March 5, 2022
Radio Wave Special

Woman of Revelation Series: Recognize God’s Bandwagon

[Podcast] (55 Minutes) – Are you living in God’s active will? Further, are you participating in God’s plan for the world at this moment? A Friend of Medjugorje offers up the challenge to look at these questions seriously and evaluate your life.

Episode Transcript


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This is the Woman of Revelation Series with a Friend of Medjugorje




Our Lady has done things for us that we could not even imagine here to show you the way, the new way of the old way to join together and be one – one in union with Our Lady.  Our guidance, our direction, our future





And that was a Friend of Medjugorje on March the 25, 2011.  Welcome to the Woman of Revelation Series with a Friend of Medjugorje.


Today’s broadcast was titled: “Recognize God’s Bandwagon.”  There are things that a Friend of Medjugorje will say in today’s broadcast which may clash with certain mentalities of religiousness.  What we mean by that is that the traditional way of looking at how you respond to God may not necessarily be the way God wants us to respond today.  And a Friend of Medjugorje is challenging us in today’s broadcast to look at what God is doing.  And we assure you that if you take his words and you put them into life and try to live them, you will have a whole new world will open up for you. And So here is a Friend of Medjugorje – March 25, 2011.





Here we are again, another monthly message. Often I like to kneel in the Field when the message is being given during Rosary time and contemplate that this is something that we will remember all through eternity.  History being made, we are alive in the moment to the time of Our Lady. Because that is the case.  And these times are particular and this is Her time.  Where were you today at 11:40 a.m. CT?  There will be deep regret on those days to come, as Our Lady said we will lament for Her messages because of the seriousness of what is taking place in the world and this plan of Heaven.


At one point while Marija was with us over these last 7 days, 5 days of retreat and a day before and the day after, she said that this is serious. While there is joy associated with Our Lady’s messages, and we often are joyful and kid around about these things, these are some of the beautiful things Our Lady does that are joyful and we laugh about the joys associated with them.  We are in a serious time.  A time which requires serious response.  A time in which our actions will result in very serious consequences, for good or very serious consequences for bad.  A great separation is taking place.  For those of you who follow Our Lady, you see this.  You see those you use to hang around with, those who maybe friends – I’m not talking about a teenage thought, I’m talking about socially, even who is 50 years old, 30 years old, your friends. Suddenly you don’t have things in common like you did before with them, even though you did for years, even decades.  Marija was asked a question by the crowds that were here, what will happen in the future as far as those we are around and about community.  It seems, this woman asked, the people she is around no longer see eye to eye with them.  Of course, we are supposed to reach out, but we have a window to look back 2000 years ago to see what happened in the early Church, when the new way was being established that parallels today the new way renewed in our time.  It is a natural gravitation toward each other, just as if you run across someone who knows Medjugorje, you are out of town and you have somebody you discover they know Medjugorje, you immediately have a contact through the heart, the unity of heart, through Our Lady’s heart, where it seems like you have known each other for a long time.  You can share everything, even intimate details of your lives, where you couldn’t with anyone else, even some people in your family.  It is because there is a unity though Our Lady’s heart that causes this familiarity with a stranger that somehow you can talk to them that you can’t talk to others you have known for years.


This is what happened with Jesus Christ’s ministry 2000 years ago, when they separated from paganism, separated from pagan ways.  They were drawn together by the natural desire to be with people in kinship, spiritually.  Communities formed.  There were natural communities that developed. Paul wrote to them.  Peter wrote to them.  And so the Corinthians and the other communities that resulted from this was a natural result that in Corinth, when the Corinthians gathered together they wanted to be people of like-minded.  It didn’t mean they stopped evangelizing, but in their personal life, those they were in contact with, those who they wanted to share their lives with, were the Christians.  The natural result today will be the same thing.  Communities will spring up everywhere.  We are a window to that.  Our Lady has done things for us that we could never even imagine here, to show you the way, the new way of the old way to join together and be one, one in union with Our Lady.  So Joan, read Our Lady’s monthly message to the world, our guidance, our direction, our future.





Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje’s March 25, 2011 Monthly Message.


“Dear children! In a special way today I desire to call you to conversion. As of today, may new life begin in your heart. Children, I desire to see your ‘yes’, and may your life be a joyful living of God’s will at every moment of your life. In a special way today, I bless you with my motherly blessing of peace, love and unity in my heart and in the heart of my Son Jesus. Thank you for having responded to my call.”





