May 16, 2024
Mejanomics Special

What is the Secret to Life?

[Podcast] (42 Minutes) – Worldwide events to come. A Friend of Medjugorje makes us think about whether we are thinking about our future properly. Are you prepared for what you do not want to think about? It’s more than just losing your money…

Episode Transcript


The subject matter contained in this presentation is based on Biblical principles and designed to give you accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. It is provided with the understanding that neither the presenter nor the broadcaster is engaged to render legal, accounting, or other professional advice. Since your situation is fact-dependent, you may wish to additionally seek the services of an appropriately licensed legal, accounting, real estate, or investment professional.

“No one can serve two masters. He will either hate the one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon. Therefore, I tell you, do not worry about your life– what you shall eat or drink– or about your body– what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?

“Look at the birds in the sky. They do not sow or reap. They gather nothing into barns, yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are not you more important than they? Can any of you, by worrying, add a single moment to your life span?

“Why are you anxious about clothes? Learn from the way the wildflowers grow. They do not work or spin. But I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was clothed like one of them. If God so clothes the grass of the field, which grows today and is thrown into the oven tomorrow, will He not much more provide for you, oh you of little faith?

“So do not worry and say, what are we to eat? Or what shall we drink? Or what are we to wear? All these things the pagans seek. Your Heavenly Father knows that you need them all.

“But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides. Do not worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow will take care of itself. Sufficient for a day is its own evil.”

This is Mejanomics with a Friend of Medjugorje


Are you still doing the thing that you did yesterday? Are you still doing the thing you did last week? Are you still doing the thing that you did last month? Are you still doing the thing you did last year? Have you changed many things? Even 10 years ago, are you doing the same thing? Following civilization as man has grown without the roots of God?

Last weekend, the whole community went to the cemetery at 9 o’clock at night because that day, my mother died a year ago. She gave us a gift.

We didn’t know what was going on. We all went there, knelt down in the cemetery, then we began noticing and seeing things up in the sky. We had never seen that before.

We saw white and red lights streaking across the sky and then going in different directions.

We realized it was the aurora borealis. It would fade and then come back. It was so exciting. We were so happy. So, we sat there and did our Rosary and watched it for at least an hour. We have never seen that before.

In Fatima, 1917, Our Lady told the visionaries when you see the sky light up at night that World War II would begin. It was so known, it was even in the newspaper in the New York Times. I’ve got a clipping of it.

Being in the Field, in the cemetery, we knew it’s a sign. Look at the world. It’s off its axis, spiritually.

But physically, is something going to happen in the earth that’s not natural?

Yesterday, Glenn Beck talked about what the scientists are saying that there is something big coming now. So big it is going to affect everybody across the world.

It’s being predicted in what it is going to do. It is going to be an EMS which Electro-Magnetic-Susceptibility.

What you are about to hear should be something you [should] be thinking about what you are doing today that you are doing the same thing yesterday, and you are doing the same today again what you did ten years ago.

Open your mentality in what you are about to hear now.


GLENN BECK: Well, I know this is probably not on anybody’s charts. But seeing the aurora borealis is a very big story that nobody has been talking about. Everybody is like, oh look at the sky. It’s so pretty. Yeah, sure. But why is it pretty? Why is that happening?

This is the first time in 20 years that we have seen the aurora borealis as low and as South as possible — or, as it was. But we had an event and I talked about it in our meetings, Stu, last, I think Monday. A week ago Monday. And everybody looked at me like I was crazy. I said, there’s a huge CME that just happened. There’s a huge solar flare that just happened.

Luckily, it was on the side of the sun. But it was coming our direction. But not directly. It was the biggest solar flare since the Carrington Event in what, 1860, or whatever.
The Carrington Event happened in the, I think, 1860s. And we were hit by a massive solar flare. And at the time, the only — we didn’t really have electricity or anything. But we had telegraphs.

Telegraph wire all over the country, burned up. I mean, literally started on fire. From the telegraph, all the way through all of the poles, it just burned out.

And that is, you know, a significant problem with today’s electricity and all of our wires. That — that could have been a — a blackout situation.

An EMP. We dodged the bullet. It could have shut down power companies and power lines all over the country. All over Europe as well for at least a year.

The problem we have is, all of our power transformers, it takes them, I think it’s a year to build and to replace giant transformers. And we don’t have extras. Nobody is thinking about this stuff.

PAT: And we haven’t protected our infrastructure.

GLENN: No. And it would be very inexpensive.

