February 19, 2022
Radio Wave Special

Woman of Revelation Series: He Was Left Bleeding at the Intersection

[Podcast] (50 Minutes) – A Friend of Medjugorje tells us how we underestimate the condition of the world right now, and what is doing to save it.

Episode Transcript



This is the Woman of Revelation Series with a Friend of Medjugorje.




The world’s going away as we know it. Life, as we’ve known it, is going away. I’m prophetically telling you this. This is going to happen. Make all your decisions according to that. This is not going to continue the path it’s going. Why? Because it’s Godless, and we have Somebody Who is filled with God bringing the word.




That was a Friend of Medjugorje from June, 2009. Very similar to what we heard in last night’s broadcast, only what you just heard was months before what you even heard him say last night.


This is the Woman of Revelation Series on Radio WAVE with a Friend of Medjugorje. Why do we keep sharing these pieces with you? Are we doing this just to scare you? We’re sharing them with you to provide an impulse to begin to think about what you need to do to change your life.


Tonight’s broadcast comes to us from June 2, 2009, and it was titled, He Was Left Bleeding at the Intersection. This broadcast was actually one day after Mej version two was released. So, mej.com version 2. The site had been shut down for about three or four months at this point, and it was opened up on June 1, 2009, and this was the first message afterwards. And it was also the first broadcast after Mej version 2. And you’ll hear a Friend of Medjugorje talk a little bit about that in the broadcast tonight.


So, here is a Friend of Medjugorje June 2, 2009.




Well, of course, today is the second of the month, and it’s always an exciting day because it lasts so long. On the 25th of the month, when Marija gets her message, we often have, and by the time we get it, most of the day’s gone by. But this starts off so early in the morning when Mirjana receives her messages. I think it was eight something this morning. What time was it?



Around 8:45.



Eight forty-five. And so, we have the whole day to get ready, and of course, our day started at different times depending on when we get our day started. I think it was 3:15 this morning. But it’s good because we’re able to write more about it, put more emphasis in that day, and then quite a bit of traffic comes through our site for this.


We’re very excited about doing this. At the same time, very relieved the workload that this has been on us is pretty laborious and takes its toll as far as rest. But we’re in this as missionaries, and missionaries’ lives aren’t noted for lives of comfort. At the same time, we see there’s still a lot of work left on the site to do, and we didn’t meet our deadline as far as what we wanted to achieve, but of course, perhaps we were unrealistic in what we could do.


And it’s amazing for so many who, when…You know, you always have critics that would always say, “Well, you can’t do this,” or “You’re making something that shouldn’t be done,” or making something in a way that you’re making a big deal. We had people actually saying to us, when we raised the money to do this and start a budget so we could fund it, that, “You can get a website for free. You can pay $10 for this,” or “Why are you trying to raise all this money?” And, you know, “It’s just a farce.” They had no idea, and this is totally ignorant. Anyway, if it was anything, it was ignorant. Sure, you can buy canned something, but what do you get?


This is a massive undertaking. It’s something that mega companies do. In fact, we got a feedback from one person who, maybe you should start off just reading his feedback, one guy who wrote a short note in saying he was pretty impressed with what happened as far as achieving this. And we know it was by the grace of Our Lady.



This is from Joe, and he doesn’t tell us where he’s from, but he just said,


“You all did an amazing amount of work on this site. I work for large companies who routinely go through this process, and it takes them 18-24 months to do the work you did in three. You truly have the Blessed Mother’s blessing on this project. I can’t wait to share this with friends.”


Maybe a Friend of Medjugorje would like to speak about just what was the objective, what is the object of Medjugorje.com.



Well, you know, we looked at this for a long time, and this has been the plan for a long, long time. We had people when the web first came online—what was it, ’95?—that actually came here and said, “You need to get on this.” And we don’t jump on things until we understand them and how they can be used. And so, we lost a lot of ground. But we know God’s bigger than losing ground, and He can make up big steps much faster than we can, so I wasn’t concerned about that. And we had people coming by, and even some of the board directors saying, “You need to do this,” and “You need to get on there.” And we never approached this with something because so many people in the movement, actually, were getting on it and promoting Medjugorje. And that was well and good. We need everybody to promote it according to charisms, but it wasn’t something that we wanted to do or I felt God had shown us.


