August 26, 2024
Radio Wave Special

Our Lady’s Fighting Words

[Podcast] (40 Minutes) – A Friend of Medjugorje uncovers a hidden message in the August 25th message. It may come as a shock, but if you’re in prayer, it will be an illumination.

Episode Transcript

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Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje’s August 25, 2024, Monthly Message to the World:

“Dear children! Today, my prayer with you is for peace. Good and evil are fighting and want to prevail in the world and in the hearts of people. You be people of hope and prayer and of great trust in God the Creator to Whom everything is possible. Little children, may peace prevail in you and around you. I am blessing you with my motherly blessing that you, little children, may be joy for all those whom you meet. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

[Clip — Jesus in the Temple Turning Over the Merchants’ Tables ]

[A Friend of Medugorje]

That’s Jesus. He is in the Temple turning it upsidedown, whipping, hitting people, screaming. He was fighting evil. The Temple was not good.

Our Lady said in the message, “good and evil are fighting.”

And yet, before that She says, “My prayer with you is for peace.” But there’s fighting. There is no peace.

The fighting is going to bring peace.

Our Lady’s words, “good and evil are fighting.” That means Heaven versus hell.

There is no way, when Our Lady said “fighting” She is not referencing “Fight, Fight, Fight.”

It’s clear. We are in a fight. And we have somebody who, I tell you, is anointed. That is Trump.

You might say, “Oh, I don’t like him. He’s been divorced. He’s done this and all that.”

You know John Paul and Reagan got together to bring peace.

But Trump, he’s not the guy. Really?

Reagan, he was divorced. Our Lady is looking for the man for the nation of American to save it, through Heaven’s help to bring peace.

I am sick of hearing people tearing him down. Your discernment is rotten.

This is the only guy that is going to be tough enough to change things around and he is Our Lady’s choice.

She saved his life. The rally had thousands of people there and they weren’t all saints, but they are on the good side even though they are sinners.

Their thoughts is to love this country. They want that.

The Democrats are just that—demons. It’s evil.

The people there, they are evil.

They are not looking for good.

The good people, on our side, on Trump’s side, on Our Lady’s side, they know they are sinners.

The Democrats, they have no values.

Our Lady said “good and evil are fighting.” There is no mixing.

It’s very easy which side is good and which is evil.

The evil side, the Democrats, nothing is a sin. You can do what you want to, you can turn into another gender, you can do this, you can do that, whatever you want to do.

The good side, we know that we are sinners but we love God.

When Trump got shot, he came standing up saying, “Fight. Fight. Fight.”

This was an amazing thing that Our Lady said, “good and evil are fighting.”  She said that. That’s a message of what happened at the shooting, “Fight, Fight, Fight.” She put that word there to make you understand what is going on.

You have to vote. Anybody that you know who is not registered, you need to tell them to do that to save this country.

And I’m telling you, there is no other man on this stage of the world can stop this evil, backed by God.

He’s got the guts. He’s got the qualities that we need in this time of history.

I am sick of the bishops are not saying what they need to be saying, telling their priests that you can not vote Democrat.

Their platform is hell.

And your bishops need to be hearing from you.

Also, the priests, that you have to vote Republican.

Don’t give me the garbage, your trash, your cowardness, your silence, that we’re not supposed to be political with religion. Really?

At the first public celebration of the Declaration of Independence in Philadelphia, on July 4, 1779, do you know what they did?

All that political. They walked out leaving the assembly, George Washington and the rest of them, they went, two blocks around to St. Mary’s Church, Catholic Church. And they went in there and had Mass. Holy Mass. George Washington did it and he wasn’t Catholic.

I never knew that, but I was doing the Rosary the Patriotic Rosary, in 1993 in front of Independence Hall and I got this thought to start walking around the block and I ran into this, this historic marker. I was shocked.

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So, get rid of your scruples. I am disgusted with you bishops. And I’m mad because you are saying don’t get into the ?? of politics.

You better get in it and you bishops be standing up. You have to, to tell your flock and your priests, you have to be voting Republican.

Get in their face. I wrote a couple of months [ago] about the Edict. I put my neck on the guillotine. I don’t care.

Bishops, you are bringing us to hell.