So there it is.  Our Lady is saying it Herself, that She desires to draw us within Her heart.  And that is why you can meet somebody that you don’t know and be strong with them in speaking about things you would never do to anyone else, that you couldn’t be strong with.  And I say strong in the sense of showing God’s Will.  There are two ways to have God’s Will in your life.  One is His passive will and one is God’s Will.  Both are permissible. But there are also two ways to go to Heaven.  One is out of fear of hell, the Church teaches us.  And out of the fear of hell, you try to stay good so you can make it to Heaven.  The other way to get to Heaven is love of God. The Church teaches us the best way to go to Heaven it the love of God, but you can make it the other way too.  But the superior is through love.  And so we can have God’s passive will because we knock and knock and knock until he ends up giving it to us, it may not be the best thing for us.  But if you want the most, if you want the ultimate, if you want the maximum that you can receive in this life, it is not God’s passive will, it is God’s Will.  Ask what is God’s Will.  We often have people ask us to pray for them when they are sick, with some kind of disease or some kind of death sentence from the doctor.  We really always pray for God’s Will, what is God’s Will in this because that is the ultimate.  He may be willing to do a miracle in a passive will situation.  But is that what God really has planned for this person.  Now, which one takes more strength?  That is why I am saying you have to be strong.  When you are talking to Medjugorje people, you talk strong or you talk with strength.  Strength is having the will to sit there and say we need to pray for God’s Will, what does God’s Will want, even when God’s Will doesn’t look very good. Even with the light in the tunnel, it looks dark.  You will see more light at the end of the tunnel when you go through the darkness by God’s Will than when you ask for God’s passive will, entering the tunnel, you may not see but just a little dim glimmer at the end.  His Will will always lead to a brighter light.  It is always better.  It is always superior to passive will because passive will is what you want.  I don’t want, personally, what I want.


And I know that God would give it to me.  I want His active Will.  What is His Will for me?  What is His Will for you? And yes, you can get it.  Just like the story I told the other day to the crowd.  One woman wanted her car protected.  She prayed, “God protect my car.”  She left, she came back and her car was covered with snow.  She couldn’t even find it.  That is God’s passive will.  God, I want my car protected, but I want Your Will, You show me.  You never know, the devil may inspire someone to steal it.  Maybe because of your demeanor, your maturity as a Medjugorje follower of Our Lady, He has a plan for you to encounter this person in court later and convert him.  We have had that happen here.  It wasn’t that someone stole a car, but something else years ago.  We ended up converting this young man.  So what is God’s Will and what is your will?  So when Our Lady says, “…I desire to see your ‘yes’, and may your life be a joyful living of God’s will at every moment of your life…” throughout your whole day.  What is God’s Will for you today.


I use to complain and argue with the clerk, putting off all kinds of steam and excuses.  I don’t want to miss my plane.  You have to get me on this flight.  There were a lot of people on 9/11 that missed their flights or they were canceled who are alive today.  And so I never say anything now.  Okay, I missed that flight.  Oh, I try, I try to get where I am supposed to be at the right time.  But if it is canceled, okay.  And often I see something happen, sitting on the plane with someone else, that needed to know about Medjugorje. Or I encountered someone at the airport.  So look for God’s Will at every moment of your life.  That means all day long, 24/7.  You don’t know who God has you scheduled to encounter.  And if you do it your way, He is not going to send you to hell for, He has got something better than your will.  So Our Lady is showing us, don’t seek God’s passive will.  I want something higher of you.  You are my children, you are my followers.  I want your yes.  I desire to see your yes.  What does that mean?  How do you see somebody’s yes?  By them nodding their heads?  That is not what Our Lady is saying.  “I desire to see your yes.”  How do you see someone’s yes?  By what they do.  Boy, they are really following God, they are really fasting.  They are really going to Confession monthly.  That is a yes.  I don’t want your actions.  I don’t want your performances.  I want to see your deeds.  Because when I see you do what I ask you to do, I am seeing your yes.  It is strange.  Our Lady says “I desire your yes.”  She could have said that.  She didn’t say that today.  I desire to SEE your yes put into life.  Just above that, “As of today, may new life begin in your heart.”  That yes shows that you are going to go Her way, Her love, Her process, Her forgiveness, amending everything, always be a peace maker, not a war maker.  And I am not saying there are not times to make war.  Sometimes you have to make war to make peace.  We are not passivists here at Caritas and I don’t encourage anyone else to be one.  Jesus made war in the temple.  We see in Ecclesiastes where it says, a time for peace – a time for war – a time to sow – a time to reap.  And so we have this, “may a new life begin in your heart.” But that should result in actions that Our Lady can see in your life.


We have many ways that Our Lady is trying to reach us. Those ways are ways that don’t always ways we think they should be.  She is trying to break down the walls around you.  She expects a lot from you.  She needs you.  And we need Her.  She also tells us to take Her hand.  She says be my extended hands.  She says that She will lead you, you follow.  We often lock our heart away.  Throw ways the keys often.  We don’t want to do everything She asks us to do.  We want Her passive will often.  “Mary, I want you to do this for me, but this are the conditions.”  Our Lady will never lie to you.  She will never hurt you.  And She is asking you with “Please.”  She says, I invite you.  But we are always the other way.  But we have to show Her that we will follow Her.  We will follow Her with our hearts.  Once we learn these things, we will see a brighter, stronger, happier, joyful tomorrow.




