March 23, 2023
Special World Report

Will You Let Them Surround Your House?

[Podcast] Only for Adults (26 Minutes) – What happens when man decides to make his own creation and not create for God? A Friend of Medjugorje talks about all of this and where it leads to the pinnacle of all sins – and how to deal with it.

Episode Transcript


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This broadcast is only for adults.



This is a Special World Report with a Friend of Medjugorje.



The following is taken from a writing called, The Continuing Creation, by Yevet Crandell Tenney. The writing begins,

“Each one of us has talents and God-given abilities that we can use to bless the lives of others. We have a divine mission to perform.

“Church leader Thomas Monson said, ‘God left us the world unfinished for man to work his skill upon. He left the electricity in the cloud, the oil in the earth. He left the rivers unbridged and the forests unfelled and the cities unbuilt. God gives to man the challenge of raw materials, not the ease of finished things. He leaves the pictures unpainted and the music unsung and the problems unsolved, that man might know the joys and glories of creation.’

Yevet continues,

“God used six days to create the earth. First, God solved the problem of darkness. Then, He divided the water in the air from the water on the land. Next, He divided the water and the dry land. He put seeds in the ground and made them grow. He then put animals on the earth.

“Finally, He made male and female and gave them dominion over the whole earth. He didn’t put man on the earth in the darkness and say, ‘Work things out.’

“God didn’t just throw the world together and say, ‘That is good enough for those who will dwell here.’ No, He saw that it was good.

“There is not a word to describe how wonderful His work was. He gave His best to the last detail, and He was satisfied with His labors.

“We, as His children, are expected to follow His example.

“Part of multiplying and replenishing the earth has to do with continuing creation. God started His creation with a master plan, and He worked His plan to the last atom of the last cell. He is a God of order, not of chaos.

“Humans’ intricate theories about the creation fall apart under the lens of the Bible story. Order is the overriding theme of the creation. Big bangs and jumping DNA from one species to another tend to shatter the concept of order. Not align them in magnificent order and supreme precision.

“The workings of the world as God created them are still patterns of order. Babies still go through the same growing process. Animals are never born full-grown. Seeds still produce the intended outcome. Seasons still follow the same patterns.

“Chaos has never been able to produce that kind of repeating order. Even mankind becomes creators as they seek to bring order to paintings, poetry, sculptures and other works of art. They do not just throw the paint on the canvas and say, ‘Behold, the Mona Lisa.” Man, like God, finds satisfaction in creating something of value, and the effort he exerts in the creative process makes all the difference.

“Creativity begins with formulating a plan. ‘What will we need? What will be the first step? The second step? What will the final product look like? Will it work the way the creation was planned?’

“Creativity, in effect, is bringing things together that exists in the chaos, and putting them into meaningful order to make something useful or beautiful. And the creation is most effective when it makes a difference in someone else’s life.

“Farmers know the gratification of clearing a piece of land and planting seeds in a certain order. As they watch it grow and produce, it gives a feeling of satisfaction. If they share their harvest, it is even more meaningful.”


Our Lady gave a message on January 25, 1997:

“Dear children! I invite you to reflect about your future…”

A lot of people are thinking about their future right now.

Day by day, our future is getting darker and darker!

Our Lady continues, after She said, “reflect about your future,”

“…You are creating a new world without God, only with your own strength and that is why you are unsatisfied and without joy in the heart…”

What you just heard read, Yevet, she wrote also this, which is what Our Lady said

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“…world without God, only with your own strength and that is why you are unsatisfied and without joy in the heart…”

She went on in saying, in what was read earlier, quote:

“I wonder if much of this dissatisfaction and emotional illness in our society comes from the lack of creativity and not using the inbred creative abilities that God gave us. The more we are consumers instead of creators, the more frustrated we become.”

This is incredible that what she writes is exactly what Our Lady is talking about and its worth to say this again about your future.

“… you are creating a new world without God, only with your own strength and that is why you are unsatisfied and without joy in your heart…” after She said the more frustrated, we become. She adds to that, “…we need to continue God’s creation by using the materials He has mercifully provided to us…”

In Genesis, chapter one, verse 29, it says:

“Then God said I give you every bearing plant on the face of the whole world and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.”

