December 16, 2021
Mejanomics Special

You Can Only Find It Through…

[Podcast] (53 Minutes) – We share an encounter with a Friend of Medjugorje during the Five Days of Prayer, in which he speaks of how to experience and accept Christmas in your heart. He shares also how we end up with a weakened discernment.

Episode Transcript


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Tonight, we have a very special broadcast. This is a Friend of Medjugorje from December 11, 2021. He spoke to the pilgrims gathered here at Caritas during the annual Five Days of Prayer. We’re always excited to be able to present these to you, because when a Friend of Medjugorje is able to be with the people, the dynamics of what Our Lady gives him is always very strong.


And so, what you will be hearing tonight from a Friend of Medjugorje will be coming to us from this encounter.




“No one can serve two masters. He will either hate the one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon. Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life– what you shall eat or drink– or about your body– what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?


“Look at the birds in the sky. They do not sow or reap. They gather nothing into barns, yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are not you more important than they? Can any of you, by worrying, add a single moment to your life span?


“Why are you anxious about clothes? Learn from the way the wildflowers grow. They do not work or spin. But I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendour was clothed like one of them. If God so clothes the grass of the field, which grows today and is thrown into the oven tomorrow, will He not much more provide for you, oh you of little faith?


“So do not worry and say, what are we to eat? Or what shall we drink? Or what are we to wear? All these things the pagans seek. Your Heavenly Father knows that you need them all.


“But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides. Do not worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow will take care of itself. Sufficient for a day is its own evil.”




This is Mejanomics with a Friend of Medjugorje.



God, it’s safe to say it’s been a tough year. The hardest one we’ve ever seen. The world has never cried so many tears or had so many broken dreams.


We’ve got some bad things goin’ on around us. We’re killing each other senselessly. It seems we’ve learned to hate instead of love. I guess what I’m really tryin’ to say


We need You. We need You. We need You. God, we need You.


I know soon it’s Your Son’s Birthday. And You must cry when it comes around. He gave His Life for us and a better way the day that Cross hit the ground.


So, when we celebrate this Christmas, I hope You’ll forgive us all somehow. And as our children open presents, I’ll be prayin’ for them now.


They need You. They need You. (They need You) They need You. God, they need You. (God, they need You)


We need You to get us through (get us through). I need You (I need You). God, I need You (God, we need You).



Has it been a tough year for you? For the whole world? We see it. What would we do if Our Lady had not appeared, and we have to go through periods of what we’re going through right now? We wouldn’t make it. She’s here for something serious. It’s not just something nice, but to train us and prepare for us a new world. She literally has told us that, “I am bringing you into a new time.” And yet, even those who follow Her, messages, Her words, have not grasped that completely, changing your life, your direction. You can’t continue to do what you’re doing right now. Yes, it’s difficult to change things because we’re dragged along with the ways of the culture, and it’s very difficult to be counter cultural. And that’s why God is sending His Best from Heaven, the Star, the brightest Creature in Heaven outside the Trinity. We’re going to look back on these days, when the Secrets happen, like it was surreal, like I said yesterday. The moments we’re living, you have to be busy. There’s no time to be slacking back and think, “I’ll do this and continue with the world,” because it’s not going to work.


Our Lady has given to us many things, beautiful. Forty years…Do you believe that we have forty births from 1981 to now? Baby Jesus. Probably four or five or six years ago, if  you remember, Marija was shocked when Baby Jesus lifted His head up and said, with authority, “…live My commandments.” She said it was a child’s voice, but with authority. All of us were shocked. Marija was shocked. She didn’t expect that. Our Lady is doing everything to shake us, to change our hearts, because the heart we have now has been given to us by the education system, the government, our greed, money, our things. We have to shed everything. What we do keep, we are to glorify God with it, and if you can’t glorify God with it, throw it away because it’s distancing you from God.


Our Lady said, February 2, 2020…This is how you start:


“…fold your hands and look at the Cross in silence…”


She’s not saying praying. She’s not saying go do a Rosary. She says, “Go before the Cross and just sit there with your hands folded.” Jesus will do the rest.


“…fold your hands and look at the Cross in silence. In this way, you are drawing faith…”


What does that mean? A pencil, you’re drawing something? It can’t mean anything else. Our Lady says when you stare at Jesus on the Cross, and you’re silent, and you’re blank, and you’re getting rid of all your thoughts, you’re drawing faith. It’s an amazing thing. That’s supernatural. Something happened in front of you in front of the Cross. That cross down in the cross chapel…There was a guy. I wrote an article about the Cross. This was before Marija came. And he says, “I want to make you a cross.”


