November 26, 2021
Special World Report

You Are Guilty as Charged

[Podcast] (55 Minutes) – What are you guilty of? A Friend of Medjugorje talks about a topic that so many people fall for – and what is the “fatal” word that cannot be said. Educate yourself, change others and save your nation.

Episode Transcript



This is a Special World Report with a Friend of Medjugorje.




Yesterday was Thanksgiving. I hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving. And it was also the 25th. We did a broadcast for Thanksgiving yesterday, and we transferred the 25th message to today. And this broadcast will contrast yesterday’s. I did something with this broadcast which was to pre-tape it before I knew the message. And you’ll hear what I taped was very tied to Our Lady’s words about “…peacemakers…” and “…peaceless world…”


We, now, will hear the message.



Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje’s November 25, 2021 monthly message to the world:


“Dear children! I am with you in this time of mercy and I am calling all of you to be carriers of peace and love in this world where, through me, little children, God is calling you to be prayer and love, and an expression of Heaven here on earth. May your hearts be filled with joy and faith in God; that, little children, you may have complete trust in His holy will. That is why I am with you, because He, the Most High, is sending me among you to encourage you to the hope; and you will be peacemakers in this peaceless world. Thank you for having responded to my call.”



In regards to the message you just heard about that we received yesterday on the 25th of November, there’s a lot of things happening in the world. But you’re not hearing all about it. You get pieces of it.


I want to play several clips and describe what you’re listening to. The first is an Irish reporter who summarizes what has been happening in Austria and why.




Chaos broke out across the capitol on Saturday night. Rioters through stones, set fire to bicycles, and aimed fireworks at the police, in retaliation to the government’s latest Coronavirus measures.


A nationwide lockdown will begin on Monday to combat the surge of Coronavirus infections in Austria. Demonstrations against virus restrictions also took place in Switzerland, Croatia, Italy and Northern Ireland.




Last weekend, many, many people across many countries again took to the streets, clashing with the police on the forced lockdowns that have been mandated.


The next place is France, where they protested and poured out into the streets, marching, over and over, saying for the president—Macron—to resign.






We’re not talking about a few people. We’re talking about thousands and thousands and literally millions of people across the world. You have to dig up to find the whole picture, because you’re not getting it. The streets are exploding.


Clip three is about Australia. Helicopters and military drones are covering the streets, and you can hear a woman’s voice from the sky over a loudspeaker, saying, “You are in breach of the public health order. The local police have been notified, and you will be fined.” This is something that’s monstrous. I mean, they’re flying over and telling thousands of people, “We’re coming after you.” This is a nightmare.




“You are in breach of the public health order. The local police have been notified, and you will be fined.”



“You are in breach of the public health order. The local police have been notified, and you will be fined.”





Australia, in reality, is under martial law. You can’t do anything. The police are actually going to everybody’s house that’s unvaccinated, and if they’re not there, they are hunted down because of breaking of the law.


And we have good old England. In London, the protesters are outside Parliament.







People are rising up. They are angry. In Ireland, in the next clip, the protesters are shouting, “Shame on you!” repeatedly to their government. A man is heard, saying, “This is going to be a long battle.” And then, he says, “They’ve been planning this for ages. We’re only standing up now.” The problem is, this has gone too far. They know that, and nobody’s able to stand up.




Shame on you! Shame on you! Shame on you! Shame on you! Shame on you! Shame on you!



This is going to be a long battle. They have been planning this for ages. We’re only standing up now.”




They’ve been planning this for ages. Everything you’re seeing across the world now is the plan of an antichrist. It’s a system. We don’t have the individual antichrist, but we have the antichrist system. And there is a cabal. This is not just happening by happenchance, and we know that from Heaven because Our Lady says, repeatedly what I’ve told you, “…Nothing is by chance…”


Well, let’s go to the home of the Church, the universal Church: Rome, Italy.


“Thousands take to the streets, protesting Italy’s Green Pass, which bans entry to theaters, stadiums, museums, gyms and indoor restaurants to the unvaccinated.”


Their whole place is tourism. I’ve been there many, many times. In essence, if they’re not vaccinated, they can’t work. They work in theaters. They work in stadiums. They work in the museums, the gyms, and in the restaurants. It requires both indoor and outdoor. They, like other countries, are pouring out into the streets in protest.







What about little Denmark? Peaceful place. There are explosions going on in the streets in this next clip.







The next clip is from the city of Nice, the country of France. And it wasn’t just that city. The soundtrack is from that. But there, literally, were millions of protestors all across France marching against a mandatory Coronavirus health pass. It happened in Paris, France, at the same time, Saint-Denis, France; Lille, France; Toulon, France; La Rochelle, Marseille, Lyon, and Valence. I’ve been to most of those cities. I’ve spoken several times across France. And they’re always proper. But one thing they have, is they’re smug to Americans. But you know what happens when they get in trouble? There’s only one nation you can look to, and you’re going to hear in this clip who they’re crying out to, because they know the beacon for the whole world is the only way that’s going to save them.


So, through this protest, listen to the words they’re saying.




