Country: Mexico
Our Lady has guided us to a new life and we have her helping us to opening our hearts at such a degree that we can feel the joy of heaven working and praying and fasting etc, etc. Thanks to AFOM and the Caritas community for supporting world’s conversion with your prayers and your work. The ongoing collapse is a purifying gift from God and for us is also the revelation of the new life we have already received through Our Lady´s messages. Thanks a lot and may God always fill you with His happiness.
January 26, 2023
Will You Collapse With the Collapse?
[Podcast] (37 Minutes) – A Friend of Medjugorje tells of people who continue to make a mistake by choosing to delay getting out of the system. He tells why now is the time to act – without delay. The collapse is coming.
Episode Transcript
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The subject matter contained in this presentation is based on Biblical principles and designed to give you accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. It is provided with the understanding that neither the presenter nor the broadcaster is engaged to render legal, accounting, or other professional advice. Since your situation is fact-dependent, you may wish to additionally seek the services of an appropriately licensed legal, accounting, real estate, or investment professional.
“No one can serve two masters. He will either hate the one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon. Therefore, I tell you, do not worry about your life– what you shall eat or drink– or about your body– what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?
“Look at the birds in the sky. They do not sow or reap. They gather nothing into barns, yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are not you more important than they? Can any of you, by worrying, add a single moment to your life span?
“Why are you anxious about clothes? Learn from the way the wildflowers grow. They do not work or spin. But I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was clothed like one of them. If God so clothes the grass of the field, which grows today and is thrown into the oven tomorrow, will He not much more provide for you, oh you of little faith?
“So do not worry and say, what are we to eat? Or what shall we drink? Or what are we to wear? All these things the pagans seek. Your Heavenly Father knows that you need them all.
“But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides. Do not worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow will take care of itself. Sufficient for a day is its own evil.”
This is Mejanomics with a Friend of Medjugorje.
Around 100 A.D. and 200 A.D., Tertullian said, “The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the Church.”
Two days ago, Pope Benedict’s book was released, and he said,
“The Church is close to collapse.”
If that’s the case, what does it mean in the world?
Our Lady knew, on the 24th, the next day She was doing a message, what She was going to say. She said,
“…The future is at a crossroads, because modern man does not want God. That is why mankind is heading to perdition…”
She also said in that message,
“…because satan wants war and hatred in hearts and [in] peoples…”
That means the whole nations of the world.
So, we can say also, the world is now, is on the verge of collapse.
All the evidence is there, yet so many people are ignoring this.
Throughout the history of the Church, its greatest growth was persecution. And the fact we have Our Lady here forty years plus is a statement to keep the Church from collapsing, and the whole world, whose blood is going to be spilled to resurrect it.
“This is modern times. This is not going to happen.”
There’s people out there who hate you. Our Lady said that!
“…satan wants war and hatred in hearts and peoples…”
So, we got straight from Heaven that these people want to kill you. They want to persecute you. And everything is ripe for these things.
I’m going to let you hear thirteen of the people who were the foundation who grew the Church and how it happened. You wouldn’t think Jesus would do this, but Tertullian was stating a statement of the history he knew of the Church being raised.
What you’re going to hear is illogical, that Jesus did with His friends.
“How the Apostles Died
“One: Matthew
“Suffered martyrdom in Ethiopia, killed by a sword wound.
“Two: Mark
“Died in Alexandria, Egypt, after being dragged by horses through the streets until he was dead
“Three: Luke
“He was hung in Greece due to his tremendous preaching to the lost.
“Number Four: John
“Faced martyrdom when he was boiled in a huge basin of boiling oil during a wave of persecution in Rome. However, he was miraculously delivered from death. John was then sentenced to the mines on the prison island of Patmos. He wrote his prophetic Book of Revelation on Patmos.
“The Apostle John was later freed and returned to serve as Bishop of Edessa in modern Turkey. He died as an old man, the only apostle to die peacefully.
