March 14, 2022
Radio Wave Special

Woman of Revelation Series: Are You An Apostle of satan?

[Podcast] (64 Minutes) – A Friend of Medjugorje explains how to not be selfish with our conversion and how we are lacking truth worldwide.

Episode Transcript


This is the Woman of Revelation Series with a Friend of Medjugorje.



It is thinking time.  It is time to realize we have made a mess of everything. This world is in serious trouble, as never before, are only compared to Noah and the Flood.  And the whole world was destroyed. I can tell you, the whole world is about to be destroyed. As it operates, and as it has continued for the last decades, going downhill.




That was a Friend of Medjugorje on March 18, 2015.  And this is the Woman of Revelation Series with a Friend of Medjugorje. Today’s broadcast was titled, “Are you an Apostle of satan?” It’s a big question to ask. A Friend of Medjugorje has a lot that he covers in today’s broadcast, and mostly he speaks to us about truth. And so here is a Friend of Medjugorje, March 18, 2015.




Well, March 18th came about because Our Lady said She would appear annually, after Mirjana’s apparitions ended, on this date. I’ve written several times about this is not because of Mirjana’s birthday and her birthday is on March 18th.  So how is it that Jakov’s apparition is on the 25th of December once a year.  Ivanka’s on the 25th of June every year.  How is it that, that takes place, that out of 365 days in a year, that Mirjana’s ends up on her birthday? Except, She was giving her a gift, and yet, that was not the case. Of course, when I first wrote about this years and years ago.  When I put it out, I was criticized for it. Well, you know, She was doing this partly because of her birthday. Mirjana, when I talked to her, she made it perfectly clear, it had nothing to do with her birthday. It’s for something that is coming in the future. And yet, Marija told me, back in the early 80s, probably around 86 or 87, mid 80s, that Our Lady had given her a kiss during an apparition. She pointed to her cheek and said, “I’ll never wash this spot.  I didn’t want to wash it.” She said it went through her whole being.  She felt it though her body into her soul.  She felt her soul and her spirit, inside of her. And another time, Marija walks into the apparition, not knowing how to speak Italian, and she walked out of the apparition, on her birthday, April 1st, speaking native Italian.  So Marija receives these gifts on her birthday, She acknowledges her birthday in this way. And yet, Mirjana’s doesn’t.


But what it does tell us, the fact that she has this on her birthday, and She doesn’t give her a salutation, and has never said, and Mirjana has reiterated these things, which I am glad for today because it puts it in an historical context that this was just not something I put out 15 or 20 years ago, an opinion.  She has made it very clear today, that after the apparition, that this has nothing to do with my birthday.  And Our Lady doesn’t do anything more for you than She does on my birthday. She doesn’t tell me Happy Birthday.  Which in this case, in the contrast between Marija and the gifts she does get and salutations or what happens on her birthday, not every birthday, but it has happened. As opposed to Mirjana who hasn’t and March 18th is even a bigger day and a greater day of significance by the fact that Our Lady is connotating She is not tying it to her birthday.  That is when you think we should just do something.  Even Marija, when one of her sons was in trouble, got a salutation, a positive salutation from Our Lady on his birthday.  So we gather today for Mirjana’s once a year apparition, her annual apparition.  Of course, you know that the 2nd of the month apparition, she has now, once each month, paralleling the 25 messages that Marija receives, hers is for the world, Marija’s is. It is in the last book of Revelations, crystal clear, 12 times a year, once each month, medicine for the nations.  The Bible says that.  That is the way ends, with these words. And that is exactly what is happening.


January 25, 1987, Maria, when Our Lady said She would appear once a month and give messages for the whole world.  We are living Bible, these private revelations that show us, public revelations are coming in activity of what they were written down for, to be understood in this present moment. So we don’t know what is coming March 18th.  But one thing we do know, it is getting closer. And we can see Our Lady getting more anxious. Just the way She speaks. And anxiousness is a form of what may could be termed as anxiety, but it could be joyful anxious.  It could be an anxiousness that is not sinful.  But if it filled with greed or want or I got to have this or got to have that, then it is wrong. Our Lady wants your soul.  She desires it, because satan desires to devour it. And She has come to break this from us. So this message today that we are about to read has great significance beyond what this program can tell you or what I can tell you, but the present thoughts and the Holy Spirit of what it says, we can give you the immediate thoughts of a message that will be speaking to you next month, next year and on your deathbed and those you leave behind afterwards and your generation after generation to the last man draws his breath on earth.  And you are alive in this moment.


If the world lasts another 1000 years, which I don’t believe it will, and I don’t believe we are at the end of time now, at the same time. Because man has made advancements and what Our Lady has come to break down the Tower of Babel to set us back, we gain cognition through the messages to help those in the future who will have to go through the fullness of the antichrist, because we are under a antichrist system now. But it is not the end of the world, She’s going to break it and that is what Her messages are about. And we are the prototype, we’re the model, we’re the window that we give hope to those future Christians who will go through the fullness of the antichrist and have to look back on a people – how did they do it? What did they do when they had to break from satan? That is Her plan, Her messages speak to that.  She implores us to be vigilant. Break away from satan and untruth while we still have time. That those, 100 years, 200 years, whenever that happens, will have the model to follow.




Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje’s Annual Apparition to Mirjana on March 18, 2015:


“Dear children, with a full heart I am asking you, I am imploring you children: cleanse your hearts of sin and lift them up to God and to eternal life. I am imploring you: be vigilant and open for truth. Do not permit for all that is of this earth to distance you from the true cognition of the contentment in the communion with my Son. I am leading you on the way of true wisdom, because only with true wisdom can you come to know true peace and the true good. Do not waste time asking for signs of the Heavenly Father, because He has already given you the greatest sign, which is my Son. Therefore, my children, pray so that the Holy Spirit can lead you into truth, can help you to come to know it, and through that knowledge of the truth that you may be one with the Heavenly Father and with my Son. That is the cognition which gives happiness on earth and opens the door of eternal life and infinite love. Thank you.”




It is interesting that we look out, across the centuries, of past and think how ignorant people were, how unintelligent they were compared to man today, and how they in their lives, and they pass from one generation to now, to us, that we are so advanced in our intellect, that we are so smart, and yet, Our Lady has to come to us today and tell us 8 times truth or true. What is real true? What is real truth? I’ll tell you, 500 years ago, they had more. One thousand years ago, they had more. Two thousand years ago, they had more. We are cluttered with things that aren’t truth. It surrounds us.  It drives our culture. And it is not driving us to God.  It did drives us to a great gift of Our Lady’s presence, 33 years of apparitions, which tells us we are so far from truth and we lost it, having the Bible, which is God’s word, which is truth. That we have to come back and be reigned in, refocused and retuned into what truth is.  Anybody preceding just 10 years ago, not very long ago, would know what marriage is about. They would know the truth about that. And they would answer, just a very short while ago, how can that be? How can abomination enter into a marriage, because it can’t. It is not possible.


God made truth through procreation through man and a woman and there is no other way it can be. And yet we have the world trying to say otherwise, all over the place. So much so, it has made such normal inroads, that even those who are principled against it, say, “Well, I’m not for it, but, you know, if that is what people are going to do, so be it.” Or, “I don’t like it, but what am I going to do about it? You don’t know truth. You don’t know that this one sin is such a rebellion against God, that it has always ended in disaster for the culture and for the world, wherever it is propagated or just accepted.  And half the Christians, maybe even more than that, are just accepting that, including those in the Catholic Church. So we are lacking truth. The world today of electronics and computers and advancements is not truth.  Has it led us to truth? It hasn’t given to truth? The internet is so lacking in credibility, there is nothing you can trust on it. It is amazing what people have said about our mission. And people read it and believe it, because something like this is media, in print, makes people think it is true. Anybody can go on the internet and say anything they want to and give a slant on however they want to do it. Look What Happened While You Were Sleeping  was about this. So Our Lady is here to bring us the truth, to show us that you don’t have truth anymore. You don’t understand what truth is. And because of that, we have big, big problems in everything that we do, and everything we see and the right perspective.  And so Her messages are coming to give us the way, the light of who Her Son is.




Our Lady really is saying that it is important to get truth right.  In this message, it seems, because if you don’t get the right truth, the doors of eternal life won’t be open to you.  Do you see that in the message?




Well, that’s the problem. Many people are good. It’s like the Cardinal told me, “We have many good people, doing bad things.” People are descent, they have a good appearance, but their hearts are so dark and not that they are going down the road just doing so many bad things.  They are just empty.  And we are so empty because we don’t have God in us, we have the world in us, we have electronics in us, there is no room for God. There is no room for God in us because we are so filled with other things.  Our Lady said I am full.  She says, “With a full heart, I am asking you.” She has never said that before. The first thing that struck me was this is the first time I have every heard Our Lady say this. And She has only said the word we expected or what I expected, I looked for it. Even coming into the second sentence, I looked for it, but She didn’t say it.  Which is with a full heart of love, but She never says that. So what is Her heart full of? What is She saying? “with a full heart I am asking you, I am imploring you children: cleanse your hearts of sin and lift them up to God and to eternal life.”


What are we lifting to? What is our God? What are our idols that we are so untruth that we don’t even see it. We think the cell phones help us. We think the computers help us.  It doesn’t.  We just have a faster paced world, more busy and it is all a lie. It is a mirage.  It is an illusion. It is not real.  You say, well we can’t operate.  We do. We are an international mission.  We have 6 to 7 hours difference from Medjugorje.  We have three places over there.  We have the Mission House over there.  We have places all over, contacts we have across the world. We deal with things.  We have the most advance graphic design department.  We have our print shop.  We have the whole Tabernacle of Our Lady’s Messages, a whole factory, out producing and production of the messages than anybody else in the world. All of this without a cell phone. All of this without home computers.  All this without television or doing it with video. Because Our Lady is showing to be against these things. So don’t tell me you can’t operate without these things.  You can.  And, in fact, we are more efficient and we have more people following us and seeking us about what is going on with the messages and those insights because we are not cluttered by everything. Our heart aren’t filled with all things, they are filled, like Our Lady said of Her heart, a heart full.  Full of what?  Of a way of life.  Yes, we have struggles.  Yes, we have distractions. But one thing we recognize is that Our Lady showed us that we are empty handed when we came to Her. Our Lady, when I went through conversion, I thought I was going to Medjugorje full.  I wasn’t.  And yet, She has a full heart.  She has given me everything and She has given us in our hearts, Her Son. That is what She wants to place there.


