May 5, 2023
Special World Report

Peasants in the Pew Fight Back

[Podcast] (56 Minutes) – A Friend of Medjugorje talks about a serious thing taking place in the culture today that is going virtually unopposed by church leadership – we must take action.

Episode Transcript


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This is a Special World Report with a Friend of Medjugorje.

[Friend of Medjugorje]

So many people watching the world now, are puzzled about what to do.  People are getting more and more frightened.  What do you do?  Yes, you can say we have been following Our Lady.  She is telling us to pray, to be holy, but the population of the whole world, what can they do?  There is one thing we can do is what we did in the past.  Our nation has never been in such danger as it is now.  And, yes, I am including the Civil War, as bad as that was, World War II, never have we been in so much danger as this moment now.  What can we do?  The only thing that we can.  Come together to be together, come from across the whole United States, July 1 to July 5 to pled and beg through our prayers together.  I want to play the call to come here and at the end of the broadcast another call to come here.  It is the one spot in the whole United States and, therefore, affecting the whole world of what Our Lady has done in this valley through 9 Consecrations.  All of which Our Lady was pleased with.  There are some horrible things, beyond what you can imagine that is taking place right now.  But, before we go into those things, we put out this call to come.

[Call to Come]

Society today is driven by atheistic patterns who say that they do not need God.  Yet, Our Lady tells us without God, you can do nothing.  Are we to stand idle and watch society and culture crumble around us?  What can we do?  We no longer have to stand still.  We can take action.  July 1 – 5 at Caritas, Alabama, gather with others from across the United States to reconsecrate the United States of America back to God.  Five Days, July 1 – 5, at Caritas, Alabama.  For more information, visit, spelled  Or call Caritas in the U.S. 205-672-2000.  205-672-2000.  July 1 – 5 at Caritas of Birmingham.

[A Friend of Medjugorje]

Yesterday, we spent most of our day with an Italian vendor.  He calls on us.  He has not been back to Italy for 5 years.  He just returned a month ago, visiting his family.  And he told us, sadly, that the people have changed and he doesn’t want to go back.  Six months ago, we had another Italian, from Rome, he stayed with us for a week.  When he got back home, they wrote a letter to us saying, “I have no future in Italy.”  And he wants to come back here to Caritas.  All the nations right now, depends on the United States.  And the United States depends on Our Lady.  And Our Lady depends on us.  Italy, as other nations in Europe, are in serious, serious, serious conditions.  We did a broadcast, March 22, on the way of sainthood, the first step is being blessed.  There was a nun in 1959, Sr. Elaina, had apparitions of the Virgin Mary.  I always scoff at many people who say we see the Virgin Mary, this, etc.  But Sr. Elena has credibility because the Church has given the first step to her to be blessed.  She was told by Our Lady about the future, that hadn’t happened when she was alive, but is happening now, while you are alive.  So we are going to take a clip of that broadcast, last year, how quickly things have changed and how accurate what she says.  Europe is far more in trouble than we are, but we are headed towards the same thing.  Listen to this clip and pay real strong attention to the conditions of the world of what you are about to hear now.

[ Clip –  Announcer]

Blessed Sr. Elena died in 1961. In 2011, the Church declared her “blessed.” During her life as a nun, Blessed Elena suffered the wounds of the passion, including the Stigmata. Jesus and Our Lady gave her many things concerning the future of the world, which will be repeated here with more prophecies that follow.

On Good Friday, April 7, 1950, Our Lady told Blessed Elena:

“See how Russia will burn! And all this fire is not that which will fall from the hands of men but will be hurled directly from the Angels.”

Four years later, April 16, 1954, again on Good Friday, this time Jesus said to Blessed Elena:

“The governments of the people have risen like demons incarnated, and, while they speak of peace they prepare for war with the most devastating implements to destroy peoples and nations.

“Numerous scandals are bringing souls to ruin particularly through the corruption of the youth. Stirred up, and unrestrained in the enjoyment of the pleasures of the world, they have degraded their spirit in corruption and sin. The bad example of parents trains the family in scandal and infidelity, instead of virtue and prayer, which is almost dead on the lips of many.”

Then, Our Lady appeared and said:

“Clouds with lightning flashes of fire in the sky and a tempest of fire shall fall upon the world. This terrible scourge, never before seen in the history of humanity, will last seventy hours. Godless persons will be crushed and wiped out. Many will be lost because they remain in their hard-heartedness of sin. Then shall be seen the power of light over the power of darkness.”

On Good Friday, April 8, 1955, Our Lady again appeared to Blessed Elena with this message for the world:

“Tremendous will be the upheaval of the whole world, because men – as at the time of the Deluge – have lost God’s way, and are ruled by the spirit of satan.

“If men do not amend their ways, a terrifying scourge of fire will come down from Heaven upon all the nations of the world, and men will be punished according to the debts owed to Divine justice. There will be frightful moments for all, because Heaven will be joined with the earth, and all the un-Godly people will be destroyed, some nations will be purified, while others will disappear entirely.”

On December 8, 1956, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, Our Lady said to Blessed Elena:

“If I were to show you the number of sins committed in a single day, you would die of horror and sorrow! The sins that distress God the most, are those of the souls who should perfume the air with the fragrance of their virtues. Instead, they contaminate those who come near them.