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“Number five: Peter
“He was crucified upside-down on an X-shaped cross. According to Church tradition, it was because he told his tormentors that he felt unworthy to die in the same way that Jesus Christ had died.
“Number six: James, the Church leader in Jerusalem, was thrown over a hundred feet down from the southeast pinnacle of the Temple when he refused to deny his faith in Christ.
“When they discovered he survived the fall, his enemies beat James to death with a fuller’s club. This was the same pinnacle where satan had taken Jesus during the temptation.
“Number seven: James the son of Zebedee was a fisherman by trade when Jesus called him to a lifetime of ministry. As a strong leader of the Church, James was beheaded at Jerusalem.
“The Roman officer who guarded James watched, amazed as James defended his faith at his trial. Later, the officer walked beside James to the place of execution. Overcome by conviction, he declared his new faith to the judge and knelt beside James to accept beheading as a Christian.
“Number eight: Bartholomew, also known as Nathaniel. He was a missionary to Asia. He witnessed for Our Lord in present-day Turkey. Bartholomew was martyred for his preaching in Armenia, where he was flayed to death by a whip.
“Number nine: Andrew
“He was crucified on an X-shaped cross in Petros, Greece. After being whipped severely by seven soldiers, they tied his body to the cross with cords to prolong his agony. His followers reported that when he was led towards the cross, Andrew saluted it with these words:
‘I have long desired and expected this happy hour. The cross has been consecrated by the Body of Christ hanging on it.’
“He continued to preach to his tormentors for two days until he expired.
“Number ten: Thomas
“He was stabbed with a spear in India during one of his missionary trips to establish the Church in the subcontinent.
“Number eleven: Jude
“He was killed with arrows when he refused to deny his faith in Christ.
“Number twelve: Matthias, the apostle chose to replace the traitor, Judas Iscariot. He was stoned and then beheaded.
“Number thirteen: Paul
“He was tortured and then beheaded by the evil Emperor Nero at Rome in A.D. 67. Paul endured a lengthy imprisonment, which allowed him to write his many epistles to the churches he had formed throughout the Roman Empire. These letters, which taught many of the foundational doctrines of Christianity, formed a large portion of the New Testament.
“Perhaps this is a reminder to us that our sufferings here are indeed minor to compare to the intense persecution and cold cruelty faced by the apostles and disciples during their times for the sake of the Faith.
“And ye shall be hated of all men for My Name’s sake. But he that endureth to the end shall be saved.”
What persecuted them was hatred. And this is what Our Lady just told us!
“…hatred in hearts [of] peoples…”
You could say, “Yeah.”
“…satan wants war and hatred in hearts [of] peoples…”
By the statement, we can conclude that there are people out there across the world has hatred in hearts of peoples.
That’s the reality.
Where are we headed, something that hasn’t happened in 2,000 years. Yes, there’s been many persecutions through the centuries, but never has the world got as wicked as it is now.
What about Sodom?
What they were doing was a cakewalk. Our Lady has said many times, “never,” about different things that’s going on in the world right now.
So, what should your position be doing? First of all, following the messages of Our Lady, and get out of the system. It is anti-Christ.
So many people are waiting for things to come back to what we used to have, that was defined as normal, which is really abnormal.
Our time is up. You have to make concrete decisions.
When are people the most holiest? It’s when they’re working with the soil, an agrarian people.
Many of you are stuck in subdivisions, and that’s exactly what it is, a division away from the soil.
You have to make radical decisions, changes in your life. Become an agrarian people.
I know you can be saying, “Friend of Medjugorje, how am I going to do that? I’m 65 years, 75 years old. I’m stuck.”
It’s true. But you have to pray. Many find themselves in that situation, and many people can’t change. You have to feed on Our Lady’s messages.
But those of you who can do something now, don’t waste a second. There are hundreds of millions of people out there that have retirement, their 401(k)s. All this is tied into the system.
You don’t have that.
