October 14, 2021
Mejanomics Special

Will It Be Just an Acorn? Not Without Her

(40 Minutes) – You’ll understand the meaning of this title as a Friend of Medjugorje tells about how Our Lady has been warning us over and over again that, “something is going to happen.” Are you ready? You’ll understand how to be.

Episode Transcript


The subject matter contained in this presentation is based on Biblical principles and designed to give you accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. It is provided with the understanding that neither the presenter nor the broadcaster is engaged to render legal, accounting, or other professional advice. Since your situation is fact-dependent, you may wish to additionally seek the services of an appropriately licensed legal, accounting, real estate, or investment professional.




Today is Thursday, October 14, 2021, and you’re listening to Mejanomics with a Friend of Medjugorje.



“No one can serve two masters. He will either hate the one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon. Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life– what you shall eat or drink– or about your body– what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?


“Look at the birds in the sky. They do not sow or reap. They gather nothing into barns, yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are not you more important than they? Can any of you, by worrying, add a single moment to your life span?


“Why are you anxious about clothes? Learn from the way the wildflowers grow. They do not work or spin. But I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendour was clothed like one of them. If God so clothes the grass of the field, which grows today and is thrown into the oven tomorrow, will He not much more provide for you, oh you of little faith?


“So do not worry and say, what are we to eat? Or what shall we drink? Or what are we to wear? All these things the pagans seek. Your Heavenly Father knows that you need them all.


“But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides. Do not worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow will take care of itself. Sufficient for a day is its own evil.”




This is Mejanomics with a Friend of Medjugorje.




One day, Chicken Little was playing in the yard when, whack! An acorn hit her on the head.



The sky is falling! The sky is falling!



She said,



I have to tell Cocky Locky!


Cocky Locky! Cocky Locky! The sky is falling! The sky is falling!



Cocky Locky said,



It is?! Well, then, we have to tell Ducky Daddles!



Ducky Daddles! Ducky Daddles! The sky is falling! The sky is falling!



Ducky Daddles said,



It is?! Well, then, we have to tell Goosey Poosey!



Goosey Poosey! Goosey Poosey! The sky is falling! The sky is falling!



Goosey Poosey said,



It is?! Well, then, we have to tell Turkey Lurkey!



Turkey Lurkey! Turkey Lurkey! The sky is falling! The sky is falling!



Turkey Lurkey said,



It is?! Well, then, we have to tell the king!



But on the way to tell the king, they met Foxy Woxy.



Foxy Woxy! Foxy Woxy! The sky is falling! The sky is falling! We have to tell the king!



Foxy Woxy said,



I can help. Follow me! I know a shortcut to the king.



Foxy Woxy led Chicken Little, Cocky Locky, Ducky Daddles, Goosey Poosey, and Turkey Lurkey right to his den. He licked his lips and said,



Step inside to see the king.



Tricky Foxy Woxy! The king is not in there!



They shouted, and ran away as fast as they could.


At last, they arrived at the castle.



King! King! The sky is falling! The sky is falling! A piece of it fell on my head!



The sky is not falling. An acorn fell on your head,



The king chuckled. As he plucked the acorn from Chicken Little’s head.


And so, Turkey Lurkey, Goosey Poosey, Ducky Daddles, Cocky Locky and Chicken Little went back home.




The fox wanted them to go to the den to find the king. He wanted to deceive them. They were on a path to the real king.


If something falls, it’s got to be at a certain height, and the higher it is, the greater the fall. And when it falls, it crashes to pieces.


“Mary, why are you telling us the sky is falling? That’s all You’re talking about. You said, March 25, 1990, “…satan…wants to destroy you…” You said that,


“…God wants to save you and sends you messages through men, nature, and so many things [that] can only help you to understand that you must change the direction of your life…”


“Mary, is this just an acorn? This is no big deal? Why are You saying that? The sky is falling. The sky is falling. That’s all we hear from You. You said that! Everything is falling! You’ve been running around telling us for forty years! Why should we believe you, like Chicken Little. There’s no big deal, because, if it falls a little bit, we’re going to come back to normal.”