I said, “You make crosses?”


He said, “I only made one.”


I said, “You’re going to make me a cross?”


He said, “I really want to make you a real cross.”


I said, “Okay. I’m going to give you Catherine Emmerich’s version of the Passion and what the Cross looked like. I’m sending you that book, and you read that, and you pray, and you make one.”


And that’s what came out. That was on our balcony, those of you who prayed to Jesus, that balcony, that was up there. I had no place to put it. There was no Tabernacle. Our Lady embraced that Cross.


So, you go down there, and you sit there, and you don’t say nothing. Don’t talk. Don’t ask for anything. Just look at that Cross.


There was a teenager in the beginning days. She came before it. She dropped to her knees. She did this…“I had no idea it was like this!”


This isn’t just a cross. The one in the Bedroom is not just a cross. These have been touched supernaturally. Three months for that Cross downstairs. And then many, many times over the Bed. So, don’t think you have to have a formula, “Where do I start?” You just shut your mouth, your heart, and open it. Take these words as gold and full, 100% truth:


“…My children, fold your hands and look at the Cross in silence. In this way, you are drawing faith to be able to transmit…”


Transmit what?


“…to be able to transmit…you are drawing truth…”


We don’t have truth in the culture today. Our Lady’s given the map for it, and you don’t hear it. And there’s a purpose for that, because everything’s so tainted.


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So, we have the Virgin come down, giving us a new virgin language.


“…you are drawing faith to be able to transmit it; [and] you are drawing truth to be able to discern…”


That’s the big word: discernment. We’ve got a lot of discernment to do, a lot of decisions to make. Find the truth. What is truth? How does it come to us? Through the Cross. Not dialogue. The devil wants you to talk. That’s where we hear the political. “Let’s dialogue.” Because they want you to go to their way. Don’t dialogue. “Eve, don’t talk to the devil.” Because once you start talking to the devil, you listen to it, he’s going to win, always. Silence and the Cross.


“…you are drawing truth to be able to discern; you are drawing love that you may know to love truly…look at the Cross…”


Is that not powerful? Is that not profound? We’re looking for these formulas and going to these retreats and all this stuff, and it’s right there in front of your home. It’s got power. Those words have something in them that will give something, a supernatural grace to come to you.


September 2, 2015

“…my dear apostles of love, my carriers of truth…”


So, once you get that from the Cross, you’ve got the truth, you’ve got the discernment, you are to carry out truth even if it hurts you, even if it divides your family, even if you get isolated by yourself, you cannot back down from truth once you’ve seen it and learned it and discerned it. Forty years, She’s been feeding us truth. And after the apparitions, that’s not going away. This is what we’re going to have to have to fight the prodigies of satan and what he’s going to bring back, what She’s crushing.


And the same date of September 2nd,


“…I will teach you truth that you may know how to discern…”


There it goes again. She wants you to discern. She wants you to critically look at everything and see is something off the kilt that will leave us on a wrong track?


So, through discernment, you believe, and you can’t have your heart open to the graces that Our Lady wants to give you to truth, to discern, if you don’t believe. Do you really believe Our Lady’s giving messages for the whole world, every person, to change the direction of the world? Or do you believe we’re going to go back to normal? No, what our normal is for the last four decades, it’s not going to happen. You know that. You’re not ready for that, but Our Lady’s bringing to us, forty times, Baby Jesus. And all we have to do is live the Commandments.


Yet, we know, John Paul went to Confession every single day. We all break the Commandments. In the Book of James, it says that if you break one commandment, you break all ten. Why? Because the first one says, “Love God above everything.” And if you did, you wouldn’t break them. So, when you do something…You say, “Well, I don’t kill anybody.” You do if you slander their reputation, you put them down. That’s Biblical. We all break all the Ten Commandments. To keep the Commandments is not that we won’t break them. It’s that we know we broke them and we confess. We have to go, minimally, to Confession every month. And you need to start telling everybody that. You have to do that. John Paul went every day to Confession?


Fr. Ken Roberts says, when he was alive…He died a couple years ago. He says, “When I went to a convent to listen to their sins,” that it’s like listening to their sins is begin nibbled to death by a duck. [LAUGHTER] No matter where you are, we are fallen creatures without Our Lady.