I’ve been trying to break down your walls
But I don’t know how to get through
You say that you want me
You say that you need me
But baby, I need more from you

You’ve gotta take my hand
And lead me to where you are
You know I’ll follow
To show me the way to your heart

I know it’s hard for you to trust again
But you’ve just got to believe
I will never lie to you
And I will never hurt you
Baby, I’m asking please

You’ve gotta take my hand
And lead me to where you are
You know I’ll follow
To show me the way to your heart

Think you’ve locked your heart away
Baby, I hold the key
Believe me when I say
My love can set you free

Take my hand
And lead me to where you are
You know I’ll follow
To show me the way to your heart
Take my hand
And lead me to where you are
Baby, you know I’ll follow
To show me the way to your heart


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Our Lady wants to break down walls around you.  And She wants to get through to you because you need Her.  And we should tell Her, take my hand and lead me to where you are.


This is the Woman of Revelation Series with a Friend of Medjugorje.  Stay tune.  A Friend of Medjugorje will return after this short break.




Many find themselves in a situation difficult to copy with.  Your family, your finances and your past occupy your time and distract you from fully giving yourself to Our Lady.  If you could just stop for just a moment and place yourself in Our Lady’s presence, what would you say?  How would you unburden your hear?  Our Lady says, “Give me all your problems and difficulties.”  Would you do that?  Can you do that? offers you the opportunity to send your petition to be prayed over by the Community of Caritas and then placed in the presence of Our Lady Queen of Peace during Her apparitions., a place of meeting of hearts, a place of peace.  Go to, spelled m e and click on Send Petition. brought to you by Caritas of Birmingham.





I know that you have coined a phrase, the phrase “placing Our Lady’s messages, being a template over your life situations.  Everybody has their own template or their own filter that they see the world from, that is influenced by your past, by your upbringing, by your prejudices maybe, everything that is personal to you and who you are that you can be so convinced that you are seeing a situation correctly because it is from your point of view, but truly not having anything to do with God’s Will.  My question is, “How do you breakthrough to knowing what the truth of God’s Will is when you are so patterned and habited in looking at something through your own filter?”





Well, this is a very good question.  It is really a response of our mentalities that prevail today in our culture because the phrase coined decades ago, whatever feels good, do it.


Whatever feels good do it.  And so, when you go through this conversion experience, many people want to do what feels right.  You can’t go by what feels right.  You’ve got to realize that when you break vice and when you change your life, you go through conversion, suddenly you want to do God’s will but you are also carrying the luggage of your past mentalities, of your ways you learned, of what your intellect is, what your education is, a lot of things effect those decisions.  A decision being made often, satan is very clever.  Ivan says he has a master intellect.  You are fool if you think you can outsmart him or defeat him.  You can’t.  Jesus can defeat him for you through fasting and prayer, but you won’t.  And so, you have to purify your mentalities through prayer, fasting, penance, sacrificial life continually and then not only trust your discernment.  If what you do doesn’t match the Scriptures, doesn’t match what the Church teaches, doesn’t fall along with Our Lady’s messages, is not in union with what the saints themselves have taught us and you’ve gone through the proper channels through that as far as direction, then you don’t do it.  None of those can contradict each other. All those five things have to be in union together.  That is the criteria I always go by.  And sometimes I surrender a decision and will go to a priest or someone I might know and say you make the decision.  I’m free.  I release myself from this because you can be too biased.


And so satan, one of his cleverest tricks is to offer a good to God’s good. When he can offer you a bad, he can offer you a negative whether it be through vice or through ego or pride or whatever, you often take that. No, he’s against that.  If you are going to sit there and go through the messages to spread them, oh you need to be feeding the poor, or you need to go be a missionary, just like Marija said a couple of months ago in a talk, “We don’t need missionaries in Africa.  We need missionaries in your family.”  Forget about this dreamy, glorious, I’m going to go in there, I’m going to be in a cloistered convent.  Is that what God is calling you to?  Is that what you want?  I tell you, there is no hour, I’m backing up, no year, no month, no hour, no minute, no second more productive of your time or your efforts than for you to be an evangelizer of Our Lady’s messages. The fishnet thrown out through those things will harvest far greater than anything you can do.  Am I saying we shouldn’t have nuns cloistered in convents?  I’m not saying that.  I’m saying we are where the early Church was. Those things came later.  Our Lady says I’m calling you now to be my apostles.  What did the apostles do?  They didn’t go lock up in a convent.  Am I condemning that?  No, I’m not.  Listen to what I am saying.  Our Lady says I want you to go back to the beginning.


