July 6, 2016
Radio Wave

Why Are You Not Dwelling in the Land?

Why Are You Not Dwelling in the Land? [Podcast] Radio Wave July 5, 2016 – There is a Biblical mandate that Our Lady is making clear through Her messages that explain many things that we see happening in the world, terrorist attacks, strife in the family, etc. A Friend of Medjugorje tells of all this and shares a great hope in what Our Lady is leading us towards, to live.

Episode Transcript



Today is Tuesday, July 5, 2016, and this is Radio WAVE.




Didn’t anyone ever tell you?


Didn’t anyone ever say?


Did you capture a vision of glory,


As She held out Her hand today?


It’s reaching to the broken ones,


Right down to where you stand.


Didn’t anyone ever tell you,


This is your land?


Didn’t anyone ever tell you?


It doesn’t matter, the last will be first.


For the sad and the meek and the righteous


And all those who will hunger and thirst.


So, let the poor in spirit know


These dreams are not of sand.


Didn’t anyone ever tell you,


This is your land?




You’ll be given the robes of princes.


You’ll be flying on golden wings.


You will live in pavilions of splendor.


Be surrounded by beautiful things.


So, hold onto these promises.


And keep them in your hands.


Didn’t anyone ever tell you,


This is your land?


This is your land.


This is your land.


This is your land.



This is your land.


But why is it the reprobates are taking over it?


Because this is what happens.


Didn’t She tell us,


January 25, 1997

“…I invite you to reflect about your future. You are creating a new world without God…”


June 12, 2016, Orlando, Florida, 49 dead, 53 wounded.


All this was sudden.


We’re not dwelling in the land in peace now.


Didn’t She tell us,


March 18, 1996

“…Do not reject from [yourselves] the name of God, that you may not be rejected…”


June 18th, Istanbul, Turkey, 45 dead, 238 wounded.


We’re not dwelling in the land.


Didn’t She tell us,


May 2, 2016

“…my children…observe well the signs of the times…”


Amazing statement.


July 1, 2016. Bangladesh. Twenty-eight people killed, in a heinous way that they did it.


Didn’t She tell us,


March 25, 1992

“…I invite you to change your life because you have taken a path of misery, a path of ruin…you have gone away from God…Therefore, here is what I say to you, ‘satan is playing with you and with your souls…’”


July 3, 2016. Four attacks, over 220 killed, 221 wounded.


We’re not dwelling in the land, which means we’re not in our land in peace, anywhere.


These last terrorist attacks were not at home except for the Orlando one. You’ve got the California, Bernardino terrorist attack.


But why is this happening?


Didn’t She tell us,


June 24th, way back in 1983 before all this stuff started happening,


“…You cannot imagine what is going to happen nor what the Eternal Father will send to [the] earth. That is why you must be converted!…”


There’s a direct tie to our life, how we live it, to dwelling in the land.


What is the principle of that?


How does it work that way?


We just had a reading in Mass. They talked about Amos 4:11-12.


“Prepare to meet your God, O Israel.”


That’s when they were going to lose their land.


Our Lady brings the Scriptures to life, March 17, 1989, when She says,


“…Prepare yourself to look at Jesus ‘eye to eye’…”


That message impacted me so much, Our Lady, I know She means this. I know She’s preparing us to meet Jesus eye to eye. I know this is for the Second Coming, be it five years, fifty years, five hundred years. These messages are preparing us for that time. And we are the go-to. We are the witness, how we dealt with an antichrist system that’s being built, that in our moment, we have Her here with us to tear it apart and set it back, because the time, yet, is not here for this to take place. But without Her intervention, it would be.


And so, when She says,


“…Prepare yourself to look at Jesus ‘eye to eye’…”


That means that! That’s going to come about. Why? Because this is your land, and we’re not holding onto it. And the reason why we’re not holding onto it is because of our sins and our tolerance and accepting things that are unseemingly in others and not repenting in our own self, in our own sins.


Our Lady comes on the second of the month and shows us this about our souls, how important things are for us, that we won’t be here, on the land, without God’s blessing. If we don’t get God’s blessing, without doing what the Biblical mandates guide us to do. Our Lady’s messages are so, in the same way, given in a profound way, to bring us back to what we’ve forgotten.



