March 11, 2022
Radio Wave Special

Woman of Revelation Series: Sincerely Look…

[Podcast] (51 Minutes) – This broadcast could be a mini-retreat. A Friend of Medjugorje talks about two attributes of the apparitions that no one has ever picked up on. And, he shares about a ‘pandemic’ – way back in 2009.

Episode Transcript


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This is the Woman of Revelation Series with a Friend of Medjugorje.





Sincerely think for a long time, it’s enough to see that there’s a fear out there, a pandemic actually, that there’s something not right. Something not right. You don’t have to be an evangelical, You don’t have to be a deep, Catholic on your knees all day long, or Christian, but even non-believers see this. Something is amiss.



That was a Friend of Medjugorje, March 18, 2009. Welcome again to the Woman of Revelation Series with a Friend of Medjugorje. During the days of these broadcast, many people have relayed to us that they have felt as if they have been on a time of retreat. Tonight’s broadcast is one such broadcast. We could classify it as a mini-retreat. You could take tonight’s broadcast and learn from this again and again and again, to strengthen your walk with Our Lady. This was originally a two-hour broadcast, and like we have done before, we have shortened it down to just below an hour. And its always very difficult to do those kinds of things because the content of the full two hours is always very, very good. But, what has continued to amaze us in all of these broadcast, is how a Friend of Medjugorje’s words sound as if they could be said today. Now, we are connected to people all over the whole world. We’re connected to the larger Medjugorje world. And there are two things tonight that a Friend of Medjugorje speaks about the apparitions themselves – we’ve never heard anyone speak about these two things in this way. As a matter of fact, we haven’t even seen anyone speak about them as if they even noticed these two particular qualities of the apparitions. And as we mentioned in one of the previous broadcasts, one of the heartaches that we have had being involved in Medjugorje, is hearing even some of the other things which are coming out about Medjugorje, and what they say is many times speaking about Our Lady as if She is someone who they barely know. Tonight’s broadcast, you will be hearing from someone who knows precisely who Our Lady is. And so here is a Friend of Medjugorje, March 18, 2009.





Well today we had Mirjana’s annual apparition which is always very significant.  We know now Mirjana has received the 2nd of the month apparitions for messages that actually went for some time and then turned into monthly messages, the 25th with Marija, and this is not without significance.  It has been said already that this is actually in preparation for the secrets. So we saw the interim of Mirjana not having her apparitions on a daily basis from 1982, actually it began in Washington, in the state of Washington.  Mirjana was visiting a priest, and from there it went to interlocutions for some time, actually several years.  And then She started giving messages, and then it became known as the day for nonbelievers.


The significance of the annual apparition is that it is not Mirjana’s birthday because her birthday was today, March 18th. But Mirjana was told by Our Lady that it is not because of her birthday that She comes to her, nor chose that.  Of course, Ivanka didn’t have her annual apparition, after she lost the daily apparitions, on her birthday, it was on June 25th.  Jakov didn’t have it on his birthday, but on Jesus’ birthday, December 25th. So Mirjana has this, but it does not mean that her birthday is the reason for this. But Our Lady relayed that it would be something significant, that this day holds something of great significance in the future, which is, of course, a prophetic statement and one that should be a cause of great interest to us.  You know some times people say we shouldn’t be too curious.  But the problem today we have is we don’t have enough spiritual curiosity. What drew me to Medjugorje in the first place was spiritual curiosity. I heard it and it perked my curiosity. I wanted to know what is going on there. I wanted to know that.  And today you could mention Our Lady is appearing and you get a hoe-hum attitude out of many, many Catholics. So this is something we should realize that something great happened today.  History was made.  Are we overstating this?


Well, 9/11 was a big, big thing – that we are really suffering and affecting and coursing the world.  And today, every time you go to the airport, things happen in the Middle East, everywhere, economically, even all of this can be tied to some of the problems we suffer now from that.  So there’s the oil, the prices, everything that is coming. We see this one significant thing 9/11 started a whole course of action that came right after Marija said on January 1, 2001.  She went up and had the apparition, in which Our Lady told her, “Now when satan is unchained, consecrate yourself to my heart and to the heart of my Son.” Now, everyone at that point thought that satan was unchained, but that was January 1, 2001. And just a few short months later, 9 months later, 9/11 hit, which changed the whole course and direction of the world.  We are still spinning from this event.  And so one event of just one building being destroyed and the course the world began taking from that point, things started manifesting. But we have really seen in the last couple of years, things really spinning out of control. And while satan might have been unleashed, and we thought he was, but the way I have explained it, and people have asked me often, “I thought he was given a century.”  He was, but remember when satan appeared before the throne of God and asked for Job, and He said yes, you can have him but don’t harm his flesh. You can do whatever else to him. So He set limitations.