So She wants to give you a heart, full, to be full-hearted. Of all the virtues, of charity, of everything that takes place. In conversion you have secrets.  There is such an intimacy, there is something so beautiful that you don’t want to share it, you want to keep it quiet, at least I did.  We want to keep things for ourselves.  Yet, I had nothing to give to Our Lady when She brought me to conversion. And now that you are filled, through your conversion, when you have someone who comes to you emptyhanded, what are you going to do for them? This is what Our Lady wants.  She wants a heart filled with Her Son.  And She told us, on February 2, 2015, “You are worth to work for Heaven.”  She is calling for this. For Her heart, the way it is filled, Her virtues, that you have the same.  That even though you came and you have nothing to give Our Lady, and yet She have to you, that you can pass your conversion on to another who comes to you empty handed. Would you let them come and give you nothing and then give them something of you? But because there is not enough of your time, you don’t want to do that, when Our Lady made time for you?




If I came to you empty handed
A barren ocean with nothing at all
And if I came to you empty hearted
Searching for pieces after the fall

All I’ve ever known is how to hide a secret
But I’m tired of going on without believing
That love is not illusion, love illuminates the blind

If I fell into you, would it be close enough?
If I finally let you in, would you show me what love is?
If I had nothing to give

If you came to me empty handed
I’d brave your ocean to bring you home
And if you came to me empty hearted
I’d find the pieces to make you whole

If I fell into you, would it be close enough?
If I finally let you in, would you show me what love is?
If I had nothing to give

If I am a promise, will you let me break again?
I will be your compass, I will only let you bend

All I’ve ever known is how to hide a secret
But I’m tired of going on without believing
That love is not illusion, love illuminates the blind

If I fell into you, would it be close enough?
If I finally let you in, would you show me what love is?
If I had nothing to give

If I had nothing to give




Our Lady said once, that She is still suffering. She referred that Jesus is still suffering. She said that “I have been with you through the centuries.” And She relayed that into Her difficulties, of how bitter that was sometimes for Her. Watching Her children on the earth, watching them go astray from Her Son. And you, sometimes, want to go through conversion and keep those sweet, cherished things and have your prayer time and everything and be selfish with your conversion. The purpose of that is to build cognition.  The purpose of the suffering through conversion, after you go through the honeymoon, is to help other people. Our Lady said your life does not belong to you but is to be spent to help others to eternal life. We are commanded to do that. Our Lady is making an investment in you. And don’t think you are free to go spend that investment without payback on dividends back to Her, bringing people to the Father. The message said that.


Therefore, my children, pray so that the Holy Spirit can lead you into truth, can help you to come to know it, and through that knowledge of the truth that you may be one with the Heavenly Father and with my Son.”


And that experience of you is to help others towards that, especially on the second of the month. That is what it is about. That you be those that bring those to know the love of God.




A couple of years ago, Our Lady gave a message where She said, “courage, little children, I decided to lead you on the way of holiness.”  And in today’s message, I just want to pull out just one part of the sentence where Our Lady says, “I am leading you on the way of true wisdom,” and just kind of putting the question out there for you.  For Our Lady to say, “I am leading you, it’s not speaking in the terms of like She’s just showing us something, it’s as if we’re going that way, regardless of whether we want to go that way or not.  For Our Lady to say, “I’m leading you,” it’s understandable if She says, “I’m showing you something,” I can choose to go that way or not go that way, but if Our Lady says, “I’m leading you,” it almost sounds, and I might be wrong, it almost sounds like we don’t have a choice.




You’re dead on. We don’t have a choice. We have a choice only this way.  We have a choice of invitation, and after the period of invitation is over, then we have the forced circumstances that we’re going to have to deal with and make a decision.  I’ve actually heard people say, well, I know this is going to happen, the economy is going to crash, these things and this and that, and I’ll deal with it when it comes.  Do you realize what you can do right now, just on a physical level, not even spiritual?  On a physical basis, on preparing yourself on how the future is going to be into “A New Way of Life,” what you can do in one day, may take you a year to do later. What you can do in five days may take you ten years to accomplish later.  Can you go get water?  Do you think everything is going to be fine and this economy system is going to be going as it is?  We have a judgement against it; don’t think it’s going to continue.  And so you can be on the path with Our Lady, you can be going this way, or you can go the other way, still on this road.  You’re just going the wrong direction.  Whatever we do, we’re on a path in life.


