September 1, 2022
Radio Wave Mejanomics

Thinking the Unthinkable

[Podcast] (31 Minutes) – In this broadcast shared from 2011, a Friend of Medjugorje speaks prophetic words that could easily be spoken today. He tells of nature deficit disorder and he says that life as we know it will go away – his words have been proven true.

Episode Transcript


The subject matter contained in this presentation is based on Biblical principles and designed to give you accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. It is provided with the understanding that neither the presenter nor the broadcaster is engaged to render legal, accounting, or other professional advice. Since your situation is fact-dependent, you may wish to additionally seek the services of an appropriately licensed legal, accounting, real estate, or investment professional.




“No one can serve two masters. He will either hate the one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon. Therefore, I tell you, do not worry about your life– what you shall eat or drink– or about your body– what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?


“Look at the birds in the sky. They do not sow or reap. They gather nothing into barns, yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are not you more important than they? Can any of you, by worrying, add a single moment to your life span?


“Why are you anxious about clothes? Learn from the way the wildflowers grow. They do not work or spin. But I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was clothed like one of them. If God so clothes the grass of the field, which grows today and is thrown into the oven tomorrow, will He not much more provide for you, oh you of little faith?


“So do not worry and say, what are we to eat? Or what shall we drink? Or what are we to wear? All these things the pagans seek. Your Heavenly Father knows that you need them all.


“But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides. Do not worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow will take care of itself. Sufficient for a day is its own evil.”




This is Mejanomics with a Friend of Medjugorje.



In tonight’s Mejanomics, we’re going to take a step back.


This time, we’re stepping back to November 10, 2011.


There are two reasons why we want to share this broadcast with you tonight.


The first is in light of a Friend of Medjugorje’s new book which has just been released titled, Has satan Pulled Another One on You? Some of the subject content is covered in this broadcast.


Second reason why is a Friend of Medjugorje speaks about things that are clearly prophetic.


Keep in mind this is ten years before corona and everything that happened with the whole pandemic and how people began to think differently about the world.


And yet, what you’re going to hear in the broadcast tonight is something which a Friend of Medjugorje could easily walk into this studio today and tell you the very same things, and it would be speaking to us today.


The title of the broadcast was Thinking the Unthinkable.


And so, here is a Friend of Medjugorje November 10, 2011.





Well, nature’s speaking to us more and more. This past week an asteroid as large as an aircraft carrier passed between us and the moon.


While there was no alarm bells going off, no scientist saying that it was in danger of hitting the earth, if something like this did hit the earth of that size, it’d be greater damage than what you see in the meteor hole in Arizona or what took place in Siberia in the early 1900s. It was big enough to destroy the earth.


Is that to put fear in us? No.


Do I think those things are going to happen? Well, in the end, it will. The heavens will fall.


So, what should we make of this?


It’s Our Lady Who says, “…look at the signs of the times…” (May 2, 2009) It’s Our Lady Who said, echoing the Church, which teaches also that God speaks to us through nature, through men and various other ways. (March 25, 1990) Are we listening? Do we see and compute things, look at these things that’s happening?


You can say, “Well, toward the end it says earthquakes will increase. Wars will increase. Rumors of wars.”


Have earthquakes increased? No. Better reporting has. But there have been no measurable increase of earthquakes.


So, we can’t say that time’s here.


But we can say that a great sign’s been given to us, the Woman clothed with the sun, the moon under Her feet, a crown of twelve stars about Her head. Revelation 12! And we can say that this is the fulfillment of all the Marian apparitions: Guadalupe, Lourdes, Fatima. All the other apparitions have led to this apparition in the fulfillment of the time of Our Lady. It’s She Who says, “These are the last apparitions on earth. Afterwards, I will no longer appear here.” (May 2, 1982)


Oh, yes, Our Lady did say, in Medjugorje, that, “Even when I no longer appear, My eyes and My Heart will still be here.” (March 18, 1996) She’s been given a new presence that will be upon the earth, but there won’t be any more apparitions where they can see Her, touch Her and talk to Her as now.


That’s a great sign. That’s a big sign.


And what’s even bigger is Mary comes in moments of great trial in history, great moments in history, something of changing in a way that we don’t understand.


You could have never sent me, what I got this week, an article on November 4th about “Thinking the Unthinkable: Who Will Die in 90 Days,” and it covers 90 days after a collapse or some catastrophe. People would have laughed at it 25 years ago, but they’re not now.


