City: Sulphur
State: LA
The main thing I struggle with is my husband not being on board. I can’t do the things that I want to do, because he tells me no. I want to just do it, but I am trying to follow my husband and let him be the leader of the family. I am waiting and praying that he will come around before it is too late. He has done a few things but his pace is way slower than what I would like. I am concerned that we will runout of time, and not sure what to do to get him completely on board. I would appreciate any advice y’all can give on this. Thanks for keeping us focused on Our Lady and sharing your knowledge. Y’all are in my prayers. May God and Our Lady continue to bless y’all and the mission.
May 12, 2022
You Don’t Need Any More Signs
[Podcast] (34 Minutes) – Stopped production, emergency meetings, food and energy getting more expensive, everybody knows this is happening. What can you do about it? What if you cannot get anything? A Friend of Medjugorje tells us what we must do – now.
Episode Transcript
“No one can serve two masters. He will either hate the one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon. Therefore, I tell you, do not worry about your life– what you shall eat or drink– or about your body– what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?
“Look at the birds in the sky. They do not sow or reap. They gather nothing into barns, yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are not you more important than they? Can any of you, by worrying, add a single moment to your life span?
“Why are you anxious about clothes? Learn from the way the wildflowers grow. They do not work or spin. But I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was clothed like one of them. If God so clothes the grass of the field, which grows today and is thrown into the oven tomorrow, will He not much more provide for you, oh you of little faith?
“So do not worry and say, what are we to eat? Or what shall we drink? Or what are we to wear? All these things the pagans seek. Your Heavenly Father knows that you need them all.
“But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides. Do not worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow will take care of itself. Sufficient for a day is its own evil.”
This is Mejanomics with a Friend of Medjugorje.
I think that we’ve made something perfectly evident and clear: we are at war. And you know that! They’re coming for your freedoms and your individual liberties. You think that they won’t come for your money? They’re locking 50 million people down in China right now in the name of a virus that never even existed. And we are a debtor nation to China! This is exactly the kind of living hell on earth that they’re trying to bring here! And if they’re willing to steal your freedoms and individual liberties, don’t you dare think for one second that they won’t steal your money. And then they’ll use tax hikes and hyper-inflation as their way to justify doing it!
So, if you have $50,000 dollars or more in your IRA or in your 401(k) or in your savings account right now, this is your money that you’ve worked hard for, and it’s at risk—imminent risk. They’re going to come and take it.
So, you have to protect it. You can do that with physical gold and silver.
Are we making too much of everything that’s taking place right now?
I tell you, we are not marching toward an antichrist system. We are in the midst of one.
A few broadcasts we had recorded before, we talked about a company that was named “BlackRock,” and we talked about Union Pacific Railroad. And they said they would not haul anymore of the fertilizer from the biggest company in the world that makes fertilizer.
What is fertilizer for? What does it do?
It grows food!
And on the other side of the fertilizer company, they were saying we can’t use Pacific because they won’t haul our fertilizer.
And then we found out the investing company BlackRock owns Pacific Railroad and it also owns the fertilizer company.
Let’s go toward some more information.
How do you control the people?
How do you control nations?
How do you control the whole world?
Take their houses away?
No. You can still live that way. You can be in a shanti in the woods. The Indians did it. We can survive that way.
But there’s one thing you can’t survive without, and that’s food.
And the food industry, which again, is related to the Pacific delivering fertilizer, the top ten companies, BlackRock is at the top of the shareholders. Ten massive companies in the food industry:
Nestle, Coca-Cola, Unilever, Dannon, Mars, Mondelez, Associated British Foods, Kellogg’s, General Mills, Pepsi-Cola tops at the ten.
What is all that about? What does this say to you? How do we get around this? How are we going to win? How are we going to be defeated?
Our Lady says,
July 25, 1988
“…I am calling you to a complete surrender to God…”
If we’re going to surrender all this, how’s that going to work? How are we going to defeat the system? Which way did we go?
Our Lady tells us after that, saying,
“…I am calling you to a complete surrender to God. Everything you do and everything you possess give over to God…”
Wow. How do you do that?
You have to go back to the Garden of Eden. He bound us to the soil.
These ten companies that they’re controlling can be in a position for people to starve to death. And how many people, when they see their kids suffering or themselves suffering, they’re going to do what they’re told to do.