You’ve got it on paper, but that’s going away.
You have to change into another system. The system of the world is going to collapse. If you’ve got any retirement, all that is stretched out of the elites are investing this for you, and it’s going to disappear.
For twelve years, I’ve been telling you this. Why would you keep anything there, anywhere, in the banks, when you can turn it into something solid in your hands.
And, of course, yes, I’m talking about the Medjugorje Miraculous Medal one-ounce. We have some people that are offended by saying that. I put that together to help you.
With the Church collapsing, the nation collapsing, the world collapsing, it’s a no-brainer. The economy’s going to collapse.
Years ago, I was speaking, I think it was in Virginia. The guy who was scheduling my talk was contacted by the head of Virginia’s Federal Reserve.
So, we had dinner. And this is at least a decade and a half or more. And we were discussing about what’s going to happen, that there’s going to be a collapse. And I asked his thoughts about that. He said, “It’s going to happen.” And he said, “People will go hungry for one day. In three days, going hungry, they’ll be stealing.” And I think he said by nine or eight days, they’ll be killing each other. Even cannibalism will be happening.
I was surprised by when he said that because his position, he was on the other side, being in the insider, was kind of shocking for him to say that.
A detective looks for clues, looks for evidence. And also, those who are planning something crime, they try to avoid.
We have evidence straight from Heaven,
“…hatred in hearts [of] peoples…modern man does not want God…mankind is heading [toward] perdition…”
And we have the evidence of hatred.
So, this is not maybe. It is fact.
We’re going to play a clip, Robert Kiyosaki. He wrote the book, Rich Dad, Poor Dad. He stated this just a couple weeks ago. And listen to what he’s saying.
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This is really about the power of exponential growth, and a lot of the trends that are sort of driving the world we live in at large, are exponential, and the human mind doesn’t do a really good job of understanding exponentials. And that’s why I came up with this analogy about the magic eye-dropper in the stadium.
Basically, he says, look, pick the stadium of your choice. Imagine somebody takes a magic eye-dropper and walks down to the pitcher’s mound and squeezes out a single drop of water right there on the pitcher’s mound. And that drop of water doubles in volume every minute. So, minute one, it’s one drop in size. Minute two, it’s two drops in size. Minute three, it’s four drops in size. Minute four, it’s eight drops in size, right?
So, the question is, is if you got handcuffed to the top-most bleacher seat in the stadium, how long would you have to escape your handcuffs before the stadium was underwater?
Most people will say, “I don’t know. A year? Months?”
The answer is very surprising. The answer is forty-five minutes, much less time than you think, and that’s just because, when it doubles, each doubling is bigger than all the increases that came before it.
But the really important question is, is what time does that happen? And that happens at minute, like, forty. By the time you see there’s a problem, the stadium’s filled just a couple of minutes later, right? By the time you see the issue, it’s way too late to avoid it. Your only choices at this point in time are just to sort of manage the impact.
The functioning of our financial system. You’re talking about the U.S. dollar as a reserve currency, or are you talking about just our ability to afford our basic way of living? I mean, that, right now, is getting pretty late in the game, especially if you’re living, you know, in parts or the world that are really suffering right now under just crushing inflation. And I don’t think anybody in Europe, for example, could have ever forecasted a year ago that it would be paying what they’re paying right now for energy.
To understand all this, things are doing a soft landing. But to clarify, we have Century Silver to speak about this, and you may want to clarify, eye-dropper, how just one little drop that can fill up a whole stadium in forty-five minutes? And that’s where we are right now. It’s going to happen so fast.
Okay, so just to kind of recap the eye-dropper example and make sure there’s clarity there…Again, they’re talking about the power of exponentiality. You start with one single drop. But you multiply that drop—you double it—every minute, in the example. You don’t see that. If you’re at the top of the stadium, you don’t see those doublings. They’re happening every single time. The power of exponentiality is happening right before your eyes, but you really don’t see it, until, like this guy says, at about the forty-minute mark. Then, all of a sudden, the water level gets to a quarter of the stadium full. The next minute, it’s half full. The next minute, it’s full, and it’s over your head, and you’re drowning.
