September 30, 2021
Radio Wave Mejanomics

To All the Drowsy People…

(24 Minutes) – A Friend of Medjugorje speaks from 8 years ago, words that are prophetic for what’s happening now. Do you have a 401K? Are you sure that it’s safe? How about money in the bank? How about being able to eat? It’s time to wake up, that tomorrow is too late to act.

Episode Transcript


The subject matter contained in this presentation is based on Biblical principles and designed to give you accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. It is provided with the understanding that neither the presenter nor the broadcaster is engaged to render legal, accounting, or other professional advice. Since your situation is fact-dependent, you may wish to additionally seek the services of an appropriately licensed legal, accounting, real estate, or investment professional.




“No one can serve two masters. He will either hate the one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon. Therefore, I tell you, do not worry about your life– what you shall eat or drink– or about your body– what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?


“Look at the birds in the sky. They do not sew or reap. They gather nothing into barns, yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are not you more important than they? Can any of you, by worrying, add a single moment to your life span?


“Why are you anxious about clothes? Learn from the way the wildflowers grow. They do not work or spin. But I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was clothed like one of them. If God so clothes the grass of the field, which grows today and is thrown into the oven tomorrow, will He not much more provide for you, oh you of little faith?


“So do not worry and say, what are we to eat? Or what shall we drink? Or what are we to wear? All these things the pagans seek. Your Heavenly Father knows that you need them all.


“But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides. Do not worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow will take care of itself. Sufficient for a day is its own evil.”




This is Mejanomics with a Friend of Medjugorje.



Good evening, and thank you for joining us on Mejanomics tonight.


We have, especially in the last year or so, taken the time to look at some of the things which a Friend of Medjugorje has spoken about before. Since Radio WAVE was started, we have close to nine hundred radio broadcasts. That is the Radio WAVE broadcasts and the Mejanomics broadcasts, it’s actually getting in upwards of a thousand broadcasts in which a Friend of Medjugorje has shared insight into the message, but how it applies to our life today and to the future.


In light of everything that is going on in the world right now, in the financial world, and also, in how people are even beginning to think differently, we want to reach back to December of 2013 and share with you…It’s a seventeen, eighteen-minute broadcast which a Friend of Medjugorje really laid out the logic of how it is not possible for our system to remain the way that it is. And keep in mind that, at this time that a Friend of Medjugorje is speaking in December of 2013, we were in year thirty-two of the apparitions. Now, we’re past the 40th Anniversary of the apparitions. We’re in the fortieth years of these apparitions, and how many things in the world have changed dramatically since December of 2013.


The original title to this broadcast was called Taking Your Savings, and a Friend of Medjugorje covered a number of different topics, but particularly a lot of the financial decay that was happening at that time, and that is even more visible now, today.


So, this is a Friend of Medjugorje December 26, 2013.




We look forward to where we’re going as a people. Why is it that Our Lady’s coming? What are the decisions we need to be making? And Mejanomics is about that.


June 23, 2006, Our Lady said,


“…Renew my messages and live my messages…”


That’s 2006. She appeared in 1981. Why is She saying that? Because as time progresses on the clock as we move into every day, the next day, we come closer to the ending of Her apparitions and the fulfillment of why She’s come, which is a triumph over evil. Many thought, probably, in 1981, they may not see the day we see evil that’s elevated itself to be superior to us as Christians or over Christianity. We can’t even imagine that we would be threatened with the thoughts of the Coliseum. And yet, we have this war against Christianity everywhere we turn.


In the Book of Sirach, it says,


“He who tells a story to a fool tells it to a drowsy man, and in the end, he will say, ‘What is it?’”


We have this whole thing with our financial institutions telling us stories about it, guiding people financially, people with financial advisors, giving all kinds of advice, all kinds of books, endless advice and direction. It’s all about making money, all about your retirement.