Do you know what you are doing to Biden? Because you did not excommunicate him? You didn’t give Biden a chance to his heart and he is going to be probably dying for all the things he is for that was evil. Abortion, trans, all this stuff.

You have blood on your hands.

You people out there listening to this, you have to start getting in front of your priests and your friends.

We are in a fight. Fight. Fight. Fight.

I have been in fights with priests. I fight the bishops. There are no apologies from me.

We have to really confront. I’ve stood up in Mass. I’ve gone up to the altar when a priest is making announcements. I took the mike. That is why Our Lady put me where I am now.

I’m not scared to do that.

It’s time for you to Fight, Fight, Fight.

It’s in the messages.

Good and evil are fighting.

Are you not fighting? You are content? “I don’t want to do that.” That is sinful.

We are going to play some clips that we have on our website of things that we put together after Trump got shot.

You’ve got to get riled up. Don’t be a sissy. Listen to these clips.

[Clip #1]

Here in our nation there is a connection because Marija was here 12 months ago, July 4, 2023.

We consecrated the United States of America and Our Lady accepted the Consecration to protect our country.

And She did something that Marija said that Our Lady has never done.

She blessed all the four corners of the United States.

Marija saw Our Lady turn with Her arms up to the West and blessed it.

Then, Marija saw Our Lady turn to the South and blessed it with Her arms extended, blessing with the Cross.

Then She turned to the East and repeated that.

And then She turned to the North duplicating what She did three times before that.

Marija was stunned and shocked.

Marija told me in 42 years of apparitions, she has never seen this.

That protection of the West, the South, the East and the North had the graces to protect Trump.

He has a role from a mandate of Heaven.

I have no doubt. But being with Marija and being with Our Lady for 38 years, I would say infallible, Our Lady’s hand is on this nation.

[Clip #2]

“Glenn Beck made a statement that the wind could have affected the bullet, just that little bit. Amazingly, the picture shows the bullet. On February 15, 1984, the  Virgin Mary said this:


“The wind is my sign. I will come in the wind. When the wind blows, know that I am with you…”


You scoff about the wind? Then tell me how the flag turns into an angel. Not by electricity, by the wind. A perfect flag turned to wings and a body. Our Lady gives us signs. She was present.”


[Clip #3]

John Paul and Reagan were guided by Heaven for what they did.


John Paul and Reagan were outsiders, just like Trump.


John Paul was shot. Reagan was shot. Trump was shot. And all three of them have been saved because they have a role and a mandate from Heaven.


When you look at these things, you know God has put the clock for the earth for the Woman, Revelation 12.


There is no doubt who She is.


We’ve never seen the evil in the world as now, [it is] even worse than before the flood.


The diabolical things that are happening [today] weren’t [even] happening when God wiped clean the earth with water.


So Revelation 12, infallibly you can say, it is the Virgin Mary. She had the male Child and it says of the Child, He would rule over all the nations with an iron rod.


We are living now a biblical moment. Read your Bible. Read Revelation 12, every day, and you will see what is happening now is right there written in the Book.


The bullet that grazed him [Trump], was not by chance, but by Heaven.


He who is anointed is going to be saved even though he was injured.


The doctor said Trump was one-quarter of an inch from not being with us.


And I tell you, it was the Woman of Revelation, the Virgin Mary, who guided that bullet.


You may scoff. That’s not real.


John Paul, he said the Virgin Mary guided the bullet that would have killed him.


We are in times where Heaven and hell are in battle.


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[Clip #4]

“The question may come up, what happened a month ago, June 15th, Marija of Medjugorje, who sees Our Lady, Our Lady told Marija the next day to go to Apparition Mountain for nine days, a novena, at 11:30 at night, for Peace. Nine days.


“The Virgin Mary was told by Jesus to go to the Upper Room for nine days.


“For Christendom, if that brings down the Holy Spirit, Our Lady said to go to the mountain, the Upper Room, where She appears, just like She did 2,000 years ago, to bring down the Holy Spirit to bring about PEACE.


“There is no doubt in me. Our Lady knows the future. She knew what was going to happen and She had the graces from thousands of people on top of the mountain that God would let Her protect him.


“There is no doubt in my mind. Her mantle and Her hands protected and saved him.”


