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March 15, 2022
Woman of Revelation Series: What is the One Thing You Need to Be Happy?
[Podcast] (42 Minutes) – A Friend of Medjugorje joins us from the Radio Wave studio in Medjugorje. His words about the Holy Doors help us to understand how to get more graces for things we ask for. And, he shares the lament of those who diminish the role of the Medjugorje apparitions, even from those in Medjugorje.
Episode Transcript
This is the Woman of Revelation Series with a Friend of Medjugorje.
There’s nothing out there, nowhere, that can do what Medjugorje, that can do what God’s will is to us for today. That God’s will today was to send the Virgin Mary to tell us, “…your salvation…” “I’m speaking for it through My Mother. Listen to Her! Convert! Change! Trust completely in Me.”
That was a Friend of Medjugorje on March 18, 2016. Welcome to the Woman of Revelation Series with a Friend of Medjugorje.
If you’ve been following the broadcasts over the last few days, you will recognize that these broadcasts are all coming from March 18th. And of course, this series of the Woman of Revelation Series was leading up to March 18th, but stating for all of those who are going to be listening to this series years from now when you do your own personal retreat, it’s important you understand the context when these originally played.
This broadcast was in the context of the Holy Year, and a Friend of Medjugorje speaks about going through the Holy Doors and how he prepared for that. It gives us, also, a lot of insight in how to prepare to receive greater graces in our life.
The title of this broadcast is, What is the One Thing You Need to Be Happy? And that will be the full subject of this entire broadcast. It’s a question that a Friend of Medjugorje answers from a pilgrim in Medjugorje.
Tonight, a Friend of Medjugorje will be speaking to us from the Radio WAVE studio in Medjugorje.
So, here is a Friend of Medjugorje on March 18, 2016.
So, we come today to a point where we have Our Lady with us on March 18th. We know this is always a special date because Our Lady said it was to be so in the sense that March 18th has some significance connected to the apparitions of the Virgin Mary of Medjugorje for the future. We don’t know what that means. Is it the release of the first Secret, or is something going to happen on this date? Or will there be a special event? We have no idea. But we do know this is Mirjana’s annual apparition and Our Lady says, even though it’s her birthday, it was not for her birthday. It’s for some significant thing that’s coming.
So, Our Lady’s message today was always another unveiling of the deeper part of Her plan. And so, we’ll read it at this moment.
Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje’s annual March 18, 2016 message through Mirjana Soldo:
“Dear children, with a motherly heart filled with love for you, my children, I desire to teach you complete trust in God the Father. I desire for you to learn by an internal gaze and internal listening to follow God’s will. I desire for you to learn to boundlessly trust in His mercy and His love, as I always trusted. Therefore, my children, cleanse your hearts. Free yourselves from everything that binds you only to what is earthly and permit what is of God to form your life by your prayer and sacrifice; so that God´s Kingdom may be in your heart; that you may begin to live proceeding from God the Father; that you may always strive to walk with my Son. But for all of this, my children, you must be poor in spirit and filled with love and mercy. You must have pure and simple hearts and always be ready to serve. My children, listen to me, I speak for your salvation. Thank you.”
So, Our Lady said,
“…I desire to teach you complete trust in God the Father…”
We go through life, we do things, that we trust ourselves and we trust God, we say, but “In God We Trust,” do we? We haven’t entrusted God on our money as we say we do, because the system is corrupt and it’s under judgment. And it’s all over the news every single day. And yet we put on our money, “In God We Trust.” A noble thing to do. But that nobility that we carry and the idea of why we put it there has to be measured by the Commandments. Our Lady says, “Let your life be measured by the Commandments.” This is a pretty profound message Our Lady gave long ago.
By the measure of our life is the Commandments. In other words, are we living by that? Does what we take in from the society and accept or tolerate, are we living our life and our witness, our Christianity, our faith, by the measurement of the Commandments? In other words, many people don’t think it’s wrong to do such and such, and such and such. But if the Commandments tell us not to do that, then we are not living our life by that measurement.