So, we continued in building our base and building infrastructure, and infrastructure is not always good because with infrastructure can come bureaucracy. So, we wanted to build infrastructure without bureaucracy. We’ve got a lean, strong, powerful machine here to promote the messages, from presses to output, to a motherhouse that’s 35,000 square feet. And I don’t want to say these things to toot our horn. I want to say this to understand the capabilities, because the objectives we had is to spread the message. So, looking at this logically, there were just too many growth factors we had in other areas of our mission that needed to be dealt with to form our base in Medjugorje, become much stronger there, form our base here, become much stronger here. We essentially are a communication outfit, and in that sense, we’re a community that lives the messages first, and we just simply transmit that to paper. I mean, what you read today what I wrote about Mirjana—we’ll get into it in a few minutes—is really about several stories of just this week. You know, the mom in the back of the church, a letter being written to us about a mother who died. These stories are part of our life. I write about what our life is about.


So, what is the objective, to answer this real clearly? Our objective is to get as much about Medjugorje on this site and in a readable, digestible way. So, the objective is to get this on because we don’t know what’s going to happen in the future, but very likely, very likely, it well may not be part of the future. That could be after the third Secret’s released. Just the economic reasons, you know. How could servers be up when people will be busy just trying to take care of their personal needs?


And that’s a whole nother subject. But the objective is to have the material out there and download the whole site! And we’ll get into that months from now and say, this site to download, we want a deposit in Africa, deposit in Australia, deposit in the skyscraper in New York, to have deposits of the messages, the way the life is lives, how you live this, what you do to incorporate this…what we did to incorporate it into our life and how Our Lady’s shown us and She’s walked with us.


I remember being with Ivanka, and I remember telling Our Lady at an apparition—I think that was 1987, June 25th, her annual apparition—and I remember saying to myself…I said,


“Mary, I want to make a commitment to You that whatever my eyes see, I want to make sure 100,000 eyes see the same thing.”


And I put things out where we were persecuted for. But Our Lady said it. It happened. And we were told, “Oh, don’t do this. The bishop might condemn it.” It’s not my concern. If Our Lady does it, then we put it out. And so we, from the beginning, have been a window to put you beside us kneeling down in the apparition and what happens. So, you learn Our Lady’s character, Her personality, because She does have a certain personality.


We’ve got a picture on our refrigerator of Mary hanging clothes on an ancient clothesline, and Jesus sitting without clothes on in the dirt. It’s a cute picture. You’ve seen it before. It’s a famous painting of Jesus and Our Lady. The wind’s blowing. She’s out privately by Herself, so Her veil’s not on. Her hair’s you know, real long. And I asked Marija, I said, “Don’t you think that sometimes in Mary’s life that She did these kinds of things?”


And she says, “No.”


I said, “How do you know that?”


She said, “I know. Mary would not do this.”


But she has a way of knowing, and Marija once told me that Our Lady told her about Her personal life to help her in her life.


I said, “Really?”


She said, “Yeah.”


I said, “Tell me.”


She said, “I can’t.”


But she does tell me. And how she tells me is how she works in the kitchen, how she works with people, how I know she’s dead tired, exhausted, sick, has a headache, and open the door and greet people just like you’re the king.


And so, you know, by seeing Marija, by being around her personality, we become the same thing. Mary permeates and transcends, basically, into our being. This is in the Bible, and it’s talking about Wisdom. And She is. It’s talking about Her, obviously.


But this is what happens to Marija. If you follow somebody that you respect, you imitate what you like and the virtues they have. People do the same thing with rock stars. They imitate them and then look stupid like they do and all this kind of stuff. But if your interests are toward, you know, Our Lady and loving Her, you’re going to imitate those things. That’s what Her messages is, is Her fingerprint. It’s Who She is. It’s Her face. The messages are the face of Mary. And so, that being the case, Marija has become that. I’m watching Marija, and she’s become that. The Community’s getting that information from me, and the Community’s become that. And so, we’ve had people here before say, “Well, y’all all act the same.” Well, Jesus Himself says, “Be of one mind, one thought. Make My joy complete.” So, that’s Scriptural. And that’s what Christians used to be when the historians used to say, “Look how they love one another.” You know, this whole being of Christian is a sameness. Not losing your individuality. There’s people here in the Community, we know their whole personality and their individualism, but we walk the same path. We have the same belief.