U.S.A! U.S.A! U.S.A! U.S.A! U.S.A! U.S.A! U.S.A! U.S.A! U.S.A! U.S.A!




It’s been stated that every political prisoner in the gulag, which is a prison, has two motherlands: the one they were born in, and the one they long for. And that’s what you just heard.


Being so familiar with the French, being there so many times, I never would have thought that I would hear them go to the streets protesting, shouting out, “U.S.A! U.S.A! U.S.A!”




U.S.A! U.S.A! U.S.A! U.S.A! U.S.A! U.S.A! U.S.A! U.S.A! U.S.A! U.S.A!




Today, everybody is getting a reality check, what’s really happening. And everybody really doesn’t have a real account of how far-reaching these uprisings are happening.


Israel, Thailand, you know what they did? They all got their cars, thousands of cars, took up all the lanes, and parked. That’s how they protested. It’s amazing pictures to see it. Police can’t move them, and they shut down everything.


You’ve got Finland, Japan, Spain, Lithuania, Portugal, Slovakia, Germany, Greece. When they hit the streets was July 24th. The next day, Our Lady gave a message that said,


“…God will heed your prayers and give you peace in this peaceless world where pride and selfishness reign…”


She ends with a word you may remember. She says,


“…so that pagans can feel that you are mine and convert to my Immaculate Heart…”


Croatia went out to the streets. You know what they had in their hands? They are the only people who did this. They had banners all over the place with Our Lady, Queen of Peace.


Many people may be mad and upset with what’s taking place, but how do we get here? That’s why Our Lady’s here, to show the “why.” The “why” is because of us. You could say our sins, and when we sin, society deteriorates. But we’re missing a big, big point here. It doesn’t start with guns. It starts with indoctrination. The Germans did that. Communists did the same. Indoctrination and lies.


The Chinese warrior, Sun Tzu, from 2500 years ago, is studied in West Point. Sun Tzu’s principle was not to fight to conquer, but for his enemies to conquer themselves, thereby weakening them, and then he could take them down. That’s what’s happened to us. China’s doing this to us right now. They’re not firing bullets to us, but they’re destroying us. The supply chains, all this goes back to China. They’re very smart, and they practice Sun Tzu. It’s not necessarily they’re more smarter than us. It’s that we are naïve. We trust people. We accept that.


Let me give you some caustic medicine thrown right in your face. To you who are listening to this, it’s not going to be pleasant. Your children are indoctrinated by the school systems, including the public schools, the Catholic schools, the private schools, kindergarten, all the way to the universities. You have been indoctrinated. Your enemies have won a great victory against you. I’ve warned you about this over and over. But you didn’t listen. Just like Our Lady says, “…listen to me…” They have used you to destroy our nation. No matter how patriotic you are, no matter how much you love our nation, you have bought the lie and promoted our destruction. You may say, “How? Not me.” Yes. That’s what you’re thinking. Yet, I say to you, you have done this. You are guilty. The following you’re going to hear will show how you are complicit with destroying the United States of America. After you listen to what follows, you must deprogram yourself. You must confront your children and deprogram them. The same thing for your friends, you family, your companies, all institutions, the general public. Confront what? That no one will say the “D” word in front of you without you saying, “Do not use that word. I reject it. It is a lie.” And because we have allowed this word to come up, it’s changed our nation into a third-world country ruled by a despot. What is a despot? What’s the meaning. It’s an emperor, a king, a prince, invested with absolute power of ruling without any control from a constitution or laws. In general, a tyrant. The “D” word is a gateway for dictatorship. This is explained very clearly in a writing that I showed and explains how we have helped the enemy.


What you’re about to hear is twenty-five minutes. Give your 100% concentration on what you’re listening to. Don’t let anything distract you. Don’t talk to anybody else in the room, because you have to learn this for us not to go down.


I wrote this fifteen years ago, in 2006 when nothing was on the radar like it is now. And I wrote it as a warning of what I saw through the messages of what would be taking place in the future.



The following was written by a Friend of Medjugorje in 2006.


“Our Lady of Medjugorje said on September 25, 1986:


‘…I am calling you, so that by your prayer and your life you help to destroy everything that’s evil in people and uncover the deception that satan makes use of. You pray that the truth prevails in all hearts…’


“Some relegate the Virgin Mary to speaking only of religious themes. Some neutralize Her plans by telling of only the obvious things, which the saints and the Church have said for many centuries. In doing so, Our Lady’s words merely become a repetition of the same old lessons that most already know about, and for some, are deaf to. However, when it is understood that the Virgin Mary is speaking prophetically, meaning that She is speaking directly to our time, to uncover the deceptions of satan in this time, then Her words speak to every topic under Heaven. For many years, we have told of many of these topics, which are the revelation of truth for modern man to understand the words of Scripture, written thousands of years ago, in another time, another era of man. Yet, they are still the truth, even if poorly understood, or worse, poorly applied. The words of the Virgin Mary uncover, for those with an open heart, those things which once understood will make one free because that is what truth does. The freedom that comes with being enlightened is what one will feel if their heart is open.