But many people have been drowsy. They’ve listened to things they never should have listened to. They’ve bought into a system—and I mean a system that nobody can control because it controls itself. Somebody puts a part of it in its rules and its procedures over here, and then another part of the country somewhere else, and it takes on a form of its own. How will you fight the system? How will you fight a system that goes toward an antichrist system, which all systems gravitate toward evil?


We were speaking about this yesterday in our family about, everything’s being chipped and animals being chipped and objecting to these shelters putting chips in animals. And they couldn’t grasp—the shelter people—“Why would you not want to be having a chip in your dog or your cat?” And Erin, my daughter-in-law, was explaining to the person, “Well, it’s just the first step, once you take that step…” And they said, “Oh, well, suppose your cat gets lost, or your dog needs something, and you need to know about this.” And she explained, as our philosophy in our community, “You don’t do it!” And people don’t get it. Christians don’t get it. You can’t have a system of chipping animals without having a system that’s going to eventually chip people. They’re already trying to do it. They tried to do it to babies a couple, three years ago, and there was a uproar in some of the hospitals where they were born, to do that. And some of them did it without even telling the parents. It was a big scandal. And, of course, that died down because they realized they were so lusting for what they were trying to achieve, that they missed the building blocks to that. You’ve got to desensitize people to that. So, what do you do? You do the pets. “What if it gets lost?” Everybody’s had a lost dog.


We were coming down 43 on Christmas Eve, my son and I, and we look over to the left, and there’s two huge Great Danes, come up to your chest they’re so big. And, of course, they were really out of place. We knew they were lost. We stopped. He got out. I rode back down the road. He cornered on one and stopped him. And about twenty minutes later, a lady drove up, and she knew whose they were, but we couldn’t get these dogs to come to us. These dogs were like $10,000 a piece. I mean, they were not just Great Danes. They were the biggest we’ve ever seen. They looked like a cow.


We stayed out there an hour till she phoned the owners and got them there, and they were so grateful for us doing that and taking time on Christmas Eve, etc.


The point is, is everybody’s had that happen to them in one way or another, and they think, “Oh, well, yeah. I’ll just take this chip. It’s a good thing.” The good that comes from that will never exceed the bad that comes from it. Evil will use these systems. They always have in the past. There’s always some dictator coming up. Can you imagine Hitler, if he had this system, both financial and being able to chip? This should be resisted on every level. We fought USDA several years ago and really busted them open here in the Birmingham area when they had hearings across the United States because they wanted to chip your chickens! Each individual chicken! The big guys wouldn’t have that happen to them. But there’s a system being created that we have to be aware that whatever can be done with evil will use those things.


We were in a race for the nuclear bomb. Hitler wanted it. One of Hitler’s scientists had it, and they knew we were working on it. And the scientist did not develop it, even though he could have, because he was waiting for the United States, because he knew it would be very, very bad if the SS got a hold of this with Hitler.


And so, these systems that you accept, and we know this is Biblical. We know this is coming. You always resist it. In your pets. You think, “Oh, it’s so good. It’s so…” No, it’s not. It has to be good for the devil to present it as light, that it’s going to help you, so he can corrupt it when he wants it to be propagated into what the evil can do with it.


And so, we have this story being told to the drowsy people out there, us, who are fools, to buy into what the financial system’s offering to us, mainly, your 401(k)s. You don’t want a 401(k). You don’t want that. You take your money, and you invest it in the way you’re supposed to do.



This article comes from one our supporters. It’s entitled, “PBS Drops a Bombshell on the Federal Reserve’s 100th Birthday Party.”


“PBS promised a debate this past Friday, December 20th, on the benefits and dangers of the Federal Reserve as the Fed marked its 100 years of existence on December 23rd. Instead of a debate, two famous stock market historians made the same stunning announcement, that the Fed has decided its job is to push up the stock market.


“PBS had invited James Grant, editor and founder of Grant’s Interest Rate Observer, and Richard Sila, professor of the history of financial institutions an markets at New York University’s Stern School of Business. The opening scene from the program shows Sila in a party hat lighting the candles on the Fed’s birthday cake, while Grant snuffs them out, suggesting that Sila would be making pro-Fed statements, while Grant would take the opposing view.