So, when Our Lady says,
“…Everything you do and everything you possess give over to God so that He can take control in your life…”
What God wants from you is to live the way, what He said way back in Genesis. “By the sweat of your brow you shall eat.”
We are not binded to the earth, and therefore, we’re not in control because somebody else is in control, and that’s the devil.
And there’s something very interesting in this message that Our Lady says,
“…so that He can take control…”
And then She adds this, incredible:
“…He can take control in your life as King of all that you possess…”
You make God the King of your possessions, He makes you the king over your possessions. But your possessions are in these companies because they can take everything away from you.
You have to be out of the system as far as you can get. And what I’ve said over and over and over for three decades: Get your food from your ground to your mouth as fast as you can.
Our Lady says in the same message,
“…do not be afraid…”
Just reason this out. If She says don’t be afraid, it means there’s something to be afraid of. But,
“…do not be afraid because I am with you even when you think…”
This is how bad it’s going to be,
“…even when you think there is no way out and that satan is in control…”
Boy, did She nail that back in 1988 for 2022 where we’re at now.
You’re not in control. BlackRock is. Another shareholder: Vanguard.
Through this template of the messages, you can discern. Discern the fact that there’s 37 million birds—chickens—killed in the U.S. by the bird flu pandemic. I don’t believe that. About the numbers? Yeah, I believe that. But I don’t believe it’s the flu. And if it is, are they spreading this to disrupt the food chain, for what Our Lady said?
“…when you think there is no way out and that satan is in control…”
She’s not saying there is a way out, that satan won’t be in control, because She says that satan is in control. And that’s where it is right now. And that’s the call to come back to a wholesome life, bounded to the soil, and then you become king over what you possess.
So, the 37 million chickens being killed by the flu, that’s in the United States. Yesterday, the U.K. had the largest retailers invited to meet with egg producers at a crisis summit. So, they’ve got all the egg producers with the largest retailers so they could talk about what was happening and that they were in a crisis.
So, they had a crisis summit, and these people are organic producers, and their cost of production has gone through the roof. They can’t operate anymore. They were going to have to stop producing their eggs.
In an emergency meeting yesterday, they outlined there was a desperate situation, that the current market condition is stopping their egg production, or it’s going to put them all out of business.
They relayed that the hikes of production costs have gone through the roof across the whole U.K. They’re feeding hens, now, 50% more expensive. All the while that’s happening, energy prices have surged by 40%. What they’re spending on fuel is 30% more.
And the labor is the same way. They relayed that 70% of the producers warned the retailers that by the end of the year, they will all be out of business.
Think about that. Seventy percent will be out of business.
They complained to the controllers, just what we talked about these ten companies, that they’re ignoring the warnings. This can be duplicated over and over and over across all the nations.
The lying voices in our country are saying, as far as April, inflation is only 8.3% over last year.
Do you believe that? When you go to the grocery store? Everything’s only 8% up from a year ago? Gasoline, diesel fuel, cars, all products?
The Biden administration is lying. The cabal is feeding us lying voices on everything that’s taking place.
Don’t go to the data. Our Lady’s messages are simple. She says, “Make God the King of what you possess by turning it over to Him to He can make you king and free you, and you will not be afraid, and satan will not be in control.” (July 25, 1988)
Let me give you a tidbit. A snowstorm’s coming, and it’s going to be bad. And you’re going to be locked in the house for a while. What do people do? Where do they go? They go to the grocery store. What do they buy? Simple. Three things. Everybody knows.
Milk, bread, and eggs.
Think about that. That’s the first thing to empty the shelves. Always! Whether there’s hurricane in Florida or the coast somewhere or a snowstorm in Minnesota. What does that tell you? Your indicator!
Our Lady gave a message,
December 2, 2007
“…God’s Word…”
Who’s the Word? Jesus Christ. So, Our Lady’s talking about Her Son. She says,
“…God’s Word…”
In other words, Jesus Christ,
“…which is the light of salvation…”
We know salvation came through Jesus.
“…God’s Word which is the light of salvation and the light of common sense.”
So, forget these lies, all these indicators, “We’re only up 8.3% from a year ago.” All you have to do is take the indicator of milk, bread, and eggs, and you go see what you were paying just a few weeks ago. What was the price you were buying milk? What was the price you were buying bread? What was the price you were buying eggs for?
The U.K. just said it jumped 50% out of nowhere. Not in a year, but in weeks.
