Total: 29 Messages

May 25, 2023

“Dear children! I am calling you to go into nature and to pray for the Most High to speak to your heart and that you may feel the power of the Holy Spirit so as to witness the love which God has for every creature. I am with you and intercede for you. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

- Given through Marija

January 25, 2021

“Dear children! I am calling you at this time to prayer, fasting and renunciation, that you may be stronger in faith. This is a time of awakening and of giving birth. As nature which gives itself, you also, little children, ponder how much you have received. Be joyful bearers of peace and love that it may be good for you on earth. Yearn for Heaven; and in Heaven there is no sorrow or hatred. That is why, little children, decide anew for conversion and let holiness begin to reign in your life. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
- Given through Marija

February 25, 2020

“Dear children! In this time of grace, I desire to see your faces transformed in prayer. You are so flooded by earthly concerns, you do not even feel that spring is at the threshold. You are called, little children, to penance and prayer. As nature fights in silence for new life, also you are called to open yourselves in prayer to God, in Whom you will find peace and warmth of the spring sun in your hearts. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
- Given through Marija

March 25, 2019

“Dear children! This is a time of grace. As nature renews itself for a new life, you also are called to conversion. Decide for God. Little children, you are empty and do not have joy, because you do not have God. Therefore pray until prayer becomes your life. In nature seek God who created you, because nature speaks and fights for life and not for death. Wars are reigning in hearts and nations, because you do not have peace and you do not see, little children, a brother in your neighbor. Therefore return to God and to prayer. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

- Given through Marija

February 25, 2019

“Dear children! Today, I am calling you to a new life. It is not important how old you are, open your heart to Jesus who will transform you in this time of grace and, like nature, you will be born into a new life in God’s love, and you will open your heart to Heaven and the things of Heaven. I am still with you, because God permitted me out of love for you. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

- Given through Marija

September 25, 2018

“Dear children! Also nature extends signs of its love to you through the fruits which it gives you. Also, you, by my coming, have received an abundance of gifts and fruits. Little children, how much you have answered to my call, God knows. I am calling you - it is not late - decide for holiness and a life with God, in grace and in peace. God will bless you and give to you a hundred-fold, if you trust in Him. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

- Given through Marija

February 2, 2014

“Dear children; with motherly love I desire to teach you sincerity, because I desire that, in your actions as my apostles, you be exact, resolute, and above all sincere. I desire that, by the grace of God, you be open for a blessing. I desire that by fasting and prayer you obtain from the Heavenly Father the cognition of what is natural and holy – Divine. Filled with cognition, under the shelter of my Son and myself, you will be my apostles who will know how to spread the Word of God to all those who do not know of it; and you will know how to overcome obstacles that will stand in your way. My children, by means of a blessing, God’s grace will descend upon you and you will be able to retain it through fasting, prayer, purification and reconciliation. You will have the efficiency which I seek of you. Pray for your shepherds that the ray of God’s grace may illuminate their ways. Thank you.”

- Given through Mirjana

September 25, 2012

“Dear children! When in nature you look at the richness of the colors which the Most High gives to you, open your heart and pray with gratitude for all the good that you have and say: ‘I am here created for eternity’ – and yearn for heavenly things because God loves you with immeasurable love. This is why He also gave me to you to tell you: ‘Only in God is your peace and hope, dear children’. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

- Given through Marija

April 25, 2011

"Dear children! As nature gives the most beautiful colors of the year, I also call you to witness with your life and to help others to draw closer to my Immaculate Heart, so that the flame of love for the Most High may sprout in their hearts. I am with you and I unceasingly pray for you that your life may be a reflection of Heaven here on earth. Thank you for having responded to my call."

- Given through Marija

February 25, 2011

"Dear children! Nature is awakening and on the trees the first buds are seen which will bring most beautiful flowers and fruit. I desire that you also, little children, work on your conversion and that you be those who witness with their life, so that your example may be a sign and an incentive for conversion to others. I am with you and before my Son Jesus I intercede for your conversion. Thank you for having responded to my call."