Our Lady’s July 2, 2016 message on the day of nonbelievers:


“Dear children, My real, living presence among you should make you happy because this is the great love of my Son. He is sending me among you so that, with a motherly love, I may grant you safety; that you may comprehend that pain and joy, suffering and love, make your soul live intensely; that I may call you anew to glorify the Heart of Jesus, the heart of faith, the Eucharist. From day to day through the centuries, my Son, alive, returns among you – He returns to you, though He has never left you. When one of you, my children, returns to Him, my motherly heart leaps with joy. Therefore, my children, return to the Eucharist, to my Son. The way to my Son is difficult, full of renunciations, but at the end, there is always the light. I understand your pains and sufferings, and with motherly love I wipe your tears. Trust in my Son, because He will do for you what you would not even know how to ask for. You, my children, you should be concerned only for your soul, because it is the only thing on earth that belongs to you. You will bring it, dirty or clean, before the Heavenly Father. Remember, faith in the love of my Son will always be rewarded. I implore you, in a special way, to pray for those whom my Son called to live according to Him and to love their flock. Thank you.”



Our Lady’s messages grow in their intensity, in their revelation, and what it is She’s showing us.


And She’s actually told us very recently, “…be apostles of the revelation…” (May 2, 2016)


You have people and theologians that have problems with private revelations and people taking it and comparing it to the Bible.


Ratzinger, later Pope Benedict, but as Ratzinger, said that,


“We cannot stay confined to the sterile…”


This is what he said,


“…to the sterile repetition of Scriptures.”




This is pre-Pope. This is the man who became Pope who said,


“We cannot be confined to the sterile repetition of the Scriptures.”


That’s what we hear every Sunday. The sterility of this, over and over and over. When we read the Gospel and what they say and tell us about the Gospel. We don’t need that.


How can I say that with authority, with truth, with power?


Because Our Lady is here, repeating the Gospel, the readings, the Scriptures, in Her own words, without using the exact words in Scriptures.




To invigorate, as Ratzinger said, Holy Scripture.


So, his words, “We cannot confine ourselves to the sterile repetition of Scriptures,” God sends private revelations to invigorate the Scriptures. Why? Because ages change. People change. Men change as these ages go by. New things are developed. There needs to be a new, profound way to see the Scriptures in a modern way, and that’s what She’s here for.


It’s a profound thing. That’s why Our Lady says, “Pray to comprehend the profoundness of my messages.” (December 4, 1988) Why? Because they’re the repetition of the Scriptures, in a new light, through private revelations, that’s coming to the light, the real revelations of the Bible.


Nobody’s connected this. Nobody’s saying this, even in the Medjugorje world. They haven’t bridged that and grasped that yet, because, theologically, you want to keep private revelations in its little closed small box, and public revelations is everything.


Then why is God sending the Virgin Mary?


Why did we get the revelations of the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart?


Why are those things even part of the Mass now? If that’s public revelations, and private revelations are of little significance?


Or some might say, “Yeah, they have great significance, but we don’t have to believe in that.”


Yes you do.


Why? Because God knows you need it.


The Scriptures relates that the people’s faith will perish without the visions.


We have to have, from age to age, the revisiting of Jesus, just like She said,


“…From day to day through the centuries, my Son [lives and] returns among you…”


Who is that through?


The Virgin Mary.


Did you catch what She said?


Did you hear what She told us?


What She said today when She held out Her hand?


Didn’t anyone ever tell you?


She says that,


“…My real…presence…should make you happy…”


And then down, She says, because it’s


“…the heart of [the] faith, the Eucharist…”


She’s speaking of something of a mystery here.


“…My real…”


What is Jesus? The Real Presence. But “My” is the Virgin Mary. She’s addressing Herself.


“…My real, living presence…should make you happy because…”




“…this is the great love of my Son…”


Where is the Son?


“…the Heart of Jesus, the heart of faith, [is] the Eucharist…”


Did you know, in the beginning days in Medjugorje, Our Lady says, “Wherever you are with Christ, I am there at the altar”? (March 15, 1984)


Do you think Our Lady’s being given a new role, a new efficacy?


It certainly shows this, in this private revelation that is not that significant in the eyes of many of the theologians.


But bringing something in public revelations to a great truth of what Our Lady’s doing is a very profound thing for Her to say, “…My real, living presence…” and “…the Eucharist…”


“…Therefore, my children, return to the Eucharist…”


Why is She emphasizing that?


