August 18, 2022
Mejanomics Special

The Answer Hasn’t Changed

[Podcast] (53 Minutes) – A Friend of Medjugorje is joined by Kris Anne Hall and her husband JC as they discuss the secular shepherd that a Friend of Medjugorje pointed out ten years ago.

Episode Transcript


The subject matter contained in this presentation is based on Biblical principles and designed to give you accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. It is provided with the understanding that neither the presenter nor the broadcaster is engaged to render legal, accounting, or other professional advice. Since your situation is fact-dependent, you may wish to additionally seek the services of an appropriately licensed legal, accounting, real estate, or investment professional.




“No one can serve two masters. He will either hate the one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon. Therefore, I tell you, do not worry about your life– what you shall eat or drink– or about your body– what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?


“Look at the birds in the sky. They do not sow or reap. They gather nothing into barns, yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are not you more important than they? Can any of you, by worrying, add a single moment to your life span?


“Why are you anxious about clothes? Learn from the way the wildflowers grow. They do not work or spin. But I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was clothed like one of them. If God so clothes the grass of the field, which grows today and is thrown into the oven tomorrow, will He not much more provide for you, oh you of little faith?


“So do not worry and say, what are we to eat? Or what shall we drink? Or what are we to wear? All these things the pagans seek. Your Heavenly Father knows that you need them all.


“But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides. Do not worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow will take care of itself. Sufficient for a day is its own evil.”




This is Mejanomics with a Friend of Medjugorje.



And you are listening to Mejanomics with a Friend of Medjugorje.


Joining a Friend of Medjugorje in the Radio WAVE studio today are two very close friends of his, and some of you may remember them from the book They Fired the First Shot and also from the New Communities Conventions, which were held here at Caritas for the subsequent years from there. But they have been close friends to him for over a decade, and that is KrisAnne Hall and her husband, JC. And some of you probably also maybe listen to her daily podcast, the KrisAnne Hall Show.


So, we’d like to welcome to the studio today with a Friend of Medjugorje.



Well, thank you very much. We’re really excited to be here. It’s like being back home again.



Amen. It’s a pleasure.



They have taken on a lot of different things just like us at Caritas in the Community. They speak and say what the truth is, no backing down.


A lot of things that we’ve talked about is really the power of the sheriff. Kris was just talking before this broadcast about her church and about the sheriffs.


We have to learn to stand up. We’ve got the power, through the sheriffs, but we don’t always have the sheriffs doing that.


So, I’m going to let Kris talk about what has happened down in Florida and different places.



Well, we have been traveling and teaching across America to our sheriffs. I’ve taught representatives of sheriffs’ offices from all fifty states on the power of the sheriff, the duty of the sheriff to be a defender of the rights of the people.


The sheriffs are not hirelings of the state. They don’t work for the county. They’re actually constitutional representatives of the people, and they take an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of their state. And I have a three-hour course that I have been teaching for the last decade to sheriffs, deputies, even police officers from all over the country. And we have a new documentary that is coming out in October. It’s a sequel to our first documentary, which is called Noncompliant. And Noncompliant 2 is all about the sheriff, not just simply the authority of the sheriff, but the duty of the sheriff to be a defender of the people’s rights, not a blind enforcer of the law.


And so, I have two trailers for this documentary. The first one is actually a trailer that involves a church in New Mexico in Truth or Consequences, New Mexico, during the COVID lockdowns, and how this church reached out to their sheriff to defend their freedom of religion when the governor was going to lock down the churches.




I’ve got a voicemail on the church phone.


The voicemail was from the New Mexico state police, and the officer said that New Hope Revival Church is non-essential and must shut down.


I knew I needed to connect with the sheriff. I knew it was the chief law enforcement of the region.



I remembered getting to attend a KrisAnne Hall seminar in Albuquerque, and she had talked about the “shire-reeves.”



And I said, “Listen, I want to know if you’ll stand for Godly rights.”


And he looked me right in the eyes, and he goes, “Pastor, I will defend you, even if it means I’ve got to go to jail myself.”





This is the duty of the sheriff, like I said, to be a defender of the people’s rights. And we had sheriffs who had been through my training over the last ten years actually standing up and refusing to lockdown, not just the churches, but refusing to lockdown their entire counties.


There’s a sheriff, Mike Herrington in Chaves County, New Mexico, who had been through my training, sent this amazing letter to the governor of New Mexico and said, “It’s my job to defend the property rights of the people. It’s my job to defend the Constitution of the State of New Mexico, and I’m not going to let you, the governor, I’m not going to let the state police, I’m not even going to let the health department come shut my businesses down. You will have to come through me to do that.”


And so, we saw these sheriffs standing up all over the country to defend people. And the sad thing comes is when these sheriffs don’t do their job, when they don’t do their duty. I mean, they take an oath to support and defend the constitution of their state, the Constitution of the United States. And then, some of them are just blind enforcers of the unlawful commands of government.