- Given through Marija

February 25, 2010

"Dear children! In this time of grace, when nature also prepares to give the most beautiful colors of the year, I call you, little children, to open your hearts to God the Creator for Him to transform and mould you in His image, so that all the good which has fallen asleep in your hearts may awaken to a new life and a longing towards eternity. Thank you for having responded to my call."

- Given through Marija

August 25, 2003

For those in the room who were involved in using the quilt on the altar, it made them think that Our Lady had “heard” their conversation about the color of the quilt. But also, there were so many beautiful memories from the past two weeks, being with Our Lady in nature, the sea, the altar in the beach house, the 12 starfish, the beautiful flowers that surrounded Our Lady’s statue, the cosmos blooming in the Field, the cool wind the night of the 21st of August's apparition, their whole time with Our Lady signs were given to draw them closer to Her heart and to the heart of God.

"Dear children! Also today I call you to give thanks to God in your heart for all the graces which He gives you, also through the signs and colors that are in nature. God wants to draw you closer to Himself and moves you to give Him glory and thanks. Therefore, little children, I call you anew to pray, pray, pray and do not forget that I am with you. I intercede before God for each of you until your joy in Him is complete. Thank you for having responded to my call."
- Given through Marija

August 25, 2003

"Dear children! Also today I call you to give thanks to God in your heart for all the graces which He gives you, also through the signs and colors that are in nature. God wants to draw you closer to Himself and moves you to give Him glory and thanks. Therefore, little children, I call you anew to pray, pray, pray and do not forget that I am with you. I intercede before God for each of you until your joy in Him is complete. Thank you for having responded to my call."
- Given through Marija

April 25, 2002

"Dear children! Rejoice with me in this time of spring when all nature is awakening and your hearts long for change. Open yourselves, little children, and pray. Do not forget that I am with you and I desire to take you all to my Son and He may give you the gift of sincere love towards God and everything that is from Him. Open yourselves to prayer and seek a conversion of your hearts from God; everything else He sees and provides. Thank you for having responded to my call."
- Given through Marija

July 25, 2001

"Dear children! In this time of grace, I call you to come even closer to God through your personal prayer. Make good use of the time of rest and give your soul and your eyes rest in God. Find peace in nature and you will discover God the Creator Whom you will be able to give thanks to for all creatures; then you will find joy in your heart. Thank you for having responded to my call."
- Given through Marija

August 25, 1999

"Dear children! Also today I call you to give glory to God the Creator in the colors of nature. He speaks to you also through the smallest flower about His beauty and the depth of love with which He has created you. Little children, may prayer flow from your hearts like fresh water from a spring. May the wheat fields speak to you about the mercy of God towards every creature. That is why, renew prayer of thanksgiving for everything He gives you. Thank you for having responded to my call."
- Given through Marija

January 25, 1999

"Dear children! I again invite you to prayer. You have no excuse to work more because nature still lies in deep sleep. Open yourselves in prayer. Renew prayer in your families. Put Holy Scripture in a visible place in your families, read it, reflect on it, and learn how God loves His people. His love shows itself also in present times because He sends me to call you upon the path of salvation. Thank you for having responded to my call."
- Given through Marija

October 25, 1995

"Dear children! Today I invite you to go into nature because there you will meet God the Creator. Today I invite you, little children, to thank God for all that He gives you. In thanking Him you will discover the Most High and all the goods that surround you. Little children, God is great and His love for every creature is great. Therefore, pray to be able to understand the love and goodness of God. In the goodness and the love of God the Creator, I am also with you as a gift. Thank you for having responded to my call."
- Given through Marija

April 25, 1993

"Dear children, today I invite you all to awaken your hearts to love. Go into nature and look how nature is awakening and it will be a help for you to open your hearts to the love of God the Creator. I desire you to awaken love in your families so that where there is unrest and hatred, love will reign and when there is love in your hearts, then there is also prayer. And, dear children, do not forget that I am with you and I am helping you with my prayer that God may give you the strength to love. I bless and love you with my Motherly love. Thank you for having responded to my call."

