March 1, 2022
Radio Wave Special

Woman of Revelation Series: In Your Life Have You Caused Someone to Go to hell?

[Podcast] (39 Minutes) – A Fried of Medjugorje tells us how Our Lady is preparing us for the future by what She is doing with us today – and it involved conversion. Of whom? A Friend of Medjugorje answers who needs to convert.

Episode Transcript



This is the Woman of Revelation Series with a Friend of Medjugorje




But Our Lady’s cause is the cause of all, and She plans to bring down this civilization as it is. As we know it, it will be brought down. She’s not coming for any other purpose than to change pagan civilization now, to Christianize it, because even the Church needs Christianizing. All the denominations need Christianizing. We’re lost.




And that was a Friend of Medjugorje on January 2, 2010. Welcome, again, to the Woman of Revelation Series with a Friend of Medjugorje.


We’ve really enjoyed these days turning back the clock on Radio WAVE to share these broadcasts again with you.


This January 2, 2010 broadcast was titled, In Your Life Have You Caused Someone to Go to hell? And a Friend of Medjugorje actually speaks to us in this broadcast about three different messages that Our Lady gave on this day.


If you heard a Friend of Medjugorje’s broadcast last night, which was titled, Our Lady’s October 7, 1993 Miracle, you heard a Friend of Medjugorje speak about the need for us to live a righteous life. And today’s broadcast which we are sharing with you, he speaks about the same thing, but in a different way, from a different perspective. And as we renew our souls during these thirty days of broadcasts, we pray that tonight’s will be one more step to strengthen your soul, to strengthen your spirit and your commitment to Our Lady.


So, here is a Friend of Medjugorje January 2, 2010.




Here we are again, on an exciting second of the month, actually. The January apparitions are, I look forward to the most because that’s where some of the most profound messages have happened, at the change of the new year. But we also went through these 28 years of apparitions with a change of a millennium. It’s no mistake that the timing of the apparitions wasn’t chosen for the early 1900s or the 1950s or the 1820s, but in time to usher in the new millennium.


And of course, that was a great event. And right after the new millennium, we got that great message that’s so critically important that Marija herself went to the Apparition Mountain, and Our Lady said and told her, “now that when satan is unchained, consecrate yourself to My Immaculate Heart and to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.” (January 1, 2001)


She didn’t say that’s going to stop him from being unchained. She said, in other words, for your protection, consecrate yourself. That’s your protection, because he’s roaming free. And I always remember talking to her. I said, “Well, Marija,” I said, “We all thought he was free for up to this point. he had so much longitude and latitude.”


She says, “he had long chains.”


So, it’s significant that, I don’t remember between that time and…That’s 2001, that message, that Marija has gone to the mountain for the apparition until last night when Our Lady called her up there again last night. So, she had a message there last night. And it almost brings kind of things to a full circle because in it, from 2001, that satan message, being unchained, to this message last night, was also a very brief message, but something, I think, connected to that 2001.


But before we get to that, Joan will read the second of the month, which is Mirjana’s message, and that’s what this day, today, is about, the day of nonbelievers, and it, too, is significant. In the past, we have had significant messages on the beginning of January and the second of the month, and just preceding the year change.


I know, I think it was ’99 when Our Lady told Marija, “You have a new possibility for peace this century.” (December 25, 1999) So, it gave an illumination to us. These are little bitty tidbits that can pass by and not even notice it.


But the fact that She says, “You have a new possibility for peace this century,” and obviously, 1999 to 2000 is the change of the century. That one little bitty statement always hit me, that we’re going to have the peace, if we respond. We’ve got an opportunity for a century of peace. And, perhaps, then, that’s when the antichrist will come back. That’s why I always say, I think this is a forerunner, the situation we’re in now, is a forerunning of what it would be like to be underneath the antichrist system.


But before we get into that system, perhaps, Joan, you go ahead and read today’s message to Mirjana for us.



Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje’s January 2, 2010 message to Mirjana, given on the day for nonbelievers:


“Dear children, today I am calling you to, with complete trust and love, set out with me, because I desire to acquaint you with my Son. Do not be afraid, my children, I am here with you, I am next to you. I am showing you the way to forgive yourselves, to forgive others, and, with sincere repentance of heart, to kneel before the Father. Make everything die in you that hinders you from loving and saving – that you may be with Him and in Him. Decide for a new beginning, a beginning of sincere love of God Himself. Thank you.”



You cannot go through conversion unless you’re willing to die to yourself. In fact, that’s some of the first things that happen. Conversion is easy. What’s not easy is to start changing your life. Many people go through conversion. And often, we see that people don’t see the way we see certain things. But they didn’t change their life. They converted, but they didn’t change anything. They continue in their ways.


You know, it’s really interesting that Our Lady’s messages are for nonbelievers and non-belief in us. Many in the movement, even up to now, sometimes think this is for people who don’t believe. Well, who is She speaking to? “Dear children, today I am calling you…” Who’s listening to that? I’m listening to that. So, I need to template this over my soul, my spirit, my way of life, what I’m doing to see if there’s atheistic belief in me. Do I believe in part of the message?


So, this message is to eradicate any non-belief in me. And Scripturally, we always have a thought of calling sinners to repentance. So, you get converted and you change or you don’t change, or whatever. You grow in conversion. You see this. “Well, we’ve got to go after sinners. We’ve got to call them to repentance.”


The call to repentance is not just for sinners. There’s many, many people…In fact, I think there’s more problem in front of God with the righteous who need to be called to repentance. It’s not just sinners. Jesus’ big, major foes were the righteous, being self-righteous, who needed repentance. The call to repentance for both the sinner is valid, but the call to repentance for the righteous is even more valid. And if you look at the pattern of Our Lady, the first people She’s talking to is who is listening. It’s the righteous. Who’s going to Medjugorje? The righteous. Who’s going there praying? It’s the righteous. All the principles of Her messages are really addressed to these people. And you know who those people are?


It’s me. It’s you, who are listening to this program. It’s you who are following Our Lady.


So don’t think you don’t need repentance. Not just going to Confession for forgiveness. We need to be called to repent, just like the sinners, because Jesus always pointed to the people who were in the way, much more severely. He was very severe with Peter! Peter just said, “Jesus, don’t go to Jerusalem. I love You. Don’t go to Jerusalem. They’re going to kill You.”


“Get behind Me, you satan!”


Jesus told the adulteress, told the Pharisees don’t stone her. Then he just told her don’t sin no more and didn’t do anything. He was less severe with her caught in the act of adultery compared to Peter who just was saying something out of love.


And so, we see this repeatedly, that He was severe with those around Him because the sinner was called to repentance—the adulteress—and the self-righteous, or the righteous ones, underneath His guideship, were called to repentance.


So don’t think these messages are, “I’m over here, and I’m doing my three hours of prayer, and I’m doing my rosaries, and I’m doing this…” Those are the worst people! We’ve got to follow the messages in humility to realize that the very first person that that should be addressed to is not your spouse, not your children, not your neighbor, not the great sinners, but me, myself, and I. When you get that principle and understand who Our Lady’s first talking to, then you know and you can convict.


And it’s why Paul, Paul was converted, but he didn’t know how to be a Christian. He spent eight years learning how to be one, possibly eleven years. We’ve talked about that. It’s Scriptures! He didn’t do anything. He didn’t go out and speak. That really impacted me that, “Hey, how can I go tell somebody about conversion, or ‘You need to convert. I need to chase you beating you over the head with a Bible or these messages.’” At the same time, I didn’t even know how to live the messages.


And I didn’t. I said, “I’m not going to do anything.” I was very passive. Until nine years later, eight to nine years later, I was with Marija, and She basically said, in the message we got, we’ve read many times in Words from Heaven. We’ve talked about it, gave a message for us and the Community that said, quit being passive. Be proactive. “Go get hearts.” G-E-T. That’s the word She used. That always amazed me. “Get hearts close to Mine, to a way of salvation.” (May 31, 1995) She claimed the Community and said, “You are my instruments, my hands.” You can read the message. I won’t go deep in that message, but it was a profound message. It was only Marija and I there. It was very clearly. She said it was to myself, family and community.


