“…people who had been there for the exact same reasons as I – to have a fun Friday night, innocent…” What you are about to read is a whole element regarding the recent attacks in Paris that has been left out by the worldwide news media.
November 20, 2015 A.D.
What you are about to read is a whole element that has been left out by the worldwide news media, both secular and religious. No singular voice has put together what a Friend of Medjugorje unveils, as he spoke of the recent Paris attacks to the Community of Caritas on Tuesday, November 17, 2015:
“There is something the media is missing. Everything we see happening in the world today, the way the world is going, the direction of the world, nobody is clearly blaming it on something evil. They blame it on Isis, on materialism, but no one has said why this is taking place and whose fingerprint is unmistakably left.
“Within a few blocks of the Basilica of Notre Dame (Cathedral of Our Lady) in Paris, six attacks took place within the circle, the heartbeat of Paris. One of the attacks was at a rock concert.
“Here are youth having a “fun-loving Friday night,” while signaling to the devil and saying words of a song that are disgusting to even repeat. This should shake us that these poor souls, out just having a “fun-loving evening,” did not take [reflect on] the seriousness of what they were doing, listening to music like this. The last thing they [these human souls] were doing before they were killed was being entertained by a song signaling, consciously or unconsciously, their loyalty to satan. If you were to ask some of them, perhaps they would say, “Oh, no, we are just doing this for the song.” That is the problem. Nobody is thinking. Nobody is thinking about anything. What people are missing of this whole element is how active satan is [in everyday life].
“Could it be happen chance that while the American rock band, “Eagles of Death Metal,” were singing their “Kiss the devil” song, the shooting erupted, killing and wounding people who had just signaled satan, and who listened to the song?
“Kiss the devil”
Who will love the devil
Who will sing his song
Who will love the devil and his song
I’ll love the devil I’ll sing his song
I will love the devil and his song
Who will love the devil
Who will…..*
Who will…..*
I will….*
Who will love the devil
Who will sing his song
I will love the devil and sing his song
*Some of the lyrics have been censored due to their grotesque nature
“There is no way these terrorists knew the timing of this…but the devil did.
“And the carnage happened. This event has shocked the world into a mentality, thinking that they have to fight the Muslims. Pope Francis was reported saying that, “This is the beginning of World War III.” Glenn Beck said this is the beginning of World War III. I don’t believe it. I believe Our Lady of Medjugorje is going to interrupt it at some point. However, this is not to say that we will not go through much, much more. But, all this should come with a contemplation of the gravity of who we are and what we are called to do, because this is just the beginning of what Our Lady says is, “…[the] moment of trial…””
August 25, 2015 A.D.
“…The world is in a moment of trial, because it forgot and abandoned God..”
*** End of Nov. 17 Talk from a Friend of Medjugorje ***
Our Lady of Medjugorje is here with purpose for our time. Stop and reflect on your life. Begin to live Her messages, and you will be able to discern truth and the signs of the times. Woe to those who turn a deaf ear to Our Lady’s voice.
April 2, 2006 A.D.
“…You ask yourself if you are following me? My children, do you not recognize the signs of the times? Do you not speak of them?…”
Caritas of Birmingham
Operated by the Community of Caritas
5 thoughts on “The Attacks in Paris”
When it comes to telling the truth where it is needed, the media will tell you they do not want to alarm people BUT when they are supposed to weigh their words, they write any how. satan had to tie their media houses keep their lips tight and keep them from bringing out the cause of the happenings lest the eyes of the people will be opened and they repent. It is very unfortunate!
It is pretty obvious to us who and what represents the satan in today’s world. It is the time opportune to re-echo the words of the blessed mother. Prayers …. Repentance …. True Conversions only can save us from the evil. I wholeheartedly agree with the sentiments expressed by the “Friend of Medjugorje” and wish that blessings of God Almighty be always with you and your crusade.
Just the name of the band”Eagles of Death” got me thinking, right after the attack at the concert, without knowing anything about it, and now everything is confirmed after reading your post. God bless us all!
Well, it really doesn’t surprise us does it? Our Lady has warned us at Fatima, Akita and Medjugorje: war is the punishment for sin. At Akita Our Lady also warned us that, “… the Church will be full of those who accept compromises. Bishop will oppose bishop and cardinal oppose cardinal.” The recent synod is an example of that. The only thing that does surprise me is that so many of the worlds Christians have failed to see the correlation between the evil the world is suffering and our disobedience to God’s word. In the face of this onslaught how can so many Christians remain indifferent? And where are our bishops? It is right now that they need to be shouting it from the rooftops: “Repent in sackcloth and ashes!”
Wow! Yep, it’s happening!