- Given through Marija

January 25, 1991

"Dear children, today, like never before, I invite you to prayer. Your prayer should be a prayer for peace. satan is strong and wishes not only to destroy human life but also nature and the planet on which you live. Therefore, dear children, pray that you can protect yourselves through prayer with the blessing of God’s peace. God sent me to you so that I can help you. If you wish to, grasp for the Rosary. Already, the Rosary alone can do miracles in the world and in your lives. I bless you and I stay among you as long as it is God’s will. Thank you that you will not betray my presence here and I thank you because your response is serving God and peace. Thank you for having responded to my call!"

- Given through Marija

March 25, 1990

"Dear children, I am with you even if you are not conscious of it. I want to protect you from everything that satan offers you and through which he wants to destroy you. As I bore Jesus in my womb, so also, dear children, do I wish to bear you unto holiness. God wants to save you and sends you messages through men, nature, and so many things which can only help you to understand that you must change the direction of your life. Therefore, little children, understand also the greatness of the gift which God is giving you through me, so that I may protect you with my mantle and lead you to the joy of life. Thank you for having responded to my call."

- Given through Marija

May 25, 1989

"Dear children, I am calling you to openness to God. You see, little children, how nature is opening herself and is giving life and fruits. In the same way I am calling you to a life with God and a complete surrender to Him. Little children, I am with you and unceasingly I desire to lead you into the joy of life. I desire that each one of you discovers the joy and the love which is found only in God and which only God can give. God wants nothing else from you but your surrender. Therefore, little children, decide seriously for God because everything passes away. God alone does not pass away. Pray that you may discover the greatness and the joy of life which God is giving you. Thank you for having responded to my call."

- Given through Marija

Follow up to January 27, 1986 Message

"Nature, in this way, is renewed and refreshed. For the beauty of nature, a daily renewal and refreshment is necessary. Prayer refreshes man in the same way, to renew him and give him strength. Temptations, which come on him again and again, make him weak and man needs to get from prayer always a new power for love and freshness. This is why [you should] pray and rejoice for the freshness God gives you."
- Given through Jelena

January 27, 1986

To Jelena’s prayer group:

"Every second of prayer is like a drop of dew in the morning which refreshes fully each flower, each blade of grass and the earth. In the same way prayer refreshes man. When man is tired, he gets rest. When he is troubled, he finds peace again. Man renews himself and can, once again, listen to the words of God.

"How the scenery is beautiful when we look at nature in the morning in all its freshness! But more beautiful, much more, is it when we look at a man who brings to others peace, love, and happiness. Children, if you could know what prayer brings to man! Especially personal prayer. Man can thus become a really fresh flower for God. You see how drops of dew stay long on flowers until the first rays of sun come."
- Given through Jelena

December 26, 1982

This is information which Mirjana gave to Father Tomislav Vlasic on November 5, 1983. He conveyed this information to the Pope on December 16, 1983. Father Vlasic’s letter was published in "Is the Virgin Mary Appearing at Medjugorje?" (Paris, 1984), with this introduction:
During the apparition of December 25, 1982, according to Mirjana, the Madonna confided to her the tenth and last secret, and revealed to her, the dates in which the different secrets will be realized. The Blessed Virgin revealed to Mirjana some aspects of the future, up to this point, in greater detail than to the other seers. For this reason, I am reporting here what Mirjana told me in a conversation of November 5, 1983. I summarized the essentials of her account, without literal quotation. Mirjana told me:

Before the visible sign is given to mankind, there will be three warnings to the world. The warnings will be in the form of events on earth. Mirjana will be a witness to them. Ten days before one of the admonitions, Mirjana will notify a priest of her choice. The witness of Mirjana will be a confirmation of the apparitions and a stimulus for the conversion of the world.

After the admonitions, the visible sign will appear on the site of the apparitions in Medjugorje for all the people to see. The sign will be given as a testimony to the apparitions and in order to call people back to faith.

The ninth and tenth secrets are serious. They concern chastisement for the sins of the world. Punishment is inevitable, for we cannot expect the whole world to be converted. The punishment can be diminished by prayer and penance, but it cannot be eliminated. Mirjana says that one of the evils that threatened the world, the one contained in the seventh secret, has been averted thanks to prayer and fasting. That is why the Blessed Virgin continues to encourage prayer and fasting:

"You have forgotten that through prayer and fasting you can avert wars and suspend the laws of nature."

After the first admonition, the others will follow in a rather short time. Thus, people will have some time for conversion.