PAT: Yes

GLENN: Bret Weinstein wrote a great article on this, last week. About, you know, he was kind of making fun of how everybody was saying, oh, look at the beautiful sky that is going to happen next week.

And he was like, it would take so little to protect our infrastructure. And nothing is protected. We really dodged a bullet.

PAT: Well, this is a few years ago. But they were talking about not just a solar EMP. But an EMP from, you know, a foreign, a foreign adversary. And how we could protect our infrastructure from it, for it seems like it was only a billion.

GLENN: I think it’s under 5 billion now.

PAT: Yeah. It’s dirt cheap in comparison to what we would lose if it actually happened. And they won’t do it.

GLENN: You know, that’s one of those low probability, high — what do they call those things?

STU: High impact.

GLENN: Yeah. High impact. This impact, if we were hit by an EMP. And it takes three nuclear weapons. Launched into space. Iran could probably do it. You know, when they get their missiles.

PAT: North Korea, yeah.

GLENN: North Korea. All you have to do is put two barges. One on the East coast and the West coast.

You fire two on one. One goes over the middle of America. One goes over the west coast. Then you have a boat on the East coast.

It takes three missiles, detonated at the right altitude, above America. You would shut us down. And in the first year, 95 percent of our population would die.

PAT: Yeah. Because we’re back to the cave time.

GLENN: Stone Age!

PAT: You don’t have refrigeration. You don’t have transportation.

GLENN: And you cannot repair it fast enough. Because we didn’t protect anything. This is one of the craziest things. Congress. You’re spending money on so much. A turtle tunnel. Spend $5 billion to protect the infrastructure.

Do you know this solar event could have knocked out all of Elon Musk’s satellites? They were afraid of those. And all of our GPS. Do you know what would happen if we lost all of our GPS?

PAT: It would be a mess.

GLENN: So the GPS, our magnetic field is so far awry right now, that it’s about a 30 — a 30-degree switch, and so it’s drifted about 30 degrees.

Okay. So it’s not up at the pole, at the top and the bottom. It’s 30 degrees off.

And because of that, it’s causing all kinds of holes and thinning of our ionosphere.

So, you know, all of this stuff, can come through.

And we have such a problem with it. It’s moving so rapidly, we used to have to adjust our GPS I think it was every five years. Then it was every two years. And because our polls are shifting, it was then a year. It’s now every six months, we have to reset our GPS satellites. The poles are moving that rapidly.


So six months that happens, or even a year from now. What are you going to do? Because Our Lady is here, we know something is going to happen.

God Himself doesn’t strike the world. God is Truth. He doesn’t have to defend Himself. Nature defends God. His Truth.

When man, you, turn away from the agrarian life and depend on man instead of God you are going to be attacked far worse than walking into a hornet’s nest.

There are dangerous situations that we are going to be faced with.

No electricity means no water. No water, life is going to be difficult because you have been on the same road you’ve been on for decades and you know something is wrong.

And the mentality, “I’ll deal with it somehow or somebody is going to help me,” everybody is going to be in the same boat. And that boat has no water, it’s on dry land.

We’re talking about because you haven’t changed the way you’re living, you don’t have the structure to meet what is coming.

In the book of Isaiah, it says, “Come reason with me,” the Lord He says.

By what you have already heard, in 10 seconds, you can reason how are you going to eat?

If you can’t eat because you didn’t change your lifestyle and it’s going to be too late.

The food supply line is gone in a day.

You think you’re going to wait, “Oh I’ll go to the grocery store in a week.”

No there’s going to be a rush.

What you are going to hear is from an author, Brandon Smith. He is an investigator journalist. He breaks down different situations that the normal citizen is unaware of.

What you are going to hear is frightening but it’s a reality. It’s not going to make you comfortable, but you need to be uncomfortable because God, through Our Lady, has been telling us to go back to the soil.

By not doing that, we inherit our own punishment.

Mass Starvation: Here’s Why Most of America Is Completely Unprepared

By Brandon Smith

The concept of mass starvation has not been in the forefront of American society for a very long time. Even during the Great Depression, the U.S. was majority agrarian, and most people knew how to live off the land. In fact, the US has never suffered a true national famine. There have been smaller regional instances of famine (such as during the Dust Bowl in the nineteen thirties), but nothing coming remotely close to the kinds of famines we have seen in Asia, the Eastern Bloc, Africa or the Middle East in the past hundred years.

