November 7, 2016 A.D.
Today is the vigil of an important event that will have implications for the whole world, the U.S. Election.
Our Lady of Medjugorje said on November 2, 2016:
“…My children, it is a time of vigilance. In this vigil I am calling you to prayer, love and trust…”
We are to pray in “vigil” so that we can do as Our Lady said on November 2, 2016:
“…The united love of my apostles will live, will conquer and will expose evil…”
The following Act of Consecration was written by a Friend of Medjugorje on June 24, 2008, and prayed publicly for the first time on July 3, 2008, the vigil of the birth of the United States. This Act of Consecration is a special prayer, which has been updated for this year, should be prayed throughout the day today, during your prayer group, family prayer, with co-workers, etc., so that Our Lady may, in this Her time, live, conquer, and expose evil. Be prayer especially in these next two days.
The Solemn Act of
Consecration of Our Nation
[Written for] July Fourth, The Year of Our Lord –
Two Thousand and Eight
To You, Our Queen, Holy Virgin Mary for this Day of Deliverance
We the people, in your Holy presence, who are nothing, appeal to your Heavenly Queenly power of intercession before God, as our Mother. As such, we your children appeal most urgently, most direly with a cry of lamentation as of the city of Nineveh, who were a people who humbled themselves and repented and God relented of His judgment against them. We, O Queen, deserve Divine judgment. We realize that civilizations across time and cultures who crossed the line of decadence that we have crossed, all met with their end. The signs of the time speak to us of our nation. We have little time left. We your children, therefore, make our plea of consecration at this moment, giving directly to you this nation, whose might and glory, we acknowledge, began and came through being foundationed on your Son’s, our Savior’s, principles. Through this entrustment, we beg to include our whole future into your hands. Please, at this moment, accept our [24] years of novenas*, our prayers, our sacrifices, and heal our land. We know it starts with our hearts, so we give you our hearts to heal our land. May this consecration give into your possession this land, that God may look down upon what is yours and heal this land. O Queen, who can we turn to but you? We look for no other remedy, with our recourse only to you. Pray over us at this moment. Pray over our nation now on this day of deliverance. Please stretch out your arms and place a seal across this nation with your prayers while you are in our midst. Let this seal be as a sign to the Father. O Holy Queen, take this consecration, the ownership of our nation, and as its Queen heal this land. With the dreams of our fathers, on this day of remembrance of our nation’s birth, think of your Son’s birth and remember not the sins of this land, but rather how much this nation has dispensed the liberty of the Gospel to the world. Please heal this land. Lord of our nation, we crown you King with Our Lady’s hands through this consecration to rule over us, over everything. Thank you O Mother. Thank you Our Queen. Thank you for being present. May Christ grant our nation deliverance through this consecration. Amen
Written in Medjugorje, June 24, 2008
for July 4th
*The Seven Novenas for the Reconciling of Ourselves, our Familes and Nation Back to God
More for your spiritual nourishment:
The Patriotic Rosary at Independence Hall, recorded live on October 15, 2016, available here
The historic address by a Friend of Medjugorje given at Independence Hall on October 15, 2016
3 thoughts on “The Act of Consecration”
Thank you so very much for opening my eyes to Our Blessed Mother, her messages. The Caritas community sharing all your sacrifices and love and commitment to our Lady and we new followers. Thank you for your Act of Consecration of our country to Our Blessed Mother. We are grateful to Our Lady for interceding with our Lord for the USA. God bless Caritas . You are guide and model for our future. Amen Brothers and Sisters in Christ. It tent
Dear brothers and sisters in America we the travelling people stand with you all in your prayers and are undescribably grateful to God for your witness and courage many willbe fasting and praying for this important day for the world Ave Maria
Reflect on Our Lady’s message of December 25, 1999 – “Dear children! This is the time of grace. Little children, today in a special way with little Jesus, whom I hold in my embrace, I am giving you the possibility to decide for peace. Through your ‘yes’ for peace and your decision for God, a new possibility for peace is opened. Only in this way, little children, this century will be for you a time of peace and well-being. Therefore, put little newborn Jesus in the first place in your life and He will lead you on the way of salvation. Thank you for having responded to my call.” I pray that our prayers will be answered for a time of peace and wellbeing.