“What happened during the program, however, was that both men made the candid and bold accusation that the Federal Reserve, for the first time in its history, has assigned itself the job of propping up the stock market. Grant had this to say:


‘New thing: the Fed is in the business of talking up the stock market. The Fed is manipulating prices, especially on Wall Street.’


“To another question, Grant says,


‘The Fed has presided over the decay of finance.”


“Professor Sila adds more fuel to the fire, stating,


‘The Fed seems to have, I think almost deliberately, is trying to push the stock market up. I’ve watched this stuff for forty, fifty years now, and this is the first time in my memory when it seemed to be official U.S. government policy that the stock market goes up, and the Fed likes this because it thinks that when the stock market goes up, people who owned stocks feel richer. They’ll go out and spend more money, and the unemployment rate will come down.’


“Is it possible that the Federal Reserve, with its economic wizards and differential equations, doesn’t know that the more it props up the stock market and Wall Street, the more it is undermining Main Street and exacerbating wealth inequality in America?


“As brilliantly laid bare by producer Martin Smith on another PBS program on April 23rd of this year,


“Wall Street has become an institutionalized wealth transfer mechanism, moving the savings of the little guy into the pockets of the very rich.”


“The program entitled, ‘The Retirement Gamble,’ showed how, if you work for fifty years and receive the typical, long-term return of seven percent on your 401(k) plan, and your fees are two percent, almost two thirds of your account will go to Wall Street. Under a typical two percent 401(k) fee structure, almost two thirds of your working life will go toward paying obscene compensation to Wall Street. A little over one third will benefit your family. And that’s before paying taxes on withdrawals. The dirty secret is the negative impact that Wall Street fees subtract from compounded interest over long blocks of time.


“In the program, Smith pulls up a compounding calculator on his laptop. On air, he shows the viewer the results. Smith said,


‘Take an account with a $100,000 balance and reduce it by two percent per year. At the end of fifty years, that two percent annual charge will subtract $63,000 from your account, a loss of 63%, leaving you with just a little over $36,000. You can prove the point to yourself. Pull up a compounding calculator online. Assume an account with $100,000 balance and compound it at seven percent for fifty years. That would give you a return of $3,278,041.36.


‘Now, change the calculation to a five percent return, reduced by the two percent annual fee for the same $100,000 over the same fifty years. That will deliver a return of $1,211,938.32. That’s a whopping difference of $2,066,103.04. The same 63% reduction in value in Smith’s example. Approximately 70% of Americans who have a retirement plan at their place of work have a 401(k) plan, rather than a pension plan, which is a defined benefit plan that would deliver a fixed sum at retirement. Not everyone is paying two percent in 401(k) fees. Some workers are paying more, and others are paying less, sometimes much less, if using passively managed index mutual funds.


‘But the point is, by making propping up the stock market a goal of monetary policy, the myopic Federal Reserve is ignoring the fact that the majority of stock market wealth is ending up in the hands of the top ten percent doing very little to create jobs or stimulate the economy for the other ninety percent of Americans.’”



“…moving the savings of the little guy into the pockets of the very rich.”


This is not capitalism. People will say they would distribute this as capitalism. This is not the free market. Capitalism is the best thing we know. It’s superior to all other economic systems that we’ve been able to find. And yet, people will attribute this happening, of moving the savings of the little guy into the pockets of the very rich, is due to capitalism. It has no bearing on that. This is corruption. The Federal Reserve is corrupt. It was based on corrupt ideas. It was birthed a hundred years ago for the purpose of making the rich richer. And I say that in the context that there are a lot of good rich people that have done a lot of good things, philanthropy-wise, that help a lot of people. And we need rich. And people get rich because God grants that because they have the funds to help, and to administrate, and be Jesus’ administrator.


That given, we hear this about 401(k)s is what the Scriptures in Sirach says. “He who tells a story to a fool tells it to a drowsy man…” We’ve been drowsy. After you’ve been told, and at the end, you will say, “What is it?”