Let me tell you something. We are not coming back to normal. This ain’t no Chicken Little. This ain’t no little acorn hitting your head. The Virgin Mary’s telling us,


“…I want to protect you from everything that satan offers you and through which he wants to destroy you…”


“…Everything around you is passing…everything is falling apart…”


Drill this into your heart, because this is not a little fable which teaches you a lesson about exaggeration.


Our Lady said, “When God comes among men, it is not a joke.” Yes, that’s a cute little story. We’ve all heard it. But it tells a certain truth that the mentality of the world today is we’ve got to go through this little storm and come back on the other side and business as usual. That is not going to happen, because it’s not an acorn. It is a bomb, and it’s not a bomb that’s normal. It’s atomic. It’s a devastation of everything because Our Lady said that. “…Everything…is falling apart…” Don’t keep looking that our supply chain’s coming back. I’ve been telling you this for a long, long time. 2010, I put the book out, It Ain’t Gonna Happen, but to write that book is not a new concept. I didn’t have to think about, “What am I going to write about?” I’m decades before that. I was out of debt. I saw this a long time ago. The reason I went out to this Valley, because I felt in my heart, all the way back in the 70s, “Something’s going to happen.” That’s why I was prepped to be ready. That doesn’t mean I’m going to escape anything, or the Community or you. The key words to this, March 25, 1990,


“…God wants to save you…”


What’s going to crash on you and with you?


“…and sends you messages through men, nature, and so many things which can only help you to understand that you must…”


Not maybe. Not looking at this as an acorn. Quote,


“…you must change the direction of your life…”


Where you’re going now, where you’ve been living, is a direction. If you change your direction, are you just going one degree to the right? You’re still going to the same place. If you’re forty degrees of your direction, you’re going to the right. Our Lady’s talking about 180. Turn around. Don’t follow anything. You go just the opposite direction of what everybody else is doing.


The fox wanted to eat Chicken Little and all their friends. But Chicken Little had wisdom, like Our Lady, and Chicken Little said, “No, don’t go in there. The king is not there.” Lying voices. If a chicken can figure that out, can you figure out what’s going on? Are you making serious decisions of what’s happening right now? Because the fox wanted to enslave them into a system, and that’s what Our Lady’s trying to save us from.


“…I want to protect you from everything that satan offers you and through which he wants to destroy you…”


Did you see what Our Lady said in that message? “…protect you from everything…” Everything and the direction you’re going, we’ve been going, the culture, the whole world, everything is off-track. Our Lady’s standing up in front of this whole system. She’s the barricade. She says, “Hey! Stop! You have to detour. The sign says go the other direction. Turn around and take another road.”


Our Lady’s warning us, just like Chicken Little, but Chicken Little’s problem was only the size of an acorn. We’re talking about the whole world crushing us. The end of the world.


“A Friend of Medjugorje, you’re really talking about the end of the world?”


Yes, I am, because I’m not saying it. She said it. Chicken Little shows us, through this story, of what Our Lady’s saying.


January 25, 1991

“…satan is strong and wishes…”


You see what Our Lady just said? She’s revealing something what satan is thinking about, what he wants to do, and She has knowledge of it because She can read his thoughts, his mind, his actions, what he wants to do in the present and the future, so there’s no past.


“…satan is strong and wishes not only to destroy human life but also nature and the planet on which you live…God sent me to you so that I can help you. If you wish…”


satan’s got his wish, but we have to have in our heart, a wish to be saved.


“…If you wish to, grasp for the Rosary. Already, the Rosary alone can do miracles in the world and in your lives…”


She’s speaking of a miracle for the world, that She’s going to turn all these problems, if you pray the Rosary, “If you do what I say,” the magnitude of what is hitting us right now to destroy the whole world, She’s going to turn it into an acorn. Ain’t that going to be beautiful? Can you imagine that? How is She going to do it?


“…Already, the Rosary alone can do miracles in the world…”


“I’m going to turn this thing into an acorn. A little bitty bump.” If you wish, but if you don’t, you’re going to crash, and it’s over.


Our Lady told us in the early 80s, how to avoid what is happening now, if we did it back then, we wouldn’t be in this boat. “Oh, Friend of Medjugorje, this was going to happen anyway.” No it wasn’t! Our Lady told us,


“…Monthly Confession will be a remedy for the Church in the West. One must convey this message to the West.”