Our Lady is rebirthing the Church.  Spring is birth.  She just told us that in that last message.  She is telling us here, as of today, may new life begin in your heart. We are in a period of new life in the Church, vibrant, smaller, holier, leaner Church which will grow into a larger Church eventually.  You’ve got to read the signs of the times.  You’ve got to make your discernments according to those things.  Am I putting those second rate those cloistered now?  No, I’m just saying go to the higher good that is offered now for productivity.  Let’s just talk plain modern language.  Let’s talk production. Let’s talk conversion.  They’re having a hard time converting people, the Franciscans and others who came from Spain into Mexico.  You know they were stuck on this paganism; they were sacrificing their children. They had a hard time making conversion for these people.  And so those who stuck to their schools and stuck to their things amidst the Tilma when it started converting millions of Indians down in Mexico at that time, the Incas, when just looking at the Tilma converted.  Where do you want to put your effort?  You want to go spreading all across Mexico saying, “Go to Guadalupe.  Look at this Tilma.  You’ll come to know this Man, Jesus Christ.”  Conversion by the millions through Christianity within three years.


And just as in Jesus’ days there was probably some good Pharisees, good Sadducees, good Jewish rabbis who had their little schools and their efforts to convert and grow in holiness in that way couldn’t even come close to what jumping on Jesus’ apostles or disciples bandwagon did.  Recognize the bandwagon.  Recognize what it is that you should be doing.  And recognize that satan will offer you something very good.  But if I’m going to spend my hours on earth and I have limited amount of hours, God knows that hour, I’ve said to Him, to Our Lady I don’t want to live one minute past that, I don’t want to live one minute before that, You picked that time.  I surrender that, I give You this.  I want the perfect time that You got ordained for me.  That in my limited time I’ve got upon the earth, I want to reach as many people as possible.  In the beginning days of Medjugorje, you don’t hear this very often.  The visionaries asked, how was it that Jesus prayed all night?  She said He had great zeal for souls.  That’s our desire.  Our desire should be for souls.  That’s our life’s work.  But you can’t have a desire and convert if you don’t change and convert yourself first.  You have to have new life in you.  Our Lady has to see your yes.  You have to be joyful in living God’s will every moment of your life.  And in a special way, the motherly blessing of peace will be in you, in your heart.  Love will be in your heart.  Unity of heart with Her and Her Son Jesus.  And people will want that.  People don’t want Jesus now because He’s no different from Buddha because of Christians, not because of Buddha.


We’ve minused out of our life Jesus’ way, the real true way, the truth, God.  They can’t take God out of society, people can’t do what they are doing, they can’t do it in the political realm, they can’t do it in the economic realm, they can’t spiritual realm, they can’t do it in the Church.  Marija just told me, we were talking in the house the other day, that Christianity is dead in Europe.  Its dead in the Church.  She literally told me this.  Got a bishop over there saying, well, you’ve got to really accept all the Muslims coming in because they are coming in in a way just like the Italians went to America, they love to be Americans.  We both said in unison to that, they don’t want to come over there and be Italians.  They don’t want to come and be in Italy.  They want to transform it.  Our Lady said love the ones who hate you. We are supposed to love all the Muslims.  We’re supposed to be on them. We are supposed to convict them with our life, but we aren’t doing that. We are just giving way.  Well, Christianity is not so important.  You want to come in with your Sharia law.  You want to come in with your ways, okay we respect that.  Maybe the better word to say is we accept that.  We don’t accept that!  Europe is Christian!  How can you accept that?  Our effort, our work needs to evangelize to them and say this is a better way.  You don’t condemn them because they are Muslim, you try to change their heart to show them, ours is love. Our life is love. But you’ve got to show that through your yes, and the unity of the heart and that peace will show through, love will show through in union with Jesus Christ, and they’ll want some of that. Who doesn’t want peace in their life as opposed to sternness and harshness and hatefulness of other people?  Our Lady says, everybody wants peace and satisfaction, but they don’t want Jesus Christ.  And we are giving way to that.  So, in fully answering your question and making a full circle, how do we see through the template of these messages, this idea, the template, you were saying, I coined this phrase is everything we do in this life.  If every moment in our day is to be actively living God’s will, you can only do that if you put everything in life that we do, being if we are going to the grocery store, being that we are investing, being that we are working at the factory or whatever you do, or at the school, or going to buy a car, everything should be viewed through the template of the messages of Our Lady.  How do you apply messages over that?  You might not understand that.  But its real clear to me.  I don’t do anything, and I look at everything through those glasses, through the glasses of the message.  How does this message apply to this?  How if I go buy a car and I hear somebody using God’s Name in vain, how do I react to that through the messages?  I tell you I act very sternly, very severely.  Several years ago, a guy pulled out here in the driveway and he passed by and shouted at me using God’s Name in vain.  I jumped in the car, took off after him.  He took off.  I caught him six miles down the road and got right in his face, don’t you ever, ever use God’s Name in vain, especially at this holy place that you just passed by.  He was cussing and everything at that point.  I got right in his face.  I drove off.  Three years later I’m down at the road talking to some county officials about something down the road. This guy pulls up and gets out of the car, I don’t recognize him.  He said I want to talk to you.  I said let me finish with this man here.  He comes up to me, after we talked, he says, “I want to thank you.”  I said for what?  He says, “Well, you chased me down the road.  I used God’s Name in vain up here.  And I was so shaken after you got in my face about this.”  It wasn’t because I was bigger than him and he was smaller.  He was much bigger than I was, and I was much smaller than he was.  “But the power in what you said made me go to church next Sunday.  Within two weeks, I’m saved.”  And he’s a good ol’ Protestant boy now.  I didn’t plan that, but I was strong in what I did, and I lived what I say on that regard.  And so, yes, we can fail, we cannot be all perfect, because we are all sinners.  But at the same time, if you put these messages over your life, and you are going to go buy a car and you hear that, you stop this guy, don’t talk to me that way, you just lost a sale big boy.  I’m gone.  Give me another salesman out here.  And do that!  Even if he asks for forgiveness, do that.  He’s got to atone for that and realize it and let him see, hey I bought this car and you lost it because you blasphemed God.  I don’t want to ever hear that.  Don’t think that he’s just going to pass that off and not change his life.  But see, you’re not salt.  You’re not willing to do that, or you’re embarrassed to do that or you don’t have the courage to do that.  Our Lady’s messages She wants to give us might. She says I want you to have might, you need this might, I want you to use this might. She says four times in one message about might.  You get might by living the messages. And when you do that, do you know what happens?  You start experiencing Heaven.