What is it? What is it when somebody gets $3,278,000…And this is right out of It Ain’t Gonna Happen. We often see, when we put out material, two or three years later, it goes right into the free market, in the sense that people start picking up these ideas because even ideas are a free market. So, even this whole concept of ideas is free market. Who has the best ideas gets out there. So, a free market can apply to many, many different things.


But in this situation, we’ve been sold on this idea of the drowsy man, who we are, and then, at the end, we say, “What is it?” People don’t even know what a 401(k) is. It’s for a purpose for somebody else to make money. You make little. But this being said out of It Ain’t Gonna Happen…The book went into financial nobility, right from the top. We were shocked who got a hold of this book. And now, it’s being transferred in the ideas and concepts of just what this says here. Smith says, “Take an account with a $100,000 balance, reduce by two percent a year…” These graphs and these charts are in It Ain’t Gonna Happen. One of our community members who saw it, who went to school, who’s a CPA, said he was taught this in school, but he didn’t see this.


Our Lady’s messages wakes you from drowsiness and makes you see things. You can do far better, far greater, if you do and invest your own 401(k). Or don’t even get a 401(k). If you’re not forced…And a lot of places, now, are forcing 401(k)s on their employees. Don’t do it. See what you can do to get out of it, because it’s crazy when you’ve got the people that’s making money on this are just using you, and you only get $63,000 out of $100,000, and then this three million can be generated, plus? But it all looks like, “Well, it was two percent.” It’s compounded interest. Go back to It Ain’t Gonna Happen. If you haven’t read the book, go back and read it. Compounded interest is really borrowing a loan, a twenty-year loan, twenty times twelve, which is 240 months. You’re paying full interest on that money every single month of what you borrowed. That’s usury, and it’s sinful.


And so, we can say with confidence that the Federal Reserve is doomed. Anything that’s built on greed and corruption eventually corrodes and rots. And that’s what we’re seeing in the economic system we have today. It said in there that we see decades of financial decay. PBS, Public Broadcasting Network, is not known to be conservative. They’re very liberal in their outreach. And that’s why somebody about the Federal Reserve would comfortable with them doing an article, because they know they’re going to go toward them. But the PBS program did just the opposite, meaning that everybody’s catching on to this.


But most of all, Our Lady’s here for this, because, financially, this is how satan will rule. A system will be built, and we’ve got to stand up to it. And Our Lady’s here to let this system that’s headed toward an antichrist system be stopped and crushed. She’s not going to let this continue. The reason She’s not is because we can’t stand it. Not in hatred-wise. We won’t be able to tolerate it. There’s got to be a people to be able to approach the threshold of this antichrist system and defeat it. And that’s what Our Lady’s here for. We quoted the message, “…Renew my messages…” Going into 2014, you have to be renewing the messages. You have to be really looking at yourself, where you’re headed, the decisions you made this past year. And if you’re procrastinating, this doesn’t work! Head in the sand…It worked twenty-five years ago. You’d made it to this point by hiding your head in the sand. And we’ve heard from people—which still astounds me—I’ve said it before, “Well, I’ll deal with it when it comes.” You won’t be able to deal with it except through starving to death, trials, great difficulties.


Poverty…You say, “Oh, I like poverty or take poverty…” Well, it’s nice taking the vow of poverty in a system that’s running. But if everybody’s in poverty, you’re not talking about just third world poverty. You’re not talking about just famine in Africa. You’re talking about everything, from cannibalism all the way through starving to death. I was reading a story about a Civil War deserter from the Confederacy, the first one. I was reading it last night. His wife had wrote a letter that said that, “What you’re doing is very honorable,” and “I love you as a wife, but your little Mary is starving to death. We have no food, and I’m watching her get thinner and thinner by the day. We don’t know if we’re going to make it.” He asked for three leaves of absence to run home and see if he could help them. He refused him. The only thing he knew was to go home. And of course, they called him. They put him on trial. They were going to execute him. They find out this story. And once they find that story out, they were moved and allowed him to go back and serve as an artillery man. He died within a month after that. And he died, as he died, he said, “Am I dying honorably?”


