March 9, 2022
Radio Wave Special

Woman of Revelation Series: This Show’s Not for Saints, But for Sinners… By a Sinner

[Podcast] (55 Minutes) – A Friend of Medjugorje talks about the consequences of the denial of sin, yet, he lifts us all up with his words to edify our souls. This broadcast will leave you wanting to become better.

Episode Transcript

This is the Woman of Revelation Series with a Friend of Medjugorje.




We don’t recognize sin to be sin. There is nothing wrong with it. We accept it.  What comes after that and you live it, you culturalized it?  Drought!  Famine!  Anarchy! Debit!  Financial Collapse! And if those things don’t get your attention, God will send more.





That was a Friend of Medjugorje on March the 2, 2012.  Welcome to the Woman of Revelation Series with a Friend of Medjugorje.  Today’s broadcast is titled, “This Show is Not for Saints but for Sinners, by a Sinner.” In today’s broadcast, a Friend of Medjugorje comes from the message at a slightly different angle. He speaks a lot about sin and its consequences, but most importantly, we walked away from this broadcast feeling edified, inspiring to live better, to be better children of Our Lady. And that is the prayer we hope you walk away with this very same thing which we did. The broadcast actually began with a commercial and it was a commercial about one of a Friend of Medjugorje’s short books.  And so the very first things he speaks about are actually connected to this commercial. So we are going to begin first with that commercial and then a Friend of Medjugorje will follow thereafter.





December 2004, a tsunami hit Sri Lanka and kills 300,000 people from one moment to the next. August 2005, Hurricane Katrina strikes the Southern US with a wave surge unprecedented in the country’s history.  October 2005, Hurricane Stan hits Central America – whole villages buried under mudslides.  A few days later, Pakistan, India, Afghanistan struck with a massive earthquake, killing over 50,000 people. Thirteen days later, Hurricane Wilma explodes in the strongest hurricane ever recorded in the history of the Atlantic. Portugal and Spain dry up in the worst drought ever seen before. Scotland besieged with floods. All these events taking place within 9 months of each other. Is Heaven acting? “Why So Many Disasters” by a Friend of Medjugorje takes a peering looking into the mystery of the natural events taking place today.  “Why So Many Disasters” available on mej.com – spelled M E J .com or by calling Caritas in the US 205-672-2000 – 205-672-2000.  “Why So Many Disasters” by a Friend of Medjugorje, available through Caritas of Birmingham.





Why so many disasters?  That’s the question really to ask. It is a good question to ask. In other words, you can’t sin, without eventually suffering the consequences. This is what we see today.  The piling up of decades of continuous sin where eventually God has to act. It can seem ominous. And there is relief, paralleling the admonitions that are coming. And when they will be released, they will be relief between admonitions. Our Lady said there will be a short interval between the first, second and third.  Why?  To step back and reflect to give a period of conversion.  After 9/11, you had the Democrats and Republicans in Congress, praying and holding hands together. It didn’t last long.  But it is an example of our human nature, that when we suffer crisis, we bond together and help each other. Forget who you are, where you are liberal, conservative, Democrat, Republican, nationalities.  Crisis has a tendency to not only pull us together, but to reflect on God. So is to be a Russian roulette or spinning the wheel or roll of dice, that God says, okay, what am I going to pull out of my bag of tricks to get man’s attention. “Oh, I think I’ll do 3 admonitions. I’ll put little intervals between them.”  It’s with real strategy, with real thoughtfulness on God’s part.  What every He does, because He is perfect, is perfect. There will not be any better way than what’s coming that it comes. But does it come from God? Is Heaven really acting in that sense? No, Heaven is responding because we did not respond to grace, to correct our conscience from the 50s, the 60s, during the 1900s even.


