A special offering available until March 25 – more information here
February 22, 2016 A.D.
After 40 Days of Rain
God Changed the World
After 40 Days of Lent
Will God Change You?
• A Change of Mentality
• A Spiritual Change
• A Physical Change
This Lent, many are going back to the epic book that
changed minds, changed hearts and changed lives…
Look What Happened
While You Were Sleeping
by a Friend of Medjugorje
Special Offer You Do Not Want to Miss
Available Until March 25
With a Special Discount Offer Below
The… Look What Happened While You Were Sleeping Master Collection Contains:
(1) Look What Happened While You Were Sleeping Book
The book by a Friend of Medjugorje, based in Our Lady’s messages, that revolutionalized the way Christians view the world around them and respond.
(1) Look What Happened Whie You Were Sleeping Audio Book (11 CD Set)
The National Bestseller by a Friend of Medjugorje available as 11 CD’s in an audio set to listen in your car, on the way to work, church, etc.
Global Warming/Climate Change – Antithesis
(1) Sustainable Development Revealed – The Antithesis of Our Lady’s Messages (10 CD Set)
The quintessential accompaniment to Look What Happened While You Were Sleeping. A 5-part Radio WAVE series with a Friend of Medjugorje and special guests.
(5) Water Does Not Stay Water… Placard (New Release!)
The famous scene of General George Washington crossing the treacherous Delaware River with one of the most memorable lines by a Friend of Medjugorje in Look What Happened While You Were Sleeping, that has since become a battle cry for liberty. On the back, are easy to remember quotes from Look What Happened… and the founding fathers to memorize for yourself and for teaching.
(1) Global Warming Infographic Teaching Tool
What is the truth about climate change? With so many opinions floating around today, how can we easily tell what is true and false, and teach others about it? Presented in an easy-to-read format for Sunday schools, classrooms, Catechism classes, and other educational gatherings.
Plus Bonus Never Before Released 18 Minute Audio CD “Seize the Moment”
Look What Happened While You Were Sleeping Demo CD, that was part of the birth of the original Tea Party movement. An excellent introduction to give to others in introducing them to Look What Happened… Christian or secular.