It’s just like a priest told me who was on the shore in Beirut—a lake or something. I don’t know. And he said he saw a Catholic Church. Mass was starting. He walked in there, and he said it struck him incredibly, in this ancient civilization, that the Mass was the same thing back here in the United States.


And so, we’ve got this thread that goes, this continuity that Our Lady’s putting out through the messages. It goes to the visionaries, and they transmit that to us, and we become what they are. And then, in some ways, we even witness to the visionaries. There’s things that Marija has imitated from us that we got from the messages! But it’s all from Our Lady. And so, this is real important and critical that we realize the gift that we’ve been given, and the objective is to get this deposit across the face of the earth, so that if there is a breakdown, and we become local instead of global, which is very likely to happen, and I personally believe it’s going to happen, what we see is Our Lady’s giving these messages sprinkled out through the whole world because it’s going to come back, in some ways, to the localization instead of globalization. Now, of course, the antichrist is going rule through globalization. But we see, very strongly, that Our Lady says, “You have a century of peace coming.” And perhaps what that means before that. And so, to learn the messages and get them spread out as far as possible.


But without any further ado, let’s go ahead and read today’s message from Mirjana.



Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje’s June 2, 2009 message to Mirjana on the day for nonbelievers:


“Dear children! My love seeks your complete and unconditional love, which will not leave you the same as you are, instead it will change you and teach you to trust in my Son. My children, with my love I am saving you and making you true witnesses of the goodness of my Son. Therefore, my children, do not be afraid to witness love in the name of my Son. Thank you.”



We have a beautiful message from Our Lady, but you know, Our Lady did something else besides the message, and it was about, really, the Cross. At the end of the apparition, she saw the Cross. It was very important reading the comments and explaining some of this because Our Lady’s not only giving us words. She’s given us actions. She’s done different things in the apparitions without words. She names Marija’s chapel without words. Marija said, “I dedicate this chapel. Will You give it a name?” Our Lady never even opened Her lips. Instead, She signified “Two” with Her two fingers, tilted Her head a little bit, smiled, circled Her Heart in the shape of a heart. And Marija was immediately infused with an understanding of The Chapel of the Two Hearts. And that, today, is its name. How many chapels…and what will people think a hundred years from now, going there to consecrate themselves to the Sacred and the Immaculate Heart? How many will do that? I guarantee you, the line would be out to the streets, and her driveway’s probably a thousand feet to get to her house and down the road. Where else in the world would you want to consecrate yourself to the two Hearts in that chapel? But She never even opened Her mouth to do that.


And so, today, She gave, at the end of the apparition, an image of the Cross, the cross section, just like an intersection. The Sacred Heart appeared—Jesus’ Heart—crowned with thorns. And if you look on the site, you’ll see the pictures, and you’ll see, probably, when we think she may have saw it because her expression is incredible, and you know something dramatic is taking place.


So, Our Lady speaks to us, even bigger than the words She said today through this, and what does that mean? I went into detail about that, and I won’t go into it on the program because it’s there available. Encourage people to go on the site, find it, and do that.


The thing that we have put in there and what I wrote about it was our faith in technology. It’s become God. You know, this stuff that we’re completely consumed with just trying to fix it, and even the web. It’s just a constant thing of getting this up. Is it a valuable tool? You bet it is. It’s not in question.


But at the same time, people go the wrong way with it. We’re able to do it and manage it here with our spiritual life and follow the way we’re supposed to follow. But things are not as important as we think they are, and we’ve lost some of the simple things, you know, just a love for the Cross.


And so, Our Lady spoke to us today about this and the Cross and the Heart of Jesus.



I don’t have faith in technology, even though we created it. All this stuff just breaks down anyway, and you can never get it fixed. But I do have faith in you.


I don’t have faith in politics, but I do believe in the will of the people. I don’t know much about big-time religion, but I believe in the Cross on the steeple, and I do have faith in you.


And after all this time, the lie becomes the truth. We’ve traded in our innocence and sacrificed our youth. But You give me your love, one thing I can’t lose. You believe in me, and I still have faith in you.



The more I search for my significance, it seems the more I disappear. And I wonder, have I made a difference in anybody’s life since I’ve been here? Well, I can hear your laughter. It’s the sweetest sound I’ve ever known. I don’t know how love happens, but I know I’m not alone. And I do have faith in you.


And after all this time, sometimes I see the truth, and I’m touched by your innocence, and now I’m not confused. You give me your love, one thing I can’t lose. You believe in me. And I still have faith in you. And I do have faith in you.