“…return to the Eucharist, to my Son…”


Don’t think that it was She, the Woman, the most pure Woman, received in Her Womb and nourished Him—the Christ—with Her milk. And that was done in such a way that us men feed on Her, because when we take Him, it was He Who nursed at the breast of the Woman. And so, that Blood that nourished Her milk, Who nourished the Christ, Who nourishes us, is to be in us.


This is a big revelation, and I qualify it by saying private revelations so I won’t be condemned. But don’t think this isn’t about real revelations. It’s Her words that says, “You are my apostles of the revelations.” (May 2, 2016)


We are living a Bible moment, very huge, just like when the Red Sea parted. Just like with Moses receiving the Ten Commandments. Except, this is all bigger, much bigger than that.


So, when you hear the words,


“Dear children, My real, living presence among you should make you happy because this is the great love of my son. He is sending me among you so that, with a motherly love, I may grant you safety…”


Where were the Israelites going to for forty years?


Where are we going to right now with Our Lady?


Do you realize they wandered for 40 years in the desert?


Do you realize that we’re 35 years into this, not yet full three decades? It took Jesus Christ three years to establish His ministry, and as soon as He established that and the birth of the Church on Pentecost, paganism began to decline.


Do you not think that here we are, in three decades of apparitions, 35th year, that puts us in the middle of the third Glorious Mystery. And what’s going to happen, after these 39 years hit, and we hit 40 years? We’ll have completed the three mysteries: the Joyful, the Sorrowful and the Glorious.


But we have 40 years yet. What happens then?


Then the illumination comes. We’ll see what Our Lady did for these 40 years. We’ll be free, going into the land, to dwell. God permits it. He clears the way.


And so, we have the Luminous Mysteries, by design of the Holy Spirit, John Paul named and told us about, about the Proclamation of the Kingdom of God and the Call to Conversion.


Is that not what Our Lady’s here for?


You think this is just accidental?


You think, “Oh, I want to be great. I’m going to be John Paul. I’m going to start another mystery of the Rosary.”


At first, I actually even thought that. I was…I didn’t understand it. I-I was bothered by it, because Our Lady says 3-3-3, over and over. Three Hail Mary’s. Three Our Father’s. Three Glory Be’s. Yes, 7-7-7. But the 40 thing didn’t come clicking to me.


So, we have three decades, 30 years of apparitions, which, actually, three decades will lead up to the forty.


All this is a mystery, and as She progresses in this, She reveals more and more things to us. And today, or the other day, because this is July 5th, and we’ve got this because I was delayed in Medjugorje and in Italy, that we do this important program about this message. You can’t pass this off, when Our Lady says,


“…that…I may grant you safety…”


Safety to dwell in the land.


She’s leading us out of the desert of darkness of the world today, to the land.


And everything is through…connects to that.


And so, we have people not dwelling in properties that they have, not doing what they need to do because they’re lost. Why? Because we don’t have the land that we’re rooted to. We’re rooted to the cities. We’re very transient. We can go anywhere. There’s no…There’s nothing being built in our world today that holds us to the soil. And that’s why we’re rootless. We’re wandering around. We have no place to be. And we don’t understand what is taking place.


We think land and dwelling in the land has no significance.


In this Valley here, we’re already in our third generation.


That’s something to say about that. There’s something Our Lady’s beginning here. We told in the beginning, the community down the road, and they got upset with us, I did in a public forum, something, they were trying to vote and put power over us. I said, “We’re not part of your community.”


They went livid over that.


And my answer to them is, “You’re not living the way we’re living. You’re our brothers. We have nothing against you. But you’re not doing what we do and you’re not in union with our community in that sense.”


It didn’t make a lot of people happy. But I didn’t say it to make people happy. Jesus didn’t say things to make people happy.


We’ve had 39 children born who lived in this Valley since we rooted in it. And it’s for us, who weren’t born in this Valley, and that we’ve rooted ourselves in this land…We love this land, the Valley and the Mountains, even more so than those who were born here because they don’t understand the significance of we came here. We chose this place, and we fell in love with it.


I knew this land was sacred the first time I saw it.


I loved this place before I even set foot upon it.


I did not find it.


It found me.


It was a call to come to this land.


I didn’t know what Our Lady was going to do. I didn’t know She was going to appear here. But my soul sensed something.


Everyone who comes to this place, they love it. They see it as home.


But to be born here is to have place, a place called home. That means, everyone who roots themselves to this place grows history, right out of this very soil, the way we live.