In Fatima, it was Our Lady who said that the war would be over soon, speaking of WWI. And indeed, it was.  But She added, if man does not cease his sin, a larger and greater war will break out. She told Sr. Lucia, “Know that when you see the sky illuminated, that this war will be breaking out.” Of course, all of Europe, and you can go and look at this, that all the European continent lit up from 9:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.  Just before Hitler began his march. But what happened from 1917 to 1938-39 in this period of time? Berlin was decadent. It’s amazing how perverse, abomination, the legalizing and acceptance of it as a whole.  You see, we wonder why Berlin got a wall splitting in between for so many years. They allowed something in their land, in the city that shouldn’t have been there. They degraded to the most filth and perverse abominations, after WWI. You would think that would be enough to change their minds and their hearts. So they went through a purification, not only through WWII, but up until recently, up until Ronald Reagan’s days, 1989, I think the Berlin Wall came down. And we see it as tyranny.  We see it as freedom being taken away from people. No, you lose your freedom when you do not live according to God’s Commandments. If you live His Commandments, you gain freedom. It’s a principle.


We just heard England needs water, they are in a 30 year drought.  They want to get it from Wales. Wales, their neighbor, their reservoirs are 97% full.  I’d like to read about their morals, what are they accepting. What are their values? I don’t know, so I am just conjecturing this.  I do know about England. They are promoters of the acceptance of tolerance, tolerance of just what happened to Berlin after WWI, going into decadence. They are promoters and defenders of it. That even if you say one thing against this lifestyles or sins that you commit a hate crime. There’s consequences England for being so tolerant of sin.  Drought!  Famine!  The burning of your nation! Lawlessness! Your guns taken up, so that you cannot even defend yourself from the rioters. You lose freedom. Don’t look at the people who are perpetrating this.  Look at why they are being allowed to be able to be the perpetrators. Sin!  I was there 15 years ago. I spoke there.  I couldn’t believe what I saw in the official  church of England. The decadence and the bishops and what they were promoting, the toleration of abomination. Romans 1:18. Start at that England. Read it if you want to know about your drought. Read it if you want to understand the drought. There is a contradiction if this is not true. The Scriptures are not correct if this is not true. It is false. Cause Matthew 6, that Our Lady said to read every Thursday, says seek God’s Kingdom and all things will be given to you. See the birds of the air.  The Heavenly Father feeds them.  Do not worry about your clothing, what you are to eat or what you are to drink, will not the Heavenly Father provide these things. England, do you need water? Anything that is on fire needs water Why don’t you have it. Our Lady just recently said, “Honest eyes.” Be honest.  Look at yourself. Look at what you have accepted. Look what you tolerate. Don’t tell me don’t judge. Then don’t read the Bible, don’t accept it. You make a judgement when you tolerate it. You have to say, okay, this is sin, we are going to allow it in our culture because we judge it to be okay. Well, the Bible teaches us to judge it that it is not okay.  Don’t be confused, Jesus actually says judge.  It’s in the Scripture.  It’s in the New Testament. Judge, he says, with the right judgment.


In other words, backed by Scripture, backed by truth, don’t think you are not to cast judgment on actions.  But you are not to cast judgment as to God’s judgment on where they are going, even why they may be this way, why people do this.  There are a lot of extenuating circumstances, but that doesn’t mean, because we not supposed to be judging that, we can’t have laws that protect the sanctity of marriage, laws that protect the womb, laws that protect everything.  Otherwise, oh I am a born adulteress.  Okay, if you speak against that, oh, that’s a hate crime. You say that is silly.  No, it is 100 times more silly for the other one.  That is against nature. Adultery is within nature’s framework, abomination is not. And so why do we have drought?  That is the question, Why do we have so many disasters? I didn’t plan on going anywhere in this direction. I’m doing this because of what I heard of the commercial. But if I lived in England, if I saw our country was suffering in this way, if I saw the same ground right next door, filled and overflowing and with rain coming down God, from the Heavens, I would say, what is that about. And maybe Wales is accepting these same things, I don’t know the politics there.  What I can do is read the signs. And if they are going in that direction, consequences for England started decades ago with this sin and other things.  And so if the wells, the reservoirs are filled now, and they are headed in that direction of acceptance, they will drop to. It doesn’t matter how many reservoirs, it doesn’t matter what conditions you have made, God does not have to defend Himself. The saints teach us that nature itself rises up to defend God and His ways and His truths. So we need to evaluate this.  We need to say why certain things happen in certain areas.  And don’t give we, well you are a sinner.


