February 23, 2022
Radio Wave Special

Woman of Revelation Series: Italian Cruise Ship Sinks…

[Podcast] (52 Minutes) – Are you clinging for things to get better? A Friend of Medjugorje talks about this and our responsibility to not abandon Our Lady – and we learn what an Italian cruise ship has to do with it.

Episode Transcript



This is the Woman of Revelation Series with a Friend of Medjugorje.




These messages are the walk, from this point forward, to the end of the world, to help modern man know how to navigate through this period of modernism that’s leading us astray, through the time of the antichrist, till we meet Jesus face to face.




And that was a Friend of Medjugorje from February 2, 2012.


Welcome again to the Woman of Revelation Series with a Friend of Medjugorje.


On this day, February 2, 2012, Our Lady gave a very important message. It’s one of the messages that a Friend of Medjugorje quotes more often than a lot of messages.


In the quote that you just heard, he uses the word “navigate.” That word will have a lot of meaning in this broadcast today, and we would say that this broadcast that you’re about to hear probably ranks in the top ten Radio WAVE broadcasts of all time.


A Friend of Medjugorje will speak about this February 2, 2012 message where Our Lady said, “…pride has come to rule…” And we’ll also get to learn what an Italian cruise ship has to do with it all.


Here is a Friend of Medjugorje February 2, 2012.




Our Lady’s message today is one of intrigue, mystery, awe, and yet always significant.


It’s hard to believe that we’re getting this kind of news from Heaven. And that’s why Our Lady’s coming. She wants us to understand where the world’s going to. She wants us to look at things and the issues of the day, the things that are relevant to our lives and put the message and learn how to discern it. But not only to discern it, but how to interpret that issue.


And once you interpret the decisions you make according to that issue…And I don’t mean politics and deciding this and that or this candidate or this situation or what I should do, but everything!


The messages purpose are for everything in life. Whatever you see, hear, read, experience or what happens to you. These messages are the walk, from this point forward, to the end of the world, to help modern man know how to navigate, through this period of modernism that’s leading us astray, through the time of the antichrist, till we meet Jesus face to face. There will be Christians, when Jesus comes back, in glory, that will be at that moment, clinging to those words of Our Lady, and also, how the apostles transmitted those words and how they lived them and incorporated into their life.


As the early Christians lived Jesus’ words, and we look back and we read about that, and we hear it in the readings to learn what they did, how they lived, what they experienced, their hardships, persecution, their failures, their sins, their grace, how they won the race. Did they have a good fight? As St. Paul says, “I have fought a good fight, a good race.” His intentions were to show, he’s done all he could to incorporate that which Jesus showed him, and what he learned from the apostles themselves to become also a super apostle.


We’re in a wonderous time, a time that we’re not getting into enough. And Our Lady’s messages, today, or Her message, shows that, that we’re still not paying attention. We’re still not looking at the world in the proper way, and we’re still clinging to the hope of the world.


Untie a boat at a dock, put one foot on the dock and one foot on the boat, let your legs spread a little bit. Don’t use your hands. What’s going to happen?


You’ve got to jump to one side or the other.


Our Lady’s messages are trying to make us be on land, on solid ground, on the dock.


The other is to fall into the middle, and many are.


She’s your safety. Her words are your life. Are you paying attention to them?



Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje’s February 2, 2012 message given to Mirjana on the day for nonbelievers:


“Dear children; I am with you for so much time and already for so long I have been pointing you to God’s presence and His infinite love, which I desire for all of you to come to know. And you, my children? You continue to be deaf and blind as you look at the world around you and do not want to see where it is going without my Son. You are renouncing Him – and He is the source of all graces. You listen to me while I am speaking to you, but your hearts are closed and you are not hearing me. You are not praying to the Holy Spirit to illuminate you. My children, pride has come to rule. I am pointing out humility to you. My children, remember that only a humble soul shines with purity and beauty because it has come to know the love of God. Only a humble soul becomes Heaven, because my Son is in it. Thank you. Again I implore you to pray for those whom my Son has chosen – those are your shepherds.”



Incredible words that these next weeks and months should cause a reflection on.


Years ago, Mirjana had her March 18th apparition.


Our Lady said in that message, She says, “Today, I want you to reflect a long time on my words.” (March 18, 1996)


I think it’s safe to say with this message, we need to reflect a long time on what was just said and what it read and what Our Lady said earlier.


