
Realize What You Have Been Missing

Realize What You Have Been Missing

March 7, 2017 A.D.

Our Lady said on March 2, 2017:

“…with motherly love I am coming to help you to have more love and that means more faith…”

Our Lady wants us to have more love, by having more faith. More faith in what?


A pilgrim in Medjugorje with religious articles

In a display of faith, a pilgrim in Medjugorje waits at Mirjana’s second of the month apparition with her religious articles, a Crucifix, a Rosary and a bag of many more things to be blessed. These things, once taken home are witnesses of the love that was experienced in Medjugorje.

Our Lady wants us to have more love, by having more faith. The true faith is in Our Lady and Her Son, Jesus. Faith and love go hand in hand. Medjugorje visionary Marija said:

“…Our Lady desires that we fall in love with Her Son, Jesus. I also say, I desire that all of you fall in love with Mary and to be in love with Her messages, in this way you will be able to fall in love with Her Son…”1

Medjugorje visionary Mirjana once related a story about a protestant that visited Medjugorje. Mirjana never spoke to him, except one time, but witnessed love to him. Near the end of the pilgrimage the protestant told Mirjana:

“…I have to thank God. I found Mother. I realized here what does it mean, the love of a mother. I realized what I was missing all the years of my life…”2

To those believers and non-believers, to those with faith or without faith, realize what you have been missing all the years of your life. Fall in love with Our Lady. Find Mother, and find the Son.

Caritas of Birmingham
Operated by the Community of Caritas

When a Friend of Medjugorje first went to Medjugorje he realized quickly that Medjugorje is the most powerful place to find Our Lady, and for the past 30+ years, he has guided hearts there for a deep and lasting encounter with Our Lady. Already, we are booking for the entire year 2017. If you are feeling the call to go to Medjugorje, be sure to contact BVM Caritas Medjugorje Pilgrimages in the U.S. at 205-672-2000, extension 218 or 219. Or visit here to request Medjugorje pilgrimage information.


1. Medjugorje Visionary Marija, November 1, 2010, recorded and transcribed by the Community of Caritas
2. Medjugorje visionary Mirjana, May 3, 2011, recorded and transcribed by the Community of Caritas

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Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!

See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here

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