
Six Times Our Lady Said…

Six Times Our Lady Said…


June 22, 2012 A.D.

Joy and excitement were in the air tonight as thousands of pilgrims climbed Apparition Mountain to be with Our Lady during Ivan’s prayer group meeting. Surveying the crowd from near Our Lady’s statue, there were pilgrims as far as one could see on every side. Singing and the praying of the Rosary led up to the apparition that took place around 10:00 P.M. Medjugorje is just days away from celebrating the 31st Anniversary of Our Lady’s apparitions. Once pilgrims got down from the mountain after the apparition, they could see the arrival of more buses of pilgrims coming into the village to share in these days of celebration and remembrance. Our Lady stayed for a long time this evening, approximately 10 minutes. It was a beautiful night, under a sky full of stars, made more beautiful by Our Lady’s presence.

June 22, 2012, Apparition On Appariton Mountain with Medjugorje Visionary Ivan

After the apparition of Our Lady on Apparition Mountain at about 10:00 p.m., June 22, 2012, Ivan said:

“Today, as always, after every meeting with Our Lady, I desire to describe to you what is the most important. Also today Our Lady came very joyful and happy and at the beginning, She greeted us all with Her Motherly greeting, ‘Praised be Jesus, my dear children.’ Then, for a longer time, with her arms extended, she prayed here over all of us. She prayed in her Aramaic language. Then She blessed us all with Her motherly blessing and blessed everything you brought for a blessing. In a special way, tonight, Our Lady prayed over the sick present here. Then Our Lady said:

‘Dear children, also today, I call you anew: decide for Jesus. Decide and set out together with Him into the future. I am with you, dear children, because my Son permitted me to remain with you for so long, because I desire to lead you, to teach you, to educate you—I desire to lead all of you to my Son. I desire to lead all of you to Heaven. Therefore, today, I call you anew, decide for Him. Put Him in the first place in your life. Dear children, this world in which you live, is passing. Therefore decide, decide for peace. Live peace. Decide for prayer. Pray, dear children, pray, pray. Thank you, dear children, also today, for having responded to my call.’

Then I recommended all of you, all your needs, your intentions, your families and especially all the sick. Then a conversation between us followed, Our Lady spoke to me and I to Her. This remains only between us. After that conversation Our Lady left in prayer, in an illuminated Sign of the Cross with a greeting,
‘Go in peace, my children.’”

Profound is inadequate to explain the message of Our Lady today. A Friend of Medjugorje has told us many times, and written throughout the years, that Our Lady is here to teach us. Not as the world thinks of education in terms of college degrees, but rather real wisdom to attain the final and highest degree, eternal life, Heaven.

Our Lady uses the word decide six times in today’s message: “Decide for Jesus… Decide and Set Out… Decide for Him… Decide… Decide for Peace… Decide for Prayer…” A Friend of Medjugorje has written and spoken throughout the years, that Our Lady calls us to make a decision. Are we concerned with all of the ‘what ifs’ of making a decision to change our life? A Friend of Medjugorje tells us that the hardest part, is making the decision. After that, God gives the grace. Love, for example is a decision. Often you will not ‘feel’ love towards the person you are supposed to show it to, whether it be your spouse, kids, or your enemy. However, with the decision made to love, whether or not you feel like it or not, God supplies the grace.

Many times throughout the years, a Friend of Medjugorje would pray in his prayers to Our Lady, that all he had was his decision to follow Her. Whatever happened, whatever the consequences of that decision was not his concern, that even when there was nothing else left to give, he still had his decision for Our Lady; so strong was his ‘yes’ to follow Her. So, step out into the future, make a decision to follow Our Lady and change your life, both spiritually and physically. In what way does today’s message speak to you? You yourself know what Our Lady is asking of you.


Medjugorje.com / Caritas of Birmingham

Years of A Friend of Medjugorje witnessing his decision to follow Our Lady has resulted through God’s grace, in being ‘educated’ in Her Way of Life. So, we offer a few free resources below to help you in your decision:

Decide for Jesus

A Time for Decision
Download Free

Decide and Set Out

When You Decide for Change

Download Free

Decide for Him

Look What Happened While You Were Sleeping

Download Free


30 Years of Apparitions

Download Free

Decide for Peace

How to Change Your Husband

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Decide for Prayer

July 1-5, 2012

Download Free















Sunset in Medjugorje June 22, 2012

As the sun begins to set, the Rosary begins. Another day ends in Medjugorje, this village of which its importance cannot be measured.