But the thing is, I had been passive. I was not proactive. It was at that point that I became bold and went after and was more aggressive with the message. But I had been living for eight years, that, went through a lot of purifications, a lot of difficulties.


So, still, though, even in the midst of that, I need to read this message today and be called to repentance.


So, remember, being called to repentance is not just sinners. It’s the righteous, because some of the worst sins are committed by the righteous, and that’s why Jesus was so severe with the Pharisees and so severe with Peter, you know, “Get behind Me you satan,” or when they came up and wanted to keep the children, and He became indignant! Indignant! Show me one place in the Scripture where Jesus became indignant when the sinner came to Him. I mean, vile sinners. Mary Magdalene was vile. All He did was give her love.


He said what sin is. We have a thing today of non-belief in Christians who tolerate sin. They hate the sinner. So, they say, “Oh, well, that’s the way you are and that’s the way you live, and you live abomination, so I don’t agree with it, but…”


No, you hate that person. You’ve got to convict them in the sin, at the same time, you don’t condemn the sinner. You show them the way out of it, and you’re not to be that way, and I don’t accept that, and I don’t tolerate it, not in my house, not on my street.

So, we’ve lost this whole way, and this is what Our Lady’s coming to teach us, on the second of the month, because the first nonbelievers She’s talking to is non-belief in us as individuals who are following Her. And this is a great revelation, that when we saw these things, was so strong toward nonbelievers, and She slowly ebbed away into the back door and surprised us all by showing we are the ones She’s speaking about.


So, that was a big revelation, and I say that in the sense of private revelations, because all public revelations is Scriptural and it’s ended with the death of the last Apostle. But many private revelations are occurring.


So, this message today is of great interest, simply because it’s prophetic. If you read this message, Our Lady’s preparing us for something.


“Dear children, today I am calling you to, with complete trust and love, set out with me…”


As I wrote today, set out to do what? It’s like an adventure. And I tell you, walking with Our Lady is an adventure. You never know what’s going to happen from one thing to the next.


On New Year’s Eve, we always get together. We stay together. We do the Rosary at twelve. Our first hour of the year is dedicated to Our Lady.


The next day, which was yesterday, we all stay together in the Tabernacle and we go over our greatest joys and our greatest lessons of the year.


It’s just interesting hearing different perspectives and different things. But one thing that came out to a lot of people, they said one of their greatest joys was back in February, when Marija came with a surprise visit, we were in the Bedroom praying. No one knew about her coming here. And I had arranged for her to be here. And Our Lady waited to have the apparition, and she came into the Bedroom, while we played a song. I asked everybody to close their eyes. Marija kneels beside me in front of the Bed. I’m beside her. She gets in and squeezes in. And when everybody opens their eyes, they see Marija! Nobody even had a tidbit of a hint that she was going to be there. And the shock and awe—you talk about shock and awe. It was one of the greatest joys to be in…preparing for a wedding, which she came for, and doing all the hustle and bustle that goes along with that, and just doing our daily routine. And suddenly, here’s the visionary Marija. And within 25 minutes of us seeing her, we go on to the Rosary, and the Mother of God’s appearing. We never know where She’s going to come. You never know what you’ll be doing in this movement.


And so, She says here,


“…set out with me…”


And we see so many beautiful things like this, and if you ever want to think of joy, you just think, at your house, you’re sitting there, and Marija walks in, and she says, “Let’s say the Rosary.” And in twenty minutes, you’re kneeling in front of the Mother of God. That’s just what happened to us.


And I was so joyed by that because I didn’t anticipate Marija coming into the room while everybody’s eyes were closed. I thought she was going to stand at the door. She did that on her own. And I actually closed my eyes and then opened. I was looking at everybody else when they opened their eyes, and then I realized she was right next to me. And it was just awesome. There’s just no way to explain that joy. It was just a great joy for us to have that.