What about all the other foods? It’s still an indicator. How many things require milk? How many things require bread? How many things require eggs? Basically everything. There’s hundreds of products out of milk. You eat sandwiches with bread. Eggs are in cakes, and you can make a long, long list of these three basic things people go to the grocery store, because they know that’s what they have to have. And that tells you what you’ve got to do about the future.
You’ve got your chickens. You’ve got your cow for milk. And of course, bread is made out of wheat, but you actually can make bread out of cattails.
So, see, the answer is just common sense.
Our Lady’s coming to give us truth. There are a lot of things being stated right now that are good quotes. One says,
“The truth is no longer hidden. Now, people are hiding from the truth.”
Don’t you see what’s happening? Milk? Bread? Eggs? You’re going to leave that in somebody else’s hands to give to you, or you’re going to start producing it?
Another quote says,
“Growing your own food is like printing your own money.”
I quote Wall Street probably ten years ago, which said, “The future gold is food.” And now, you’re starting to see this. The U.K. is.
We just sent another forty billion dollars to the Ukraine, and gas prices just hit the record, and people are struggling.
So, the reality, you have to understand that we’re not walking into an antichrist system. We are there. There’s another quote that says,
“I’m not anti-system. The system is anti-me.”
You’re a target. Your shield, your safety net is the messages that’s coming from Heaven once a month and through the Thursday times to the village, and you have to apply everything you live and the way you think and your mentality by these messages. And then God, through Our Lady can navigate you where you need to be.
Our Lady has to repeat things many times, and that’s why you’ll hear from this mic the same way. Our Lady said,
April 2, 2006
“…ask yourself…”
She’s stating a question for you to ask. She says, quote,
“…ask yourself if you are following me?…”
She wants you to give an answer. Are you? Or are you not? What does She mean by that question? Because that follows with these words:
“…do you not recognize the signs…”
Meaning that you’re not following Her because you see the signs.
“…do you not recognize the signs of the times?…”
We’ve got a sign in New York in Times Square. You think that’s by accident? They called us. You know the story if you’ve been following what we do. And then Our Lady says,
“…do you not recognize the signs of the times? Do you not speak of them?…”
Everybody’s talking about the billboard in New York.
And Our Lady continues in this message,
“…Come follow me. As a mother I call you…”
May 2, 2009, Our Lady goes again,
“…You are permitting sin…to take away your power of discernment…look around you…look at the signs of the times…”
There it is. Times Square. What does the billboard say?
“Everybody’s looking for something from God.”
Then the billboard changes and says,
“She is the answer.”
When it rolls over a third time,
“The Woman of Revelation Chapter 12 is here.”
Don’t say, “I know that. I’ve heard that before.” Our Lady’s had to repeat because many people still don’t accept it, or they have the mentality like, “When everything happens, I’ll figure out what I’m going to do.”
We are not going back to what we have now.
We have so many deceptions. You’ve got the bitcoins, Cryptocurrency. All these things happening is not of God.
All these things are just Ponzi schemes. For example, eighty percent of all bitcoins in existence were acquired by that eighty percent for nothing! When they started, it was just a penny. Nothing! And everybody started buying it up, and it inflated, and their holdings turns into billions and billions of dollars. It’s a con! At any time, these majority owners can cash it out and clean house. And they’re the only ones that have got it, and everybody put their money when they paid $50,000 for one bitcoin or $69,000 where it topped out.
Make no mistake, when these people see the best moment to harvest their scheme, they transfer it to cash, and probably from there to silver and gold…I think it’s over a trillion dollars.
All this is done by the devil and greed, and it steals the spotlight away from precious metals. Bitcoins and Cryptocurrency can’t compete with silver or gold because bitcoins and Cryptocurrency is made by a few lines of code in a computer. That’s all it is! And it’s kept precious metals down way below the price of what its value is. It’s a scheme to keep it down. Printed money and all these scheme cannot compete with what God made with intrinsic value.
You’re going to see some fireworks happen when they signal the dumping of bitcoins and cryptos, and they’re going to realize they should have preferred precious metals.
I’m telling you, it’s crazy to keep your 401(k)s, your investments, the stock markets, all these things can disappear and will disappear because everything’s going to fall apart. Physically, you want in your hands. Just what you heard at the beginning of the broadcast, they’re going to take everything you’ve got, because everything you’ve got in those kinds of investments is in the system. And they’re just waiting at the right moment to kill everything, even population.