America’s Son


His portrait fades and his memory’s gone

Earthquake cracked his tower of stone

His voice still echoes, “Charge on! Charge on!”

God blessed America…with her son George Washington


Taxes enslaved the colonies

Men lived and died to be free

Fought the iron fist of tyranny with liberty

God blessed America with her son George Washington


No surrender and no retreat

First in war and first in peace

Father, a soldier and a citizen

Gave his soul to God and his heart to his countrymen


Bullets flew from out of sight

Heaven chose to spare his life

As soldiers bled, and horses fell

Led his men through the gates of hell

From Valley Forge to Yorktown roared

Found the country and won the war

Amen, amen


No surrender and no retreat

First in war and first in peace

Father and a soldier and a citizen

Gave his soul to God and his heart to his countrymen


When the war was finally won

Glory came to Washington

Refused the crown and took a bow

“So, help me God,” was his vow


From Lady Liberty to the California sun

We keep looking for another one

We’ll find our hope back where we started from


May God bless America, with another George Washington

And give your soul to God and your heart to your countrymen

[Clip #5]

Following these days of what has been stated, are you wondering what you can do?

I wrote, through inspiration, a Rosary called the Patriotic Rosary inspired by Our Lady.

And that is what you can do.

There are people across the whole world praying this Rosary because they know if the United States of America is destroyed, the rest of the world is.

It has been prayed at the Pentagon, Germany, the Military Bases around the world.

I’ve been to these places. It is a powerful Rosary and it is recommended to start with a prayer group for this nation and the world.

[Patriotic Rosary Commercial]

Prayed from within cloistered convents to inside the Pentagon. From dangerous military fields around the globe to the quietness of the Bedroom and Field where Our Lady appeared to the Medjugorje visionary Marija, here in Caritas.

The Patriotic Rosary, a powerful prayer for divine protection and mercy for our nation and its rebirth.

Gather your family and friends and pray the Patriotic Rosary together consecrating our nation back to God.

Once you’ve heard this Rosary, you’ll long to pray it often, praying that our nation remains one nation under God.

Order the Patriotic Rosary on Mej.com. Spelled M-E-J.com. And click on Mej Mart or call in the US 205-672-2000.

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[A Friend of Medjugorje]

What I am going to tell you is going to shock some people, but it needs to be stated.

Catholics are the largest religious group in the United States. Fifty-two million people.

Forty-four percent of the Catholics vote Democrat.

Fifty-two percent of the Catholics vote Republican.

A Catholic cannot vote for a Democrat.

If you do, you are for abortion.

If you vote for a Democrat, you are for Trans.

If you vote Democrat, you are voting and supporting kids being mutilated, changing their gender.

If you vote for a Democrat, you are voting for marriage of the same gender.

If you vote for a Democrat you are voting and supporting evil.

Our Lady’s message said, “good and evil are fighting.” Democrats and the Republicans are fighting.

It is plain, the Democrat platform is evil.

When anyone votes Democrat, you support their platform.

Then you are in sin.

You must go to Confession.

If you Bishops and priests do not preach to the flock that this is sin, you as bishops and priests, you are supporting it. You are in sin.

How? By your silence. By your silence you collaborate with their sins.

Our Lady said “mankind is at the crossroads” and it is in the hands of the Cardinals, the bishops and the priests.

This election could be won by good if you stand in your pulpit right now, every Sunday, every day in Mass.

Forty-four percent of Catholics is voting Democrat.

This election is in the hands of the bishops and the priests.

We lose this, it is your failure. Us peasants in the pews, we should be mad. We better step up, all Catholics, you confront the priests and the bishops to teach this.

If we lose this the United States is gone.

Not from the Baptists. Not from other denominations. It is in the Catholic Church.

Fifty-two million people.

Be strong.

Bishops, say what we want you to say.