The visionaries have repeatedly said that if you start living the messages that you will begin living Heaven on earth.  And so, what is Paradise for you?  How do you experience the Heaven in the simple things?  We think of Heaven and think eternity and long for it, but Our Lady wants us to be joyful. She says today, “I desire to see your yes and may your life be a joyful living of God’s will.”  God’s will is Heaven.  It will make your life as close to Heaven as possible.  We just had thousands of people go through the Bedroom.  Our Lady went from the Bedroom the first night, to the Bedroom the second night, to the Field the next day, to the Bedroom the next night, to the Field the next day and back to the Bedroom and back to the Bedroom.  She points us back to this.  She’s chose these times, She chose these places, She chose the time.  That’s why Marija has always respected this place because Our Lady is just not following Her. And if you were at my house and you came to the Bedroom, you saw we have 13 rocking chairs on it, we have a wrap-around porch.  Its heaven.  We’ve got a creek in front of the house.  We made this. We wanted our little paradise.  God doesn’t want us just to be suffering.  I sat on that porch years ago.  We’re so busy now we never sit there.  I hope to one day.  But I’ve experienced heaven on this porch.  So, whether your heaven is a wrap-around porch, or whether your heaven is just on a warm summer day playing with the kids, we can have Heaven on earth.  Our Lady desires this of us, She wants us to have this and you can have it.  Its available now by doing God’s Will.


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Everybody has their own idea of heaven
What kind of paradise they’ll see.
Pearly gates, streets of gold
No gettin’ sick or growing old.
Sounds like a beautiful place to be.
But as for me

My heaven is a wood frame house with a great big porch going all the way around
Sittin’ on the swing listening to the sound of the birds singin’
My heaven is a warm summer day in the backyard while the kids all play.
Flies and mosquitoes stay away while we’re eatin’ watermelon

That’s my heaven.

You’re always going to find a few non-believers.
Those who stay lost in the dark,

But I believe there is a place full of light, and love and grace

and I don’t believe that it’s all that far in my heart

My heaven is a phone ring while I’m at work

and the only thing that you have to say is you miss me
And get home in a hurry.

My heaven is the very worst day that I spent with you
When you were so mad, but I still knew nobody would leave
Cause that don’t happen in my heaven.

My heaven is where I am now on the front porch
Of a wood frame house swinging with you
Just lookin’ around at all I’ve been given
And this life I’m livin’ is my heaven

My heaven
My heaven


Marija says when she sees Our Lady, she sees Heaven.  Heaven starts in the heart.  When you have Heaven in your heart, you have Our Lady in your heart and She gives this to us today.




This is the Woman of Revelation Series with a Friend of Medjugorje.  Stay tuned.  A Friend of Medjugorje will return after this short break.





