February 24, 2022
Mejanomics Special

The Word Our Lady Has Never Said…

[Podcast] (31 Minutes) – A Friend of Medjugorje talks all about what is Our Lady’s whole theme of Her messages. If you listen to this broadcast with an open heart, you’ll walk away with a changed mentality.

Episode Transcript



“No one can serve two masters. He will either hate the one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon. Therefore, I tell you, do not worry about your life– what you shall eat or drink– or about your body– what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?


“Look at the birds in the sky. They do not sow or reap. They gather nothing into barns, yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are not you more important than they? Can any of you, by worrying, add a single moment to your life span?


“Why are you anxious about clothes? Learn from the way the wildflowers grow. They do not work or spin. But I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was clothed like one of them. If God so clothes the grass of the field, which grows today and is thrown into the oven tomorrow, will He not much more provide for you, oh you of little faith?


“So do not worry and say, what are we to eat? Or what shall we drink? Or what are we to wear? All these things the pagans seek. Your Heavenly Father knows that you need them all.


“But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides. Do not worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow will take care of itself. Sufficient for a day is its own evil.”




This is Mejanomics with a Friend of Medjugorje.



A Friend of Medjugorje has exposed many things through the years that have changed people’s mentalities.


Tonight’s Mejanomics broadcast is one of those such things.


What you’re going to hear tonight is the first time that someone sums up the entire Medjugorje message into a single theme.


If you listen to this tonight with an open heart, you’ll walk away with a changed mentality.


In the future, this is how people will think, and when you see that happening all across the world, you’ll know that you first heard it here.


What a Friend of Medjugorje says tonight is the way that people will be thinking, not for the next decade, but for the next centuries of the future.


Here is a Friend of Medjugorje.



Of course, we are in the middle of the series of the Woman of Revelation. It brings up a lot of history that’s easy to forget. Even me listening to it brings up a lot of memories.


One person who was listening to each night told me that they can’t believe what they’re hearing, that this is what’s happening right now.


But Our Lady’s messages are prophetic. If you’re into them, you can say and see things nobody else can see. And most of those broadcasts are 2005, 2006, 7, 8. You’re talking about fifteen years ago, saying back then what’s happening now.


The walk with Our Lady illuminates. If you do what She says, you can understand things before they even happen.


I had some blinds that we made here in America and took them to Medjugorje. I wanted to have it where we could shut the windows of the Mission House, because it’s all glass. So that, when Marija is down there, she wouldn’t be bothered, or we could talk or have an apparition, and we would close the blinds.


On October 31, 1997, 25 years ago, there were five of us there. We had candles burning, so the ambience was beautiful.


Our Rosary was deep, in peace. We knew that Our Lady would bless us in the apparition. So, that’s always a great joy for us. And the times I’m with Marija by myself is always a joy.


So, what would you think, you go before Our Lady in such a beautiful situation, feeling Her presence, and when he apparition ends, Marija says, “Our Lady gave a message.”


First of all, the apparition, I had been with Marjia on every apparition for a whole month, and none of those apparitions were anywhere close to the length of this apparition.


So, Marija comes out of ecstasy and turns to me, and she smiles, and she said, “Our Lady gave a message.”


So, put yourself in that position. You’re kneeling down there. You’re waiting for what Our Lady says, and then Marija says, “Our Lady said,”


“I want you to be Jesus’ joy.”


You talk about melting. You talk about being shocked, because here’s this Woman from 2,000 years ago, Who walked the dusty roads of Jerusalem, and She’s saying to us, applying something in the Bible to our life.


Our Lady couldn’t say that unless we had the chemistry, the desire, the way I was forming the Community, that the possibility is that we could be Jesus’ joy.


It wasn’t for the parish. It wasn’t for the world. It was for us. I understood immediately with this message, She wanted me to guide the Community to that, a Scripture, which is in Philippians chapter 2, verse 2.