The way I understand that is, satan had through this century a long chain.  But when Marija was told on that mountain that night, January 1, 2001, “Now when satan is unchained,” then at that point he is free.  We really see that now. You couldn’t have imagined at that point the things we are facing right now in our laws, in marriage, in the way abortion is to come even there – there was conventional abortions and now the production, everything, the whole genetic scene, the cloning, everything.  Nobody could have foreseen that it would get to this point. And the hatred and the evil.  And so satan can’t start his plan instantly, like Our Lady comes and She appears in an instant and has the apparition.  satan has to build his system and he has built it. And as he gains momentum, we are hearing things from our government leaders worldwide that is bizarre, totally bizarre.  You never would have thought that a few years ago. We knew back then that things were very bad, but if you were told some of the things that they could be espousing, the lifestyles they were espousing, endorsing, saying everything is okay, nobody would have believed you. I wouldn’t have believed you, and that was just a few 8-9 years ago.


So we are definitely moving towards something closer and closer toward the events of the secrets. And this day is significant because Mirjana is the one who is going to release the Secrets to Fr. Petar who will have 7 days to read, pray and fast and then 3 days to announce it, a total of 10 days before we know what the Secret will be. And, of course, what is the purpose of that Secret, is to correct the conscience of the world, through some sort of way and also to put belief into the apparitions.  Now, as big as the event of 9/11 was, it was nothing.  This was completely miniscule compared to what we are going to be seeing. And so that is why we are so strong about building our mission.  Caritas was founded 22 years ago and we have never stopped.  We have never looked back. And we have always played catch-up. We have never gotten to the point of where we feel we done what we are suppose to be doing.


So we have this long history of really looking at the messages, looking at Our Lady, praying and trying to live Her Messages and transmitting it to the people.  And so, with that came a strong direction we walked and even Marija giving us a special message, or Our Lady did in Italy, where She even commissioned us at one point, as a community.  There is a lot that we look at the messages for.  It is our life. They should be your life too. And with this said, we see that Our Lady is coming all these years, and She just told Mirjana on the 2nd of the month, “that the wounds from your sins are becoming greater and greater and are distancing you all the more from the truth.” And we have been with Our Lady for 28 years almost. And here She is, coming and telling us that we are growing more and more distance from the real truth. Because the power of the devil in the world today and his actions upon the conscience of man, who is dulled, who is mesmerized, who is misdirected, who is off course, very often, including us, everybody is affected.  his immense influence into society and the way it is going is destructive.  We see destruction all around us, for the economy to marriage to the womb to the schools to educational system, the destruction of everything. And that which is built upon satan is good, we want it destroyed. And everything is falling apart before our eyes. But there is a positive side of that. And we will get into some of that tonight. But right now, let’s read today’s message from Mirjana.





Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje’s March 18, 2009 Annual Message to Mirjana Soldo:


“Dear children! Today I call you to look into your hearts sincerely and for a long time. What will you see in them? Where is my Son in them and where is the desire to follow me to Him? My children, may this time of renunciation be a time when you ask yourself: ‘What does God desire of me personally? What am I to do?’ Pray, fast, and have a heart full of mercy. Do not forget your shepherds. Pray that they may not get lost, that they may remain in my Son so as to be good shepherds to their flock.”


Our Lady looked at all those present and added:


“Again I say to you, if you knew how much I love you, you would cry with happiness. Thank you.”





Well, there is the message.  You know and we can let this pass by without prayer, without reflection, and you do that and you miss history. Because this is historic. March 18th is going to be a day that’s historic.  One day your grandchildren may say, “What were you doing on those days, when those annual messages were given? And you will want to say, I was there, I listened, I participated, I acted on it. Today in this message, Our Lady asked 4 questions and then She gives 5 spiritual statements of advice. That is a total of 9.  Nine is significant and it is in a novena. And, of course, Our Lady has told us do novenas where you feel most bound. So this message has great significance to it and it’s important and we will kind of dissect those things all the way through because there is a lot said here. Our Lady always goes beyond Her words, and they are given very simple.  They are not given in a high-flying, theological statements, but very simple.  Just like how Jesus spoke, simplicity.


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And so, there was a lot said today, there is a lot to understand, there is a lot to digest that will be digested a year from now, 10 years from now and it is still the same message.  I am talking about just March 18, 2009, message.  That being the case, we need to see what Our Lady is really saying as far as, She is questioning what is in your heart. And She says, “Today I call you to look into your hearts sincerely and for a long time.”


Did you do that when you heard this message today?  Did you find your corner and those are words She has used once.  She said find your prayer corner.  Did you go in a corner where there were blank walls?  Why go to a corner?  There is nothing to distract you.  There is no TV, there are no magazines, usually you don’t hang a picture in a corner. There is nothing in a corner. Go to your prayer corner, She said once. Why?  Because She wants you to be there with nothing else but God, nothing to think of but God. No distractions, no cell phones, nothing there.  So when She says, “Look into your hearts sincerely,” get rid of all pretense, all positions, how important I am in my job or in this position or what I want to do.  And just go to base, base me, me and my ego.  Get rid of that ego.  Go down that you are nothing in front of God.  And She says to do this for a long time. She wants you to enter into this.