My dad taught me that every day. You’re a sinner.  He was always telling us we were sinners because we are. But I repent, I confess and I recognize my sin. The difference is that we don’t recognize sin as sin.  There is nothing wrong with it, we accept it.  What comes after that and you live it, you culturalized it – Drought!  Famine! Anarchy! Debit!  Financial Collapse! And if those things don’t get your attention, God will send more. The fact that Our Lady is coming, the fact that Our Lady has come today and given a message to give more as the trumpets of the Revelation – the Book of Revelations.  I heard a trumpet I heard a trumpet today.  Our Lady’s words.  They come today with a warning.  Why does She say, “I warn you.” This is a question to ask yourself.





Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje’s March 2, 2012 Message Given to Mirjana on the Day for Nonbelievers.


“Dear children; through the immeasurable love of God I am coming among you and I am persistently calling you into the arms of my Son. With a motherly heart I am imploring you, my children, but I am also repeatedly warning you, that concern for those who have not come to know my Son be in the first place for you. Do not permit that by looking at you and your life, they are not overcome by a desire to come to know Him. Pray to the Holy Spirit for my Son to be impressed within you. Pray that you can be apostles of the divine light in this time of darkness and hopelessness. This is a time of your trial. With a rosary in hand and love in the heart set out with me. I am leading you towards Easter in my Son. Pray for those whom my Son has chosen that they can always live through Him and in Him the High Priest. Thank you.”





It is really incredible that Our Lady trumpets these words to us just as the angels of Revelation.  She wouldn’t be coming unless it was a serious warning. We don’t get these things, even in Christian history, like this. But who is it, this woman?  Who was She, what was She when She walked the earth? She was somebody that really just stayed in the kitchen. That was Her workshop. She left to perhaps bring treats to Jesus and Joseph in his carpentry shop. So their kitchen is important.  If there is any room in your house that you had to witness the most, for everybody, even the father and the children, it is the kitchen. Many things happen in the kitchen. And so we have Our Lady, the kitchen maker, the homemaker.  The mother who stayed with only one child.  She could have easily gone out, in this day and time, would go do something else. It is Her who chooses to be the witness.  It is Her that comes to witness to the world. She has told us to follow Her example. She said, “I am a Christian.”  And she was, indeed, the first Christian. And here it was, She did more to change the world by staying in that little house, in that little kitchen in Nazareth than anything else She could have done.  It is perhaps today what we really need today. What the whole world needs a kitchen and a witness of the mom, the dad, the children and everything in the family that takes place inside this kitchen.





We live in a drive-through generation
About the closest thing to a home cooked meal
Is a crazy made-in-three
We hardly ever gather at our table
Life’s too busy to be a family
Now if you ask me

The whole world needs a kitchen
Like the one we live in
The smell of supper cooking on the stove
Food for the soul and a taste of mama’s wisdom

Tired daddy dragging through the screen door
Hugs and kisses and a ‘thanking the Lord’
They don’t make it like that anymore
The whole world needs a kitchen

It’s where we sat and did our homework
And that bottom stair was a barber’s chair
When mama lowered our ears
It’s where we watch mom and daddy dancing
To the Rolling Stones and old George Jones
Man, I swear

The whole world needs a kitchen
Like the one we live in
The smell of supper cooking on the stove
Food for the soul and a taste of mama’s wisdom

Tired daddy dragging through the screen door
Hugs and kisses and a ‘thanking the Lord’
They don’t make it like that anymore
The whole world needs a kitchen

It’s where we talk about our problems
And it’s where we solve them
Lord knows we still got them

The whole world needs a kitchen
Like the one we live in
The smell of supper cooking on the stove
Food for the soul and a taste of mama’s wisdom