And that’s one of the most important points, is you don’t see it. Everybody in America right now is saying, “Oh, I know something bad is coming. I know the economy is going to collapse, but right this moment, things are looking pretty good still. We think maybe we can get out of this.”
Just to give a concrete example from history, kind of a parallel of this idea, Germany went through a period of hyper inflation over the period of about 24 months. And their prices were going through hyperinflation, but the first seventeen months, that inflation was pretty steady. It’s always going up. But on the eighteenth month, it went truly exponential.
So, just as an example, January, 1922, three hundred German marks were worth about one U.S. dollar.
Sixteen months later, July of 1923, 500,000 German marks were worth one dollar.
Five months later, in November, after the power of exponentiality really kicked in, it would take almost ten trillion German marks to equal one dollar. They’re watching this inflation in Germany, and they’re watching prices go up, but the power of the exponentiality of hyperinflation doesn’t hit until the end. And so many people in America, especially right now, they know inflation’s upon us. They know the government keeps printing money. “Oh, we’ve hit the debt ceiling again. Let’s just raise it again and keep creating money out of nothing.” But the power of exponentiality is rumbling under the surface right now, and we are about to get hit. And again, that is the most important point.
What a Friend of Medjugorje has been saying for years and years and years. Some people are listening. Most people aren’t, is do not wait. You have to start now, changing your life now, so that, when we do see it visibly, it’s not too late. You’ve got to change your life. You’ve got to get your own food from your ground to your mouth, like he said. You’ve got to get your money out of the banks right now.
One funny thing that Kiyosaki says, but it’s not really funny, he calls a 401(k) a 201(k). It is not worth what you think it is. We might even call it a 001(k), because soon enough, it’s going to go to zero.
But again, just, not to beat the dead horse here, but now, right now, is the time to do something different.
It may offend many of you out there for me to say that you’re crazy that you keep one penny in your retirement. Pay the penalty. Pay the tax. Turn it to silver. But turn silver into land. You can’t go get land immediately. But what you can do immediately is to get it out.
If you walked in to get your money in cash out of your retirement, and you walked out of the office with $200,000, $50,000, $750,000, have all that money in paper dollars in the laundry basket and just go throw it out into the wind. That’s what you’re doing. If you’re sitting on it, you’re throwing it into the wind. You might as well burn it, because it’s going away.
And I’m not advocating, just keep silver. I’m advocating you getting to agrarian. Go buy you a little plot of land. But that can’t be done tomorrow. But tomorrow, you can get your retirements.
Ninety-five multi-million egg operations burned down last year in 2022.
Do you know we’re getting shortages on these things?
It doesn’t make sense. Why would they do that? Because satan wants to destroy mankind. We are on the eve of it. Transfer your retirement to land. And don’t even keep it for three weeks in the dollars and then go buy it. Turn it into what’s real.
Here’s one good concrete example of something that happened recently. We got a communication through email from somebody’s daughter. And this person’s daughter…I can’t remember if she gave us her name or not, but she works for a university somewhere. And she basically cussed us out, in a few choice words, and said, “Congratulations! You’ve done it again. You’ve convinced another old lady to take all her money out of her retirement account and buy silver,” you know, “You idiots!” Something like that.
And then she told us where we could go or where we belong or something like that. You know, “If there is a God, then He would send you to hell,” or something like that.
But we don’t know exactly who this woman’s mother is, but we’ve got a good idea. We had a lady recently, who transferred about half a million dollars into the Miraculous Medal Medjugorje Rounds. And she did that over the course of about two months, about $100,000 at a time and just finished up with her last exchange for $50,000. But she had been introduced to the Miraculous Medal Medjugorje Round by another very wealthy woman who has probably put close to one million to maybe a million and a half dollars into the rounds over the last two or three years. Most of that, she’s given away to her kids so that they can have something. It’s kind of a classic example of the parent whose kids don’t understand, but they’re kind of reluctantly accepting.
