Marija Lunetti, one of the six visionaries of Medjugorje, was asked about Confession and why so many people want to go to Confession when they come to Medjugorje…
November 14, 2013 A.D.
Marija Lunetti, one of the six visionaries of Medjugorje, was asked about Confession and why so many people want to go to Confession when they come to Medjugorje. Marija response follows:
“The Blessed Mother says that there is great grace for those who come here. Among those graces is the great gift from the Eternal Father of the bread of sorrow for sins, which all pray for so frequently here in the Lord’s prayer.
“We do pray for the Eucharist, the bread of eternal life and for our daily human nourishment, but it is the bread of sorrow for sin that is the fruit of prayer with the heart. Repentance prepares the human heart to receive the Lord.
“Prayer with the heart opens our hearts. When our hearts are open we can see God with our hearts, we can hear God with our hearts.
“Those who see and hear God with their hearts taste God’s love. Those who taste God’s love are never again satisfied with anything less than God’s love. Sin separates a heart from God’s love. The gift of the bread of sorrow for sin restores a heart to the presence of God’s love.” 1