We’re sent to this earth for one reason and one reason alone.  It’s a test to see where you will spend eternal life. Yes, Our Lady wants us to be happy. She said that today, “That is the cognition which gives happiness on earth and open the door for eternal life and infinite love.”  Our Lady doesn’t want you to be running around being mopey and sad and depressed. Those are the results and the fruits of sin.  Why is one person in a wheelchair, happy and joyful, and the next is not?  Both of them are confined.  Our Lady gave a message once that said, “Pray before your work and pray at the end of your work. Why?  So, it can be blessed.  So, if one does that and another does the exact same work, same job, same position, same production, and they don’t pray in the morning and they don’t pray in the evening, is it the work, is it the decision that makes things change?  Whose more fruitful?  Why would they be fruitful?  Well, why would Our Lady say, pray before you work and afterwards so your work will be blessed?  When its blessed, what happens?  You get contentment.


Our Lady said today, “Do not permit all that is of this earth to distance you from the true cognition of contentment and communion with my Son.”  You’re more joyful.  You’ll have more production and fruit from it. And why would you not?  If you pray for it to be blessed, you pray before the work and after and you get a blessing and the person next to you does the same [work] and doesn’t [pray], it’s a given.  What does this tell us?  It tells us what Our Lady says today, “Do not waste time asking for signs.” Well, She said before, “Do not waste time.”  Our Lady said in a message on February 2, 2015, “Do not waste time thinking about whether you are worthy to be my apostles.”


March 18, 2015, today, “Do not waste time asking for signs to the Heavenly Father because He has already given you the greatest Sign, which is my Son.”  But don’t think Revelation chapter 12 doesn’t apply to this.  Our Lady puts Her Son first and Revelation says, “A great sign appeared in the sky, a Woman, clothed with the sun with the moon underneath her feet, twelve stars above her head.”  Our Lady appears with 12 stars above Her head.  If not now, when?  Our Lady appears and leaves in the light of the sun, Ivan says on the mountain.  If not now, when?   Our Lady is a great sign.  If not now, when?  We’ve never had any matches like this in the history of the world, and of course, since Christianity started 2,000 years ago, that Our Lady Herself is exactly coming to the T of Revelation chapter 12.  To do what?  To do battle with the dragon.  How? To raise up apostles of the latter days and that’s your position, that’s what you were waiting for, and you want to waste time? You want to go on your way? You want to continue the way you live?  Our Lady says, “now is a time of grace.”  You have a choice by invitation, or you have a choice by circumstances around your life falling and spinning out of control.  So, Our Lady wants you to quit living your life on the road you’re on.  She wants to change it that you start chasing Her Son. Her highway really is conversion that gives you the freedom to be with Her.  She’s with the wind. It’s like racing the wind.  She told us, “The wind is my sign. I will come in the wind. When the wind blows, know that I am with you. I am with you in the wind.  Do not be afraid.”  With Our Lady, you will never know what’s behind the bend.




On my highway, the yellow lines
Have disappeared from time to time
And I’ve wound up on the wrong side of the road
On my highway, I’ve gone too fast
Afraid that I might finish last
I hooked a curve too hard and lost control
Oh, I never know which way it’s gonna go


But what a feeling chasing the sun
Living my life like it’s shot from a gun
Laughing a little bit more with every mile
Oh, what a freedom racing the wind
Dying to know what’s around the next bend
And smiling as I watch the years roll by
I’m learning how to take it day by day, on my highway

On my highway, I missed some signs
On my highway, I’ve broken down
And cried when no one else was around
And prayed that God would save my soul
Yeah, I’ve paid a lot of heavy tolls

But what a feeling chasing the sun
Living my life like it’s shot from a gun
Laughing a little bit more with every mile
Oh, what a freedom racing the wind
Dying to know what’s around the next bend
And smiling as I watch the years roll by
I’m learning how to take it day by day, on my highway

Yeah, yeah
What a feeling out on the run
Drinking up the rain, soaking up the sun
Laughing a little bit more with every mile
Oh, what a freedom like a sail in the wind
Not looking back, not forgetting where I’ve been
Smiling as I watch the years roll by
And I’m moving on from my mistakes
And I’m learning how to take it day by day


On my highway
Oh, yeah




Our Lady’s imploring you to let Her lead you. “I am leading you on the way.”  So, you want your highway to be yours or do you want your highway to be Her path that She shows you, a path to true wisdom, contentment and communion with Her Son. And if you have that, no matter what the circumstances is, you can be in the joy of this life cause She asks that , “gives you the happiness on earth.”  She means that, She wants that for you.  Happy will be the day when things come to fulfillment. And we’re going to see that.  We’re racing towards it.  You can see everything in the messages is pointing to it.  Will you be satisfied with yourself that you did everything that you can to change your direction of your life?