Even Western Europeans dealt with major famines during the World Wars (like the Dutch Famine) and that experience has left an imprint on their collective consciousness. Most Americans, on the other hand, don’t get it. Because we have lived in relative security and economic affluence for so long the idea of ever having to go without food seems “laughable” to many people. When the notion of economic collapse is brought up they jeer and call it “conspiracy theory.”

Compared to the Great Depression, the US population today is completely removed from agriculture and has no idea what living off the land means. These are not things that can be learned in a few months from books and YouTube videos; they require years of experience to master.

I will say that things have changed dramatically in the past two decades I have been writing for the liberty media. When I started back in two thousand six the preparedness movement was incredibly small and often people were afraid to broach such topics in public forums.

In the past several years preparedness culture has exploded in popularity. Millions of Americans are now dedicated survival experts with extensive preps and firearms training. Prepping and shooting is no longer the realm of tinfoil hat “crazies”, now it’s considered cool.

The credit crash of two thousand eight, two thousand nine certainly helped wake people up to the reality of economic instability in the U.S. Then the corona pandemic, the lockdowns and the attempts at medical tyranny really shocked Americans out of their stupor. Everything we “conspiracy theorists” have been warning about was suddenly confirmed in the span of a couple of years. Every time globalists and governments create a crisis, they only inspire more preppers.

The greater problem in terms of famine is not that individual Americans are not aware of the threat; many of them are. The problem is that our infrastructure and logistical systems are designed to fail and there’s not much the average citizen can do about it.

The just-in-time freight system is perhaps one of the worst ever devised in terms of community redundancy. Any disruption no matter how minor could cut off supplies to a town or city for days or weeks. Then there’s the interdependency that comes with food being produced outside most states. If your state does not have a solid agricultural base, then it will be reliant on outside food sources during a crisis. What guarantees are there that your region will be able to secure food from elsewhere?

Furthermore, most of the populace, even those that are preparing, have never experienced large scale starvation events before. It’s difficult to adapt mentally to a threat that no one has never seen.

I suggest people who want to know what starvation feels like practice it from time to time. Try fasting for twenty-four hours, then try fasting for forty-eight hours. See how many days you can go without eating (just be sure to drink plenty of water). My maximum was seven days (after months of practice), and what I found was that after day three the hunger pangs actually stop altogether. You don’t go crazy, you don’t get violent; at most you might get tired, but you will also be surprised at how heightened your thinking becomes and how much energy you still have.

The human body can survive for three weeks or more without a single bite of food. My suspicion is that initial panic over potential hunger is the thing that causes the most violence during famines. People encounter starvation and lose their minds within the first three days. First-stage stomach pains and fogginess causes them to react without thinking and this leads to the widespread riots and other crisis events we are used to seeing in history during food shortages.

Fasting is a way to educate yourself on what it means to starve; it’s not as bad as it seems as long as you have some fat stores in your body. When you hit the point of muscle loss and organ deprivation, that’s when things change, and the possibility of death arises. Having some familiarity with the feeling of true hunger will help you to avoid panic should the real thing ever occur in the future.

The greater problem is not what you can endure, though. Watching people you care about starve is much more difficult. This is not something you can practice for and it could be a far more powerful motivator when it comes to looting and crime during a crash.

The goal of course is to avoid famine altogether. Food storage is the foundation of any survival plan. Anyone who claims that jumping right into agriculture and hunting and wild edibles is the solution has never actually had to survive off the land in their lives. The reality is, finding enough food and growing enough food to live on is difficult for most people even in normal times.

During collapse, crops are often difficult to plant safely. They can be stolen or destroyed easily and require large communities of people to maintain and protect. Even smaller gardens can draw attention from undesirables and are hard to hide.

Hunting might be useful initially if you live in a rural area, but you won’t be the only person with the same idea and animals will move out of a region quickly if they are being hunted on a daily basis. You’ll have to go further and further out to find them and that’s risky during a crisis.

Wild edibles are nice in spring and summer when they are plentiful, but then again, if you’re hiking around expending more calories that you can get from these plants then the entire exercise is pointless. I tend to find that wild edibles proponents are the most delusional when it comes to the logistics of survival. Survivalists who think they’re going to run to the woods and live off the random plants they find will probably die.

Growing food, hunting food and foraging food are all supplemental measures, especially in the first years of any crisis event. Without a primary emergency supply most people will not make it. Food storage has been a mainstay of civilization for thousands of years for a reason – It works. When larger secure communities are established then agriculture can return and self- sustaining production makes food storage less important. Until then, what you have in your basement or your garage is the only thing that’s going to keep you alive.