What the Commandments say, we all break. And in fact, Scripture says if you break one Commandment, you break all Commandments. And because we are sinners and we break Commandments, how do we, and what does it mean when Our Lady says that your life be measured by the Commandments? Because we, as Christians, know when we violate something, or we have sinned against God; we have broken one of the Ten Commandments in some shape, form or fashion, and by doing so, we have to go confess and repent. That’s our measurement. If I fail the Commandments, if you fail the Commandments, we run to repentance. If you don’t do that, and one of the Commandments that you violate, and you think nothing is wrong because you did that, then you don’t have the standard to go by of what’s right or wrong. It’s not your measurement of your life, the way you live the Christian life. And that seems like it’s not so serious, but that’s the sin against the Holy Spirit, which Jesus Christ Himself said there’s only one sin that will not be forgiven, and that’s the refusal to repent.
And so, if we are not living by the Commandments, by the measure of the way we live; the standard, the principles, that, “Hey, I failed this. I’ve got to go confess to this,” as opposed to someone who says, “Oh, I don’t think it’s a big deal,” you sin against the Holy Spirit. People don’t realize that. And they think it’s no big deal. It is, because there’s one sin that will not be forgiven and that’s one who refuses repentance.
So, when we do not acknowledge the Commandments as part of our life to go by, the standards that we live by, and when we fail them, we confess, “I broke this Commandment,” then we are not living repentance in such a way that we would be forgiven.
The sin against the Holy Spirit is the refusal to confess or repent. And this is the world we have today. Our Lady said “…many Christians…live like pagans…” We go through our whole life like this now. We’ve got a whole culture doing this. The whole Church is doing this. “Well, this is okay. This is easy. This is…” We fudge on everything. There’s no clear principle.
And so, Our Lady comes today and She says something very interesting,
“…I desire to teach you…”
And then She says on the other side,
“…I desire for you to learn…”
“…I desire to teach…” is an action about response of Our Lady of Herself to you and to me. “…I desire for you to learn…” She says after that, is an action about response of you, yourself to Her. She’s the Teacher. We respond in learning.
How is this method of teacher/student to acquire what Our Lady teaches and what we are to learn? First She says that,
“…by an internal gaze…”
Secondly, She says by,
“…internal listening…”
For what?
“…to follow God’s will…”
Incredible words.
And we have people saying, “We don’t have to have these messages.” “We don’t have to believe in the apparitions,” and “Even if they’re approved we don’t have to go by them because it’s not necessary for salvation.” That’s not what Our Lady said today. And I’ve written about this in Higher Truth and Ten Facts. Those two separate writings. You need to download these things, read them, understand what’s happening right now, because, if we don’t have to have this for salvation, even if it’s approved by the Church, it’s not necessary for salvation, why did Our Lady in Her message today saying,
“…You must have pure and simple hearts and always be ready to serve. My children, listen to me, I speak for your salvation…”
That goes conflict directly, in this whole thing, we’ve had a mindset, and the Church has gone by for centuries, that private revelation is not necessary for salvation; therefore, you don’t have to believe in it.
But we’re in another time. Not a progressive movement through the Church and it’s got to change its ways. We are in a time when the Church is in trouble, serious crisis, where the Mother of God, the Mercy Herself, is coming and saying,
“…I desire to teach you complete trust in God the Father. I desire for you to learn by an internal gaze and internal listening to follow God’s will…”
This morning, from here in Medjugorje, I was going down the road. There’s another group that wants to join us from Ireland. A lady had just heard, outside of the Church, that I was going to be speaking. She was going to come tonight. She catches up with me as I walked back to the Mission House, and she says,
“What do I need to do to be happy in life? What do I need to do?”
And I told her…This was before the apparition at two o’clock this afternoon, earlier today. This was after ten o’clock Mass. I said,
“It’s very simple. For you to be complete, for you to be happy in life, all you have to do is God’s will.”
This was at eleven o’clock. At two o’clock Our Lady says,
“…I desire for you to learn by an internal gaze and internal listening to follow God’s will…”
Our Lady shows us what to say when somebody is to be counseled about a question that She already is prepping us for a message. We see this all the time. I might write something a week before and Our Lady does it and says it.
And in fact, we put out a whole thing about Medjugorje, Prepare the World for [the Second] Coming, all about Divine Mercy, and Our Lady speaks about that today. She says, “…mercy…” The whole thing is to be purified, be free in your spirit, simple. We’ve got a whole thing we’re about to start with the 54-Day Novena, just for preparation to walk through the Holy Doors, instead of just running through the Doors and say, “Oh, I did it.”