I picked up one of your writings from my bookshelf this morning, just at random.  It was the Fallen Field Angel booklet, and I just connected with these words of Our Lady where She said, with a full heart, this is just an intriguing thing to contemplate and so I’m going to read just this one paragraph from your writing and I think you’ll see why I connect with this.  It says:


“What does satan look like? An Italian mystic, Maria Valtorta, who in the 1940’s write five volumes of visions she claimed she had of Christ’s life, describes seeing satan.  Our Lady has told Marija, one of the visionaries of Medjugorje that these books are good to read. Maria Valtorta wrote that one day in her bedroom, she was bedridden, the devil stayed in the corner staring at her.  He was so vile, dark, grotesque that even the imagination was not enough to grasp the thing’s ugliness. She said satan was bloated, full, sated and pulsating.  Later, when Jesus was present, she asked Him, why was he bloated?  And Jesus answered that it was his hour and that he was sated and full and pulsating with all the souls he was getting.”  So, with Our Lady saying She has a full heart, even as She’s imploring us to cleanse our hearts and keep lifting them up to God and being vigilant, is this a sign, and I think you actually said that at the beginning of the show, that She is winning, winning in hearts and Her fullness is a representation of having more souls coming to Her?




Our Lady says She feels in Her Heart the triumph because of your conversions.  So, She is full; She’s actually in the same position as Abraham—go find me 50 souls.  He couldn’t find 10 and Sodom was destroyed.  We have Our Lady coming to the earth, buying us time because one sign that was given was Mirjana’s sign, that she asked for, her watch ran backwards showing that Our Lady is here, not on more time because judgement was here in 1981 when Our Lady first appeared, but She backed-up time. We don’t deserve it.  We don’t deserve the mercy. On August 25, 2000, Our Lady said, “I desire to share my joy with you.  In my Immaculate Heart I feel there are many of those who have drawn closer to me and are, in a special way, carrying the victory of my Immaculate Heart in their hearts by prayer and converting.”  And She goes on to say, “I desire to thank you and inspire you to work even more for God and His Kingdom with love and the power of the Holy Spirit. I am with you, and I bless you with my Motherly blessing.”  She is filled and yet still has capacity for more conversions.  But also, it speaks to us of the fulfillment of Her mission coming here.


What does She have? Does She have a numerical  number of people that She needed converted that are going to be Her apostles in times approaching?  If you are filled up with something, that’s complete.  You might say, okay, you filled up my fuel tank, gasoline tank with gas in my car.  Once its full, you can’t put more in it. But you can go, [unintellible] your trip and complete it, at least the distance that a full tank of gas will go.  And so, this full heart explains to us that Her mission on earth is coming to a completion.  It is full. It’s in fullfillment of Her plan.  And yet, She continues to say, “I implore you. I need more. Don’t let this earth distance you from true cognition and communion with my Son.”  But we can see we’re not going to have Our Lady forever. And this race of time, when She says, more, “do not waste time,” speaks to us real clearly. And one thing we see is more and more the mercy that She brings in Her apparition each day for us to have something that the world doesn’t deserve.  Why?  Because its necessary. Because satan is so bloated, he pulsates, he’s evil, his cognition of evil is indelibly has marked all of us.  We’re all touched by it. And it’s amazing, I know the Holy Father just named a Year of Mercy. They’re going to start it December 8th. I think they finally made that official and yet, we have Divine Mercy. Someone asked me once, what does that mean?  What does Jesus’ mercy mean?


Sr. Faustina, the way I understood it one time when I was reading what she said, she didn’t say it this way, but I understood that people may think, and actually Maria Valtorta wrote in Poem of the Man-God, you think when someone dies or someone is unconscious, that that’s it, but you don’t know what happens at their death.  They still can get mercy.  They still can be presented to Jesus, “Will you accept me?”  They may have lived a life as a reprobate, but they might have just a little inkling of seeking forgiveness.  You don’t know. That’s why we can’t judge people’s souls.  You can judge their actions, you can say this is wrong culturally, its damaging for the culture, but we don’t know why people do what they do and in the end, that’s reserved for God’s judgement, alone.  You never go there. But you can judge sin and say and tell people you can’t do that or [stop sin from being] incorporated into law. We can stop that; we can fight that with all our heart and all our being.  But one thing we know, we’re in a time of mercy. And now we’ve got the Holy Father coming up to declare something on earth that the Scripture and Jesus Himself said, “Will be declared in Heaven.”  The Pope says it, then it’s accepted in Heaven.


And so, we’ve got this mercy coming.  I know when I went through my conversion, sometimes Christ was too much for me.  You might say, how could that be?  When I was in my early business, I had bought my third piece of property. It was 20 acres with two major tributaries on it, a beautiful piece of property.  I made a real low offer. It was accepted and when I took that phone call, I walked outside and I told Christ, “Who am I?  What are You doing?  I’m just a sinner. Why are You so good to me?”  And I remember saying, “I don’t understand You, Jesus. Who am I that You do this?”  I was actually arguing against why He would give this, at this ridiculous offer, and it was, still I am in disbelief of it and of the many blessings far more greater than that has come afterwards.  And so, it’s difficult to understand, how rich like me or you, can receive the mercy we receive, yet, He’s been so good to me. I had no merit to be blessed that way.  And no, I don’t understand because Jesus was killing my ego with His mercy.



