This morning, October 13, 2009, Medjugorje woke-up to this picturesque view of snow covered mountains after a night of violent storms with torrential rain fall.
Today is the final day of a nine day fasting novena the Community of Caritas along with hundreds of people from across the land have been participating in.
Today also marks the ninety-second anniversary of the Apparitions of Fatima. We share with you Our Lady of Medjugorje’s words:
August 25, 1991
“… I invite you to renunciation for nine days so that with your help everything I wanted to realize through the secrets I began in Fatima may be fulfilled…”
We thank all of you who have joined with us during these nine days of fasting and renunciation. Our lady’s words show us that She needs our sacrifices in order to make Her plans realized.
For more information on how the secrets of Fatima link to Medjugorje visit the page: The Ten Secrets of Medjugorje. Where We Stand (Part II of the Ten Secrets Series).
You can also download the following booklets:
20 Years of Apparitions
Medjugorje, the fulfillment of all Marian Apparitions
29 thoughts on “Snow covers mountains near Medjugorje”
I have followed the apparitions since they began about 25 years ago. Yesterday I confessed for the first time in roughly 25 years. As I prayed my penance in church, I cried unseizably for about 15 minutes. My tears kept rolling down my face. Afterward, I felt a peaceful rested feeling. Thank you Mother Mary, Jesus, and Joseph. I love you and all the angels, saints, and archangels, and Medjugorge for bringing me back and accepting me again in the name of Our Lord.