St. Paul says, talking about Christ, in His humility…And the Scripture says,


“Make my joy complete by being of the same mind, the same love, the same spirit.”


This was a bombshell, because She makes several points on that, that She saw the potential that we could be Jesus’ joy. As a body of people in the Community, She needed what we would be doing in the next decades. How otherwise could you have a cow pasture turn to Caritas and its reach and the followers of it?


If you follow us, you’re following Our Lady.


She’s given many apparitions when I’ve been there and different things have happened.


St. Paul continues,


“Never act out of rivalry or conceit, rather let all parties think humbly of others as superior to themselves.”


That’s what we have to do in community. That’s what you have to do in your parish. That’s what you do with your prayer group. Put everybody as your superior.


Paul continues,


“Each of you look into others’ interests rather than your own.”


This is what Our Lady was saying when She said,


“I want…Jesus’ joy.”


Seven words.


Those seven words defines who we are.


It doesn’t make us better than anybody else or any order or any Medjugorje center or any individual.


What it does make, is we’re more responsible.


So, we carry this burden, because satan makes it a burden, but because we help each other, it’s a joy.


In the spiritual life, you’re going to have burdens, but that burden is to bring joy, because this is what Christ wants to see. He had a burden. He had to carry the Cross. You think you’re going to escape that? Do I think I’m going to escape that? The Community going to escape that? No, there is always the interference from the devil! It’s the nature of this. The closer you get to Our Lady, the more you’re hated and the more difficulties.


But you know what those things do? It brings joy.


If you have joy, you not only give Jesus joy. You make Him smile.


How do you do that?


Our Lady says how you do it.


February 2, 2018, Our Lady says,


“…When you are giving yourself for the faith, when you are giving yourself for love, when you are doing good to your neighbor, my Son smiles in your soul…”


This is Jesus’ joy.


Each of you looking for what Paul said, “If you’re looking to others’ interests rather than your own.”


A year later from that message, Our Lady says,


May 2, 2019

“…My children…my addressing you is a sign of the love and [the] tenderness of the Heavenly Father…”


And then She says this:


“…a big smile filled with the love of my Son…”


What is joy? What is happy? What is fun?


Everybody’s heard about Webster’s dictionary. It was put together by Noah Webster. He worked twenty years for a dictionary in 1828. He went through different people, different countries, about what meaning words had. This organization that is producing these dictionaries, we use it at Caritas, because satan, in the Garden of Eden, it was through words that he tricked Eve. And satan, today, is coming up with new words and changing words and their meaning.


So, when you think about, “Oh, I want to have fun. The world wants to have fun,” is that real joy? Is there a difference from joy to fun?


Our Lady has said, in Her messages, over these forty years, at least 475 times, the word, “joy” or “joyful,” and one time, She said, “enjoyment.” And the one time She says that was in a negative way. She wouldn’t even mention “fun.”


This is what She said,


June 16, 1983

“Renounce all passions and all inordinate desires. Avoid television, particularly evil programs, excessive sports, the unreasonable enjoyment…”


So, the whole world is looking for fun.


Our Lady has never said the word, “fun.” And that’s what everybody wants. “I want to have fun.”


You know what Webster’s Dictionary said about “fun,” in his 1828 Dictionary? Quote, “fun” is defined as,


“Vulgar merriment”


And then he adds in the definition,


“A low word”


That gives pause to think, because everybody wants to have fun. We look for these things.


If you get on a roller coaster, it’s fun, but it’s not joy. That’s radically different. And actually, it can be vulgar. Why is that? It’s something self. It’s inward. “I want to have fun.” And that’s in the physical realm. And the devil is almost always part of it. he wants you to have fun. “Go there. Do this. Go scream your head off at sports. Get angry at the other team.”


Is that joy? Or is it fun?


So, we can categorize these in two different columns:


Joy comes from the spiritual realm, and fun comes from the physical realm. And often, it is vulgar.


You say, “Oh, well that’s going too far a Friend of Medjugorje.” The more you pray, the more you contemplate, the more you read the messages, you understand that.