It’s the chapters of our life’s book.


It’s an important place.


I was just with Marija. We were talking about it.


I was just with a priest who’s very close friends with Pope Francis. I just showed him all the photograph albums of a way of life. He was fascinated by it.


Marija has photograph albums in her home in Medjugorje and in Italy. Somebody took them away because the picture were so beautiful, that she had to bring hers from Italy. She says, “Can you give me another copy of them?”


Anytime people come to Marija’s, she’s always talking about the Community here, our way of life, about our home, what my wife and I established, through the grace that the Virgin Mary sought us to fulfill. We didn’t have to say “yes” to it.


But this is Her land. She gave it to us, and we gave it back to Her.


What we have to learn today from all these things that’s taking place in the world, is that you can lose your roots. You can die from a way of life that God gives to you.


And this is exactly what’s happening and occurring the world today. People are being uprooted from the land everywhere. Syria, Iraq, here, the United States, all the rules, all the laws, all the environmental things. People aren’t able to do in their lands what they want to do, and they’re being uprooted from even their homelands, and God’s allowing others to take it.


“Well, how come God would do that?”


“If My people…” is a Biblical mandate. That mandate calls for repentance, in which, if you repent, “If My people repent, I will heal their land. Turn from their ways.”


So, the repentance of the people are to take action in their own lives, confess, and they can dwell in the land.


We have many sins across the world today that we’re committing with the land that God gave us. Mostly, people just thinking about, “How much profit can I make?” “How can I turn a profit?” “How can I buy property?” or buy a house, or buy a bigger house, invest and make more money. It’s only about money. And what is money about? Just the love of money. Money doesn’t give you anything. Money’s money, and it gives you the transaction to buy something else.


But all we can see, and all we’re looking for today, is a profit off the land instead of the love of the land.


Love of the land grows from the soil, connected to it.


A way of life for the soul, connected to the soil, in turn, grows fruit in the soul.


The soil and the soul go together.


Adam was made from it, thereby, we are also.


We’re losing our land today, only driven by the love of money and materialism. It is a tragedy to lose roots from the ground of which you are from.


And so, we see so many people losing their properties, often, through usury, through the banks and how they take it, and they get the ideas, “Well, I could make more money.”


It’s not about making more money, people. It’s about dwelling in the land.


Do you want to dwell in your land?


People, for generations, on private land have lost it because they followed a path that was deceptive, but attractive, and they lost everything through that happening to them.



I was born in this valley. On this ranch I was raised. I learned to lope, rope, and dally on the S Lazy H. Well, the roots of my people, they run deep on this place. I am sixth generation on the S Lazy H.


And when it came to the future, I never gave it a thought. If there were broncs to be broken, endless steers to be caught. Well, my youth, it was carefree, for the work was my play. And what I loved would always be there on the S Lazy H.


I had one beloved sister, a few years younger than me. Before a sole cowboy had kissed her, she left for school in the east. Me, I might have gone to college. I might have liked to fly planes. But my dad needed help to run the S Lazy H.


So I worked there alongside him, put a lot of years in this place. And I gained appreciation for the lines on his face. And when mom had grown older, and when dad passed away. It fell to me to look after the S Lazy H.


By now my sister, she had married a sharp attorney back east. We didn’t see eye to eye, but I did my best to make peace. What did they see when they looked over, over the fence one fine day? They saw a whole lot of value in the S Lazy H.


So after thought and assessment, the court awarded them half. And no cow-calf operation carries that kind of cash. Well, I worked through the numbers, worked them every which way. Yeah, I went through the numbers, oh, and boys I’m afraid, I had to sell twenty sections of the S Lazy H.


Sometimes right isn’t equal. Sometimes equal’s not fair. There will soon be rows of houses on that ridge over there. Many lifetimes of labor will be all but erased. So shed a tear and look skyward. God help the S Lazy H.


The last few years were a struggle, but I gave it my best. And I tried to go forward on the land that was left. Well, I have lived with the sorrow, and I will die with the shame. For now the bank owns what’s left of the S Lazy H.



This is a true story, sad and tragic, of people everywhere all over the lands. It’s happening every day.


What we think land is for, what we’ve been taught it’s for, is not what it’s for.