But she introduced this new woman, and she ended up, like I said, exchanging about half a million dollars, which drove her daughter to be rabid with anger.
But you’ve said before, and we see it repeatedly, that whenever you want to move towards truth, satan is going to oppose you.
Through family, over and over, you’ll see this.
Exactly, and I remember you warning about this years ago, and we tell all of the people who call Century Silver, especially if they’re older and contemplating big amounts, we say, “Get ready for your three biggest enemies.” Number one is your financial advisor. Number two is your bank. They’re going to try to stop you too. And number three, the one that can cause you the most heartache and the most war is your kids, because a lot of times, they are covetously looking at that as their money. And it’s not your money to do what you want with anymore in their eyes.
But that’s just one example of kind of what’s been happening. But we have thousands of orders, every year, of smaller amounts as well.
One thing we wanted to introduce on this broadcast, which may be of interest to everybody, but particularly those of high wealth, is…We have just released on a public scale, the five- and ten-ounce bars. These are Miraculous Medal Medjugorje five- and ten-ounce bars. They have the exact same images, the Medjugorje images and the images from the Bedroom and the Field at Caritas, the Miraculous Medal images. The same ones that are on the rounds are on these bars. Both on the face of the bars.
But these are a way to have a larger denomination. Like I said, they’re particularly helpful for high-wealth individuals, but they’re available now for everybody because you have less pieces to handle. But we are officially releasing those today. And like I said, they’re available for everybody.
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But as you’ve said many, many times, and we’ve highlighted here, really, that the time to act is now. And no, you can’t eat silver, and the longer term goal is to be on the soil, tied to the soil, producing your own food, but we have so much stuff happening right now.
And just as another example…Let me bring it back to a concrete example of something that’s happening today. Everybody’s talking about the price of eggs. Number one, they’re disappearing off the grocery store shelves, and number two, we have seen an exponential doubling of the price of eggs from two dollars to four dollars. Now, we’re at eight dollars a dozen. Some places, even more than that.
When you look back at Germany, just to go back to this example, in 1921, a dozen eggs cost about three marks. Let’s just say three dollars. That was 1921.
In January, 1923, a dozen eggs, $500. Thirty million dollars for a dozen eggs in September.
October, right about the time of complete currency collapse, a dozen eggs was four billion Reich’s marks.
So, it all…We see it happening, but it’s happening slowly, and we think we’re going to get out of it, but we are not getting out of this.
You say, “Well, I don’t gamble.”
If you’ve got money anywhere out there in the system, you’re gambling. And you know the slot machines in Las Vegas are rigged. Your retirement is rigged. You’re not going to get the lottery. They just give enough for the machines to what people’s appetite, that they’re getting something in return.
Warren Buffet is recognized as the greatest investor ever.
He just recently said…This is Warren Buffet. Warren Buffet.
He said everything’s going to collapse.
By him saying that, he’s hurting his investments. But he’s putting it into hard things.
He bought and invested into a lot of railroad companies.
But he said, also, “Do not let somebody else manage your money.” He says, “You manage your own money.”
And the safest place to put it is in silver. Not just any silver. Sanctify it. Have the bonus economy, because there’s a grace with the Miraculous Medal when it’s distributed.
There’s nothing else I can say to you. And we’re coming to the last calls to make your moves, no matter what anybody thinks. And you who are out there who have done that, start telling your family, not before you buy it, because they’ll try to stop it, but you spread it to your neighbors, your coworkers, everybody.
This is a call of love. Our purpose is to help people, put you in a position of what is real and out of the system that is not real.