I was just in Rome before this. I was with Marija for the last five days. I overnighted in Rome, went through the Holy Doors. I stopped and prayed before I went into it, a whole Rosary. Hundreds of people walking through the Holy Doors. They have no guidance of Our Lady. The Church says go through them, and you can be released of all your sins. Our Lady’s message today speaks about that when She says,
“…Therefore my children, cleanse your hearts. Free yourself from everything that binds you to only what is earthly and permit…God to form your life…”
And that’s what we do when we go through the Holy Doors. It’s part of the release of our sins and the payment for them, which joins with the prayers of the faithful across the world to do that atonement and what the Church says in this Year of Mercy, that we can be loosed of our sins. And that’s when Our Lady says, “Free yourself from things that are earthly,” because that is where we sin at, our attachments to it, and falling from grace.
That being the case, is it not so, that as I am doing a Rosary at the Holy Doors before I go into it—a whole Rosary—that we should prepare a 54-Day Novena to do everything we can to make greater the grace? Our Lady once gave a message that says, “Even though an intention is granted…” The Church has said go through the Holy Doors. Go to Confession. Go to Communion. Do a work of mercy. It’s done. But She said, “Even though a grace is granted,” and that’s what the Church has granted, “The more prayer with it, greater the grace attached to it.”
I don’t like to do anything, even if the Church permits it, without adding greater grace to it through prayer.
So, I’m kneeling down by the Holy Doors. I’m doing my Rosary. I go into the Holy Doors, I stop and pause just as I get ready to go in, touch the doors, pray shortly, go back in and pray on the other side. It’s an event for me, spiritually. And I thought, how sad. People are talking going through it. They know to go through it. They know what it does. They’re not in the right mindset. And not necessarily by their own fault, but their ignorance in not being able to follow Our Lady, the wisdom She shows us how to go through these doors, how to get the most benefit, how to be efficient.
You buy a car that’s got high mileage per gallon of gas. Don’t you want to do things spiritually that you get as much as you can out of the mileage that the Church offers? This is what we’re doing with this 54-Day Novena and for preparation for it. We don’t want to just do it. We want to do it in a special way.
And yes, I’ve already gone through the Holy Doors, but the 54-Day Novena, I’ll do it again. We have a great grace available to us, and this message today, if it’s anything about this, it’s about what we’re about to enter into in guiding people across the world to enter through the Holy Doors in preparation of greater, greater, greater, graces attached to this spiritual walk that the Church has given this grace to that now, Our Lady endorses, out of the blue! I didn’t expect this out of the message today, but Our Lady gave it to us.
So, She teaches. We are to learn. We are to be in complete trust, and what does trust mean? A firm, reliable truth; an ability of something or someone that we have a relationship with that we build on trust. If you have a trust, and you’re a trustee of the property, it’s for the benefit of one or more beneficiaries. We are to have complete trust in God as the nominal person ahead of our trust, which is our bodies, our souls, that He will work out for us the best for us.
So, coming back to this woman who came to me after ten o’clock Mass, we’re walking back, and I answer her about how to be happy. I tell her,
“Your answer of what you’re seeking from me is very, very simple. You do God’s will. And if you do God’s will, there is nothing that you can do greater than that for your life.”
The next person may be different God’s will for them. But each person has to wake up every day and seek that day, God’s will, in completeness.
I prayed for years, “God, I want Your will. I want to do Your will. I don’t want a free will. I know You’ve given me free will, but I freely give it to You. Bind me to Your will.”
Our Lady says bound to the earth, and Our Lady says, “I want you to learn…”
“…I desire for you to learn to boundlessly trust in His mercy…”
That’s what She’s calling us to be binded to.
So, I tell this woman, “All you have to do is seek God’s will. Pray. Do novenas for it. Say, ‘God, I don’t want to do my will anymore. I want You to form my life on Your will.’”
Our Lady says that,
“…Free yourselves from everything that binds you only to what is earthly and permit what is of God to form your life by your prayer[s] and sacrifice[s]; so that God’s Kingdom may be in your heart…”
You know Caritas was formed step-by-step? Did you know Caritas is a manifestation of what God wanted? Not what I wanted. Because it was not formed by concrete. It was formed by prayer made into concrete.
“…Free yourselves from everything that binds you only to what is earthly and permit what is of God to form your life by your prayer and sacrifice; so that God’s Kingdom may be in your heart…”
Caritas was built just this way. How’s that? Because I went to prayer. I asked God what to do. “Show me Your will. Manifest it in my life.” Caritas was born. It became something else. It became the largest Medjugorje center in the world, because it’s God’s manifestation by prayer.