You couldn’t convince me that I would buy land that the Virgin Mary would appear upon. And yet, She came, sanctified it, created a way of life, that to think just to make money off of it or use it for the purpose anything other than a way of life, would just be pennies, not wealth.


We have people, repeatedly through the years, have come to me, telling me, “Do you know how much your land is worth?”


We’re in a different world. They measure land, its beauty, and what they see here, in the measurement of money.


We measure it, and how many people are buried in our cemetery across the street, how many people are born here, what we do on a daily basis, and doing simple things, like yesterday, the Fourth of July, celebrating a way that very few people did in the whole nation. And I doubt if they had the joy our people had.


I wasn’t here yesterday, but we have a lake. I came in at almost eight o’clock at night. Yesterday morning, standing by the lake, I was thinking about what I was doing that morning, yesterday morning. I was standing next to Pope John XXIII in St. Peter’s Church, with a cardinal doing Mass for about 15 people, my wife and I, received Communion, went through the Holy Doors, went straight to the airport from there, caught a flight straight to Atlanta, and standing by the lake that night.


And I’ve been to Rome many times, but it struck me, how can I be inside St. Peter’s in Rome, having Mass, in a church that would shake any Protestant about their faith, about, this is the one, true Faith, the grace, the might, the power of that basilica, our Mother Church, is daunting, especially when you can be there in the morning, and then you can be at your own land that night: a tie that enriches me about our Fourth of July and what we’re doing and what we’re living and dwelling in the land.


No, Mr. Real Estate Agent. There’s no price you can put on here. If you offer me one billion dollars and then go give ten million to every Community member, what is that?


Pocket change!


We’ve got a way of life, and you can have the same. And we’ve had, on this land, to show you that way, that Our Lady’s reestablishing dwelling in the land, that She says, “Didn’t anyone ever say?” “Did you capture a vision of glory?”


This is what Our Lady did here in the Field. This is what She does in the Bedroom. She appears. She’s a vision of glory. And as the song says, “When She held out Her hand today.”


What’s She doing that for?


Why is She here in the world?


Why did She come here in this land here to give this as a witness to you?


“It’s reaching to the broken ones,” what Her hand is. “Right down to where you stand.” Where were we standing? In the Field. Where are we in the Bedroom? On our knees.


Didn’t anyone ever tell you, this was your land?


I was going to lose the land, the way we had to liquidate our properties to get it, after Marija appeared on the Field, after we owned other lands, satan tried to take it.


But She made, through a Scripture verse, an incredible moment that said, “You will dwell in the land.” That’s a quote.


In fact, She told me to be steadfast, because the land was going to be taken.


And so, I opened the Bible. I point to the Bible verse and get an answer from God of what I’m supposed to do. And the Bible verse says,


“Wait for the Lord, keep His way. He will promote you to the ownership of the land.”


Pretty profound. And you know what God did? You know what Our Lady did? Exactly what that Bible verse did.


So, think about it.


Didn’t anyone ever tell you, She’s here to do this for you.


Contemplate that.



Didn’t anyone ever tell you?


Didn’t anyone ever say?


Did you capture a vision of glory,


As She held out Her hand today?


It’s reaching to the broken ones,


Right down to where you stand.


Didn’t anyone ever tell you,


This is your land?


Didn’t anyone ever tell you?


It doesn’t matter, the last will be first.


For the sad and the meek and the righteous


And all those who will hunger and thirst.


So, let the poor in spirit know


These dreams are not of sand.


Didn’t anyone ever tell you,


This is your land?




You’ll be given the robes of princes.


You’ll be flying on golden wings.


You will live in pavilions of splendor.


Be surrounded by beautiful things.


So, hold onto these promises.


And keep them in your hands.


Didn’t anyone ever tell you,


This is your land?


This is your land.


This is your land.


This is your land.



As with the S Lazy H ranch, this is what’s happening everywhere. There’s no holding the land together. And what divides it, often, say a family of four siblings who inherit it, how do they keep it?


In France, they’ve got a general consensus of the way they do it. It goes the first oldest son. And then he shares it with the family.


There’s other things that I don’t want to get off track of what we’re talking about with this message, but the land has to be held onto.


Israel was driven from the land for two thousand years. But it never left their heart. The land dwelled in their heart. They longed for it. They begged for it. They cried out to God, and God has given it back to them because they kept the love alive.


We bought a lie that we can live in apartments, we can be transit, we can be nomads, we can be Bedouins. But even the Bedouins dwell in a land that they know that they crisscross over, and they can do what they need to do to follow that.