Tired daddy dragging through the screen door
Hugs and kisses and a ‘thanking the Lord’
They don’t make it like that anymore
The whole world needs a kitchen

Like the one we live in
The smell of supper cooking on the stove
Food for the soul and a taste of mama’s wisdom

The whole world needs a kitchen
Hugs and kisses and a ‘thanking the Lord’
They don’t make it like that anymore
The whole world needs a kitchen

The whole world needs a kitchen





Growing up, there was not a time, I can remember, when my dad walked through the door that mother didn’t meet him, hugged him and kissed him. I remember gathering around his legs and holding on to it. There was 3 or 4 of us at that time, probably, more to come.  But whatever happened to this kind of life? A taste of momma’s wisdom, Jesus is a scent of His Mother for that.  She gives wisdom.  She gives us the words to make decisions today that determines the future.  And She just told us February 2, we are not listening.  We hear Her speak but we don’t listen to Her words.  We are blind and deaf. And so it is Our Lady comes to us to teach us the change of the world is in the house, in the home, in the family.





In the beginning part of the message where Our Lady says, “I am persistently calling you into the arms of my Son,” what is the meaning behind this after all of these years Our Lady now comes and tells us these words?





Well I remember this black guy that worked for me one time and he said, his wife had died, and I forget how we started the conversation, we were talking something about when he dies what would he think, what’s the first thing he’s going to do?  He said the first thing I’m gonna do is hug my Jesus.  I was thinking he was going to say something about his wife because we were in discussion about that.  So, the first thing at the foot of the Cross when Jesus was Lord off the Cross was that Our Lady held Him in Her arms. If this message with these words are saying that, “I am persistently calling you into the arms of my Son,” that’s one.  The second time She says, “I am” She says that “I am imploring you.”  And the third time She says, “I am repeatedly warning you.”  What does that mean?  Will it be the first thing we will want to see when we are being martyred?  Is Jesus’ arms waiting on us on the other side?  Does that negate what Stephen could have looked up in ecstasy as he was being stoned?  Does it negate even in this life we don’t need to feel the arms of Jesus holding us now?  If you follow the messages, there will moments you feel this.  I felt that, really felt it.  If you start the walk with these messages, the trials that it will go through in that walk, will bring you closer to Him.  That’s the purpose of trials otherwise there’s no reason for it and this follows the same principles about the secrets.  The trials of trying to be better, the trials of trying to walk and change our life and our direction and the struggles that go along with that.  “I am repeatedly warning you,” Our Lady wouldn’t say that without trying to give us a hint, “Do you realize what is happening?”


Our Lady knows that we’re not angels. She knows we’re going to fall. She knows that we don’t always stand firmly but we need to become better each day.  That’s what the process of conversion is about.  The process of conversion means to change your direction of your life and fault every single day.  Our Lady gave a message that said every day work on a fault. That means go to conversion, it will go the rest of your life. When you do fail, go back, you’ve got the opportunity to confess.  She wants you to recognize that your sin, and we’re going to sin.  The boy, Dominic Salvia, he didn’t want to sin.  He begged God not to let him sin anymore. He got bedridden, he got sick, the doctor said he was okay.  He said no, he kept pleading with Jesus he didn’t want to sin and he died.  If you don’t want to sin you’re just going to die. That’s what happened.  And so, we’re men, we’re sinners, we will sin.  Jesus remedied that. That’s not the problem.  It’s the denial of the sin that’s the problem, the rationalization, I’m not in sin.  So we’ve got to realize those demons will make us fall.  But will we repent?  Will we change?  So, Our Lady is warning us that for those who look to you, if your life causes them to fall, they don’t receive the desire to know Him more, you’ve got to think about your witness.  If you think about your witness you will realize, every day you need to become better than you used to be.