“The times are grievous. The whole world is in turmoil, because it has become worse than at the time of the deluge!

“Italy, my daughter, will be humiliated, purified in blood, and must suffer much because many are the sins of this beloved country, seat of the Vicar of Christ. You cannot imagine what will happen! In those sad days there will be much anguish and weeping. There will be a great revolution, and streets will be red with blood.

“The Pope will suffer much, and all this suffering will be like an agony, which will shorten his earthly pilgrimage. His successor will guide the boat in the great storm.

“Through prayer and penance, my mercy will be able to hold back the hand of God’s justice.”

In 1959, Our Lady spoke again to Blessed Elena of the chastisements coming to the world:

“Russia will march upon all the nations of Europe, particularly Italy, and will raise her flag over the dome of St. Peter’s. Italy will be severely tried by a great revolution and Rome will be purified in blood for its many sins, especially those of impurity! The flock is about to be dispersed and the Pope must suffer greatly.”

“The world will be once more afflicted with great calamity, with bloody revolutions, with great earthquakes, with famines, with epidemics, with fearful hurricanes, and with floods from rivers and seas.

“But if men do not return to God, purifying fire will fall from the heavens like snowstorms on all peoples, and a great part of humanity will be destroyed.”

On Good Friday, April 15, 1960, Our Lady spoke in greater detail of the coming chastisements:

“How youth live in perdition! How many innocent souls find themselves enrapt in a chain of scandals! The world has become as a flooded valley, overflowing with filth and mud. Some of the most difficult trials of Divine Justice are yet to come before the deluge of fire.

“Soon, terrifying manifestations will be seen, which will make even the most hardened sinners tremble.

“Great calamities will come upon the world, which will bring confusion, tears, struggles, and pain.

“Great earthquakes will swallow up entire cities and countries and will bring epidemics, famine and terrible destruction, especially where the sins of darkness are, those of pagan or anti-God nations.

“I will manifest My partiality for Italy, which will be preserved from the fire. But the skies will be covered with dense darkness, and the earth will be shaken by fearful earthquakes, which will open deep abysses.

“Provinces and cities will be destroyed and all will cry out that the end of the world has come.

“Even Rome will be punished according to justice for its many and serious sins. Because here, sin has reached its peak.”

A week later, on the Feast of the Immaculate Heart, April 22, 1960, Our Lady again appeared to Blessed Elena and said:

“If the people do not recognize in these scourges of nature the warnings of Divine Mercy and do not return to God with truly Christian living, another terrible war will come

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  from the east to the west.

“Russia, with her secret armies, will battle America, will overrun Europe.

“The River Rhine will be overflowing with corpses and blood. Italy will also be harassed by a great revolution. And the pope will suffer terribly.

“satan goes furiously through this disordered world and soon will show all his might. But because of My Immaculate Heart, the triumph of light will not delay in its triumph over the power of darkness.

“And the world, finally, will have tranquility and peace.”

Three months before her death, Our Lady appeared once more to Blessed Elena on Good Friday, March 23, 1961. Our Lady’s final words of warning to the world through Blessed Elena:

“Once, there was the chastisement by water. But if there is not a returning to God, there will come the chastisement by fire, which will cover the streets of the world with blood.

“Russia, spurred on by satan, will seek to dominate the whole world, and by bloody revolutions, will propagate her false teachings throughout all the nations, especially in Italy.”


Walking circles in a dry oasis

We feel the rain is coming

We’ll overtake all of the war-torn places

And build our hope again




There’s no other time like this we’ve seen

We’ve got the keys to set us free



I know we’re worn down to our bones

This our prayer, this is our oath


We feel the spark in us

We got the golden touch

There’s royal blood in us

Chosen for this.

[Friend of Medjugorje]

If we take these situations, world history from its beginning, what kind of grade could we give it, between 1 and 10?  If I told you the flood is a 1, it would be hard to believe.  But our world today, where it is, not at 1, not at 5.  It’s a 10.  You mean a Friend of Medjugorje, you are saying before the flood the wickedness was a 1, and on the same scale, we are at 10?  Yes, I am telling you that.  They had no ability to do what is happening right now.  In our age now, man, created in God’s own image, is being changed.  Anti-human.  Anti-God.  Anti-Christ.  satanic.

From here on, you parents, any youth who are listening, what is going to be exposed is not for their ears.  What I am going to be telling you now is so vile, it is even hard for adults.  So this is not for the youth to hear.  We are going to give you a little break, so that the youth have time to leave the room.


Follow the path

To where no one’s ever been

Don’t turn around

Until you reach the end

Across the sea

And beyond the distant lands

The world awaits

So don’t make any plans

There you go

There you go


When every step

Takes you a thousand miles away

You’ll find the edge

Beyond the break of day

And leave behind

Everything you’ve ever had

The one’s you love

The pillows in your bed

There you go

There you go


What you call home

Is a box of memories

Forever lost

But good enough to keep

Cause you don’t know

What tomorrow holds for you

Another path

Or just a glimpse of truth

There you go

There you go

There’s a place at the end of the road

Where our lives turn to light pure as gold

Where the past is just a sparkle of time

And the world is all good by design


This broadcast is only for adults.