She says,


“…I have been pointing you to God’s presence and His infinite love, which I desire for all of you to come to know. And you, my children?…”




It’s not a statement. It’s a question mark behind it. When She told Mirjana this,


“…And you, my children?…”




Then She gives the answer.


“…You continue to be deaf and blind as you look at the world around you and do not want to see where it is going…”


Are you still clinging, “We’ll recover. It will change”?


If something is going, that means it’s going in a certain direction. And where it’s going, if it’s a positive, you’d want to continue.


But if it’s going where there’s a negative, you won’t want to do that.


Our Lady didn’t add the words, “Maybe it’s going…” or “Perhaps it’s going…” or “Perhaps you can change it around…” It’s going! What is going? The world!


How come you don’t see it?


She says because you’re deaf. Because you’re blind.


I’m saying “you” because She says, “you.”


You say, “Well, you’re always saying ‘you.’ What about you,” me? Well, we’re in community. We’re constantly praying. We’re always seeing these things. We’re praying not to be deaf. We’ve incorporated. We did what Our Lady’s message said, “Read every day My messages and transform them into life.” (December 25, 1989)


We’re sinners, and perhaps even greater than anyone else out there because we live a grace of being asked to be called into being, even in 1986, Our Lady saying, “live in humility,” (October 6, 1986) personal message through Marija.


We don’t want to go the way the world’s going. We’ve opted out.


People say, “Well, you can’t just opt out.”


Well, yes, you can. That’s what She’s teaching, is change the direction of your life. (March 25, 1990) Very few people up to now has done that. They don’t have the courage. And they’re selfish.


Our Lady says She wants prayer groups all over the whole world. What does that mean?


You start a prayer group, you establish a prayer group, it draws, like a magnet, different people. Some will fall away, but if you continue and you pray and you continue and you pray and you continue and you pray, you become a community.


Our Lady’s trying to build communities like the early Church. But selfishness blocks a lot of them from going into completeness in the fullness of what She desires into a way of life.


Why? Because there’s a requirement to go into community that you lose a little independence. You lose some of your personal autonomy.


We can’t do what we want to do in the way we live here. We’re not free to do that, otherwise, we wouldn’t be a community. We’re not a Catholic neighborhood. We’re not a Christian neighborhood. We’re a binding community. Diversity wants to teach something separate. Everybody can be individualistic. This is not oneness. God calls us to be one, and He says in the Scriptures, Jesus says, “Make my joy complete. Be of one mind, one heart.”


Our Lady told us, October 31, ’97, She said,


“I want you to be Jesus’ joy.”


Direct message for the Community.


Yes, we’re privileged. We don’t deserve it. But for Our Lady to say that, what does She mean by that?


I want you to be one.


We go to the Scriptures to find that. One heart, one mind. Or, Our Lady said the words:


“I want you to be Jesus’ joy.”


Many people’s converted through this mission. If it’s not for the mission, it’s a dead thing. There’s missions that have life, missions that are dead, even though they operate and continue. What makes it have life is community.  And to be in community, you do give up some autonomy. You do give up some of your independence. And that’s why it’s not going wide open right now.


Everybody comes to us, “Oh, I want a community. I want to start a community. I want to belong to a community.” But they’re not will to make the sacrifices. That’s the difference.


And so, people cling to the hope that they want to live it in the way they want to: a Catholic neighborhood.


“But I still want my own autonomy. I want to be free.”


We’re free here! When we gave up our independence, we gave up our autonomy, to a degree, not fully. We still have a lot of autonomy, a lot of independence. We’re actually more free. We live within certain parameters. Those parameters give us the freedom, if our head’s not like a cow sticking out through the fence looking at the other pasture thinking its greener. We’ve got a huge pasture! A lot of grass in it. A lot of joys.


But do people want it?




“…You continue to be deaf and blind as you look at the world around you and do not want to see where it is going…”


I read it just like that before. But I didn’t finish the sentence. Which way is it going? She adds,


“…where it is going without my Son…”


And you’re hoping for recoveries? You’re hoping to go back to life as it was?


It’s going to a life without Her Son. Who wants to be a part of that? You better opt out. You better start thinking, “How can I be disconnected as much as possible.”


And perhaps, with Our Lady, it’s enough to have a great desire, and you can’t if you come completely. But there are a lot of people that can make more moves than what they’re making.


One great significant thing with this message, the first time I read it, it struck me, that what Our Lady’s doing is making even a bigger statement with this statement.