“Part One

Understanding How Deception Takes Place


“Adam was told by God to name all animals and plant life. Adam didn’t name things “ugh, thug, grunt, etc…” Adam spoke words, which he did not learn from an earthly father because he was not “born of man.”  So we must assume that Adam received the gift of language from his Heavenly Father. Therefore, language is from God, Whose very Son, the Second Person of the Trinity, was named The Word.  Language was given to man as the means to conceptualize who God is within our own mind and soul. It is a gift God gave to us that we could speak to Him directly, as well as communicate knowledge of God with each other, a gift of words that other creatures do not have. The truth in language can only be discovered through a Biblical and Christian worldview. We can, therefore, assume that satan hates language and will always work to not only degrade it, through slang, filth, etc., but as he is the master deceiver, he uses this gift God gave to man to deceive man. Whereas God presents the truth to man through The Word (Jesus Christ and the Bible), satan presents the anti-word and thus language becomes the primary tool in satan’s hands to destroy faith and morals.


“As one can observe, today’s battles are primarily battles over words, over interpretations and meanings of words.  The battle is over the minds of the people. Just as satan did to Eve in the garden, he works to convince man through clever arguments, that God’s Word is oppressive, unjust, untrue and that if we reject God’s Word, we will find true freedom. Language is targeted by satan to degrade and bring down the human race because if we follow his advice, it will lead us not to freedom, but to slavery and oppression. By this means, satan uses the language of man to declare the opposite of what he intends. ‘Happy hours’ are filled with many ‘unhappy’ people. ‘Pro-Choice’ speaks of liberty and freedom but leads to enslavement by satan. And where is the ‘choice’ of the child? ‘Inclusive language’ infers that no one is excluded but in actuality it is divisive and separates. For example, the phrase ‘All men are created equal,’ is truly inclusive.  In today’s culture, supposedly, to be inclusive we should say ‘All men, all women are created equal,’ but then little boys and little girls are not men and women, so we now have to say, ‘All men, all women, all little boys, and all little girls are created equal.’  Then what of poor teenagers, they are neither little nor adults?  All this segregates and excludes different groups when ‘all men’ is truly inclusive of everybody.


“One of the Founding Fathers, Noah Webster, recognized that every age is subject to the demoralization of its language.  If the demoralization of language is not checked and controlled, it becomes the principle instrument of destruction. How is language used to demoralize society and culture?  Through allowing change for the sake of change, through vulgarity and slang, through changing the meanings of words, through introducing new words created not to elevate but to lower the moral standards by which man lives, through allowing other languages to compete and dominate over our own, and through allowing the influence of godless, virtueless cultures to compete, dominate and prevail over our own Christian culture and way of life. In other words, how and what we speak is what we become.  Demoralize the English language or the languages of other countries, if you are from another country, and you demoralize the cultures of those lands. 


“One of Webster’s expectations for his English dictionary was to forge the United States into a single body of citizens through the one language of English. He knew that the unity of the country would depend on the English language as the language of America and he fully expected that this one book would unify America, making it forever inseparable from one side of its boundaries to the other.  Webster’s work of over two decades was a major factor in making our nation strong and undivided. He had a keen vision of the importance language would play in our nation’s continuance and he believed this principle of being a nation of one language would apply to the nation’s future security.


“The meaning of the words were vitally important to defining the new nation, and the fundamental beliefs that laid its foundation, and for this reason, Webster was meticulous in studying each word in many languages.  Webster, therefore, understood, as we also need to understand for our day, that Biblical Christian understanding of constitutional word meanings (words used in our nation’s founding documents) was primary to our nation’s continuance. If those meanings were to change, the life of Americans in the United States would also change.  This is why it has always been seen as a primary importance to Americans’ future security to educate our youth as to the history of the United States (without revisionist input) so that young Americans would be enlightened to the “dreams of their Forefathers” and would see that those dreams be carried into the next generations. Noah Webster believed that the young must be embodied with “a love of virtue, patriotism and religion” that must be taught. In the preface of Webster’s History of the United States, he wrote:


‘Republican government loses half its value, where the moral and social duties are imperfectly understood, or negligently practiced.’


“In short, through the ruination of our language by the means discussed earlier, we are now assailed with information and word meanings that are forming our thoughts contrary to a Biblical worldview, especially in regard to understanding our nation’s founding and its founding documents: the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. The information many Americans are receiving is corrupt, and is leading our nation towards embracing a secular worldview. Secular means without God. To insure that this doesn’t happen, Christians need to decrease their intake of society’s ‘normal’ avenues of information, by-pass third party media[1] with their ‘slick campaigns of propaganda in defense of evil,’ and increase their intake of information from direct sources, prayerfully reading and studying their content.


Third-party media, is referring to those sources that insert themselves between you and the original source. We must ask ourselves, why feed on what someone else said, for example, about what the Pope said? Why not find out exactly what the Pope said? The implanted information system must be by-passed and replaced with other direct sources.