And so, that’s the first thing I thought about is our testimonies yesterday to each other,


“…with complete trust and love, set out with me…”


We never know what we’ll be doing one hour from now.


We’ve have four or five people come up to Caritas. We do our morning prayers. We’re making announcements. I’ve had to tell people, “You, you, you, you, go pack your bags. In an hour, you’re going to be on a plane to Medjugorje.” And it is an adventure with Our Lady. It was an adventure with Jesus, if you read Poem of the Man-God, if you read the Scriptures.


And so, this is exciting times to be alive, tremendous times.


Our Lady says,


“…because I desire to acquaint you with my Son…”


Everybody’s got acquaintances. “Here’s an acquaintance of mine. I want you to meet so-and-so and so-and-so.”


But can you imagine, what is Our Lady’s…What does She got to tell us about Jesus?


“…because I desire to acquaint you with my Son…”


Do you now know everything you need to know about Jesus from the Scriptures, or about the saints?


What is it She’s going to tell us?


Or is it something we’ve lost, something that we don’t have right now that we need to learn about Jesus?


And you can get suspicious about this. You can sit there and say, “Uh-oh.”


“…I desire to acquaint you with my Son…”


Because, following those words, She says, “…Do not be afraid…”


Uh-oh. What side of Jesus does She want to acquaint us with?


What did He have to do?


He had to die for our sins.


Our Lady said in the Bedroom, November 30, 1988, “Let your life be love, only love. Everything you do, do it with love. You do also as Jesus did. He died out of love for you. Every day, offer even the littlest things up for Jesus.”


Jesus died out of love for you.


“…I [want] to acquaint you with my Son…” and “…Do not be afraid, my children…”


Why would She add that? That’s strange. “I’m going to let you meet Jesus, and don’t be afraid.”


I’m not afraid of Jesus. Would you be afraid of Jesus? You’re more likely to be afraid of what He had to go through and what He did.


So, this is prophetic. This is something about our future.


“…I am here with you…”


She says.


“…I am next to you…”


I said before, and I know you feel the same out there listening, thank God Our Lady’s with us. I don’t know if I could cope with the direction of the world and where it’s going if I didn’t have the comfort of knowing and the security that She’s here on earth walking with us.


“…I am showing you the way to forgive yourselves, to forgive others, and, with sincere repentance of heart, to kneel before the Father…”


And then She mentions death.


“…Make everything die in you that hinders you from loving and saving…”


That may be yourself! Not just vice or your habits.


You know, people that offer themselves up for martyrdom in the Coliseum! We don’t know what our future is. But,


“…Make everything die in you that hinders you from loving and saving – that you may be with Him and in Him…”


Well, the martyrs were certainly with Him.


Our Lady did say, “…Holy martyrs died witnessing: I am a Christian…”


“…Decide for a new beginning, a beginning of sincere love of God Himself. Thank you.”


Our Lady says.


And so, we have this beautiful message, I think, prophetic, but also it is something for you today. It was for something that whatever might have happened to you yesterday. Every day, this message has some meaning and purpose like that. So, while they’re profound, they speak to us individual. This definitely has a prophetic tone about it. And the fact that Our Lady says it the way She says it, there’s things about Jesus that She wants to introduce us to that we don’t have a shade of understanding, even a little bit.


I was shocked when Marija gave me a message, in ’88, and I had been reading about the saints. I had been praying. I had been into mortification. I had been into fasting. I had been in all these things and doing penance, penitential things. And Our Lady tells Marija to give me a message that said, “I want to help you understand more what sacrifice and suffering means, and I want you to offer these up,” for something that She wanted to develop here.


I was shocked at that. I was into Padre Pio. And I could say, at that moment, what I thought I knew about suffering or sacrifice, even reading for years about saints, was nothing, because I had read it intellectually. I hadn’t accepted it physically, even though I was doing physical things, I didn’t go through those things that She put me through.