Our Lady says,


June 25, 2020

“…I am with you to lead you towards holiness of life, so that each of you may discover the [fun] of living…”


Is that what Our Lady said? Remember, I said, She’s never said it.


No, She says,


“…[That] is why I am with you to lead you towards holiness of life, so that each of you may discover the joy of living…”


Not the “fun” of living.


December 2, 2019, does She tell us, “Oh, be comfortable. Have fun on your earthly life”? No. She says,


December 2, 2019, She says,


“…to live and work for others…”


That gives you joy.


“…to live and work for others…is the joy and comfort of earthly life…”


See, we’re looking at comfort in a different way.


Your comfort is coming from the grace of joy, from the spiritual realm, not from the physical realm of comfort.


Rather, where She continues in this same message,


“…then your life is joyful and bright…”


Four hundred seventy-five times “joy,” “joyful,” and zero for “fun.”


You think Webster was right? It’s “vulgar merriment,” “a low word.”


August 2, 2019

“…Everything beautiful, painful and joyful that happens to you—all of this makes you grow spiritually…”


Oftentimes, what the world has as fun, it’s often empty. Our Lady says,


March 25, 2019

“…Little children, you are empty and [you] do not have joy…”


The reason for that is you do not have God, because much of the world’s fun is absent completely from God because it’s related to self. It’s introverted. “I want to have fun.”


We’ve got Maddalena here in the Community, and she always wants to get on the pony because she, at her age, she wants that internal fun.


After the Rosary, we go to the cemetery, and we say three Hail Mary’s. There’s a little horse there, statue. Polly, Maddalena’s older sister, gets on this concrete pony. Maddalena runs over there and pushes Polly off because she wants it. She wants her fun.


Now, I’m not saying that’s a sin, but is shows its introverted.


Joy can come in many ways. Our Lady said, November 25, 2020, She tell us different ways to have joy. It’s not always what we think. She says,


“…By reading the Sacred Scripture you will discover Jesus’ birth and joy, as in the first days which Medjugorje gave to mankind…”


Our Lady calls us to prayer. That leads to joy. But many people see this as a burden. “Oh, I’ve got to do my prayers. I’ve got to do my rosaries. I’ve got to do my novena. I’ve got to fast.”


Our Lady wants you to see the joy of it. She wants you to experience joy, not a burden, not a difficulty.


Be honest with yourself. Does prayer seem like a burden to you? Something, “Oh, I’ve got to do this”?


Our Lady said,


July 25, 2007

“…May prayer for you be like the air you breathe in and not a burden…”


In other words, when you breathe, you don’t think about it. It’s not a burden. Yes, if you’ve got a cold or emphysema, that’s one thing. But what Our Lady’s saying here, is you don’t even think about breathing. It’s just what you do. You can’t go around after a breath and say, “Oh, that’s so hard just sucking this air into my lungs.” It’s not a burden! You don’t even have to think about it. She wants prayer to be that way. She says,


“…[to] be like the air you breathe…and not a burden…[and] God will bless you and give you an abundance of grace…”


Yes, crisis can bring us to our knees. You may think, “I can barely breathe,” but through prayer, you can pray to Our Lady. You can pray to Jesus, to Heaven to help you. Cry out to Them. “Heaven help me!” And you’ll see Our Lady’s planning for you, and you won’t be walking on the road you’re on by yourself.


You’ll hear God say, you’ll hear Our Lady say, you’ll hear Jesus say, that everything’s going to be okay. You need that. And once you receive that, going on your knees, joy comes because you will be able to pray as easily as you breathe.



When I can’t find the words,


When I can barely breathe,


I’m fallin’ on my knees


Well, Heaven help me. Heaven help me.


When I can’t feel You near,


When I can’t hear You speak,


I’m fallin’ on my knees


Heaven help me. Heaven help me.


Help me,


Help me,


‘Cause I can’t walk this road alone,


And I can’t do this on my own.


