June 22, 2016 A.D.
Our Lady of Medjugorje has revealed many parts of Her plan. She has come now for 35 years with important things to say, important things to teach us about the present and the future. Our Lady said on January 25, 1997:
“…I invite you to reflect about your future. You are creating a new world without God, only with your own strength and that is why you are unsatisfied and without joy in the heart…”
If the future world that man is attempting to create is without God, then the world Our Lady wishes to create in its stead is with God.
Glimpses of the old agrarian life are still seen in Medjugorje. It was this simple life that westerners, and people from “refined” countries would come and be struck by the simplicity of the life, experiencing conversion in the process.
Our Lady is leading us to a new future, which we can accept today and begin to live. It is not about “saving” ourselves physically, which has become the popular fad lately, but rather, living a life that is with God, with strength, with power to bring happiness, and conversion to others. A Friend of Medjugorje tells how we can have this life with God:
“It is a grace that Our Lady is showing us a new way of life. And yes, that means to convert and grow in holiness. But it also means we are being given an opportunity to grow in a physical way in a life of holiness, living a way that is close to God the Creator, working with nature, which is like being in church all the time. But nature is not a god as the green movement is idolizing it. Nature is the product of creation, creation is a product of its Creator, the Creator is God, God is ‘I AM!’ Man has forgotten in his heart from Whom he comes. Therefore, being in nature is a holy place because it is of God, not because it is God.”1
Within the work of the creation of the Creator, not as tourists, but as a way of life, living close to the soil, close to God, relying on Him to provide our needs, as we work in concert with Him is part of Our Lady’s plan for the future, not as a passing fad, but here to stay as the way to live.
Caritas of Birmingham
Operated by the Community of Caritas
1. It Ain’t Gonna Happen, by a Friend of Medjugorje, page 215
2 thoughts on “Revealing Part of the Plan”
The future is scary. I wish Our Lady could give us more in her messages. I really do.
There are none so blind as those who don’t want to see. This writing is absolutely the truth but the world will choose to ignore it because it challenges Man to turn back to the life God intended for us. satan loves nothing more than for us to turn away from our given nature. Sr Lucia of Fatima warned us that the final battle between Our Lady and satan would be over marriage and the family – the pillars of creation. Abortion, the [abomination] “marriage” abomination and the gender “identity crisis” are facets of the “new” creation – borne of Man for Man’s satisfaction and part of the “final battle” in which countless souls are being turned away from salvation. John UK