If I can just close with one more thought, or two, for Century Silver, to go back to this woman who has exchanged about half a million dollars recently for the Miraculous Medal Medjugorje Round, her story illustrates a point that is applicable to everybody, and you’ve talked about this before, a Friend of Medjugorje, but it bears repeating over again, is, she wasn’t 100% confident in her decision to move all this money into the rounds. But after her first order of $100,000, once she got that, it was like it really sank in with her. You feel the heaviness of real money. You feel what it feels like.
But it’s also a principle that a Friend of Medjugorje has talked about before, that the people who are moving and making decisions, even if these decisions are imperfect, those are the people that Our Lady can work with, and when you take a step, then She’s enabled to unlock the next step for you.
But if you’re sitting on your money, and you’re sitting still, “I’m thinking about this,” and, “Maybe I’ll do this next year.” I’m not speaking for you, but it’s like you said, Our Lady can’t work with people like that if you’re just sitting still. To unlock the next steps for you, you’ve got to take step one. And we have seen that with people who take a big bite out of their retirement account or whatever the case may be, and move that into the Miraculous Medal Medjugorje Round. It unlocks something even in the way they think, so that their mindset is opened to the next step.
And we’ve seen that a hundred times. We’ve seen that also with this woman recently who did a half a million. It opened her mind to how to move to the next step or move to the additional amounts of money. She told us, just today we talked to her, “I did my last $20,000. If I have another $5,000 that I can come up with, I’m going to put it in silver.” She’s somebody, like I said, who has been hit by the grace of movement, and now, Our Lady can do more with her because her mentality has changed.
With our cognition, from the parents, of seeing the family fights, to try to block them to not get silver, it’s best to say nothing to them. And if something happens, if you go ahead and do it, and in your will, and you’ve got four kids, or whatever, and they end up having silver, they’re going to thank God their father or their mother or both their parents made that decision, because it’s real.
If you’ve got it in the will, and they’re going to keep it where it is there, they’ve got nothing.
So, actually, you’re protecting your family, your children, because the millennials, and even people 30, 35 years, 40 years old, don’t understand.
I’ve heard many, many stories about the Depression, World War II, all these things and what it was like.
If you’re forty, you don’t have those stories.
So, help them by just being shutting up and make the moves. It’s just common sense.
Our Lady said,
“…my Son…is the light of salvation and…common sense…”
So, we’re talking about salvation, in the material ways, that you save your kids, through your common sense that they don’t have anymore.
Century Silver Exchange is a for-profit subsidiary of Caritas of Birmingham. It bears its own expenses and pays taxes on its earnings. If there are any earnings left over at year-end, it may make a dividend donation to Caritas to help further its mission efforts.
My grandfather, he came from Rome, Italy, when he was fourteen. He left Italy because he was arranged to marry. They had picked for him. He jumped on the boat. He was a coal miner. He enjoyed his life. My dad told me that he was happy. He spent his money, and he walked through Ensley, where they lived—a lot of Italians—and they’d be sitting on the porches, all sad, all crying. And he would laugh at them. He says, “I spent my money. You lost it all. I’ve got a lot of memories. Y’all don’t.”
So, I’m going to give you a song. As I’ve been talking, I thought about this. Some of you older folks will remember this song, because, just as a nickel can make you happy, having a silver, a Miraculous Medal Round, will bring joy to you.
When this old world gets me down, and there’s no love to be found, I close my eyes, and soon I find, I made a playground in my mind where the children laugh, and the children play, and we sing a song all day.
My name is Michael. I’ve got a nickel. I’ve got a nickel, shining and new. I’m gonna buy me all kinds of candy. That’s what I’m gonna do.
Oh, the wonders that I find in the playground in my mind. In a world that used to be, close your eyes and follow me, where the children laugh and the children play, and we sing a song all day.
My name is Cindy. When we get married, we’re gonna have a baby or two. We’re gonna let them visit their grandma. That’s what we’re gonna do.
See the little children, living in a world that I left behind. Happy little children, in the playground in my mind.
See the little children. See how they play so happy in the playground in my mind.