I know how to hold a grudge
I can send a bridge up in smoke
And I can’t count the people I’ve let down, the hearts I’ve broke
You ain’t gotta dig too deep
If you wanna find some dirt on me
But I’m learning who you’ve been
Ain’t who you’ve got to be
It’s gonna be an uphill climb
Aw honey, I won’t lie

I ain’t no angel
I still got a few more dances with the devil
I’m cleanin’ up my act, little by little
I’m getting there
I can finally stand the man in the mirror I see
I ain’t as good as I’m gonna get
But I’m better than I used to be

I’ve pinned a lot of demons to the ground
Got a few old habits left
But there’s still one or two I might need you to help me get
Standin’ in the rain so long has left me with a little rust
But put some faith in me
And someday you’ll see
There’s a diamond under all this dust

I ain’t no angel
I still got a few more dances with the devil
I’m cleanin’ up my act, little by little
I’m getting there
I can finally stand the man in the mirror I see
I ain’t as good as I’m gonna get
But I’m better than I used to be

I ain’t no angel
I still got a few more dances with the devil
But I’m cleanin’ up my act, little by little
I’m getting there
I can finally stand the man in the mirror I see
I ain’t as good as I’m gonna get
But I’m better than I used to be





Some of you might be wondering what happened to the writing from a Friend of Medjugorje that he does every Second of the Month, and it is coming.  He’s been writing since before 4:00 this morning until about 30 minutes before the show went on today, but I’ve noticed and knowing what the content of the writing is about, you haven’t mentioned anything about what you’ve been writing on today in the topic of the message [This writing is available here].  I’m curious as to why it hasn’t come up in your conversation.





Because I’m tired of it.  No.  This show’s not for saints, it’s for sinners by a sinner and when you understand that, you understand Our Lady’s words are for so many different things and it’s why you can go all day and intensively be into a writing more than I have always done in the past on the Second of the Month, I have never delayed one before. But this was one that came up through it, I felt it was time to write about it, and you can go on to another subject with it.  And this is a lesson to us all that Our Lady has come to give the completeness, the last aid for the salvation of what Jesus brought to us through the Cross that will never, ever, ever need anything else that could help us that could even surpass this to gain a hold on salvation.  So that’s why we can have a show on every single day, twice a day using this same message about everything.  Every topic of the earth, every situation on the earth, as I said before, today this message is for 7 billion people, several time a day, billions and billions of circumstances, hundreds, billions, billions of things between now and the end of the world to be an aide.  It’s limitless.  They’ll have life until the end of the world.  Once you understand the treasure in the messages, the depth, the value of them, it will be easy to drop many, many things in your life and change the direction of your life.


This is the Woman of Revelation Series with a Friend of Medjugorje.  Stay Tuned.  A Friend of Medjugorje will return after this short break.





She lay dying at age 23.  Nineteen years before, she miraculously survived smallpox which left her partially blind, her face with deep pitted scars. While the children isolated her because of her looks, they stoned and persecuted her for her firm desire to be a Christian.  She prayed to the Great White Spirit to send a missionary to pour the water over her head.  Sixteen years of prayer was answered when a missionary came through and from that moment Tekakwitha’s heart was no longer on the earth, rather in Heaven.  She served others with such care that God shone in her.  Many Mohawks began to see beauty in her.  At the same time, jealousy and hatred boiled to a point that they began to plot the killing of the frail Mohawk Christian.  Fleeing the banks of the St. Lawrence River in New York, she arrived in Canada where she lived with other Christians.  They soon learned a jewel was amongst them; a spirit radiating such beauty and kindness that many Indians and missionaries themselves were drawn deeper into the Christian life.  Tekakwitha was only a Christian for four years.  Upon her death in 1676, many witnessed her scars vanish and her skin becoming almost a pure white, physically reflecting the inner beauty that filled her soul. All were amazed at the beauty of the maiden who lay before them.  Words spread and thousands of Indians converted, as well as many through the centuries upon hearing of her holy life which gave witness of God’s love.  Tekakwitha stands in sharp contrast with society’s hunger for beauty, for true beauty radiates first from the heart.  Today’s answer to beauty is not in makeup but in the heart.  To be beautiful, love.  To love, serve.  To be able to serve others, forgive as Tekakwitha did.  Peace is the fruit.  Come to the Resting Place at Caritas of Birmingham