And that’s what happened in Tampa, Florida.


In Tampa, Florida, our pastor was arrested by our sheriff…



This is your church?



Yes. Our pastor was arrested by the sheriff of Hillsborough County, Florida—his name is Chad Chronister—for refusing to shut down the church during the COVID scare.


And the reality was, our pastor said, “Look, if this is real, then our church needs to be open so people can find healing. So, the Bible commands us to lay hands on the sick and to heal people, and we are not going to shut down.”


And so, I have another trailer for our Noncompliant 2 movie, The Sheriff, which can be found at noncompliantmovie.com, where our pastor is explaining, with great conviction, that we will never shut down.



So, your pastor is talking about what the sheriff did.







This pastor stood in the pulpit and said, “Government doesn’t own my church. It’s under the Head of Christ, and government cannot shut down my church!” And this sheriff arrested him for it.



We’re not stopping. We’ll never stop. We’ll never comply.


It will be a cold day in hell with the devil singing “Frosty the Snowman.”


We will never bow, and we’ll never comply.


It’s time for you to stand up and say, “No.”




So, what JC and I did is we, with our filmmaker, we went around the country and collected all the testimonies of these sheriffs all over the country who stood up in defense of the people’s rights to out of control, overreaching government, and we put them all together in a single documentary, again, that we are going to be releasing that in October, the first documentary as well as these trailers can be found at noncompliantmovie.com.



We didn’t visit every sheriff that did that, but…






So, many, we captured testimonies, you know, and put that together.


I think of Washington state. In Washington state, I think there was something like thirty, at least thirty sheriffs that stood up against Jay Inslee that wrote a letter, similar letter, to Mike Herrington in New Mexico, writing a letter to Jay Inslee saying, “We’re not going to force these orders to close down our businesses,” and that thing.


So, we…It’s interesting, as KrisAnne’s been teaching and has taught so many sheriffs, and as this understanding has gotten out about their duty…You know, they raise their hand. They swear an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of their state. You know, that’s your job description. That’s what you promise to do.


And so, as that understanding has expanded, you know, we’ve seen a lot of these, a lot of sheriffs standing up. But the problem is sheriffs doing that is obviously a threat, you know, to the tyrannical control. And so, you don’t see these stories in the media. They try to keep those stories down. Or if they come out, you know, they try to make these sheriffs look like some sort of radical loose cannon, you know, lawless crazy guy.


As we say often, people try to trot out Romans 13. In a nutshell, Romans 13 teaches, don’t be lawless. So, in America, when the government is violating the supreme law of the land, when you have executives issuing legislation by decree, they’re the ones breaking the law, not us, when we saw we’re not going to follow this.


So, if Romans 13 says don’t be lawless, then I can’t follow behind a lawless government. I can’t comply with a lawless government or I’m violating Romans 13.


So, you know, that’s a threat to, really, the antichrist system. The spirit of antichrist is what we’re seeing. I know people use natural terms like socialism and communism. But these are really man-made terms for Biblical reality, and that’s the spirit of antichrist, which is this centralization, this totalitarian control.


So, basically, these are sheriffs standing up for righteousness, and it’s very encouraging. So, we try to get these stories out to people and let people know there are folks out there that have a duty to stand, their position to stand for you, and many of them are.


Now, we need more. That’s why we made this documentary because we need that to continue. We need it to grow. We need every sheriff in every county in America to understand this and stand up for their oath.



Going back to what was just mentioned about the antichrist, we have Revelation really points to that there are two periods of the antichrist. Yes, they say Napoleon was, Nero…Those are micros.


The Revelation says, the serpent is going to be mortally wounded in the head. And that’s what Our Lady’s here to crush the serpent.


And sometime after that, miraculously, he comes back to life, even though he was mortally wounded.


This is what JC was talking about, and it’s astounding to me that not one bishop out there put crosshairs on this through their scope. It’s shameful.


Our Lady is here because we are in an antichrist system now. It’s blatant, clearly, and Our Lady even tell us, October 25, 2021…She’s talking about the situation now and what they plan for us. She says, quote,


“…they want to put you in chains and to use you…”


It’s not just in chains. They’re going to use you for their purpose.


And She continues,


“…it is not from God…”


If what’s happening in the system now is not from God, what is anti-God? It is antichrist!


I don’t know what our bishops are thinking about with something so plain, so clear, that a fifth-grader can understand it with just common sense, one can think our bishops are just stupid.


No, they’re not stupid. They’re cowards. They won’t go out. They don’t want to walk onto the plank because they know that plank it going to be the reason they have to jump into the water. And they ain’t going to do that. They’re not doing it, and it’s disgusting, nausea.


Their positions and the power they have and start talking about the antichrist and the antichrist system we’re living, they could be waking a lot of people up.