The Holy Queen, Mother of Jesus, Spouse of the Holy Spirit, Queen of Nations, Queen of All Hearts, the Woman of Revelation, the Queen of Peace asks Her to spread Her call to the ends of the earth., a tool for you to spread Our Lady’s way of life and change the world., brought to you by Caritas of Birmingham.  Spread to all your family and friends. from Caritas of Birmingham.





Correct me if I’m wrong about my judgement of this but it seems as if Our Lady in today’s message when She is saying to begin a new life and that She desires to see our yes and you spoke about making that concrete actions and your life being a joyful living of God’s will and knowing that most people are not in a situation that’s conducive to doing God’s will or they don’t have a proper structure there, it’s almost as if this message is somewhat of a call to community life.  I may be wrong about that in my judgment but, it just makes sense through Our Lady’s message today, that if She desires to see something concrete, if She desires a life to be a joyful living of God’s will, especially in a time when you don’t have the structure, most families don’t have that structure, to be able to do that. I’d just like to know what you think about that.





You have to do what I did in my family.  I saw through the messages where I had to make community out of my family.  My family had to be community and make it that. That’s where my joy is to begin.  Who wants to be around someone who’s not joyful?  You can go through your life and find out some of the most joyful people you met and they are delightful to be around.  Anyone who is joyful is never a negative.  If someone is really joyful, not fakish, not just something that’s a front, but they really have true joy, you are attracted to that.  Not only that but you want to know what makes them tick.  What’s behind that?  And of course, Our Lady wants us to see, She says, “I bless you with my motherly blessing of peace, love and unity of my heart, of my Son,” so people can see this.  If She says She wants to see your yes, it’s because She wants other people to see your yes.  Why are you joyful?  “I would desire to see your yes and may your life be a joyful living of God’s will every moment of your life.”  And when people see that, when people recognize that, they’re going to want what you got because most people aren’t in joy today.  They aren’t experiencing that.


We just had thousands of people here looking at the community.  We just came through one of our most difficult periods in the history of the community.  We started 25 years ago. We started my family.  We went six years before the community started.  Our Lady asked for the community to be established.  Our Lady gave me messages personally through Marija that’s continued through the years. And Our Lady’s even corrected us in a beautiful way. We were astounded by that sometimes. And then people are looking at the community.  We had to be joyful.  Our last three or four months have been grueling.  Very, very difficult.  But we were in joy seeing so many people convert.  We had people say that, well one lady said she’s been here every time Marija’s been here.  That’s probably been what 13, 14 times now?  It just puts us probably 160 apparitions here?  But she says this trip here, I experienced more joy.  I’ve had many people come up to me and says I really experienced joy here.  Of course, we preceded that with a 54-day novena. We preceded it also with a 9-day bread and water fast for that to happen, that everybody, that Our Lady have untold powers to do things.  Our Lady did things here She hasn’t done in the past.  There were real miracles people saw, both with the moon, with the sun and that causes joy.  People didn’t come here to have to believe because of that but it sure adds a lot of icing on the cake. They had the cake with Her, they had the icing when they saw the sun.  I mean people were weeping.  Our Lady gave us the most we could expect of which Her presence is enough for us, the sense of serenity.  Marija repeatedly said Our Lady was in a deep serenity here, deep peace when we were talking just casually about the apparitions. And Marija says she is always at peace here, she is always very, very comfortable here.  She likes it here.  She actually said I wish I could come back here before I go back home.


And so, we’ve got a life that has led us to community, but it started in the family. And you’ve got to make your community family and then from there it develops into the next thing. And we have a lot of people asking us how to go into community. And now that we have the Tabernacle and we’re “over the mountain” we might want to say, as far as the Retooling, we still got a ways to go, we’ve got another big press to get and some other things and still quite a bit of money to raise with that. Once we get all these things in place, then we’re going to help people establish community. Because it’s a natural way to go, to get the wagon train, when they’re being under attack, put the women and children in the middle in the days of the pioneers, when they were under attack. And so it is with societies attacking what’s good, wanting to de-culturalize, de-Christianize.


We participated in that because we don’t have any structure there. We don’t have the ability to protect ourselves and a lot of that is because the father’s been killed in the family. With the father killed in the family, you have nobody leading it.


God the Father knows best what’s for us. He knows what to do. And we have this mocked, we have this criticized, we have this mutilated on the sitcoms, everything talks about, you know, there’s equal authority in the family – the woman guides, the husband guides. Who’s teaching to follow? Who’s giving witness? The wife does that. The man’s not listened to in a lot of ways.


People say, “Well, he’s an idiot.” Well, that’s because society’s following who says he’s and idiot. Hollywood says the father in the family is an idiot. You don’t have the great respect, that awe of respect and because of that we lose respect for God because the father does represent that.


And the men that don’t fulfill that, they don’t fulfill that because society has molded them not to fulfill it. It’s just a good time, it’s just fun, it’s just do your own thing.


