October 29, 2013 A.D.
Fr. Jerry from the Philippines gives some practical advice in his homily at St. James Church:
Yes, the Lord uses signs and you talk about signs. You know nothing happens by accident for those who love God. It is not an accident that we are here in Medjugorje. You did not decide to come to Medjugorje. You were called by the Blessed Mother and She is very happy that we are now looking for Her Son. Many of us have traveled so many miles. I came from the Philippines. We are here. Mama Mary is very happy, smiling at each one of us.
Pictured above is Fr. Jerry from the Philippines as he celebrates English Mass in St. James Church in Medjugorje.
About this time, 33 years ago, I was ordained a priest. And I ask you, pray for us, your priests. Medjugorje is the Confession capital of the world. But if there are no priests, there will be no Confessions. There will be no Eucharist. Please pray for each one of us here, your priests. And be kind to your priest as well. That’s very important, pray for us.
Brothers, do things Medjugorje tells us. Prayer is powerful – the most simple prayers, your Rosary, meditation. Please go home with the spirit of prayer. As you know, Medjugorje is not a place; it is a spirit you bring with you. If you and I become more prayerful, then this world would be a better world.
The second message is humor. It is powerful. Medjugorje is about joy. You heard Vicka today, that joy in her eyes, in her heart, it is so contagious. Let our Church be joyful again. Please do not forget joy because the joy of the Lord is our strength. And one more thing, Medjugorje reminds us about simplicity. Go back to basics. It becomes so complicated, when all we need is a simple, peaceful life. I’ll share with you a simple story that talks about simplicity. We were all born and we will all die. Simple. When you were born, you and I, it was clean. It is up to you to keep it clean. You keep it clean, it is clean. You mess it up, it is messy. It is your call. It is your choice. Blame no one, blame nothing for your situation. We believe in one God. You and I, today we say, Lord, were it not for You in my life, what would I be now? There is a God, and you are not Him. Please don’t forget that.
The God we believe in is the Trinity. There is God the Father who made you and me and this beautiful creation. God the Son, the second person is our Savior, who died for you and for me. And the third person on the Trinity is God the Holy Spirit, our guide who leads us where we go. Beautiful prayer. Anytime we are tempted, anytime we have problems, come Holy Spirit, come Holy Spirit. Keep it simple. One of the three things to do while we are still alive, number one, love God. Don’t forget to love Him. Second thing the Lord called us to is to love your neighbor. Yes, don’t hurt people. Some of us can be so prayerful, but we hurt others with our thoughts and words and deeds. And finally, the third person, the third thing to do is love yourself. Take good care of yourself. One of the things we don’t need in this life, keep it simple, remove sin from the heart. Let us ask the Lord, “Lord help me to spend the rest of my life, the best of my life.” We are not getting any younger. Number two, we don’t need in our lives, heaviness of heart, worries, anxiety, regrets, no more… travel light. And worry, look at the birds in the air, they neither sow nor reap, but your Father takes care of them. We worry about so many things. We have a Mother and we have a Father who loves us. I know someone who once said, the more you worry, the more you will hurry to the cemetery.
And finally what is most important in our coming to Medjugorje, I hope we experience Jesus. It is the Blessed Mother who brings us closer to Her Son Jesus. Lord that I may see You more clearly, love You more dearly, and follow you more nearly. Brothers, we are here. We have a mission. We have a final destination. Before we finish, let us make a promise to see each other in Heaven someday.
I invite all of us now to bow our heads, with our right hand over our heart, and close our eyes and pray precisely for that. Let us all pray for the grace of a happy death. We do not know when or where or how the Lord will call us. But grant dear Blessed Mother, Mama Mary, when the hour comes, I will be ready to welcome You. That I be reconciled through the world and with myself and with You, that I have done my mission. Thank you Lord and help us to have beautiful lives. Help us to live the rest of our lives the best of our lives.
-Fr. Jerry