“The conditioning of thought, more and more, to a secular worldview is hitting not only outside, but also inside the Church, and from every angle possible. All of this above is important to understand, in order to understand…how satan uses language to degrade a culture. In doing so, you receive a new resolve to become actively engaged in confronting these attempts to change the way we think about our nation according to God’s truth.


“When language is changed from one meaning to another, you can change anything in the way it is understood. Universities and professors are very active in this evil work.


“The definition of verbicide is:


‘deliberate distortion of the sense of a word;  one who distorts the sense of a word’


“The war is won—a ‘verbicide’ war that changed what our nation once believed itself to be. Today in our nation, the people believe our country is a democracy. Many may say, ‘No, we are a republic.’ Yet, by their thinking and actions they demonstrate that they believe and live out a contradiction, that we are a democracy, not a republic. We must re-educate ourselves, our families, our friends, and our schools of the difference between a democracy and a republic.  The forming of our thoughts through decades of efforts by verbicide revisionists, has literally changed even what we accept as lawful. 


“Once we understand the difference between a democracy and a republic, then we can once again know what it is we are—a republic. We must become active in changing back our nation to a republic in our understanding, in our speech and by our actions. We all must do our part to re-educate those around us, be they teachers in public or private schools, home schoolers, CCD and Sunday school teachers, those in our work places, or wherever else you can get into a position of opportunity that enables you to instruct, teach, correct and to guide people to this truth. 


“We have been slowly conditioned through the media and the educational systems—from the university level down to kindergarten, even preschool classrooms—that we are a democracy. Even great patriots of recent decades, such as President Reagan, would refer to our nation as a democracy, not realizing the significance in saying so molded our thinking into believing such. This fundamental change of thinking through ‘liberalism,’ that Pope Benedict XVI named as the wind of bad doctrine (liberalism in 2006), has been used to make us believe the United States is a democracy, causing us to slip into being one.  This new mentality, developed over recent decades, that we are a democracy has actually led us into the situation we now find ourselves in with the hijacking of the Judicial System.


“Our forefathers believed that a democracy would not last long and that it was a very bad form of government, more bloody than a monarchy or aristocracy. In a democracy, the voting majority can force their will on others. Why should 10,000 people be forced to have their unalienable rights taken away by 10,001 people?  A democracy rules by feeling, a very unstable form of government. A republic rules by law, thereby, a very stable form of government. David Barton relays in a democracy, if the majority of the people decide that murder is no longer a crime, murder will no longer be a crime. So, the source of law for a democracy is the popular feeling of the people. If that is so for a democracy, then what is the source of law for the American Republic?  According to one of our founders, Noah Webster:


‘Our citizens should early understand that the genuine source of correct Republican principles is the Bible, particularly the New Testament and the Christian Religion.’


“The foundation of the American Republic was the Bible.  Therefore, murder will always be a crime because it is a crime as written in the Bible.  Not so with a democracy.  Hence, change a nation by indoctrination through educating the people to believe they live in a democracy, and you can pass laws and advocate that killing in the womb or starving someone, as in euthanasia is not murder, along with a host of other criminal actions which can be made legal. Not so in a correct biblical, Christian principled republic, which its laws cannot operate legally outside the perimeters of the Bible, the Divine Law, ‘nature’s law, nature’s God.’  This is true not only for our nation, but for all nations.  Now do you see how our Judicial system, approving abortions, etc., was hijacked by this simple work of the distortionists utilizing verbicide and revisionism?  We have been made to believe the word Republic is interchangeable for the word Democracy.


“Early law books of our Republic foundationed the United States on teachings that government was free to set its own policy only if God had not ruled in an area. For example, Alexander Hamilton, a signer of the Constitution, said:


‘The law…dictated by God Himself is, of course, superior in obligation to any other. It is binding over all the globe, in all countries, at all times.  No human laws are of any validity if contrary to this.’


“On the other hand, Thomas Jefferson said:


‘A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, when fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine percent.’


Does our Republic give us the right to live in a culture of life?  Yes. Does the democracy we have become give us the right to live in a culture of life? No. The culture of death is flourishing. This cannot be if we set out to place our Republic back on its correct foundation of Divine Law, the Bible, first in our hearts and then in the law, in our institutions, and in the public square.


“In a Republic, everyone has rights. You are protected as individuals. Our Constitution guaranteed a republican form of government—a government where men are free from civil government constantly interfering with their lives. In a Republic, government is greatly restricted in its reach into the affairs of its citizens and their liberty to self-govern their affairs within the perimeters of Christian principles.  The citizen’s liberty was only restricted when one stepped out of the perimeters of Biblical principles, which are the source of our republic’s law, or where municipal law ruled where Divine Law had not. In other words, if you live the Christian tenets, there is not really any need for more laws except for municipal laws such as the setting of speed limits, etc.


Alexander Hamilton said, ‘Real liberty is never found in despotism or in the extremes of democracy.’


The word ‘democracy’ does not appear anywhere in the U.S. Constitution because the United States is not a democracy.


“James Madison—1787 Federalist Paper #10:


“Democracy is the most vile form of government…Democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention: have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property and have in general been short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths.’