But they’re quiet.


“I don’t know the Man! The (blank, blank, blank) Man!”


You have taken on the spirit of Peter denying the Christ, because you won’t recognize the antichrist.


So, JC, a Protestant, is dead-on. Those sheriffs who are doing what they’re doing are what the bishops should be doing! They’ve got the power! And you don’t use it, and you are letting the sheep be slaughtered.


I wrote the book, They Fired the First Shot, and in that section, it’s called, “The David Answer.” And the answer is the sheriff. They’ve got full power to do whatever they need to do, protect the Constitution.


I want to ask you, Kris, could the sheriffs stop this with the FBI, or would they legally be able to do that when they raided Trump’s house?



Yeah. Well, you know, that sheriff not only could have but had a duty to stop that raid.


One of the testimonies that we have in our documentary is a former sheriff by the name of Brad Rogers who stopped the USDA and the FDA of issuing unconstitutional warrants on his Amish farmers over raw milk and cheese. And he actually wrote a letter to the USDA and the FDA and told them, specifically,


“Your warrants are illegitimate in my county. If you show up to serve one of these warrants on my Amish farmers without coming to my office first and getting my express permission to do so, then I will arrest your agents for trespass on our farmers’ lands, and you will have to bail your agents out of our jail.”


And that’s really what should have happened in Mara Lago in Florida. The sheriff of Palm Beach County should have told the FBI, “Your warrant does not comply with the U.S. Constitution and the Fourth Amendment. Your warrant does not comply with the Florida Constitution. Therefore, I will not allow you to facilitate that warrant in my county, and if you attempt to facilitate that warrant in my county, I will arrest you for trespass on the private property of Donald Trump’s land.”


And somebody might ask, “How do you know that the warrant violated the constitutions? It’s sealed.” Well, I can tell you why I know. Because since the Patriot Act was passed in 2001, federal warrants haven’t had to comply with the U.S. Constitution. If this FBI warrant actually complied with the Fourth Amendment requirement of probable cause, that would have been a complete anomaly over the last twenty years, because the Patriot Act changed the standard established by our Fourth Amendment, by our Constitution of the United States of probable cause, to the no-standard of what they call mere “relevance.”


So, basically, right now, any federal agency can go to a federal judge and say, “We suspect that there’s a crime happening, and the documents that we want might be relevant to this investigation.” No probable cause, no constitutional standard whatsoever, and federal judges are issuing these warrants contrary to our constitutions.



And the sheriff can stop the judge?



The sheriff is the chief law enforcement authority in the county. That is not my opinion. That is actually the opinion of the Supreme Court of the United States in a case called Mack and Printz v. U.S. and the sheriff being a constitutional representative of the people.


Now, there are a couple of jurisdictions in the United States where the people have allowed their sheriffs to be robbed from them. But the majority of the sheriffs in the United States…



On that point, I want to ask you though…So, the sheriff could go and arrest the judge also?



Well, I wouldn’t say that that would be something I would advise them to do. The best thing that the sheriff would do is simply secure the rights of the people in the county by refusing to allow the warrant…



But if the judge refuses, and he takes actions anyway, what do you do?



Well, the judge doesn’t actually do anything except issue the warrant, so it would be the FBI agent that would push back. And in that case, they would need to do what Brad Rogers said they were going to do, and I’m fully convinced Brad Rogers would have done, and the sheriff would arrest those FBI agents for trespass.



But going back to the Amish with the raw milk…






So, the sheriff stopped that…






So, were they able to still sell their milk? Their raw milk?



Yeah. The sheriff stopped the FBI from raiding the Amish farmers. They were coming in in the middle of the night and taking all their equipment and locking down their farms in Brad Rogers’ county of Elkhart, Indiana from that day forward. Brad Rogers is not the sheriff anymore. But his undersheriff was then elected to office. They have not had another USDA/FDA agent effectuate a warrant in his county since then.



Before the broadcast, we were talking about your own personal church and what happened to your pastor. Tell that story to us.



Well, when the order came down from our county government that our church, that all churches in the county had to close down because of the corona pandemic, our pastor said that, “The church is the place for the people to go when they are sick and when they are in fear. We are not going to shut down our church.”


And this is in Tampa, Florida. Our pastor vowed that we would never shut down an entire day. And the Sheriff of Hillsborough County named Chad Chronister had our pastor arrested for not shutting down the church in violation of the health code, which turns out to be a second-degree misdemeanor, which is punishable by sixty days in the county jail and a $500 fine. It’s like a reckless driving charge in Florida. And the sheriff sent out a warrant for our pastor’s arrest to his home, sent helicopters and a SWAT team to arrest our pastor for a second-degree misdemeanor.