And then look – She wants you to visually look into your heart.  Then She questions you, What do you see in them? What do you see there? Do you even put this into practice?  If it is the first time, put into practice tonight, over the next days.  This is not for, okay, today is March 18th, tomorrow is March 19, I got the message. I’m looking forward to the 25th message coming up.  A long time should you study this message, a long time should you act on this message. It is historic.  It is in preparation for something that is coming. She wants your heart to be right.  She says, “What will you see in them?” What is them?  Your heart. She says, “Where is my Son in them and where is the desire to follow me to Him?” Interesting words.


Immediately, I thought about the Muslims. “Where is my Son in them and where is the desire to follow me to Him?” Because they have a great devotion to the Holy Virgin Mary. They love Her. Mohammed wrote that She was the greatest woman who ever existed. Guadalupe is a Muslim name. Fatima is the name of Mohammed’s daughter. They use prayer beads.  All they have to do is tie it together and they have a Rosary. They pray 5 times a day. But Jesus is just a prophet to them. And that is okay. Because if they love Our Lady, and the moderate ones come to Her, there is going to be a point where somewhere, maybe on a March 18th, She is going to step aside and you have one billion people, more than one billion people, who is looking at Her, who is devotion is to Her and some illumination in their heart suddenly shows them, my Son is God. What do you think is going to happen at that moment? Massive conversion. We are preparing the infrastructure, what we just did on mej.com, for this. It is coming.  It is a done deal. You think it is just happenchance that Guadalupe is a Muslim River, that is a Muslim name. Come on, no way. And Mohammed said the greatest woman whoever lived is the Virgin Mary, even above his daughter, Fatima. Don’t you see the threads that God is laying out? Prophecy never comes in a surprise. If you look, you see it.


Things are prophetic that you do not know, you can see the signs to trace it and then after it is over, you really understand it. It has been said by some theologians that you can never understand prophecy until it is fulfilled. Well, ask yourself, just like Our Lady said today, think a long time about this. Why did Our Lady come to a place called Guadalupe 500 years ago named after a Muslim River that they can relate to. Just a little thing that causes attention to Our Lady, or is a tie, we love Our Lady.  The place She appeared at and appeared pregnant.  What is She going to birth? Conversions.  Remember the message, She says, “Just as I birthed Jesus in my womb, I also want to birth you into holiness.” She is pregnant in Guadalupe. So this stuck me that way and of course this applies to many different things too. When it says the desire to follow me to Him. Strange words, “to follow me to Him.” She wants you to do that. She has this coming to us with many prophetic things in the future we should be in great joy about.


But Our Lady says, “Where is my Son in them and where is the desire to follow me to Him? My children, may this time of renunciation be a time when you ask yourself: ‘What does God desire of me personally?”  And so, what’s in your heart? Is your first thought in the morning and your last thought in the evening, is it what you really long for in your heart? And you are insincere with yourself and you don’t realize that. Who do you want to be your first love again? I know I want to be what was in my first love, when I went through a second conversion. Being raised cradle-Catholic, when I went to Medjugorje, the one I wanted to adore.  Is that the focus of your attention? Who do you hunger for? What is your first thought in the morning and your last in the evening? How does that end? What are the things you are longing for? And what do you really want in this moment?


Our Lady gave a message on October 30, 1983.  She said, “If in the evening you fall asleep in peace and in prayer, in the morning you will wake up thinking of Jesus.” Is that not awesome? I will repeat that, “If in the evening you fall asleep in peace and in prayer, in the morning you will wake up thinking of Jesus.” So what is your first thought in the morning? What was your last thought in the evening? Our Lady goes on and says here, “You will then be able to pray for peace, but if you fall asleep in distractions, the day after will be misty and you will forget even to pray that day.” Profound statement.  Our Lady, today, is asking us, what is in your heart?  Is it really Jesus?  Is my Son really there? Do you see that in there? If you don’t, why not?




I want to be your first love
The one that you adore
The focus of your affection
The one you hunger for
Your first thought in the morning
And the last when the evening ends
The thing that I am longing for
I want to be your first love again.

I want to be your first love
The one that you adore
The focus of your affection
The one you hunger for
Your first thought in the morning
And the last when the evening ends
The thing that I am longing for
I want to be your first love again.

So seek you first my Kingdom
So seek you first my Face.
Seek for things eternal
And we will never pass away

Seek me first forgot
When you have lost your way
I will truly lead you
With the riding of my grace

I want to be your first love
The one that you adore
The focus of your affection
The one you hunger for
Your first thought in the morning
And the last when the evening ends
The thing that I am longing for
I want to be your first love again.

So seek you first my Kingdom
So seek you first my Face.
Seek for things eternal
And we will never pass away

Seek me first forgot
When you have lost your way
I will truly lead you
With the riding of my grace

I want to be your first love
The one that you adore
The focus of your affection
The one you hunger for
Your first thought in the morning
And the last when the evening ends
The thing that I am longing for
I want to be your first love again.





