a simple heart accept His word and live it. If you live His word, you will pray. If you live His word, you will love with a merciful love; you will love each other. The more that you will love, the farther away you will be from death. For those who will live the word of my Son and who will love, death will be life. Thank you. Pray to be able to see my Son in your shepherds. Pray to be able to embrace Him in them.”  


The Convergence For a Perfect Storm

by A Friend of Medjugorje


It is surreal for the Virgin Mary, who has an overview of man’s complete detailed history from Adam and Eve until now, to say: “…I…see how difficult the time in which you live is…” Why? Because we, man today, are experiencing a time that is fertile to give birth and to incubate in its womb the antichrist. For the first time since the Creation of the Universe, so many different elements are converging to give an antichrist the ability to rule. We have technology that is well on the way in its development that will make it possible for evil to rule over everyone and everything:

• Technology that can “make” a man involuntarily move his body.

• Technology that can somewhat interpret the mental intentions of someone who is walking down a street, through monitoring his brain waves, without him knowing it.

• Technology that can identify any individual in the total dark by their body heat.

• There are laws being put in place that define what you can and can not think. By simply thinking certain thoughts, much less expressing them, it will be more and more indicting to your well-being by a system of “Thought Police.”

• There is a crack, an opening, from hell for satan’s minions to pour out of hell to cover the earth to torment man.

• The Book of Revelation speaks of the prodigies of satan. Prodigies mean something extraordinary or inexplicable; an extraordinary, marvelous, or unusual accomplishment, deed, or event; an event eliciting amazement or wonder: omen. A prophetic indication or significance, a marvel. Television is one of the greatest tools for satan’s prodigies to enslave man, to train him to be inclined towards evil, through modernism, not by the choice of good vs. evil, but rather good vs. gratification. Gratification is the great deception today that masks evil. Television is an instrument that no one needs to have in their home. One may ask what about religious programming? Television will not do for religion what it does for evil. Stop watching life on T.V.; start living it.**

It is evil’s plan to get you to choose evil under the disguise of gratification as a good for you and all society. Is it good for a police officer to be able to know, through being able to tap into a man’s brain waves, that a man walking down the street is about to rob a bank? Of course, many would answer “yes.” Then would it be good to be walking down the street, thinking or seeing something that your religious faith tells you is offensive, but you being offended by this will be judged as “abominable sinful behavior?” You, therefore, will be a threat to an individual’s freedom and be considered to be committing a grave offence of a hate crime.

All things which can control, induce, suppress, will be used against Christians to track them down and persecute them. Since Christianity was born, it is a given that this will happen. It is not a matter of “if,” it is a matter of “when.” Christianity is protected only when society abides by God’s statutes. This protection is often experienced through the flourishing of liberty and freedom. But this freedom is possible only through abiding by Christian tenets which restrain us to live measured lives. In other words, just because we have freedom and liberty to be able to do something, are we supposed to allow ourselves just to do it? The slogan, “Just Do It,” is often of satan. A sane society is a self-restrained society “of good,” leading to a viable life. It is the opposite of what the world thinks of being too restrictive, a restrained society flourishes and becomes a society of freedom and liberty. Sin and the free will to act unrestrained creates an insane society of gratification leading to an unviable life and its death. For man to be unmeasured and try a piece of anything he may want, leads to no peace. Peace can only be had by measured living. Not to do so will bring enslavement of which we are now already in its throes. Power to control thoughts will always end up in bad hands to crush good. We Christians have accepted things and helped to propagate technologies masked as good that will be used to crush us. These accepted things that are everywhere, are operating by invisible methods that are all-seeing, and will cause man great suffering because it is Scriptural. “You will not be able to buy or sell.”

The means by which the antichrist will be able to operate are everywhere around us. A brand new technology has just been released called “The Echo” and is said to be “the latest advance in voice-recognition technology that’s enabling machines to record snippets of conversation that are analyzed and stored by companies promising to make their customer’s lives better.” It’s a “digital assistant” that can be set up in your home or office to listen for various requests, such as if you asked what the weather will be tomorrow or what is a name of a certain song, or if you want a book read aloud to you. It records anything you may say in a conversation or what others may say who do not know the listening device is on. It’s more than a tape recorder. Everything you say or communicate is being actively monitored like never before. It is a great tool for evil and thought control as an all-seeing evil eye. Our Lady said: “…I see your suffering, but you need to know that you are not alone. My Son is with you. He is everywhere….” All the above is why you need to know: “He (Christ) is everywhere,” because we are growing a world in which you are going to feel that you are alone. Today, Our Lady said of Her Son:

“…He is invisible…”

The transmission of invisible electrons at light speed is slow compared to the speed of the invisible Divine Light of Our Lady’s Son. “…He is the light…,” not a glittering light, but “…light which illuminates your soul and gives you peace…” Our Lady has told us long ago:

April 25, 2009

“…[for you] peace may become the highest treasure on this peaceless earth…”

The treasure of peace comes through Medjugorje.  It comes through Medjugorje through Our Lady.  It comes through Our Lady from God who conveys messages which brings peace.  Our Lady said:

December 31, 1981

“It is necessary to tell them that from the very beginning I have been conveying the message of God to the world…”

These valuable messages through Medjugorje, through Our Lady, conveyed from God are for the result of giving us and the world the highest treasure.  satan desires no Medjugorje and no messages. It is because Our Lady’s apparitions are showing the path of peace that satan so often wants us to be confused about Medjugorje so that we will be driven from the truth.  His tactic is to divert us away from Medjugorje and one way he does this is by getting us deliberating on various things, such as what can we do to get Medjugorje approved.

Today, August 2, 2015, Our Lady said:

“Do not waste time deliberating too much…”

Why deliberate Our Lady’s apparitions to be approved? It will not make the apparitions more real if they are given a stamp: “They are approved.”* The Queen of Peace is saying now, fight for Him, when those leaders in the Church are “disasterly” failing us. He who was born as the Son of God, “…He is the Church…” It is He we are to fight for, in the way He lived and showed us; a fight by, and of, love through prayer and words. Not only by prayer, but by and through acts of love. It will not be us who will “bring it about,” but He will bring it about through us. Do not waste time deliberating when the words of Our Lady’s messages are urgent, a “now” action, to be implemented to save the world. It does not matter when the “inserters” say Medjugorje is not approved. We are free to follow the direction of the Blessed Virgin Mary who is guiding all people today to Her Heart to the Heart of Her Son, for all the world to come to be one under Him. Don’t fret over deliberations. Spread the message of Our Lady. Do not hesitate. Hesitation only gives more ground for evil to grow and get rooted. We already have massive roots growing, strangling marriage and its meaning, that is going to be very difficult to uproot. Evil’s choking vines have sprouted around the world turning it into a Sodom. We have wasted too much time deliberating which has distanced us from the truth of Our Lady’s apparitions, as She said, “you will distance yourself from the truth.” Instead, understand through reason that His Word, Her Son, is Our Lady’s words. His Gospel is being repeated in Our Lady’s Gospel. It’s an “echo” that leads to life not death. Mary’s Gospel as His Word must be adhered to, not deliberated and rejected. Our Lady’s apparitions are to prepare the world for a time of peace and victory. But these same messages, that will be known as the Gospel of Mary, will also be used by those in the ultimate battle in which She, the Woman, shadowed not even by the greatest angel or saint, but in the light of Her Son, will crush the serpent’s head.  And it will be She Who at His glorious return, will cast the serpent into the eternal flame forever.

He who chokes at the words “Gospel of Mary” does not know Her. Jesus said you do not know Me because you do not know My Father. If you knew Him, you would know Me. Because you do not know Me, you do not know He who sent Me. If you do not accept Mary’s words, you do not accept Her Son’s Words. If you knew Her Son was the Word, you would recognize Her words and Her Son Who sent Her. “His” Mother said that She would give messages as it has never been in history from the beginning of the world. In the beginning was the Word and the Word became Flesh.

For you who do not accept Her words, how then do you accept the Word? Mary’s Gospel, the echo of the Word, given in a new way, a new understanding, are immense in that their effects will affect all creation until the final battle in which the serpent’s head will be crushed, never to rise again. Whether the final battle be 10 years or 1,000 years from now, we are being given a gift, a grace, incomprehensible in this moment, that will give passage to many future Christians to survive amidst the great tribulation, the suffering under the anti-church, until Jesus, in the glorious moment, comes back.