You can be amazing
You can turn a phrase into a weapon
You can be the outcast
Or be the backlash of somebody’s lack of love
Or you can start speaking up

Nothing’s gonna hurt you the way that words do
When they settle ‘neath your skin
Kept on the inside and no sunlight
Sometimes a shadow wins
But I wonder what would happen if you

Say what you wanna say
And let the words fall out
Honestly, I wanna see you be brave
With what you want to say
And let the words fall out
Honestly, I wanna see you be brave

I just wanna see you
I just wanna see you
I just wanna see you
I wanna see you be brave

I just wanna see you
I just wanna see you
I just wanna see you
I wanna see you be brave

Everybody’s been there
Everybody’s been stared down by the enemy
Fallen for the fear
And done some disappearing
Bow down to the mighty
Don’t run, stop holding your tongue

Maybe there’s a way out of the cage where you live
Maybe one of these days you can let the light in
Show me how big your brave is

Say what you wanna say
And let the words fall out
Honestly, I wanna see you be brave
With what you want to say
And let the words fall out
Honestly, I wanna see you be brave

And since your history of silence
Won’t do you any good
Did you think it would?
Let your words be anything but empty
Why don’t you tell them the truth?

Say what you wanna say
And let the words fall out
Honestly, I wanna see you be brave
With what you want to say
And let the words fall out
Honestly, I wanna see you be brave

I just wanna see you
I just wanna see you
I just wanna see you
I wanna see you be brave

I just wanna see you
I just wanna see you
I just wanna see you
See you be brave

I just wanna see you (yeah)
I just wanna see you (oh o)
I just wanna see you

I just wanna see you
I just wanna see you
I just wanna see you

[End Song]

Say what we want you to say. Our nation is burning. The lies, the cheating is happening and its in the hands of a small group of people.

Our priests and our bishops, you carry this.

Say what we want you to say.

And do you know what is going to happen in the pew?

They’ll be standing up, praising you. Do it. And see what God can do.

You have the power to bind sin and unbind.

You’ve got the power.

You can call Caritas to get this on CDs, 25, 50, 100. Give it to your priests and all the people in your church.

Join the battle. Spread this. Call Caritas.

We need your support for this mission. We cannot continue unless you support, yes with prayer and also donations. There are so many things we have got to do that’s just on my desk.

And having 38 years of experiencing Medjugorje, that need to be on paper for the future because there is no history what we put out here.

We wish you Our Lady, we love you, goodnight.

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9 thoughts on “Our Lady’s Fighting Words”

  1. City: naples
    State: FL
    Country: United States
    TRUMP was saved for this time in history … by our GOD … Trump admitted this …
    If Catholic Church is with the 5013C … reason … tax purpose …??? don’t know if reason Bishops and Priests will not speak up … but the evil out there is horrific and obvious to everyone … and so glad Medjugorje of Caritas is speaking out …
    THANK YOU Friend of Medjugorje
    Was in Medjugorje 2 times and Caritas once … loved every inspiring and spiritual moment

  2. City: Cochrane
    State: Ontario
    Country: Canada
    Vous êtes une personne aimée de la Vierge
    Bravo pour votre courage d’avoir dit la vérité
    Union de prières
    Que Dieu vous bénisse

    1. Translation: Congratulations
      You are a person loved by the Virgin
      Bravo for your courage in telling the truth
      Union of prayers
      May God bless you

  3. Kathy Martinson

    City: Isle
    State: Minnesota
    Country: U.S.A.
    Before each prayer, “ Come Holy Spirit, Come by the means of the powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Your well beloved Spouse” .!

  4. City: Ontario
    State: Ontario
    Country: Canada
    When Trump declared Fight! Fight! Fight! I knew exactly whom he was talking about. Fight evil and their diabolical agenda. My husband says to family members who vote Liberal (Canadian demoncrats)
    “So you’re voting to have babies killed in their Mothers womb.” Shuts people up pretty quick and they think! God bless America!

  5. City: HSV
    State: AL
    I run into people all the time who complain about Trump and his mean words and insults and they question how they can vote for someone like that. This is despite that they have a full four years of his prior service to reflect upon and many examples of how he was a great leader and showed he could act very presidentially. I tell them that God does not always choose the most obvious rulers. Then I add, how do you expect a cornered dog to react when the left has lobbed everything they’ve got at him through lies (all originating from the father of all lies), the press, the courts and Congress itself. Plus, he has every pitch fork of hell pointed at him. Our government is one big stinko mess! I tell people who express their hesitation to vote for Trump to do what I used to do when I had big nasty diaper to change, just hold your nose and vote for Trump. It seems to have a more powerful effect than any lecture I might give, any means of persuasion or any attempt to point out his last accomplishments which obviously have been forgotten already by these folks. They are so close to being totally blind. Our government needs a diaper change so hold your nose and vote for Trump and FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!