So, we have two things to speak to you from this writing from Yevet, while man is unsatisfied and Our Lady has talked about unsatisfied, not having any joy. Our Lady said, March 25, 2019:

“Dear children, this is a time of grace. Decide for God. In Nature seek God who created you because nature speaks and fights for life and not for death…”

What man is doing now is changing God’s nature, making it a creation of man, void of God and how God intended nature to live. Nature is fighting for life.

October 25, 2022

“…Mankind has decided to die…”

We are doing very wicked things right now. It’s all in the grocery stores, Wal-Mart, all these places. Its GMO. We’re not satisfied. We want to be God. We don’t want to just accept what Genesis says, “Every seed-bearing plant from the face of the whole world, every tree, they will be your food.”

Food is about making money. GMO is getting more crops, that’s the motivation. I heard a doctor recently on the radio say GMO is so bad because your body was not made for that kind of food. It’s very damaging to your heart causing a lot of sicknesses.

Almost everything now, if you look at the ingredients, is GMO. Yevet made incredible points that God gave man the earth to propagate in harmony with Creation. The alterations of crops today, to improve the production, through GMO, is not God’s way.

God’s way was to improve the production for what man was growing, through the basis of selection of the seeds of the plant that grew the best and was healthy. That’s God’s way.

Man has not accepted that. He’s greedy. That’s what happens when you chase the dollar, not God, and you start creating transgenics.

Everything today is “trans.” What God gave, what it’s supposed to be, man is changing everything. For thousands of years the basis of selection of your best seeds was from the best plants that you grew. But we’re throwing all that away. We don’t want God’s way. And when that happens, you get a world like what we have now.

August 25, 2015, Our Lady said:

“..the world is at a moment of trial..”

If you go to the courthouse for a trial, there’s going to be a verdict. She says:

“..the world is in a moment of trial because it forgot and abandoned God..”

The Judge above the earth, the gavel is dropping with the verdict, “Guilty.”

Isaiah 1 verse 19 says:

“If you are willing and obedient you will eat the good things of the land.”

We are not eating good things. We have to work the way Creation was planned. When you go a different direction, chaos replaces order.

Our Lady has said many times, “Creator.” How many times did She say that? She said it 28 times. Our Lady said the word “creature,” 17 times.

Do you know how many times Our Lady said “Creation”? There’s a big story behind that. So, She said 17 with “creature,” 28 with “Creator,” we know “Creation” is going to be said many times.

When Marija was here in 1988, at midnight, December 25th, Christmas, I was privileged, I was the first person in the world outside of Marija, to get the 25th message. I’m not saying this because it happened in our home and I was the first one to hear it, that this one, to me, is one of the most beautiful messages.

She says:

“Dear children, I call you to peace. Live it in your heart all around you.”

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That’s what we’re talking about right now, the whole world, nature. So, going back to the words,

“…live it in your heart and all around you so that all will know peace, peace which does not come from you but from God.”

And then at the end of the message She says:

“today, I give you my special blessing. Bring it to all Creation so that all Creation will know peace.”

Having that said here, how many times has Our Lady said, “Creation,” over 41 years? You just heard it. Just two times. Only one time here. “Creation so that all Creation will know peace.”

Our Lady was laying out a plan here of Creation. Christmas Eve going into Christmas Day, at midnight, I was intrigued with this:

“Today, I give you my Special Blessing. Bring it to all Creation so that all Creation will know peace.”

I was thinking, what was I supposed to do? How do you give Our Lady’s Special Blessing to all Creation? I’ll tell you what I did. I went outside and I started making crosses on my trees in front of my house, at midnight. It was mystical. It was profound.

And Our Lady was making a point “here,” by not saying something over 41 years, “Creation,” because She had a plan here and She’s creating. We are strong on teaching and promoting an agrarian way of life and people who come here, they feel peace and that’s what Our Lady said, “so that all Creation will know peace.”

“But, man is creating a new world without God, only with his strength,” and now look where we are right now. Everything is being changed.

