You haven’t heard this from Santa Claus! The Virgin Mary has come to re-birth Christianity into every aspect of culture through Medjugorje.
December 23, 2015 A.D.
You haven’t heard this from Santa Claus! The Virgin Mary has come to re-birth Christianity into every aspect of culture through Medjugorje.
The Community of Caritas children recently visited Santa Claus. As they began to climb on his lap, one of the mothers noticed a pin on Santa’s hat that read, “I believe in Jesus.” The Community mother shook Santa’s hand, while a Friend of Medjugorje walked over to him surrounded by the Community kids and said:
“I appreciate you wearing that, because we are not going to be fanatical about Christmas but we are radical about “Merry ‘Christ’-mas” and we want to see more of this instead of a decline of Jesus in Christmas. Your boldness is beautiful for us to see.”
In response to what a Friend of Medjugorje said to him, Santa then, with a two-hour plus line of children and parents waiting their turn, folded his hands together and speaking directly to some of the Caritas Community children gathered in front of him said:
“You kids have to be radical for Jesus or we’re going to lose this world.”
The Virgin Mary has come to re-birth Christianity into every aspect of culture through Medjugorje. This is the purpose of the Community of Caritas, who witness how to retake the culture. A Friend of Medjugorje has seen in living Our Lady of Medjugorje’s messages how to root Christianity into family life. Where secularism has replaced God, we actively counter to replace secularism, teaching our children to imitate the virtues of saints as normal qualities in the culture. The root of Santa Claus is Saint Nicholas, whose life was spent giving the gift of Jesus’s joy to those he met. We root Christian values back into the culture:
Santa (Saint)
Claus (Nicholaus).
This new year, begin to overtake the culture. Our Lady of Medjugorje said December 2, 2015:
“…The Church needs apostles…it needs you…”
In the Love of the Holy Family,
Caritas of Birmingham
Operated by the Community of Caritas
The December 2, 2015, Radio WAVE broadcast titled, O’ My Church, What is Happening to You? has been updated with more important revelations. A Friend of Medjugorje gives further insight into the significant words of Our Lady given December 2, 2015, leading into Christmas. It is a must-listen to today. Visit here to listen to the Dec. 2, 2015 Radio Wave…
5 thoughts on “Secular Santa Surprises the Community of Caritas”
How joyous to behold! The truth has been said! My prayer for this Christmas is that the TRUE message of Jesus Christ as the Savior of the world be said throughout all the churches of the world!
It is a great comfort to read this story. Soothing were the words…and strength to my own faith that JESUS IS STILL BEING PREACHED… It’s a very difficult world, we live in, today. Lord Jesus…. send forth Your Spirit and renew the face of the earth….Amen!
This shock that Santa Claus gives is to be read and seen! I wish all Santa’s would be like this one!!! God bless you all and have a Holy and Blessed Christmas and New Year. Love, Sr. Carol
Thank you Caritas for sharing this experience with us. We are in such great need of hope in these times and just knowing that there’s one Santa Claus out there that professes to know and believe in Jesus is a great Christmas present to the world. We pray that his witness will contribute to Our Lady’s conversion one heart at a time.
Yay! Santa! How cool that his pin is in everyone’s photo!