She says,


“…And you, my children? You continue to be deaf and blind as you look at the world around you and [you] do not want to see where it is going without my Son…”


“…And you, my children?…” That question is a reprimand.


Did you see what’s missing in that?


Everybody’s Our Lady’s children.


But the ones She’s fond of is “little children.” But She didn’t say, “my little children.”


“…And you, my children? You continue to be deaf…”


There’s a lot of wild children out there, and they grow up to be adults that’s not so nice, not so pure.


But if you’re little children, if you’re innocent, you’re like the angels, it’s humility. You’re Her little children.


Do you think when you read in the Book of John, when John says, in the Scriptures, who was given at the foot of the Cross Jesus’ Mother, “Woman, behold Thy son,” and he took care of Her…Do you think that what he wrote in the Scriptures wasn’t some of Her verbiage? We hear it today, when She says little children. John writes in his book, “Little children,” talking to us, 2,000 years later!


Where did he get that?


Where did he hear that?


From the Mother Herself.


Imagine, 2,000 years ago, reading John, in the Scriptures, saying, “Little children,” and today, Our Lady says, “little children,” and today, She said, “…And you, my children?…” Questioning us. “You’re not being little children. You’re little beasts, actually.” Just like someone you might see that says, “Oh, this is a brat.” The arrogance.


We some of our community kids sometimes dress up at two years, three years old, think they’re just decked out, so good-looking, and they look so goofy, clothes mismatched when they dress themselves or do something like that. They don’t even know they don’t look like we should be dressing. They think they look good. But that’s humility, and that’s innocence.


And perhaps that’s what’s wrong. We’re not around little children enough to see what it means to be a little child.


What does it mean? What is Our Lady saying to us, “My little children”?



I can remember when you fit in the palm of my hand. You felt so good in it. No bigger than a minute.


How it amazes me, you’re changing with every blink. Faster than a flower blooms. They grow up all too soon, so


Let them be little, ‘cause they’re only that way for a while. Give ‘em hope. Give them praise. Give them love every day. Let ‘em cry. Let ‘em giggle. Let ‘em sleep in the middle. Oh, but let them be little.


I never felt so much in one little tender touch. I live for those kisses, your prayers and your wishes.


And now you’re teaching me how only a child can see. Tonight, while we’re on our knees, all I ask is please


Let them be little, ‘cause they’re only that way for a while. Give them hope. Give them praise. Give them love every day. Let ‘em cry. Let ‘em giggle. Let ‘em sleep in the middle. Oh, but let them be little.


So innocent, precious soul. Turn around, and it’s time to let them go, so


Let them be little, ‘cause they’re only that way for a while. Give them hope. Give ‘em praise. Give them love every day. Let ‘em cry. Let ‘em giggle. Let them sleep in the middle. Oh, but let them be little.


Let them be little



We received a feedback this afternoon that, from a window from Houston, Texas, and he asks,


“Dear Friend of Medjugorje,


“This February 2nd message to Mirjana seems more stern than most messages.


“When Our Lady says “…You…,” is She addressing the visionaries personally, or does She mean the whole world?


“It is easy to see that the whole world fits in this admonishment in general. Any light you can shed on this would be appreciated.”



Well, that should be answered in two or three stages. First of all, is She speaking to the visionaries? Of course She is, but, at the same time, you have a right to that message equally than the visionary. They cannot withhold this from you, unless, of course, Our Lady says it. But the second of the month and the 25th messages, they don’t have the authority to withhold it. They don’t have the authority to stymie it. And they don’t. Both Marija and Mirjana get it out.


In other words, what’s being said is, and including Ivan and any of the other six visionaries, it’s equally for them as it is equally for us. They’re the vessels that transmit that. Never have we had in the history of the world something so clear. They’re not interpreting something. They are given something, and they repeat it. Marija repeats only exactly what Our Lady says. These messages are so serious for the future of the world in the degree of illumination from the Holy Spirit, that I might receive from something or you might receive, it’s not the same way. They’re literally spoken words that they literally can remember and write them down.


You read, one time, this message of Mirjana’s today, put it down, go get a blank sheet of paper and write it down. Can you do that? No, you won’t do that. Even if you’ve got an excellent memory, you won’t get it right. Our Lady’s still with them when they’re writing this down.


A few hours later, Marija can’t repeat it. I’ve gone to Marija and said, “Well, Our Lady said this today.” And she said, “No, She didn’t.” I said, “Yeah.” I had to show it to her.