“John Adams, 1815:


‘Democracy…while it lasts is more bloody than either aristocracy or monarchy. Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself.  There is never a democracy that did not commit suicide.’


“John Marshall—Chief Justice of the Supreme Court:


‘Between a balanced Republic and a democracy, the difference is like that between order and chaos.’


“Why? Because in a correct republic, you are bound by the order of law which cannot be changed on a whim; while a democracy, by mob rule, can change the current of the nation by popular feelings. Jedediah Morse, one of the authors of the Bill of Rights said:


‘A simple democracy is the devil’s own government.’


“What is Jedediah Morse’s statement based on? Why did he say the ‘devil’s own government?’ Indeed, the angel of ‘light,’ lucifer’s first action of dissent before war broke out in Heaven was to rally other angels to get the votes to rule by numbers, not by the ways of God. lucifer, the devil, placed himself beyond God’s sovereignty by popular feeling and mob rule, utilizing the angels’ rebellion to try to establish a democracy in Heaven. Pride was born, and Our Lady of Medjugorje’s words of February 2, 2012, confirms he, pride, has come to rule…on the earth.


February 2, 2012

‘…My children, pride has come to rule…’


“To do what? To turn to chaos this ‘democracy’ he helped to establish, thereby, making the ground fertile to usher in pride to rule over and destroy the world. Our Lady said:


“August 2, 2011

‘…As individuals, my children, you cannot stop the evil that wants to begin to rule in this world and to destroy it. But, according to God’s will, all together, with my Son, you can change everything and heal the world…’


“Fisher Ames, author of the words of the First Amendment said:


‘A democracy is a volcano which conceals the fiery material of its own destruction. These will produce an eruption and carry desolation in their way.’


“All American youth, just a few short decades ago, knew these truths. Our youth were required to memorize the Declaration of Independence. Why? So these truths would not be forgotten, lest we lose our nation in a generation.


“The influence bishops have across this nation over Catholic schools to institute and make sure the minds of our youth are not indoctrinated with doctrines conflicting with the truths of the Declaration of Independence and of the United States founding is immense. All the Bishops have to do is exercise their authority, break through the curtain of power and committees that surround them and become personally involved. They should review periodically what is being taught, not through committees, but by personal involvement. They could even write teaching papers for their diocesan schools, not complicated theological teaching, but simple teaching as what has been explained here. The bishops righting the errors that came through verbicide and revisionism that have rooted themselves in our school systems, both in private and public schools, alone can play a major part to rechart the United States back to the wisdom of our founding fathers. Across our land, most citizens do not know what is at stake concerning our liberty and the attacks being leveled against United States citizens. For decades, the verbicide revisionists have been unopposed in their efforts.


“A legal maxim which gives reason why there is a prohibition of democracy in the United States, states:


‘The multitude of those who err is no protection for error.’


“A multitude of people in our nation presently believe the error that we are a democracy, but just because the majority believe this does not mean our nation is not in serious error. We are. We must distinguish between the fact that we use a democratic process of voting, but that is not to be confused with democracy as a form of government. We cannot vote against nature’s law made by nature’s God, except if we are a democracy. We have covertly slipped into being a democracy.


“In a republic, free men are protected from overbearing civil authority, by the U.S. Constitution, Article 4, Section 4, which guarantees to every inhabitant a republican form of government. You pledge allegiance to a republic, not a democracy:


‘I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands…’


“David Barton writes in Original Intent:


‘The founders understood that Biblical values formed the basis of the republic and that the republic would be destroyed if the people’s knowledge of those values should ever be lost.


‘A republic is the highest form of government devised by man, but it also requires the greatest amount of human care and maintenance. If neglected, it can deteriorate into a variety of lesser forms, including a democracy; a government conducted by popular feeling; a system in which each person determines his own rules and standards; an oligarchy, a government run by a small council or a group of elite individuals; or a dictatorship; a government run by a single individual. As John Adams explained:


“Democracy will soon degenerate into an anarchy, such an anarchy that every man will do what is right in his own eyes and no man’s life or property or reputation or liberty will be secure, and every one of these will soon mould itself into a system of subordination of all the moral virtues and intellectual abilities, all the powers of wealth, beauty, wit, and science, to the wanton pleasures, the capricious will, and the execrable (abominable) cruelty of one or a very few.”


“By what you have just read and now learned, Jedediah Morse’s words can now be clearly understood.


‘A simple democracy is the devil’s own government.’


“Everyone must counter this by declaring war, to de-verbicide decades of subtle indoctrination by revisionists who have, through creeping gradualism, literally changed what this nation believes itself to be.


“You, as an individual, must engage and fight against this war of verbicide. Make a battle promise right now and say,


“I will never ‘say again’ that the nation of the United States of America is a democracy.


“I will never ‘refer’ to it as a democracy.


“I, when hearing others say or refer to the United States of America as a democracy, will ‘correct’ them and not remain silent, but rather will courageously address even those who are teachers, lawyers or any other who it may be difficult to do so.