Our Lady seeks for us to do some real soul searching, and not superficially.  You are never going to do in depth until you can get rid of all the distractions and find your prayer corner. Get rid of the things that interrupt your day. One thing that struck me in the beginning, when Our Lady first came here to Alabama, through Marija, what She did for people all across the nation, across the whole world. And many people have devotion to what some of the messages that Our Lady gave here, is to find a time when you can have an encounter alone with God.  Another message, go out into creation and have an encounter with the Creator. And unless you do this, you are not going to have any real depth of searching your own heart.  And let Him search your heart because we do not have the capability, we are so wounded.


That is one thing She told Mirjana, “You have become lost, my children.  Your wounds from your sins have become greater and greater and distance you all the more from the real truth.” Preceding that, She says, “I am looking into your wounded and restless hearts You have become lost.” Our Lady started off, February, Lent, saying, “In this time of renunciation, prayer and penance, confess your sins so that grace may open your hearts, and permit it to change you.” And, of course, She went a few days later, with the 2nd of the month, saying, your wounds and that your hearts are wounded and restless. And then, now, She comes on March 18, and She gives a diagnoses of how to heal that. “Today I call you to look into your hearts sincerely and for a long time.”


Years ago, I can’t remember or recall the year exactly, Mirjana had an apparition, in the yellow building behind the parish of Medjugorje, St. James, and Our Lady started the message off, saying, “I desire you to mediate a long time on this message.” And here it is, these years later, that might have been 10 years ago, Our Lady says look in your hearts sincerely and for a long time. And in that apparition, Our Lady appeared early.  And today, preceding the apparition, Our Lady said that She would appear at 2:00 p.m. in Medjugorje.  And there is a lot Our Lady does, one significant thing, that I think is important to state, is that what else is here. We get to Mass 2 minutes before without even reflecting on what we are about to do in Mass, who is about to come in Mass. If Jesus is coming there, is it proper to get there 2 minutes before?


When you go to a concert or a rock concert or a rodeo or a movie and you get there early, you walk in there one minute before? Most likely you don’t. Most likely you will get there early because it is your entertainment, you want that, or that is what is in your heart. What is in your heart? I can see a Catholic Church, when I am out of town, when it is on the hour, the half hour.  And I just see all these cars whizzing.  You don’t have to look for the sign, you one minute before or on the half hour flying in. And you know, if that is really God that is coming there and we really believe that, we wouldn’t be doing it that way. Our Lady is trying to correct that and one thing that happened today is important to show that and we will talk about that after the break.





The Woman of Revelation Series with a Friend of Medjugorje will return after this short break.


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So, I was saying about Our Lady’s actions, it always speaks too, because She said once that She wants us to remember, not only what She said but what She’s done.  And its not always words that speak to us.  And today was one of those messages, yet again, that Our Lady did this because She said, I will appear at 2:00.  And yet, Our Lady appeared at 1:53.  Now our watches aren’t wrong because we always check that and we look at these things.  You might be saying we’re too scrupulous, we’re looking at the time of the apparition.  We read things, not into them, we read things what is Our Lady saying.  You say, “what’s the purpose of that?”


Well, we see people for years go up to the mountain and I say this other apparition when I said about Mirjana said reflect on this message for a long time.  I distinctly remember that. That was back in ’96, we just looked it up.  March 18, 1996.  Our Lady gave the time.  I don’t remember the exact time of the apparition, but Our Lady came early for that.  Why is Our Lady saying, “I’m going to appear tomorrow” at 8AM or 3PM or whatever and then She shows up early?  Today was 1:53 PM, Her apparitions lasted 4 ½ minutes, lets add 53 plus 4 is 57 add ½ minute there is 57 ½.  That left 2 ½ minutes and so for the Catholics that typically are showing up for Mass two minutes before it starts, they miss it.


And do you know what happens in Medjugorje? Often this is the case. We see people climb the mountain, and I see this in Ivan’s prayer group, Our Lady comes early, and they miss it.  And so, Our Lady is trying to change mentalities.  You’re not going to have Me.  She’s calculated.  You might say that’s kind of sly.  I think its pretty cool.  She’s giving you a message.  People that showed up today, and they are, and most of them are Medjugorje people because they’ve been there for years or they’ve been to many apparitions and they think, okay, you know, “I’m promoting the messages. I’m doing this or I’m writing or,” whatever.