[A Friend of Medjugorje]

Transgenderism is defined is the fact…, you see what they are saying in the definition…the fact – it is not a fact.  But they say, the fact of not having your gender match the body you are born with.  This word is often used by people they think this is a bad thing.  It’s the definition.  Even the dictionary has an agenda.  They are teaching this across the country in grammar school.  Where is this going?  It is going to transhumanism.  And that is defined as the theory – so you see that – they are saying theory – that science and technology can help human beings develop beyond what is physical and mentally possible at the present time.  You are going to hear a clip right now by Jesse Kelly, a talk show host, he is going to play a clip about a mother who had a baby and at 18 months, she begins to say that the little girl was a boy.  Jesse Kelly will play the mother talking about the baby girl was a boy and this mother is from Louisiana – very Catholic.  Now go back to the thought, before the flood, comparing what they were, compared to what is happening now, everywhere.  It is shocking.

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[Jesse Kelly]

There are some really, really evil things going on in medical schools across this country.  Wrap your mind around this.  Listen to this mother again.  This is taking place, in case you are wondering where this is, this is taking place in Louisiana.  She is giving a testimony before the Louisiana State Congress.  Listen to this.  I am going to let it play.  It is a little long.  Listen to this deep sickness and listen to the parts of the medical industries that are very clearly aiding this deep sickness, in mutilating this poor little girl.

[Mother from Louisiana]

I was Christmas shopping for them.  They were 18 months old and I bought one of those toy tool benches.  I was making a joke, well when one of them comes to me and says they are a man, when they are 18, I can’t say I didn’t see it coming.  Just cause they kind of did rather boys’ toys.  I was just making a joke.  But I am so glad I said it out loud, because I have that in my mind now that at 18 months old, something, something, somewhere, was telling me what she knew all along.  When he could start talking, he articulated to me that he was a boy.  Mommy, I’m a boy.  Mommy, I’m a boy.  And both of my kids did, Mommy, I’m a puppy, all that.  It was very different.  And we drug our feet on it, cause, what, you know it is normal to not understand that, obviously.  Um, so we saw therapists and we saw doctors and ultimately, we came to know what he has known all along, which is that he really is a boy.  He really is.  And I will be starting gender confirming care for him.  He has been seeing doctors for years and it is a very long process.  They are very thorough.  So now that he is almost 11 and starting puberty, we are discussing puberty blockers.  And what they would do is prevent him from growing the body of a woman, because I promise you, he is not a woman.  He shouldn’t be in a woman’s body.  And honestly, I don’t think he could survive if we forced him into it.  I really don’t.  So we will find that care for him.  I will go to the ends of the earth, if I had to, for either of these children.  And we probably just go to New York, not the ends of the earth.  But if this bill passes..

[Jesse Kelly]

That’s what evil sounds like.  Don’t, don’t depersonalize that that is an 11 year old girl.  An 11 year old girl who is been so abused mentally by her demon of a mother, psychiatrists, doctors, that at 11 years old, they are about to start injecting her with things that will help wreck her life.  And then they will eventually, put her under the knife and make sure her life is completely wrecked.  Again, this is back to a consistent theme we have been talking about on this show, recently.  Are we a nation worthy of freedom?  Not every nation is worthy of freedom.  I don’t know that we are.

[A Friend of Medjugorje]

It comes back to our nation.  We have to humble ourselves to exercise these demons and what they are doing.  And that is why I am calling you to come July 1 – 5.  We need to be a body, one body, to give the prayers to Our Lady, a place where She has said for our nation, its healing, that She hasn’t done in another nation in the world.  Only here, for this country.  How evil is this?  How bad is this?

Here’s another clip of a girl who went through transgender. She will give a testimony of what happened to her. You say, why do we play this? You need to understand what is going on right underneath your nose and to your kids and your kids in grammar school. And its growing. It’s not receding. Listen to this girl what she is going through.

[Chloe Cole]

“I’m Chloe Cole and I am a de-transitioner who transitioned medically as a 13 year old girl. Today is special because it marks the one-year-anniversary of me speaking out on my experience of enduring the worst medical scandal in American history, or it would have been if the Louisiana Health and Welfare Committee let me speak when I was here. You didn’t allow me to testify last year.

It begs the question—what is so scary about a detransitioner? Is it the fact that we lend proof to the idea that so-called gender affirming care is a complete scam? Is it because it makes it harder to ignore institutionally backed medical abuse carried out on children? Can you no longer turn a blind eye to it in favor of the medical lobbyists that stand between you and your moral compass? I exist.

I will speak despite your best efforts. Doctors medicalized me starting puberty blockers and testosterone at 13 years old. I didn’t know what things like cervixes or ovulation were or how the full menstrual cycle worked yet, but I was cleared by adults who had a full understanding of such things to make a decision that would affect my fertility, the onward development of my sexual organs and the complex processes unique to me as a woman.