What are You doing, Lord
Kneeling in front of me?
I feel indignant, Lord
That You’d ever wash my feet
I’ll never let You see the dark and dirty
It’s just too much for me
I know who You are

And I know where I have been
It offends me, Lord
That Your knees are bent
I’d rather You be strong and make me pay
But this is too much for me

You’re killing me with mercy, I can’t breathe
You’re wrecking me with Your kindness, I can’t receive
What am I supposed to do with a God so humble?
It’s breaking me
It’s crushing me, ooh

I’d draw a sword for You
I said I’d fight unto the death
I’d lose it all for You
I swore I’m not like the rest
But then the cock crows and I’ve let You down
I can’t face You now
I can’t face You now

You’re killing me with mercy, I can’t breathe
You’re wrecking me with Your kindness, I can’t receive
What am I supposed to do with a God so humble?
It’s breaking me
It’s crushing me

I’m a fragile stone
I’m a vow that’s broken
I’m a rock that’s crumbled at Your feet
I’m a fragile stone
I’m a vow that’s broken
I’m a rock that’s crumbled at Your feet
But You still want me
You say my love is real
Though my love is weak
You still believe the vows I make, I break, I make, I break
You still want me

You’re killing me with mercy, I can’t breathe
You’re wrecking me with Your kindness
I can’t receive
What am I supposed to do with a God so humble?
I’ll just believe
And let You love me




Sometimes we can look at God and say, “I don’t deserve to be forgiven.” This is despair. This is demeaning and lowering the value of His Son and the price He paid to redeem you.


So, you can never go that way in thinking what this song says, but you can go with what I was saying about my story, because it’s your story. We don’t merit anything. We deserve nothing. We’re only doing our duty, everything we do. And even in the “Prayer for the Abode of God,” where we say here every day in a consecration, “If I labor for eternity, I still could not merit anything.” “I’m naked, weak and wretched.” When you get that attitude, and you understand that, we deserve nothing, and the great blessings of just being able to walk or just being able to live and the opportunity we have to be spending eternity with God. It’s thinking time. It’s time to realize, we’ve made a mess of everything. This world is serious trouble as never before, or only compared to Noah and the Flood when the whole world was destroyed. Because I can tell you, the whole world is about to be destroyed as it operates and as it has continued for the last decades going downhill. But a new world will rise, a springtime, a Pentecost—a second Pentecost. The question is, do you want to be a part of it?




In those words that you just spoke, I know that you’ve written about this a number of times before, particularly I’m thinking, what comes to mind, is in How to Change Your Husband. You wrote about, there would be a time that would come when fatherhood would be raised up, and that God would come, I guess the word would be, in vindication, so to speak. And you’ve mentioned before in other broadcasts, these messages to Mirjana, Our Lady speaks so much about the Father—the Heavenly Father. And just not knowing the future and not knowing about March 18th and what that means, do you think it’s significant that this feast day, that this day, which is a feast day, going to be a feast day in the future of some type, is on the vigil of the feast of St. Joseph? I know that you’ve before, in the past, had said, you know, Our Lady would come, She would certainly bring honor to St. Joseph and fatherhood as well, just because of that tie of the Holy Family.


So, with all of this being said, I guess the question is, is what kind of vindication is going to happen? Is it going to be illumination? Is it going to just be that things are going to just get so bad that the family will have to go back to its structure to survive? Is there going to be an event? What do you think is going to happen, or how do you think that it’s going to take place, that vindication of fatherhood, especially with everything you’ve been talking about on the latest broadcasts of what’s going on in the world, particularly in Alabama, but where do you think all of this is going with the father?




A return to truth. You can’t suppress truth. You can’t legislate it away. You can only slow it and bury it and try to keep it there. But it comes back out of the tomb of the death you built for it. It resurrects. It comes out of the heart. It’s indelibly written on every man. Even the people that are the most base end up being civilized. They know of a God. They may not know His name, but it’s within their hearts.


And so, we know when we do wrong. It’s intuitively. We even can see this in children. I see it in my grandson, little Tony. He’ll go do something, and he’ll look at me when he’s not supposed to be touching some statues in the house. He’s seeing if it’s okay. He’s teasing me. And he’s got reason, and he’s not but eight months old, or seven months old. But it’s a remarkable thing, if you take study of the human nature of even a child, that they know they’ve been told before not to do that, that they’ll look back at you at that little age, and one look will stop it.


And so, we know truth, and we try to hide it. We try to pretend that we can change truth, make it into something else. You will lose all of you, what you’re trying to do legislatively, what you’re trying to make this nation into, what you’re trying to make the culture into. You’re on the losing side. We are winning, even if we’re defeated, even if you win ten more cases. You are doomed.


Why do you want to do that? Why can’t you convert? Why can’t you change? The biblical mandates, the principles, have never been proven wrong. Truth never is. And truth can be suppressed, but it always resurrects. And that’s our hope.