And so, we’ve got to live different. We need a new mentality. And we need to understand what it means to dwell in it. How come we don’t dwell in the land? Or how do we develop into the city?


Cain was confined to the city. That was his punishment. Cain built the city, and Adam and Eve were out of the Garden. And they were expelled, but they were rural. They were agriculturally based. That’s what we do here.


You think, is this more of what we do on our Mejanomics show? I’m filtering in this? No, Our Lady says,


“…I may grant you safety…”


It doesn’t mean we won’t experience pain and joy, or pain and suffering. Our Lady says,


“…that you may comprehend that pain and joy, suffering and love, make your soul live intensely…”


You live more intensely in rural area.


You don’t in the city.


You might say, “Well, I’m in the city. I don’t agree with that.”


So be it! I’m just telling you what Our Lady’s showing right here. The soul,


“…make you soul live intensely; that I may call you anew to glorify [Jesus’ Heart, the faith of] the Eucharist…”


You can understand the Eucharist more in nature than standing in front of the Eucharist.


Is that anathema?


No, we’re so busy. We run in. We go to Mass. We come out. We’re assailed by everything, and we’re so busy that we don’t even have the comprehension to even go into the Scriptures and make them come to life.


You know what the Bible says? The Bible says to,


“Honor your father so that you may dwell in the land.”


This is a Biblical principle. It has no escape. You must honor your father. This culture doesn’t do that.


Today, the father is scorned and degraded into mockery. All Hollywood makes fun of it. All the jokes and the brunt of the jokes is always about, “Oh, this is my husband.”


I heard a guy on the plane. His wife said…He stood up when the stewardess said something. She told him to sit down and said like he’s…Something to the effect he’s not balanced.


I was embarrassed!


And we see this over and over and over.


In fact, I was meeting somebody in St. Peter’s Square, a friend, my wife and I, and they were flagging to me, thought I didn’t see them. But I saw this Japanese woman just chewing her husband out because he wasn’t taking the picture right. And she wasn’t joking. Here’s this little Chinese woman, or Japanese woman, and she’s just…And she couldn’t even smile in the picture when he did take it she was so mad at him.


I felt sorry for the God. He was bound to her instead of her bound to him.


And finally, my wife and our friend Kathleen is waving to me, and I’m shooing them away. I wanted to watch this, because I learn things seeing this.


And while that may be humorous, it’s this way.


Fatherhood is mocked, much more than motherhood. Motherhood is not even practiced, really, in the fullness of what it offers. It’s what the woman wants.


And so, you must honor your father to dwell in the land.


If you are honoring your father…


Or really, better said is, when one doesn’t honor their father…It doesn’t depend on if he’s perfect that you don’t do it. We must realize to honor one’s father doesn’t depend upon whether he’s perfect or not, because he sits in a position of authority that is perfect: that of God the Father. And both he and the Father, the Heavenly Father, is to be respected. If nothing else, you can at least respect his position and dwell in the land.



Father, I’m gonna say thank you, even if I’m still hurt. Oh, I’m gonna say bless you. I wanna mean those words, always wished you the best. I, I prayed for your peace, even if you started this, this whole war in me.


You did your best or did you? Sometimes I think I hate you. I’m sorry, dad, for feelin’ this. I can’t believe I’m sayin’ it. I know you were a troubled man. I know you never got the chance to be yourself, to be your best. I hope that Heaven’s given you a second chance.


Father, I’m gonna say thank you, even if I don’t understand. Oh, you left us alone. I guess that made me who I am. Always wished you the best. I, I pray for your peace, even if you started this, this whole war in me.


You did your best or did you? Sometimes I think I hate you. I’m sorry, dad, for feelin’ this. I can’t believe I’m sayin’ it. I know you were a troubled man. I know you never got the chance to be yourself, to be your best. I hope that Heaven’s given you…


Oh, oh yeah, yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah


(You did your best or did you?) Sometimes I think I hate you. I’m sorry, dad, for feelin’ this. I can’t believe I’m sayin’ it. I know you were a troubled man. I know you never got the chance to be yourself, to be your best. I hope that Heaven’s given you…


A second chance.



Wow. I say that as “wow,” because she wrote this to her father after he died.


And Our Lady said today,


“…I may grant you safety; that you may comprehend that pain and joy, suffering and love, make your soul live intensely…”


She said in the words of the song,


“This is why I am what I am today.”