We had a priest at our house yesterday and we had a healing service there to pray over us, but he said and asked if there is anything about Indians here?  I said, yes, this house is built over an Indian camp.  I remember writing this commercial years ago about Tekakwitha, but the purpose of it was to bring, not people to the Resting Place, which was our gift shop, but to have an excuse to get on Protestant radio and minister and evangelize, with stealth, hidden, in other words, Catholic things, spiritual things that would attract people.  And we had many Protestants come out because of that commercial.  That’s part of Our Lady’s goal for us.  We get what we need.  We’ve gone through a period of time where we’ve had all the answers, had all the money, had all the investments, everything was going our way. And now there is uncertainty.  We thought we knew the way life should go and this is not part of the script.  We plan retirement, we planned to do this, we planned to do that, you might say.  And we took a hundred-eighty-degree backward turn.  Our life went sour; it went left, it went right.  We used to do our prayers and we knew what God was wanting us to say, or at least we thought. But now, everything is uncertainty.  We pray to God for strength and all we get is pain.  We pray for courage and we need to have more fear of God.  What kind of time are we in?  A time when Our Lady said God will provide for you.  You will get what you need.  Is it what you want or is it what God knows you need?





I knew all the answers
The way my life should go
And when I used to say my prayers
I would tell God so
It seemed He wasn’t listening
I thought He didn’t care
But lookin’ back
It’s plain to see
He was always there

‘Cause I prayed for strength
And I got pain that made me strong
I prayed for courage
And got fear to overcome
When I prayed for faith
My empty heart brought me to my knees
I don’t always get what I want
I get what I need

I’m not sayin’ that it’s easy
Or that it doesn’t hurt
When nothing seems to go my way
Nothing seems to work
These days I’m getting better
At goin’ with the flow
Accepting that sometimes the answer
To a prayer is no

‘Cause I prayed for strength
And I got pain that made me strong
I prayed for courage
And got fear to overcome
When I prayed for faith
My empty heart brought me to my knees
I don’t always get what I want
I get what I need

Every time I’ve had a door slammed in my face
In time a better one was opened in its place

I prayed for strength
And I got pain that made me strong
I prayed for courage
And got fear to overcome
When I prayed for faith
My empty heart brought me to my knees
I don’t always get what I want
I get what I need

Oh I don’t always get what I want
I get what I need





Our Lady said in Her message, “I am imploring you, my children, but I am also repeatedly warning you that concern for those who have not come to know my Son, be in the first place.  Do not permit that by looking at you and your life, they are not overcome by desire to come to know Him.”  This is the third thing we’ve spoken about, written about in quite some time.  First, there’ll be radical conversion; second there’ll be great separation; and third, your sole purpose in your life will be the conversion of a pagan, a nonbeliever.  Our Lady says that today, the third thing.  “For those who have not come to know my Son, be in the first place for you.”  How is this seen?  How did this known to be written?  It’s in the whole of the messages and now, Our Lady, literally says it. The third thing is coming after the separation.  This should give more credibility to you to believe in the first.  A moment of radical conversion, second a great separation, and then your sole purpose in life will be the conversion of a nonbeliever.


As Our Lady said today, “concern for those who have not come to know my Son, be in the first place for you.”  She says, “Do not permit that by looking at you and your life, they are not overcome by desire to come to know Him.”  That’s kind of a strange statement because Our Lady could have said it in a smoother way. She could have said, “be a witness so that when those who look at you will be overcome by the desire to know Him, my Son.”  Our Lady said just the opposite. “Do not permit,” She said a negative.  “Do not permit that by looking at you and your life, they are not overcome by desire to come to know Him.”  Why is this?  Because a negative statement that Our Lady says here, shows that we haven’t been the witness that we are supposed to be.  It’s easier to cop out if She would have said it the same thing, “be a witness so that your brothers will be overcome with the desire to know my Son.”