“I will not remain silent when I hear others saying that we are to spread democracy to other nations.


“I will respond instead, ‘No, you and I are to spread liberty and liberty is the fruit of Christianity, and the tree of Christianity is from the seed of the Cross.  I, therefore, will spread by my witness, Jesus Christ, Who is the author of liberty, and Who through liberty will bring about the fruit of peace.’


“I will learn more about my moral republic and those who want to destroy it.


“Our Lady wants us to take Her nation back. It begins with the conversion of our mentalities to what is truth, and be willing to have those deceptions uncovered in our lives that lead to truth, for it is not a government that makes us free, it is the truth that makes us free. Begin to live these commitments, and spread them to everyone you know. We will take our nation back through God’s help, one person at a time.”


A Friend of Medjugorje.



Now you understand why I say you are guilty? The enemy is using you to destroy America because you have bought this lie. You say, “What about a Friend of Medjugorje? Are you guilty?” No, I’m not guilty. I wrote this fifteen years ago. 2006. Nothing was on the radar that we are what we are now.


I don’t let anybody say that in front of me. I confront them every time. We are a republic! Our forefathers that founded this nation makes it explicitly clear that democracies deteriorate and destroy themselves and puts in place a despot. That’s where we’re headed. That’s what I called out Obama was. He’s a despot. He’s part of it, and he’s part of the system now. And he’s got somebody over him, and the one who’s over Obama has a cabal over him. And that’s the structure of it.


Verbiage is everything. It’s not guns. It’s not bullets, cannons, all these things. That comes after the verbiage, after they can redefine everything, put in people’s mind what we are.


The great geniuses of our forefathers made it very clear, “Don’t let this nation turn into a democracy.”


Associated Press had an article that says,


“Democracy is deteriorating across the world with countries including the United States…”


It says,


“…Many democratic governments are backsliding according to the International Institute of Democracy and Electoral Assistance…”


International, which they abbreviate, saying, I.D.E.A. It says, quote,


“…Among the countries added to the annual list of backsliding democracies, for the first time, is the United States of America.”


Why? We have allowed the mentality of being a democracy rather than a republic. And as I said earlier, that democracies are a gateway to destroy the nation and become what we see in the third world.


The report continues, saying,


“…Overall, the number of countries moving to an authoritarian direction in 2020 outnumbered those going into a democratic direction…”


See, everybody’s falling. It says,


“…The world has lost at least four democracies in the last two years due to flawed elections and military coups…”


This organization that monitors this doesn’t have the truth. They think democracy’s great. And they don’t even understand what they’re reporting.


John Paul II said that if you want your order restored, go back to the founder. That could apply to the Franciscans, which needs to go back to St. Francis, because they ain’t. They’re not even close to St. Francis. The bishops, the same, going back to what the early Church, or the orders that have deteriorated, like the Maryknoll nuns, which are communist, is the way to restore everything. That’s where Our Lady’s bringing us back through Her messages.


This broadcast is very important, because you have to teach your kids. You have to sit them down, explain what the republic is and what democracy is. I’m not talking about one time or two nights in a row. You homeschoolers, you need to be teaching your kids this constantly, because there’s a bombardment everywhere. It’s like speakers in Russia forty years ago. You have to make sure and question your children that they get this in their heart, because its error is in the heart. It’s not going to be just one lesson or ten lessons because Fox, CNN, MSNBC, all these are constant. You say Fox? Yes. They were the worst! And they’re supposed to be giving the truth? Listen to what all of them are saying, including Fox, in their theme for the elections. Fox! This is what they say.




America’s ultimate power lies in her people.


Democracy 2020. It’s in your hands. Fox News.


When we take part in democracy, we control our destiny.


What is the daily threat we all face and our democracy faces…


Welcome to Democracy Now, democracynow.org…


That if we are no longer a country of laws, then we don’t have a democracy, and that’s the increasing thing that a lot of us have, is that we are losing our democracy…


Democracy is in peril…


Our democracy is what is at stake…




You cannot, people, cannot let anybody, whoever they are, say that in front you, that we are a democracy.


When I wrote They Fired the First Shot, I covered this ground. I got a call from a professor from a university. And he was very nice. He said, “I read the book, and it was good. But you know, we really are a democracy.” He started trying to convince me. See, I got targeted. He was putting out all these arguments. “Yes, we are a republic, but really, we’re like a democracy. You really need to revise your book.”


Another scholar who was here, had all these big letters behind his name, he says, “Your books are really good. But you know, the grammar’s not right. I’d like to go through the book and help you with this.” My radar came up. And I don’t care if you see my book that says, Ain’t Gonna Happen. That’s what I told him. “It ain’t gonna happen. I don’t care what you think.” This is how these people work. They’re sly, and they’re nice, and they want to help you.


Every parent out there needs to sit down with their kids and say what’s being taught, and they have to understand. Take them to Independence Hall. Go through these books yourself. You don’t depend on the teachers, because they’re brainwashed with the same thing.