“Medjugorje is a direct, supernatural intervention into the history of the world, to motivate man to radically and abruptly change the direction of his life, to reconcile with God and live in harmony with His Will.” – A Friend of Medjugorje



Crowd of pilgrims June 22, 2012

The top of Apparition Mountain is full of pilgrims from around the world. The tongues of many languages drift over the mountain, representing so many different nations and cultures. Yet, everyone present is searching for something, recognizing that they have needs that have not found fulfillment in this world. They long to find the answers of their questioning hearts in Our Lady. And She longs to lead them to the answer, who is Her Son.


Lone pilgrim June 22, 2012

A young girl kneels at the foot of Our Lady’s statue, oblivious to those around her, in prayer. Our Lady said tonight that She has come this long time “to lead you, to teach you, to educate you” and we, just as this young woman is doing, are to sit at Our Lady’s feet to learn from Her as our teacher, our Mother and our friend.

“Medjugorje teaches us that in the cycle of sin, suffering, salvation, it is important to find unity with God. When a soul finds this, he has a bright future, even if society falls apart. This is clear in the messages of Medjugorje. Our Lady of Medjugorje is our hope…” – A Friend of Medjugorje


Crowd of pilgrims June 22, 2012

Pilgrims descend the last steps off of Apparition Mountain after tonight’s apparition to Ivan. It is always amazing to meet pilgrims who tell us that they had wanted to come to Medjugorje for years, some waiting for 20 years, 25 years—and finally they were given the opportunity and they find themselves in Medjugorje. Our Lady waited also for them, Her apparitions continuing even after this long time. It is a gift without measure.

For the Novena Prayers to the Queen of Peace Visit Here

For More on Medjugorje Visionary Ivan, Visit Here

For More on Apparition Mountain in Medjugorje, Visit Here

Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!

See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here

7 thoughts on “Six Times Our Lady Said…”

  1. Dearest Mother , I thank Caritas for allowing us to share the riches of your messages and giving us the beautiful moments to send our ardent prayers and petitions to you.. We are built up each day as we pour our hearts to you in our prayers , petitions and in praying the rosary as you want us to. We know you are listening to each cry of ours and that you will very soon let my husband and me come to your radiant, holy shrine in Medjugorje. We know you will heal, guide and energise our children and us to do our work and to give glory to you and to your loving son Jesus our Master

  2. Thank you dear Mother for leading us step by step. Even though we falter at times, yet we are sure that Your Maternal Heart never gives up on us and that, it is just enough, that we do what You say. Give us the strength Mother to follow Your every Word and live always as children most pleasing to You. We love You!

  3. Katie and Pat

    Oh Caritas, I cannot help but wonder where my family and I would be without you leading us to Our Lady. I use the website daily so that I can share all of your experiences with Her and Her Son in my heart too. Your pictures inspire us, your descriptions make me close my eyes and feel Her love. God Bless you all for your tireless work.

  4. Thank You Mother, for your affection, and concern for us. Oh what a beautiful gift from Heaven! All human beings must listen, and see this and must experience this Heavenly glory. Dear Caritas! Thank you for giving this opportunity to the world. Mother I want to come to Medjugorje soon. Please pray for me as I am longing to come there. I am in a far away country Mother, still I could not find a partner to accompany me. God can do anything, please pray for me. Praise be to God and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit!

  5. What a beautiful and powerful message! It is evident that Our Lady, who is very decisive, wishes the same for her children. I find it amazing that on the eve of the Feast of The Birth of John the Baptist and 31st anniversary of the apparitions, that the Church’s daily mass reading is Matthew 6:24-34. This, I believe, is also a message itself — do not worry! May the Graces continue to pour down upon us and may we pray to be worthy to receive them! Love to all.

  6. As is the usual, (or unusual) case, the Mother has resolved a dilemma for me. My husband, who is a paraplegic, and I are resolved to meet with Her in July in Alabama. But, we have been struggling because of the financial strain this trip will be for us. Going back and forth, “Should we? Can we afford it?” etc.. She says, “..set out together” so many words in this message solved the question for us. Today’s Gospel, ” Seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all things will be given you besides. .Do not worry about tomorrow, tomorrow will take care of itself, sufficient for a day is its own evil.” How beautiful it is to live with the Mother, Her Son and the Father who lead us in our decisions. Thank you for the blessings we receive because of your service to Her and Her Son.

  7. Blythe Kaufman

    Our Lady tells us today to decide for prayer. She has in the past told us that to pray more is a decision and to pray better is a grace. Those who pray more will also pray better. This is a beautiful reality, for who does not want to pray better. We have only to decide for Our Lady and her Son. These are exciting and hopeful times full of grace and blessings. Thank you Caritas for bringing Our Lady’s messages into our homes across the world.

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