I’m told, and we have yet to verify, the government has bought one billion meals of freeze-dried food. Companies are upstarting all over the place and can’t supply it quick enough. We’re told middle men are being cut out because the government, they’re coming out and they’re buying it for government. They can’t supply it.


You know, an ant can feel the impending earthquake coming.


Is man, though he’s dumbed down, so unintelligent, that he can’t sense that something’s coming our way?


This wouldn’t have been the case just simply ten years ago. But it is now.


These are interesting observations. Nature’s speaking to us.


We were there the day after Katrina. We saw patches and flocks of seagulls dead. You would think during a hurricane they could go somewhere, fly somewhere, and survive it. They didn’t live through it. You’d see 10 over here, 25 over here. It’s really strange looking at that.


And even stranger, there were no other birds in the air. And in fact, there were no birds chirping.


And we began to realize on the second day, not hearing that, that we saw no insects.


There were no ants.




There was no life. It was sanitized, washed away, so ferocious that everything died or was swept inland miles away.


It was four days before we heard our first bird returning, a week before we saw an ant or an insect.


Pretty eerie. I’ve never experienced anything like that before. We’d lay there at night, no crickets, no sounds, no frogs, nothing.


God wants to speak to you through many ways, through men, through nature, Our Lady said. (March 25, 1990)


And so, we see our things and thinking the unthinkable now. People are giving way to that thinking, “What is the future like?” Our Lady’s very prophetic, not for the purpose of telling us about the future and what it’s going to be like, but that we can act in the present.


We’ve been hammering on this nail for you for the last weeks in the shows to show you prophecy’s not given to know the future. Prophecy’s given to the present man to make his decisions now.


What decisions are you making that you could make that you’ll wish you did make a year from now, ten years from now?


I’m so grateful I made decisions to stay out of debt. I’m so grateful that I bought land. I’m so grateful that God gave me the wisdom to see the steps I needed to take to be independent, don’t outsource Caritas, even. I didn’t do it with my company. I’m not going to do it with Caritas. Pay as we go. Everything operating here is paid for. What funds come in goes in product. What’s the product? The message or a spiritual project, or what we just did in Ecuador or Mexico City or Key Biscayne.


Those decisions and being able to do this came from 25 years ago, 30 years ago, decisions made in the right way.


I’m not saying that in bragging. I’m saying that because Our Lady says, “Testify with words and your witness.” (September 20, 1985)


So, we’re being strong about saying what decisions we make.


What decisions are you making, and what decisions did you make 20 years ago that is a cross for you now that’s bad decisions? Many people have bad decisions they made.


The purpose of Our Lady’s messages saying, “Dear children, today…” Means that you messed up. We’ve all messed up as a culture in a lot of ways, 5 years ago, 25 years ago, 50 years ago, and we’re picking bad fruit. But if you want to pick good fruit, you want to plant a good seed tree that’s going to grow in something, today, live this message. That plants that seed that will grow tomorrow that will be watered by your tears and sorrows, your fasting and penance. And that tree will grow, and eventually, five, ten years down the road, it starts picking good fruit.


Many people, and most people, pick bad fruit right now from the trees they planted ten years ago, or whatever time ago it was that made the decision.


So, how do we change that?


“Dear children, today, act on this…”


That’s what Mejanomics is about: first, how to quickly change your situation of what you have by putting your means that you have, whether it’s a little bitty savings or a large savings or a large investment or sell things that you don’t need like a bass boat.


My wife and I had to come to terms when we first got married, did we want to keep a boat we had? I was in business. There was no Medjugorje at that time. That’s ’75 we got married. By ’77 we had some things and a bass boat and a house. We had made right financial decisions. I paid cash for that. The house was a duplex. We did have the owner finance that, but what we did is we cut the house in half. It was so big. And we rent out the other side, and we lived there free. No payment.


Actually, after he paid the payment for renting out the other side, we had a ten-dollar payment. And within a few short little time not having that, I was able to pay that off.


But what I did do at that point was sell that bass boat. It wasn’t super fancy, but it was enough money for me to take that money and pay down on the land I got here now, until we closed that a hundred days later. Which, I made more money at that time to take care of that.


So, those were good decisions. Those were good trees planted. In fact, decisions enough to when God called me to do what I did, I was able to say “Yes” to Our Lady. I wasn’t tied down where I had to be and continue my business. I had the means. I had a roof. I had my things set in life, at a fairly young age, in the thirties.