You have to stop their verbiage. You have to undo this. You have to go to the school teachers and demand out of the books that you see, every time that is, black it out in the school book. Use your pen or a magic marker as a gun. Censor the books. Stand up against it. And once you black out, write beside it, “republic,” every time you see it everywhere. Dare the teacher (49:48) any authority to come against you. You fight it, even if they suspend your kids. You’re teaching them by doing that, to obey God’s authority over man’s.


It is your duty to vanquish the verbiage of democracy. We all know the schools have been targeted to program our children, who now have grown up into adults and buy these things. It’s evil.


This clip you’re about to hear now is an interview discussing about a teacher that was just fired for being against the teachings of critical race theory, known now as CRT. And the man being interviewed, professor of the university, is commenting on this teacher that was fired. And he says everything perfect. And then he drops this same thing, what we’re talking about. He literally says, quote,


“We are a multi-racial democracy.”


See, this guy’s on our side. He’s got it. But he’s promoting this, as a professor, what everybody else is doing, and we’re buying into this lie. He even talked about focusing and how dangerous vocabulary is. He contradicts himself because he’s indoctrinated.




We have to capture an accurate vocabulary. So everybody says this is critical race theory. No. It’s racism. So, we have to say, “You people are racist.” Race is essential to your personas, not incidental. It’s incidental to ours. We’re integration, assimilation but you people are not. You’re racial chauvinists, and that’s what you are. So, we have to get the vocabulary back, and then people have to sue. If he’s felt he’s denied his constitutional rights, he has to sue and make it expensive, but ultimately, it has to be the majority of the people.


It is. I think people have to realize that this is a very rare experiment. We’re a multi-racial democracy.




To say democracy is evil because it’s a lie, and its motivation, by those who convince even the conservatives to use this verbiage, is diabolical. And if you don’t correct it in a conversation, you’re complicit with it.


Someone can make fun about all this whole argument, but as I just told you, it is your duty, and it comes from Our Lady. When?


September 25, 1986

“…I am calling you…that by your prayer and your life…”


Listen carefully.


“…[that] you help to destroy everything that’s evil in people and uncover the deception that satan makes use of…”


You say a nation’s going to fall by one word? The “D” word. Yeah. Because it happened to Eve with just a couple of words. Words mean everything! It defines everything. That’s why Our Lady says, “Don’t change one word of My message. They come from God. He gave them to Me to convey to you.” Words mean everything!


“…destroy everything that’s evil in people and uncover the deception[s] that satan makes use of. You pray that the truth prevails in all hearts…”


Don’t let anybody say it. Not a teacher, not a bishop, not a kid, not to a friend, nobody say democracy.


Spread this broadcast. It’s your duty for Our Lady, for our nation, for your family, for yourself.


Our Lady is our hope. Why? Because She just said that in Her message. She said,


“…God…is sending me among you…to the hope; and you will be peacemakers in this peaceless world…”


With that, I pray for you to change your mentalities and what you’ve accepted. I wish you Our Lady. We love you. Good night.



Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

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8 thoughts on “You Are Guilty as Charged”

  1. City: New York
    State: NY
    Country: United States
    Dear Friend of Medjugorie,
    I gave always been devout to Our Lady, even as a child. My prayers have been answered more times than I can understand why, even when no solution was in sight. When I first learned about Medjugorie a long time ago, I started to read her messages. Some hit home instantly, others left me confused about their true meaning. Since learning about your work at Medjugorie, the messages have become clearer and more enlightening. I’m the type of person who needs a hammer to drop on me after I hear the punchline of a joke because it doesn’t register. Well, you’ve become my “hammer”. I haven’t always agreed with some of the things you’ve said, but after praying and thinking on them, you’ve “won” me over. You always tell it like it is and some things are hard to hear. This Thanksgiving Day podcast blew me away! I listened with my rosary in hand, not to allow any negative thoughts in, and it was a joy to hear. It made my heart heavy and uplifted at the same time. You see what I don’t and sometimes we need a hammer to accept the truth, even if we don’t like what that may be.
    Thank you forvthe work you do for Our Lady and for all God’s children who have heard the name of Jesus, but need a hammer to open their hearts to Him.
    Bless you,
    JoAnn, NYC

  2. City: Hancock
    State: Michigan
    Country: USA
    I was a public school teacher from 1969 to 2001. I saw much of this happening, Since I retired the change has been occuring at warp speed. Much prayer is needed to combat what has been happening.I really believe we need divine intervention.May God bless all of you at Caritas.

  3. City: Savage
    State: MN
    Country: United States
    Thank you!!
    I have learned so much from listening to Radio Wave and reading your books… 🙏
    So many times whatever is in my heart or thoughts in prayer seems to be answered by you through the Holy Spirit..or Our Lady…no doubt in my mind!
    God Bless you!!!
    I was truly blessed also to be there to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of apparitions! So beautiful & Holy!
    Now is the time for conversion! Today!
    In the peace of Christ & Blessed Mother ❤️❤️

  4. City: Tacoma
    State: WA
    Country: United States
    I absolutely loved the message that the United States is in fact a republic. I love that message please repeat it and spread it around.