That interval will be a period of grace and conversion. After the visible sign appears, those who are still alive will have little time for conversion. For that reason, the Blessed Virgin invites us to urgent conversion and reconciliation.

The invitation to prayer and penance is meant to avert evil and war, but most of all to save souls.

According to Mirjana, the events predicted by the Blessed Virgin are near. By virtue of this experience, Mirjana proclaims to the world: "Convert as quickly as possible. Open your hearts to God."

In addition to this basic message, Mirjana related an apparition she had in 1982 which we believe sheds some light on some aspects of Church history. She spoke of an apparition in which satan appeared to her. satan asked Mirjana to renounce the Madonna and follow him. That way she could be happy in love and in life. He said that following the Virgin, on the contrary, would only lead to suffering. Mirjana rejected him, and immediately the Virgin gave her the following message, in substance:

"Excuse me for this, but you must realize that satan exists. One day he appeared before the throne of God and asked permission to submit the Church to a period of trial. God gave him permission to try the Church for one century. This century is under the power of the devil, but when the secrets confided to you come to pass, his power will be destroyed. Even now he is beginning to lose his power and has become aggressive. He is destroying marriages, creating division among priests and is responsible for obsessions and murder. You must protect yourselves against these things through fasting and prayer, especially community prayer. Carry blessed objects with you. Put them in your house, and restore the use of holy water."
- Given through Mirjana

July 21, 1982

Concerning Purgatory:

"There are many souls in Purgatory. There are also persons who have been consecrated to God - some priests, some religious. Pray for their intentions, at least The Lord’s Prayer, the Hail Mary, and the Glory Be seven times each, and the Creed. I recommend it to you. There is a large number of souls who have been in Purgatory for a long time because no one prays for them."

Concerning fasting:

"The best fast is on bread and water. Through fasting and prayer, one can stop wars, one can suspend the laws of nature. Charity cannot replace fasting. Those who are not able to fast can sometime replace it with prayer, charity, and a Confession; but everyone, except the sick, must fast."
- Given through Marija

June 23, 1982

Responses from Our Lady regarding questions asked by Father Tomisalv Vlasic. Vicka asked the Gospa the questions for Father Tomisalv. He reported the answers in the parish Chronicle.

1. The most important thing is that you, the visionaries, remain united. Let peace be among you. Pay very close attention to that. Obey and do what the priests and your parents tell you. Go often to Holy Mass and receive Communion. Be very attentive these days. Some dishonest people will come to you, in numbers, in order to tempt you. Be careful of your statements. These days I am expecting of you a very special discipline. Do not move around anywhere, or often, and do not separate from one another.

2. A number of those who have been very enthusiastic will cool off. But you, persist and be proud of each of my words. Have the people pray very much. Have them pray more for salvation and only for salvation, because it is in prayer. And let the people be converted so long as it is possible. There are many sins, vexations, curse words, lies, and other bad things. Let them be converted, go to Confession, and receive Holy Communion.

3. Let them not print books on the apparitions before the anniversary has passed, because that could have some undesirable consequences.

4. You have asked me to keep good and faithful priests in this parish who will continue the work. Do not be afraid of anything. This grace must be given to you. From priests, I do not demand anything other than prayer with perseverance and preaching. May they be patient and wait for the promise of God.

Concerning these apparitions being the last ones on earth:

5. These apparitions are the last in the world.

Concerning the number of natures of the Holy Spirit:

6. He has only one nature, the Divine nature.
- Given through Vicka

April 22, 1982

Concerning the luminous signs at the cross on Krizevac:

"They are signs of God and not of natural phenomena. ‘S’ and ‘T’ are signs of salvation."

"S" stands for salvation. "T" stands for the cross.

March 25, 2019

“Dear children! This is a time of grace. As nature renews itself for a new life, you also are called to conversion. Decide for God. Little children, you are empty and do not have joy, because you do not have God. Therefore pray until prayer becomes your life. In nature seek God who created you, because nature speaks and fights for life and not for death. Wars are reigning in hearts and nations, because you do not have peace and you do not see, little children, a brother in your neighbor. Therefore return to God and to prayer. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

- Given through Marija