And so it is, we live in a society that the lie becomes the truth. This is the time we’re in. Our Lady tells us today,


“…unconditional[ly]…which will not leave you the same as you are…”


Speaking of, if you seek God’s love. And so, we have that, and yet, the world doesn’t accept it. It rejects it. And in fact, in John, it talks about, Her words, or Jesus’ words, but it’s the same, that you won’t be excused.


Jesus says,


“If I had not come to them and spoken to them, they would not be guilty of sin. Now, however, their sin cannot be excused. To hate Me is to hate the Father. Had I not performed such works among them, as no one has ever done before, they would not be guilty of sin. As it is, they have seen, and they go on hating me and My Father.”


And we can go on further with this and say the same thing with Our Lady. She just told us, last month, “You reject Me.” “…You are rejecting me…” And so, if they rejected Jesus and His word, and now they reject Mary and Her word, will they be excused for the sin?


So, this ultimate thing that happens right now is, in a sense, the ultimate last cry of Heaven to repent. The last instructions of private revelations to help us understand public revelations, give us insights, because even Cardinal Ratzinger at the time said that we can’t be locked down to the sterile repetition of the Scriptures without private revelations. Which, most theologians condemn Medjugorje in that sense, or “We don’t need private revelations.” Well, if we don’t need it, then why is God sending it to us through a holy nun in a convent four hundred years ago, or a revelation to Maria Valtorta, The Poem of the Man-God? You know, God’s got nothing to do? “Well, I just think I’m going to give this to somebody.” It has purpose. In fact, in Mass, we use the private revelation of the Sacred Heart! We’ve incorporated that into the Church.


So, Scriptures, Holy Scriptures, public revelations become sterile. Cardinal Ratzinger said himself, in relation to the third secret, he put out this statement, if we don’t have private revelations to give us greater insights into it. And this is a very important element of Medjugorje, a critical point to understand with Medjugorje, that these private revelations are to renew the face of the earth. How? Does it do away with Scriptures? No! It echoes the Scriptures, brings new life to them where we’ve let it die in us. It revives us, just like a withered leaf which comes back during drought, because…just before it dies, and it’s rejuvenated from the rains and the fresh dew that falls upon it. We, as men, need this, and we must be changed.


So, our faith in technology has become our god. We have lost our way. We don’t understand what it means to follow God because so much has become our god. So many people have been raised in the Church, the candles, the incense, smelled the…I remember the church I used to go to, with incense, I always go back, as a child, remembering that. And we’re a people, now, getting the grace that have left the Church, walked away from the Church, who don’t grasp the need to be in church because the competition of technology. As I wrote today, and again, I won’t go into it, about, what is your god? What is taking so many people out of the Church? And, indeed, there is a lot.


And so, many people go away from church. Have you gone away? Will you go away? This is important to reflect on, and Our Lady’s coming right now to put us in different positions of loneliness to make us reflect, and where is my home? Where do I need to come back to? What did I leave as a child if I was in the church? How many of your loved ones have been that? And this message today is just about that, also.


“…My children, with my love I am saving you and making you true witnesses of the goodness of my Son…”


Your life is to draw people back into the Church that’s left it because a lot of the people out there were churchgoers, whether it be the 50s, the 60s, even 70s, even the 80s, and even the youth of the 90s now who are leaving the Church. But that’s home. That’s God’s house. Our Lady once said it’s “…God’s palace…” And we need to be witnesses that bring people back to this and long for it, to be with the Father in Heaven in His palace.



Echoing behind, the doors closed him inside. The ancient whispered incense he’d loved as a child. Though the candle beckoned brightly, he’d smothered his last spark. He cried, “Your arms, they are all empty, and Your house, it is all dark! Comfort for the weak and old women dressed black. To the strong You do not speak. Why don’t You call us back? Well, I’ll do You no favors. I’ll make my own name” Then somewhere in his heart he heard,


“Will you, too, go away? Will you, too, go away?”


The wedding of his daughter brought him there again. A royal demonstration for a family and friends. The beauty of the dome, the intense but gentle glow, the feet gnarled up in pain beneath the hammer’s blow. He’d lift his eyes no further. He didn’t want to see. “Why are You always suffering, suffering at me? Well, I’ve no need for Your pain. I’ve paid my own way!” Then somewhere in his heart he heard,


“Will you, too, go away? Will you, too, go away?”