And so they run up the mountain right before and everybody’s coming down the mountain. Hee hee hee. I think its funny because I think Our Lady is pulling one on them.  She’s saying something.  When She appeared in the beginning days often, and She just recently did this last time Marija was here, before last, in fact her kids had never seen this.  Her kids are 12 or 13, that’s how long it’s been since Marija did this. In 1988, here, she did this frequently and it was typical in the apparitions.  The voices would disappear, they would be speaking to Our Lady, you’d hear nothing come out as far as sound, and then their voices would come back, and they would pray with Our Lady and they would pray an Our Father and a Glory Be.  Not a Hail Mary because Our Lady wouldn’t pray with Herself because Marija or Ivan they were praying with Our Lady.  And for a long time, I wondered what’s the purpose for that. And then it became clear.  Because at that point, especially before Medjugorje started, everybody was saying HailMaryfullofgracetheLordiswithTheeblessedartThouamongwomenandblessedis



You go to a funeral and listen to the Rosaries.  It’s so offensive, I can’t hardly sit there at a funeral listening to the Rosary.  But Our Lady wanted to change mentalities, but what is prayer?  Prayer is conversation with God.  And the more you want to have a real strong connection, the more passionate you will talk, the more you’ll plead.  And so, for those who’ve heard that and probably one day we’ll get a clip and let you listen to that, it is awesome to be in the room in the apparition and listen to Marija say words with Our Lady in unison with Her.  And its not the machine-gun Rosary.


I had a group of nuns here one time, we took them to the mountain. There was about five of them.  I said, lets pray a Rosary up here.  And they are full habited, very devotional.  They started the OurFatherwhoartinheavenhallowed beThynameThykingdomcome, and I just stopped them right at the beginning of the Rosary, I said, “Wait.  We call that a machine-gun Rosary. Let me tell you what Our Lady’s doing.  Our  Father  who   art   in  Heaven  hallowed  be  Thy  name  Thy   kingdom  come.”


Suddenly the prayer takes on prayer. The other is, “Lets get this out so we can get to the bingo game downstairs.”  And I’ve seen, when I was a kid, a lot of women do that.  Let’s get the Benediction, do our Rosary, and lets get down there and win the money.  And so, we’re all in this pace, “Hey, we’re going out to eat after this wake.”  They’re all crying and then they get out there and do the machine Rosary and they go out to eat.


So, here it is Our Lady today came seven minutes early.  Do you think She don’t know what time it is, when She told Jakov, , “Our Lady knows what goes on even in my little toe,” because She’s going to cut off those people.  She’s going to cut off the joy of being in Her presence.  Why?  Because they deserve it.  They don’t deserve coming one minute before when everybody’s been praying there three hours or two hours.  So, Our Lady said if you’d understood Mass, you would prepare for Mass at least an hour before Mass.  So, see Our Lady’s bringing a new mentality about this.  And this mentality is something we need to adopt.  We don’t need to have our thinking and our ways.  And this is a frequent thing that happens.  I’ve seen habited nuns that live in Medjugorje, and they’re rushing up at the last minute before the apparition.  What kind of devotion is that?  Most of it is well, I’m busy, I’m busy in the movement, I’m busy doing this.  Well, that’s secondary, that’s Martha.  Mary Magdalene did just the opposite.


And that’s what Our Lady told us today.  She wants adoration.  She wants us to adore, to look in our hearts and adore Him, adore Jesus.  What’s going on in their heart?  So, if we are so tied up with the world, we’re running from here, running there, trying to get this, squeezing in an apparition, its not that way.  And of course, for over 20 years, we’ve knelt down, seven days a week, in the Field, and we don’t have Our Lady here unless Marija comes here.  But we feel Her presence.


We have often felt just what we feel in that great grace of the apparitions when She really is praying to Marija, we have often felt this in our Rosary here.  It’s not every day, but there is some real strong times that we knew Our Lady was with us. And I believe some sort of grace is being given to the world for this. If you want to have Our Lady, you will be able to have Her.  God is giving Her a new authority to come be in our presence. Not just through Marija, but if you need Her.  And She said that in a message, “If you need me, call me.  I’ll come immediately.  And She wasn’t saying this to the visionaries.  She said that to you and She said that to me. And so if you need this, if you want this, its not if you need it, you need it, and if you want it, its up to you to get that and one thing Our Lady is doing is getting you to search your heart, to look at your heart and see if you have the desire to follow me, Her, to Him.


So, you be there today and 2 o’clock and I’ll appear and I’m going to bring you to Him, and I come at one fifty-three and then you get there and you’re not prepared for it, so you can’t follow Him.  Can you be in the proper frame of mind, racing, running red lights or trying to get there to Mass and then be in a proper disposition to have interior serenity necessary to celebrate the Eucharist?  No, you can’t.  So, Our Lady does something profound with this coming early today.  I think its worth mentioning and connotating and it wasn’t just today. This has been a frequent, frequent thing Our Lady does.  We’ve always wanted to be there.


Some of the joys on Ivan’s apparitions on Apparition Mountain, as its fondly called, is to be there in preparation, to sit there an hour, or listen to the singing and see dusk falling and go into dark and see the stars, its just a wonderment. I want that time.  I want to savor that.  I know in the Field, its often just when Marija’s here, or even in the Bedroom, its often just the opposite.  Our Lady says I’ll appear at this time and then She appears a little bit late.