If our bishops had done this, we wouldn’t be in the situation we’re in now. You know when this message was given? August 6, 1982. Thirty-nine years ago! These messages have been there. The bishops across the whole world has treated Medjugorje and Our Lady’s messages like She’s Chicken Little. That’s not an exaggeration. It’s a reality.


Sometimes, when I’m going to bed, and I’m not going to sleep, like I did last night, I laid in the bed doing the Rosary. I was thinking, “If I was the Pope, what would I do?” I would make every bishop and all the diocesan priests with him have thirty minutes, at least, of confession before every Mass and confession after every Mass. Can you imagine what would happen? The thinking may be, nobody’s going to confession. I know two priests that do this, and there’s always somebody before Mass and after Mass going to confession. It’s the principle, “If you build it, they will come.” And, in other words, it’s a call to confession! By the priest being there, they will come.


We’ve been talking a long time about what’s happening, and now, it’s easy to see. Blessed are those who saw it ten years, twenty years ago, thirty years ago, even forty years ago. Beyond that, I felt this, everything happening. I think it was prep for me for Our Lady to put me in the position of where I am, to have a voice, to encourage you and to motivate you to wake up. We’re not living a children’s story. We’re living a reality.


There’s people buying food from these companies, a year’s supply. That’s not what we’re supposed to be doing. You may have to do it because the way the system is now, but you’ve got to change the direction, and you’ve got to get your food, your supply chain, from your own ground. Yes, gold is good. Silver is good. But you know what’s better than that? Where does gold come from? Where does silver come from? It’s dirt! You’ve got a shovel, and you hit silver, they have to refine that. They have to pull it out of the soil. Everything comes from the soil. Life is from the soil. Your dirt that you get trumps silver and gold. Contemplate that. It’s more valuable than gold or silver. It’s so valuable that the first man was made from dirt! Think about these things, people! Go back to the simple life. You have to, because if you don’t, your life is going to be very complicated, and it’s going to be very difficult. And you’re going to be putting yourself as indentured servants so that you can just have a meal, maybe two meals a day. You’ll work for people that’s got the dirt. That’s where you’re headed. I don’t care if you’re making 5-$600,000, a million dollars a year. I don’t care if you’ve got twenty million dollars in the stock markets. We’re going to have people that are indentured servants. This is coming back. The people who don’t want to be slaves are going to be slaves, and they’re going to want to be there. This is our future.


Listen to this following clip from Sean Hannity two days ago.




Never thought I’d see this in my lifetime. We’re going to talk a lot about the economy today. It’s an unmitigated disaster. You know, 300% increase COVID cases. We now have more COVID deaths in Joe Biden’s year, 2021, than in 2020. But that doesn’t get reported by the mob, the media. Then you can look at what’s happening abroad with China and the disaster that is unfolding that will soon be the reunification, as they call it, with Taiwan. The energy disaster, madness socialism. Why do we give Putin a waver while we’re firing Americans working on the Keystone XL Pipeline? Why are we begging OPEC to produce more oil? Oil is now eighty bucks a barrel, and it’s going higher. Why? Because Joe Biden artificially reduced the world’s supply. Donald Trump did the impossible. He got us to energy independence for the first time in 75 years. We weren’t importing a single barrel of oil from Saudi Arabia by the time he left office. Now, we artificially reduced the world’s supply. The demand remains constant. You don’t need an MIT degree or a Harvard business school degree to figure out supply, okay, artificially depressed. Demand remains constant. Price goes through the roof. The average American household, because of Biden’s self-inflicted inflation, is costing the average American household 2,100 bucks a year. That would be the Biden Inflation Tax. It’s a disaster, and people have had it. I mean, everybody I talk to, they are juts flabbergasted at what an unmitigated disaster this has become so quickly.


You know, here’s the reality, though, and we’ve talked a lot about gas prices. We’ve talked a lot about chain of supply issues. And that is raising the cost of everything you buy, everything that is shipped to every store you shop at is costing more money, because truckers, they’re not going to take less money for the hard work that they do, nor a trucking company’s going to make less money. They’re going to pass the higher cost of energy onto you.