You don’t focus on your failures.  She’s focused on where have your failed.  Where have you not done that?  Where did you walk with somebody and you didn’t overcome them?  I was out writing this past week.  It was so busy here, I went off to write.  I’m sitting at a table.  A young guy comes over to me.  I wasn’t even aware of his presence.  He says, “Are you a teacher?”  I said no, kinda.  I went there to get private, to, to write some things.  I didn’t need to get interrupted.  I went there really for the whole day.  Three hours later we finished talking.  He was going to be a missionary in Africa. He was Protestant and he was challenging me on things, not aggressively or mean, but he wanted to know.  I’d make the point and he’d say, oh I never thought of it that way.  He even wanted to give me a card afterward.  He said would it be alright if I wrote to you, just with some other challenges about this?  One of the things that he couldn’t believe that we could pray for the dead. He thought that when you are in Heaven, your wholeness with God and union, you care about nobody on the earth.  He said, I don’t believe you can pray to Mary.  I said that’s okay, don’t believe it, I’m not asking you to believe anything.  I’m just saying you pray to Jesus to open your heart to Her if He has a plan with Her upon the earth.  That was my theme through the whole talk.  So to his statement that we don’t care about people on earth I said, what about your Grandpa or if somebody is in Heaven, do you not think that they concern themselves if you are in sin down here who needs salvation?  He said nope because our total focus would be God. I said, oh, is that the case?  Then why does it say in Scripture, that when a sinner repents, all the angels in Heaven rejoice?





… So, to his statemtent, that “We don’t care about people on earth,” I said, “What about your grandpa, or somebody’s in Heaven? Do you not think they concern themselves for, if you’re in sin down here, and you need salvation?”


He says, “No, because our total focus will be God.”


I said, “Oh, is that the case? Well, why does it say in Scriptures that when a sinner repents, all the angels in Heaven rejoice? They’re watching the earth!”


He said, “Oh, that’s a good point.”


For three hours we went through these points.


But I say this because I don’t know what he saw in what I was doing when he was looking at me and what I displayed through my life, because I wasn’t doing a whole lot. But maybe it’s the magnetism. Maybe it’s something in his spirit, something in my spirit that drew him to me. This happens all the time, whether it be on airplanes, wherever I am! Not that I’m a saint. I’m a sinner. But I believe in the messages. I believe in their power. I believe that Our Lady says, “Speak about my messages to everyone you encounter.” Often, I don’t want to be spoken to. He kept apologizing the first hour, the second hour, and finally the third hour, he tried to leave, and then he’d ask me something else.


And so, we are to come together as a people. Our Lady said,


April 25, 1983

“Be converted! It will be too late when the sign comes. Beforehand, several warnings will be given to the world…”


There’s that word again, just like Our Lady said today. “…repeatedly [I am] warning you…” Be a witness! Be the light. Be the apostle, “…of the divine light…” She says, “…in [the] time of [this] darkness and hopelessness…” The world’s gone. There’s no hope for the world.


And so it is, Our Lady says today, about this warning. And we have diversity being taught. The Church used to be so whole that Catholics could marry each other and have so many traditions, even if they were raised in different places because of their Catholicism, that they were eighty percent in union already. We don’t even have one percent of married couples getting married today, and what we don’t have is people going to Jesus. If you have a good relationship with God, a good relationship with Our Lady, a good relationship with Jesus, you begin to possess them in your heart. If another, or a neighbor or a spouse, one you’re going to marry, anyone else, has the same relationship they’re growing in, you become one. That’s why we had Latin. We could go to any Mass around the world and understand everything. There was a oneness to the Church. I’m not saying that to make an advocate that Latin Masses…What I’m saying is that we’ve lost this and gone down the evil road of diversity. “You be you. I be me.” And you can’t even have people of the same culture marrying each other and being along.