Unfortunately, there are some people out there who think they don’t need to store supplies because they plan to take from other people. Firstly, anyone who makes this their Plan A is probably a psychopath and I have zero empathy for them. Secondly, such people won’t stay alive very long. With every violent encounter the risk of injury or death increases; looters and raiders will be whittled down rather quickly as they get picked off by people defending their resources.

It’s not like the movies, folks; marauders will disappear swiftly during a crash. After the first year I would be surprised if any of these individuals or groups still exist.

In the meantime, the initial stages of collapse are going to be a shock for many Americans. It could be a grid down event, an economic collapse, a supply chain collapse, etc., but the panic associated with hunger will be ever present. People who understand the nature of famine can avoid panic and organize for safety. They will survive and thrive. People who don’t understand famine will panic in the first week without food and make detrimental mistakes.

Mental preparedness is just as important as physical preparedness. Keep that in mind as we move forward into uncertain times.


Our Lady has given us food through Her messages. It is to be prepared for you to have life, physically, and life eternally. He in his writing, “Mental preparedness is just as important as physical preparedness. Keep that in mind as we move forward into uncertain times.”

I wrote a book called The Corona Vision. There are 125 messages Our Lady is talking about agrarian and what I just told you, we have to change our mentality. I made a chart in the book, two columns, an agrarian world versus an urbanized world.

I’m just going to read you a few of them.

“…He [God] will give you in abundance as in springtime the earth opens to the seed and yields a hundredfold, so also your Heavenly Father will give you in abundance…”

She said that in 2006. Versus satan. She says:

“…did not believe lying voices which speak to you about false things and false glitter…”

That’s where everybody is. Looking for the world. Another one, the positive about the agrarian world, in 1985, She says:

“…if you live my messages you are living the seed of holiness…”

Do you see the verbiage? Versus a message 2003, She says:

“…Do not allow the false brightness that is surrounding you and being offered to you to deceive you…”

That’s why everybody is staying in the same place they were a year ago.

“…offered to deceive you. Do not allow satan to reign over you with the false peace and happiness…”

See, everybody is happy right now. They are eating, drinking and marrying when the ark floated away.  I’ll give you one more. Our Lady and then about satan. 2013:

“…Every day I am sowing and calling you…”

What is “sowing” all about? Not making a blanket. It’s about working in the dirt.

“…I am sowing and I am calling you to conversion that you may be prayer, peace, love, the grain that by dying will give birth one hundred fold…”

And the last message where Our Lady says about satan versus the agrarian:

December 8, 1981

“It would be a good thing…”

Did you catch that?

“…be a good thing to give up television because after seeing some programs you are distracted and unable to pray…”

And that time, watching that stupid box, you could be growing your food.

Going back to Brandon Smith and what he said:

Mental preparedness is just as important as physical preparedness.

Metanoia means to change your mentality. What you are getting fed now, you have to change now.

When you wake up tomorrow, the first step to take is what we’ve been pushing about over and over and over. Get your money in your system.

And that is the Miraculous Medal, the Medjugorje one-ounce. It is a physical step that you do immediately.

Take everything out there where your money is and put it in that. And the purpose is not to just put it in your house and hide it. It is, what he said, physical preparedness.

Century Silver will give a few words about what we are talking about.


Your first steps:

Immediately, take all your money out of the banks, out of your retirements. Whatever you have in stocks, sell it.

You get your silver in the Miraculous Medal Medjugorje Round and put it in your house and then start making decisions to buy land with that silver.

Downsize your house, take the equity from that and add that to your silver balance.

And you have to run to do this immediately.

But instead, most people are standing with their feet in wet cement and they are stuck and they are going nowhere.

You have to do this because you have no other exits.

To make your moves and to make them right now, you can call Century Silver Exchange, 877-936-7686.


Last week, I did a broadcast, Brick By Brick. If you haven’t listened to that it is accompanied to tonight’s.

A feedback was given about the broadcast, Brick By Brick. She tells about a friend who acted and took strong steps to do what everybody needs to be doing. Here’s her letter:


This is from Mary, from Charlotteville Virginia:

Beautiful and inspiring broadcast!
A friend who just bought five acres told me they were going to build granny cottages on their farm and we are thinking the same.

I think these are about 400-500 square feet mini homes for retirees to live out their days.

So many are excellent gardeners but have limited income.

Some come prefabricated with monitors and whistles and bells you would find in a retirement or nursing home.