We’re going to get a report from Century Silver.
Well, it seems a common thread throughout what you’ve been saying today, it’s very clear—it’s becoming more and more clear every day—there’s stuff coming out about cryptocurrencies and the corruption there. But that, what you said earlier, the systems themselves are against us. It’s no longer one man trying to take your wealth. There’s an entire system being built from the food systems to the money systems, financial systems, you name it. The housing, everything. Everything is stacked against the common man today.
And we see that reflected in the response of the people who are calling Century Silver Exchange not just in the numbers, but also in what they’re doing.
And just to give you one example of what’s happening is people are going after their retirement accounts now. And it’s interesting. We have a woman who contacted us about two years ago, and now, she’s come full circle with her exchange for the Miraculous Medal Medjugorje Rounds. She had close to a million dollars at the time in 2020, and it was actually her family that stopped her. Some of you may remember the story. We gave her some advice and said, “Listen, your family’s going to be your enemy in this. Don’t tell them.” She went against that advice. She told her family. She called us back. She said, “I started a war.” And then, we didn’t hear from her for about a month. She actually went into a depression after that, went to the hospital and called us after that, told us the whole story. It was really quite miserable for her.
But we actually spoke to her about a month ago, and she said, you know, “Maybe I’m ready to get back in the swing and go for something now.”
So, she ended up getting in touch with her financial advisor about a week ago, cashed out close to $450,000 from her retirement account and within a couple days, is wiring Century Silver what remains of that, close to about 400, maybe $425,000, which is a huge amount of silver. But it’s exciting for her, but it just kind of shows you the forces that will align against you to stop you from making an exchange for the Miraculous Medal Medjugorje Round.
But she’s just one out of many who are considering six-figure, some seven-figure sums right now, to get out of paper, get out of stocks. Some people are getting out of cryptos. From a variety of sources. Their husband left them money. Their parents died and they’ve left them money, or just investments that people have accumulated over a lifetime of hard, hard work that they don’t want to see disappear.
I can’t tell you strong enough, get rid of the crypto stuff, whether it’s under the price that you bought it for, you need to turn it to real assets. We’ve been blowing this trumpet for a long, long time, and there’s nowhere you can show in the history of those three and a half decades we’ve been doing this, that we’ve been wrong with it.
I believe the messages, and pre Medjugorje, I was taking steps not to be in debt. Had I not taken those steps, I would never have been able to found Caritas and do what I’m doing now. And evidently, Our Lady saw some potential here that She could do something. And She has done. Why do we have 204 apparitions, with many messages, beautiful things, because we’re binded to Her and to the soil here.
You have to act now. You do not need anymore signs. We are overloaded with signs. It’s time to make your decisions to step off the dock onto land.
One thing you said earlier in the broadcast is that the “Ark.” The “Ark” is Our Lady’s messages, but you’ve taught for so many years that the messages have to lead you to physical action, physical decision, making real changes in your life.
Just one other example: Out in the silver world, there’s a popular saying. When the price of silver goes down, people say, “It’s time to back up the truck.” And what they mean is, when price is down, you back up your truck, and you load it up with as much silver as you can. And it’s kind of a joke, but people are referring to the serious nature of when price goes down, you buy as much silver as you possibly can.
Now, most of these people say, “If silver goes up, I buy. If silver goes down, I buy.” It doesn’t matter. “I’m a long-term silver person.” But right now is a moment when silver has taken a 60-day dip of almost four dollars down close to $22 an ounce for the spot price. We had a very long-term customer with Century Silver who had been buying the Miraculous Medal Medjugorje Round for probably almost ten years now call us yesterday. He said, “I’ve already got a lot of silver, and I’ve pretty much done all my buying, but this is an opportunity I can’t pass up,” and he does not remember if he himself had bought silver anywhere cheaper than $22 an ounce. So, he was animated and speaking about this, and basically, there’s absolutely no reason, with what’s happening in the world today, there’s no reason why silver should be going down like this. And again, he said, “I can’t pass up this opportunity.”
That’s a sign. It doesn’t make any sense. It’s the only thing that has value for helping you, aside from you having a homestead.