So, they’re given an extraordinary grace to remember that. But we tend to want to think it’s for them more than us.


If anything, because they see Our Lady, the power of it, they’re privileged with that, but they have a lot of crosses with it, too. We have as much right, even maybe more, because we need more from it.


And so, it’s important to understand that these aren’t some privileged thing for the visionaries because of who they were. They were typical people just like out there or us here that just happened to have the great gift of seeing the Virgin Mary.


But Our Lady took them to get them on the walk toward sanctity and living holy to show that you, too, can do the same thing. They have struggles just like everybody else.


So, we should never think that they have some ownership of these messages. They do not have ownership to it. No one does. These are messages given to the world, and everyone has an equal right to them. And because of that, we have an equal responsibility to act on them.


So, when the question that’s asked there, are they for them or for us, it is for the whole world, and it’s not in general. It’s for me individually, and also for the issues of the days that’s relevant, be there three issues throughout the day or not. Ten issues that day. It’s relevant to everything that’s happening in the world today. Every single thing.


And so, the questioner says, “Our Lady’s message today seems more stern.” I think I could take the liberty to say a little bit that where he picked that up at is that Our Lady says, “…you…”


“…you, my children? You continue…”


“…You are renouncing Him…”


“…You are not praying…”


“…I am pointing out humility to you…”


“…for all of you to come to know…”


There’s some people you say, and can say “you,” they say, “Don’t call me ‘you.’” They don’t like it. They really will fight you for it.


Now, Our Lady’s not saying this in meanness. She’s not saying this in any way other than to show us and reprimand us.


But it does have significance. I think the big significant thing here is the question She asked today.


“…And you, my children?…”


Not calling us little. I think that’s a big, significant statement, something to ponder.


“…You are renouncing Him – and He is the source of all graces…”


And we’re putting on an equal platform, both in our laws, our culture, our ways, in a world that knew Christianity that didn’t do that, all other religions! Where is it that we, who are supposed to witness to the ends of the earth, our Savior, that we think we’ve got to have equal time for other gods? Other religions? We are to respect people of other beliefs, because even some of the pagan things that people do, as it says, “Love thy neighbor,” that’s our truth. If they’ve got that truth, they’ve got some truth of God in what they do.


In the Poem of the Man-God, it talks about Jesus says that even the pagans, whose ignorance is such that they worship trees, are more devoted and have more devotion than many Christians in what they do. And they’ll actually be judged in that capacity of their knowledge and ignorance less severe than we will.


It’s a lot to ponder. Because here it is, Our Lady’s not talking to people who don’t believe. She says, “you.” Who’s reading this today? It’s me. I’m the “you.” You’re the “you.”


So, we should feel indicted about this, and we should think there’s some great significance to this in regards to what Our Lady’s saying.


It’s a very disconcerting message, because, “…You are renouncing Him…” and yet, “…He is the source of all graces…” And this, I think, is important to connotate, that we’re all wanting to put everything else equal to Jesus, that they may be a source of grace. Other prophets, other gods.


“…You listen to me while I am speaking to you, but your hearts are closed and you are not hearing me…”


So, we speak this way. We want Our Lady to talk. We listen, and we go, “Oh, how wonderful! What a beautiful thing.” And then, we go on about our way, the way of the world, because we’re blind to its path without Jesus.




This is the Woman of Revelation Series with a Friend of Medjugorje. Stay tuned. A Friend of Medjugorje will return after this short break.




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How to Change Your Husband, by a Friend of Medjugorje. Available from Caritas of Birmingham.





In today’s message, Our Lady said that,


“…My children, pride has come to rule. [And] I am pointing out humility to you…”


What does Our Lady tell us in past messages of how to live the humility that She’s pointing out to us?



Often, She’s talked to us about humility.


On November 25, 1990, Our Lady says,


“…All that you do for others, do it with great joy and humility towards God…”


Today, we think we’re God. We can cure everything. We can do everything. We can make everything. And we’ve grown in pride. We’ve greatly increased in knowledge, and we become stupid at the same time. We think we know more than people did 400 years ago.


I would daresay that people Jesus went to, the people He spoke to, the people He chose, were far smarter than we are today. We know a bunch of facts. We know things they didn’t know. But is that smart?


No, if you read Our Lady’s messages, you get smart.