Our Lady gave me a message in 1988. She spoke these words to me, through Marija. She said, after asking Her a question through Marija, that, “You’ll have to pray more and offer sacrifices.” Today, She says,
“…by your prayer[s] and sacrifice[s]; so that God’s Kingdom may be in your heart…”
The message that date, in January of ’89, said, “Pray and give more sacrifices for this intention.”
And so, I went through a period of prayer. I asked Marija several times through the next couple years. Our Lady kept saying, “Pray.” And we went back, did a nine-day novena at one point, and Our Lady says, “You are in a time of prayer. Pray.” And I continued to do that, and the manifestation of Caritas just grew on its own, which I learned, through this, where Our Lady said, also in a question that I asked October 6, 1986,
“Pray and by your life witness…[through which you will] attain what [you] desire…Therefore, pray more and live in humility.”
These words were spoken directly as an individual message to me through Marija.
So, I prayed to attain what God’s will was. Our Lady didn’t say, “You might get it.” Our Lady says, “You pray and you witness, and you will attain what your desire is.”
“…Therefore, pray more and live in humility.”
So, this is all the way back in 1986. Then, Our Lady comes in 1988. I say this because we have something to shine and put forth that physically manifested exactly what Our Lady said today.
“…Therefore, my children, cleanse your hearts. Free yourselves from everything that binds you only to what is earthly and permit what is of God to form your life by your prayer and sacrifice[s]; so that God´s Kingdom may be in your heart…”
Those who have been at Caritas, it’s God’s Kingdom. It’s a Kingdom of Love. It’s a place—a way of life—that Our Lady’s given us. All we must do there—at Caritas—is be successful in prayer. God’s Kingdom fruits from a way of life. And we have a way of life based in the messages. If you want to see the messages transformed into life, which She said that. “…read everyday [My] messages…and transform them into life…” That’s what our community is. That’s what Caritas is. I’m not saying this with any arrogance or any pride. I’m saying, if you want to see it, it’s there. All we claim to be is sinners, frail, flawed people who, when we break the Commandments, run to Confession and are repentant, and our God, in His goodness, and Our Lady, in Her wisdom, has built something there that is a window to the world of what waits for you if you want the Kingdom of God to call on your family.
And so, I expressed this to this woman, that if you seek His will, it will physically manifest into something physical on the earth, not that your binded to it, but that it plays out in your daily work, your daily joys and contemplation and consolations that you receive from that, that you have Heaven on earth.
I went on to tell her,
“You will suffer. There’ll be difficulties. Not everything’s going to be perfect, but you’ll sleep at night because you’ll be in peace, because when you do God’s will, you’ll be in peace. It’s the maximum way to have happiness, self-esteem, know that you have worth. You have purpose to get up for some reason instead of wandering through life without purpose.”
Every single one of you listening to this has a plan of God. Our Lady said, January 25, ’87, “You must pray to comprehend what your role is in God’s design.” God has will for you, if you unionize your will to His. And nothing can be greater, and you can’t be any richer. If God wants you to be rich monetarily with money and things and power, that is destined for you. It’s God’s will. He will manifest that. But if God wants you to be rich in poverty, you will feel that, no different from the man who has material goods that you have in spiritual goods, and not that if he’s doing God’s will he’s destined to have those powers and monies, that he still wouldn’t have spiritual goods with it, because if he’s doing God’s will, and it’s for a purpose, that’s all you have to do. And out of seven billion people in there’s seven billion variations for these individuals, you and I, that God’s will manifests. That manifestation is up to you. And your life, Our Lady says, will be by you permitting it, what is of God. He will, “…form your life by your prayer[s] and [your] sacrifice[s]…” And the result of that is that God’s Kingdom will enter into your heart.
And then,
“…you may begin to live proceeding from God the Father; that you may always strive to walk with my Son…”
Amazing. You can become happy. You can have everything, even if everything is sad around you and tragedy, simply by getting into the will of God. That’s your only goal you have to do. God wants you to go to Heaven.
Tekakwitha became a saint. She prayed for years to become…a man of the black cloth, she called them. The priest, his faith. After several years of praying, one showed up. Tekakwitha had one Communion, one meeting, one Mass the four years she was a Christian before she died. She had a disease—I think it was smallpox—which scarred her face. She lived the light so strongly that other Indians wanted to kill her. They were jealous of her. They wanted to destroy her. She had the persecutions, but she was in peace because she was doing God’s will. And when she died, her skin became whiter and glowing. The scars disappeared. And all knew the God of this little girl, this little squaw, this Indian, was pure.