Tell me,


Tell me,


I just need to hear You say


That everything will be okay.


When I don’t understand,


When I don’t think I can,


I know You have a plan.


So Heaven help me. Heaven help me.


Help me,


Help me,


‘Cause I can’t walk this road alone,


And I can’t do this on my own.


Tell me,


Tell me,


‘Cause I just need to hear You say


That everything will be okay.


Help me believe it,


When I can’t see it


Help me to know it


When I can’t hold it


Oh, help me believe it,


When I can’t see it


Help me to know it,


When I can’t hold it


Help me,


Help me,


‘Cause I can’t walk this road alone,


And I can’t do this on my own.


Tell me, (tell me)


Tell me, (tell me)


I just need to hear You say


That everything will be okay.


I just need to hear You say


That everything will be okay.


When I can’t find the words,


When I can barely breathe,


I’m fallin’ on my knees


Well, Heaven help me.


Heaven help me.



Your burdens are granted to help you to go toward joy. Not to escape to fun, following the world, the allurements of satan.


Our Lady said,


July 25, 2018



Our Lady’s talking about Jesus.


“…He is your refuge from every evil that lurks and carries souls far from the grace and joy to which you are called…”


Jesus is joy.


satan wants to lure you away from that, for the fun of the world.


Our Lady has never said the word, “fun.” Four hundred seventy-five times, “joy.”


“…carries souls far from the grace and joy to which you are all called…”


You are called to that.


I can’t tell you what I felt kneeling in Medjugorje in the Mission House on that marble floor before the statue of Our Lady, and then, Marija turns and says, “Our Lady says,”


“I want you to be Jesus’ joy.”


And you don’t even know the burdens of just being in Medjugorje, the difficulties, the persecutions, the slanders. It’s all worth it, because it leads to joy. And joy is a grace.


Our Lady said,


October 11, 1984



Talking about God,


“…is testing you…”


He’s going to do that to you also. Why is that? To bring you to joy, by being joyful of the burdens He allows you to have.


Our Lady says,


“…Be assured, dear children…He loves you and, therefore, He tests you. You just always offer up all your burdens to God…do not be anxious…”


Because it’s going to lead to joy.


We don’t have the proverbial saying, “If you’re depressed, do something for somebody else.” The basis of the messages is for you to help others. That always brings joy.


I quoted the message, when you’re doing something for your neighbor,


“…my Son smiles in your soul…”


Your soul feels that joy. It smiles.


Jelena, the innerlocutionist in Medjugorje, she was praying, after the visionaries started seeing Our Lady, she wanted something from Our Lady. She wanted Our Lady to do something for her. And she would be praying all day, constantly. And then, she had an innerlocution, Our Lady’s voice inside of her.


You know what she did?


She started jumping up and down! Literally jumping up and down. She was overjoyed and beside herself, she was so happy.


It wasn’t fun. She wasn’t jumping on a pogo stick, because that would be fun.


She didn’t know what to do but to jump up and down.


Our Lady said,


February 2, 2018

“…When you have faith you are happy and are spreading peace; your soul trembles with joy…”


That’s what happened to Jelena. She was trembling. I’ve talked to her about this.


We had lunch one day in Rome. All these stories with her. I’ve been with the visionaries. I’ve been with the innerlocutionists. And I see the joy they have.


Yes, they have burdens. They have difficulties, because satan is always attacking their joy, which is what the message that says, “…satan’s evil lurks to carry souls away from joy…” (July 25, 2018) Your job is to carry them. And you may think it’s a burden, and it may be heavy. You may say, “I’ve been dealing with this person, and the road’s too long to walk, too many winding turns.” But you’re called to that.


Continuing February 2, 2018, Our Lady says,


“…set out with me…”


Meaning you’re going to walk with Her. You’re going down the road with Her, with Her messages. She says,


“…My children, set out with me. May your soul tremble with joy…”


Our Lady wants us to be joyful Christians.