We had a girl here, a reporter here, seven, eight months back. We’re sitting at the kitchen table, and she asked me several questions, and I answered them in the messages, through the messages. She was nagging me. Even some of the Community people got aggravated with the way She was hammering me. And I just came back with her, you know, being a reporter, with answers from Our Lady’s messages.


And she just sat there stunned for a second and says,


“You’re smart.”


No! I’m not smart. I’m reading the messages. Our Lady’s smart. That’s wisdom!


We think man’s smart today. He’s not. He’s really dumbed down. Actually, Our Lady says, “…you’re deaf and blind…” We might could add the words “dumb,” because dumb means you can’t talk. It’s not my words. It’s in the message.


“…You continue to be deaf and blind as you look [around] the world…and [you] do not want to see where it is going without my Son…”


April 25, 2004

“…I call you to live my messages even more strongly in humility and love so that the Holy Spirit may fill you with His grace and strength…”


You can’t get smart if you don’t live in humility, because the Holy Spirit can’t work through you. He can’t speak. He can’t put words on your tongue. The Scriptures says, “Do not worry about what you are to say. I will give you the words when you’re hauled before the assembly.”


I don’t have to worry about what I was saying to this reporter. The Holy Spirit will give you the words for it. All you’ve got to do is trust. You don’t have to even think about the strategies of this or this scenario. Just know the messages, and you’ll know the answer. It’s really that simple.


But look at Our Lady. Look at the way. Simplicity!


Have you seen all Her messages don’t have all this theological, high-minded thought? You don’t have to dig your way and say, “What is She saying?” In fact, it’s so simple that people don’t get it. They’re just the opposite of being intellectual. They’re simple, and because they’re simple, they’re profoundly intellectual, profoundly deep. You can write a whole thesis on one message! We can do a whole hour-show on one message and continue every day for a year on that message.


So, Mary had Jesus. What is Jesus referred to? A lamb! That’s real simple. Not real complex. You define Jesus? What does the Scriptures say He is? He’s the Lamb of God.


“Well, Jesus is this, and He’s that,” and we could go on for days with high-minded talk about Jesus.


What did She want to define the first day of the apparitions? He’s a little Lamb.


What was She doing when the visionaries first saw Him?


She opened and closed a little blanket over the top of Jesus, His Face, signifying to Jesus, on the feast of John the Baptist. He proclaimed the coming Messiah. Our Lady comes and proclaims. She’s bringing us the little Lamb, Jesus.


We’ve forgotten this humility, this purity, of what happened in Bethlehem. Perhaps we should start reflecting on it and think about it and contemplate it a little more.



Mary had a little Lamb, whiter than the snow. Born to Her in Bethlehem. Born to make us whole. Mary raised Her little Lamb in truth and love and peace. Clothed Him in God’s perfect plan. Then Her Lamb ran free. He ran to you and me.


Up the hill, to the tree. That’s where Her Lamb met all our needs. He took our past and our pain, removed every single stain. Now here we stand, right where Mary lost Her little Lamb.


Mary found the blood-stained ground. She looked up, and Her tears streamed down. And that’s the moment Mary knew just what Her Lamb was born to do.


Run up the hill, to the tree. That’s where Her Lamb met all our needs. He took our past and our pain, removed every single stain. Now here we stand, right where Mary lost Her little Lamb.


Up the hill, to the tree. That’s where Her Lamb met all our needs. He took our past and our pain, removed every single stain. Now here we stand, right where Mary lost Her little Lamb.


Right where Mary lost Her little Lamb



In also this message, Our Lady tells us,


“…remember that only a humble soul shines with purity and beauty because it has come to know the love of God…”


Would you say that, especially in beginning to live Our Lady’s messages, the four basic messages, the prayer, peace, fasting and penance, that confession is one of the first steps we can make towards living that humility that Our Lady is seeking?



Well, until we admit, until we confess, nothing happens. There’s no action of God. To receive grace, you have to be in grace. To be in grace, you have to repent.


That’s what the world needs right now is repentance, but it doesn’t recognize. It’s blind and deaf to what it needs to do.


Of course, a lot of this is to follow the Sabbath, the Lord’s Day. We haven’t lived this. And through that, we begin to break all the rest of the Commandments. The rest of the culture does the same thing, society crashes, because they’ve attempted to have a society without God. They don’t want the Commandments, in pride, which Scripture says, “Pride will blind.”


Pride is very dangerous. You become blind to danger. You don’t see where you’re headed.


