Those of you following Medjugorje and have been with us for many years, and have seen the growth of over this past year. We have closed out the year of 2007 with well over 7 million hits. A remarkable number for a first year site and for spreading mostly via word-of-mouth. Every article, every Headline, every Radio WAVE broadcast has produced tremendous feedback, and more importantly, many new and deeper conversions.
There are also many who are new to And because of that, we have decided to feature some of the more popular articles, Headlines, and Broadcasts that you may not be familiar with, depending on when you became acquainted with
You will see these articles listed below. You can always access the articles and broadcasts from the left menu as well.
Medjugorje Headline 10-11-2007
The Major Medjugorje Announcement, announcing Marija’s visit to Caritas this coming July 1-5, 2008 was the most popular and requested article this year, along with the Radio WAVE broadcast that followed the article.
From Caritas’ beginnings, it was clear to A Friend of Medjugorje, that every thing that was produced was to produce conversion. Even something like an announcement, was to bring hearts closer to Our Lady and Jesus. Because of this, the first objective of everything done at Caritas is to produce conversion. When you read this announcement, it’s more than the announcing of Marija’s visit to Caritas. After reading the announcement, you will understand more clearly what we mean, and why it has been the most requested article. You will want to send this to everyone you can up to July 5, 2008. This is areal opportunity to evangelize Our Lady’s apparitions and bring people to conversion.
Click Here to read this Major Medjugorje Announcement
Click Here to Listen to Radio WAVE Broadcast about Marija’s Visit to Caritas July 1-5, 2008
Medjugorje Headline 12-2-2007
Our Lady Gives A Very Serious Message, the Medjugorje Headline featuring the message given by Our Lady to Mirjana Soldo on December 2, 2007.
Along with the serious message, a special Radio WAVE broadcast with A Friend of Medjugorje and Marija Lunetti, Medjugorje visionary, aired online on, where they discussed the message in detail, in a captivating discussion.
Click Here to read this Medjugorje Headline about Mirjana’s message of December 2, 2007
Our Lady’s Latest Message of 10-25-2007
Our Lady’s Message of October 25, 2007, to Marija Lunetti, visionary of Medjugorje, where Our Lady said, “Many of you opened your hearts and accepted my messages, but many have become lost on this way and have never come to know the God of love with the fullness of heart.”
The Radio WAVE discussion with A Friend of Medjugorje about the October 25 message, caused quite a reaction among the listeners. This solid teaching received many feedbacks, one of which follows:
Thank you for this! It has helped me to begin to realize how Our Lady loves us and Our Lord wants to save us, thank you Thank you!
As well as this listener:
As a new listener I just want to say, Thank You. It is just wonderful.
Click Here to read Our Lady’s message of October 25, 2007
Medjugorje Witness 12-21-2007
A Special Christmas Message From A Friend of Medjugorje, the Medjugorje Witness that struck the hearts of all who read it as the following testimonies show:
Beautiful story. Truly exemplifies the spirit of Christmas and the love men should have for each other.- Alberto, San Antonio, Texas
A beautiful, inspiring message for the whole Christmas season. – Bernadette
What a beautiful message…I am ashamed of myself, I have someone who is in our family that is that broken adult I will remember this year not to judge him with the eyes of snob, but with the eyes of a child…I am so,so sorry… – D.V. Wickliffe, Ohio
Click Here to read this special Medjugorje Witness from A Friend of Medjugorje.
Medjugorje Witness 9-27-2007
What Will You Be Remembered For? A Message For the Crucified, the Medjugorje Witness of a powerful homily from Medjugorje about Our Lady’s September 25, 2007 message, and along with this the Radio WAVE broadcast, with A Friend of Medjugorje about those who are carrying crosses.
Click Here to read this inspiring Medjugorje Witness.
Click Here to Listen to the Radio WAVE broadcast about the “crucified” with
A Friend of Medjugorje
Medjugorje Witness 7-23-2007
Once expelled from Catholic School, now a Priest, the Medjugorje Witness of an incredible conversion. This homily from Medjugorje was one of the most popular articles on
A popular blog,, featured our Medjugorje Witness article under the headline, “Why I Gave Up My Porsche and Became A Priest”.
One of the many feedbacks we received:
How did you get this on so fast (transcribed). I am living in Medjugorje and attend daily mass at St. James and sing in the choir. That was the sermon a few days ago.-L.G. Arcata,California
As well as this feedback:
What a beautiful story! It’s amazing how many people say “no” to God during their college years, or think that all the rules don’t apply to them (I was one of them!), but how good it feels when we finally turn back to Him! Thank God for all our priests!-A.R. Raliegh, North Carolina
Click Here to read the inspiring Medjugorje Witness homily.
Medjugorje Witness 1-15-2007
The Land Where Dreams Come True, a moving story from A Friend of Medjugorje, about a priest visiting Medjugorje, and an encounter he had on a trail with a heart-broken woman. The story ends with a powerful song, which you can listen to, at the end of the article.
The story inspired many to choose to pilgrimage to Medjugorje this past year.
Click Here to read this beautiful Medjugorje Witness.
Medjugorje Headline 1-2-2007
Our Lady uses the word ‘weapon’, the first Medjugorje Headline of the year, about Mirjana’s January 2, 2007 message. The Headline was an incredible prophecy about this past year of 2007. The teaching from A Friend of Medjugorje, is amazingly tied to the recent message of January 2, 2008, one year later.