So, that’s what this is about, to get you thinking the unthinkable, things that you don’t want to think about because it’s going to be discomfort. It’s going to be sacrifice.


Delayed gratification brings more gratification later. Sacrifice. How many times have you heard of people in their company, they sacrificed, they did without?


The Chinese are a great example of this. The whole family will open up a Chinese restaurant and don’t make anything for years. Years and years and years. And the whole family will be there working. And they’ll be living in a shanti or something. I mean, I’m talking about here even in America, because they’re willing to sacrifice to get what they get.


Many huge companies today was done that way in the early 1900s. You can do the same thing with your family. You can get that independence. You can get that dependent on God’s way, which is pay as you go. Don’t act on what your wants are or greedy things, but as God gives it to you, then you act on it. Put all the framework of your steps in that capacity.


So, we have the noise of the city. We have all these things that block our ability to think correctly. We’re swept along with the technology of today. It doesn’t allow thinking. There’s no thoughtful reflection today. There’s no quiet time for that.


And for Joan’s reading, I reviewed this that was just sent to us, a wonderful piece that does involve psychology, which I’m not always for, for many reasons. But the facts are the facts. What it says correlates what Our Lady’s saying. “Go out into nature.” (April 25, 1993; October 25, 1995) She wants us to start thinking. “Go out in creation. Have an encounter with God…” (December 25, 1988; November 20, 1988) He’ll show you what to do.



This article is about Nature Deficit Disorder, and it begins by saying, “You aren’t depressed. Your brain just isn’t equipped for 21st-century life.”


“In my experience, the more people have, the less likely they are to be contented.


“Indeed, there is abundant evidence that depression is a disease of affluence, a disorder of modern life in the industrialized world.


“People who live in poor countries have a lower risk of depression than those in industrialized nations. In general, countries with lifestyles that are furthest removed from modern standards have the lowest rates of depression.


“Within the U.S., the rate of depression of members of the old0-order Amish, a religious sect that shuns modernity in favor of lifestyles roughly emulating those of rural Americans a century ago, is as low as one-tenth that of other Americans.


“Psychologist Martin Seligman, originator of the field of positive psychology and director of the Positive Psychology Center at the University of Pennsylvania, as studied the old-order Amish along with other pre-modern cultures. He concludes,


‘Putting this together, there seems to be something about modern life that creates fertile soil for depression.’


“Another prominent researcher whose work I respect, Steven Lardy, Professor of Psychology at the University of Kansas and author of The Depression Cure, observes, ‘The more modern a society’s way of life, the higher its rate of depression.’


“It may seem baffling, but the explanation is simple. The human body was never designed for the modern, post-industrial environment.


“More and more of us are sedentary, spending more of our time indoors. We eat industrial food much altered from its natural sources, and there is reason for concern about how our changed eating habits are affecting our brain activity and our moods. We are deluged by an unprecedented overload of information and stimulation in this age of the internet, email, mobile phones and multi-media, all of which favor social isolation and certainly affect our emotional and physical health.


“Behaviors strongly associated with depression, reduced physical activity and human contact, over-consumption of processed food, seeking endless distraction, are the very behaviors that more and more people now can do, are even forced to do by the nature of their sedentary indoor jobs.


“This kind of life simply was not an option throughout most of human history, as there was no infrastructure to support it, much less require it.


“Many evolved to thrive in natural environments and in bonded social groups. Few of us today can enjoy such a life, and the emotional equilibrium it engenders. But our genetic predisposition for it has not changed.


“The term, “Nature Deficit Disorder,” has recently entered the popular vocabulary, though it has not yet made it into the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders or been accepted by the medical community.


“I believe we are gathering scientific evidence for the benefits of living close to nature, not simply for enjoying its beauty or getting spiritual sustenance, but for keeping our brains and nervous systems in good working order.


“A few examples: we get vitamin D, now known to be necessary for optimum brain health by spending time in the sun. Our cycles of sleep and waking and other rhythms are maintained by exposure to bright light during the day and darkness at night. Lack of bright, natural light during waking hours and exposure to artificial light at night disrupt these rhythms, interfering with our sleep, energy and moods.


“Hunter-gatherers and other primitive people did not develop the deficits of vision and the need for corrective lenses as early in life as people in our society do, probably because they grow up looking at distant landscapes more often than reading books, writing or staring at television and computer screens. Because the eye is a direct extension of the brain, eye health is an indicator of brain health.