One time in the Field we were praying and we just started the Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be, a typical anticipation of Marija coming and Our Lady didn’t appear and she kept doing this and I just savored that because I knew She was there already in our presence and it just elongated it and knowing She was coming, it didn’t just happen so quickly at that time and then its gone.  But we long for that.  So, what’s in your heart?  We long for it in our heart.


And She says, “What does my God desire for me personally?”  She wants you to ask that. What am I to do?  And then She answers, “Pray, fast and have a heart full of mercy.”  So, we live in a time we should be merciful. At the same time Our Lady is doing some corrective things, corrective measures. This timing is a big significant thing. The fact that this is so actionable is amazing to me.  So, we have Our Lady, we have Her in a particular way that we’ll never have Her again.  And because of that, we have Her every day.


So, it’s important for us to grasp that when Our Lady comes tomorrow at central daylight savings time here, it will be at 11:40, and of course we’re on our knees at the time of that apparition which is 11:00, and we’re prepared for that.  We structured our whole life around that and it’s a beautiful life.  So, Our Lady has led us to Jesus in a certain way.  She’s showing it through Her actions.  And so we have the preoccupation of our life into things that really don’t mean anything and we must evaluate that and we must look at that in a sincere way for a long, long time.  You know, if we go to Our Lady and we ask Her for the grace to show me my pride, where have I deceived my mind, are you in control, or have you already really lost everything?  Our hearts really are aching.  She said your hearts are wounded from your sin and its causing greater distance.  So if you’re heart’s aching, if you are real with yourself, you’ll see this.  And so, Our Lady is coming to us. All our motives are broken. There are selfish dreams, its our foolishness.  I want, you want, we all long to be in Our Lady’s love even when we put material things in front of it. The material things cloud us; it gets between us and Our Lady .  Those material things break that connection.  And so if you really want Her as your first love, which She wants to be your love, and one of the most beautiful things She said on here was at the end.


She said, “Again, I say to you, if you knew how much I love you, you would cry with happiness.  When I read that today, we felt this in these eight apparitions four weeks ago with Marija here in February.  There were so many special things Our Lady did for us because this was a private visit that you felt like crying. There was so much happiness with these eight apparitions.  It was so beautiful and many of you read this on Words of the Harvesters, if you can’t, you can look that up on mej.com and its very well worth your reading that.  So, after we’re fighting, we’re fighting Our Lady, we’re fighting our Lord, and we have doubts in our hearts, we live our hearts without Her presence, without the presence of Jesus, we rush to Mass, we even have people coming to the apparition, just two minutes before.  And what are we building out of this?  Are we changing?  So, with this aching heart that we have, Our Lady wants to fulfill that.  She wants to come to us in a special way and give us everything—Her Son.




How clever is my pride, how it deceives my mind
To think I’m in control when I’ve really lost it all
How brilliant is my greed for what it says I need
And then I’ve come to find I’m empty on the inside

Real, my heart is aching to be real
So I’m coming to You with

All of my broken motives, all of my selfish dreams
All of my foolishness now I understand where it leads
I wanna be in Your love, I wanna be so much more
I know You’re reaching out so what am I fighting You for?
So what am I fighting You for?

How quick is my doubt to leave my heart without
The presence of Your peace so that I scarce believe
How pardoned is my guilt to crush the life You built
And to keep me far away from any kind of shame

Real, my heart is aching to be real
So I’m coming to You with

All of my broken motives, all of my selfish dreams
All of my foolishness now I understand where it leads
I wanna be in Your love, I wanna be so much more
I know You’re reaching out so what am I fighting You for?

‘Cause only You can save me
And only You can change me
And only You can love me
Here I come, here I come
So I come to You

All of my broken motives, all of my selfish dreams
All of my foolishness ’cause I understand what it means
I wanna be in Your love, I wanna be so much more
I know You’re reaching out so what am I fighting You

All of my broken motives, All of my selfish dreams
All of my foolishness now I understand where it leads
I wanna be in Your love, I wanna be so much more
I know You’re reaching out I don’t wanna fight anymore

I don’t wanna fight anymore
I don’t wanna fight anymore
I don’t wanna fight anymore
I don’t wanna fight


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So, what are the things that you fight in your heart?  And this message today is so beautiful to me because it, it really says “let your guard down,” just be real with yourself.  Our Lady gave a message once that said that.  Be real with yourself and a lot of us haven’t paused long enough in the spiritual life much less the secular life, or much less the life that’s continued in the way that the world brings us and lassoes us that we’re really entering into a deep thoughtfulness of where I am.  Which way am I going?  How have I wounded myself through my own sins?  How has society itself wounded me?   How much have I fallen?  Am I really as smart as I think I am?  Am I really educated in the way I think I am?  What blocks me from knowing God in that particular way?


So, its important that we always not let a day pass on the 25th, the 2nd or March 18th or another message without really entering into this.  There’s just so much that you can think of and you can spend a whole day.  How much time did you put into this message already today?  And you say well my schedule didn’t allow that.  Well, Our Lady already said find a time that you can encounter God.  When that comes us it may be early in the morning, tomorrow, that’s the time to do it.