So, Our Lady wants us to have the heart of the children, the innocence of kids. And to have that, you have to believe all this.



If the flowers can find their way up through the fallen snow, and if the icy Christmas wind can find the strength to blow, if the stars deep in the dark can find the light to glow, then even on my darkest day, I too can find the hope.


So, I will open up my heart like a kid on Christmas Eve. When the dreams are as real as the lights up on the tree. And what you choose to look for is what you’re gonna see. So, if only for tonight, I will believe. I will believe.


When you wish upon a star, it won’t always come true. And when your heart is broken, it’s a chance to start anew. There’s nothing I would rather do than spend this night with you. And you don’t have to say it ‘cause I know you feel it too.


So, I will open up my heart like a kid on Christmas Eve. When the dreams are as real as the lights up on the tree. And what you choose to look for is what you’re gonna see. So, if only for tonight, I will believe. I will believe.


So, I will hold onto this feeling, ‘cause I’ve lost it before. And now I know that growing up, you need it even more.


So, I will open up my heart like a kid on Christmas Eve. When the dreams are as real as the lights up on the tree. And what you choose to look for is what you’re gonna see. So, if only for tonight, I will believe. I will believe.



“When you wish upon a star, it won’t always come true…when your heart is broken, it’s a chance to start anew.”


When Marija was here, there was a lot of “ifs.” They didn’t know if her kidney was going to match her brother’s. And then from there, the next and the next things. And I realized, “Would Our Lady be here for Christmas?” And I prayed, and I wished to Our Lady. But Marija wanted to go back to tell her mother and parish what she was going to do while Andrija, her brother, stayed here. And it was an “if” when she was going to go, and she wanted to be home for Christmas. And I told Mary, “I don’t care what she thinks. Keep her here.” [LAUGHTER] And I prayed, and I wished to that star, that Star of Heaven. And as that all happened, we got closer to Christmas. The days were set for her to go back home for five or six days and come back. And we got Baby Jesus. I can’t tell you what that felt, and the anticipation of knowing what was going on, that Baby Jesus was going to be in our house. It was more than surreal. You can’t get your head around that, because I already knew enough by that time, with Marija, how real her apparitions are, that any of the apparitions she has, she can reach out and touch Our Lady, and it’s physical.


But Our Lady wants you to pray that way. “Wish upon the star.” That’s Who She is. Our Lady’s teaching us, again, through Her messages, November 2, 2012, She appeared to Mirjana, and She says,


“Our Lady was decisive.”


Marija’s like that. Our Lady’s now, “I don’t know.” You’re the apostle. You are the ones being chosen to rebuild the Church. But you’ve got to be able to learn discernment. And you’ve got to be super-witness, and you can’t take break times from that. If you fail, go to Confession. But you have a heavy weight on your shoulders, because you are the witnesses to the world. And we’re only a drop with…even though forty million, maybe fifty million people have gone to Medjugorje over forty years, we still are a spec to seven and a half billion people that’s going to want to know who this Woman is and what’s it about.


So, Our Lady said, decisively,


“…I am praying that you may discern everything around you…”


Not some of the things around you. Every single thing. She wants you to discern, through prayer.


“…I am praying that you may discern everything around you according to God’s truth…”


There it comes again. You’ve got to get at the Cross. You’ve got to get the truth. You’ve got the discernment. And so, then, you know what’s God’s truth.


“…around you according to God’s truth and to strongly resist everything that wants to distance you from my Son…”


Make a list when you go home of the things that you have to discern. Go look at the Cross. Don’t say nothing. Just be blank. Just open your heart and start listening to what it distancing you from God. And don’t think, “Well, I do my things. I go to Confession.” No. There’s things in our life that we’re not even aware. We don’t even know those things. You can only find them through discernment.


Our Lady is the Star. She has said in Her messages, “…I wish for you…” this or whatever. So, She has wishes, because it’s your free conscience, your freedom to sin, your free will. You have to check all these things.


So, She wants us, Her wish for you, to discern and see these things and purify yourself and purify everybody around you.


She’s told us on Christmas Day most souls go to Heaven. Not on All Soul’s Day. It’s Christmas Day. That’s why I want to die one minute before midnight. [LAUGHTER] Get out of Purgatory quick.



Christmas Day is here. The ones I love are near. Gold and silver ribbons, gifts are being given. Sound of children’s laughter, garland on the rafter. For all the prayers I’ve prayed, I’m home on Christmas Day.