I was given a double-mastectomy and my breasts, an important part of my sexuality and future motherhood were removed in the name of political ideology at only 15 years old. And when I went to my surgeon to get help from my complications, like fluid leaking out of my areola graphs, I got dismissed in a zoom call with advice that gave me a skin infection. Try to ignore that. You can’t. When you attempt to ignore that, you are also ignoring the thousands of de-transitioners I personally corresponded with. I am just the tip of the iceberg.

You are so incredibly fortunate that there aren’t dozens of us testifying in front of you today. But that will come soon if you keep ignoring this problem. You have a chance to act now. My parents were told by my doctors that there was no choice other than having a dead daughter or a living trans-son. My parents biggest mistake was trusting them.

At 17, how levels of testosterone were injected into my anorexic body and one year later, my healthy breasts were removed. Testosterone had severe and irreversible impacts that I will live with for the rest of my life. My large painful soldiers match my overgrown heart, an increase risk for heart attack and stroke. My back and joints ache constantly, even as I sit before you, it hurts to speak. I am suffering with severe vaginal atrophy which prevents me from even using tampons.

Large parts of my adult life were taken from me as a mentally ill teenager and I morn this loss every day. My trauma was never looked into and my desire to hurt myself was supported by my doctors and the community around me. I was exploited in my most vulnerable time and body parts were removed from me.

Two weeks before I was before I was written my letter of recommendation for breast removal, I was in the mental hospital for another suicide attempt. My letter said that I was stable. My surgeon didn’t care about the scars and fresh wounds all over my body when he looked at them when he made me take off my shirt. He was ready to cut me up more. Now I live in a painful body that no longer belongs to me.

The trans community tells you to kill your old self with a dead name and everything and I did. The girl I was, was gone and has been replaced by a medical experiment. I support any bill that prevents someone else from suffering the harms of gender affirming care.”

[A Friend of Medjugorje]

Does that make you want to murder a doctor? Maybe we can’t do that, but they need to go to the electric chair for doing something like this. This is unspeakable, impossible to have these thoughts 20 years ago. Look at where we are. This is the tip of the iceberg.

The Netherlands amended their suicide law to be expanded to include termination of life in children age 1 to 12. The Dutch government stated this a month ago. A post they stated, said that termination of life is the only reasonable alternative to end a hopeless and unbearable suffering of the child. The Netherlands was the first country to legalize euthanasia. That was back in 2002. See, this goes one crack in the door. Look where it ends. Where are we going from here? Oh, well they’ve got some mercy on the law. Oh, you can’t kill the baby until its first birthday. Does that shock you? Does it stun you? These are doctors who are doing this.

What you just heard about all these operations, the Nazis were evil and they were wicked in what they did. These doctors even surpass the Nazis and now we’ve got Biden just recently made a bizarre claim, that there is no such thing as someone else’s child, meaning that the government, your children belong to them.

Where are our bishops on this stuff. Biden has violated everything repeatedly that gives everything for the bishops to excommunicate. Why have they not done this to Biden? I don’t understand it. Our Church is in trouble. More trouble than what you can ever imagine. But the world is in a position of what Blessed Elena spoke of and we are under judgment.

God said He would never punish the world again with the flood. He gave the rainbow as a promise. Who stole this? He has this? The trans, all the abominables, and look where we are now. In The Poem of the Man-God, Jesus says because God will not destroy the world again, the punishment that will be coming is by man. He is going to inflict on himself the punishment. I’ve talked to you about what Ivan, the visionary, said—satan has a master intellect.

Do you know what is happening now? It’s called “transableism.” What does that mean? They are trying to now to have a protected class of people for the government to protect those who want to mutilate their bodies to achieve a long desired disability. Jenny White spent most of her life in a wheelchair, by choice. She had no disability. The only reason she hasn’t had surgery is because it is too costly. She thinks it would be the happiest day of her life if she was to have surgery. She often dreams about being in a car accident to realize her dream of becoming a paraplegic.

I just read that to you. It may be hard for you to understand. You never heard of it. I’ve never heard it. Its unbelievable. She wants to be paralyzed. Her dream is to really not be able to walk for the rest of her life. And she would do it to get the doctors and they would do it, but it’s too costly.

Another transabled woman named Jewel, went blind by blinding herself with drain cleaner in her eyes. She found a psychiatrist who was willing to help her with the process. He told her, the psychiatrist, if you go do research, I’ll help you. Are you shocked by that? That he would help her to become blind? Jewel gave the therapist the drain cleaner. They put drops in her eyes and waited for 30 minutes to ensure the damage was done before rushing her to the hospital.

There is another case that the person wanted to amputate perfectly healthy limbs. If you want to read this article, the title is: “Transableism: Will It Emerge the New Protected Class,” All this is surreal. But we are living in a time that is satanic and we don’t know what’s coming next.

And where are our bishops? Where are they? I don’t get it. I don’t understand it. Your silence. Nobody speaks about nothing about this from the dioceses. They should be screaming. The Catholics have enough people to stop these things, and if it came through the priests from the authority of the bishops, and we don’t have that. We have wolves in sheep’s clothing. I’ve said this many times. I don’t apologize for that. I respect the position of the apostles of the bishops. They don’t.  I’ve said this over and over.

We are the peasants in the pew. We are dirt to you. You do nothing. It’s time that we get mad. Get in front of the bishops’ face. Tell them you are sick of their inactions. You are killing the Church and you are killing the people. Thank you, bishops. They’re closing their hospitals and our churches and all this. Thank you, bishops.