We speak to so many people, especially young people, and one of the things that we hear a lot from them is that they’re afraid to seek what God’s will is for them because maybe what God’s will is for them is not what they want or its not going to make them happy and when Our Lady says to ask yourself what does my God desire of me personally, what am I to do, youth are pressed so much into right after High School, go into college, doing this, doing that, making plans for their own life without letting God reveal that to them.





We see, a dissatisfaction in youth, that people out there are now saying, “I can’t find a job, there’s no job for me.”  Well, who owes you a job?  They don’t even have the ability of just simple logic anymore because there’s so much of the errored thinking and the wrong thinking. And so, in the end, what has to happen is just like the song just said, you know, “with all of my broken motives, my selfish dreams.”  Is it God’s motives that you follow or your dreams, which are selfish? Or God’s dream. What is God’s dream for you?  What does He want for you?  And that is what Our Lady said.  What does my God desire of me personally?  Our Lady again gave that message that says surrender to me and surrender to God.


How would you like to go to bed and sleep all night and wakeup and say, “Today, Mary, I surrender my whole day to You.  Today, God the Father, today the whole day is surrendered to You.  Not my dreams.  Not my foolishness.  Not what I want, but I want to understand where You lead me.  I want to be in Your love.”  And if You say that and You do that, is your day going to be different than if you say, “Well, I’ve got this plan, I want this, and I know God wants me to go over here and do this and do that,” but at the end of the day, who will end up happier?  The person who surrenders their will to God, to Our Lady or to themselves?  And so, Our Lady comes often.


We had Marija here last July in the studio and we were talking to her a little bit, and She said, “Our Lady’s come to change our mentality.” We just think wrong.  Why?  Because we’ve been educated wrong.  But we have a wrong idea about things, we approach things with the wrong idea, and we think it’s the right way and we think Gods okay with it.  Well, God’s okay with your free will, but God may not be okay with your decision, but He respects that, and He allows that.  Just like 1st Romans says, “I give them over to themselves.”


I don’t want to go through no day given over to myself.  I don’t dare want just to wake up in the morning, well I’m going to do this, and I know God wants me to do this.  Yes, you fail through venial sin or mortal sin you fail through your weaknesses, but to get us and just sit there and know the course, especially those who’ve gone to Medjugorje and worked for this, or even follow Our Lady and then suddenly they want to say to themselves, “well, I’m just now going to do that, I’m just not going to go to the messages.”  Its one thing not to fast because you’re weak, but to just to sit there and say I’m not going to fast…


We ran across a priest one time that sit there and said, “Oh, I’ve been to Medjugorje.”  We were shocked because we had been talking to them for awhile and he said he’s not interested in it and we asked him why, why aren’t you interested in it?  Do you believe in it?  Oh, yeah, I believe in it.  How come there’s no interest?  Where’s, in other words, where’s the spiritual curiosity about why Our Lady’s coming?  He said, “Well, Our Lady said to fast, and I don’t want to do that.”  Do you think he’s going to be happy?  Because to whom much is given, much is expected and if you’re a priest, you’ve already been given a lot, to be Her son and to here your Mother say, “I want you to fast,” and to believe that and know She says it and say, “I’m not going to do it because I don’t want to.”


I would daresay, that would even give enough venue for the venue to take the priesthood away.  It’s a very dangerous thing. Better never to have heard of Medjugorje. A better way to do it is to sit there and say, well, I’m just too weak. I want to do it, I’d like to fast but to just reject it, reject the message, this is a serious thing for a priest, a lay person or anybody.  We have the youth who are so caught up in getting out and going out with their friends and things like that. And we’ve got a strong segment of the youth too, also, who do want to follow Our Lady and that’s growing and thank God that’s growing. The problem is that the assault against them is so much they still can’t find the truth because there is so little truth out there.  We don’t even find it amongst sources that we think we can find it at, and by that takin place in this fashion, the shape and form surrounding the individual, especially the youth, Our Lady said, “The youth are in a very difficult situation,” because the education system is shaping them in the wrong way.  Their peers are shaping them in the wrong way.  The mediums that come to them shape them in the wrong way.  They go to bed now with their cell phones underneath the pillow in case a friend needs them at night.  Well, the only friend that really needs them at night is Jesus. Where is He?  Is that the first thought in the morning because they thought about Him all night?  Is that the last thought in the evening?  No.  And I’ve often said that we don’t have bad children, we don’t have a youth problem, we’ve got a parent problem.