Somehow, I made it again through all of the turns and the bends, like I was led by a star just to get here where you are. Through the dark nights and the miles, caught in the rush and the noise, followed the light of your smile, and I heard the song of your voice.


Christmas Day is here. The ones I love are near. Gold and silver ribbons, gifts are being given. Sound of children’s laughter, garland on the rafter. For all the prayers I’ve prayed, I’m home on Christmas Day.


Outside, the cold wind turns. In here, a warm fire burns. Outside, the snow and the hustle. Paper mountains fall down as it rustles. We make a toast, raise a glass, counting up all of our blessings. Another year flies by so fast, and we get a glimpse of Heaven.



What are we walking to as far as going to this Christmas? What’s on your heart? What’s your condition, where you are at this point? How do you discern things? What do you want to get rid of? The best Christmas present you get is asking Our Lady to purify your heart. It’s not pleasant, but it’s consoling. You can feel Heaven. You can long for Heaven.


You’ve heard Vicka, her words, if you’ve been following Medjugorje, she said that if you live the messages, you will not feel the passage from this life to the next. So many people are tortured the way they die. Some seeing the fires of hell before they even die. There’s stories out there.


So, Our Lady is doing everything to reach you. This is the fortieth Christmas. We won’t have this back again. What’s going to unfold after this? We don’t know. There’s a percentage of March 18th, something may happen. We know that because, through common sense and logic, and Mirjana said that her birthday, the annual apparition on March 18th has nothing to do with her birthday. Marija has received salutations on her birthday. I asked her, “What does Our Lady do for you?”


She said, “One time, She kissed me on the cheek.”


I said, “What did it feel like, Marija?”


She said, “I can’t tell you.”


I said, “If you had to explain it, how would you explain it?”


She says, “It went through me, through my whole body. I felt everything. I never wanted to wash my face.”


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I said, “What does Our Lady’s voice really sound like?”


She said, “I can’t tell you!”


I said, “Well, if you had to tell me, how would you explain it?”


And she said that it’s nothing of this world. It’s musical. I said, “When you’re hearing it, what do you feel?” And she says,


“When She says the word, the word is alive. I feel it in me, all the way in my whole body.”


And that’s why she cries sometimes when she gets a message and writes it down. She says, “This is not what Our Lady said.” Because she’s in another level of reality that we can’t enter into unless we sit in front of the Cross.


So, Marija has experiences, and here it is, a fortieth anniversary, and where are we going to be? We don’t know. But one thing you want to be where you should be is where Our Lady’s telling you to be. Having an open heart. You can’t accept Christmas if you don’t have that. Most of us, as the song says,


“…caught in the rush and the noise, followed the light of your smile, and I heard the song of your voice…”


And we miss by these glitters, often, when something bigger is there for us, and how we’ve done Christmas and how we’ve experienced it, and traditionally, whatever. But we’ve even lost the tradition.


Our Lady said, coming back from the last message,


“…strongly resist everything that wants to distance you from my Son…”


On May 2, 2009, Our Lady says,


“…You are rejecting me…”


Is the atheist listening to Her? Are the nonbelievers? The agnostics? No, the people who are listening to Her.


“…You are rejecting me. You are permitting sin to overcome you more and more…”


Can you imagine, for 2009, to what now, what’s happened? Light years. And much of the discernment we have, we don’t even see the sin that we do anymore. You know, in the school, the nuns taught that it was a sin to waste time. You older people know that. And we waste a lot of time. Too much talking. Too much cell phones. Too much computers. All the stuff that we do. It’s a waste of time, really. And you can’t even call somebody. When we call vendors, and they pick up the cell phone, they want to text you. Nobody’s talking to each other, but they’re talking all the time.


May 2, 2009

“…You are permitting sin to overcome you more and more. You are permitting it to master you…”


And here, Our Lady just told us, “…they…” And you’ve got to think of, “Who is ‘they’?” “…want to put you in [chains]…”


“…permitting it to master you and to take away your power of discernment…”


You’re so busy multitasking. So many things are going in your life weakens discernment.