And so, fatherhood’s going to rise. Our Lady has been coming for 33 years, everything pointing to the Father. And don’t think She just only means God the Father. Jesus Christ had a father. He was God. And the father in the home is greatly diminished, demeaned, the idiot on Hollywood, the brunt of all jokes. And I did write in How to Change Your Husband that the coming thing in the culture, in society, is the rise of fatherhood, because that’s a return to truth. You may not like it. You may think, as a wife, you’re on par with his authority. It’s not so. You don’t understand that. Get the CD that we did on the January 25th show, I think it was, that talked about, I hurt myself when I hurt you. It’s caustic, but truth is always caustic.


And so, yes, Our Lady’s pointing to the Father. She wants us to understand how She submits to the Father, to St. Joseph. It’s the feast day. What was Her relationship when She was told to go to Egypt?


“Well, Joseph, I’m the Virgin Mary. I’m immaculate. You’re not.”


She didn’t argue, because he had authority over Her. This small creature of a man compared to the Virgin Mary, Who no angels amounted into the millions—whatever number they are—in Heaven, and all the saints of the Church, and all the saints and all the people in Heaven today, don’t equal Her stature in Who She is and the Vessel that’s been filled with grace because of Her goodness and Her virtue and as a purely human being of what God’s risen up to be.


And so, we have to realize this world is underneath a mandate, because we don’t have God living in the house anymore. The father’s killed. He’s diminished. His authority is challenged, not only from his wife, often, but from kids, the very children.


So, when the world came under judgment—because we’ve gone toward materialism—September 11, 2001 was a symbol of the sign of the world’s financial strength was attacked, and it was at that point the world began to changing. Nineteen men knocked down two towers, and we’ve been spinning out of control ever since. And one thing after another’s been hit this way.


And so, where satan lives, God does not.




In the beginning, we stood on the shore, sang hallelujah, gave thanks to the Lord. Long time forgotten what that all stood for. God don’t live here no more.

Our country was strong, safe and secure. We trusted our neighbors. The kids played next door. White picket fences gave way to dead-bolted doors. God don’t live here no more.

The towers are burnin’. The seeds have been sown. Can’t blame the devil. We did it all on our own. We’re down in the valley, tattered and torn. God don’t live here no more.

The lessons they taught us they don’t teach no more. People are hungry, jobless and poor. A self-righteous nation showed Him the door. Now God don’t live here no more.

The towers are burnin’. The seeds have been sown. Can’t blame the devil. We did it all on our own. We’re down in the valley, tattered and torn. ‘Cause God don’t live here no more.

Here in the ending, we stand alone on the shore. And I’ll keep on praying, but I’m not sure what for.

God don’t live here no more. God don’t live here no more. God don’t live here…



[COC ]

Our Lady mentioned the word “…contentment…” in here message today, and I didn’t run a search on this, so I don’t know if She’s ever used that word before, but I don’t think so.


And my question is, contentment is something different than happiness. It’s a far cry from thrilling or exciting. So, why is contentment more desirable for us to have, in a spiritual sense, then even happiness?




Whether you’re inheriting bad fruit from sins and bad decisions throughout your life or you’re inheriting good fruit from living in grace, we’re always supposed to be content. If the economy crashes, and you’re not guilty of anything or contributing to certain things, or in debt, and you suffer for it, God expects, God teaches to be content. Whatever circumstance I find myself, since I’ve gone through conversion, the first thing I seek is be content with the circumstances. There’s nothing I can do. I can’t change it, to accept those things I can’t change.


And so, once you do that, you’re in a proper disposition to stay in a state of grace or return to a state of grace, if you’re in sin, by Confession.


Contentment is everything. A man who has contentment lives joy, even in the midst of suffering, pain, loss, gain, happiness, whatever it is. Contentment is the key to the spiritual life.


We have such discontentment in what people have in their very body and how God created them, that they’re going to plastic surgeons. Widespread in the Church. This is a sin. This is a big, big sin, because you’re telling God, “I’m not satisfied with how You made me look or who I am.” And don’t think you can do that without this being mortal to you, because it’s not easy to reverse it, and if you come to contrition, you realize it’s grave, what can you do about it? You go back and get plastic surgery and come back the way you used to look?


People don’t know truth anymore. It’s elusive. They’re looking for something by changing what God designed and the circumstances He put you in. You may be poor. You may never have anything. You may never have that, but there are plenty of people poor that’s happy. Welfare, all this socialism that’s going on in the United States of America is discontentment and greed.


So, you’re rich if you’re content because you have joy, and you’re happy. Our Lady said in this message, in the same message that says, “…contentment…” at the end of it, the “…happiness on earth…” That’s poor people, rich people, everybody. Be content!


“…[this] is the cognition which gives happiness on earth…”


There’s something to be said about that because February 2, 2014, Our Lady said,


“…I desire that by fasting and prayer you obtain from the Heavenly Father the cognition of what is natural and holy…”


What is natural? What does She mean by that? The definition of “natural” pertains to nature,


“produced by, affected by nature or by the laws of growth, formation, or motion impressed on the bodies of beings by Divine Power”


The cognition She wants to give you, She’s giving you the difficulties, the experiences that’s impressed on your very being by divine power. Isn’t that incredible?