But there is a company in Virginia called Helmuth builders that makes sheds for $9,000-19,000 (420-840 square feet) that can be converted into living space bit by bit and just need to put in a septic with well and electric hookups.

There is a nice variety of composting toilets on the market today. Many men in their 60s and beyond can still do manual labor as my 89-year-old dad hand dug a basement under a bath addition at my sister’s house. He passed at age 95.


You can easily find four or five people that is willing to go pitch in, buy five even ten acres and live comfortably, even with families. And it’s important you have surroundings to protect what you have.

These sheds, nine thousand to nineteen thousand dollars. You could have five, eight, ten acres and have five, six, seven, eight houses, families could have a little bigger one. Have no debt and get in it quickly.

Her mentality was to take action with others, pre-built little granny cottages, and Mary who wrote the letter, she says what her friend is doing that she is thinking the same.

You could start talking to people in your parish and that is the call of Our Lady. And it’s a beautiful way.

Make changes immediately. Move. Don’t blink. Listen to the evening news. Our Lady gives it every evening in Medjugorje or when She is here. It’s the evening news! The biggest news.

Sometimes the late news on the mountain. That’s the news! What is the secret to life? The three secrets are coming.

It is about life. It is not death. Do you think Our Lady and God has a purpose to give us three secrets for death? It’s for us to come to life. The life in God. The life in Jesus. The life in the Virgin Mary and what She has been telling us all these years. She is bringing the world to life. Because its dying. And you know it. The Secrets might bring us through droughts, famine, we don’t know. But the road and those things we will not be depending on man because that’s a dead end. We will be depending on God. Bring the rain. Bring the fruit from the ground. A holy way of life.

If you are listening to the evening news and you know the news about the three secrets is going to come, and this here today, gone tomorrow world were living in, don’t blink. Make the decisions that you know you have to. Life goes faster than you think.


I turned on the evening news
Saw a old man being interviewed
Turning a hundred and two today
Asked him what’s the secret to life
He looked up from his old pipe
Laughed and said, “All I can say is

Don’t blink
Just like that
You’re six years old and you take a nap
And you wake up and you’re twenty-five
And your high-school sweetheart becomes your wife
Don’t blink
You just might miss
Your babies growing like mine did
Turning into moms and dads
Next thing you know
Your better half of fifty years is there in bed
And you’re praying God takes you instead
Trust me friend
A hundred years goes faster than you think
So don’t blink.”

Well I was glued to my TV
When it looked like he looked at me
And said, “Best start putting first things first
‘Cause when your hourglass runs out of sand
You can’t flip it over and start again
Take every breath God gives you for what it’s worth

Don’t blink
‘Cause just like that
You’re six years old and you take a nap
And you wake up and you’re twenty-five
And your high-school sweetheart becomes your wife
Don’t blink
You just might miss
Your babies growing like mine did
Turning into moms and dads
Next thing you know
Your better half of fifty years is there in bed
And you’re praying God takes you instead
Trust me friend
A hundred years goes faster than you think
So don’t blink.”

So I’ve been tryna slow it down
I’ve been tryna take it in
In this here-today-gone-tomorrow world we’re livin’ in

Don’t blink
Just like that
You’re six years old and you take a nap
And you wake up and you’re twenty-five
And your high-school sweetheart becomes your wife
Don’t blink
You just might miss
Your babies growing like mine did
Turning into moms and dads
Next thing you know
Your better half of fifty years is there in bed
And you’re praying God takes you instead
Trust me friend
A hundred years goes faster than you think
So don’t blink

No, don’t blink
Don’t blink
Life goes faster than you think
So don’t blink
Life goes faster than you think
Don’t blink
Don’t blink
Life goes faster than you think


When we went to the cemetery when I was telling you earlier, for my mother’s anniversary, her death, my Dad, next to my mother’s grave and looking on them, my father’s headstone, it read on it, “1924.”

And we noticed, looking at it, that 1924 [to 2024], and now we’re here a hundred years of his birthday. A hundred years. It’s a beautiful thing that makes our community very, very rich. We have our own cemetery. And every day we walk through there and pray and you can have that just on five or ten acres. Make your decision.

We wish you Our Lady, we love you. Goodnight.


The subject matter contained in this presentation is based on Biblical principles and designed to give you accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. It is provided with the understanding that neither the presenter nor the broadcaster is engaged to render legal, accounting, or other professional advice. Since your situation is fact-dependent, you may wish to additionally seek the services of an appropriately licensed legal, accounting, real estate, or investment professional.