“…My poor children, look around you and look at the signs of the times. Do you think that you can do without God’s blessing?…”


We need you, God. The first song. We need Him more than ever in the history of the world. What about Noah? Well, they didn’t have redemption. They didn’t have the Christ. What about throughout two thousand years of Christianity? We’ve never had this situation we have right now. Never. They couldn’t control you. You could rebel against them in a lot of ways. But if they decide to turn the switch on—and they’re doing it right now the vaccinations and all this stuff and what you can do and where you can’t go. Literally, you see Revelation. And it’s astounding to me that not a bishop is talking about that, even really a priest. But you’ve been following Our Lady, and you know that. And if you don’t know that, you haven’t been in the messages and praying. We are in the system of the antichrist. But before he becomes incarnate in a living man, the Woman is going to crush him, and She crushes him because if he can’t have a system, he can’t rule. And She’s going to crush this system. It’s going to go away. We don’t know how much suffering we’re going to have with this, but how many people, already are dying all over the place through genocide, through vaccinations and all this kind of stuff.


“…You are permitting it to master you and to take away your…discernment…”


January 25, 1993, Our Lady says,


“…May every hatred and jealousy…”


See, jealousy is very dangerous. Very dangerous. Because it leads back to hatred. I wrote a thing about five stages, what that happens, how it goes…What’s the name of the book?






What did she say?






Okay, you heard that. Then I don’t have to say it to you. [LAUGHTER]


“…May every hatred and jealousy disappear from your life and your thoughts…”


You don’t have to carry out a sentence. See, the Muslims, if they commit a sin, physically, then they see it’s a sin because they’ve got the Ten Commandments. Did y’all know that? The Jews, the Christians, and the Muslims have the same Ten Commandments. But the difference with the Muslims is they think it’s okay to be in the heart. They break it when they actually physically do it. Christianity is different. If you have it in the heart, you’ve committed the same sin that you’re entertained to. You want to kill somebody? You want to steal something? “I wish I had that.” “I want to covet my neighbor’s things.” “I’m jealous of what they’re doing.” You’re stealing. Our Lady shows that.


“…May every hatred and jealousy disappear from your life and your thoughts…”


Why? Because once you get thoughts there, then you, eventually, if you don’t stop that, it materializes.


“…your thoughts…for your neighbor. Thus, only thus, shall you be able to…”







“…discern…” It goes back to it again. If you have hatred and jealousy, you are not going to be able to discern, and you’re going to be lost.




Well, this is double. “Thus you shall be able to discern.” That’s not what She says. She says, “thus” twice. She wants you to have no mistake of what She’s saying.


“…Thus, only thus, shall you be able to discern the signs of the time[s]…”


We’ve got Christians going, “Everything’s okay.” “Yeah, things are terrible right now. We hate this, but, you know…” But they don’t know what’s going on and the signs of the times. She said,


“…the signs of this time…I guide you into a new time…”


That’s a radical change in the world. If She said those words…one, two, three, four, five, six…Seven words.


“…I guide you into a new time…”


Are you ready to go into that? Are you preparing yourself for it? Not to save yourself, to be ready to accept the new time that comes, you’re going to be living differently. It has to be. Otherwise…Well, if we just do what we’ve been doing, it’s not new time. And then, She says,


“…into a new time, a time which God gives you as a grace, so that you may get to know Him more…”


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When do you know God the most? Your spouse is dying. Your children, what’s happened? You lost your job, whatever. That’s why we say the proverbial, “There’s no atheist in the foxhole,” when they’ve got bullets flying right over their head. You’re talking to somebody.


November 7, 1985

“…I am calling you to the love of neighbor and love toward the one from whom evil comes to you…”


I didn’t want Hitler, if I lived at that time, to go to hell. I don’t want anybody to go to hell. I’ve heard people, I’ve heard Christians say, “They deserve hell.” Jakov, we have pressed him over and over about what hell was when he went there. He says, “I will not say anything about it. The only thing I’m going to tell you is that you would not want your most vehement enemy of yours to go to hell.” That’s something to say. No matter what something’s happened to you, somebody’s done that…You’ve got to pray for that person not to go to hell. You’ve got to forgive them. No matter how bad the scar is, how deep it is, how much damage it is, you have to want that person into Heaven. And if you don’t—we talked about that yesterday—if you don’t forgive, you will not be forgiven, and you will go to hell. How can I judge somebody going to hell? I’m not. I just know what the Bible talks about. I know what Our Lady’s talking about, because that’s the greatest sin in the end, because Jesus, all your faults, He forgave that, and you won’t forgive that? And He did it for all these people? The civilizations from Adam till the end of the last man born? You have to get this out of you. You have to purge it out of you.