So, She used the word,


“…cognition [with] what is natural and holy – [and] Divine…”


And “natural” is defined as something by divine power. Most of us don’t catch that. This word “cognition” has just sprung up out of nowhere. She speaks more and more of it. It’s a divine power behind it. And what does She call for today? “…cleanse your [heart] of sin…”


May 2, 2011, Our Lady said,

“…I desire to help you to be free of the dirtiness of the past and to begin to live anew…”


That’s where we need to go, all of us.


All of us have our scars. We have everything from our past, and God’s called us to do something that the Heavenly Father gives us that is natural and holy and Divine. That’s what Her messages are about. You’re not going to accept them? Are you catching how serious the moments are? Are you being flippant about the messages and what She’s given to us? You’ll be alone, or you can feel alone and know that you’re not alone, because Our Lady said, today, “…I am leading you…”


If She’s leading you, then you’re following Her, and you’re not alone. Our Lady said,


March 2, 2015

“…I…am with you…”


This means you’re not alone, although you may think so. Our Lady said today,


“…be one with the Heavenly Father…”


Our Lady is your strength, and you are Her strength.


Our Lady’s leading you, and She goes before you. She will never leave you, and you have solace of that through Her messages.




When I walk through deep waters, I know that You will be with me. When I’m standing in the fire, I will not be overcome.

Through the valley of the shadow, I will not fear.

I am not alone. I am not alone. You will go before me. You will never leave me. I am not alone. I am not alone. You will go before me. You will never leave me.

In the midst of deep sorrow, I see Your light is breaking through. The dark night will not overtake me. I am pressing into You.

Lord, You fight my every battle, and I will not fear.

I am not alone. I am not alone. You will go before me. You will never leave me. I am not alone. I am not alone. You will go before me. You will never leave me.

You amaze me, redeem me. You call me as Your own. You amaze me, redeem me. You call me as Your own. You amaze me, redeem me. You call me as Your own. You amaze me, redeem me. You call me as Your own.

You’re my strength. You’re my defender. You’re my refuge in the storm. Through these trials You’ve always been faithful. You bring healing to my soul.

I am not alone. I am not alone. You will go before me. You will never leave me. I am not alone. I am not alone. You will go before me. You will never leave me.

I am not alone. No, I am not alone. You will go before me. You will never leave me. I am not alone. I am not alone. You will go before me. You will never leave me.

I am not alone. No, I am not alone. You will go before me. You will never leave me. I am not alone. I am not alone. You will go before me. You will never leave me.




I can say with a full heart, with a desire in following Our Lady, that there is an opportunity in front of you. I want you to be saved. I want you to experience that through Her messages. Don’t lie to yourself rationalizing wrong is right. It’s not worth it.


Jakov said of those who go to hell, “It’s the ultimate waste,” because they didn’t have to go there. So, what is that opportunity?


February 2, 2014, Our Lady says, of that opportunity,


“…I desire that, in your actions as my apostles, you be exact, resolute, and above all sincere…”


You be open for blessing.


“…Filled with cognition, under the shelter of my Son and myself, you will be my apostles…”


So, the opportunity, is you can be an apostle of Our Lady, or you can be an apostle of satan, because those who go to hell become that on earth. And if you want to spend eternity with Our Lady, accept Her invitation.


On behalf of the whole Community, we offer you this and pray for you for that.


We wish you Our Lady. We love you. Good night.



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4 thoughts on “Woman of Revelation Series: Are You An Apostle of satan?”

  1. Country: Mexico
    The answer is yes, but I do not want to. I want to be an apostle of Our Lady but so far I only got people to go away and made them angry with the Church and with God. Help !! Please pray for this situation to change. Come Oh Holy Spirit of God !!!

  2. City: Lake City
    State: Florida
    Country: United States
    Thank you Friend of Medjugorje. You gave me a blueprint on how to lead my life in truth on a path which leads to eternal life. I intend to listen to this broadcast often and use the downloaded transcript to bring myself and more importantly others to Our Lady and Jesus. I want to be her apostle of truth and not an apostle of satan and his lies. God bless you and the Caritas community. With love and great thankfulness, Susan

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4 thoughts on “Woman of Revelation Series: Are You An Apostle of satan?”

  1. Country: Mexico
    The answer is yes, but I do not want to. I want to be an apostle of Our Lady but so far I only got people to go away and made them angry with the Church and with God. Help !! Please pray for this situation to change. Come Oh Holy Spirit of God !!!

  2. City: Lake City
    State: Florida
    Country: United States
    Thank you Friend of Medjugorje. You gave me a blueprint on how to lead my life in truth on a path which leads to eternal life. I intend to listen to this broadcast often and use the downloaded transcript to bring myself and more importantly others to Our Lady and Jesus. I want to be her apostle of truth and not an apostle of satan and his lies. God bless you and the Caritas community. With love and great thankfulness, Susan

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