She was meaning that it helped her, but at the same time, hurt her. Pain and joy, suffering and love.


And she sang this very intensely, which you could feel it. This song from the heart.


And you know what she did by doing this? Admitting that sometimes she hated her father? But she hopes for the best. She was forgiving him of the abuse, because this is what happened to her.


But she freed herself.


And her words show what Our Lady said in the second of the month,


“…I understand your pains and sufferings, and with motherly love I wipe your tears…”


Most of the suffering today is surrounded around the father, and much of it is unjust, because it’s not always him. And she got the mental capacity of her suffering to admit that, “I know you were a troubled man. I can’t believe I’m saying this. Sometimes I hate you, but really, I love you, and I hope Heaven’s giving you a second chance.”


This is the Bible. Honor your father. I don’t care what you perceive, what you think, what’s real, not real, because many things are misconception against fatherhood today.


And the Bible says,


“Honor your father that you may dwell in the land…”


What about the mother?


No, it doesn’t say that about the mother. You’re not going to live in the land by your mother, honoring her. It says,


“Honor your father that you may dwell in the land, and honor your mother that you may live a long life.”


Two different things.


And what’s lacking in the world today is fatherhood.


And so, this very powerful song speaks to any heart that hasn’t given forgiveness to the father, living or dead. You owe it to him, not because of what he’s done and he hasn’t done, because he sits in the position in the representative of God the Father. And that’s truth, and it’s not up to you, even if you’re the victim of it, to judge him wrong. You don’t know all his circumstances. You don’t know how he was raised, what formed him, why he is what he is, what the devil’s done to him.


Love him, because he’s the representative of God the Father’s authority. He carries that, and that alone makes him right in who he is to be respected, not his lack of virtue or anything else.


Once you understand these truths, that Jesus has been with us through the centuries, that Our Lady’s been with us to teach us about God the Father, then everything will turn back to normal.


And She’s our Lighthouse. She’s here to show us this.


She says, today,


“…there is always the light…”


What does the light do?


“…I may grant you safety…”


What does a lighthouse do? It brings you to safety.


Our Lady tell us, “You are never far from where I am.”


Her message conveys that. She said once, “Call Me. I’ll come immediately.” (March 4, 1982)


Our Lady is like a lighthouse. She’s bringing you home. She wants to dwell in your heart.


So, always remember, you’re never far from Her.


Ask Her to be with you.


Ask Her to give you the heart of a lion.


This is the strength we need: lionhearted. And once we become a people like that, then we will be able to change the world and reverse everything that assails us today.



Your light is inside of me, like a raging roar, like an ocean born. You’re in my veins.


Your voice is serenity when the sun goes down. And the strength I’ve found is in my veins.


Our story binds us, like right and wrong. Your hand in mine, marching to the beat of the storm.


And we walk together into the light, and my love will be your armor tonight. We are lionhearts. And we stand together facing a war, and our love is gonna conquer it all. We are lionhearts.


You’re here like a silhouette, when the darkness rules. You’re the brightest moon, and I am safe.


The story binds us, like right and wrong. Your hand in mine, marching to the beat of the storm.


And we walk together into the light, and my love will be your armor tonight. We are lionhearts. And we stand together facing a war, and our love is gonna conquer it all. We are lionhearts.


You’re never far from where I am. Like a lighthouse, bring me home. You’re never far from me. Let your spirit glow.


And we walk together into the light, and my love will be your armor tonight. We are lionhearts. And we stand together facing a war, and our love is gonna conquer it all. We are lionhearts.


And we walk together into the light, and my love will be your armor tonight. We are lionhearts.



We are to be a lionhearted people, the strength of that.


And Pope Francis said on June 17th, “We need lay people who take risks, who get their hands dirty, who are not afraid of making mistakes, who go forward. We need lay people with a vision of the future, not confined to the little things of life. The Church needs lay people who dare to dream.”


And it’s a dream that the Virgin Mary is with us every day for 35 years. And you can make it a reality and dwell in the land.


Act. Pray. And let God bless you, making your dream come true.


We wish you Our Lady. We love you. Good night.




This ends the Radio WAVE show with a Friend of Medjugorje. You can order this show on CD by contacting Caritas in the U.S. at 205-672-2000. Again, 205-672-2000.

Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!

See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

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