Years down the road, a simple change in plans. Thanksgiving dinner ruined by one broken down man. It shocked him so to feel the panic and the dread of being left alone, and he had to clear his head.


Where was that candle with its constant burning light? It was swimming in his tears, just a blur of strange delight. And the words so long unspoken, so many years unheard. “I know I am not worthy, but only say the word.” And the crumpled eyelids closed clearing years of wasted doubts. And he lifted up his heart to feel the wounds and hear the shouts and the arms that spread to hold him and the pain upon the face. Said,


“So long I’ve waited for you. Please, this time won’t you stay? Oh, this time won’t you stay? Oh, this time won’t you stay?



We have to ask ourselves, “Why is Our Lady coming?” When She was here in 1988, She gave a message. She says,


“…pray for my intentions…[that I may] be glorified through you…”


A priest objected to that and said he had a problem with that. I said, “I don’t.”


He said, “Well, Our Lady would never ask to be glorified.”


“Well, She would if God sent Her to be glorified.”


We have to understand the context of what’s happening in these apparitions, and the context of that is in an age and a time the world has never known the detriment it faces. She came saying, “the crisis of faith.” And She’s come to make our faith stronger. She’s come to save us.


And so, we have to realize that Mary, right now, is entrusted with the world. She’s entrusted to come give Her words, which is an echo of the Word. The Word is Her Son. It’s the Gospel of Mary I’ve written about. Some people object to that. They don’t understand Medjugorje. Even people in the movement. They don’t grasp this. They say it’s an exaggeration. Twenty-eight years of apparitions, every day, monthly messages, now the second of the month messages…It’s an exaggeration? We underestimate the detriment that the world faces at this moment. The only way to measure that is by the intervention of Heaven in what its doing. But also, the hope that we have because She says, “I’m coming,” because She wants Her Immaculate Heart to triumph, because She wants it? That’s not humble. Because God wants it. So, what God wants, She wants. What God wants, Jesus wants. And so, She’s in union with that. And She will be glorified through this. This is part of that role that She plays. She’s being entrusted to the world. It’s Revelation Chapter 12. She’s doing battle with the dragon. And Jesus’ words in John says…and these are now Mary’s words, because as He was sent through the Word, She was sent to echo the Word, and She came to give birth to the Word, She comes now to give birth to a renewal of the Word.


So, Jesus says this, and you can just replace Jesus with Our Lady. This is Her speaking. And this is what She told us in 1988 from the Bedroom,


“…If you pray for my intentions, I will be glorified through you…”


And exactly the fourth Glorious Mystery and the fifth Glorious Mystery does that. You know, She’s assumed into Heaven. There’s a coronation. That’s glorified Our Lady. It’s not a problem for somebody who’s simple-minded who’s not smart like us. But for these intelligent theologians, it’s a problem.


So, this Scripture would be the same:


“I have given You glory on earth by finishing the work You gave Me to do. You now, Father, give Me glory at Your side. I have made Your name known to those You gave Me out of the world. These men You gave Me were Yours. They have kept Your word. Now they realize that all that You gave Me comes from You. I entrusted to them the message You entrusted to Me. They have known that in truth, I come from You. They may have believed it was You Who sent Me.”


Mary’s not coming from Her own accord. God’s on the other side of Heaven, “Hey, this window’s open. I’m going to slip down to earth for a little bit.” God sends Her! She says, “God conveys the message. I’m giving you messages God conveys for Me to give to you.”


And so, Our Lady’s coming, because She’s going to take a position among the hearts of men that She’s never had before, because this is Her age. This is Her time. You know, are we to look at this event as just Fatima, and it’s going to happen, and we’re just going to carry on our life? We’re looking for a catastrophic change of life. Do you get that? Do you understand that? Have you thoughtfully reflected on it? A nonbeliever knows something’s happening. Everybody knows something’s up, and they don’t know what. And again, I’ve said it before, it amazes me people…“Well, we’ll wait, and it’ll get better six months from now.” The life, as we know it, will not continue because it’s a Godless life. And in the end, while it may go thirty years, or even seventy years as communism did, it eventually ends. Where there’s Godlessness, it’s destroyed. It’s a total impossibility that the Holy Virgin Mother, Queen of Peace, is coming to the earth without Her succeeding in crushing the serpent’s head in his inroads in the corporate world, in the business, in the presidential world, in the politics, in the powers that be, the taking of property, all these factors, inalienable rights, everything, there’s impossibility for these things to continue with Her presence in the world. And we’re seeing this destruction. It’s good! All these things falling apart. It’s going to lead to something better. Now, if you’re immersed in it, you’ve invested in it, you’ve got everything in it, it hurts! But so is the sentence from the doctor when you have cancer, and you don’t want to hear that in your heart. But what it does for your soul is very, very good.