There was an article in Finance “Steaks could soon become a champagne-like luxury.” That’s how bad things are. Inflation, now, at a thirty-year high. New York City, there are gas stations now charging over five bucks a gallon. Same thing in California. And that’s going to be coming to a neighborhood near you because I don’t see the price of energy going down anytime soon, especially with oil now breaking out at record prices and the price of natural gas also breaking out at record prices.


The supply chain, now…We have so many shipping containers that are off-shore that can’t get port time. Global food prices now have hit their highest level in a decade. That’s another Biden tax. You know, skyrocketing, for example, poultry, meat, fish, eggs. And it’s up nearly twenty percent. And soaring energy costs, guess what? Makes it even higher. You’ve got places like Wal-Mart and Costco now having to limit toilet paper sales. Toy companies are warning parents, “You better order now. We can’t even guarantee we’ll be able to get you the toys in time for Christmas because of this backlogs at ports and railyards and on the roads.” Oil now above eighty bucks a gallon. Natural gas prices are higher. I can keep going. An energy crisis now gripping the world. In some places, Europeans, now, paying sky-high prices for natural gas, power plants in India on the verge of running out of coal. Average price of gasoline, regular, U.S., up from $1.72 when Donald Trump was president, now $3.25 a gallon. This is now impacting every aspect of our lives here. Now, we’re getting article after article, Wall Street Journal talking about stagnant growth and high inflation, in other words, the ghost of “stagflation.” Even fake news CNN. Gas prices skyrocket as global energy crisis worsens. Well, maybe Joe should, instead of begging OPEC, maybe he should beg Texas, Oklahoma and Alaska and North Dakota if they can produce more. Maybe you should go to West Virginia and ask them if they can produce more coal as well. Joe Manchin can help them. Top executive at Kraft Heinz Ketchup warning that people better get used to higher food prices because of across the board inflation. We are raising prices where necessary around the world. He said this in an interview with the BBC. And his firm has increased prices on more than half of their products in the United States. And he said they’re dealing with rapid increase in agricultural costs. Oils, cereals, the surge has pushed the global food price index to a decades’ high.


In a letter to the U.S. Security and Exchange Commission, PepsiCo recently warned their facing rising costs on transports, raw ingredients, and more. Prices are expected to rise this year. But don’t worry. Biden’s IRS, they’ll be hiring, and they’ll be monitoring your every transaction at your bank over six hundred bucks. Good grief. And they’ll be of course, looking for mommies and daddies that aren’t happy with the curriculum at their school system and dare to speak out as domestic terrorists. This is how nuts this is getting.


We’ll be headed, guaranteed, into another recession. Food prices are at the highest prices in a decade. Cotton prices hit a ten-year high. Guess what that means for consumers and retailers? The economy’s tanking. COVID is exploding. The border’s a disaster. Tell me what part of any of this is good for you, we, the American people. It’s not.




We’re drowning in oil in Texas and Alaska. So, see, that’s not the problem. All this that’s happening is because God is allowing it to happen because of our sins. We’ve got to pray the Rosary. We’ve got to blame ourselves for this situation. We are at fault, and we have to wake up.


I have a good friend who was President of Heinz Ketchup for the whole country of England. He was over there for several years. He started following what we’re saying, and he’s well off, obviously. He bought him a beautiful farm, built a beautiful chapel, a big one. I would say he did that at least seven or eight years ago. And he was smart because there’s no time to build infrastructure. He bought a whole working farm, basically, and maybe you can go to people like that and help them out, and at the same time, they help you out.


You have to be in prayer for these things to come together. But people are moving toward that, but it’s a micro movement, because everybody’s banking we have more time and think, “Okay, tomorrow, I will.” There’s no tomorrow. It’s now! You have to make decisions. That’s why I’ve said get out of your 401(k)s. Get all your retirement, any money you have in the bank, get it out.


The reason you need to take it out now, you can’t trust the banks. One of our major banks we deal with, the whole electronic online things went down yesterday. And it wasn’t just an hour. It was a whole afternoon into this morning. You can’t do business that way. But this is just a warning. We’re advancing so high tech, then tell me why two or three years ago, this didn’t happen. We’re supposed to be more tech now. This should be alarming to you.