“…I am calling you to the love of neighbor and love toward the one from whom evil comes to you. In that way you will be able to discern the intentions of hearts…”


The more I got into the messages, the more I prayed, the more I fasted, the more I sacrificed, the more I knew people’s intentions. People say, “Well, they’re going to do this.” I said, “No, this is not their intentions. This is what their agenda is.” You can see that. You can read it.


“…By love you are able to do even that which you think is impossible…”


Our Lady said on


December 27, 1984

“…this Christmas…”


This is 1984. Something’s happening in the village. They’re not aware of it. Our Lady was getting them to pray so they could be aware of it and see it. And so, She comes two days after Christmas and says,


“…this Christmas satan wanted in a special way to spoil God’s plans. You, dear children, have…”







“…discerned satan even on Christmas Day itself…”


He had a plan. We don’t know what it was. We don’t know what happened. But for that news to come from Heaven, it’s a real witness that we discern things that satan is very active on Christmas. It could be…just in your heart, feeling sorry for yourselves, or whatever other sorrows you may have. A lot of people have decisions, and you don’t have choices, and things are opened, and you can’t get to it. You’ve got crossroads. What do you do, this, or you do that? How can you find the way? It’s difficult. Our Lady said,


September 2, 2016

“…My life was pain, silence and immeasurable faith and trust in the Heavenly Father…”


Our Lady had pain, silence, and immeasurable faith and trust, no matter what the answer was for Her. She had immeasurable faith and trust in the Heavenly Father. And that’s what She wants you to do. Your decisions, no matter how it is, walking the plank, going off a cliff, whatever. You accept it. She accepted in Her life.


“…My life was pain…”


She didn’t say some of it, parts of it.


“…My life was pain, silence and immeasurable faith and trust in the Heavenly Father…”


And you know what She says after this? She says,


“…Nothing is by chance…”


We’ve never had that infallibly told to us as a truth. And if She says, “…Nothing…” There’s nothing that happens to you, nothing in the world is by chance. It happened because it’s supposed to happen.


“…neither pain, nor joy, nor suffering, nor love…”


And you know what She calls this?


“…these are graces which my Son grants to you and [to] lead you to eternal life…”


Some of you here need to suffer. Some of you here need to have joy in your heart. Some of you have to suffer to get to that point. Some of that has to happen to bring you to the joy and to love. So, this is really important.


“…My children, in your earthly life, be led by my example. My life was pain, silence and immeasurable faith and trust in the Heavenly Father. Nothing is by chance…”


Nothing is by chance. Nothing is by chance. You walk out here and break your leg, it’s a purpose. There’s a reason for that. Say an 87-year-old woman gets killed in a car wreck. You live your whole life, and you get killed in a car wreck? That’s supposed to happen?


“…Nothing is by chance: neither pain, nor joy, nor suffering, nor love. All of these are graces…”


Last night, over a hundred people, just in Kentucky, are dead. Not by chance. It’s hard for us to understand that. How many families, right here at Christmas, just lost their loved ones? Think about that. And you say God allowed that? It doesn’t make sense, but it’s not by chance. There’s a purpose to it. How many people are going to convert, and what takes place with that?


“…All of these are graces which my Son grants to you and which lead you to eternal life…”


That’s the purpose, good, bad, and the ugly.


What if you’re an 87-year-old woman, sitting at a stop sign, and up comes a car and crashes into her and kills her? Would you have doubts there? Why would God do that? What’s the purpose for that?


We’ve got a lady named Esther Mary Loranger. Almost a year ago, January 6th, she’s at a stop sign. A car hits another car, goes into her car, kills her instantly. What do you think her family would think? They were a tight family. We know the story because she had us in her will. A few days before she died, she had relayed to all her family, to all the children—She went to them a few days before—that,


“She had tried to follow God’s path for her, and she felt she had done everything He had asked for her. Therefore, she was ready to go…”


She told them,


“…Therefore, she was ready to go to God, take her.”


So, they probably think she’s going to have a heart attack. Maybe she’s just going to die. And something violent like that. You know where she just came from? Holy Mass. Many of you probably know her because she’s been here many times. She went to Medjugorje with us. Nothing’s by chance. She says, “I’m ready God. I’m going to Mass.” And this reckless guy comes in there with purpose that she’s from one second to the next in Heaven. Amazing. An amazing, amazing thing. Very beautiful.





