The Virgin Mary tells us to go to Sacred Scripture to discover the true reason for Her coming here, to discover the message for you! St. Louis De Montfort longed for it! He called it not the end of time, but the latter times! Go read Sacred Scripture to find the true reason Our Lady is coming. Go to the last book of the Bible. Go to that book’s last chapter. Then go to the last five verses of the chapter and find what the latter part of Scripture says. You will discover the last five verses of the Bible before the epilogue, John’s last words of Revelation; the description of our time, of what lay hidden for ages, come to life in what you are about to see, that which the saints and prophets longed for, is unlocked and revealed after two thousand years. The last words of the Bible:
Revelation 22:1-2
“The angel then showed me the river of life-giving water clear as crystal, which issued from the throne of God and of the lamb, and flowed down the middle of the streets. On either side of the river grew the trees of life which produced fruit twelve times a year, one each month; the leaves served as medicine for the nations.”
Reread and contemplate why Our Lady comes to a diseased world with medicine to heal it. Meditate on Medjugorje single-handedly and solely reintroducing fasting to the whole people of the Universal Church. The Church must confirm this profound movement of fasting of which did not revive through the Church but from a direct call from Heaven. Great increases in confession, attendance at Mass, prayer, – the list goes on and all can be traced and origined to the fountain of grace which is called Medjugorje. Time tends to blur origins of birth, but this voice witnessed it, watches its growth and calls out to all that you do not realize what is passing before your eyes and hearts. It is the time, Her time. “Mary” the Queen, Woman of Nazareth, the greatest being ever created by God, the Morning Star, the one, who you, in your life time, can go and be in Her physical presence and drink from the fresh water She pours upon the earth for those who thirst for holiness.
Medjugorje – August 25, 2008
One of the millions of pilgrims who have gone to Medjugorje to pray on Apparition Hill and other special sites of Our Lady’s apparitions, seeking peace and a desire for holiness in their lives.
Lines of Confessions can be seen every night at St. James Church during evening services. Our Lady says “…Monthly Confession will be a remedy for the Church in the West…” August 6, 1982
1 thought on ““Read the Sacred Scripture so that through my coming you discover the message in Sacred Scripture for you””
Learn More From the Squirrel Than From the Media?Seems both are looking for, and collecting, NUTS! Yet only the squirrel knows the truth created by, and through, conquest liberation theology man – Turning good Christians into weapons of chaos – for the creation of one world religion of irrational-materialism – NAZI rerun news for zombie creation.