We encourage you to call us at Century Silver Exchange. Now, now is the time to act. We’ve had to add more staff to handle the increasing call and order volume. You can reach us at 877-936-7686. That’s 877-936-7686. Or visit us at
Century Silver Exchange is a for-profit subsidiary of Caritas. It bears its own expenses and pays income taxes on its earnings. If there are any extra earnings leftover at year-end, it may make a dividend donation to Caritas to further its mission efforts.
I want to finish this broadcast to tell you something. I’m going to give you a little secret.
It wasn’t too long ago that people didn’t have any books in their houses. Why? Because they were expensive. Most people didn’t have one book. And if they had one book in their house, it was a treasure. It was special. You can’t even fathom that now because of books and magazines and everything. And that one book was the Bible. They had to save money to get that.
If you had five books in your house, you were well-off, and you were proud if somebody came in there to see those books.
When I was young in the fifties, and then going into the sixties, if your neighbor back there bought a new car or truck, everybody in the neighborhood would go look at it. I remember going across the street to our neighbor. He bought a new truck, and everybody’s looking at it and going, “Ooh,” and “Wow!” “Ooh.” I have memories of that. It was such a big thing.
If you had a hundred books, you were very, very rich.
I’m holding right now a book. It’s called the Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume One. It came from the School of Madeleine, E 24th Street, Portland, Oregon. This book that I’m holding is 110 years old. It’s two inches thick. I’ve got sixteen volumes. It’s incredible. You get things you’ve never saw or heard about a people connected to the Catholic Church, and they’re awesome. I got it for my birthday. My wife found it at an antique store.
I’m holding another book I brought from my house, and it’s 100 years old. It’s in mint condition. It’s a National Geographic magazine, all the way back to 1922. Back then, it was expensive. Fifty cents for the copy, $3.50 for a year for subscription.
I’ve got a collection of National Geographics all the way from November of 1922, all the way to February 1998. Why did I stop there? Because they started lying, and they started promoting agendas all kind of lies, so I quit doing it. It goes down one side on top of the shelf all the way around the room. I got these National Geographics years ago for nothing.
I’ve got seven different encyclopedias. To have encyclopedias was very expensive.
I’ve got another encyclopedia titled, Science: Your Encyclopedia going from 1977 to 2007. Thirty-seven volumes.
I’ve got Funk and Wagnalls new encyclopedias, twenty-eight volumes, containing 25,000 articles in alphabetical order up to 1977.
See, these things are really ordered. They’re easy to go through.
I’ve got another set of encyclopedias of gardening, over twenty volumes of that.
I’ve got another set, the World Book Encyclopedia, 1958, nineteen volumes, containing 9,412 pages.
I’ve got another set, Compton’s Picture Encyclopedia, 1967, forty-two volumes, including several year books.
I’ve got another set. It’s called the Annals of America, twenty-one volumes, 1977 to 1986. Those are written mostly by leftists, and it’s propaganda. Why do I have that? I can compare that to the other things.
Why am I going through this? Why am I telling you this? I’m telling you, you get in your car, you drive to the first antique store you can go, because we bought these things for nothing, sometimes twenty-five dollars for a whole set, because nobody wants them anymore. Everybody dreamed about encyclopedias in the fifties and sixties. And then things come up. Now, we’ve got internet. And when it’s gone, you’ve got nothing. And you think you’re going to be able to buy a book?
These books, because they are so old, are valuable in the condition they’re in, is worth a fortune, really. But I don’t have it for that, because when things crash, there’s no T.V. There’s no internet. What are you going to have?
I’ll tell you a secret. There’s people probably in the city that are listening to this, and you better beat them to the antique store, because you’re going to want these things in the future.
Do I read these things? No. Why don’t I read them? Because I wouldn’t be writing anything. It’s a sacrifice for me. And when I go in my library, I want to pull that up. And I need to be in bed at 11:30. It’s one o’clock. I’m fighting sleeping. They’re so good to read. There’s so much interesting things in it.
And you can see the transitions through the decades when they started changing things and going through the agendas. I know where they’re lying. And you can see the truth in the beginning.
This National Geographic, the adds in it are fun to look at. They’re beautiful colors, why you had to buy this, awesome stuff.
Reason out what I’m saying to you right now, and I’m serious. You go buy these encyclopedias, and you’re going to be rich. Now’s the time to start getting these things. Look at the signs of the times. You’re not going to have Google. You’re not going to have these other things because they are not of God. It’s the word. We quoted that message already. The Word.