Were those things good for me? You bet they were. Do I want to go through any of them again? No. Do I want to continue going through them in the future? No. But, I’m sure that’s going to happen, just like it’s going to happen to you, because that’s what conversion means: the death of different things in you, the death of your wants, the death of your desires, the death of your ideas, and even maybe the death of your physical body.


So, these messages are so deep, and they’re so profound, and they’re so exciting in many ways, because just as I said at the beginning, we have the second-best time to live in history.


And so, Marija, last night, was on the mountain. And it was raining incessantly. It was cold. Thousands of people were up on the mountain. She called them up there. And as I wrote, again, today, if you haven’t read that writing, I encourage you to read the article that I wrote about these three messages, including Ivan’s, too, that, going back to 2001, She says with this message last night, is like we’ve been setting forth this path of 2000 all the way to 2010 now, these last ten years, basically.


And She says,


“Dear children, thank you. You are my hope. I bless you all. You are my joy. Keep converting and live my messages with joy.”


And so, this is something we’ve been through a trial for the last ten years, severe trials, many of us, and satan being unchained. And then, She says, “…thank you. You are my hope…”


So, this little band, this little army of people…And I say a little army of people because the Medjugorje movement is very tiny. Those who are really committed to it, those who really are doing February 25, 1988, “…sacrifice your [life] for the salvation of the world…” Those who believe that and accept that is very, very few. Within the movement is a minority.


So, you compare that to the world’s population, and it’s just a few people.


Now, maybe it’s a million. But a million out of six billion is nothing. Maybe it’s 400,000. Well, maybe it’s a million that’s really devoted to Our Lady. And I know millions have gone to Medjugorje. But out of that million, maybe only a 100,000 worldwide are really committed to this.


So, we have to grasp, first of all, it’s a privilege to do that, but perseverance. The key to that is perseverance. So, when Our Lady says, “…thank you. You are my hope. I bless you all. You are my joy. Keep converting and live my messages with joy.”


I wrote in the message today about a book called Horse Soldiers, which is about a dozen or so special forces which were charged with going into Afghanistan, and basically toppling the whole government. It’s an incredible story. And these few guys went in there, under conditions that’s unbelievable. And they were doing this as their duty. The Afghans that were fighting with our guys that they rallied and organized these special forces, twelve guys did, their horses…They would feed the horses out of their hands, the Afghans would. And it was blizzard conditions, cold. They put a blanket on the horse, and then they’d lay on the ground, open, no tents, no nothing, in these conditions, some of them barefooted and sleep like that. They treat a horse better than themselves.


You talk about commitment, if Our Lady just had twelve people like that. I mean, twelve people that would do that kind of thing and say, “I’ll serve God,” I mean, they’re like John the Baptist, but they’re fighting a country and not for the spirit.


And so, we have people that do it for war. We have people that do it for causes. But Our Lady’s cause is the cause of all, and She plans to bring down this civilization as it is. As we know it, it will be brought down. She’s not coming for any other purpose than to change pagan civilization now—to Christianize it—because even the Church needs Christianizing. All the denominations need Christianizing. We’re lost.


Our Lady just told us a few months back, “…Can my Son be born it it?…” talking about our soul. “…Is it cleansed by love from lies, arrogance, hatred and malice?…”


We’ve got so many lies about the environmental movement. This thing is a religion. If you’re hooked into this, you need to do research. Don’t trust my word. Environmentalism today is a god. It is earth worship. It is a lie. There is no climate change. There is no problem with the climate. There’s a problem with people lying. And in their arrogance to think that we’ve got that kind of effect, that God didn’t already foresee a population ten times six billion—sixty billion—that He knows what’s going on in the earth.


The problem is, is not climate change. The problem is soul change. The soul is so dirty, so filthy, so vile, so in error, so ignorant, so lost and so wayward from God that nature is obedient to God. This has nothing to do with carbon emissions. Nothing at all about that. The research supports it. Don’t take my word. You read it.