  5. Mary Alice Nendell

    City: Garibaldi
    State: OR
    Country: United States
    This was so wonderful. I will continue ‘again’ to tell people of this message. I’m not good with words so I think that is why I have a hard time getting people to listen to things, especially convincing them to listen to these messages. I have to admit I haven’t been doing my best lately because no one seem to listen to me, even to the point of telling me I’m nuts!!! Well, I’m going to start right now, to begin again, with spreading this message.

    I thank you for giving me the kick that I need.

    God Bless you!!!
    Mary Alice

    1. City: Gillieston Heights
      State: NSW
      Country: Australia
      Hey Mary,
      Don’t be too worried about being called nuts as you aren’t alone. My family thinks the same of me as they are “deeply concerned” for me. I am very grateful that Our Lady has visited Earth because I cannot imagine what would happen to us if she wasn’t appearing.
      I cannot fathom what the godless people out there are going through, to not have hope would be an unthinkable situation to be in.
      May God continue to bless FOM, his family and COB for their beautiful works and guidance.
      I think we ALL will be very busy soon especially COB as we will have a lot of retraining to do to all our friends and family, who will seek answers to their many questions.
      I don’t believe it will be too long now before divine intervention will be granted by Our Heavenly Father, this will be the only way to correct the direction of the world otherwise too many will be lost forever.
      I believe it will get much worse before this happens, which is why Our Lady will be looking to us to guide our family and friends because something very scary may happen, that only our belief in God will pull us through.

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8 thoughts on “You Are Guilty as Charged”

  1. City: New York
    State: NY
    Country: United States
    Dear Friend of Medjugorie,
    I gave always been devout to Our Lady, even as a child. My prayers have been answered more times than I can understand why, even when no solution was in sight. When I first learned about Medjugorie a long time ago, I started to read her messages. Some hit home instantly, others left me confused about their true meaning. Since learning about your work at Medjugorie, the messages have become clearer and more enlightening. I’m the type of person who needs a hammer to drop on me after I hear the punchline of a joke because it doesn’t register. Well, you’ve become my “hammer”. I haven’t always agreed with some of the things you’ve said, but after praying and thinking on them, you’ve “won” me over. You always tell it like it is and some things are hard to hear. This Thanksgiving Day podcast blew me away! I listened with my rosary in hand, not to allow any negative thoughts in, and it was a joy to hear. It made my heart heavy and uplifted at the same time. You see what I don’t and sometimes we need a hammer to accept the truth, even if we don’t like what that may be.
    Thank you forvthe work you do for Our Lady and for all God’s children who have heard the name of Jesus, but need a hammer to open their hearts to Him.
    Bless you,
    JoAnn, NYC

  2. City: Hancock
    State: Michigan
    Country: USA
    I was a public school teacher from 1969 to 2001. I saw much of this happening, Since I retired the change has been occuring at warp speed. Much prayer is needed to combat what has been happening.I really believe we need divine intervention.May God bless all of you at Caritas.

  3. City: Savage
    State: MN
    Country: United States
    Thank you!!
    I have learned so much from listening to Radio Wave and reading your books… 🙏
    So many times whatever is in my heart or thoughts in prayer seems to be answered by you through the Holy Spirit..or Our Lady…no doubt in my mind!
    God Bless you!!!
    I was truly blessed also to be there to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of apparitions! So beautiful & Holy!
    Now is the time for conversion! Today!
    In the peace of Christ & Blessed Mother ❤️❤️

  4. City: Tacoma
    State: WA
    Country: United States
    I absolutely loved the message that the United States is in fact a republic. I love that message please repeat it and spread it around.

  5. Mary Alice Nendell

    City: Garibaldi
    State: OR
    Country: United States
    This was so wonderful. I will continue ‘again’ to tell people of this message. I’m not good with words so I think that is why I have a hard time getting people to listen to things, especially convincing them to listen to these messages. I have to admit I haven’t been doing my best lately because no one seem to listen to me, even to the point of telling me I’m nuts!!! Well, I’m going to start right now, to begin again, with spreading this message.

    I thank you for giving me the kick that I need.

    God Bless you!!!
    Mary Alice

    1. City: Gillieston Heights
      State: NSW
      Country: Australia
      Hey Mary,
      Don’t be too worried about being called nuts as you aren’t alone. My family thinks the same of me as they are “deeply concerned” for me. I am very grateful that Our Lady has visited Earth because I cannot imagine what would happen to us if she wasn’t appearing.
      I cannot fathom what the godless people out there are going through, to not have hope would be an unthinkable situation to be in.
      May God continue to bless FOM, his family and COB for their beautiful works and guidance.
      I think we ALL will be very busy soon especially COB as we will have a lot of retraining to do to all our friends and family, who will seek answers to their many questions.
      I don’t believe it will be too long now before divine intervention will be granted by Our Heavenly Father, this will be the only way to correct the direction of the world otherwise too many will be lost forever.
      I believe it will get much worse before this happens, which is why Our Lady will be looking to us to guide our family and friends because something very scary may happen, that only our belief in God will pull us through.

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