And so, Our Lady says, “also, prayer for parents who give advice,” and we’ve got to realize that those shapes and forms which surround these children are the parents. They are the first ones who bring them to God or away from them by their lifestyles, the material things or ignoring them, or the strife and on and on and on.  The song that just played, one of the things that I thought was beautiful what was said, “How brilliant is my greed for what it says I need,” is brilliant the way and often satan would be in that part of your conscience if you allow him there. And he’s brilliant, “Well, I need this because of this reason.”  Oh, yes, I’ll agree with that.  You aren’t basing your conscience on Christian principles.  You aren’t being led by those principles; you aren’t being thoughtful with God.  So, you’re led in the wrong directions, you make bad decisions, you make bad financial decisions.


You know, Peggy Noonan wrote something last week, March 12th, or actually around the 13th, she wrote a book on Ronald Reagan, she’s Catholic, good writer, and she talks about six months after the collapse of the pandemic of fear, and this pandemic, she started asking some people about what they thought about what was happening today in the drama of the stock market crash and how everything is going, and how many people are being laid off, and what do we even call the collapse right now.  Everybody is hearing about, you know, don’t feel like 1929, but what is it?  Where are we going?  People were unsure and people’s faith in the economy and it amazes me, I was talking to one of our vendors and he said, “I can’t wait until it turns back around.”


Do you realize what’s happening?  Do you realize this is from God?  You know, She said something real interesting that She asked a friend a perspective, what they thought was going on in society today and the answer was from her friend said was “a pervasive sense of anxiety as if everyone feels like they are on thin ice.”  And its true.  People know something is up.  People know something is not right.  And he wondered, he told her, maybe a sense that we’ve had it too easy for too many years, since 911.  He said….are about to appear on the horizon.  She asked another attorney that’s in Park Avenue, New York, and says things look like they’ve changed and may not comeback. And it just contrasted to her in just discussing it with her how people felt in the streets in 2001, thing are subdued and how brutal 911 was, there was real death and real folks and they could see this, but they moved on.


But today, they said the dread is chronic.  A lot of people are worried about this upper trajectory of society. The direction we’ve gone that this peaking out of the way of our life is peaked out and now the trajectory is going the other way, we’re headed down.  Many people feel that and so this has caused a pandemic fear. She even asked one of the tycoons on Wall Street, something that was very, very interesting, she asked, he’s well known, he’s a real tycoon, she asked, what do you think? What should one do to be safe for the future and she was shocked at his answer.  Everyone should try to own a house, he said, no matter how big or small, but it has to have some land on which you could learn to grow some things.  And then he recommended gold.  Incredible.  It panicked her so much, because here these tycoons are saying that she went to the mint the next day and said there is a six week wait. She waited six weeks and then she went back and well they suspended even selling it, the demands so big.  Why?  Because people feel they are on thin ice?  Why?  Because their soul, while its not deeply reflecting, like Our Lady said today, sincerely think for a long time, its enough to see that there’s a fear out there, a pandemic actually, that there’s something not right. Something not right.  You don’t have to be an Evangelical, you don’t have to be a deep Catholic on your knees all day long, or Christian, but even non-believers see this.  Something is amiss.


And so, God communicates to the soul. God communicates through signs.  And so, we see these things happening and we see this catastrophe that’s coming is imminent.  It may be a sensation.  It may be something just we feel that unnerves us.  But when we look back and we look for these good ol days, its not there.  She also talked, I just remembered about it, to a psychologist.  He told her, people feel the situation is unsalvageable and that they have a psychological pandemic of fear and that the future of mankind, the future of the country, the future of the whole world is about to enter into a new way of life.




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2 thoughts on “Woman of Revelation Series: Sincerely Look…”

  1. State: Tx
    Makes you think how maybe 9/11 was orchestrated-as crazy as it sounds I believe after research. Putin did the same thing in Russia decades ago. All to get elected. Bush also. In the end they look like the hero who condemn these “terrorists” and vow to kill them. When all along it’s yours truly. Why is he so close to Michael Obama? The whole plan was started back then. Amazes me how ppl (govt) will kill thousands of innocents to get their way. I can go on how ppl amaze me. The non believers. I had a crying picture of Jesus and Our Lady in my hands at my house! It was still not enough to convert my family/friends.
    All I can say is we must be ready to fight and die for what we hold true. God, family.
    “The thing that sets the American Christian apart from all other people in the world is that he’ll die on his feet before he’ll live on his knees.” -George Washington

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2 thoughts on “Woman of Revelation Series: Sincerely Look…”

  1. State: Tx
    Makes you think how maybe 9/11 was orchestrated-as crazy as it sounds I believe after research. Putin did the same thing in Russia decades ago. All to get elected. Bush also. In the end they look like the hero who condemn these “terrorists” and vow to kill them. When all along it’s yours truly. Why is he so close to Michael Obama? The whole plan was started back then. Amazes me how ppl (govt) will kill thousands of innocents to get their way. I can go on how ppl amaze me. The non believers. I had a crying picture of Jesus and Our Lady in my hands at my house! It was still not enough to convert my family/friends.
    All I can say is we must be ready to fight and die for what we hold true. God, family.
    “The thing that sets the American Christian apart from all other people in the world is that he’ll die on his feet before he’ll live on his knees.” -George Washington

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