Facebook, last week or so, went down for six hours! And many people have moved their business to Facebook, and they can’t do anything, and people lost millions and millions and millions of dollars. And you trust this system? You put all your faith in the computers and electronics? It is infallible that it’s going away because Our Lady said it was. If it doesn’t glorify God, it’s going to fall. It’s not an acorn.


Many of you know I’ve been working on a book called The Ten Secrets. I began in the late 90s. Before I began that, I had the thoughts in the early 90s. So, it’s not when you start the book that you write something, unless you’re trying write a novel. But you think about it, and you learn it before, and you have cognition. Our Lady gave me a lot of cognition from 1986, listening to the visionaries in the early days, stories that people don’t even know yet. Things that I can’t tell you. And you I started writing in 1998, and I got to a point, and Our Lady stopped me. I never have difficulty writing. I just start writing. I don’t have a subject. I just write.


I’ve gone back to this through the years, from 1998, at least six or seven times, and Our Lady stopped me, because it wasn’t ready to publish. I’m very close. I need your prayers to finish it, and I don’t want to release anything, but I’m going to let you hear an excerpt toward the end of the book that I wrote probably about a month and a half ago. But we had this excerpt read just for this broadcast tonight, this section of the book. I explain what’s happening right now at this moment. And where we are. Turn your volume up louder if you have to and contemplate what you hear now.



The following is an excerpt from a Friend of Medjugorje’s unreleased book, The Ten Secrets of Medjugorje:


“Medjugorje people must witness Our Lady’s presence to save the world. You must use your prayers, your sacrifices, your time, your resources, your money, to propagate Our Lady’s presence.


“Many Medjugorje people do not see, nor comprehend with any depth that the cultures of our societies across the entire world are dying. Now that the writing is on the wall, there will be people who will say of themselves, ‘I saw it years ago.’ Then why did you not go all out to testify the truth of Our Lady’s presence? Now, it is easy to see. Anyone who reflects now recognizes the whole cultures of the world are dying.


“Many foolishly believe that there will be a comeback to what was our past normal. That will only happen towards the end of the world.


“Understand this. There will not be a rebound to what was considered ‘normal life’ of a few short years ago. The world’s spiritual state is deformed in every way. It is far from where God had wanted to lead it. Man no longer knows God except how man wants God to fit, as man wants God to be. Our Lady said,


February 2, 2011

“…Wandering in darkness, you even imagine God Himself according to yourselves, and not such as He really is in His love…”


“This is because the world is of man, not of God. How can it continue? Our Lady is here to wake us as a mother goes to a sleeping child. Our Lady is here to gently wake us up.


“The way we have lived is vanishing, never to return until the end of the world when the antichrist resurrects. Our Lay is guiding us on a slow, motherly, soft landing, trying to get us to a runway of agrarian life that we need to be running towards for ourselves’ and our families’ well-being. If we listen to Her, we may be able to avoid a violent crash landing. If we didn’t have Our Lady with us to help land our plane through these forty years of apparitions, we would instead have the God of Sinai sending to the earth destruction because of our sins. Think about Noah and the Flood, the Tower of Babel, Sodom and Gomorrah, Pompeii, etc. Ask yourself two questions. Hasn’t the world digressed to the point that judgment should be reigning down upon our world like that of these similar Biblical events just mentioned? With many more diabolical inventions such as 52 gender types and many abominations never heard of in the history of mankind, do you think we are going to escape purification? Anyone with a one percent spiritual IQ can see we are headed to a crash. Only those who purposely do not want to accept the inevitable will not be able to see what is coming.


“How do we know Our Lady is guiding the plane for a soft landing for our new 9/11? Because Our Lady has told us,


September 2, 2011

‘…do not wander, do not close your heart before…truth…Everything around you is passing and everything is falling apart, only the glory of God remains…renounce everything that distances you from the Lord…’


“The horrific tragedy of 9/11 was on a specific, miniscule spec of geography on the earth. Expand 9/11 across all the geography of the world. What could do that? A total world economic crash would be misery leading to murder, theft, poverty, strife, despair, and people turning against each other. There would be millions of maladies to such a chastisement because man is so far away from the soil. A total economic collapse would dwarf the effects of 9/11.


“No one can know what will come through the Secrets, but one thing you can do is to make your little spot on earth glorify God because that will be the only thing that will remain.