Now, I was a prosecutor in the state of Florida for nearly a decade, so I know the magnitude, or at least the lack of magnitude of this particular crime. And the nearly decade I served as an assistant state attorney and the twenty years of my law practice, I have never seen, number one, a warrant issued for someone accused of violating a second-degree misdemeanor, much less helicopters and a SWAT team. And I was on the phone, at the time, with the sheriff’s office trying to arrange, when we found out the warrant was issued on our pastor, trying to arrange for the pastor to be able to come to the church where the county, where the sheriff was in is our church, not the pastor’s home, so that the pastor could come to this county, turn himself in, then we could get the legal proceedings started, because we knew that this arrest, these charges, were a violation of his right to religious liberties, and we knew that this arrest was going to be overturned.


But while I’m on the phone with the sheriff’s office trying to arrange this time for the pastor to come and turn himself in, what I didn’t know is that the sheriff had already organized a press conference.


So now, we have a sheriff issuing a warrant for someone accused of violating, you know, a serious traffic violation, pretty much. He sends a SWAT team and helicopters after him, and now, he’s holding a press conference to brag on the fact that he’s arresting a pastor for having church. And the sheriff, Chad Chronister, actually said at the press conference, “I hope this is a message to everyone else.”


So, this was all bully intimidation. The State Attorney was there to bully everybody into submission.



The former State Attorney.



The former State Attorney, which, Ron DeSantis just removed from office for…The irony is, DeSantis removed this State Attorney from office for refusing to enforce the law. So, he refused to enforce the law by arresting violent rioters, the BLM rioters. He wasn’t going to prosecute them for their criminal mischief, but he’s arresting a pastor for having church.



And he made public statements he was not going to be enforcing any laws relative to the Dobbs case, the abortion issue…






…anything like that. So, basically, he supports all the “woke” stuff, any law that somehow, you know, squeezes the whole “woke” agenda. He made public statements he’s not going to be enforcing any of those laws. But he would prosecute a pastor for having church.



The sad thing was, is that, at that press conference, there were other pastors from our community at the press conference to condemn our pastor for refusing to shut down the church for these unconstitutional, unlawful orders.



So, after the situation with your pastor, what was the result?



Well, he was actually arrested and booked into jail. And then the governor issued the executive order that churches were essential, and we were able to get the charges dropped against him and also get his record expunged. And he was refunded the money that he posted for bail.


So, his record is now completely clean because the county knew that we would prevail. We would win if we brought a civil rights lawsuit against them, and they would end up paying a whole lot more.


So, the charges were immediately dropped, and I went through the process to get his record expunged. His arrest…



Well, and on the church’s side, you know, after telling the pastor, “You can’t have church,” then he started what we call “the stand.”






And we’ve had over seven hundred consecutive services ever since that day. So, they said, “You can’t have church,” and so, he said, “Well, we’re going to have church every day.”



We’ve had church every single day for over two years now.



You Catholic bishops, your silence. You didn’t stand up for our churches neither.


Shame, shame, shame.


I quoted over and over Revelation, “Either be hot or cold. Don’t be in the middle, or I’ll spew you out of My mouth.”


The people are sick of this, this silence.


What we’re seeing in society now, if you stand up, you have the people that are so against you on the Left, if they hate you. You were talking earlier about how many threats y’all had…






…and what were they doing when they go on the highway.



Yeah. So, we, what was the number?



It was thousands. Thousands of death threats on the social media, and you’d hear…



Tens of thousands of death threats…



Because you weren’t shutting down?






Because we weren’t shutting down.



You know, and I think some of that tied back to the sheriff and that press conference.






He, the way he talked and…






…villainized the church…



And the pastor.



He, when you listen to him, it’s like he’s weaving this sort of branch Davidian narrative making it sound like that, you know, this church is dangerous and all sorts of…It was really crazy.



“We were afraid to go the church and arrest the pastor because they’re all armed,” and, just crazy…



The media descended on the boundaries of the property, all this stuff. Because the pastor went online for several weeks of the services so that we could actually set up security and stuff. So, we spent time that we weren’t physically having church, you know, for the few weeks, just so we would be able to physically protect the church and the property.



Our church is located right next to a major interstate in Florida, I-75. And we actually had shots fired—gunshots fired—from the interstate at our church sign during all of these death threats.


We spent over $100,000 just establishing security systems and security personnel at the church so that we could have church without these crazy lunatics coming on the property and hurting someone.



As they spin such an extreme narrative, you know, I mean, literally accusing us of killing people. “You’re murderers because you won’t social distance,” all this crazy nonsense. Nobody died at our church. Nobody even got sick there…



Not a single person died in our church.



This reminds me of a story of what you’re talking about your church, how people had judged y’all as murderers.


My daughter-in-law went to get a haircut, and the woman was asking her, “Where do you live?” She says, “Down Highway 43.”


“Oh, you live down there by that cult?”