You’ve met somebody through your life that they’re joyful, and yet, they’re sick. They have all kind of burdens. But they carry that.


We, as Our Lady’s apostles, have to bring joy to others to help our brother, show them the way. We have to do, as Our Lady says, carry these souls to bring them to the grace, to joy, of which satan, through their burdens, wants to take it from them.


If you look at that as you’re encumbered, that, “I don’t want to do this for my neighbor,” you’re saying you don’t want their burden. You don’t want to walk that road with them.


But Our Lady’s whole theme in Her messages, to have happiness and joy, is to help others. Convert to them. Be a witness. Share their burden. And when you do it in the grace, it won’t be heavy.



The road is long, with a many a winding turn, that leads us to who knows where. Who knows where?


But I’m strong, strong enough to carry him.


He ain’t heavy. He’s my brother.


So on we go. His welfare is of my concern. No burden is he to bear. We’ll get there.


For I know, he would not encumber me.


He ain’t heavy. He’s my brother.


If I’m laden at all, I’m laden with sadness, that everyone’s heart isn’t filled with the gladness of love for one another.


It’s a long, long road, from which there is no return. While we’re on the way to there, why not share?


And the load doesn’t weigh me down at all.


He ain’t heavy. He’s my brother.


He’s my brother.


He ain’t heavy.


He’s my brother.


He ain’t heavy.


He’s my brother.



June 2, 2018, Our Lady says,


“…A joy—a light indescribable in human words—will penetrate your soul and the peace and love of my Son will take hold of you…”


In my spiritual history, walking with Our Lady, I have knelt before Her, addressing myself to be Jesus’ joy, with a few of my community brothers. Just speaking about these things tonight brings me joy, because I’ve had many encounters that nobody has been that fortunate in the world, outside the visionaries.


And therefore, there’s no burden, no suffering, no difficulties.


But I want to encourage you, live for others, not for self, and you’ll be walking all the days of joy, no matter how difficult things may be.


We wish you Our Lady. We love you. Good night.




This ends the Mejanomics broadcast with a Friend of Medjugorje. These broadcasts are available as CDs which are sent directly to your doorstep on a monthly subscription. For information, contact Caritas in the U.S. at 205-672-2000.

Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

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See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here

2 thoughts on “The Word Our Lady Has Never Said…”

  1. City: Beaumont
    State: TX
    Country: USA
    I would like to say that this was a great podcast tonight (I have one to make up). It has brought me great JOY recently to visit and pray with a local Medjorgie group. The group gathers to pray the Patriotic Rosary. It has been an amazing blessing! Thank you FOM for all that you are doing and to our Blessed Mother especially! God Bless.

  2. City: Rio rancho
    State: NM
    Country: USA
    Thank you for continuing to share the insights granted you through the Holy Spirit. As our Lady continues to guide all who listen attentively from the heart; much is revealed. May all mankind seek the Joy of Christ. May all revelation be received and accepted with love in our hearts for God and for each other. God’s blessings and grace keep us safe in all times. To Jesus through Mary. Come Holy Spirit fill the hearts of your faithful…+Peace Della

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2 thoughts on “The Word Our Lady Has Never Said…”

  1. City: Beaumont
    State: TX
    Country: USA
    I would like to say that this was a great podcast tonight (I have one to make up). It has brought me great JOY recently to visit and pray with a local Medjorgie group. The group gathers to pray the Patriotic Rosary. It has been an amazing blessing! Thank you FOM for all that you are doing and to our Blessed Mother especially! God Bless.

  2. City: Rio rancho
    State: NM
    Country: USA
    Thank you for continuing to share the insights granted you through the Holy Spirit. As our Lady continues to guide all who listen attentively from the heart; much is revealed. May all mankind seek the Joy of Christ. May all revelation be received and accepted with love in our hearts for God and for each other. God’s blessings and grace keep us safe in all times. To Jesus through Mary. Come Holy Spirit fill the hearts of your faithful…+Peace Della

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