But I tell you, if there is a problem ever with the earth, it’s because the earth and nature comes to God’s aid. God is aided by that because it doesn’t have a free will. It doesn’t. He commands. Jesus says, “Stop the storm,” and what happened? And they had been watching arms be put back on people, leprosy fall off, and they were amazed and stunned. “Who is this Man that even stops a storm like this, that nature obeys, the waters listen to Him?”


So, God will violate the nature. He’ll contradict nature. Our Lady told us that natural law could be suspended. (July 21, 1982) That’s nothing! God doesn’t even know He did it if He said yes. It didn’t make Him, “Oh, I’ve got to go sit down. Let me do an extra Sabbath. I need some rest.” It’s nothing. And it’s much easier for God to do that, and that can be secured much quicker than the violation of one’s free will. God almost never does violence to the free will. Almost never. That’s how much it’s respected. He won’t do that.


And so, when man needs correction, what happens? What came down on Sodom and Gomorrah? What destroyed it? Nature did. Who ordered nature? God the Creator.


Our Lady wants us to acknowledge, God is the Creator. You better pay attention to that.


If we want things to go right…I tell you what, I have no doubt if there’s fifty billion people walking the earth, and we are righteous, really, not self-righteous, but really holy people, we’re doing what we’re supposed to be doing. That many people, even if you…is going to cause many, many things to be used, resources of the earth, the heating, the elements and the emissions, all that’s going to be there. But Jesus—God—is in control, and nature will purify it. It will take care of itself, because if our souls were in the right condition. Our souls are in the wrong condition with half this number of people has brought down the wrath.


You talk about nature, about erupt. Hey, I could just see the headlines before Noah.


“If we don’t do something, there’s going to be a big flood. We’ve got to do something. We’ve got to start shading everything, come out with some kind of scheme, the ancient science about that day to stop this rain that we think may come because Noah said it’s going to come.”


It was a soul condition, not an earth condition.


And so, this is a lie, and people are buying into it. People write to us sometimes, “Oh, we don’t want to support you anymore because you’re against the environment or environmentalism.” I’m telling you, this a god. I wrote about it two and a half years ago in Look What Happened While You Were Sleeping, that our Catholic paper, Catholic news services speaking all about all the interning into the moral issues, using the Pope’s name to speak and denounce climate change and the damage that we’re doing to the environment.


I tell you, this is garbage, total unequivocal garbage. What we need to be doing is going after the souls. We need to be looking at people and going after them and see what we’ve done to hurt these people. Think about who, in your past, that you could have helped. Maybe they died. Maybe they’ve gone onto eternity. Maybe they didn’t make it to Heaven. And you had an opportunity to go after them. And that’s what Our Lady wants us to be—apostles. Apostles go out, and by your baptism, by your right of baptism, you have the right to spread the faith. You don’t need permission from anybody, not a priest, not a bishop, not your family, nobody. It’s the right of baptism that gives you the right to go evangelize. Our Lady’s calling us to do that. She’s guiding us to this.


So, it’s very important that we grasp this and that we understand that those souls out there that we’ve had an opportunity to convict, did we drive them away by our witness?


Did we lead them into sin?


Have we been a poor witness with our words?


Have we spoken, “Mary, Mary, Mary, this,” and be a terrible example of living Her messages?


“Oh, Our Lady wants us to fast Wednesday and Fridays,” and every Wednesday and Friday, you eat, or you don’t pay…“Oh, it’s alright.” You’re drinking this, or Coca-Cola, okay. “Well, yeah. I’ll just do that.” “Well, what are you doing eating a steak?”


“Yeah, well, I don’t fast from steaks. I’ve got to have some iron, meat and stuff like that.” You know, “I have to have sweets to balance my sugar,” you know, “cookies.”


And we have this in the movement!


So, what are you doing to convict people? And often, we hear people don’t want religion because of that, but also, we have people that drive people away from religion.