“…you must…” Our Lady says. She always invites, but She said today,
“…you must be poor in spirit and filled with love and mercy…”
Tekakwitha did that.
“…You must have pure and simple hearts and always be ready to serve…”
She served, even when she was persecuted. We’ve said before that Mirjana said that Our Lady never put Herself first. Everything you do, from morning to dark, in the middle of the night, is to serve others, because if you’re not doing that, you don’t love, because love is very simply, putting another’s needs before your own. Yes, that’s a hard task to do, but you want to feel worth? You want to feel good about yourself? This is the path. This is the way it works.
So, we’ve got to cleanse our heart. This 54-Day Novena coming up is the way to do it, adding greater graces before you walk through the Holy Doors, even if you already did it, let’s do a replay. Make it stronger. Make it more powerful.
“…You must have pure and simple hearts and always be ready to serve. My children…”
And then Our Lady says something incredible. Three simple words that runs in conflict, now, with the people and the naysayers that say, “Well, we don’t need to follow Medjugorje! The Church, even if it approves it, is just going to say it’s only worth of belief. It’s not necessary for salvation.”
She says, quote,
“…listen to me…”
Who’s She speaking to? She prefaced it with saying,
“…My children, listen to me…”
She’s about to make a proclamation. This means, “Listen to Me,” everything She’s been telling us. “I’m your teacher. I want you to learn these things.” So yes, we take it that way. But the message has multi-purpose.
And if you want to take it literally—which we can do that too—Se said today,
“…My children, listen to me, I speak for your salvation…”
For you naysayers, for you who are weak or you sit there and think, “Oh, well, the Church doesn’t require it. I don’t have to pay that much attention.” Our very salvation is at risk. There’s nothing out there, nowhere, that can do what Medjugorje, that can do what God’s will is to us for today, that God’s will today was to send the Virgin Mary to tell us, “Your salvation, I’m speaking for it through My Mother. Listen to Her! Convert! Change! Trust completely in Me!”
We had a man in the Bedroom of Apparitions. He flew from South America. He was very wealthy. His whole family came up, was in the Bedroom of Apparitions. He spoke to Marija before he went in. He had two weeks to live. He was emaciated. He had been going to Houston spending huge amounts of money because that’s the greatest cancer place in the world. He was going to go there and plan to come to Alabama when Marija was there to be in the Bedroom, but the doctor said they needed him there, so he cancelled.
We called up and said, “No! What are they going to do that Our Lady can’t do?”
So, he stands beside the Bed. He comes anyway. He ignores the doctors. And Our Lady speaks to him. Not through Marija. He felt something go through his body. He felt Our Lady. And he heard the words, say, quote,
“Do not be concerned for yourself. Be concerned for others.”
Our Lady said that today. We’ve already quoted it.
“…simple hearts and always be ready to serve…”
He knew he was healed. He said nothing to nobody, not even his family. He went straight to Houston. They looked at his x-rays. They said something incredible happened. Here’s the spots of the x-rays on your lungs a month ago. Not only were the spots not there, there was no scar tissue.
Then, they showed him his liver. There were spots on there a month ago. As the chemotherapy healed him, there would be scars there. They didn’t show up. He was healed.
Why am I telling you this story? Because it says,
“…I desire to teach you complete trust in God the Father…”
You know what they told him in Houston? “You need to make sure this doesn’t come back. You need to keep taking chemotherapy.” Why? Because it’s a lot of money. This is above insurance, what it pays. They made a lot of money.
So, Our Lady says,
“…I desire…[your] complete trust in God the Father…”
And so, just in case, he continued to do that. Chemotherapy can give you cancer. He got it back. And he died just a few months ago.
I even said, “If you heard this voice, if God told you this through Our Lady, then forget what the doctors are saying. Just completely forget what the doctor said to you and trust God. And if it comes back that way, you know it’s the will of God.”
We need to be praying our whole life for when God calls us, we accept that. And if He wants to give a miracle, He will do that. If He doesn’t, we’ve placed our trust there, but what happened with this man, he still depended on man. It’s tragic!
And so, when Our Lady says these things, we need to evaluate, we need to look what is attaching us, binding us to this world.