“Our hearing has evolved to attend to and analyze changes in the complex, acoustical patterns of nature, like those of forests, running water, rain and wind.


“Nature’s God did not intend for us to endure the kinds of man-made sounds that pervade our cities and lives today. Noise strongly affects our emotions, nervous systems and physiology.


“The problem stemming from Nature Deficit Disorder are examples of a mismatch between our genes and the modern environment. Our brains simply are not suited for the modern world. Possibly, the deterioration of emotional well-being characteristic of contemporary urban life represents a cumulative effect of lifestyle changes that have been occurring over many years, an effect that is now suddenly obvious.


“Not only do we suffer from Nature Deficit, we are experiencing information surfeit. Many people today spend much of their waking time surfing the internet, texting and talking on mobile phones, attending to email, watching television and being stimulated by other new media, experiences never available until now.


“The allure of synthetic entertainment (television, the internet) is eerily reminiscent of the false promise of industrial food. It seems like a dissolution of the good aspects of social life, always entertaining, yet easy to abandon when it becomes tedious or challenging. But, like junk food, it is ultimately unsatisfying and potentially harmful.


“Our brains genetically adapted to help us negotiate a successful course through complex, changing and often hazardous natural environments are certainly confronted with an overload of information and stimulation independent of physical reality.


“Lifestyle programs intended to relieve depression by correcting the mismatch between the modern world and our agrarian-thinking brains and bodies recommend such interventions as increasing aerobic exercise, improving sleep, spending more time in the sun, eating more fish to boost intake of omega-3 fatty acids, socializing more and not dwelling on negative thoughts.


“In addition, I recommend familiarity with interventions that have no analogue in the hunter-gatherer world but are being shown by neuroscientists to help change our brains for the better.”



You know, we’ve excluded fruitful things outside in lieu of sports. We play with, exchanging our kids playing with sticks with things and computer games, using a stick for this. We live in a synthetic world. If you look at everything, from our food, everything, the processed, all this, even this is a paradox in what’s being written about is that, it has to title it, “Nature Deficit Disorder.”


Basic common sense, the basic message Our Lady tells us, is we already knew this! I didn’t need a psychologist telling me these things. Many people pay attention to this. It’s good putting all these thoughts on paper in a concise area like he just said, but this is what Our Lady’s been saying. She’s already given us the answers. But are we able to hear that? Or is this modern society, as Our Lady says, “satan wants to divert you through modernism,(May 25, 2010) does it distract us from even being able to hear that?


And so, maybe we do need to hear this from a psychologist, even though most people with wisdom would already know that. How many times have you heard for years and years and years about the T.V. from here? The cell phone, the texting? It’s unhealthy. I know that already. I don’t need research. I can see the interaction socially.


Last night, late, when we broke our fast, our nine-day fast, the social exchange between all of us, it was such a joy. We enjoyed it. We had a real social evening, because we were in that band, as this writing just said, a group, hunter-gatherer-type thing. We were familiar with everybody. We know each other. We’re working with each other during the day. We go through joys. We go through sorrows, loss and gain. We have history with each other. And breaking a nine-day fast was joyful. We were all very happy. But it’s a simple thing. But mentally, it makes us happy and healthy. It drives depression away.


And we’ve got a culture that’s depressed. And all that’s in front of them to look about is the unthinkable. And we need to be thinking about what we could do now to change the unthinkable from happening to you.


Ivan said, and you won’t escape everything. He said the Secrets are not going to be good! So, we can’t say, “Oh, it’s positive things.” If God’s sending it to us, it is a positive thing. Maybe going through a negative to get there, but it’s going to be for our good. God doesn’t do anything without it ending up good.


And so, when God turns man over to himself, which Our Lady just says, “You are not alone,” (January 2, 2011) But She also qualifies that, years ago, when She says, “Use this time well,” or “Use this time of grace now that it may go well for you,” (March 21, 1985) tells us something that’s not in the future.


So, God is with us. Our Lady’s with us. She’s given us the foundation in the message how to walk this life, how to be happy.


I think in Florida, or maybe Ecuador, someplace, I met a guy that said—I didn’t know who he was. He just started talking to me. He said, “Yesterday, I was in Cuba.”


He said, “I met the happiest people I’ve ever met in my entire life. And they were so poor! So poor.”


This correlates what Joan just read, that people that don’t have a lot are happy people. I’ve seen that in Mexico when I was there before. And you think, “Well, they’re lucky.” The joy they have, and what we have, we don’t.