“These words came from the pure lips of the Virgin of Heaven. Would She mislead you? Try to scare you by a bluff? Or would She tell you the truth so that you will be motivated to change your life and surroundings to make everything around you 100% to glorifying God? If you do that, it won’t pass away. Why? Anything that is 100% Godly won’t be destroyed because God won’t destroy Himself.


“Everything is falling apart. Yes. Perhaps in a different way from the Twin Towers when they came down. But the words of Our Lady, ‘passing’ and ‘falling apart’ have real meaning.


“After Noah and the Flood, only God’s glory was left upon the world. Our Lady is arranging a gradual landing as a good mother would. Yet, again, it is necessary to repeat, Our Lady is clear that what will remain upon the earth will be that which glorifies God. How can we be sure? Because Our Lady’s messages are truth, and therefore, when She said,


‘…Everything around you is passing…everything is falling apart…’


“It will happen. This must be imprinted into your heart. It must not panic you, but rather motivate you to act, get away from every path that is not towards God. Do you understand, Our Lady does not exaggerate? When Our Lady says the word, ‘everything,’ it means everything.


If you are still sceptical, Our Lady says the word, ‘everything’ again in a way you cannot misinterpret. Our Lady continues in the message,


‘…falling apart…’


“Drill this into your heart.


“Our Lady defines what ‘things’ you must renounce that distance you from the Lord. All the tech, modernism, etc. will not remain.


“In the Bible, Jonah’s mantra, ‘Forty more days and Nineveh will be no more,’ led to Nineveh repenting and God relenting. Our Lady’s warning mantra these past forty years are for the purpose to lead us to respond as Nineveh did when they renounced and let go of the things they were clinging to that were not of God.




As we began the broadcast, it may seem funny about Chicken Little, but that’s what the world’s looking at now. When this all goes back to normal, it was just a period of the acorn.


Jesus says in the Scripture about Herod, that he was a fox. Why? Because foxes are very smart, very clever, very deceiving. The devil is a fox today, and he’s deceiving many, many people who are Medjugorje followers. And if we total the devotees of Medjugorje, we are a micro number compared to seven and a half billion people in the world.


So, in other words, those of you who have been following what we do and we follow, Our Lady, we are the seeds for the future. We are being planted in fertile soil of the messages. I’ve never lacked clarity in all this, even before Medjugorje. And I want you to see this. I want you to understand this. I want you to make your moves now.




You have been listening to Mejanomics with a Friend of Medjugorje. These broadcasts are to help expand your thinking.


We encourage you to prayerfully look at the world around you, and do not rely on the mainstream voices to tell you the truth. Do your own research. In perhaps no other area is it more important to research than to know how to preserve everything that you have worked your life for.


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Now, here is a Friend of Medjugorje to continue this broadcast.




We’re in a nine-day bread and water fast at this moment. You have your personal intentions and the intentions to stop satan for each day that you fast for. The whole year, 2022, is covered by prayer and fasting, by at least the one individual. With that fast, one of our intentions, especially, is our nation, the United States of America. The fox knows, with his level of IQ, that he has to destroy the United States of America, completely. Everything else is dominoes. They will be knocked off with no effort.


We’ve got people writing to us, praying for the United States. “We’re underneath a shadow, and if that light of the United States goes away, we are obliterated.” Alexander Dolgun said that everybody in the gulag, the prisons by the dictators, that in their prison cell, they have two loyalties: their motherland and the United States of America.


We are in the crosshairs. The sights are on us. We are under the call of Nineveh. It’s not too late for you to start a nine-day bread and water fast for yourself, your family and your nation. I’ve explained what you need to be doing in the physical realm, but you must be in the spiritual realm doing repentance and praying.


Contemplate as you listen to this song.



Forgive oh Lord and heal our land and give us eyes to seek Your face and hearts to understand that You alone make all things new. And the blessings of the land we love are really gifts from You.


If My people will humbly pray and seek My face and turn away from all their wicked ways, then I will hear them and move My hand and freely then will I forgive and I will heal their land.


Unite our hearts in one accord and make us hungry for Your peace and burdened for the poor. And grant us hope (grant us hope) that we might see (that we might see) the future for the land we love our life, our liberty.