So we’ve got to realize the father does know best, he does know what needs to be done. And when we start respecting that, we’ll see those roles being fulfilled and carried out.





Daddy told me not to ride my bike

across that rocky creek.

You know it’s swift in places

and son it’s pretty deep.

But hardheaded full of pride

I went on anyway

And if daddy hadn’t been watchin’ me

I wouldn’t be here today.

Father knows best, father knows best

If he hadn’t been lookin’ out for me

I’d be in such a mess

I swore from then on

I would do just what he said

‘Cause father knows best, father knows best.

I remember back in high school

about sixteen years old

My friend said let’s go drinkin’

but daddy told me not to go

Now I’m so glad that I stayed home

‘cause it turned out he was right

When the papers came the next mornin’

Well it was there in black and white.

Father knows best, father knows best

If he hadn’t been lookin’ out for me

I’d be in such a mess

I swore from then on

I would do just what he said

‘Cause father knows best, father knows best.

Today a man knocked on my door

and said your daddy died

I tried holdin’ back the tears

but I just stood there and cried

Now Lord, you know I loved him,

why did he have to go away

And lookin’ up to Heaven I heard somebody say

Father knows best, father knows best

I’m always lookin’ out for you

so your heart can be at rest

I’ll see you through the bad times,

just remember what I’ve said

Father knows best, father knows best.

Your Father knows best

Son, your Father knows best



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This is more of just a comment, something that struck me in this message today because of just having Our Lady with us this past week. But, Marija said that Our Lady would look at us in the apparition and, this is some phenomenon that is not common, she said. It happens on occasion. But this week, at least three or four different times, Our Lady looked at the crowd, face to face. And, too, Marija said that when Our Lady does this, it’s very endearing for Marija to watch Her do this because it’s as if it’s a mother, if we can visualize a mother who’s looking to make sure all of her children are present. You know, kind of looking over, looking around. Making sure that everybody that’s supposed to be here is here. And even though Marija said that she prefers Our Lady to look at her, it’s also very sweet to see Our Lady just looking face-to-face at everyone. But to hear then Our Lady’s words today, “…Children, I desire to see your yes…” that is very striking to me, knowing that this came up several times this week.





Everything to do with the apparitions is surreal. In other words, I remember meeting Marija at the door back in the early days, when I first began to know her and I asked her a question and she told me about something about Our Lady. I said, “Wow, that’s hard to believe.” I said that figuratively as a phrase. I mean I totally 100% believed it, but I said, “Wow, that’s hard to believe.” She [Marija] said, “You better believe it.” Because she, not knowing the language of English, she understood me enough to think I didn’t believe that. And so I think we need to see all of Our Lady’s time with us. I mean what are we doing?!? Why are you hesitant on living the Will of God? It’s the best that can happen to you. It’s the most that can happen to you. And I remember being blind about things Our Lady asked us to do and start incorporating  into community life and into my family. I said, “This is not going to be good. This is not going to help. This is not going to go over very well.” But, Our Lady showed it to me. It was crystal clear, from throwing out the T.V. to many other things, no matter what I had to do, I was to do this. And by doing so, it’s led to a way of life I couldn’t even imagine. The enjoyment, the pleasures, the life, the way, the things we do, the scenes we have.


We did, for Marija and a few other guests who were here yesterday morning, before Marija left, the School Presentation. We do a whole thing for the school [when it] opens up, but we re-did how we open our school up and it’s for us privately. And it’s something straight out of what, people would say out of the movies, but it was much better. It was real life. A lot of the guests here were crying. I was choked up watching it. I’ve seen it three times. We did it just for ourselves, it’s just part of our life. It’s part of what we do in the new culture of the way Our Lady’s shown us to live a new way. And it’s very joyful, and I don’t mean it wasn’t something serious with this scene and the way it unfolded, and the whole school presentation lasted, what 45 minutes or so, the whole thing. It’s a whole production with horses and everything and ends up inside the school.


But it’s beautiful. Marija, on the way to the airport yesterday said, “Oh I want to say this thing with the school was beautiful. Just beautiful.” She liked it very much. You can’t help but like it.


But if you could see that, and I wish everybody could, I wish everybody could open a door, a window to the community and just see what we do in our private life, I know what would happen. Holy envy. Not wanting to covet thy neighbors goods, but there’d be holy envy, “I wish I could live that way.” If you could see, like someone who just happened to be here, because there were some people who stayed and they just fell into the chance of seeing this, they said, “Can you do this again? Can I bring a bunch of people down here to see this?” I said, “Well, we do this, but it’s our life.”


And so, I say what Our Lady’s shown us in the beginning we had to give up, cost a lot in the  appearance of that ‘yes’ but now that we… people watch life on T.V. and we live life, we literally live what’s in that box, the good positive side, in a way that’s just joy. Sheer joy. And consolation. And peace. And unity. And love.