We’ve accepted atheism, and many people have been injured through it. The TV espouses atheism. The consumer market, the whole system, drives atheism, and we’re part of that. We’re telling people to be good. We’re telling our kids to be good. We’re telling our spouses to be good, and yet, we participate in this.


Think about, in your life, who you’ve led the wrong way, just by your witness, not with words, and who you could have helped who you didn’t.


Can you imagine the importance of your witness, what we could have done, what we should have done, and what we failed to do, can lead somebody to eternal death.


And so, Our Lady tells us for this message,


“…today I am calling you to, with complete trust and love, set out with me, because I desire to acquaint you with my Son. Do not be afraid, my [dear] children, I am…with you, [with love], I am next to you. I am showing you the way to forgive [yourself]…forgive yourselves, to forgive others, and, with sincere repentance of heart…”


God brings you to that.


“…with sincere repentance of heart, to kneel before the Father. Make everything die in you that hinders you from loving and saving – that you may be with Him and in Him. Decide for a new beginning, a beginning of sincere love of God Himself…”


And how many people do we know, how many prodigal sons are out there? How many people out there that we can reach and we can be praying for, that we don’t put the effort to do it. We just write them off. It’s not worth it. It’s not worth it in this life nor the next.


I think it was Theresa of Avila that said she’d die one thousand deaths after seeing a soul go to hell. One thousand of the most torturous deaths to save one soul.


And you say, “Oh, my spouse has caused me so many problems”?


Be interested in their salvation! Be their Christ! Offer everything up for their salvation. Think God won’t answer?


And so, the prodigal son, St. Augustine, the prodigal son, his mother, what did she do? How long did she pray for him?


So, how many people we know that’s not living the way they’re supposed to be living? You’re just going to tolerate it? You’re just going to accept it? Oh, you can’t preach to them. You’ve got to do it first with your life. You preach with your life and your prayers and sacrifices and penance.


Our Lady wants to go after the lost, the nonbelievers.


You need to be in prayer for this. You need to sacrifice for it.


And you can win. We know the parable of the prodigal son. We know they can come back. We know what waits for them.



I set out one night in the fast lane bound for freedom, in a truck that daddy bought me and money mom had saved for school. I laid down all my books and picked up the drinking. Well, I let ’em down when I gave up like a fool.


And one reckless night just lookin’ for my whiskey, I found the Bible Mama gave me and read a while. I read a story ’bout a man who lived just like me, then finally ate his pride and came runnin’ home.


And Lord, I’m a renegade, a rambler. I’ve squandered all I’ve owned. A bona fide runaway, I’m a gambler. Can’t count the lies I’ve told. And I need redemption, how ’bout forgiveness. And I’ve prayed for open arms. And I’m comin’ home. Yeah, I’m comin’ home, like a modern day prodigal son. 


I had all of my things packed by early mornin’. I left that bottle I’d lost right there on the bathroom floor. I stopped at a payphone to call back home to Mama. Yeah, she might not even talk after all I’ve done.


The phone rang twice before I got an answer. And Mama nearly dropped the phone when she heard me say. I said, “Mom, it’s your son and will y’all have me?” She said, “Son you know I’ve longed for this day.”


And Lord, I’m a renegade, a rambler. I’ve squandered all I’ve owned. A bona fide runaway, I’m a gambler. Can’t count the lies I’ve told. Well, I need redemption, how ’bout forgiveness. And I’ve prayed for open arms. Can You be with me Lord, oh, ’cause I’m comin’ home, like a modern day prodigal son.


Lord, I’m a renegade, a rambler. I’ve squandered all I’ve owned. A bona fide runaway, I’m a gambler. Can’t count the lies I’ve told. And I need redemption, how ’bout forgiveness. And I’ve prayed for open arms. Be with me Lord, ’cause I’m goin’ home, like a modern day prodigal son.



There’s great grace in this movement that Our Lady gives to us.


This time that God gives us with Her, are we not all prodigal sons?


Have we drank it away?


Have we wasted the grace?


Do we understand that Our Lady came today with a prophetic message about our future? Are we in prayer about that?