If My people will humbly pray and seek My face and turn away from all their wicked ways, then I will hear them and move My hand and freely then will I forgive and I will heal their land.


If My people will humbly pray and seek My face and turn away from all their wicked ways, then I will hear them and move My hand and freely then will I forgive and I will heal their land.


And I will heal their land. Heal their land. Heal their land. Heal their land. Heal their land.




With all my heart and the heart of the Community, we wish you Our Lady. We love you. Good night.




The subject matter contained in this presentation is based on Biblical principles and designed to give you accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. It is provided with the understanding that neither the presenter nor the broadcaster is engaged to render legal, accounting, or other professional advice. Since your situation is fact-dependent, you may wish to additionally seek the services of an appropriately licensed legal, accounting, real estate, or investment professional.


This ends the Mejanomics broadcast with a Friend of Medjugorje. These broadcasts are available as CDs which are sent directly to your doorstep on a monthly subscription. For information, contact Caritas in the U.S. at 205-672-2000.

Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!

See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here

7 thoughts on “Will It Be Just an Acorn? Not Without Her”

  1. City: Luling
    State: Louisiana
    Country: St. Charles Parish
    You are blessed!! May Mary our Mother keep u informed so u can continue your mission of spreading Her words. Thanks for all u do for us and may GOD bless u.

  2. City: conklin
    State: michigan
    Country: u s
    Need 1 more fast day for family. Please send one to this address [ -for 2022 thank you !

  3. City: Mt Pleasant
    State: South Carolina
    Country: United States
    I need to follow back up to get the silver rounds. When I tried to last year my wife and financial adviser were against it. I will do it tomorrow. Keep up the great work.

  4. Linda Lopezthe love of our Lady

    City: Chicago
    State: Illinois
    Country: United States
    The Love of our Lady will help us in all things now and always
    Please pray and fast always.I Love You Mary

  5. City: Plano
    State: TX
    Country: usa
    I believe you; I believe an agrarian life is important; I believe every warning Our Lady has given. I’m 85, live onSS, I pray the Rosary daily, but my four children don’t believe; they do not see the danger lurking around the corner, and just consider “mom” has gone overboard. I cannot live an agrarian life; so what does an 85 years old Grandma do? All I can do is live her messages, send them out in email to whoever, hoping it makes an impact, but doubting it will…so I pray, and pray, and pray for my children and all who do not believe and trust the Blessed Mother to see me through the tough times we are heading to. Thank you for your courage, your love for and respect for Our Lady’s Motherly warnings, over and over again. May God have mercy on us all. I will begin a fast for these intentions.

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7 thoughts on “Will It Be Just an Acorn? Not Without Her”

  1. City: Luling
    State: Louisiana
    Country: St. Charles Parish
    You are blessed!! May Mary our Mother keep u informed so u can continue your mission of spreading Her words. Thanks for all u do for us and may GOD bless u.

  2. City: conklin
    State: michigan
    Country: u s
    Need 1 more fast day for family. Please send one to this address [ -for 2022 thank you !

  3. City: Mt Pleasant
    State: South Carolina
    Country: United States
    I need to follow back up to get the silver rounds. When I tried to last year my wife and financial adviser were against it. I will do it tomorrow. Keep up the great work.

  4. Linda Lopezthe love of our Lady

    City: Chicago
    State: Illinois
    Country: United States
    The Love of our Lady will help us in all things now and always
    Please pray and fast always.I Love You Mary

  5. City: Plano
    State: TX
    Country: usa
    I believe you; I believe an agrarian life is important; I believe every warning Our Lady has given. I’m 85, live onSS, I pray the Rosary daily, but my four children don’t believe; they do not see the danger lurking around the corner, and just consider “mom” has gone overboard. I cannot live an agrarian life; so what does an 85 years old Grandma do? All I can do is live her messages, send them out in email to whoever, hoping it makes an impact, but doubting it will…so I pray, and pray, and pray for my children and all who do not believe and trust the Blessed Mother to see me through the tough times we are heading to. Thank you for your courage, your love for and respect for Our Lady’s Motherly warnings, over and over again. May God have mercy on us all. I will begin a fast for these intentions.

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