Click Here to read the Medjugorje Headline about Mirjana’s January 2, 2007
Medjugorje Headline 8-28-2007
Announcing Radio WAVE: And It’s First Broadcast “Remember When It Rained”.
Our list would not be complete without the announcement of Radio WAVE, and it’s premier broadcast, Remember When It Rained.
This newest part of, Radio WAVE reaches people all over the world, as the following testimony reveals:
Dear Sir / Madame I am in Malta hearing to the programe Remember When it Rained on Radio Wave. Please can I get a copy of this programe so that I can share with others.
– C.B., Malta
Also, this feedback:
Thanks for your show and words that struck a cord in myself. Thank you. – Kimberly, U.S.A.
And this feedback:
Dear Friend of Medjugorje, That was an awesome way of celebrating the church’s acknowledgement of Our Lady’s 2023 Birthday. I listened to the Radio Wave last night and I was filled with awe and wonder, how beautiful and Glorious, Wonder and Awe, His Majesty is, when Blessed Vigin Mary was first brought forth into this earth. It was an awesome 2021 Birthday for Our Lady, The Ark of The Covenant in the little hamlet of Caritas Birmingham (2005). And again what a glorious display of God’s majesty. May God bless you and your family of Caritas. Thank so very much for and Radio WAVE.- E.T.S. Nova Scotia, CANADA
Another feedback:
Hey guys, I was really excited to wake up in the night, 2 a.m., to hear from you, and to share with you your new way to spread Mary’s Messages. I just connected 33 seconds before the scheduled broadcast. You are doing well and this is a “good news” the world need. I hope many will be encouraged by people like you to come in deeper contact with the Messages and particularly live them. God Bless – M.E., Italy
Click Here to read the Medjugorje Headline announcing Radio WAVE and it’s
premiere broadcast, Remember When It Rained.
Click Here to Listen to The Radio WAVE premiere.
The infant year for of 2007 was beautiful in growth. There are many more plans for 2008 to expand, and Radio WAVE. With your secure online donation or by calling or mailing your donation, this expansion will be able to happen. All donations given to Caritas’ and Radio WAVE are tax deductible.
Another Section of
Along with the above featured articles, the opening of the BVM Pilgrimages on, was another big step to get hearts closer to Our Lady and Her Son. For Caritas BVM, the longest continual running pilgrimages from the U.S., finding content was not hard, but trying to condense 20+ years of pilgrimages into a simple-to-use site was a daunting task, and one that we still are refining. If you have not gone through our pilgrimage section, you’ll want to explore it. Click Here for more information about Medjugorje Pilgrmages.
Each of you can help to spread Our Lady’s messages. One way is to get your family and friends to sign up for the mejList free. The mejList is a “free” service made available to you on, to allow you to be kept up to date about Medjugorje and Our Lady’s plans. Often you are notified with Our Lady’s message and information very shortly after Our Lady gives them.
We look forward to 2008, Marija’s visit to Caritas July 1-5, 2008, the expansion of and Radio Wave, as well as other projects that are yet to be announced.
With all the growth, it can become easy for users to think that it would continue without prayer and monetary support. We ask you first for your prayers, for God’s blessing upon our mission. And we ask for your monetary support. Again, your donations will allow us to not only expand, but expedite the implementation of these new expansions. Consider this seriously, especially to make a commitment to donate monthly. You can call Caritas at 205-672-2000 extension 315, 24 hours a day. Or click on the link below to make your secure donation.
A last feedback from a nun:
I’ve been viewing since the beginning & bless you for your dedication to our Holy Mother. It is wonderful to be able to join with thousands at the time our Lady visits the visionaries. I have been a Field Angel 8 years or more (Field Angels are a group of people who make a monthly commitment to fund Caritas) & I know our Lady’s intercession has provided for all that Caritas is doing. God bless our Friend who has led the way from the beginning. We could never have all the info coming from Medj. if it wasn’t from him. The insight our Lady gives him to write as he does is amazing. I thank the Lord for him & all of Caritas & their never ending progress & prayers. May God continue His blessing, with Mother Mary’s abundant blessings, we will succeed in getting Her messages out to all the world. With hope for our future in Jesus & Mary,
Sr. Mary Pio SFO, NJ
If you feel our efforts this year are worthy of support, would you consider making a small tax-deductible gift to help us continue.
3 thoughts on “The Best of the Best of 2007”
Forgiveness seems to be linked to trust. The American Christian trusted Christian leadership (Rome) to follow the wisdom of God but where is the wisdom if you ignore Jesus’s teaching while following the SINagoge in the dream of a merger? I understand without freedom there can be no love and without love there can be no freedom but what I experienced was beyond the material world, I experienced spiritual forces working for chaos and destruction of the Christian church, like Germany before the Nazi’s – creation of a war beast. American political leadership is tied to the wisdom of the citizens, half of the Christians are lost the other half fools. You folks work and pray your heart out along with millions but your prayers have blinded you. How can a Christian be a follower of Jesus but not know the character, values and teaching of Jesus as written in the gospel? When dealing with the devil in the church, it’s not about forgiveness, it’s about the light that needs power to shine, Jesus.
I understand why you talk about the Miraculous Medjuorge round and the intrinsic value of silver, but my hesitation with investing in it is how do you store it and how would you use it for purchasing when it is not the “current” currency of our nation. Silver is a precious medal and I believe that one day it will the only means of exchange, but until then, why invest in it if it is not being used in that way and where do you store it after purchased?