Isn’t it interesting that Our Lady just told us that evil wants to rule? (August 2, 2011) She threw us a curveball. Who could have imagined just a few months later, She’d say, “…My children, pride has come to rule…” She just told us it wants to rule. Now, She’s giving a coronation to it, and the world, “…pride has come to rule…”


This is profound stuff. This is big stuff. This ain’t no small matter. This is headlines. This is relevant to our day. It’s relevant to the time of Our Lady’s message. This is why the message being delayed was a problem today. These messages have to come instantly and immediately, because sometimes Our Lady’s speaking to our day.


Our Lady was just in Italy today. Isn’t it strange that just twenty days or so after the cruise liner sunk there, or capsized, that Our Lady’s giving a message like this?


“…pride has come to rule…”


Incredible words.


You don’t think there’s relevancy today to this capsized ship?


Here’s what the conversation took place that day.


The Italian Coast Guard, just like Our Lady said today, “you” do this, “you” do that. The Coast Guard says, to the captain, who’s in another boat, who’s abandoning the ship, these are the transcripts of their conversation that was taped.


“There are people trapped on board. Now, you go with your boat, under the prow and starboard side. There is a pallet ladder. You will climb that ladder and go on board. You will go on board, and then you will tell me how many people are there. Is that clear? I’m recording this conversation, commander.”


Isn’t Our Lady saying the same thing? “You must do this. You must get on board.” Even though everything is capsizing, that’s the place, and that’s your responsibility.


The captain of the ship responds: “Commander, let me tell you one thing.”


The Coast Guard commander says, “Speak up. Put your hand in front of the microphone and speak loudly. Is that clear?”


The captain says, “In this moment, the boat is tipping.”


And the Navy Coast Guard says, “I’m understanding that. There are people on the boat coming down the pallet ladder of the prow. You go up that ladder, get on that ship and tell me how many people are still on board and what they need. Is that clear? You need to tell me if there’s children, women, or people in need of assistance, and tell me the exact number of each of these categories. Is that clear? Listen, captain, that you saved yourself from the sea, but I’m going to…”


And he goes into some things that can’t be repeated.


“…I’m going to make sure you get in trouble! I’m going to make sure you pay for this! Go on board!”


The Coast Guard’s hollering at him.


The captain says, in response, “Commander, please!”


Isn’t this what Our Lady’s doing? She’s trying to get us to understand? And we want to go on our way, and Our Lady’s saying, “I’m trying to intercept you from the way the world’s going.”


You might see to get out of the world and the way may be on a capsized ship. His safety, his reputation depended on that. His life would have been saved, and other people would have been saved if he’d stayed on there.


What’s going down is his whole reputation and his whole life. And yet, he’s on a rescue boat.


The conversation continues. The Coast Guard says,


“No. Please. You now get on board. They are telling me that on board there are still…”


And then the captain interrupts and says, “I am here!”


Isn’t that strange? Our Lady tell us, often, “I am here.” But also, we have the situation of people that’s not with Our Lady and saying, “I’m here. You’re over there.” And Our Lady says, “I’m here.” When Our Lady came to the Field, She said, “I am here.” (November 24, 1988)


But this captain off the boat said, “I’m here,” with the rescue boats.


“I am here. I am not going anywhere. I am here.”


Is that what the world and the children keep saying?


“We want our world.”


“We want it to be here.”


“We want it to continue.”


The Coast Guard responds, “What are you doing, commander?”


The captain says, “I am here to coordinate the rescue.”


The Italian Coast Guard responds, “What are you coordinating there? Go on board. Coordinate the rescue from aboard the ship. Are you refusing?”


The captain says, “No, I’m not refusing.”


The Coast Guard, “Are you refusing to go on board, captain? Can you tell me the reason why you are not going?”


The captain says, “I’m not going because this lifeboat is stopped.”


The Coast Guard says, “You go on board. It is an order. Don’t make anymore excuses You’ve declared abandon ship. Now I’m in charge. You go on board. Is that clear? Do you hear me? Go and call me when you are on board. My air rescue crew is here.”


The captain responds, “Where are your rescuers?”


The Coast Guard says, “My air rescue is on the prow. Go! There are already bodies.”


The captain responds, “How many are there?”


The Coast Guard says, “I don’t know. I’ve heard of one. You are the one who is to tell me how many there are.”


And then the captain responds, “But do you realize it’s dark, and we can’t see anything?”


Amazing! Our Lady’s using something so relevant that the words of this captain is saying Her message!


“Do you realize we’re blind,” Our Lady says, “as you look around the world.”