“…I desire to teach you complete trust in God the Father. I desire for you to learn by an internal gaze and internal listening to follow God’s will. I desire for you to learn to boundlessly trust in His mercy and His love, as I always trusted…”
She didn’t sit there and say, “God the Father, don’t let Him do this Crucifixion.” She trusted totally in God. The death sentence was there. Forget everything else. Or if you’re in a car wreck, yes! Do everything possible! But when you know you have something fatal, and if you pray your whole life…And we, in community, we pray for God to take us at the moment it’s appointed, that when it’s very clear that that’s coming, we resign ourselves to that date, because if He wants to have another time, He can take care of, we trust, in whatever’s in front of us. We pray over all of our equipment, those who sponsored it, little plaques, praying for those individuals, throughout the whole Tabernacle on the retooling we did, for a happy, holy death. We believe that. We are for that. And we’ve seen testimonies to that and resignation when death’s door is coming to us. We don’t need to strive not to walk with the Son toward that great day.
“…live proceeding from God the Father; that you may always strive to walk with my Son…”
Why does She say that? Because we don’t always do that. This friend from South America didn’t do that. He didn’t strive to continue to walk with God when it was so clear what he was up against.
So, we have a void in our spiritual life. The messages are showing us, if we listen to Her, how the walk is towards salvation. That glorious moment why we live for. Is it hard? Is it difficult? Yes, especially if you don’t have complete trust in God, that if He wants to give a miracles, He’ll do it. But we don’t need to go to the doctors on every single thing when we know what’s coming, how are we to walk.
And yes, it’s an internal struggle. It’s a great difficulty, but Our Lady said,
“…with a motherly heart filled with love for you, my children, I desire to teach…”
I just spent five days with Marija in Italy. I came to Medjugorje for a couple days. I’m leaving tonight. We spent a lot of time together privately. And I can tell you, after thirty-five years of apparitions, things are not lessened. Things are not weakening. Things are not going away. Medjugorje is more and more important. And yet, the least numbers I’ve ever seen at a March 18th apparition was today. Why? Because you have factors in the Church quieting it down. “We don’t have to pay much attention to this. The visionaries don’t need to be having people coming around where they’re giving the apparitions. Ivan can’t go speaking across America.”
This is a sin. We have every apparition, people who convert, people who are headed to hell who change on the moment of those three to five, six minutes as it was today in the apparition, and change the direction of their eternity. And we’ve got people in the Church recklessly telling the visionaries, “Don’t go speak. Don’t have public apparitions anymore.” And yet, Our Lady continues to come, and people could come to that apparition and not go to hell or change their life or better their life? And a goodly portion of those do if there’s several thousand, have testified repeatedly this, they are no longer headed toward perdition where they were going by attending that apparition because Our Lady prayed over them, or their minds change, mentalities, conversion, all these things that happened afterwards or in a minute or even preceding that.
This encounter saves souls and is going to save the Church and the world. How many are lost in perdition because they’re not coming to the apparitions in this false assumption that they have to be obedient. Ivan is not under any authority except if there’s a condemnation of Medjugorje with his private revelations. He cannot be stopped. And to pressure him or tell him he can’t have this is a false and a grievous, grievous loss for the last apparitions on earth that we’ll never have again, and every day that goes by that he or any other visionary, people are restricted from coming to Our Lady who says, “…gather around me…”
Many times, She says on Mirjana’s apparitions, “…I have gathered you around me…” Our Lady wants you to hear Her. They’re saying you can’t go hear Her. Our Lady says, “…listen to me…” She’s talking to us. Look at Her messages! It’s so clear She wants people at Her apparitions! When Mirjana started her apparitions, She said, “I want everybody to come.”
In the Field, 1988, Our Lady says, “I want the public to come!” And we’ve got those in the hierarchy of the Church saying, “No, you can’t.” And they have not the authority to do that, unless they condemn Medjugorje. They have to condemn it. So, if they want to use that authority and make us be obedient to it, then we have to be under condemnation. And you can’t do that. And I’m speaking directly to those who’ve done that, saying that we can’t go to conferences, or we can’t do this, we can’t do that. You can’t do it unless you condemn it. Because it’s private revelations, we have the right, and we have the right to evangelize it, and yes, we will stick to your mandate saying we don’t take the credibility of the apparitions for granted, which is all we have to say, to have this.
Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall! Cardinal Mueller, tear down this wall! You’re putting at risk, salvation in many souls by these “edicts” that aren’t properly written, that are misconstrued, and that is dead wrong. Heavy is the judgment for those souls who would have been saved who could have attended these things but were not able to because they falsely believe that if they did, they would be disobedient to the Church. You are not disobedient.
