September 2, 2016 A.D.
Tonight, Ivan’s prayer group met on top of Apparition Mountain. Pilgrims started to climb the mountain for the prayer group at around 6:00 p.m. The pilgrims continued to climb as the sun set and darkness descended up the village of Medjugorje. The sky was beautifully lit up by stars as the prayer group began their singing at around 8:45 p.m. The singing continued until around 9:30 p.m., when Ivan announced that we would begin to pray the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary in preparation of Our Lady’s apparition. Our Lady appeared to Ivan at around 10:00 p.m. and the apparition lasted around 10 minutes. The following is Ivan’s description of his apparition:
“As every time after the meeting with Our Lady, I would like to also bring closer to you and describe what is the most important from this meeting. Also today Our Lady came to us joyful and happy and she greeted all of us at the beginning with her motherly greeting: ‘Praised be Jesus, my dear children.’ Then, for a while, with her arms extended, Our Lady prayed over us here and especially over you who are sick present here. Then Our Lady said:
‘Dear children, today, in a special way I desire to call you, through this time, to pray for priests, for vocations in the Church. Pray, dear children. Pray. Pray for my shepherds that they may lead my Church, my fold. Thank you, dear children, for having, also today, responded to my call.’
“Our Lady remained and especially prayed for priests and vocations. Then She blessed all of us with Her motherly blessing and blessed everything you brought for blessing. I recommended all of you – your needs, your intentions, your families and everything you brought in your hearts…Our Lady certainly knows best our hearts and desires. Then Our Lady continued to pray over all of us present here and left in that prayer in an illuminated sign of the Cross with a greeting: ‘Go in peace, my dear children.’”
A Friend of Medjugorje’s recent Mejanomics broadcast, The Crimes of the Bishops, is a remarkable look at the sickness in the heart of the church. Repeatedly for the past four year in particular, a Friend of Medjugorje has pleaded with the bishops, “Lead us! Lead us out into the streets if necessary…” It has been a call repeatedly to lead the flock. Listen or download the Sept. 1, 2016, Mejanomics broadcast, The Crimes of the Bishops here…