His world, he’s blind. He’s dark. He’s scared of the dark. And we’re all walking in darkness.


The Coast Guard responds, “And so what? You want to go home, captain? It is dark, and you want to go home? Get on the prow of that boat, using the pallet ladder, and tell me what can be done, how many people there are, and what the needs are now!”


And the Coast Guard is very angry at this point. If you listen to the tape, he’s hollering. He’s very upset.


The captain responds, “I am with my second in command.”


The Coast Guard responds, “So, both of you get up there then! You and your second, go on board! Is that clear?”


The captain says, “I want to go on board, but it’s simply that the other boat’s here. There are other rescuers. It is stopped and is waiting.”


The Coast Guard responds, “It has been an hour that you have been telling me the same thing. Now, go on board. Go on board, and then tell me immediately how many people there are.”


The captain says, “Okay.”


The Coast Guard ends and says, “Go immediately.”


What does the captain do? He leaves. He goes to an island. He gets arrested.


So, what does this tell us? It tells us many things. This man wanted to be the captain. He wanted to command the ship. He turns off his navigation, and in his pride, he wants to sail next to an island. He wants to toy with the earth and the glamor and the ego, in pride! “Look what I can do,” to show off to some of his people on the boat and the people on the island how close he can get this ship to it. A hundred percent pride! How relevant it is to Our Lady’s message today about everything in the world. This might. This great ship, sunk because of pride and ego.


And it doesn’t stop there. For one hour, he doesn’t call for people to abandon ship. He just announces on there that they’ve got a problem with the electricity. That would have saved all those lives that died if he would have said, “Abandon ship now.”


Instead, remarkably, with a woman inside up there where the ship’s guided from with the others, he orders dinner! An incredible thing! So, the cook, relays, if you read the transcripts, that this guy—the cook, the captain’s cook—is making dinner for this guy, and he knew something was really wrong with the ship because all the pots and pans are falling off. And captain has dinner with this woman. All the while, this thing’s listing. And then, after that, he gets off of it.


See, he wanted to be in command for the glory, but he didn’t want the responsibility. He wanted to be in charge, and he turns off the navigation equipment. He wanted to set his own course.


We’re turning off Our Lady. We don’t want to hear what She’s got to say. We’re deaf to Her. We listen to Her speak. We hear the announcements, but our hearts are closed because we want our way. We want our own path. And we’re sinking.


Our Lady is our ship. She is the great Ark, like the great cruise ship. When we turn off the compass, we choose not to live Her messages, we turn away from our duty, choose not to answer Her call, when we do not follow God’s Commandments, especially the Lord’s Day, in Our Lady’s ship, if we deviate, if we choose not to respond to Her call and live Her messages, the casualty are eternal souls! This is the responsibility of the apostles! We’re Her apostles. I’m an apostle. You are an apostle. We’re the ones listening to Her.


The Coast Guard told him, “You declared abandon ship. Now I’m in charge. Go on board.”


Our pride, who we are and what we’ve done, instead of humility, we can do everything. We can make new cell tissues, brain tissues.


Our Lady said,


February, 1985

“…You have always prayed that I not abandon you. Now I ask of you, in turn, not to abandon me…”


How many times do we really say or listen to Our Lady’s call and abandon that? Or, “Is it really Her call?”


The captain says, “Okay, commander.” He’s going to come back. He’ll go back to the ship on his duty. But he doesn’t go.


What happens? More chaos. More souls die.


Our Lady said in 1992,


“…do not forget that your life does not belong to you, but is a gift with which you must bring joy to others and lead them to Eternal Life…”


This captain forsook his responsibility. And he, through pride, wanted to be fully in charge without submitting to living by the rules.


And even the secular! The secular reports were incredible. Incredible. Michael Murphy, National Vice President of government relations for the largest union of Maritime Merchant officers in the United States, you know what this guy says?


“The captain committed a mortal sin.”






He goes on and says (Michael Murphy),


“I consider that to be a mortal sin. He is responsible for the ship and all that is in it. Leaving his ship and his crew and his passengers is unforgivable.”


Murphy continued,


“I sound like I’m coming down hard on him, because I am. I don’t sanction what this captain did.”


And so, we expect any different from what Our Lady’s doing?


We expect to be able to be free and just continuing following the way as it goes down? Abandon Her boat because it’s a little bumpy?


Everybody could have been rescued if he had called for the ship to be abandoned immediately.


