March 31, 2022
Radio Wave Mejanomics

Your Plan is Bigger Than You Know

[Podcast] (26 Minutes) – Do you think the Consecration of Russia has not done anything? A Friend of Medjugorje answers this question and he explains why people are not seeing an immediate change in the situation – not only of this, but for every situation in the whole world. Where does the power for change come from?

Episode Transcript

Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!

See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here

5 thoughts on “Your Plan is Bigger Than You Know”

  1. State: Michigan
    Country: USA
    I have just gotten a chance to listen to this… FOM, so tired from just getting back from the long trip to Medjugorje is still able to state, so clearly, so many things we need to hear! 1) We Catholics and Christians, at least in the US, do not respect the Sabbath. We go out to breakfast/dinner, causing others to have to work. We grocery shop. We catalog and internet shop. We use the day to ‘catch up’ on all the work we didn’t get done during the week. 2) We wait for Our Lady to ‘do something’ to cure our ills, forgetting that she has come because SHE needs OUR help! (What a sublime calling!). I speak to myself when I say, how easy it is to wait for someone else to do the heavy lifting! How easy it is to grow slack when things don’t happen on my timeline and as quickly as I would like. 3) Our Lady keeps calling for us to become community! And it is never too late to do so! It is easy to look at what Caritas has become with Our Lady’s help and be overwhelmed, thinking, I can’t do that. But that’s just the point…,Caritas was not born overnight. FOM started Caritas with his FAMILY. Caritas grew from a small seed watered with prayer, trust and the direction and guidance of Our Lady to be what it is today. We can all start right where we are, with what we have, offered to Our Mother. We might not end up looking exactly like Caritas in dimension, but that doesn’t matter. Our Mother will be happy to take whatever we offer her in faith. It’s not too late. Fiat!

  2. Donna Erickson

    City: Rochester
    State: New York
    Country: U.S.A.
    I am so worried, scared, concerned for the world, my family and myself. Things seem to go from bad to worse.

  3. anna fontenot

    City: Hemphill
    State: Texas
    Country: United States
    I truly wish the whole world would hear, really hear this broadcast (message). It is so beautifully said. Thank you for listening to our Mother. May God’s blessings pour down because we listen and obey. Love and Peace to You, friend of Medjugorje. Please pray for us. Thank you again.

  4. City: Hessmer
    State: Louisiana
    Dearest Caritas

    Thank you for starting again the pilgrimages to Medjugorje. It is an answered prayer for me. God bless y’all. Susan.

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5 thoughts on “Your Plan is Bigger Than You Know”

  1. State: Michigan
    Country: USA
    I have just gotten a chance to listen to this… FOM, so tired from just getting back from the long trip to Medjugorje is still able to state, so clearly, so many things we need to hear! 1) We Catholics and Christians, at least in the US, do not respect the Sabbath. We go out to breakfast/dinner, causing others to have to work. We grocery shop. We catalog and internet shop. We use the day to ‘catch up’ on all the work we didn’t get done during the week. 2) We wait for Our Lady to ‘do something’ to cure our ills, forgetting that she has come because SHE needs OUR help! (What a sublime calling!). I speak to myself when I say, how easy it is to wait for someone else to do the heavy lifting! How easy it is to grow slack when things don’t happen on my timeline and as quickly as I would like. 3) Our Lady keeps calling for us to become community! And it is never too late to do so! It is easy to look at what Caritas has become with Our Lady’s help and be overwhelmed, thinking, I can’t do that. But that’s just the point…,Caritas was not born overnight. FOM started Caritas with his FAMILY. Caritas grew from a small seed watered with prayer, trust and the direction and guidance of Our Lady to be what it is today. We can all start right where we are, with what we have, offered to Our Mother. We might not end up looking exactly like Caritas in dimension, but that doesn’t matter. Our Mother will be happy to take whatever we offer her in faith. It’s not too late. Fiat!

  2. Donna Erickson

    City: Rochester
    State: New York
    Country: U.S.A.
    I am so worried, scared, concerned for the world, my family and myself. Things seem to go from bad to worse.

  3. anna fontenot

    City: Hemphill
    State: Texas
    Country: United States
    I truly wish the whole world would hear, really hear this broadcast (message). It is so beautifully said. Thank you for listening to our Mother. May God’s blessings pour down because we listen and obey. Love and Peace to You, friend of Medjugorje. Please pray for us. Thank you again.

  4. City: Hessmer
    State: Louisiana
    Dearest Caritas

    Thank you for starting again the pilgrimages to Medjugorje. It is an answered prayer for me. God bless y’all. Susan.

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