So, relationship, Our Lady wants us to pray for, “…Pray to the Holy Spirit for [Jesus] to be impressed within [us]…” If my neighbor, my brother, my spouse, my children have Jesus impressed in them, then we become closer. Less differences. And we begin to see, “We’re not so different after all.” We can laugh. We can love. We can hope together. We can hurt, because Jesus went through these things. Fear, at the Garden of Gethsemane, “Let this cup pass from Me.” He cried. Maybe we’re not so different. But because we are independent of Jesus, we don’t want to follow Him, then we can’t be in union with anybody else.


So, we’re made in Jesus’ image. We can either reject Our Lady, this invitation of Hers today, to be like Jesus, to go for the world and find some other god other than Jesus, something more exotic. But eventually, by doing that, we’ll discover all the emptiness it brings. Other gods won’t satisfy us…the human heart, our longings. We’ll find there’s only one Jesus, and if we come in union with Him, we’ll see we’re not any different than He is and how He lived on the earth, nor our neighbor or spouse or loved one.





She said, “We’re much too different. We’re from two separate worlds.” And he admitted, she was partly right. But in his heart’s defense, he told her what they had in common was strong enough to bond them for life. He said, “Look behind your own soul and the person that you’ll see just might remind you of me.”

I laugh. I love. I hope. I try. I hurt. I need. I fear. I cry. And I know you’d do the same things too. So, we’re really not that different, me and you.

Now, she could hardly argue with his pure and simple logic. But logic never could convince a heart. She had always dreamed of loving someone more exotic, and he just didn’t seem to fit the part. So, she searched for greener pastures, but never could forget what he whispered when she left.

I laugh. I love. I hope. I try. I hurt. I need. I fear. I cry. And I know you’d do the same things too. So, we’re really not that different, me and you.

Was it time, or was it truth? Maybe both led her back to his door. And as her tears fell at his feet, she didn’t say “I love you.” What she said meant even more.

I laugh. I love. I hope. I try. I hurt. I need. I fear. I cry. And I know you’d do the same things too. So, we’re really not that different, no, we’re really not that different, me and you.





Jesus is One. In His oneness, He desires you to be.


We received a message just specifically for the Community, in Medjugorje, through Marija. Our Lady told us, “I want you to be Jesus’ joy.” That was all She said. Immediately, I knew the Scriptures that She was referring to that Jesus wanted us to be, as a Community. Jesus says, “Make my joy complete. Be of one mind, one heart, one thought.” We can do that. We can do that through the Mother. Even though things may be radically different, maybe we’re not that different after all.


What do you get when you mix a rock star with an opera star? And one of those has curse a thousand times Our Lady. That’s what happened to Eric Clapton. He himself lost his child through it falling out through a window and died. Before that, he had other tragedies in his life. When you put Pavarotti with him and Clapton singing together, you get a strange, beautiful song.





Holy Mother, where are you? Tonight, I feel broken in two. I’ve seen the stars fall from the sky. Holy Mother, can’t keep from crying.

Oh, I need Your help this time. Get me through this lonely night. Tell me please which way to turn to find myself again.

Holy Mother, hear my prayer. Somehow, I know You’re still there. Help me please to find peace of mind. Take away this pain.

I can’t wait. I can’t wait. I can’t wait any longer. I can’t wait. I can’t wait. I can’t wait for you.


Holy Mother, hear my cry. I’ve cursed Your name a thousand times. I’ve felt the anger running through my soul. All I need is a hand to hold.

Oh, I feel that the end has come. No longer my legs will run. You know I would rather be in your arms tonight.

When my hands no longer play, my voice is still. I fade away. Holy Mother, then we’ll be lying in, safe within Your arms.



Holy Mother, hear my cry. Holy Mother, hear my cry. Holy Mother, hear my cry. Holy Mother, hear my cry. Holy Mother, hear my cry.





Holy Mother, impress Your Son within us. He laughed. He loved. He hoped. He tried. He hurt. He needed. He feared, and He cried. Make of us the same. Join us in this valley of tears and heal us.


We love you. We wish you Our Lady. Goodbye.




Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

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