Abandon this society. Abandon the way it’s going. It’s not going without Jesus. You cannot continue to follow it. You cannot continue to be a part of it.


But you say, “If I do that, what am I going to do?” It’s going to be better than being in the dark. The rescue boats that the world’s offering’s not real.


This captain went to the priest, and it’s interesting that the priest, a Catholic priest, was the last man on the boat. He sat there and prayed in the chapel to save everyone. He made sure everybody was dealt with. He was among the last to be taken off.


The shepherd. He stayed with his boat instead of the captain.


Our Lady’s going to bring you through rocky waters. She wants to bring you through to things that are going to be difficult. You may hit a rock, but you stay with the ship, in this case. And that’s Hers. Don’t abandon it.


And when She says to abandon something, which is the culture that it is in societies, when She says, “Do not attempt to create societies without God,” (October 2, 2011) that means to get away from that. In that case, the captain and his rescue boat, that’s not a real rescue boat. We think it is, but we’re deceived because we’re blind, through pride. We’re not humble.


“…I am pointing out humility to you. My children, remember that only a humble soul shines with purity and beauty because it has come to know the love of God. Only a humble soul becomes Heaven…”


And this correlates with nature and what Our Lady says about nature. A little seed becomes a rose.


What is love?


How tender is humility?


How beautiful it is.


Obedience. Stay with the Ten Commandments. Follow that.


Does it break your heart? Yeah, it will break your heart. But people are so afraid of dying, they never learn to live. Our Lady wants us to die to ourselves. Die to our pride. Die to our ego! And through that, we may learn what love is, and really how to live the life.



Some say love, it is a river that drowns the tender reed.


Some say love, it is a razor that leaves your soul to bleed.


Some say love, it is a hunger, an endless aching need.


I say love, it is a flower, and you its only seed.


It’s the heart afraid of breaking that never learns to dance.


It’s the dream afraid of waking that never takes the chance.


It’s the one who won’t be taken, who cannot seem to give.


And the soul afraid of dying that never learns to live.


When the night has been too lonely and the road has been too long, and you think that love is only for the lucky and the strong,


Just remember in the winter, far beneath the bitter snows,


Lies the seed that with the sun’s love, in the Spring, becomes the rose.



Sometimes you run aground. It’s what you do after that determines your character.


When you run aground, you set the course what you do after that. You choose the path. How will you react?


Walk with Our Lady. Your character’s formed then, and you’ll form others by your witness.


Sometimes, we don’t want to take the responsibility for our actions and how they impact others’ lives. But remember the Lamb, the humility of the Lamb.


We wish you humility. We love you. We wish you Our Lady. Good night.




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2 thoughts on “Woman of Revelation Series: Italian Cruise Ship Sinks…”

    State: West Yorkshire
    Country: England
    Thank you so much for the replays. Because of the time difference between us. I keep falling asleep sometimes even before you start broadcasting. The replays are so great because I can listen again and again. Thank you so much for helping me understand so much more within the message Mother Mary is giving. I love the music and the messages in that. Bless you and Thank you for all that you and your family do for us and the example you are giving to us. Love always Mary

  2. Our Lady has been preparing the second coming of her Son through the visionaries in different countries, especially in Medjugorje, 40 years of guidance, of love, peace and joy. And when She’s done everything for her Son, she will step aside and let Our Lord Jesus do the rest, but with their Two Hearts always united in this very important mission. For most of us, we may be fortunate to witness this event, the triumph of the Woman of Revelation, the Immaculate Heart of Mary. We are so blessed!!!

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2 thoughts on “Woman of Revelation Series: Italian Cruise Ship Sinks…”

    State: West Yorkshire
    Country: England
    Thank you so much for the replays. Because of the time difference between us. I keep falling asleep sometimes even before you start broadcasting. The replays are so great because I can listen again and again. Thank you so much for helping me understand so much more within the message Mother Mary is giving. I love the music and the messages in that. Bless you and Thank you for all that you and your family do for us and the example you are giving to us. Love always Mary

  2. Our Lady has been preparing the second coming of her Son through the visionaries in different countries, especially in Medjugorje, 40 years of guidance, of love, peace and joy. And when She’s done everything for her Son, she will step aside and let Our Lord Jesus do the rest, but with their Two Hearts always united in this very important mission. For most of us, we may be fortunate to witness this event, the triumph of the Woman of Revelation, the Immaculate Heart of Mary. We are so blessed!!!

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