So, affluence has hurt us. It’s a good thing when we learn that we don’t need things. It’s a good thing not to be attached to things because God’s changing the culture and things are going to go away. We won’t have life as we know it right now. And that’s why people really need to understand the urgency of not in fear. God doesn’t want you to be in fear of the future. And perhaps there will be manna coming down from Heaven. There’s got to be something.


But always remember, that while He fed the Israelites, He did it for only forty years. We’re being fed manna right now for thirty years. And maybe at the end of this forty years, we may have five years where even real manna from Heaven—food—may come.


But your food right now is the messages. This is it. This is getting you to the Promised Land. What’s the Promised Land? Some spot for you out from the city. Someplace, or wherever.


And again, not everybody’s got to be gardening and putting their hands in the dirt. But you’ve got to be close to an agrarian way of life. We are not connected to the agrarian way of life. We’re in cities that’s sterilized of that, just like after Hurricane Katrina. Everything’s dead there. There were no flies in there. That’s the most amazing thing I failed to mention a little while ago. There were no flies! We’re there in a system that we can use this system to bridge over to where God’s trying to get us to see the light and understand where to go. Our Lady says, She says, quote, “Go into nature.” (April 25, 1993; October 25, 1995) She said from my house, the only time She’s ever said this, never in thirty years has She used this word again. She’s repeatedly said, “Go have an encounter with the Creator.” But here in the Bedroom, She said, “Go into creation and bless all creation.” (December 25, 1988) She said the word twice. She’s never used the word, “creation.”


And I believe it was something that She indicated to Marija that She was going to create a Community here. I had been doing this for six years before that community started. We were on a path. We had the right mentalities about buying our land, paying for things.


And so, Our Lady uses this word, “Go out and bless all creation.” (December 25, 1988) I went out and blessed the trees. We got a sawmill. We see the fruit of the earth coming straight from soil to a product, to a cabinet, to a table. We can do that.


Kids right now, here, are already getting Christmas presents. They’re looking at trees that they’re going to cut down, knotty trees that’s dead on the property. They were just in my office, “Can we take off Friday afternoon?” Why? Because they have duties here. These kids are responsible. They don’t have T.V. games they go to. They don’t have cell phones, they’re texting somebody else. They’re in the natural world! They literally can live what Our Lady says, “I give you a way that’s bitter but contains every sweetness of life.” (July 25, 1987)


We’re doing the blessing. Little Victoria, because she had to sacrifice last night during the nine-day fast, because even our three-year-olds do some kind of sacrifice, fasting, if they still can eat, they can’t eat sweets. They can’t have any kind of drinks. Maybe they’re drinking water. But she couldn’t wait through the blessing. And this message of bitterness, as soon as I saw this, the sweetness of life, she got a dill pickle, while we’re saying the blessing, took that dill pickle, went over to the powdered sugar, dipped it and started eating it, then looked around to see if anybody was watching.


The bitter and the sweet.


And so, these are joys for us. This is also representative of Our Lady’s messages coming to life, and this is what She wants to give you a way that’s bitter. But if you start on this way, will contain all the sweetness of life. We’re experiencing that. It’s not a bed of roses, because there’s still bitter with it.




And so, that was a Friend of Medjugorje November 10, 2011. The title of the broadcast was Thinking the Unthinkable.


And as we hear his words and everything that has transpired since 2011 to 2022, it is clear that his understanding of the world based in the messages, his discernment of Our Lady’s words, are prophetic for us today and give us a greater impulse to share these broadcasts with everyone we meet.


And so, knowing, as a Friend of Medjugorje said tonight, that we will not have life as we know it right now, we know that those words have been proven true, and we know that they will again be proven true.


And so, to conclude, here again is a Friend of Medjugorje from November 10, 2011.




So, what does this tell you? Our Lady’s got some kind of wisdom, if you follow Her messages, that’s not conventional. It’s not there. The psychologist, university, all these titles! We don’t have that, but we knew it, and we’re ahead of the curve 10, 15 years ago, 20 years ago, because we were using the light of common sense, which is Jesus Christ, and that’s Our Lady’s words. “Jesus is the light of common sense.” (December 2, 2007) The Word.


And so, you can have that. It’s easy. It’s available, not through a college degree. You don’t need those things. Thomas A Kempis wrote, you can learn in one moment from the Holy Spirit, one moment, through deep prayer, profound prayer…It may take months to get it, but when He gives it, it gives you all the knowledge and wisdom you need to know, or wisdom, rather. You don’t have to have the knowledge. Knowledge is facts. Wisdom is what you need, that you can’t get in the six years of going to a university.