So, my daughter-in-law, she played along and let them keep talking.


She says, “Yeah, that guy down there. He built a lake to bury the people where he murdered.”


My daughter-in-law says something to the effect, “Really?” So, she kept talking.


Then she told the girl, “Yeah, that’s my father-in-law.”


Then the girl starts trying back-tracking. “Yeah,” and she started apologizing.


The devil can make people think stupid things, just like y’all’s church is a bunch of murderers. [LAUGHTER] But we’ve got…



These people are crazy.



But you know, it’s so reckless. I mean, it’s outlandish, but then it’s reckless. I mean, you’re talking…And especially for the sheriff in our case, this public official, so-called. It’s supposed to be our representative. It’s supposed to protect our liberty. You know, and you hear how the deputies and the officers talk about, you know, keeping people safe. Oh, you’re supposed to keep people safe? Here you are talking so recklessly that I think that sheriff directly contributed to people firing shots at the church and people issuing death threats.



They give a green light.






Our Lady gave a message on January 24, 1985. She said,


“…By prayer you can completely disarm him…”


Speaking about satan.


Not maybe. Completely!


Prayer is everything, and that’s what we’ve lost.


On May 2nd, Our Lady said, 2009,


“…Do not permit darkness to envelop you. From the depth of your heart cry out for my Son. His Name disperses even the greatest darkness…”


The world is not going to bring more light. It depends on you.


We see the road that we’re walking right now is perdition for many people. And the more we get stronger, the more light, the more we’ll be hated.


KrisAnne and JC, they’re witnesses and give testimony of the darkness that’s enveloped us. You have to stand up. You can’t sit back and let everybody do the work. You go find your sheriffs. You gather your prayer groups. Change them out. You have the power to do this. And you have to do it.


And now, we’ve got, right now, how many IRS agents, they just posted. They just took it down.






What is it, 180,000?



Well, the original quote was 87,000. But now, it’s coming out that the new spending bill was going to actually hire more than 100,000 new IRS agents. And the job description that was posted…I actually have the screenshot on my social media, the original job description that was posted on jobs.irs.gov, was that these new IRS agents had to be willing to carry a firearm and willing to use deadly force if necessary.


Now, as a constitutional attorney, and as a strict constitutionalist, I will tell you, there is absolutely zero, no authority and no reason why someone in the IRS should ever be authorized to use deadly force. Tax collection should be a civil thing, not a criminal thing. And we should not be having armed SWAT agents in the IRS.


I’ve had people say, “Well, they’re already there.” That doesn’t mean that’s the right thing to do. And we certainly don’t need over 100,000 more. And think about this. When you put that in a job description, what you’re telling people is,


“We’re going to hire you to steal from people and kill them.”


That’s your job description. You’re going to steal money. You’re going to steal property. And you’re going to kill them.


And there’s a saying that if you give a man a hammer, everything becomes a nail.


When you hire people under the direction that you have to be willing to use deadly force, you have to know these people want to use deadly force. That’s not who we want in government.



You might say, or think, “The IRS is not going to come after me.” The people they’re going after is those people who are making $400,000 and under!






Okay, middle-class, this is you!



Right. It’s the small business owners. And this has been going on for a very long time.


I covered a story on my podcast in 2015 of a man and a woman from Thailand, actually. An elderly couple who own a wedding dress shop. And the IRS accused them of structuring, which is making deposits less than $10,000, to avoid the bank from telling the IRS that these cash deposits were made. They weren’t being charged with not paying their taxes. They were not being charged with any real fraudulent crime.



Yeah, “We don’t like the way you’re depositing your money.”



That’s what the IRS said. And they charged them $30,000 because the IRS didn’t like how they were depositing in the bank.


Well, they came. The IRS showed up at this dress shop and seized the entire business over $30,000.


Now, the interesting thing is, when the IRS showed up, this couple had the check to pay the IRS. The IRS would not accept the money from them, seized their entire business, everything in it, and auctioned off their entire business right there in the parking lot for four dollars a dress. We’re talking handmade designer dresses that were going for a minimum of $600 apiece. And the IRS stole this from these people. We’re not talking about billionaires. We’re talking about people who are trying to make an honest living.



What do you suggest as far as the people, motivate their sheriff to be constitutional. Have you had success with that?



Well, absolutely. You’ll see in the documentary, especially with the clip, the first clip that we played, the sheriff in that county said, “I attended a KrisAnne Hall training on the Constitution, and because of this training, I knew my job was not to blindly enforce these laws, but to stand…”



Not laws.



Right. To blindly enforce these unconstitutional orders, but to actually protect the church.


So, we’ve had a great deal of success with sheriffs that we’ve been teaching.