I need redemption. I need forgiveness. I need to understand the call to repentance.


And so, yes, there’s the prodigal sons out there, but in some ways, Our Lady’s showing us, in Her higher wisdom, that we’re all prodigal. We’re away from God.


And so, perhaps, as you heard these words in this song, you may be thinking of somebody you need to go after. It’s true! But you do it with love, and you do it with mercy. You do it with conviction, and you do it with power of prayer and fasting. And you do it tempered, from time to time, when you’re prodigal, when you need to come back to Our Lady. And we can only understand that through penance that Our Lady calls for, the sacrificial life.


This apparition with Marija was in cold conditions, raining. And on December 8, 2009, just a couple weeks before that, three weeks ago, Ivan was in Medjugorje. He went to the mountain, cold, rainy, all the thousands that went up there with him at that point. And Our Lady prayed for all those present. She looked at each one, each of the people. She said,


My dear children, my little children, also today the Mother loves you with Her Motherly love. I desire, my children, that through this time of grace, you open your hearts to the Light, the light of My Son and that the light of My Son may enter into your hearts and illuminate your heart and soul that you may be happy. I especially call you to pray for families. Pray for holiness in the family through this time. Also today, dear children, I desire to say thank you for having accepted me and having accepted my messages, and for living my messages.”


Here, we have the freshness of Our Lady’s words, that She gives to us, and we don’t grasp why we really need to turn away from everything that holds our attention and hinders us.


“…Make everything die in you that hinders you from loving and saving – that you may be with Him and in Him…”


And tonight, that’s what we need to ask ourselves. Self-conviction. Examination of conscience, with the message and what you are to do with it for this coming year and the real, true resolutions that you need to make, not just for two weeks and forget them, but real resolutions.


We’re doing a nine-day novena right now. We picked five messages last night, or the night before, at the first hour of that year, between each decade, and we took those messages and that’s our intentions for the words Our Lady wants us to live. And it correlated amazingly, all three of these messages we just had from December, Ivan, Marija’s last night, and Mirjana’s today.


So, we need to follow some kind of pattern and build into our life where whatever’s prodigal in us, we can come home to Our Lady and stay with Her.


And as we close out tonight, I want to remind you that we are very active here. We don’t work anywhere else. Our full-time work is Medjugorje. We’re missionaries. We have forty-fifty people here doing that. And that’s a gift in itself that our whole life is Medjugorje. We sustain ourselves, but because of that, and because this is our work, we have many, many projects. We’ll be launching some of these things. We’ll be going into them. And we’re very excited about where we’re headed, and especially in light of these messages, so prophetic about where we’re headed. Many people coming to our site for the first time, prodigal sons their whole life.


And so, our projects, our work, is to introduce people to the message and show them how to incorporate them into life. And so, your support is very important. And the projects we’ve got on the drawing board, you haven’t seen anything yet. There’s a lot happening, a lot of things that you can’t even foresee that Our Lady has inspired for us to do, that even all the way through next summer and into the next Fall, we’re looking at that, how to bring more people to Our Lady.


So, we end with those thoughts. We ask that you pray for our mission. Pray for this year. Cover us in your prayers. Protect us. We’ll be doing the same thing for you.


We love you. Good night. And we wish you Our Lady.




Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

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3 thoughts on “Woman of Revelation Series: In Your Life Have You Caused Someone to Go to hell?”

  1. City: St. Charles
    State: MO
    Country: United States
    I would like to read Friend of Medjugorje’s writing that he was talking about in the 1/2/10 podcast. It contained 5 messages and his take on them. Thank you! And thank you for all you do for Our Lady and the souls she is trying to save.

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3 thoughts on “Woman of Revelation Series: In Your Life Have You Caused Someone to Go to hell?”

  1. City: St. Charles
    State: MO
    Country: United States
    I would like to read Friend of Medjugorje’s writing that he was talking about in the 1/2/10 podcast. It contained 5 messages and his take on them. Thank you! And thank you for all you do for Our Lady and the souls she is trying to save.

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