So, just today, listen to this what is reported this morning by Glenn Beck, who is not a Catholic, but was raised as Catholic.

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[Glenn Beck]

“Federal government recently told a Catholic hospital in Oklahoma to either blowout its small candle or stop serving the elderly, disabled and low-income patients. St. Francis Health System is the 12th largest hospital in the nation. The Health System cares for 400,000 patients a year. It has given away more than $650 million dollars in free medical care in the past five years alone. It employs 11,000 Oklahomans.

St. Francis’ mission is to extend the presence and healing ministry of Christ, in addition to providing compassionate and top-notch care to its patients. St. Francis lives out its religious mission by maintaining multiple chapels throughout the hospital. Each has been blessed by the local bishop. So what is the problem? If you are a Catholic, you will understand this right away. If you are not, let me educate just a little bit.

Nineteen sixty, they opened their doors, and they have a sanctuary candle. If you walk into any Catholic church, there is always one either hanging from the ceiling or on a pillar somewhere near the altar and it is in double glass and it is a giant candle that burns constantly. The candle is never out. This is something that Catholics, it is the ever-present representation of the Living Christ, that He is always with us. So, this is a really big deal to Catholics.

Well, the government has come in and decided that they have to get rid of that open flame, it’s been there since 1960. They’ve got to get rid of that open flame because it poses a danger. Let me explain. The flame is not near medical equipment and patients. It’s shielded by two glass holders. It sits on a brass basin. It is affixed to a wall, has a brass top covering it and sprinkler heads just above it. But the Federal government said we’re going to shut you done unless you put the flame out.

Well, unfortunately, there is an attorney that didn’t like that too much and she just wrote Secretary Becerrar and said in 25 days you will cripple the operation of the premiere, one of the premiere hospitals in the State of Oklahoma simply because they keep a candle in the hospital chapel. If you refuse to accredit St. Francis Hospital South, it will result in such unreasonable financial losses to the St. Francis Health System that it would abruptly and immediately jeopardize its services to the elderly, disabled, low-income patients that rely on Medicare, Medicaid, children’s health insurance programs, yada, yada, yada. If you go to court, you will lose. I write in the hopes that you will see reason or at least the law and we can skip to the easy part.

That attorney is with us now. Her name is Lori Windham and she is part of the Becket, she is Vice President and Senior Council at the Becket Law Firm. Hello Lori.

[Lori Windham]

Glenn hello. Thanks so much for having me on.

[Glenn Beck]

Oh, I read your letter and it made me all warm inside. Thank you. So, this is, this isn’t about, I mean the hospital has pilot lights, they have flames are all over the hospital that if you extinguish this one, you would have to turn off all of the pilot lights, but they’re not asking for that. This is clearly an attack on the religion.

[Lori Windham]

You know, I have been doing religious liberty work for many years now, at Becket that’s all we do. And this one shocked even me. I’m not easily shocked any more, but the idea that a federal agency is going to come after your ability to serve the poor, the elderly and the disabled just over a sanctuary candle, when they are willing to make waivers for all these other things, this is not how any of this is supposed to work.

[Glenn Beck]

So, I mean, I like your confidence that you’re going to lose. And you would lose with this Supreme Court. But how open and shut is it locally, in circuit courts, how open and shut is this?

[Lori Windham]

It is open and shut because we have, first, the Constitution, which our federal agencies have to pay attention to. And we also have laws on the books, like the Religious Freedom Restoration Act that make it clear that if the government is going to restrict your religious exercises it has to have a very good reason. This is a textbook case of not having a good reason. But, I want to tell you, this is breaking right now, we just got a letter from CNS saying that they have seen the light. In fact, they are going to allow the candle to continue to glow and to light the chapel.

[Glenn Beck]

Well, now see this is even a happier ending than I thought we had. Thank you for breaking that news. So, this is over because you guys stood up.

[Lori Windham]

That’s exactly right and that’s what’s so important to know. You know you get these letters from these federal bureaucrats and they think that if they just tell the religious people, you know you don’t really have to do this, no you’re going to pay, you know, this unbelievable amount of money if you don’t give in, but people are just going to give in and it shows the power of a single candle. It shows the power of someone who is willing to stand up and say no. This is my faith and I’m going to fight for it. I’m not going to buckle.

[A Friend of Medjugorje]

So, you see what happened just for a candle shutting down a hospital? What’s next? We can’t sit twiddling our thumbs. We need to take action. Our Lady has given a whole book of hundreds of messages that gives the solution. Whatever happens in this country, the United States, is going to happen to the world and this place here, thousands of you have come, you’ve got memories and nobody leaves here without being touched. So, we’re putting this call out very strong to come for July 1st to the 5th. I want to play a commercial to flame up your experiences here to motivate you to plan to come July first through the fifth. What you are about to hear was about Christmastime. But there are many of you out their hearing this, you’ve been here and we play this to put this in your heart and make these plans, not the vacation this summer, not just for pleasantries, but here in those five days, you will feel much better than any kind of vacation you can have.