I actually taught…It was before all the lockdowns came. I taught at the Western Sheriffs’ Association Conference in Reno, Nevada. And at that conference were sheriffs from seventeen states. And I teach a three-hour workshop for these sheriffs where I show them the history of the sheriff, how the American sheriff came to be, what are the duties of the sheriff. We go through the First, Second and Fourth Amendment from constitutional perspective. And then I teach the sheriff’s duty to be a check and balance on unconstitutional laws and unconstitutional orders whether they be state or federal.


And I was teaching that at the Western Sheriffs’ Association, and we had probably, oh my gosh. I don’t even know, hundreds of deputies and sheriffs there. I had people coming up to me, before I could even walk down the stage, I had sheriffs coming up to me and telling me, “Because of what you taught today, I’m already on the phone changing policies in my office.” And that happened continually over the next day and half while I was there, sheriffs coming up to me and saying, “I’m changing policies because of what I learned from you.”


And so, my encouragement to the people is number one, learn for yourself what is the role and the duty of the sheriff so that you can encourage, with knowledge and courage, your sheriff to do the right thing.


I actually, I mean, you have the book The David Answer. I have a book called Sovereign Duty where I have a whole chapter on the sheriff. If you want to watch the three-hour workshop that I have, I have it available online at libertyfirstsociety.com.


And so, there are so many ways you can learn what your sheriff’s actual responsibility is so that you can, with knowledge, encourage your sheriff to be that person.



One of the ways I’ve seen it spread, I think most effectively for the individuals in their counties, are when people have, basically, have another sheriff somewhere in the region or their state or nearby that is a constitutional sheriff, and they will have that sheriff talk to their sheriff. So, if you can get them communicating with one another…Because a lot of these sheriffs they don’t, you know, that aren’t really standing, maybe in their gut they want to, but they don’t have the courage or the boldness.


So, a lot of time, knowing that other sheriffs, seeing these examples, like a Brad Rogers, like a Mike Herrington, like these sheriffs out of Washington state sometimes seeing those sheriffs take a stand and connecting them has been motivating factor for us to see then those sheriffs show up at KrisAnne’s training.



Do y’all have a, like a map of constitutional sheriffs that somebody in another county, that they can get their sheriff to go get with him or meet with him?



We actually don’t have a map, and it’s not something that I’d really want to publish because I don’t…



But they could contact us.



…but, yeah. Because I don’t want these sheriffs to go under attack by the people who don’t want constitutional obedience. But they can contact us at krisannehall.com, and we’d be happy to put everybody together.


We have to support these sheriffs. We also have to be willing to stand with them and behind them because if the sheriff is left to stand alone, then that’s when things don’t work out very well.



Say your sheriff’s not constitutional. What do you suggest as far as getting the other deputies and maybe having a meeting for your three-hour thing.



We don’t usually have a great deal of success organizing these trainings if the sheriff is not on board.


What we try to do is explain that, yes, I taught in these academies. I’ve taught in the academies that they come out of their training, and I know what the academies are not teaching. And so, my three-hour course is designed to fill in the gaps.


But to encourage people, first, I would say, you need to find out where your sheriff is. And that’s simple. The sheriff is an elected representative of the people. You should be able to go and talk to your sheriff.


I will tell you that, and as JC said earlier, there’s a large number of sheriff who simply don’t know, because we’re not teaching this.



Yeah, that’s been our experience. I think, more than anything, that has been our experience. So, as KrisAnne teaches these deputies, we just meet a lot of the sheriffs and deputies that, almost to the man or lady when you ask them, “So, what brought you into this field? Why are you here?” Invariably, they say, “I love my community. I want to serve my community.”


So, we find a whole lot of the deputies and officers that want to do the right thing. And then, after she presents the information that, “Oh, I didn’t know this, now…”



They feel empowered.



They feel empowered. “Now, I know,” you know, “I want to do the right thing. Now, I know how to do it. Now, I know what that means.”


Like I said, you get one of them…And the community is growing, so one of those who have had this revelation and had the training to then reach others, that’s the way we’ve seen it spreading.


But as KrisAnne was saying, first off, the people have to understand this information. So, you can go…the movie should be out in October,






About the sheriff, you know, is a good place to start. Go watch that movie. Get an understanding of what you should expect from your sheriff. Once you’re informed and you know, then that’s going to help you formulate questions for your sheriff or a candidate for sheriff, “Hey, sheriff, if his is the scenario, what would you do? Where do you stand?” You know? And you get a sense of, “Do I have a constitutional sheriff or not? Is he educated or not?” And that will kind of start you down the road of, “Okay, how do we get this ball rolling?”



It’s really important to have a relationship with your sheriff to begin with. I think, historically, people have thought, “If I don’t know my sheriff, that’s a good thing, because that means I’m on the right side of the law.” But in reality, the sheriff is, like I said, is not just a blind enforcer. The sheriff is a defender of the rights of the people. And if the people will understand that as the proper role and duty of the sheriff, then you want to know who your defender is, and you want your defender to know who you are.