We started off genetically, modifying the seeds that God gave us. But we’ve crossed a line. And once you do that, where do you go from there? Our Lady says, January 25th, 2023,

“the future is at a crossroads because modern man does not want God.”

What is he doing? satan hates not only the world, but the whole universe. Think about the galaxies, trillions of stars. Of all things that God did, all the beauty He did, God’s greatest Creation, the number one thing, yes, of all the galaxies, animals, the earth, everything, God’s crowning glory was the Creation of Adam and Eve. That’s the greatest thing He ever did. Why? Because man was created in His image. Nothing is above a man.

So, what is satan’s plan? He wants to destroy God’s greatest Creation. Its only logical that he wants to corrupt the male and female. They want to change the boy to be a girl, and a girl, a boy. “You are creating a new world without God.” You’re putting a fist in front of God’s face. And this is satan’s plan.

It’s not for satan just to change the seeds in the plants. He’s not satisfied with that. He’s got to reverse God’s greatest, most perfect creatures reversing what God has made.

The world, right now, is underneath a mandate from satan. And we better stand up to it. Why? Because it’s not enough for these people, the abominables, the LG group, they would never be satisfied until you become that and you accept their ways.

And I’m talking about every single people on the planet. That’s their plan. Just five people left on the earth against that, they’d still want them to change. Why? Because it’s a truth of what God made, not what satan has made.

The setting in Sodom is this. They were not satisfied. All of Sodom had to be what they were. In Genesis 19 it says:

“Before they had gone to bed, all the men of every part of the city of Sodom,”

not part, not 80%, not by 90%, almost 100%.

“Every part of the city of Sodom, both young and old, surrounded the house.”

Whose house? Lots. Could you imagine that? Sodom wasn’t that small. They surrounded his house which is exactly what they want to do with you now; they want your kids. They want this mandate, that they demand that if they don’t do it, they’re always convicted they’re wrong.

“From every part of the city of Sodom, both young and old, surrounded the house. They called to Lot. Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have relations with them.”

Let me tell you people. These people are not going to stop. Their agenda is to get everybody down to kindergarten, if they think they’re a boy or girl or a boy can be with a boy—it’s not going to decrease. Its increasing.

Florida just passed that they cannot have the LGB history month for the studying in the schools. And you can’t put rainbow stickers on your books. We’re talking about kindergarten, grammar school.

Because what they’re doing in Florida and other places across the United States, they want to have LGB history months. They are saying that kids all the way down to kindergarten are being taught to change their gender. Jesus said in the Bible,

“Any of them who lead the little ones away better for them to have a rope around their neck tied to a millstone and thrown into the river.”

That is how serious it is, Jesus said.

Do you know what just happened in Australia? Cardinal Pell had died, it was his funeral, at a Catholic Church. The abominables put rainbow ribbons on the Church fence, right there at the Church, where they are inside with Mass going on. And these people were there with signs about it and word got around.

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A bunch of Christians came up in front of the Church and started beating them up, throwing them down to the ground. The police were trying to protect the abominables from the Christians. Mass is going on and their screaming and these guys were mad. And I support that.

You may think, uh-oh, what is a Friend of Medjugorje saying? When do we do something? When do we stand up? I was going up Apparition Hill to the apparition for Mary at a prayer group. When you get up to the top, then you take a right going to the statue. There was a guy there setting up a table there with souvenir things to sell.

Three Croatian guys tell them to get off the mountain. He wouldn’t do it. They turned the table up-side-down and his souvenirs went everywhere. They beat him up. They had their fists in his face when the guy started resisting them.

Do you know what happened? The guy left. I’m for that. I was disgusted when he was setting that up. I watched that. What in the world are they doing now? You know what? To this day, I haven’t seen anybody doing that again.

How can I be for that? How can I be for beating up these other people right in front of the church doing that? I’m wrong? Then you insult Jesus Christ. Jesus in the Temple, the Bible says, He fashioned a whip and He was mad! And He never sinned.