I was raised that way, from Catholic parents. Our Lady’s wanting to raise you that way now. She’s training you and She’s teaching you.


So, follow Her. Support this mission. We can feed the people. We’re set up and structured that way. You might want to leave Caritas in your will. People have done that. It’s important that we feed the world because that’s what our eyes are on, not just feeding the local or our state or just our nation, but the whole world, the message. “Transmit my messages to the whole world,” Our Lady said. (February 25, 1995)





The subject matter contained in this presentation is based on Biblical principles and designed to give you accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. It is provided with the understanding that neither the presenter nor the broadcaster is engaged to render legal, accounting, or other professional advice. Since your situation is fact-dependent, you may wish to additionally seek the services of an appropriately licensed legal, accounting, real estate, or investment professional.


This ends the Mejanomics broadcast with a Friend of Medjugorje. These broadcasts are available as CDs which are sent directly to your doorstep on a monthly subscription. For information, contact Caritas in the U.S. at 205-672-2000.

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See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

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4 thoughts on “Thinking the Unthinkable”

  1. City: San Antonio
    State: Texas
    Country: USA
    That message was very profound. I’ve been feeling in my heart that something is about to happen & that I should go out to all my neighbors, many of whom I don’t know, but that I should kind of encourage them to build gardens in their small backyards. It’s also in my heart to talk to them about “Let us come together & build a community, a close net community together, so that we are not planting all of the same things, but each neighbor planting different fruits or veggies or raising chickens, etc., and let us come together in prayer for guidance.

    Please pray for me, as this has been in my heart, but because I don’t know most of my neighbors, I don’t know how to go about doing this.

    Thank you, Friend of Medjugorje & community of Caritas for helping us to see what exactly our Lady is telling us.
    God bless you all. Please pray for us.
    Thank you.
    N. Lara
    San Antonio, Texas

  2. City: FULTON
    State: New York
    Country: United States
    WISDOM 9:17-18
     “17Who has learned thy counsel, unless thou hast given wisdom and sent thy holy Spirit from on high? 18And thus the paths of those on earth were set right, and men were taught what pleases thee, and were saved by wisdom.”

    Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for sending Our Mother, with Her Heavenly Wisdom, to teach us how to be pleasing to Her Son, Our Lord on High.

    Thank you for providing Witnesses in our day, to help us better understand the Signs of these Times.

    Dear Spouse of The Holy Spirit, bring us more of your Wonderful Wisdom, to Bless the Earth.

  3. City: Jupiter
    State: Florida
    Country: USA
    This is the first time I’ve been on your site, though I use the Pieta book often and give it to many. I got a lot from the podcast. Thank you. God bless.

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4 thoughts on “Thinking the Unthinkable”

  1. City: San Antonio
    State: Texas
    Country: USA
    That message was very profound. I’ve been feeling in my heart that something is about to happen & that I should go out to all my neighbors, many of whom I don’t know, but that I should kind of encourage them to build gardens in their small backyards. It’s also in my heart to talk to them about “Let us come together & build a community, a close net community together, so that we are not planting all of the same things, but each neighbor planting different fruits or veggies or raising chickens, etc., and let us come together in prayer for guidance.

    Please pray for me, as this has been in my heart, but because I don’t know most of my neighbors, I don’t know how to go about doing this.

    Thank you, Friend of Medjugorje & community of Caritas for helping us to see what exactly our Lady is telling us.
    God bless you all. Please pray for us.
    Thank you.
    N. Lara
    San Antonio, Texas

  2. City: FULTON
    State: New York
    Country: United States
    WISDOM 9:17-18
     “17Who has learned thy counsel, unless thou hast given wisdom and sent thy holy Spirit from on high? 18And thus the paths of those on earth were set right, and men were taught what pleases thee, and were saved by wisdom.”

    Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for sending Our Mother, with Her Heavenly Wisdom, to teach us how to be pleasing to Her Son, Our Lord on High.

    Thank you for providing Witnesses in our day, to help us better understand the Signs of these Times.

    Dear Spouse of The Holy Spirit, bring us more of your Wonderful Wisdom, to Bless the Earth.

  3. City: Jupiter
    State: Florida
    Country: USA
    This is the first time I’ve been on your site, though I use the Pieta book often and give it to many. I got a lot from the podcast. Thank you. God bless.

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