We have lost a lot of skills and knowledge that through the centuries, these materials will be so valuable to you about how to do this, how to just grow these things.
So, this is one more step walking closer to God that’s easy to do.
You need two things in your house: a library and a fireplace. That’s going to be your consolation, not going to Hawaii. You’re not going to be going there.
June 25th is coming up. That’s going to be the end of the 40th Anniversary. That also is a motivation to go get these books and get what you can. We don’t know what’s going to happen, but we know that something is going to happen sometime where and when Our Lady tells us that.
We have thirty plus people going to Medjugorje with us on our pilgrimage June 21st-June 30th. You need to sign up now, and if you can’t do that, pilgrimage to Caritas and be here for the end of the 40th Anniversary.
So, we invite you to go to one or the other.
And I end this telling you pray for all the things that’s been said, where we are, what’s taking place, what you need to reorder in your home, which always starts in your heart.
We wish you Our Lady. We love you. Good night.
This ends the Mejanomics broadcast with a Friend of Medjugorje. These broadcasts are available as CDs which are sent directly to your doorstep on a monthly subscription. For information, contact Caritas in the U.S. at 205-672-2000.
Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!
See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.
For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here
7 thoughts on “You Don’t Need Any More Signs”
City: Bristol
State: South Gloucestershire
Country: United Kingdom
Hi guysTotally with you on the love of books. We also have encyclopaedias, books on gardening and the natural world.
When I last contacted Century Silver they were not shipping to the UK. So I have bought some plain silver troy instead to leave to my daughters. However, I would very much like to purchase some Miraculous Medal Silver Rounds for them also. Are they shipping to the UK now please?
Eventually I would like to swap my plain sliver troy with Miraculous Medal Silver Rounds.
Growing fruit and vegetables in your own little plots is really big in the UK. If you don’t grow wheat or corn you can make flour out of potatoes. I love growing our own vegetables even though we don’t have masses of space to grow much and I love cooking.
City: Cleveland
State: Tx
Country: United States
Thank you for everything you do AFOM to help Our Lady and us. A couple of years ago our town public library had about 5 tables full of free books and encyclopedias. We got 3 sets of free encyclopedias! Encyclopedia Britanica from 1768, The World book encyclopedia from 1951, and The National Encyclopedia from 1934. Its awesome reading them. -
City: Scotland
State: ON
Country: Canada
Thank you Friend of Medjugorje again for wonderful advice and information that will help us during difficult times ahead. Thank you Our Lady for coming to help and guide us,
7 thoughts on “You Don’t Need Any More Signs”
City: Sulphur
State: LA
The main thing I struggle with is my husband not being on board. I can’t do the things that I want to do, because he tells me no. I want to just do it, but I am trying to follow my husband and let him be the leader of the family. I am waiting and praying that he will come around before it is too late. He has done a few things but his pace is way slower than what I would like. I am concerned that we will runout of time, and not sure what to do to get him completely on board. I would appreciate any advice y’all can give on this. Thanks for keeping us focused on Our Lady and sharing your knowledge. Y’all are in my prayers. May God and Our Lady continue to bless y’all and the mission.
City: Bristol
State: South Gloucestershire
Country: United Kingdom
Hi guys
Totally with you on the love of books. We also have encyclopaedias, books on gardening and the natural world.
When I last contacted Century Silver they were not shipping to the UK. So I have bought some plain silver troy instead to leave to my daughters. However, I would very much like to purchase some Miraculous Medal Silver Rounds for them also. Are they shipping to the UK now please?
Eventually I would like to swap my plain sliver troy with Miraculous Medal Silver Rounds.
Growing fruit and vegetables in your own little plots is really big in the UK. If you don’t grow wheat or corn you can make flour out of potatoes. I love growing our own vegetables even though we don’t have masses of space to grow much and I love cooking.
City: Cleveland
State: Tx
Country: United States
Thank you for everything you do AFOM to help Our Lady and us. A couple of years ago our town public library had about 5 tables full of free books and encyclopedias. We got 3 sets of free encyclopedias! Encyclopedia Britanica from 1768, The World book encyclopedia from 1951, and The National Encyclopedia from 1934. Its awesome reading them.
City: Scotland
State: ON
Country: Canada
Thank you Friend of Medjugorje again for wonderful advice and information that will help us during difficult times ahead. Thank you Our Lady for coming to help and guide us,