And He went through the Temple and the Bible says it. He turned all the tables up-side-down. You know what He did with the people? He beat them! ‘Cause it says, He beat them, chasing them out of the Temple. And you’re telling me, were going to just sit back, accept these rainbow ribbons on the church fence?

The police were trying to protect the abominables. Why? Why would you do that? These people are wicked, they’re molesting kids in their hearts and in their minds. These people are not there for a protest. They’re there to grow the LG numbers. They’re aggressive. They’re putting it in the schools.

And we’re just going to let that happen? What was said today about this, Florida, that the parents are not to be knowing about what they are teaching in the schools. That they don’t have the right to protect their children. They’re fighting this. If we keep let this going and we don’t stand up and we don’t let them know we’re not going to stand for this, they’re going to be surrounding your house because they know they’re guilty until they’ve got everybody respecting them.

There is no respect for this, this is vile, its wicked, its straight from the devil. If you see a kid be molested, you going to do something? You going to attack that person? This is molesting and I tell you, you better start standing up for it because this is not going to go away. You have a duty to stop this and if you don’t, they will turn against you if you don’t stand up for God’s order.

Some of you out there may say, I’m shocked what a Friend of Medjugorje is saying cause Our Lady just said, March 18, 2023:

“I am calling you through prayer and mercy.”

How about that, Friend of Medjugorje? Our Lady is saying “mercy” and you say you’re going to come down harder on these people.

It’s mercy. Show them wrong. Make them be scared. That’s mercy! You’re not giving them mercy by letting them do what they’re doing. Our Lady is saying,

“I’m calling you through prayer and mercy to come to know my Son, to learn and to listen with a..”

Do you know what the next word is? “Pure.” We’ve all sinned. We’ve not always been perfect but this impurity that what we’re talking about, Our Lady is asking us for:

“…to learn to listen with a pure and open heart to listen to what my Son is saying to you in order…”

See, that’s the opposite of chaos:

“…to come to see spiritually..”

You’re not going to change these people until you confront them in a very, very strong way, just like the guy on the mountain. That guy never came back. I recognized him. I knew who he was. He never did it again. He got spiritual.

Those people in Australia, the Trans and LBGs were screaming to police, get us out of here, get us out of here. Go check it out. They had an awakening up.

What we need is an awakening up, to give mercy by confronting these people. Stand up to it. Go to the school meetings. Stop it. And in this same message I’m quoting, Our Lady says:

“..Bear witness to the truth with your life, together with my Son..”

Now who is that Son? He was the Guy in the Temple beating them out of the Temple:

“together with my Son who can only bring peace, joy and love to all your brothers.”

We’re headed towards the 25th, this Saturday. Be praying for Our Lady’s words because you’re experiencing live history of the salvation of the world. We have on our site right now, the schedule for going to Medjugorje. These are the last apparitions on earth. I encourage you. Go there. You will never regret it. And if you don’t, you will regret the greatest time since Christ walked the earth.

[BVM/Caritas Pilgrimage Commercial]

This year, why not visit the village that is changing the entire world? Medjugorje. Think about it. If you could combine every single event that occurred in Washington DC, New York, Paris, London and every other place in the world it would be dwarfed with the event of one single day in Medjugorje.

The Blessed Mother, Mary Mother of Christ, comes to the earth, blesses the whole world with Her presence and speaks to heal a broken world with advising words which She says are conveyed directly from God.

You can be a part of one of the most important events in the history of the Creation. Pilgrimage to Medjugorje and you will obtain everything and more of what you’re heart longs for. Call 205-672-2000, ext. 218.

You’re listening to RadioWave with a Friend of Medjugorje.

[A Friend of Medjugorje]

Support this mission. Pray for it. We have a heavy weight. Our life is February 25, 1988. I’ve said it many times before that one message, our mantra: “Sacrifice your life for the salvation of the world.”

With that, we’ll be praying for you. Support this mission. We’re expanding faster than what the funds that comes in and we’re doing it because we have to because we know the secrets are coming. There are a lot of things we’re working on. If you have a cup of coffee, sacrifice that if that’s all you can give, send it in. We have to expand into new areas. We wish you Our Lady, we love you, goodnight.

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Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!