This ends the Mejanomics broadcast with a Friend of Medjugorje. These broadcasts are available as CDs which are sent directly to your doorstep on a monthly subscription. For information, contact Caritas in the U.S. at 205-672-2000.




Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!

See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here

2 thoughts on “What is the Secret to Life?”

  1. Susan Philipp

    City: Lake City
    State: FL
    Country: USA
    Dear FOM, What a powerful Mejanomics from beginning to end. As a Senior Citizen and a latecomer to BVM in Medjugorje, I cannot afford to blink and with Kenny Chesney’s hit single it should hit home for us all. We are running out time, please take these broadcasts with a sense of urgency. The Corona Vision is the best blueprint that I have seen because it has a spiritual reason to keep going forward. Fast, pray, do penance and hitch your wagon without a doubt to the BVM and her message. Surrender to our Blessed Lady’s Messages. God bless you FOM for never giving up on us. I consecrate myself daily to Mary and Jesus and without them, I am helpless. God bless Caritas, love Susan

  2. Michael Hebert

    City: FULTON
    State: New York
    Country: United States
    How amazing and wonderful this Southern appearance of the Northern Lights, started May 10th and ended May 12th, 2024, just one day, before the 107th Anniversary of Our Lady’s 1st Apparition in Fatima, on May 13th 1917.

    Perhaps, these “Lights,” should again remind us how we’re living in the time, Our Lady tells us is the fufillment of Fatima, and Her Plans for the Conversion of the World,

    The world then, unfortunately, didn’t heed Our Lady’s warnings, leading to the results which came. There’s still Hope All Of Our Lady’s Plans Now, Will Bear The Fruit She Desires.

    While Our Lady’s still with us, as we prepare now for the future, let none of us forget the Incredible Gift it is, of Her being with us everyday, at least for now.

    Thank You Lord Jesus, For Giving Us Your Mother From The Cross. Thank You For Grafting Us Into Your Family, So We Can Call Your Mother, Our Own. Thank You For Sending Her Down From Heaven, To Help Us All, In Our Time Of Greatest Need. We Love You And Thank You For All The Time You’re Giving Us, In This Special Time Of Grace. We Pray For the Resources And Wisdom To Prepare In A Way Which Will Serve Not Only Us But Your Children Whom Haven’t Come To Know Your Great Love……..Yet !

    God Bless and as Our Lady says, “Pray, Pray, Pray”

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2 thoughts on “What is the Secret to Life?”

  1. Susan Philipp

    City: Lake City
    State: FL
    Country: USA
    Dear FOM, What a powerful Mejanomics from beginning to end. As a Senior Citizen and a latecomer to BVM in Medjugorje, I cannot afford to blink and with Kenny Chesney’s hit single it should hit home for us all. We are running out time, please take these broadcasts with a sense of urgency. The Corona Vision is the best blueprint that I have seen because it has a spiritual reason to keep going forward. Fast, pray, do penance and hitch your wagon without a doubt to the BVM and her message. Surrender to our Blessed Lady’s Messages. God bless you FOM for never giving up on us. I consecrate myself daily to Mary and Jesus and without them, I am helpless. God bless Caritas, love Susan

  2. Michael Hebert

    City: FULTON
    State: New York
    Country: United States
    How amazing and wonderful this Southern appearance of the Northern Lights, started May 10th and ended May 12th, 2024, just one day, before the 107th Anniversary of Our Lady’s 1st Apparition in Fatima, on May 13th 1917.

    Perhaps, these “Lights,” should again remind us how we’re living in the time, Our Lady tells us is the fufillment of Fatima, and Her Plans for the Conversion of the World,

    The world then, unfortunately, didn’t heed Our Lady’s warnings, leading to the results which came. There’s still Hope All Of Our Lady’s Plans Now, Will Bear The Fruit She Desires.

    While Our Lady’s still with us, as we prepare now for the future, let none of us forget the Incredible Gift it is, of Her being with us everyday, at least for now.

    Thank You Lord Jesus, For Giving Us Your Mother From The Cross. Thank You For Grafting Us Into Your Family, So We Can Call Your Mother, Our Own. Thank You For Sending Her Down From Heaven, To Help Us All, In Our Time Of Greatest Need. We Love You And Thank You For All The Time You’re Giving Us, In This Special Time Of Grace. We Pray For the Resources And Wisdom To Prepare In A Way Which Will Serve Not Only Us But Your Children Whom Haven’t Come To Know Your Great Love……..Yet !

    God Bless and as Our Lady says, “Pray, Pray, Pray”

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