And when you’re trying to determine where your sheriff is, we have to understand that the majority of them simply don’t know. They don’t have this information. It’s not taught in the academies. But we also need to understand that they are being taught the opposite. So, the modern educational system and philosophy is that the sheriff is this agent of government, when in reality, he’s not an agent of government. He’s a representative of the people.


And so, you have to determine what your sheriff knows, what he doesn’t know. And then, is your sheriff willing to learn?


If your sheriff is one that knows the wrong things or doesn’t know the right things and is unwilling to learn, then you must come to the conclusion that it’s time to find a new candidate.



Yeah. And I think it’s an important consideration, too, especially in the environment where we are now, many of the officers, the deputies and sheriffs feel under siege. So, it’s not very productive to come at them in hostile manner.






And, “You don’t know what you’re talking about,” and “Here’s some information. We’re going to educate you and straighten you out,” and that kind of thing. I think it’s really important to build a relationship. They serve an important function, and so, you approach them like, “Look, we appreciate the job you do,” you know, and build that relationship, you know, show that willingness to support them. You know, “We got your back. Do you have our back?” I mean, that’s what we’re asking. “If we’re going to support you, sheriff, then are you going to support us in protecting our rights,” you know, is what we’ve seen, if you come at it in more of a relational approach. We’ve seen it be a lot more productive in that manner.






So, to specifically ask, we’ve heard from one sheriff, for example, who said…A question was asked to him, “What about if there was unjust laws or something was going to be against you?” And his words were:


“I would take an active passive role.”


In other words, “I would pretend, for them, that I was enforcing the law, but in reality, I wouldn’t actually really be doing anything.”



Yeah. That’s not uncommon as we travel and talk to these sheriffs. So, you’ll have some that are more vocal, you know, and just really sort of trumpet, “I am a constitutional sheriff,” and make that declaration.


But there are others who will perform that function, but they choose to not be, you know, very overt about it.


I don’t have a problem with it. As long as the sheriff is standing up, you know, in whatever manner that effectuates the protection of your liberty, than he’s doing his job. He’s keeping his oath. And so, you have some sheriffs that realize, you know, they’re very crafty in that sense of they want to keep the feds and the opposition sort of down…




Not necessarily put a target on their own back,



Yeah, yeah.



But still achieve the same results of, “I’m not going to enforce this.”



Yep. So, we do meet a lot of sheriffs like that. And I think that’s good.



And those are the ones you’re probably not going to hear about, right?






And that’s why we’re telling you, JC had mentioned earlier, this is not only happening more often where sheriffs are refusing to enforce these laws or these orders or these regulations, but it’s also growing the number of sheriffs that are doing this that are refusing to enforce these laws, and protecting the people’s properties and the people’s rights is also increasing, especially as it becomes more and more obvious the depravity of these political actions and the corrupt nature of these political actions. The more obvious that becomes, the more the sheriffs, the average sheriff, is inclined to protect the property right over enforcement.



Yeah, so some of these sheriffs know, for example, you have CSPOA, Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association and groups like that. The feds put labels on those, “They’re domestic terrorists,” and this sort of thing. So, we run into these sheriffs that, yeah, they know that’s nonsense. They don’t believe it.






But they think, “Well, if I start taking that label and trumpeting these organizations, then that’s going to put me on a list,” or whatever.


So, you know, they try to be more behind the scenes and not really draw attention to themselves.


But if, like we said, if you get in there and build that relationship, talk to them. Find out where they stand. You get into these conversations. You’re going to be able to quickly discover, do you have a sheriff that’s going to stand up for your rights in the face of overreach from these executives and federal agencies. You’re going to know if you have a good sheriff or not. So, as long as you can be assured, when you need him, he’s going to be doing the right thing. That’s what we’re after.



And I just, not to sound doomsday, right? But the reality is, you’re going to need to know soon. And the increasing corruption in government from the highest level to the lowest level requires us to know. You don’t want to wait until it’s too late. You don’t want to wait until someone’s trying to enforce this on you. You want to be able to be sure that if that time were to come to you, and I think you and I would agree, when that time is going to come to you, that you already know where your sheriff is going to stand.



Well, we see the road we’re on, as I said earlier, it’s not a good path. It’s a dead end. We have to start doing things. We have to stand up.


I recommend the book that I pulled out of They Fired the First Shot, just about the sheriffs, The David Answer, and Kris’ book,



Sovereign Duty.



And you can get both of those books online. The David Answer is available through Caritas by going to mej.com. You can click on “Shop,” or you can call Caritas in the U.S. at 205-672-2000.


KrisAnne Hall’s book titled, Sovereign Duty can be found on krisannehall.com.


Just a reminder that the last scheduled pilgrimage to Caritas of Birmingham is this September 12-16. That is the for the Feast of the Triumph of the Cross. This is the Cross that a Friend of Medjugorje built For the Soul of America.