La-la, la-la, la-la, la-la, la-la, la, la, la-la
La-la-la, la-la, la-la, la-la, la-la, la-la, la-la, la, la, la
La, la, la-la-la-la-la…
We wish you Our Lady. We love you. Good night.
The subject matter contained in this presentation is based on Biblical principles and designed to give you accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. It is provided with the understanding that neither the presenter nor the broadcaster is engaged to render legal, accounting, or other professional advice. Since your situation is fact-dependent, you may wish to additionally seek the services of an appropriately licensed legal, accounting, real estate, or investment professional.
This ends the Mejanomics broadcast with a Friend of Medjugorje. These broadcasts are available as CDs, which are sent directly to your doorstep on a monthly subscription. For information, contact Caritas in the U.S. at 205-672-2000.
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Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!
See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.
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11 thoughts on “Will You Collapse With the Collapse?”
City: Beaumont
State: TX
Country: USA
FOM you are truly a prophet. I’m totally convinced by our Blessed Mother. If it wasn’t for this ministry we wouldn’t even be thinking in investing in silver & gardening. We still have a lot of room for improvement but I am convinced of these messages. I dont need the church to approve our Blessed Mother. We can’t deny what we see going on in this world. We are on a $500 mth automatic purchase of silver, we are going to work on increasing it fast!! -
City: Blanket
State: Trxas
Country: USA
How do I get the silver coins/ medal?-
Marcella, you can contact Century Silver Exchange toll-free at 877-936-7686.
City: Apache Junction
State: AZ
Country: United States
Tough times not sure what to do. -
City: Lake City
State: Florida
Country: USA
Our Blessed Mother Mary told us to listen to Jesus and do EXACTLY what he says; a FOM is telling us to listen to Blessed Mother and do EXACTLY what her messages are instructing; and I know that if you do EXACTLY what FOM is telling you on his Mejanomics shows each week and hold Mary & Jesus close NOW, you will survive and be able to help others. God bless, Susan -
City: Bristol
State: South Gloucestershire
Country: United Kingdom
HelloIn the absence of Century Silver shipping to the UK right now would you recommend we put what we can in silver bars instead?
Thank you.
11 thoughts on “Will You Collapse With the Collapse?”
Country: Mexico
Our Lady has guided us to a new life and we have her helping us to opening our hearts at such a degree that we can feel the joy of heaven working and praying and fasting etc, etc. Thanks to AFOM and the Caritas community for supporting world’s conversion with your prayers and your work. The ongoing collapse is a purifying gift from God and for us is also the revelation of the new life we have already received through Our Lady´s messages. Thanks a lot and may God always fill you with His happiness.
City: Beaumont
State: TX
Country: USA
FOM you are truly a prophet. I’m totally convinced by our Blessed Mother. If it wasn’t for this ministry we wouldn’t even be thinking in investing in silver & gardening. We still have a lot of room for improvement but I am convinced of these messages. I dont need the church to approve our Blessed Mother. We can’t deny what we see going on in this world. We are on a $500 mth automatic purchase of silver, we are going to work on increasing it fast!!
City: Blanket
State: Trxas
Country: USA
How do I get the silver coins/ medal?
Marcella, you can contact Century Silver Exchange toll-free at 877-936-7686.
City: Apache Junction
State: AZ
Country: United States
Tough times not sure what to do.
City: Lake City
State: Florida
Country: USA
Our Blessed Mother Mary told us to listen to Jesus and do EXACTLY what he says; a FOM is telling us to listen to Blessed Mother and do EXACTLY what her messages are instructing; and I know that if you do EXACTLY what FOM is telling you on his Mejanomics shows each week and hold Mary & Jesus close NOW, you will survive and be able to help others. God bless, Susan
City: Bristol
State: South Gloucestershire
Country: United Kingdom
In the absence of Century Silver shipping to the UK right now would you recommend we put what we can in silver bars instead?
Thank you.