We’re in a serious moment in the world. We need more people coming to the apparitions. We need to be more in Our Lady’s presence. We need to be more apostles, shouting out after they’ve been beat like Peter and John was after they were told not to speak of Jesus, and they went out and did it and was scourged and went back out and did it anyway.
Don’t shut up. Don’t be silent. Propagate Medjugorje. Be stronger. The salvation of the whole Church is at risk, and the salvation of the whole world is at risk.
Marija’s apparitions in Italy continued every single day, and one day, it was just me and her there. And that’s a great privilege. It’s beautiful to be alone with only the visionary and yourself, and you know that Our Lady prays over you, when she said this after the apparition. But it’s a Dead Sea if I want to hold this for myself. All the water that flows into it from the River Jordan dead ends there, salt, nothing grows there. No fish live in there. It’s to flow out.
On the banks of the River Jordan, villages thrive because the water runs through it, and it’s an outlet.
And so, we can’t put these visionaries in a position where it’s only coming to them. It’s not for them, never was for them. They have to be in a position to be free, that we can utilize every single apparition of the last apparitions on earth. And how tragic, how grievous it is for all you out there who stand in the way, all the way from the Vatican—not everybody in the Vatican, but some elements in the Vatican—all the way down here into Medjugorje, those who want to just hold it right here.
Tear down this wall. Free Our Lady. Be whoever you are, even here in Medjugorje, where you think it’s supposed to only be here, that the plan is only through Medjugorje. The world is called to be Medjugorje. That’s what Caritas is. That’s why Our Lady, geographically, has marked a place, because we won’t shut up. She knew that. We have an American mentality. We have freedom. I won’t be silent. You won’t silence me. You can order me all you want to.
You can condemn me and silence me, but there’s nothing to condemn me for. I love my faith. The Community loves its faith. We’re Catholic, but we’re placing this call above our faith and above the Church because Our Lady’s last apparitions on earth is for the whole world, every person, every nonbeliever, ever Muslim, every Hindu, everybody. The Mother of God has come here with the last words in preparation for the Second Coming, that we can live through the systems that’s going to be put in place. And we don’t even have an antichrist now here in our presence, necessarily. And Our Lady’s at risk in Her daily apparitions.
Seek this message. Seek God’s will. Follow His Heart through your complete trust and your internal gaze and your internal listening to Our Lady, to God, to Her Son.
We wish you Our Lady. We love you. Good night from Medjugorje. We will pray for all of you who listen to this and into these days that come.
Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!
See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.
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3 thoughts on “Woman of Revelation Series: What is the One Thing You Need to Be Happy?”
City: Plaucheville
State: Louisiana
Country: USA
Every night I can’t wait to listen to your videos and the information you are giving to us from Our Lady! Praise God for you and Caritas! Without you, we would not have the knowledge of our lady’s messages and how we must be prepared and live our lives in order to get to heaven! Thank you Thank you! May our Lord and Blessed Mother continue to bless you and all of your works!!! Love and Prayers Always 🙏❤️ -
City: Scotland
State: ON
Country: Canada
This was so beautiful! It made me cry with joy to know that Our Lady is here to teach us and guide us back to truth. It is so true that we all have strayed in one way or another and that we need to genuinely repent. In wanting our will to be God’s will, how can we go wrong? I thank you my Heavenly Mother for loving us enough to come save us.
3 thoughts on “Woman of Revelation Series: What is the One Thing You Need to Be Happy?”
City: Orange Grove
State: Texas
Country: U.S.
Thank you very much for presenting this. It was very helpful.
City: Plaucheville
State: Louisiana
Country: USA
Every night I can’t wait to listen to your videos and the information you are giving to us from Our Lady! Praise God for you and Caritas! Without you, we would not have the knowledge of our lady’s messages and how we must be prepared and live our lives in order to get to heaven! Thank you Thank you! May our Lord and Blessed Mother continue to bless you and all of your works!!! Love and Prayers Always 🙏❤️
City: Scotland
State: ON
Country: Canada
This was so beautiful! It made me cry with joy to know that Our Lady is here to teach us and guide us back to truth. It is so true that we all have strayed in one way or another and that we need to genuinely repent. In wanting our will to be God’s will, how can we go wrong? I thank you my Heavenly Mother for loving us enough to come save us.