Our Lady speaks, or rather, seeks our complete, unconditional love. And through that, She says, it will change us. That was the message today. In our trials, whatever’s happening, whatever we’re losing, whatever’s coming down apart, we sometimes don’t want to accept them with the kind of love, and we don’t realize that we’re being change by them. All this is changes. It’s changed the way we think. It’s changed what we do. But one day, we will, and one day, we’ll be glad for this. We’re going to see this. Because one day, everything’s going to fall apart. It’s going to change. We’re going to live better, and we’re going to live holier, and we’re going to be a stronger people. We’ll grow stronger through them, through trials, through heartache. Every heartache leads to a strengthening.


The world’s going away as we know it. Life, as we’ve known it, is going away. I’m prophetically telling you this. This is going to happen. Make all your decisions according to that. This is not going to continue the path it’s going. Why? Because it’s Godless, and we have Somebody Who is filled with God bringing the word. The “…true [witness] of the goodness of [Her] Son…” As She said in Her message today.


So, one day, one day, you’re going to see this, and you’re going to realize, “I wish I had made my decisions earlier to change and come in more harmony with this plan of God.”



You feel like you’re falling backwards, like you’re slipping through the cracks, like no one would even notice if you left this town and never came back.


You walk outside and all you see is rain. You look inside and all you feel is pain, and you can’t see it now.


But down the road the sun is shining. In every cloud there’s a silver lining. Just keep holding on. (Just keep holding on) And every heartache makes you stronger, but it won’t be much longer. You’ll find love, you’ll find peace, and the you you’re meant to be. I know right now that’s not the way you feel, but one day you will.


You wake up every morning and ask yourself, “What am I doing here, anyway?” With the weight of all those disappointments whispering in your ear.


And you’re just barely hanging by a thread. You want to scream, but you’re down to your last breath. And you don’t know it yet,


But down the road the sun is shining. In every cloud there’s a silver lining. Just keep holding on. (Just keep holding on) And every heartache makes you stronger, but it won’t be much longer. You’ll find love, you’ll find peace, and the you you’re meant to be. I know right now that’s not the way you feel, but one day you will.


Find the strength to rise above your will. Find just what you’re made of, you’re made of…


Down the road the sun is shining. In every cloud there’s a silver lining. Just keep holding on. (Just keep holding on) And every heartache makes you stronger, but it won’t be much longer. You’ll find love, you’ll find peace, and the you you’re meant to be. I know right now that’s not the way you feel…I know right now that’s not the way you feel, but one day you will.


One day you will. Oh, one day you will.



The apparition today, Our Lady gave Mirjana this vision. You know, what is that all about, really? Why now, and what do you think is the purpose of why Mirjana was shown that? And now, on the site, we have a picture of Mirjana. And of course, we can’t know what happened in the apparition at what time, but the picture’s kind of striking. And I was thinking that, when we think of the Sacred Heart of Jesus with the thorns around it, we’re used to seeing it in a statue or on a holy card, and it’s something one dimensional. But this expression of Mirjana’s face, if that was what she was looking at at that moment, is something that you can imagine it was a real heart, a real heart wrapped with real thorns. Not something pretty.



I think it’s very significant. Of course, we went in our graphic design department and came up with an image you can find on the site that we drew, of course, nothing of what Mirjana saw, but it still gives a contemplation point that you can help visualize this and think about this.


The thing that struck me as soon as I heard about, when we got the message at 3:15 this morning was the Cross section, where vertically and horizontally they met, with the Heart over that. But take the heart off of that. What do we have when we have a vertical and a horizontal line coming together? We have an intersection. Something crosses. And what happens when you run a red light? You have a crash.