You have been listening to a Friend of Medjugorje from December 11, 2021. We’ve heard a lot in the course of the broadcast tonight. And these encounters always strengthen us, even us who live here. We’re always strengthened by his words.


And so, to conclude, again, here is a Friend of Medjugorje from December 11, 2021.





So, sometimes we can question things, and we can wonder why God allowed that. You may have to pray to find out why, but God will show you. It may take you years to understand it.


I want to give you two books you take home, a little Christmas gift. You may have read it. Read it again. It’s about, Why Do You Not Love Yourself? Harboring Anger and Resentment…It’s all about forgiveness. And both of them are related to each other. And if both of you have spouses, get your own book, so you have it. And go into this book and do what it says to do for Christmas. Renew. Return to God in a special way.


And so, we end this because we want to have, like when you were kids, you can’t wait for Christmas. So, what we want to do today is have real Christmas a little bit early. Those of you who have been here, you know the Christmas you feel, and while our weather’s not perfect, it wasn’t perfect when Joseph and Mary went to Bethlehem. That said, contemplate this song, and we’ll go from there.



Candles burning out at both ends. I don’t miss the crowds, just my friends. Seems like everybody needs a little bit of cheer. Christmas, won’t you please come early this year?


I don’t need the snow. I’m already cold. Tired of the songs on the radio. I can’t hear the harmony or see the midnight clear. Christmas, won’t you please come early this year? Christmas, won’t you please come early this year?


Running out of faith, need a little help. I could use a break from myself. Bells are in the distance, but they’re getting hard to hear. Christmas, won’t you please come early this year?


I need something to believe in. I need something to believe in. I need something to believe in. Something to believe in.


Just a little peace from my family. Joy that fills the streets like a remedy. For everyone around the world who needs a little cheer, Christmas, won’t you please come early this year? Christmas, won’t you please come early this year?



On your way down to the Field, if you’ve got time, stop and be silent in front of the Cross, and ask, before you go in there, because you want to be silent, that, “I want to open my heart to Christmas and what You have to teach me and show me.”


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This ends the Mejanomics broadcast with a Friend of Medjugorje. These broadcasts are available as CDs which are sent directly to your doorstep on a monthly subscription. For information, contact Caritas in the U.S. at 205-672-2000.


Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!

See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

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3 thoughts on “You Can Only Find It Through…”

  1. City: Miami
    State: FL
    Country: United States
    This broadcast should be heard by EveryOne. Someone that is new to Our Lady’s messages and also those of us who have heard so many messages already, and know many by heart. This broadcast makes very clear what we need to do to better ourselves and therefore better our souls for what the future is bringing. Discernment is a huge part – – – so is the action that needs to follow discernment. Thank you Dear Friend for putting this all together for us.
    May you and all of the beautiful people of Caritas have a very merry, Mary, Christmas!

  2. City: Evans City
    State: PA
    Country: USA
    Amen brother. As always, thank you for speaking God’s Truth. God bless you and Caritas, and God bless America — land that I love.
    With Love,

  3. City: Alexander
    State: Arkansas
    Country: USA
    Thank you so much for sharing this talk. I so wanted to be at Caritas for Christmas in the Field. Not being able to go I longed to hear A Friend of Medjugorje’s wisdom. Hearing this talk was like a little candy sent to me from Caritas. God Bless all of you. Thank you for all you do. Merry Christmas.

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3 thoughts on “You Can Only Find It Through…”

  1. City: Miami
    State: FL
    Country: United States
    This broadcast should be heard by EveryOne. Someone that is new to Our Lady’s messages and also those of us who have heard so many messages already, and know many by heart. This broadcast makes very clear what we need to do to better ourselves and therefore better our souls for what the future is bringing. Discernment is a huge part – – – so is the action that needs to follow discernment. Thank you Dear Friend for putting this all together for us.
    May you and all of the beautiful people of Caritas have a very merry, Mary, Christmas!

  2. City: Evans City
    State: PA
    Country: USA
    Amen brother. As always, thank you for speaking God’s Truth. God bless you and Caritas, and God bless America — land that I love.
    With Love,

  3. City: Alexander
    State: Arkansas
    Country: USA
    Thank you so much for sharing this talk. I so wanted to be at Caritas for Christmas in the Field. Not being able to go I longed to hear A Friend of Medjugorje’s wisdom. Hearing this talk was like a little candy sent to me from Caritas. God Bless all of you. Thank you for all you do. Merry Christmas.

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