[Commercial-A Friend of Medjugorje]

When the apparitions started here in 1988, it was so mystical, we were stupefied by what was taking place. When Our Lady appeared in the Field, people gathered there. The apparition would take place in the Bedroom and we would turn the light on when Our Lady came. Then people would look to the South at the house, seeing it glowing and they knew Our Lady was there, and when the apparition ended, we turned it off. It accentuated the experience. It moved people very, very deeply. There was a journalist that was in the Field in November 1988 with The Birmingham Magazine. And published his experience.

‘One of the curious, I arrived on a November Sunday, as an early full moon hauled itself up over the blue Alabama hills. I walked a worn cattle trail down a hill and up a grassy rise. My feet raising the smell of new hay. On the hilltop, I paused, amazed. Below me spread a scene from El Sid or some other religious epic of the screen. Three thousand people waited in that Alabama Field, in a hollow that held them like a pair of gentle hands. Many here, had been waiting all day. Now, these faces turned to the house where Marija lay waiting for her vision.

A ruffle of emotion swept the crowd. The feeling leaped across the Field, a visible, physical jolt to some. The lights burned four minutes, five minutes. The hillside settled, grew quiet. When the lights went off, a quick noise swept the throng then moved on, leaving reverence and quiet sobs. The write, the observer came back to life in me then and detached me from that remarkable experience. Look around you, this is faith. I glanced upward too. There in the heavens hung another unforgettable site. Over the house and field that night, the full moon wore a huge autumn halo, the largest I ever saw. It’s circle of light seemed larger than the world.”


Every light in the house is on

The backyard’s bright as the crack of dawn

The front walk looks like runway lights

It’s kinda like noon in the dead of night

Every light in the house is on

Just in case you ever do get tired of being gone

Every light in the house is on

[Friend of Medjugorje]

We have had through the years, people tell us over and over, when they turn off the highway to come back here, after the experiences they have had throughout the years, even when Our Lady is not here, that they feel like they are coming home.  For many, many years we have had Christmas in the Field, December 8-12.  During that time, we began to turn the lights on in the house, not just the front porch light, but every light in the house.  And it glows and the people look from the Field, during Christmas in the Field and they see the house glowing.  And it is a remembrance of those beautiful times Our Lady has been here, not just 1988 and 1989, but the many times Our Lady has come.


But until then I want you to know

If you look south, you’ll see a glow

Every light in the house is on

The backyard’s bright as the crack of dawn

The front walk looks like runway lights

It’s kinda like noon in the dead of night

Every light in the house is on

Just in case you ever do get tired of being gone

Every light in the house is on

[Friend of Medjugorje]

So I want to tell you, just in case, you ever do get tired of being gone, every light in the house is on in Christmas in the Field.  And for you who have been away, make a spontaneous decision to come to your home and pray in the Bedroom of Apparitions and fill your heart with Our Lady.  It refreshes you to see that house, where Our Lady came, being in the Field, seeing all those lights on.  People have told us, Christmas in the Field is the strongest part of their Christmas, where they feel it.


Make a spur of the moment decision and come to Caritas.  Every place in the continental U.S. is within 48 hours of driving time.  For more information, contact Caritas in the U.S. at 205-672-2000.  For those traveling from outside the United States, dial 001-205-672-2000.

[Friend of Medjugorje]

Come to a place, away from the filth and the mud of the things you heard that is happening and be at a place where Heaven has come down 204 times.  Beautiful stories, whether it is Christmas or in July.  It will give you hope and it will give Our Lady hope because we are there for the hope of our nation and for Her plans.  The summers nights, all lit up for the Consecrations of July 3rd and 4th.  It is very beautiful and very moving.  Spread this.  Tell everybody.  Bring your prayer groups and drop everything and come to this holy ground.

We wish you Our Lady.  We love you.  We will be looking for you.  We love you.  Good Night.

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Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!

See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here

12 thoughts on “Peasants in the Pew Fight Back”

  1. City: Vistula Toledo Ohio
    State: Ohio
    Country: Ussr
    Caritas knows about planting seeds and reaping the harvest. When did the devil start lying? Before Christ or after christ? I see if lies build empires, it seems lies have never stopped. Biden and Pelosi still think they are Catholic which means I must be Jesus Christ but I already rejected that devils lie. Why should believers live in fear for the sins of Satan’s followers, Biden & Pelosi? How many silver coins did it take to destroy America? Just one, filled with falsehood.

  2. Edward Kasprzycki

    Great episode but to really find out more get a hold of the book Thief in The Night by William Sears

  3. City: Madison
    State: TN
    Country: USA
    A very good spiritual friend said to me a many years ago: “If God doesn’t do something soon, He’s going to owe Sodom and Gomorrah an apology”.