As we hear everything that has been spoken about over the course of this broadcast, everything that a Friend of Medjugorje, KrisAnne and JC have mentioned so far about this antichrist system in which we are currently in the midst of, we cannot negate that the greatest part of the solution of breaking that is prayer and sacrifice.


And so, we invite you here September 12-16 for the scheduled pilgrimage. You can contact BVM Pilgrimages in the U.S. at 205-672-2000. Again, 205-672-2000, extension 218 or 219 and ask about the scheduled pilgrimage for September 12-16.



Our Lady said on June 2, 2012,


“…Everyday I pray for [your] shepherds…”


Is that what a sheriff is? David was a shepherd. The part that I pulled out of They Fired the First Shot is about the sheriffs. David was a shepherd. So, I titled the book, The David Answer, because that’s what it is.


So, let me begin again,


“…Everyday I pray for the shepherds and I expect the same [from] you. Because, my children, without their guidance and [the] strengthening through their blessing, you can not do it…”


Our Lady’s messages apply to everything.


You might say, “Well, She’s saying about the bishops or the priests.” But this also applies to God’s authority. And your county sheriff has the authority of God. And the authority of these sheriffs goes back over a thousand years.


Order the book from Caritas, The David Answer, and meet with your sheriff. If they won’t do it, or they won’t be a constitutional sheriff, find somebody and elect them.


They do not have to be in law enforcement. They only have to have common sense and protect the people who elect them.


We wish you Our Lady. We love you. Good night.




The subject matter contained in this presentation is based on Biblical principles and designed to give you accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. It is provided with the understanding that neither the presenter nor the broadcaster is engaged to render legal, accounting, or other professional advice. Since your situation is fact-dependent, you may wish to additionally seek the services of an appropriately licensed legal, accounting, real estate, or investment professional.


This ends the Mejanomics broadcast with a Friend of Medjugorje. These broadcasts are available as CDs which are sent directly to your doorstep on a monthly subscription. For information, contact Caritas in the U.S. at 205-672-2000.

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12 thoughts on “The Answer Hasn’t Changed”

  1. City: Nairobi
    State: Central
    Country: Kenya
    Praise be to God. I am happy to learn from his massage that I was not the only one saying the same things. Our Bishops, Priest, religious sister & brothers are still today scared that they wear Masks (even when alone on the Sanctuary) , even when giving the HOLY COMMUNION. The FAITH IS NOT THERE. I Pray for the Pastors who specially in this issue MAY GOD GUIDE HIM AND CONTINUE GIVING HIM STRONG FAITH IN GOD.
    I would be happy to have this Pastors contacts even a email address.

  2. City: Evans City
    State: PA
    Country: US
    Thank you so much for the broadcast! And, thank you especially for ending the broadcast with the most important thing in the world today – common sense.
    With Love,

  3. State: AL
    Country: US
    I truly enjoyed this broadcast with AFOM and Kris Anne Hall. She has gained a new fan. AFOM and Kris Anne Hall have much in common regarding our Sherriffs. All we ask is they protect us using our Perfect Constitution. This is their sworn duty. If the Sherriff doesn’t realize that, vote in a new one like AFOM said! They are our last stand. They should protect their citizens against an overreaching and what is becoming an increasingly unconstitutional government. We need Trump back in there to restore some order. The IRS agents they’re ARMING should be a big clue that we are not heading in the right direction.

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12 thoughts on “The Answer Hasn’t Changed”

  1. City: Nairobi
    State: Central
    Country: Kenya
    Praise be to God. I am happy to learn from his massage that I was not the only one saying the same things. Our Bishops, Priest, religious sister & brothers are still today scared that they wear Masks (even when alone on the Sanctuary) , even when giving the HOLY COMMUNION. The FAITH IS NOT THERE. I Pray for the Pastors who specially in this issue MAY GOD GUIDE HIM AND CONTINUE GIVING HIM STRONG FAITH IN GOD.
    I would be happy to have this Pastors contacts even a email address.

  2. City: Evans City
    State: PA
    Country: US
    Thank you so much for the broadcast! And, thank you especially for ending the broadcast with the most important thing in the world today – common sense.
    With Love,

  3. State: AL
    Country: US
    I truly enjoyed this broadcast with AFOM and Kris Anne Hall. She has gained a new fan. AFOM and Kris Anne Hall have much in common regarding our Sherriffs. All we ask is they protect us using our Perfect Constitution. This is their sworn duty. If the Sherriff doesn’t realize that, vote in a new one like AFOM said! They are our last stand. They should protect their citizens against an overreaching and what is becoming an increasingly unconstitutional government. We need Trump back in there to restore some order. The IRS agents they’re ARMING should be a big clue that we are not heading in the right direction.

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