We have a clashing right now with the world. We have a clashing right now of God’s way and man’s way. The world’s way, the spiritual way. And in this crash, somebody’s going to be injured. There’s a lot of injuries. We’ve heard it through the whole Medjugorje movement. Nobody comes in the movement without suffering, without being injured. But the biggest injury is to Jesus Himself. And that’s why it’s His Heart that’s on that Cross Mirjana saw today. And it’s His thorns that we are to reflect to and to see the price He paid for us, because we, as I said today in the writing, we’ve recklessly, maliciously in many cases, driven our life to what it is today in the culture, and there’s a crash taking place at this intersection. And that intersection forms a Cross, and Who’s injured is Jesus Himself. And we get to walk away. We get to walk away. It’s that simple, and it’s that beautiful.


And so, Our Lady says, today, that She’s come to protect us, that we’re not of the world. In John 17—chapter 17—we read this as Our Lady’s words right now that was Jesus’ words. And She says,


“Now have I come to You. I say all this while I am still in the world, that they may share My joy completely. I gave them Your word…”


Talking about Her followers, we, who She’s called to be apostles in the time of grace,


“…I gave them Your word, and the world has hated them for it…”


We’ve suffered because we’re on the intersection coming from this way now because we were on the other road. We get hit. We got turned around in the other direction. We’re going horizontally to hit vertically, the world.


“…They do not belong to the world anymore than I belong to the world. I do not ask You to take them out of the world, but to guard them from the evil one. They are not of the world any more than I belong to the world. Consecrate them by means of truth. Your word is truth. As You have sent Me into the world, so I have sent them into the world. I consecrate Myself for their sake now, that they may be consecrated in truth.”


This is Her message. This is what She’s come to tell us, to consecrate ourselves, to be witnesses. Today,


“…I am saving you…”


In the Scriptures, it says to protect you from the evil one. But She says today,


“…I am saving you and making you true witnesses of the goodness of my Son…”


And these Scriptures say, “Go out,” “Be in the world and spread this truth.” Stand on the truth. And when you do, you’re going to crash. You’re going to be in His image. You’re going to be going one direction, somebody’s coming in on the other. And it’s going to be injured. But we’re called to be fishers of men. Our Lady says for you to be “…true witnesses…” The Scriptures says, “consecrate yourself to be true.” Our Lady leads us. She said today,


“…you true witnesses of the goodness of my Son…”


You are to be this. She says and goes forward. She says,


“…Therefore, my children, do not be afraid to witness love in the name of my Son…”


You are to be fishers of men. You are to run, walk and fight to get this way, this truth, Our Lady’s way, to the people and be witnesses.



It’s running and walking and fighting and turning the other cheek. It’s giving, receiving, it’s hoping, being bold and being meek.


It’s laying your nets. It’s laying down your life to take up the Cross and follow the Fisher of men. Follow the Fisher of men.


It’s winning and losing and trying. It’s considering the cost. Remembering, forgetting, counting your gains as but loss.


It’s laying your nets. It’s laying down your life to take up the Cross and follow the Fisher of men. Follow the Fisher of men.


What does it mean to be born again? What does it mean to be grafted into the Body of Christ? To be conformed into the Image of the One Who laid down His life so that you and I might live?



It’s living and dying and rising, reward and sacrifice. It’s sharing the blessings, the sufferings the Righteousness of Christ.


It’s laying your nets. It’s laying down your life to take up the Cross…Pick up your Cross and follow the Fisher of men. Follow the Fisher of men.


And follow the Fisher of men. Yeah, follow the Fisher of men.


It’s winning and losing and trying…


It’s living and dying and rising…


It’s winning and losing and trying…


It’s living and dying and rising…



I’m begging you. Get your fish nets. Go fish for me. Don’t lay it down, as it symbolically said, but get every power, every way, every means you know. Spread this program, just this radio program, for everybody you know. Download them. Make copies of this. Call your friends. Do your email list, however. But spread the word and say, “You’ve got to listen to this.” It’s an introduction. Do whatever you have to do.


Do you realize the opportunity we have right now? I beg you, don’t let this pass. You will regret it. She said that. “…you will lament for the [message]…” We’re tired. We’re worn out, but we’re rejuvenated in our prayer. We’re in the Field at 5 a.m. We’re tired going out there because we worked half the night, all night. But we know we’ve got a limited amount of time. The gold mine shaft is open. Those gold nuggets laying on the ground are souls that can be brought to God. And we’ve got a limited amount of time to get all we can. Do you stop and rest and say, “Well, it’s hot and sweaty down there. I want to go take a dip in the lake right now”? You work and you work while that shaft is open, and it closes in 24 hours. You want to get every nugget out of there that you can.