And so we need to understand what Our Lady offers us is something that is bitter, but will contain every sweetness of life. That’s Her words! And don’t think, “Oh, I’ve got to give this up. I’ve got to do this and God’s will…” Because people are always reluctant, “I know God’s will is this way but I’d like to do it this way.” Don’t do it your way because it won’t end up with the fruit that God’s Will will and you won’t end up with the same joy. Live for God.


You know, if you’ve lost your faith, if you’ve stumbled, you know for every act of love You’ve done, all that God’s done for you, you owe Him. The road is long and who doesn’t want to do this without God’s Will. It’s a hard way to go in this life. And Jesus says it’s a yoke, but what does He say? When you carry it with Me, I’ll make it light. It’s easier to do God’s Will than your will, then make Him fix up what you messed up. So, learn that. We’ve lost our faith in this. Believe in Her words, or you’ll stumble if you don’t.





When I lost faith, you believed in me
When I stumbled, you were right there
For every act of love you’ve done, I owe you one

There were hard times, I know I survived
Just because you stayed by my side
With all I have, with all I am

I promise you all my life

Whenever the road is too long
Whenever the wind is too strong
Wherever this journey may lead to
I will be there for you,

Oh I will be there for you

Through sorrow, on the darkest night
When there’s heartache deep down inside
Just like a prayer you will be there

And I promise you all my life
Whenever the road is too long
Whenever the wind is too strong
Wherever this journey may lead to
I will be there for you, oh I will be there

Whenever the road is too long
Whenever the wind is too strong
Wherever this journey may lead to
I will be there for you,

Oh yes I will be there for you
I’ll always be there





Well, this hour passes by very quickly. It’s going to be days that we contemplate and wonder and miss this – that we could have something fresh from Heaven that’s going to help us through the antichrist time and to the end of the world. This is not a “just for this age” this is for all the ages to come, whatever life is left on earth. And if you approach it from that standpoint, and what are you doing? Are you giving your ‘yes?’ Makes things much easier. So just remember, whenever the road is too long, whenever the wind is too strong, wherever the journey of this life leads you to, Our Lady will be there with you. We love you. And we wish you Our Lady. Goodnight.




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1 thought on “Woman of Revelation Series: Recognize God’s Bandwagon”

  1. Laurie Ulbrich

    City: Safety Harbor
    Country: USA
    Thank you so very much for these Woman of Revelation broadcasts. I never cease to be amazed by the date that they are first recorded and how they so perfectly relate to our situation today. Our Lady is outside of time, but She is most certainly using A Friend of Medjugorje to keep us on track. I love being reminded of how we can best serve Our Lord and Our Lady in our everyday lives. And I most especially appreciate the hope and love I feel after I listen to each episode. I feel united in spirit to the Community of Caritas and all of its followers. And it is definitely true that when I meet other people who seriously try to follow Our Lady’s messages, I feel a kinship that is sometimes stronger than that of my own family. Whenever I visit Caritas and see people I haven’t seen for a long time, we are able to pick up where we left off and it seems like no time has passed at all. That is the timelessness of Our Lady, and I know our loving Mother is here because She wants all of Her children to spend eternity with Her and Her Son. Had it not been for Our Lady and FOM’s “fiat” to build the Community of Caritas, I know I wouldn’t be able to cope with all the evil around us. I often have to pinch myself in gratitude to God for His ever-loving mercy and goodness. Thank you again. You are always in my deepest prayers!!

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1 thought on “Woman of Revelation Series: Recognize God’s Bandwagon”

  1. Laurie Ulbrich

    City: Safety Harbor
    Country: USA
    Thank you so very much for these Woman of Revelation broadcasts. I never cease to be amazed by the date that they are first recorded and how they so perfectly relate to our situation today. Our Lady is outside of time, but She is most certainly using A Friend of Medjugorje to keep us on track. I love being reminded of how we can best serve Our Lord and Our Lady in our everyday lives. And I most especially appreciate the hope and love I feel after I listen to each episode. I feel united in spirit to the Community of Caritas and all of its followers. And it is definitely true that when I meet other people who seriously try to follow Our Lady’s messages, I feel a kinship that is sometimes stronger than that of my own family. Whenever I visit Caritas and see people I haven’t seen for a long time, we are able to pick up where we left off and it seems like no time has passed at all. That is the timelessness of Our Lady, and I know our loving Mother is here because She wants all of Her children to spend eternity with Her and Her Son. Had it not been for Our Lady and FOM’s “fiat” to build the Community of Caritas, I know I wouldn’t be able to cope with all the evil around us. I often have to pinch myself in gratitude to God for His ever-loving mercy and goodness. Thank you again. You are always in my deepest prayers!!

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