See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

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4 thoughts on “Will You Let Them Surround Your House?”

  1. Leedell Scott

    City: Houston
    State: Texas
    Country: United States
    I think this Meme says oh sooo much for today’s “Merciful Christian” in allowing abominable sin into churches.
    Special Blessings
    Leedell a loyal follower of Everything Caritas is doing and spreading. I pray for and ask prayer to have the same moral courage and resolve as the whole community of Caritas and especially A Friend Of Medjugorje.


  2. Stephen Williams

    City: Coopersburg
    State: PA
    Country: United States
    Yes, we must stand up against the LGBTQ agenda, especially in our schools! On another note: do you think the Northern Lights that we just experienced this week are an omen of a pending war/punishment from God, as was the case in 1938, when these Northern Lights were an omen for the start of WWll?

  3. City: Hancock
    State: Michigan
    That was a very informative radio wave show. We need to stand up with our cross in our hands and stop being afraid to offend those people. They look to hurt you by making you believe in their lifestyle. By pushing it on your children and young adults. Time to fight back!! Christians everywhere need to stand together and fight back!! God bless you all Amen

  4. City: Lake City
    State: Florida
    Country: USA
    Dear Friend of Medjugorje, Thank you for your courage and your convictions. The persecution is coming driven by our inaction of letting the line in the sand be crossed without the consensus of the majority. By the silence of our shepherds in the churches, and our politicians duly elected, we are allowing the minority to rule our lives. Today, Christians should be praising God for revealing His Word so people can hold Him in awe, obey Him and have the hope of salvation that God promises for those who keep His Word. God’s Word is a great treasure worth going into battle to obtain. While love of God is an inward emotion, it can only be seen in our actions. In our world today, Christians are persecuted in ways different from the past. However, we still need to have the same love for God’s Word in the Bible and stand up and battle against the transgenderization of our world, and God’s creation Man. This will not end good unless we do as Our Blessed Mother says “Pray incessantly, Fast, Do Penance and Battle against satan in our word and in our actions. God bless Caritas of Birmingham and you, Susan

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4 thoughts on “Will You Let Them Surround Your House?”

  1. Leedell Scott

    City: Houston
    State: Texas
    Country: United States
    I think this Meme says oh sooo much for today’s “Merciful Christian” in allowing abominable sin into churches.
    Special Blessings
    Leedell a loyal follower of Everything Caritas is doing and spreading. I pray for and ask prayer to have the same moral courage and resolve as the whole community of Caritas and especially A Friend Of Medjugorje.


  2. Stephen Williams

    City: Coopersburg
    State: PA
    Country: United States
    Yes, we must stand up against the LGBTQ agenda, especially in our schools! On another note: do you think the Northern Lights that we just experienced this week are an omen of a pending war/punishment from God, as was the case in 1938, when these Northern Lights were an omen for the start of WWll?

  3. City: Hancock
    State: Michigan
    That was a very informative radio wave show. We need to stand up with our cross in our hands and stop being afraid to offend those people. They look to hurt you by making you believe in their lifestyle. By pushing it on your children and young adults. Time to fight back!! Christians everywhere need to stand together and fight back!! God bless you all Amen

  4. City: Lake City
    State: Florida
    Country: USA
    Dear Friend of Medjugorje, Thank you for your courage and your convictions. The persecution is coming driven by our inaction of letting the line in the sand be crossed without the consensus of the majority. By the silence of our shepherds in the churches, and our politicians duly elected, we are allowing the minority to rule our lives. Today, Christians should be praising God for revealing His Word so people can hold Him in awe, obey Him and have the hope of salvation that God promises for those who keep His Word. God’s Word is a great treasure worth going into battle to obtain. While love of God is an inward emotion, it can only be seen in our actions. In our world today, Christians are persecuted in ways different from the past. However, we still need to have the same love for God’s Word in the Bible and stand up and battle against the transgenderization of our world, and God’s creation Man. This will not end good unless we do as Our Blessed Mother says “Pray incessantly, Fast, Do Penance and Battle against satan in our word and in our actions. God bless Caritas of Birmingham and you, Susan

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