      1. City: Johnstown
        State: CO
        Country: USA
        Thank you for standing up for President Trump. I was watching Prolife Weekly on EWTN and a guest speaker said Trump is flawed and shouldn’t be elected. I wrote to them and said so wasn’t St Peter! God chooses the weak to bring about His good so that we know it is God who brings about good! Our bishops need to speak up!

  6. City: Century
    State: Florida
    Country: United States
    hi i just listen to radio wave on friday i had to do repairs at my sister house. so she ask what i was eating .a normal friday is a fasting day. my sister complain what i was eating. i told her she doesnt know how to fight.we are at war. finally let me eat in peace. i am saying what i do but answered OUR LADY WORDS. WE BETTER do more than pray. inlove of HER john

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9 thoughts on “Our Lady’s Fighting Words”

  1. City: naples
    State: FL
    Country: United States
    TRUMP was saved for this time in history … by our GOD … Trump admitted this …
    If Catholic Church is with the 5013C … reason … tax purpose …??? don’t know if reason Bishops and Priests will not speak up … but the evil out there is horrific and obvious to everyone … and so glad Medjugorje of Caritas is speaking out …
    THANK YOU Friend of Medjugorje
    Was in Medjugorje 2 times and Caritas once … loved every inspiring and spiritual moment

  2. City: Cochrane
    State: Ontario
    Country: Canada
    Vous êtes une personne aimée de la Vierge
    Bravo pour votre courage d’avoir dit la vérité
    Union de prières
    Que Dieu vous bénisse

    1. Translation: Congratulations
      You are a person loved by the Virgin
      Bravo for your courage in telling the truth
      Union of prayers
      May God bless you

  3. Kathy Martinson

    City: Isle
    State: Minnesota
    Country: U.S.A.
    Before each prayer, “ Come Holy Spirit, Come by the means of the powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Your well beloved Spouse” .!

  4. City: Ontario
    State: Ontario
    Country: Canada
    When Trump declared Fight! Fight! Fight! I knew exactly whom he was talking about. Fight evil and their diabolical agenda. My husband says to family members who vote Liberal (Canadian demoncrats)
    “So you’re voting to have babies killed in their Mothers womb.” Shuts people up pretty quick and they think! God bless America!

  5. City: HSV
    State: AL
    I run into people all the time who complain about Trump and his mean words and insults and they question how they can vote for someone like that. This is despite that they have a full four years of his prior service to reflect upon and many examples of how he was a great leader and showed he could act very presidentially. I tell them that God does not always choose the most obvious rulers. Then I add, how do you expect a cornered dog to react when the left has lobbed everything they’ve got at him through lies (all originating from the father of all lies), the press, the courts and Congress itself. Plus, he has every pitch fork of hell pointed at him. Our government is one big stinko mess! I tell people who express their hesitation to vote for Trump to do what I used to do when I had big nasty diaper to change, just hold your nose and vote for Trump. It seems to have a more powerful effect than any lecture I might give, any means of persuasion or any attempt to point out his last accomplishments which obviously have been forgotten already by these folks. They are so close to being totally blind. Our government needs a diaper change so hold your nose and vote for Trump and FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!

      1. City: Johnstown
        State: CO
        Country: USA
        Thank you for standing up for President Trump. I was watching Prolife Weekly on EWTN and a guest speaker said Trump is flawed and shouldn’t be elected. I wrote to them and said so wasn’t St Peter! God chooses the weak to bring about His good so that we know it is God who brings about good! Our bishops need to speak up!

  6. City: Century
    State: Florida
    Country: United States
    hi i just listen to radio wave on friday i had to do repairs at my sister house. so she ask what i was eating .a normal friday is a fasting day. my sister complain what i was eating. i told her she doesnt know how to fight.we are at war. finally let me eat in peace. i am saying what i do but answered OUR LADY WORDS. WE BETTER do more than pray. inlove of HER john

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