  4. David Ashton

    City: Gillieston Heights
    State: NSW
    Country: Australia
    Thank you yet again FOM for helping us all understand the world at large. For some reason I am very blessed to be able to look at the world from a 40,000 foot view. I listen to many patriots who are sharing what they see happening, some I was directed to listen to by FOM over his many broadcasts. I believe it is time that I need to put some positive energy out there in this comment. I find it interesting FOM has launched 2023 with more Special World Reports than previously, perhaps this is a subtle message? He senses divine intervention is imminent too? Those that have been following for a long time know that this is the 3rd peril mentioned by George Washington, and that it will be worse than the two previous ones, but that the USA is going to survive it. If we all action Our Lady’s messages then you will go to Heaven. It is interesting that Blessed Elena was mentioned in this broadcast, because a few patriots have quoted her messages too. Due to prayer I’ve no doubt that God will save the USA and consecrating the USA to Our Lady has ensured it’s survival. One very interesting thing is the connection of Garabandal and Medjugorje and FOM has mentioned the miracles promised by Our Lady to cure the sick. I immediately agreed with him when he mentioned that millions (if not billions) will be cured worldwide, as God shows His Glory to us all again. I’ve been wondering when will “conditions be at their worst” – a quote from the Garabandal visionaries. I believe all these injured people (vaccine injuries too) will be cured if they believe in God, and their best chance is coming after the 1st secret is released as everyone will know God is real, and will have no excuse not to believe in the Almighty. God is going to outsmart satan yet again, as Our Lady has stated satans power will go when these secrets start. Our Lady and Jesus have promised many things to many visionaries, blessed and saints over the last 2,000 years, which are going to start to come to fruition at Medjugorje and Garabandal. I am impatient as I know the secrets will assist the world to open their eyes again to their maker, and will be the best proof until the end of time that God is real, he exists to quote Our Lady. Seeing the Holy Trinity in their infinite wisdom knows best, they know the best time to capture all the souls they can, cure all bodies physically and defeat satan once and for all even though God gave him as much power as he wanted. You can see light destroying darkness all over the world right now. I wonder too does Our Lady mean communism (as a whole world thing) when She mentions the errors of Russia in her apparitions. This is going to be a very interesting time when the masses learn all the above and more, that everything is happening for a reason and that eternal life is the most important thing to aim for, not these earthly things. Keep up the great work. God Bless FOM, COB and the USA.

  5. City: Ontario
    State: ON
    Country: Canada
    Thank you FOM! It’s as if the world has gone mad!

    In Canada, Euthanasia doctors have killed almost 30,000 Canadians! Our Crime Minister is anti God.
    The trans movement is a death cult. Chloe wanted to commit suicide, her story and suffering is heartbreaking.
    They trick the parents, making them feel guilty for not accepting their trans child. Knowing full well, that in the end they will most likely die of suicide( their risk of suicide is between 50 to 60%).

    A few good priests are speaking out but the Bishops are silent. Like mute dogs.
    Queen of Peace, pray for us! God bless you all! Awesome to hear about July 1 – 5. Our Lady will help! 🙂

  6. City: Hessmer
    State: Louisiana
    Thank God for allowing Our Lady to still be with us. Our country is so sick and perverted that only a great revival back to God will save us and the world. God willing we will see y’all in July.

    God Bless you all. Susan

  7. City: Great Falls
    State: MT
    Country: United States
    I do not understand why the Bishops of the U.S. & the rest of the have willingly surrendered their teaching authority to secular authorities.

    1. A Friend of Medjugorje

      That is very, very good verbiage in describing what the bishops have done. Thank you for your feedback, Pat.
      – Friend of Medjugorje.

  8. John Mastrobuono

    City: Harrison
    State: Arkansas
    Country: USA
    Let us alll be Beacons of Christ Light and Love👍🙏🎵⛪️☝️❤️

  9. Monica Troendle

    City: Caledonia
    State: MN
    Country: United States
    I wonder how many of these children are not Baptized? Only a savage beast would do this butchery. There is no reason to not be in constant prayer and reparation. Gives more insight into ” pray without ceasing “. How long Lord? His Mercy is infinite, but this seems ……. I don’t know what.

    1. City: Gillieston Heights
      State: NSW
      Hey Monica, Matthew 13:12 says “Whoever has will be given more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him.” If you imagine the word gratitude inside that passage, not only are you praying constantly, but you are doing what God wants you to do. Be thankful for what you have and then God will send you more of the same only better, if that is his wish. So imagining that word added: “Whoever has gratitude will be given more, and he or she will have an abundance. Whoever does not have gratitude, even what he or she has will be taken from him or her. ” This wasn’t my idea, but it has taught me how to pray constantly in such a practical way, to be thankful for everything, my eyesight, legs, arms, hands, beautiful home and family, everything. I can do this all day long thanking Our Lord and God for everything. I often say things like thank you Lord for the safe arrival of my children (if they were travelling somewhere). It sets up a positive expectation that the Lord grants if it is His wish to do so.

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12 thoughts on “Peasants in the Pew Fight Back”

  1. City: Vistula Toledo Ohio
    State: Ohio
    Country: Ussr
    Caritas knows about planting seeds and reaping the harvest. When did the devil start lying? Before Christ or after christ? I see if lies build empires, it seems lies have never stopped. Biden and Pelosi still think they are Catholic which means I must be Jesus Christ but I already rejected that devils lie. Why should believers live in fear for the sins of Satan’s followers, Biden & Pelosi? How many silver coins did it take to destroy America? Just one, filled with falsehood.