As men confined in mortal bodies, limited in so much humanness, we are not able to see Mary as God sees Her. We can pray to comprehend, to rise above the confines of the flesh in better knowing Mary, but we will never know and understand Mary as She is known by God. She, who is in the midst of the Trinity, comes on the second day of the newborn millennium and says:

January 2, 2000

“Never as much as today, my heart is begging for your help! I, your Mother, am begging my children that they help me to realize what the Father has sent me for…”

Shudder, O man, that She Who alone can dwell deep in the midst of the Trinity where no being can dare go, not even the angels, and now She is before you begging! How man have you responded to Her words?

You are in a time as no other in the history of the world. You are sitting in the amphitheatre of history when Mary comes to the earth, paralleling Her Son’s walk on the earth 2,000 years ago. She has come in this, Her time to reinvigorate and revive in the world the salvation of Christ brought to man through His deep love — offered anew for today.

July 2, 2015

“…Love always, anew, revives the pain and the joy of the Eucharist, it revives the pain of the Passion of my Son…”

April 4, 1985

“…I wish to keep on giving you messages as it has never been in history from the beginning of the world…”

Praying for the Love that will Turn Death into Life,
A Friend of Medjugorje

* For more on this, deliberating, read We Must Go to a Higher Truth. It will tell you everything you need to know. There is no need to explain anything else. Visit here to read.

** I See Far, by a Friend of Medjugorje was an epic work, based in the messages of Our Lady from Medjugorje that tells more of this topic of television. To download free, click to visit here.

Be sure to listen to Radio WAVE with A Friend of Medjugorje regarding this August 2 message. A Friend of Medjugorje reveals an incredible prophecy, never-before released. To listen to the Aug. 2, 2015, show titled Our “May Queen”, visit here…




Mirjana August 2, 2015

In the Poem of the Man-God, Jesus speaks to the women disciple and to disciples of today of the Virgin Mary:

“…follow the example of My Teacher, Teacher of everyone who wishes to be formed in Grace and Wisdom. Follow Her word. It is the same as Mine, but made sweeter. Nothing is to be added to it, because it is the word of the Mother of Wisdom…”

Poem of the Man-God, Volume 2

Jesus revealed this command regarding His Mother to Marija Valtorta before Medjugorje began.

“Follow Her word.”

All seeing eye...

A Friend of Medjugorje took this picture of a sketch on a sidewalk in Germany. It is the all-seeing eye with a cell phone handcuffed to it. A Friend of Medjugorje immediately understood what the sidewalk artist was trying to convey, and Our Lady’s message of August 2, 2015, confirms the dangerous times we live in.

Remember also, that the direction people receive through these writings are unlike any that is normally found. One’s understanding becomes clearer. We make a strong appeal that if this site has helped you, please consider returning the gift to Our Lady, by becoming a Core Group member, for only 14 cents a day. Through your support, you help continue to make Our Lady’s messages available FREE to all the world’s population. If you are already a Core Group Member, consider even a one-time donation as an added boost for our future expansion. 
For more information or to become a Core Group Member click to visit here.

For information about a pilgrimage to Medjugorje, call BVM Caritas Pilgrimages at 205-672-2000, extension 218 or 219. Or you can also click to visit here and request information about a pilgrimage to Medjugorje.



Messages in Other Languages Posted As Soon As They Become Available

Prayer for Nonbelievers

Questions? Call in the US, 205-672-2000.

Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!

See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here

5 thoughts on “The Convergence For a Perfect Storm”

  1. I saw the echo device on Amazon before I listened to this show and was really disturbed by what it could do, then I read the comments from people who have bought it and was really,really disturbed and upset;because they do not see where this is headed. Please Blessed Mother help this poor country.

  2. I feel a great shame for letting my Mother fight for me alone and now pray that I will stand up for Her and her Son from this day. God bless us all.

  3. Finally, someone who thinks about televsion the way I do. Please throw away your televisions and live the Gospel!

  4. Holy Mother! Thank You for the Message. Thank You for your Motherly Love. Yes Mother we feel the danger of the present time. Heartbreaks, persecutions,separations, it is so hard to bare, Mother. But , after reading your message, felt relieved. Our Lord is with us. your intersession is with us. Thanks and Praise the lord for sending our Mother to us!

  5. I am grateful to the Blessed Mother for reminding us that we are not alone because as the world get crazier I do feel alone. I am also grateful that She reminds us that He is invisible.It is something you know but having your Mother remind you is very loving and comforting. It helps build my confidence.God Bless you all.

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