But war brings things like this, starvation. And it was still good compared to what’s headed our way. I’m not being doomsday. You just ask yourself why Our Lady appears every day for thirty-two years. Ask yourself, in a system right here that’s being built, what it’s doing. And we’re eating good. You still have hot water. People who are poor still have everything they need in this country. Everybody’s eating. If they don’t eat, if a kid’s not eating, it’s not a matter of the food not being there. It’s distribution. It’s neglect of the parents. That’s another kind of sin. But what happens when the system isn’t producing for those who can distribute it, and it’s not there anymore? And all you have to do is reflect.




That was a Friend of Medjugorje on December 26, 2013, speaking about, at that time, where we were, but really, now, looking at his words today, we understand now that they were more prophetic to where we are today. But this is what we have seen, as he has given his life to the messages and to understanding Our Lady’s words, so many things that he has seen through the message have proven to be prophetic.


And so, as we end the broadcast tonight, we want to conclude, again, with a Friend of Medjugorje’s words from December 26, 2013. Here is a Friend of Medjugorje.




So, 2014 is something very, very important coming. When you read something like this, it’s astounding. You need to listen to this and replay what Joan just read. Let that soak in. Get your 401(k) out. If you only get $30,000 out of a hundred, start doing something with it yourself. Put it in silver, the Miraculous Medal Medjugorje Round we did. You say, “Well, I won’t have retirement.” You’re not going to have it anyway. We know Obama’s looked at it as public funds. We know what this says here is Wall Street looks at it as…The quote Martin Smith says,


“Wall Street has become an institutionalized wealth transfer system moving the savings of the little guy into the pockets of the very rich.”


I resent and cringe every time I hear somebody, “The rich, the rich, the rich.” We’re rich! You’re rich. If you’re listening to this, you’re rich. You’ve got a computer. You’ve got a radio.


So, what is wealth? Meeting all your needs and some extra over that. What else do you need? But see, we always want, and we can’t realize how blessed we are, and I believe this is one of the greatest problems we’re going to have, is because of our ingratitude, not recognizing the blessings we have and enjoy and what we see and the contrast of what we won’t have later, we’re going to be shamed. We’re going to be really shamed and sickened about how good we had it, and yet, we never appreciated that.




The subject matter contained in this presentation is based on Biblical principles and designed to give you accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. It is provided with the understanding that neither the presenter nor the broadcaster is engaged to render legal, accounting, or other professional advice. Since your situation is fact-dependent, you may wish to additionally seek the services of an appropriately licensed legal, accounting, real estate, or investment professional.


This ends the Mejanomics broadcast with a Friend of Medjugorje. These broadcasts are available as CDs, which are sent directly to your doorstep on a monthly subscription. For information, call Caritas in the U.S. at 205-672-2000.

Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!

See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here

2 thoughts on “To All the Drowsy People…”

  1. In John 19:26-27 WOMAN behold thy son, son behold thy mother.
    *thank you Lord Jesus for giving us Your mother to be our mother too.

  2. In John 21:2 WOMAN, what concern is that to you and Me? My hour has not yet come.
    In Revelation 12:1,2&5 A great sign appeared in heaven, a WOMAN clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown with twelve stars upon her head…

    This gives me hope because I place all my prayers, intentions and petitions in Our Lady’s hands. I wait patiently for the triumph of her Immaculate Heart.

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2 thoughts on “To All the Drowsy People…”

  1. In John 19:26-27 WOMAN behold thy son, son behold thy mother.
    *thank you Lord Jesus for giving us Your mother to be our mother too.

  2. In John 21:2 WOMAN, what concern is that to you and Me? My hour has not yet come.
    In Revelation 12:1,2&5 A great sign appeared in heaven, a WOMAN clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown with twelve stars upon her head…

    This gives me hope because I place all my prayers, intentions and petitions in Our Lady’s hands. I wait patiently for the triumph of her Immaculate Heart.

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