  2. Edward Kasprzycki

    Great episode but to really find out more get a hold of the book Thief in The Night by William Sears

  3. City: Madison
    State: TN
    Country: USA
    A very good spiritual friend said to me a many years ago: “If God doesn’t do something soon, He’s going to owe Sodom and Gomorrah an apology”.

  4. David Ashton

    City: Gillieston Heights
    State: NSW
    Country: Australia
    Thank you yet again FOM for helping us all understand the world at large. For some reason I am very blessed to be able to look at the world from a 40,000 foot view. I listen to many patriots who are sharing what they see happening, some I was directed to listen to by FOM over his many broadcasts. I believe it is time that I need to put some positive energy out there in this comment. I find it interesting FOM has launched 2023 with more Special World Reports than previously, perhaps this is a subtle message? He senses divine intervention is imminent too? Those that have been following for a long time know that this is the 3rd peril mentioned by George Washington, and that it will be worse than the two previous ones, but that the USA is going to survive it. If we all action Our Lady’s messages then you will go to Heaven. It is interesting that Blessed Elena was mentioned in this broadcast, because a few patriots have quoted her messages too. Due to prayer I’ve no doubt that God will save the USA and consecrating the USA to Our Lady has ensured it’s survival. One very interesting thing is the connection of Garabandal and Medjugorje and FOM has mentioned the miracles promised by Our Lady to cure the sick. I immediately agreed with him when he mentioned that millions (if not billions) will be cured worldwide, as God shows His Glory to us all again. I’ve been wondering when will “conditions be at their worst” – a quote from the Garabandal visionaries. I believe all these injured people (vaccine injuries too) will be cured if they believe in God, and their best chance is coming after the 1st secret is released as everyone will know God is real, and will have no excuse not to believe in the Almighty. God is going to outsmart satan yet again, as Our Lady has stated satans power will go when these secrets start. Our Lady and Jesus have promised many things to many visionaries, blessed and saints over the last 2,000 years, which are going to start to come to fruition at Medjugorje and Garabandal. I am impatient as I know the secrets will assist the world to open their eyes again to their maker, and will be the best proof until the end of time that God is real, he exists to quote Our Lady. Seeing the Holy Trinity in their infinite wisdom knows best, they know the best time to capture all the souls they can, cure all bodies physically and defeat satan once and for all even though God gave him as much power as he wanted. You can see light destroying darkness all over the world right now. I wonder too does Our Lady mean communism (as a whole world thing) when She mentions the errors of Russia in her apparitions. This is going to be a very interesting time when the masses learn all the above and more, that everything is happening for a reason and that eternal life is the most important thing to aim for, not these earthly things. Keep up the great work. God Bless FOM, COB and the USA.

  5. City: Ontario
    State: ON
    Country: Canada
    Thank you FOM! It’s as if the world has gone mad!

    In Canada, Euthanasia doctors have killed almost 30,000 Canadians! Our Crime Minister is anti God.
    The trans movement is a death cult. Chloe wanted to commit suicide, her story and suffering is heartbreaking.
    They trick the parents, making them feel guilty for not accepting their trans child. Knowing full well, that in the end they will most likely die of suicide( their risk of suicide is between 50 to 60%).

    A few good priests are speaking out but the Bishops are silent. Like mute dogs.
    Queen of Peace, pray for us! God bless you all! Awesome to hear about July 1 – 5. Our Lady will help! 🙂

  6. City: Hessmer
    State: Louisiana
    Thank God for allowing Our Lady to still be with us. Our country is so sick and perverted that only a great revival back to God will save us and the world. God willing we will see y’all in July.

    God Bless you all. Susan

  7. City: Great Falls
    State: MT
    Country: United States
    I do not understand why the Bishops of the U.S. & the rest of the have willingly surrendered their teaching authority to secular authorities.

    1. A Friend of Medjugorje

      That is very, very good verbiage in describing what the bishops have done. Thank you for your feedback, Pat.
      – Friend of Medjugorje.

  8. John Mastrobuono

    City: Harrison
    State: Arkansas
    Country: USA
    Let us alll be Beacons of Christ Light and Love👍🙏🎵⛪️☝️❤️

  9. Monica Troendle

    City: Caledonia
    State: MN
    Country: United States
    I wonder how many of these children are not Baptized? Only a savage beast would do this butchery. There is no reason to not be in constant prayer and reparation. Gives more insight into ” pray without ceasing “. How long Lord? His Mercy is infinite, but this seems ……. I don’t know what.

    1. City: Gillieston Heights
      State: NSW
      Hey Monica, Matthew 13:12 says “Whoever has will be given more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him.” If you imagine the word gratitude inside that passage, not only are you praying constantly, but you are doing what God wants you to do. Be thankful for what you have and then God will send you more of the same only better, if that is his wish. So imagining that word added: “Whoever has gratitude will be given more, and he or she will have an abundance. Whoever does not have gratitude, even what he or she has will be taken from him or her. ” This wasn’t my idea, but it has taught me how to pray constantly in such a practical way, to be thankful for everything, my eyesight, legs, arms, hands, beautiful home and family, everything. I can do this all day long thanking Our Lord and God for everything. I often say things like thank you Lord for the safe arrival of my children (if they were travelling somewhere). It sets up a positive expectation that the Lord grants if it is His wish to do so.

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