And we want to bring these diamonds, if you want to say it that way, or golden nuggets, to Our Lady. Spread this. Do whatever. We’re just of the thought that this image that Mirjana saw today we could put on a holy card. We’ll put the message on it.


So, we leave you tonight with a serious invitation to understand Who’s inviting us. It’s not me. I have no power to do that. It’s not the Community. It’s not Caritas. It’s not Medjugorje! It’s the Mother of God. And so, tonight, as we leave you, go on your knees before you go to bed and ask Our Lady to come into your heart and insight you to be fishers of men. You can win them over by your witness.


Good night. We love you. We wish you Our Lady.



Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

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2 thoughts on “Woman of Revelation Series: He Was Left Bleeding at the Intersection”

  1. City: LIVERPOOL
    State: Merseyside
    Country: United Kingdom
    I am nothing but a sinner. Oh how I wish i had spent my whole life loving and honouring our Heavenly Mother and Father.
    I attended Holy Mass on and off throughout my life as a “have to go” from my parents. I always enjoyed it tho, even tho I never understood it. I never understood God’s love and presence in my life, the gifts and blessings I received and the tormented times. I never understood scripture.
    My prayers said from my mouth were directed straight to God and never from the heart – unless I was asking for something. Never truly in thanks.
    By God’s grace, I was led to this site. I was led to His Mother. I was led to knowing love.

    I have spent years being guided by Her messages. Had I lived them? NO! I am nothing but a sinner.
    15 years of following God’s word through the most Immaculate Heart and still, I failed miserably yet I still followed, still believed and still tried to pray.

    These past few years, my fear of death has been overcome by a willing of it. I am slowly learning to live Her messages. Returning to the church, trying my hardest in prayer, struggling with fasting…… the list is endless but I will never give up trying.
    Why? Because the most Sacred Heart and Immaculate Heart have never given up on me.

    Thankyou my most Blessed Mother, for leading me here to Your community. Internet use can be a sin but I’m so thankful I have it to come here.
    My most heartfelt gratitude to FOM and the community for all you do and for helping my lost soul find it’s way home xxx

  2. Country: Mexico
    The Heart of Jesus is the spring where our lives flow from and it’s the place we all have to live in to be happy. Our Lady is leading us there through Her messages and is asking us to do everything with the heart in order to live a simple life with true faith. A Friend of Medjugorje and the Caritas Community are living examples of that. We need to follow you and change the direction of our lives ASAP!!!!

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2 thoughts on “Woman of Revelation Series: He Was Left Bleeding at the Intersection”

  1. City: LIVERPOOL
    State: Merseyside
    Country: United Kingdom
    I am nothing but a sinner. Oh how I wish i had spent my whole life loving and honouring our Heavenly Mother and Father.
    I attended Holy Mass on and off throughout my life as a “have to go” from my parents. I always enjoyed it tho, even tho I never understood it. I never understood God’s love and presence in my life, the gifts and blessings I received and the tormented times. I never understood scripture.
    My prayers said from my mouth were directed straight to God and never from the heart – unless I was asking for something. Never truly in thanks.
    By God’s grace, I was led to this site. I was led to His Mother. I was led to knowing love.

    I have spent years being guided by Her messages. Had I lived them? NO! I am nothing but a sinner.
    15 years of following God’s word through the most Immaculate Heart and still, I failed miserably yet I still followed, still believed and still tried to pray.

    These past few years, my fear of death has been overcome by a willing of it. I am slowly learning to live Her messages. Returning to the church, trying my hardest in prayer, struggling with fasting…… the list is endless but I will never give up trying.
    Why? Because the most Sacred Heart and Immaculate Heart have never given up on me.

    Thankyou my most Blessed Mother, for leading me here to Your community. Internet use can be a sin but I’m so thankful I have it to come here.
    My most heartfelt gratitude to FOM and the community for all you do and for helping my lost soul find it’s way home xxx

  2. Country: Mexico
    The Heart of Jesus is the spring where our lives flow from and it’s the place we all have to live in to be happy. Our Lady is leading us there through Her messages and is asking us to do everything with the heart in order to live a simple life with true faith. A Friend of Medjugorje and the Caritas Community are living examples of that. We need to follow you and change the direction of our lives ASAP!!!!

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